Spelling suggestions: "subject:"goats"" "subject:"boats""
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Right ventricular free wall excitation in the goat with experimental right ventricular hypertrophy /Ogburn, Phillip Nash January 1971 (has links)
No description available.
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Semen collection techniques and egg yolk sources for preserving South African unimproved indigenous goat semen.Bopape, Malebogo Audrey. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Agriculture / South African unimproved indigenous goats are disease tolerant, able to survive on harsh conditions such as extreme temperatures and poor vegetation. It is therefore, important to include this breed in breeding objectives during this time of climate change and when animals are resistant to antibiotics. However, these goats are under threat of extinction and very little information on their reproductive status is recognized. In order to improve or maintain South African unimproved indigenous goats, basic science concerning male fertility, semen quality and production should be investigated to conserve genetic materials for future breeding. Conflicting results have been reported concerning the effect of semen collection techniques on buck sperm quality. Longevity of sperm following semen collection is a major limitation to use fresh semen for artificial insemination in rural communities where majority of South African unimproved indigenous bucks are kept. Extenders such as Tris, egg yolk and cow skimmed milk have been used to prolong the survivability of buck sperm in other countries, but contradictory results have been reported concerning which extender is more suitable for buck semen. Egg yolk based extenders have been used mostly in buck semen compared to Tris or cow skimmed milk based extenders. The purpose of the study was to compare semen collection techniques on South African unimproved indigenous goat semen, and the utilization of indigenous chicken egg yolk for preserving South African indigenous buck semen.
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The effect of dietary protein degradability on the performance of Saanen dairy goatsThornton, John 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goat is a significant domestic animal throughout the world today. With an estimated world goat
population of 590 million goats in 1991 (FAO, 1991 as citied by Haenlein, 1996) it is impossible to
consider the goat as insignificant. The need for milk, and it seems particularly goat’s milk, is obvious
if one considers the increase in dairy goat populations over the past 20 years. Across the globe the
dairy goat population has increased by 52% while in developing and developed countries, there has
been an increase of 56% and 17%, respectively (Haenlein, 2000).
The goat dairy industry in South Africa is still very underdeveloped, yet it holds tremendous potential
for the entrepreneur willing to take the risk and do the job correctly. With the present South African
financial situation the opportunities that exist for exporting value added products to countries with
stronger currencies is a market with extraordinary potential. In New Zealand, the national herd
consists of approximately 16000 dairy goats and 90% of the milk produced is turned to powdered milk
and then exported to the East, a valuable source of foreign currency. In South Africa, the same
potential exists and with some vision and hard work the dairy goat industry can make a valuable
contribution to generating foreign currency.
Research into the protein requirements and particularly protein degradability requirements of dairy
goats is scarce, yet in recent years there has been an increased interest in the effect of protein
supplementation to lactating animals (Mishra & Rai, 1996). In the work of Mishra & Rai (1996) there
were benefits obtained from the use of different rumen degradable proteins for lactating dairy goat
does. The does on the highly degradable protein diet had a better feed intake while the does on the
low degradable protein diet gave a higher milk production. Other research on this field of study has
also delivered positive results with more than one species of lactating animal that had increased
levels of UDP in the diet (Robinson et al., 1991 and Christensen et al., 1993).
Loerch et al. (1995) suggested that improved production by making use of rumen undegradable
proteins would have no effect if crude protein were not a limiting factor in production. Pailan & Kaur
(1995) and Mishra & Rai (1996) did research on lowered CP levels with increased UDP levels in
lactating dairy does. They used of three diets, with the one having a 20% lower CP value but an increased level of UDP (40-45% of total CP). From this work it was concluded that a decreased CP
level and an increased level of UDP is able to sustain production when compared with diets with a
higher CP value.
The current study consists of two trials. In the first trial the effect of weaning age and dietary protein
degradability on the growth of Saanen kids was investigated. In the second trial the effect of dietary
protein degradability on the production of lactating Saanen does was investigated.
Fifty-eight Saanen kids were divided into groups to determine the effect of weaning age (42 vs. 70
days) on animal performance. Within the weaning day treatments, the kids were again divided into
two dietary treatments. One group received a low UDP creep diet (LC) and the other a high UDP
creep diet (HC). The two creep diets were formulated with rumen degradable: undegradable protein
(RDP : UDP) ratios of 70:30 and 60: 40, referred to as LC and HC, respectively. However, the results
from the degradability trial indicated no difference in RDP: UDP ratios for the low and high creep
(72:28 and 73:27 respectively) diets. At 15.66 ± 3.09 kg the kids were taken off the creep diet and
put on the growth diet. At this transition, the kids in each of the 4 established treatments were again
randomly divided into two dietary treatments, a high or a low UDP growth diet, resulting in a total of
eight treatments for the trial. The two growth diets were formulated with RDP: UDP ratios of 70:30
and 60:40, referred to as low growth (LG) and high growth (HG) respectively. Results from the
degradability trial indicated RDP: UDP ratios for the LG and HG of 73:27 and 68:32 respectively. The
growth trial was conducted over 140 days and feed intake, bodyweight change and feed conversion
efficiency were compared for each of the 8 treatments.
From the trial with the Saanen kids it was concluded that weaning dairy goat kids at 42 days of age
when feed intake was 240 g/day resulted in similar growth rates when compared with weaning at 70
days. The two creep diets did not differ in RDP: UDP ratios and thus no conclusion can be made
regarding the influence of the creep diets on the growth of Saanen kids from 20 to 80 days of age.
The two growth diets did in fact differ from one another, in terms of RDP: UDP however, protein
degradability had no influence on the performance of the Saanen kids from 80 to 140 days of age.
Twenty-one lactating Saanen does were randomly assigned to one of three experimental diets. The
treatments had two RDP: UDP ratios and two crude protein (CP) levels. Treatments were formulated
to be 1) RDP: UDP = 70:30, CP = 20 % 2) RDP: UDP = 62:38, CP = 20% and 3) RDP: UDP = 62:38,
CP = 18.3%. In the production trial the does were milked for 120 days, during which milk yield, milk
composition, bodyweight change, feed intake and feed conversion efficiency were compared between
the treatments. In the digestibility and nitrogen metabolism trial, 18 does varying from 84 to 110 days in lactation, were used to compare the experimental diets. Furthermore, the experimental diets were
compared in a degradability and rate of passage trial using cannulated Dohne merino wethers.
Results from the degradability trial indicated that the low UDP, low protein high UDP and high UDP
diets had RDP: UDP ratios of 82:18, 78:22 and 79:21 respectively, and that the dietary protein
degradability did not differ significantly between diets. Results from the production trial indicated that
there was a significant difference in feed intake, dry matter (DM) intake and bodyweight. The does on
the low UDP diet had significantly higher feed intakes and DM intakes and were significantly heavier
at the end of the trial period. As the diets didn’t differ in protein degradability other factors must have
influenced the intakes between diets. Palatability may have influenced feed and DM intake, as the
low protein high UDP and high UDP diets both contained higher levels of fishmeal. No significant
differences in milk production, milk composition or milk production efficiency were observed. Besides
the fact that the diets did not differ in effective protein degradability, large variations in milk production
between animals and low numbers of animals per treatment limited the ability to measure a difference
between the treatments. Results from the digestibility trial varied between diets with the low UDP diet
having a significantly lower digestibility overall than the other two diets. Reasons for the difference in
digestibility could be due to the difference in rate of passage (low UDP = 0.064/hour versus the 0.044-
0.045/hour of the low protein and high UDP diets respectively) and the high ADF value of the low
UDP diet. Because no difference in effective protein degradability existed between the diets it is not
possible to make an accurate conclusion on whether or not the dietary protein degradability had an
influence on production parameters tested in this trial. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Huidiglik is die bok ‘n belangrike gedomestikeerde dier dwarsoor die wereld. Aangesien die
wereldwye bokpopulasie in 1991 op 590 miljoen geraam is (FAO, soos aangehaal deur Haenlein,
1996), is dit onmoontlik om die bok as onbelangrik te beskou. Die behoefte aan melk, en dan veral
bokmelk, is duidelik as mens die toename in bokpopulasies oor die afgelope 20 jaar in ag neem.
Wereldwyd het die melkbokpopulasie met 52% toegeneem, terwyl dit in ontwikkelende en
ontwikkelde lande met 56% en 17% onderskeidelik, toegeneem het (Haenlein, 2000).
Ten spyte van die feit dat die bokmelk-industrie in Suid-Afrika nog baie onderontwikkel is, is daar
geweldige potensiaal vir die entrepeneur wat bereid is om ‘n risiko te loop en die taak korrek aan te
pak. Binne die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse finansiele situasie bestaan daar veral geleenthede om
waardetoegevoegde produkte na lande waarvan die wisselkoers sterker is, uit te voer. In Nieu
Zeeland is die nasionale kudde ongeveer 16000 melkbokke en 90% van die geproduseerde melk
word verwerk na poeiermelk en uitgevoer na die Ooste. In Suid-Afrika bestaan dieselfde potensiaal
en met die korrekte visie en harde werk kan die melkbok-industrie ‘n belangrike bydra lewer om
buitelandse valuta te verdien.
Alhoewel navorsing aangaande die proteien-degradeerbaarheidsbehoeftes van melkbokke skaars is,
bestaan daar die afgelope paar jaar ‘n toenemende belangstelling in die effek van proteien
supplementering aan lakterende diere (Mishra & Rai, 1996). In die werk van Mishra & Rai (1996) is
die voordele om verskillende rumen degraderende proteTenvlakke in lakterende melkbokke te
gebruik, aangetoon. Ooie op ‘n hoogs degradeerbare prote'fen-dieet het beter voerinnames getoon,
terwyl die ooie op ’n laag degradeerbare prote'fen-dieet hoer melkproduksies gelewer het. Navorsing
van hierdie aard op ander lakterende spesies het ook positiewe resultate met ‘n toename in
verbyvloeiprote'ien in die dieet gelewer (Robinson et al., 1991 en Christensen et al., 1993).
Loerch et al. (1995) het voorgestel dat ‘n verbeterde produksie, deur gebruik te maak van
verbyvloeiprote'fn, geen effek sal he as ruprote'fen (RP) nie ‘n beperkende faktor i.t.v produksie is nie.
Beide Pailan & Kaur (1995) & Mishra en Rai (1996) het navorsing gedoen op die invloed van verlaagde RP-vlakke en verhoogde nie-degradeerbare protein (NDP) vlakke in die diete van
lakterende melkooie. Daar is gebruik gemaak van drie diete, waarvan die een dieet ‘n 20% laer RPinhoud,
maar ‘n verhoodge NDP-vlak (40-45% van totale RP) gehad het. Vanuit hierdie werk is die
gevolgtrekking gemaak dat ‘n verlaging in RP-vlak en ‘n verhoging in NDP-vlak dieselfde produksie
kan onderhou, soos met ‘n hoer RP-inhoud.
Die huidige navorsing bestaan uit twee proewe. In die eerste proef is die effek van speenouderdom
en dieet-prote'fen-degradeerbaardheid op die groei van Saanen-lammers ondersoek. In die tweede
proef is die effek van dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid op die produksie van lakteerende Saanen
melkbokke ondersoek.
Agt-en-vyftig Saanen-lammers is verdeel in twee speenouderdom-behandelings, nl. ‘n 42 dae (42) en
‘n 70 dae (70) speenouderdom. Binne hierdie speenouderdom-behandelings is die lammers verder
verdeel in twee dieet-behandelings. Die een groep het ‘n lae NDP kruiprantsoen (LK) en die ander ‘n
hoe NDP kruiprantsoen (HK) ontvang. Die twee kruiprantsoene was geformuleer om rumen
degradeerbare proteien (RDP): NDP verhoudings van 70:30 (LK) en 60:40 (HK) te bevat, maar die
resultate van die degradeerbaarheidsproef het aangetoon RDP: NDP verhoudings van 77:23 (LK) en
78:22 (HK). Die lammers is vanaf die kruipdieet oorgeplaas op ‘n groeidieet by ‘n gemiddelde
lewende massa van 15.99±3.09 kg. Tydens hierdie oorplasing is die lammers van die vier bestaande
behandelings verdeel in ‘n verdere twee dieetbehandelings, nl. ‘n hoe of ‘n lae NDP groei-dieet (LG
en HG onderskeidelik), met die gevolg dat ‘n totaal van agt behandelings in hierdie proef bestaan het.
Die twee groeidiete is geformuleer met RDP: NDP verhoudings van 70: 30 (LG) en 60: 40 (HG)
onderskeidelik, maar die resultate van die degradeerbaarheidsproef het aangetoon RDP: NDP
verhoudings van 78:22 (LG) en 72:28 (HG). Die groeiproef is uitgevoer oor 140 dae en voerinname,
verandering in liggaamsgewig en voeromsettingsdoeltreffendheid (VOD) is vergelyk tussen die agt
Uit die lammerproef is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat boklammers wat op 42 dae gespeen is,
wanneer voerinname 240g/dag is, soortgelyke resultate i.t.v. groeitempo lewer as lammers wat op 70
dae gespeen is. Die twee kruiprantsoene het nie van mekaar in RDP: NDP verskil nie en dus kan
geen gevolgtrekking gemaak word omtrentdie invloed van dieet-protel'en-degradeerbaarheid op die
groei van Saanen boklammers van 20 tot 80 dae ouderdom. Die twee groei diete het van mekaar
verskil in RDP: NDP maar dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid het geen invloed op die groei van die
Saanen boklammers van 80 tot 140 dae ouderdom gehad nie.
Een-en-twintig lakterende Saanen-ooie is ewekansig in drie groepe. Die behandelings het twee RDP:
NDP-verhoudings en twee ruprotei'en (RP) -peile ingesluit. Behandelings was 1) RDP: NDP = 70:30, RP = 20% 2) RDP: NDP = 62:38, RP = 20% en 3) RDP: NDP = 62:38, RP = 18.3%. Tydens hierdie
produksieproef is die ooie vir 120 dae gemelk en die melkopbrengs, melksamestelling, verandering in
liggaamsgewig, voerinname en VOD bepaal en vergelyk tussen behandelings. In die verterings- en
stikstofmetabolismeproef is 18 ooie gebruik om die diete te vergelyk. Verder is die diete ook vergelyk
in ‘n degraderings- en deurvloeitempoproef met gekannuleerde Dohne merino hamels.
Dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid waardes verkry uit die degradeerbaarheidsproef het aangedui dat
die bepaalde RDP: NDP verhoudings was 82:18, 78:22 en 79:21 vir die lae NDP, lae prote'fen hoe
NDP en hoe NDP diete, en dat daar geen verskil in dieet-prote'fen-degradeerbaardheid was tussen
die drie rantsoene. Resultate van die produksieproef dui daarop dat daar verskille in voerinname,
droematerialinname, en liggaamsgewig tussen die drie rantsoene was. Die ooie op die laer NDP
rantsoen het ‘n hoe voer en DM inname gehad en was swaarder na 120 dae in die proef as die ooie
in die ander twee behandelings. Redes vir hierdie verskille is nie as gevolg van dieet-proteiendegradeerbaarheid
nie. Die smaaklikheid kon dalk ‘n rol gespeel het omdat dat die twee hoe NDP
rantsoene hoer vlakke van vismeel gehad het. Daar was geen verskil in melkproduksie,
melksamestelling en melkproduksiedoeltreffenheid tussen die drie behandelings. Resultate van die
verteringsproef het tussen die laer NDP-rantsoen en die ander twee rantsoene gevarieer. Die rede
vir die verskil in verteerbaarheid mag wees a.g.v. verskillende deurvloeitempo’s (laer NDP =
0.064/uur teenoor 0.044 - 0.045/uur vir die laeproteien en hoe-proteienrantsoene) en die ADF
waarde wat van die lae NDP rantsoen verskil het van die ander twee rantsoene. Omdat die resultate
van die degradeerbaarheidsproef aangedui het dat daar geen verskil in dieet-proteiendegradeerbaardheid
was nie is dit nie moontlik om ‘n gevolgtrekking te maak random die invloed van
dieet-proteien-degradeerbaardheid op die produksie van lakterende Saanen melkbokke nie.
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Evaluation of sustainable forage systems for meat goat production in the southern U.S.Hopkins-Shoemaker, Carla Elaine Kerth, Chris R. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Auburn University, 2006. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographic references.
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Effects of grazing and housing management systems on greenhouse gas emissions, blood profiles and meat quality of Nguni goatsTapiwa, Chikwanda Allen January 2016 (has links)
The broad objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of grazing and housing management systems on greenhouse gas emissions, blood profiles and meat quality of Nguni goats. A total of 64 castrated Nguni goats were used and a housing structure was designed to accommodate the goats as well as evaluate effects of type of floor on greenhouse gases, meat quality, blood metabolites and fatty acid profiles. In the first experiment: Forty-eight castrated Nguni goats, at 6-7 months old were used for herding (H) or tethering (T) management systems and randomly allocated to pens with earth (E) or slatted (S) floors. Gas sampling was done using static chambers and analysed using a SRI 8610C gas chromatography machine. The highest CH4 fluxes were from the manure of herded goats on earth floors (HE). The highest CO2 fluxes were from manure of herded goats that were housed on slatted floors (HS): The highest N2O fluxes were from the manure of tethered goats that were sheltered on slatted floors (TS). It was concluded from the first experiment that goat manure is an important source of GHG that is influenced by grazing and floor type management systems. The second experiment was done to evaluate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from disused (DP) vs occupied goat pens (OP) with earth (EF) or slatted (SF) floors. Eight previously occupied pens were used in this study. Sixteen goats were randomly put in the pens labelled occupied pens with earth floors (OPEF) and occupied pens with slatted floors (OPSF) resulting in four goats per OP. There were month by pen use; month by floor type; and use by floor type interaction effects (P < 0.05) on CH4 production. Floor type, use (DP vs OP) and month affected (P < 0.05) CH4 production. Manure on earth floors of occupied pens (OPEF) emitted the highest (P < 0.05) methane followed by earth floors of disused pens (DPEF). The least CH4 was emitted from DPSF. There was pen use (DP vs OP) by floor type interaction effect (P < 0.05) on CO2 emission. Floor type and pen use affected (P < 0.05) CO2 production. Manure in occupied pens with slatted floors (OPSF) produced the highest CO2 and the least CO2 was from disused pens with slatted floors (DPSF). Floor type and month influenced (P < 0.05) N2O production. It was concluded that continued use of goat pens increased GHG emissions. However, disused goat pens with manure remain an important source of GHG as they continued to emit quantifiable levels of CH4, CO2 and N2O. The third experiment was done to determine the effects of grazing and housing management systems on the concentrations of blood metabolites, activity of creatine kinase, body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS) and carcass characteristics using 48 castrated Nguni goats. Tethered goats had higher (P<0.05): urea, creatinine, total protein, globulin concentrations and more activity of CK than herded goats. On the other hand, herded goats had higher (P<0.05) plasma glucose (H: 3.39±0.020 vs T: 3.23±0.020 mmol/L), serum albumin (H: 15.30±0.147 vs T: 14.82±0.144 g/L) concentration. It was concluded that serum concentrations of all the metabolites and the activity of CK were sensitive to grazing system. Herding of goats promoted more glucose concentration and preservation of muscle protein and hence superior body weights and BCS than tethered goats. The fourth experiment was done to determine the effects of grazing and housing management systems on the activity of creatine kinase (CK) and cortisol concentration, and chevon quality. Further, the effect of muscle type [Muscularis longissimus thoracis et. Lumborum (LTL) and triceps brachii (TB)] on chevon quality was also investigated. Forty eight castrated Nguni goats aged 6- 7 months were randomly allocated to tethering (n=24) and herding (n=24) treatments. Floor type affected meat (P<0.05) pH24. Tethered goats had higher (P < 0.05) L* and CL percent than herded goats. Muscle type had a significant influence (P < 0.05) on a*, WBSF and pH. It was observed and concluded that T resulted in higher L* and more CL percent whilst SF lowered the pH24 of chevon; at the same time meat from the TB muscle was more tender, despite having a higher pH24 and more CL percent relative to LTH cuts. The fifth experiment was done to determine the effect of grazing and floor type on fatty acid composition of chevon from tethered and herded Nguni goats. Floor type had no effect on fatty acid composition. Oleic, stearic, palmitic and linoleic were the major fatty acids. Chevon from tethered goats had higher (P < 0.05) proportions of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs): eicosapentaenoic, docosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and more total SFA, total PUFA, total Omega- 6 and total omega 3 fatty acids than herded goats. On the other hand, chevon from herded goats had more (P < 0.05) C18:1c9, C18:2t9, 12 (n-6), C20:3c11, 14, 17 (n-3) and total MUFA than tethered goats. However, there was no difference (P > 0.05) in the PUFA: SFA and n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratios between the herded and tethered goats. It was concluded that tethering promoted higher proportions of beneficial PUFAs which were more in TB than LTH muscle. The overall conclusions from the whole study were that goat manure is an important source of GHG with high CH4 being emitted from earth floors of herded goats. High CO2 and N2O are emitted from SF of herded and tethered goats, respectively. There were no major differences in meat quality between herded and tethered goats. However, herding promoted more live weight gain than tethering. On the other hand, tethering promoted more beneficial fatty acids. Therefore depending on the objective of the enterprise, smallholder farmers can safely tether or herd their goats. Further, there is need to develop technologies to harness CH4 from goat manure.
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Productivity and diseases of Saanen, indigenous and crossbred goats on zero grazingDonkin, Edward Francis 25 July 2003 (has links)
This degree has been obtained at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Medical University of South Africa, now part of the new Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pretoria Saanen and South African Indigenous goats were bred to kid at twelve months and annually thereafter. Milk production was recorded. Conception rates were generally more than 90 %, except for Indigenous goats in their first year. Few Indigenous goats (12 %) had twins at the first parturition, whereas 45% of Saanens had twins at 12 months of age. Twinning increased with age, and Saanen and Indigenous goats had kidding rates of 182% and 174% respectively in their third year, with Saanens later exceeding 200%. Triplets were infrequent, except in mature Saanens (9% of parturitions), and in Crossbreds (16%). Mean lactation yields were 579, 838, and 758kg for Saanens in first, second and third lactations, respectively. Lactation lengths were 283, 293 and 290 days respectively (excluding milk production beyond 300 days). Mean lactation yields for Crossbreds were 317, 446 and 438kg for first, second and third lactations. Lactation lengths were slightly shorter for Crossbreds than for the Saanens at 236, 248 and 257 days respectively. Indigenous goats were recorded at a mean milk yield of 23kg per lactation, and a mean lactation length of 94 days. Milk composition analyses for Saanens averaged 3.43, 2.88, and 4.49% for milk fat, protein and lactose, respectively. The analyses for Crossbred goats were 5.47, 3.88 and 4.81%, and for Indigenous goats were 9.33, 5.04 and 5.12%, respectively. These results showed that Crossbred goats gave less milk than Saanens, but significantly more than Indigenous goats. Milk production of Crossbred goats was found to be adequate for household requirements (subsistence purposes). In this way, the Crossbred goats were shown to be able to fulfil one of the objectives of the crossbreeding programme. The main disease identified was coccidiosis, acccompanied by pneumonia, which caused unacceptably high mortality among goat kids: 31% of Saanen, 24% of Crossbred, 38% of Three-quarter Saanen and 28% of Indigenous female kids. It is believed that this problem is largely management related, and worsened by overcrowding and the consequent poor hygiene; but the presence of rotavirus might also be significant. These aspects warrant further investigation. The main disease problem identified in mature goats was mastitis, which caused deaths of goats from peracute cases. Another important problem which became apparent after four years of age, was the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma on the udders of Saanens. Reduced exposure to the sun, by the provision of adequate shade should alleviate this problem; but the crossbreeding programme was seen to be of benefit, since no cases occurred in Crossbred goats. The experiment on heartwater aimed to assess resistance to this disease. Saanen, Indigenous and Crossbred goats were reared in a tick-free environment. In Year 1, eight goats of each type at eight months of age were given 5ml virulent heartwater blood of the Ball 3 stock. Temperatures and clinical sign were monitored. All eight Saanens were overcome by the disease, but only one Indigenous goat and two Crossbreds. In Year 2, Phase 1 of the experiment included six males and six females each of Indigenous and Crossbred goats at 11 months of age. Seven Crossbreds, but no Indigenous goats died. In Phase 2, nine Saanens were treated with tetracycline and compared to two untreated Saanens and nine untreated Three-quarter Saanen goats at 12 months of age. Both of the untreated and one of the treated Saanens died, and seven of the Three-quarter Saanens died. There were only small differences in temperature reactions; but Indigenous goats showed less clinical signs than other breeds. No differences of gender or year were apparent. These experiments indicated that Saanen goats show no genetic resistance, but that South African Indigenous goats appear to be genetically resistant to heartwater, and can transmit this resistance to a good proportion of Crossbred progeny. It has been shown therefore that it is feasible to develop a dairy goat resistant to heartwater, which could contribute significantly to the reduction of human malnutrition in rural and peri-urban communities in Southern Africa. / Dissertation (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / Production Animal Studies / unrestricted
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A study of certain bacteria associated with keratitis in cattle and goatsFélix, Edmundo Fernándo, 1913- January 1940 (has links)
No description available.
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Meat quality of selected Ethiopian goat genotypes under varying nutritional conditionsSebsibe, Ameha. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Animal Science)(Meat Science)) -- University of Pretoria, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Reliability and accuracy of determining minerals and electrolytes in goat urine using a dried filter paper methodBagasse, Paulo Jorge da Costa. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MSc. (Companion Animal Clinical Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2000. / Also available in print format.
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Desempenho, características de carcaça e modelos de predição da composição tecidual em caprinos de diferente grupos raciaisGomes, Helen Fernanda Barros [UNESP] 31 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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gomes_hfb_me_botfmvz.pdf: 672227 bytes, checksum: 03e2caa6665bc90133bf593cf6d71161 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O rebanho efetivo caprino, assim como a produção de carne tem crescido no Brasil, devido a maior demanda por carnes com baixo teor de gordura. Pensando neste mercado crescente, este trabalho foi realizado com objetivo de avaliar o efeito do grupo racial e do sexo no desempenho e características biométricas de caprinos jovens confinados. Foram utilizados 91 animais de cinco grupos raciais (Alpinos – A, ½Boer + ½Alpino - ½BA, ½Anglo Nubiano + ½Alpino - ½ANA, ¾Boer + ¼Alpino – ¾BA, ½Anglo Nubiano + ¼Boer + ¼Alpino – TC), avaliados o peso ao nascimento (PN), o peso em jejum antes do abate (PJ), o ganho de peso total (GPtotal), o ganho de peso médio diário (GMDtotal) e idade ao abate (IDADEABA), mensurado o consumo dos animais por baia e calculada a eficiência alimentar. No dia anterior ao abate foi medida largura da maçã do peito (MAPE), altura na cernelha (ALTCE), escore corporal (ECC), e profundidade de tecido entre a 3ª e 4ª esternébras (3- 4ESTU) e do lombo entre a 12ª e 13ª costelas (PROFLOMU), por meio do ultra-som. Observou-se influência do grupo racial na MAPE, ECC e 3-4ESTU maiores para os ¾BA e ALTCE maior para os A. Foi observada influencia do sexo (P<0,05) para as características: ALTCE e 3-4ESTU maiores para os machos e ECC para as fêmeas. Não foram encontradas diferenças (P>0,05) para as demais características avaliadas. A eficiência alimentar para os grupos raciais durante todo o período experimental, para os machos e fêmeas respectivamente, foi de 0,278 e 0,231 para Alpinos, 0,281 e 0,242 para ½ANA, 0,304 e 0,270 para ½BA, 0,370 e 0,299 para ¾BA, 0,280 e 0,279 para os TC, sendo observada melhor eficiência alimentar para ¾BA (9,95) e ½BA machos (13,32). Os gastos com a alimentação representaram um custo de R$ 8,77; 8,54; 8,54; 8,98 e 8,38 por quilograma de carcaça produzida... / The goat effective flock, as well as the meat production has been growing in Brazil, because of the larger demand for low fat meat. Thinking about this rising business, this work was accomplished with the objective of evaluating the effect of racial and gender groups on performance and biometrics traits of confined kid goats. For such study, 91 animals of five racial groups were used (Alpine – A, ½Boer + ½Alpine - ½BA, ½ Nubian + ½Alpine - ½ ANA, ¾Boer + ¼Alpine –¾BA, ½ Nubian + ¼Boer + ¼Alpino –TC). The birth weight (BW), fasting weight on slaughter (FW), total weight gain (TAG), average daily gain (ADG), slaughter age (SA), were evaluated. The total intake of animals by pen was measured and the feed efficiency was calculated. On the day before the slaughter, the cheek chest (CC), wither height (WT), body score (BS), and tissue depth between 3rd and 4th sternum bone (3-4THC) and loin depth between 12th and 13th rib (LH), were measured by ultrasound. It was observed racial group influence on CC, BS and 3-4THC, higher to ¾ BA and a higher WT for A. Gender influence was observed on the traits: WT and 3-4THC higher to males and BS to females. There were no observed difference (P>0.05) to other traits. The racial group feed efficiency, respectively for males and females, was of 0.278 and 0.231 to Alpine; 0.281 e 0.242 to ½ANA, 0,304 and 0.270 to ½BA, 0,370 and 0.299 to ¾BA, 0.280 and 0.279 to TC, being observed a better feed efficiency for males ¾BA (9,95) and ½BA (13,32). The expenses with feeding represent costs around R$ 8.77, 8.54, 8.54, 8.98 and 8.38 per kilogram of carcass produced by A, ½BA, ½ANA, ¾BA and TC, respectively demonstrating that the costs on the feedlot system are high, and should be reviewed by the producer and are only justified in cases where the remuneration is above these values. On the point... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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