Spelling suggestions: "subject:"google adwords"" "subject:"google andwords""
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Sökordsannonsering i ljuset av god marknadsföringssed : varumärkesanvändning och jämförande reklamEgo, Elias January 2016 (has links)
Keyword advertising is based on advertisers buying keywords, brands if they so wish, with a search engine service to optimize their marketing by ads or websites linked to the purchased keyword to rank as high as possible among the organic and sponsored search lists. Regarding this type of marketing, the European Court and the Swedish Market Court made clear that the trademark holders of famous brands can not prevent a competitor from using the brands as a keyword for their own ads if the use merely indicates that the competitor offers an alternative to the protected brand's products or services. Despite this, this kind of use is questionable, given that the marketing tends to be perceived as deceptive, sponging on others reputation and not in line with good marketing, which is a natural consequence considering the use of competitors' famous brands to attract consumers. My primary aim with this paper is to describe the legal risks within market law concerning keyword advertisements, especially in the context of good marketing practices and that includes the principle of conflicting laws as a basis for claiming unfair marketing according MFL. My secondary intention is to assess the possibilities of transferring the Swedish Market Courts general conclusion about keyword advertising, which is that keyword advertising is an appropriate advertising method, in relation to domain name disputes, based on the use of a competitor's brands in their domain name. The current available laws and regulations gives no clear indication of how keyword advertising should be treated and therefore the Swedish Market Court’s practice has been crucial for assessing the issue. The brand’s different functions should have been damaged if the trademark shall be regarded as violated, however, considered keyword advertising with famous brands is viewed as a natural part of the competition and compatible with the advertising purpose and as an adaptable situation to maintain the investment function and thereby attract loyal consumers. The available cases concerning keyword advertising does not include any assessments whether the risk of sponging of the reputation or dilute the brand, despite extensive use of it as keywords, in both ads and keyword holder's website. Current practice indicates that the greatest risk with keyword advertising is misleading marketing. This is because it is expected of the trademark holder to adapt to the situation by competing with the same methods to further stimulate competition and therefore it becomes difficult to argue that trade mark functions is being damaged by the use of the brand and reputation being diluted. The actual risk, greatest risk with keyword advertising, which can be ascertained from the current practice, is misleading marketing. What remains unclear is whether a total dilution of the brand’s reputation is the only basis that makes it possible to claim sponging on a competitor’s brand as conflicting to good marketing. Overall, considered the use of competitor’s famous brand in keyword advertising with the current legal position into account, is viewed as an appropriate, comparative advertising which does not take unfair advantage of another trader's reputation and only brings the average Internet user's attention to an alternative. A transfer of this conclusion to domain name disputes is highly unlikely, however, is the infringement of trade mark possible. Whether sponging on competitors brands would be a reasonable basis to claim within the market law concerning domain name disputes are uncertain, however, the conflict of law principle is possible to claim when the trademark infringement is conflicting to good marketing and thus is unfair marketing accordance with general clause of good marketing within the Swedish Market Law.
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A contribuição da indexação no processo de seleção de palavras-chave no Google Adwords / The contribution of indexing in the keyword selection process for Google AdwordsAraújo, Andréa Nunes de 25 September 2018 (has links)
Devido ao estabelecimento de negócios pela Internet, o Google alcançou notoriedade mundial, tornando-se atrativo às empresas como canal do Marketing Digital na utilização da ferramenta Google Adwords. Em vista disso, o presente estudo consistiu no levantamento bibliográfico do Marketing de Busca e da Biblioteconomia e Documentação, no qual o principal objetivo é contribuir através do uso de técnicas de Indexação, no processo de seleção de palavras-chave, e conduzi-las na ferramenta de anúncios do Google. Os métodos desta pesquisa foram estabelecidos pela Representação Documentária, com a finalidade de contribuir na diminuição de palavras-chave que oneram as campanhas no Adwords. A partir da coleta dos assuntos mais acessados no Google Trends, no período de quatro meses (jan-abr) de 2017, e a realização de testes em janeiro de 2018 no planejador de palavras-chave do Google, apresentamos a avaliação dos resultados comparativos entre os dados coletados e os dados da lista, com a finalidade de responder se o uso das técnicas de indexação podem ser ou não favoráveis nas criações de campanhas aos clientes brasileiros neste mecanismo de busca. Concluiu-se que a contribuição da Indexação é favorável as campanhas publicitárias no Google, e também requer a inclusão do bibliotecário, já que se trata do profissional com habilidades e competências necessárias na execução desta tarefa, que ficará atento as influências exercidas pelos algoritmos tanto nos valores de palavras-chave quanto na recuperação desses termos ao público de interesse no mecanismo de busca. / Due to the establishment of Internet business, Google has achieved world renown, becoming attractive to companies as a channel of Digital Marketing in the use of Google Adwords tool. Therefore, the present study consisted of a bibliographical survey of Search Marketing and Librarianship and Documentation, in which the main objective is to contribute using Indexing techniques, in the process of selection of keywords, and to conduct them in the Google Ad Tool. The methods of this research were established by the Documentary Representation, with the purpose of contributing to the reduction of keywords that affect the campaigns in Adwords. From the most commonly accessed subjects in Google Trends in the four-month period (Jan-Apr), 2017, and testing in January 2018 on Google\'s keyword planner, we present an assessment of the comparative results between the collected data and the data of the list, in order to answer if the use of the indexing techniques can be or not favorable in the creations of campaigns to the Brazilian clients in this search engine. It was concluded that the contribution of Indexation is favorable to advertising campaigns in Google, and also requires the inclusion of the librarian, since it is the professional with the necessary skills and competences in the execution of this task, which will be attentive to the influences exerted by the algorithms both in keyword values as well as the retrieval of those terms to the public of interest in the search engine.
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Optimering av budgivning i Google AdWords / Optimization of bidding in Google AdWordsSoto Trujillo, Fernando, Grehnik, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Google tillhandahåller en tjänst för företag att köpa annonsplatser på Googles sökmotor vid namn AdWords. Företaget Docklin Digital skapar annonser och köper annonsplatser åt företagets kunder genom AdWords. I Google AdWords är det möjligt att ge bud som kommer påverka vilken annonsplats som en annons kommer att få. Docklin Digital skriver in och ändrar dessa bud manuellt och söker efter ett sätt att optimera budgivningsprocessen. För att lösa problemet genomfördes en förstudie av tidigare arbeten, fakta om Google AdWords och lämpliga metoder för att testa och analysera tillvägagångsätt för ändring av bud. Förstudien resulterade i att två skript utvecklades. Ett av skripten utvecklades med hjälp av resultatet från avhandlingar och det andra skriptet utvecklades med hjälp av företagets sätt att manuellt konfigurera bud. I analysskedet konstaterades det att skriptet som utvecklades med hjälp av avhandlingarna presterade marginellt bättre men till en ökad kostnad på 36 %. Skriptet som baserades på företagets manuella budgivningsförfarande ansågs prestera bättre, detta på grund av att skriptet resulterade i lägre totala kostnader och presterade ungefär likadant. / Google allows companies to buy ad space on Googles search engine, which goes by the name AdWords. Docklin Digital creates ads and buys ad space for the company’s clients with the help of AdWords. Google AdWords lets companies input bids that will affect the ad space an ad will receive. Docklin Digital inputs these bids manually and is searching for a way to optimize the bidding process with the help of JavaScript. To solve this problem a pilot study was conducted into earlier works in the field, facts about Google AdWords and appropriate methods to test and analyse a procedure for automatic changing of bids. The pilot study resulted in two developed scripts. One of the scripts was developed by applying a theory from a thesis. The other script was based on the company’s manual way of configuring bids. In the analysis stage of this thesis, the script that was developed from the thesis was found to perform marginally better but to an increased cost of 36 %. In the end the script that was based on the company’s manual way of working was deemed to perform better, the reason being the lower total costs and performing in an almost similar way.
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Využití Google AdWords jako marketingového nástroje pro firmy / Google AdWords and its use in marketingTůmová, Květa January 2009 (has links)
This diploma work is concerned with Internet Advertising and Google AdWords used by companies in marketing. The work analyzes possibilities of advertising campaign management and evaluation of its efficiency. The main part of this work deals with the analysis of the chosen advertising campaign.
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On-line marketing so zameraním na kampane prostredníctvom Google / Online marketing with focus on Google as a marketing toolBokaová, Katarína January 2012 (has links)
Internet advertising is becoming more and more important. Budgets of media planners are moving from TV and print to internet. Due to the young age of the Internet and especially online marketing, we can assume that this trend will grow stronger. This work addresses one of the biggest players on the Internet - Google and especially its tool for creating PPC ads. The first part concerns the most important aspects of the current internet marketing sphere and the second part is devoted to a specific topic of creating campaigns through Google Adwords and their subsequent success analysis by using already established metrics.
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Využití PPC reklamy v reklamní síti Google / The use of PPC ads on Google Display NetworkVacková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of PPC advertising (text and banner ads) on Google Display Network. The theoretical part of thesis describes basics of PPC advertising and its possible use. Also Google AdWords is described as a useful tool for PPC campaigns. The thesis describes basic targeting characteristics on Google Display Network, specifically context targeting, placement targeting, topic targeting, interests of users targeting and remarketing targeting. The practical part of the thesis deals with efficiency evaluation of text and banner advertising by every mentioned type of targeting. Different types of targeting are shown on two examples (advertisers). There are also outputs from AdWords and charts. The output of thesis is the evaluation of different types of targeting by both advertisers and final recommendations.
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The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 on Google search resultsBrorsson, Martin, Lindhom, Hampus January 2016 (has links)
Syfte - Detta examensarbete utreder vad som påverkar vilken länk studenterna på Jönköping University väljer att klicka på i Googles sökresultat vid en produktsökning. För vissa e- handelsföretag kan det vara avgörande att användarna klickar på deras länk i sökresultatet. Men vad väljer studenter att klicka på? Väljer de en länk i det organiska sökresultatet eller väljer de att klicka på en annons? Arbetet har utförts med syftet att hjälpa e-handelsföretag som säljer produkter med målgruppen studenter. Under arbetes gång besvarades följande frågeställningen: • Vad påverkar vilken länk Jönköping Universitys studenter väljer att klicka på i Googles sökresultat? Metod - För att kunna besvara frågeställning har tre olika metoder används för att samla in data. Metoderna som används är tre intervjuer med experter inom SEO-branschen, 114 observationer med studenter och i samband med observationerna fick studenterna också genomföra en digital enkät. Resultat - Utifrån den insamlade datan från intervjuer, observationer, digitala enkäter och sekundärdata har ett resultat tagits fram gällande vad som påverkar studenters val av länkar på sökmotorn Google. I resultatet framkommer det att sökmotoroptimering är viktigt för att ett e- handelsföretag skall synas på Google, finns du inte med på förstasidan finns du inte. Även att igenkänningsfaktorn spelar störst roll i valet av vilken länk studenter klickar på. Där framkommer det två olika typer av beteenden båda med igenkänningsfaktorn i baktanke. Antingen klickar studenterna på första länken de känner igen eller så väljer de medvetet bort annonserna och klickar på första vanliga länken de känner igen. Implikationer - Arbetet är endast genomfört på studenter från Jönköping University. Ett representativt urval gjordes från den teoretiska populationen för ett generaliserbart resultat. Men för att kunna generalisera resultatet på studenter i en större utsträckning krävs det att samma undersökningen görs på olika högskolor/universitet i Sverige. Begränsningar - Fokus och mest tid lades på att genomföra observationerna vilket gav mindre tid till att genomföra flera intervjuer. Detta är en avgörande faktor som påverkade studiens omfång och resultat. Om det funnit mer tid hade även en undersökning på andra sökmotorer varit genomförbar. Alla sökningar gjordes på Google som är den största och den ledande sökmotorn i världen. Om Google skulle förändra något väsentligt i deras sökmotor kan resultatet bli oanvändbart. / Purpose - This examination paper examines what affects which link students at Jönköping University choose to click on the Google search results when they do a product search. For some e-commerce companies, it may be crucial that users click on their link in the search results. But which link do students choose to click on? Are they choosing to click on a link in the organic search results or are they choosing to click on an ad? This examination has been carried out with the aim to help e-commerce companies that sells products that target students. During this paper has following question has been answered: • What affects the link Jönköping University students choose to click on the Google search results? Method - To answer the question three different methods has been implemented to collect data. The methods conducted three interviews with experts in the SEO industry, 114 observations with students and in connection with the observations did the students answer a digital survey. These three methods gave a good and comparable results that ultimately strengthen each other. Results - Based on data collected from interviews, observations, digital surveys and secondary data have a result been developed shrill guessed what affects students' choice of the links on the search engine Google. The result shows that search engine optimization is important for an e- commerce business that must appear on Google, if you are not on the front page you are not existing. Although the recognition factor plays the most important role in the choice of which link students click. Where it appears two different kinds of behaviour both with the recognition factor of ulterior motive. Either the students click on the first link they recognize or choose them consciously remove the ads and click on the first common link them recognize. Implications - This work is only carried out on students from Jönköping University. A representative selection was made from the theoretical population of a generalizable results. But to generalize the results of the students to a greater extent it is required that the same survey conducted at various colleges / universities in Sweden. Limitations - Focus and most time was spent on implementing the observations which gave less time to conduct more than three interviews. This is a crucial factor that affected the study's scope and results. If there were more time had an investigation on other search engines would have been feasible. All searches were made on Google, which is the largest and the leading search engine in the world. If they are doing any big changes or updates our results may be unusable.
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Det man inte vet - Googlar man : Marknadsorienteringens effekter genom Google AdWords - En studie av kundorientering i SME:s / What you don’t know - you Google : The Effects of Market Orientation Through Google AdWords - A study of customer orientation through SME:sIvis, Luka, Lindroth, Petter January 2018 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of the study is to understand how SME companies uses market orientation to target customers through Google AdWords. Method: This study uses a qualitative method approach as the purpose of the study is to increase understanding. Furthermore, the empirical data used has been collected through eight semi-structured interviews. These interviews were conducted at eight SME companies in Stockholm, Gävle and Uppsala. The keywords identified in the analysis were created by setting theory and empirical elements against each other and thus creating a pattern. Result and Conclusion: The result shows that all companies use market orientation and Google AdWords to gather and disseminate information. However, the work of market orientation and Google AdWords varies in relation to the theory. All companies in the study find Google AdWords to be a profitable marketing tool. Suggestions for future research: Future studies can use the empirical model found in the study to see how companies work with market orientation and Google AdWords in a specific market where competing companies are investigated to try to find the best approach. Inter-functional coordination is also a topic that should be further studied since this study did not find a clear work on the design. Future research should have the new Data Protection Act (GDPR) in mind as the law changes a lot about how personal information can be saved and spread by companies, especially by Google. As well as a change of a Swedish game license that will be introduced. Contribution of the thesis: The study has contributed in an increased understanding of how SMEs work with SEM tools, such as Google AdWords, to be market oriented from a practical and theoretical perspective. The contribution of the study has found that all companies use some form of market orientation when using Google AdWords. / Syfte: Syftet med studien är att förstå hur SME:s marknadsorienterar sig mot kunder genom Google AdWords. Metod: Studien använder en kvalitativ metod. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelse för fenomenet Google AdWords. Vidare har den empiriska data som används samlats in via åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer, dessa intervjuer utfördes på åtta SME:s i Stockholm, Gävle och Uppsala. De nyckelord som identifierats i analysen har skapats genom att teori och empiridel ställts mot varandra och skapat nyckelord för de iakttagelser som gjorts. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visar att samtliga företag använder sig av marknadsorientering och Google AdWords. Dock varierar arbetet med marknadsorientering och Google AdWords i förhållande till teorin. Samtliga företag i studien finner Google AdWords att vara ett upplevt lönsamt marknadsföringsverktyg. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Framtida studier kan använda den empiriska modell som finns i studien för att se hur företag arbetar med marknadsorientering och Google AdWords inom en specifik marknad. Interfunktionell koordinering är också ett tema som bör studeras vidare eftersom studien inte fann ett uttalat arbete med konstruktionen. Framtida forskning bör ha nya personuppgiftslagen GDPR i åtanke eftersom lagen förändrar hur personuppgifter får sparas och spridas av företag. Samt att en förändring av svensk spellicens som kommer att införas. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit med en ökad förståelse för hur SME:s arbetar med SEM-verktyget Google AdWords för att marknadsorientera sig ur ett praktiskt och teoretiskt perspektiv. Bidraget studien har kommit fram till är att samtliga företag använder någon form av marknadsorientering när de använder Google AdWords.
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Kontextová reklama s využitím Google AdWords a Google AdSense / Contextual advertising using Google AdWords and Google AdSenseMihok, Radovan January 2008 (has links)
The thesis introduces contextual advertising on internet using Google AdWords. The paper describes individual steps of an ad campaign (product choosing, ad types, keywords), its management and success evaluation (calculation of ROI and modified ROI).
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Google AdWords - Infringing or Liberalizing Trade? : A Comparative Analysis of Treatment of Google AdWords under U.S. and EU Trademark LawAdler, Anne-Kathrin January 2012 (has links)
Since Google as the world's largest and most popular search engine encourages Internet users to browse their search results, it is naturally functioning as an advertising vehicle and has turned into the most profitable Internet company in world's history. Google's success, however, has been subject to strong criticism as one of the main concerns is linked to Google AdWords, which reveal keyword-triggered advertisements as well as sponsored links besides unsponsored search results. Courts both in Europe and the United States under different trademark legislation felt forced to address the collision of pre-Internet trademark infringement doctrines with modern technology. As Google AdWords have changed the way consumers observe Internet advertisements and search engines, the boundaries of trademark law have continuously been pushed forward. This development, thus, raises the question of whether Google AdWords by now are considered to function as trade liberalizer or trade infringer under two different trademark jurisdictions. What is certain as of now is, that if the current circumstances are to change, courts cannot solely rely on old doctrines to adapt to new situations. Instead, new rules should not be subject to isolated court proceedings by individual instances regarded that jurisdictions of courts are limited by territorial boundaries and Google AdWords have evolved as an element of borderless online sphere. Taking these new challenges into account, this paper argues that addressing trademark issues originated by AdWords will demand an international consideration and coordinated efforts between the EU and the United States to bring forward an international solution.
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