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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les exemples grecs des Institutions grammaticales, héritages et doctrines / The Greek examples of institutiones grammaticae : legacies and doctrines

Conduché, Cécile 13 October 2012 (has links)
Le corpus de cette thèse est fourni par les exemples en langue grecque de la grande grammaire de Priscien, ouvrage rédigé dans le premier tiers du VIe siècle à Constantinople. La première partie est une longue introduction, qui présente un historique des recherches et évalue la fiabilité de l'édition de référence établie par Martin Hertz en 1855-1859. Un retour à la tradition manuscrite permet de proposer des amendements au texte grec. La deuxième partie présente une typologie de l'utilisation du grec dans la grammaire, à l'exclusion du vocabulaire technique. Ainsi, le recours au grec de Priscien est mis en relation avec la pratique des autres grammairiens latins de l'Antiquité tardive. Elle permet de relativiser l'idée d'une fonction purement heuristique du grec, éclaircissement du latin. La troisième partie consiste en une étude des sources grecques des exemples de Priscien, qu'elles soient nommées comme Apollonios Dyscole ou Hérodien, ou implicites comme la métrique ou les dialectologues. Priscien apparaît très proche, dans son maniement de la littérature technique d'époque romaine, de ses successeurs grammairiens d'époque byzantine. La quatrième et dernière partie se concentre sur la théorie et la pratique comparatistes de Priscien, en particulier dans son étude syntaxique. On y avance l'hypothèse que la recherche d'une correspondance entre faits de langue grecs et latins conduit à transférer des notions et des règles grammaticales du latin vers le grec. Le développement est complété par deux annexes : comparaison du texte des citations grecques de Priscien avec la tradition directe, accords entre les analyses de Priscien et celles des grammairiens grecs. / The Greek examples included in Priscian's comprehensive grammar of latin (Constantinople, ca. 525) make the corpus of this dissertation. The first part is an extended introduction which presents previous research on the topic and evaluates the reliability of Martin Hertz's received edition, established in 1855-59. Some emendations to the Greek text are argued for on the basis of a de visu examination of the manuscript tradition. The second part elaborates a typology of the uses of greek in the grammar, save for technical terms. Through that framework, Priscian's use of greek is confronted to late antique grammatical practice. Thus the idea of greek serving as an explanation of latin put in perspective. The third part studies the Greek sources of Priscian's examples, either quoted by name like Apollonius Dyscolus and Herodian, or tacitely used like metrics and dialectology. Priscian appears to handle imperial grammatical authors as later, Byzantine era grammarians do. The fourth focuses on Priscian's comparativist theory and practice, with particular attention to his syntax. We put forward the idea that the quest for conformity between Greek and Latin languages results in a transfer of grammatical rules and notions from latin to greek. Two appendices follow : a comparison of Priscian's text of Greek quotes with the direct tradition, and agreements between Priscian's analysis and that of Greek grammarians.

The function of marked word order in Biblical Hebrew prose: An evaluation of existing theories in the light of 2 Kings.

Jackson, Leolyn M. January 1996 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This thesis .investigates the function of a topicalized constituent .in the narrative non-direct speech texts .in 2 Kings. Many traditional BH grammarians described the :function of a topicalized constituent as "emphasis". Recent BH grammarians pointed out that extralinguistic factors like the total communicative context should also be considered in the description of a function for a topicalized constituent. The shift from the structural to a more pragmatic approach is illustrated in this study. The pragmatic approach proved to be not only possible, but also advantageous to the study of function in BH. The aim of this study was to test the viability and results of the various theories and categories of the BH linguists. This study also researched whether their linguistic approaches are indeed an improvement on the descriptions as defined by the traditional grammarians. In other words, to see whether and in which way more recent studies of BH could aid the understanding of the function of a topicalized constituent in BH word order. The methodology utilized in this study is briefly outlined as follows: 1. This study examined the description of word order in terms of the traditional and more recent approaches. The categories used to describe the function of a topicalized constituent were our main focus. At the end we compiled a theoretical frame of reference that we regard as representative of modem attempts to acquire a more refined comprehension of BH word order. A theoretical linguistic framework was formulated which could be used in our description of a sentence in BH in 2 · Kings. This attempt could be described as eclectic because it used the diverse perceptions from the various linguistic approaches. Richter's theoretical linguistic framework (with its limitations) together with contributions of Van der Merwe, Buth and Gross were used as a basis for the description of the sentences. 3. Sentences were analysed systematically and holistically at the different levels of description, namely morphology, morphosyntax, sentence syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Because of the difficulty in defining semantics and with pragmatics still in disarray, this study defined some semantic-pragmatic concepts it worked with. 4. In the description of sentences we incorporated and tested the viability of the different categories of various grammarians. By carefully considering the context of each sentence, this study posed the question: which, if any; of the categories could adequately describe the semantic-pragmatic function of a topicalized constituent in 2 Kings.

Servius, commentaire sur "l’Énéide" de Virgile (livre V) : introduction, traduction, annotation et commentaire / Servius' commentary on book five of Virgil's" Aeneid" : introduction, translation, annotation and commentary

Bodin, Camille 10 December 2018 (has links)
Rédigé vraisemblablement à la fin du IVe siècle, à une époque où l’enseignement traditionnel des écoles romaines se maintient et où le paganisme cherche à conserver sa place face au christianisme, le commentaire de Servius à l’Énéide de Virgile, dont le livre V fait l’objet du présent travail, est une œuvre particulièrement importante. Il est destiné à ouvrir à ses auditeurs (les élèves de la classe de Servius), puis à ses lecteurs, la possibilité de mieux comprendre le texte virgilien, et il offre au spécialiste moderne de multiples traces de rites, croyances, pratiques et récits mythologiques qui, sans la richesse de ses développements, resteraient inconnus. Le commentateur laisse parfois percevoir au fil de ses remarques sa vision de l’époque de Virgile et de la sienne propre, et il livre aussi des éléments d’information concernant la réception de l’Énéide dans l’Antiquité tardive. L’intérêt de l’ouvrage est doublé du fait que s’y sont entremêlés ensuite des ajouts d’origines diverses transformant pour ainsi dire le commentaire de Servius en un second commentaire, connu sous l’appellation de « Servius Danielis », présent dans certains manuscrits médiévaux. C’est pour toutes ces raisons que nous proposons, après une introduction consacrée à ses thématiques centrales, une traduction complète de ce double commentaire servien au livre V de l’Énéide de Virgile, en accompagnant et documentant cette traduction par les notes nombreuses et détaillées que réclament la richesse et la complexité de ce travail caractéristique des savants que l’Antiquité appelait des « grammairiens ». / Most certainly written at the end of the 4th century, at a time when traditional teaching from roman school persists and when paganism tries to keep its position facing Christianity, Servius’ Commentary on Virgil’s Aeneid, whose book V is the subject of this study, is a particularly significant work. It is intended to permit the listener (Servius’ students), then the reader, to better understand Virgil’s text and offers to modern specialists many vestiges of rituals, beliefs, practices and mythology’s stories that, without the richness of its body, certainly wouldn’t be known nowadays. The commentator sometimes suggests, throughout his remarks, the vision he has of the Virgil’s time as being his own time and he also gives some information about the Aeneid’s reception in the last Antiquity. The interest of the book is doubled because the text is mixed with elements from diverse origins; it turned the commentary into a second one, known as “Servius Danielis” text and present in some manuscripts. That is why we offer, after an introduction devoted to the main themes of the book, a complete translation of this double servian commentary at the Virgil Aeneid, book 5; this translation goes with many detailed commentaries needed due to the richness and the complexity of expert’s typical work which Antiquity called “grammarian”.

Édition critique, traduction et commentaire des fragments d' Atellanes / Critical edition, translation and commentary of the fragments of the Attelan fables

Debouy, Estelle 01 December 2012 (has links)
Le sujet sur lequel porte cette thèse de doctorat est l’atellane. La première partie de la thèse consiste à présenter ce genre, ce qui a conduit l'auteur à s’intéresser à sa place et à son statut, à la lumière de ce qu’écrit Tite-Live notamment. Puis est proposée une interprétation des fragments qui nous sont parvenus : l'auteur montre que si l’atellane emprunte au théâtre d’Aristophane ou de Plaute notamment, elle a aussi son originalité propre. Après cette étude générale, la thèse présente l'histoire du texte. Comme aucun manuscrit des auteurs d’atellanes n'a été conservé, c'est uniquement par la tradition indirecte qu'il est possible de reconstituer ce que furent ces pièces atellanes : l'auteur a donc étudié cette tradition qui est essentiellement grammaticale, car c'est dans les travaux des grammairiens d'époque tardive, et presque exclusivement chez Nonius, que se trouvent des citations des auteurs d'atellanes. La thèse présente ensuite l’édition critique des fragments de Pomponius et Novius, avec, en regard, la première traduction en français de ces pièces dont il ne reste environ que trois cents vers au total. Contrairement aux éditions précédentes, l'auteur de cette thèse a fait le choix d’un apparat critique positif constitué à partir de la consultation de tous les manuscrits de Nonius. La dernière partie de la thèse est consacré au commentaire de ces fragments. / The field which this thesis covers is the so-called Atellana fabula. In the first part of it, which is an overall presentation of the particular genre, such questions as the one of the position of the Atellana with respect to other similar genres are addressed in the light of Livy’s texts among others. Then an interpretation of the fragments that came to us is proposed: it is put forward that the Atellana had original characteristics whatever it may have borrowed from the plays of Aristophanes or Plautus among others. After this overall presentation of the Atellanae, the historical study of the text and its tradition is proposed. As the text itself of the Atellanae is not given in any manuscript, one only may rely on indirect tradition to restore fragments of those plays. Most of this tradition is found in the works of the grammarians of later antiquity, especially in Nonius, where almost all of the quotations of Atellanae that came to us are preserved. Then a new critical edition of Pomponius’ and Novius’ fragments is proposed, along with the first translation into French of these plays of which no more than three hundred lines are preserved. Contrary to the previous editions of these fragments, this one presents a positive apparatus criticus, which includes the readings from the manuscripts of Nonius which all have been directly collated. Finally a new commentary on the fragments is proposed.

O conhecimento da linguagem como herdado pela tradição gramatical indiana: a primeira seção do Vkyapadya de Bartr-hari / The Knowledge of Language as Inherited by the Sanskrit Grammatical Tradition: The First Section of Bhartr -hari\'s Vakyapadya.

Aprigliano, Adriano 25 April 2011 (has links)
O trabalho objetiva apresentar uma tradução da primeira seção (Brahma- kan.d. a) do Vakyapadya juntamente com o Vr tti, seu mais antigo comentário, obras que têm sido comumente atribuídas ao gramático e filósofo da linguagem indiano Bhartr -hari (séc. V d.C). Visando, ademais, fornecer subsídios para a leitura do texto, recupera, em Do autor, aquilo que se tem discutido acerca da pessoa deBhartr -hari e do período em que viveu. Em seguida, em Da obra, trata de descrever as obras desse autor e comentar os problemas relativos à autoria de outros textos a ele atribuídos. Segue uma Antologia dos textos e seus comentários, onde se pretende ilustrar perspectivas teóricas centrais do pensamento de Bhartr -hari, bem como revelar o intenso e necessário diálogo que se dá no seio da própria tradição indiana entre as obras e sua forma de exegese primeira, representada na literatura dos comentários. A parte seguinte, A Brahma-kan.d.a-vr tti: notas de estilo aprofunda os problemas de forma e descreve peculiaridades estilísticas do texto da Vr tti, a fim de fornecer ferramentas para os que pretendam estudar a obra no original sânscrito. Trata-se, a seguir, no Excurso, dos diversos sentidos e da sinonímia da palavra sabda, a palavra/linguagem, que é objeto primeiro desse primeiro livro da Vakyapad ya. Enfim, apresenta-se a tradução, com notas, precedida de uma sinopse. / Our thesis presents a translation of the first section (Brahma-kan.d. a) of the Vakyapadya together with the Vr tti, its oldest commentary, both works usually attributed to the Indian grammarian and language philosopher Bhartr -hari (fth century A.D). In order to create tools for reading the text, we discuss, in Do autor (\"On the author\"), what has been said about the person of Bhartr -hari and the period in which he lived. Then, in Da obra (\"On his works\"), we describe Bhartr - hari\'s works and comment on the problems related to the authorship of other works that have been attributed to him. Then follows an Antologia dos textos e seus comentarios (\"Anthology of the works and their commentaries\"), where we intend to illustrate the major theoretical tenets of Bhartr -hari\'s thought, as well as reveal the strong and necessary dialog that occurs inside the Indian tradition itself between the primary works and their rst form of exegesis represented in the commentarial literature. Next, in A Brahma-kan.d. a-vr tti: notas de estilo (\"The Brahma-kan.d. a-vr tti : notes on style\"), we go deeper into the matters of form and describe stylistic minutiae of the Vr tti \'s text in order to furnish tools for the ones wishing to read it in the original Sanskrit. Then, in Excurso (\"Excursus\"), we treat the many meanings and synonyms of the word sabda, the word/language, which is the primary object of this rst book of the Vakyapadya. Lastly, we present the translation with select notes, preceded by a synopsis.

O conhecimento da linguagem como herdado pela tradição gramatical indiana: a primeira seção do Vkyapadya de Bartr-hari / The Knowledge of Language as Inherited by the Sanskrit Grammatical Tradition: The First Section of Bhartr -hari\'s Vakyapadya.

Adriano Aprigliano 25 April 2011 (has links)
O trabalho objetiva apresentar uma tradução da primeira seção (Brahma- kan.d. a) do Vakyapadya juntamente com o Vr tti, seu mais antigo comentário, obras que têm sido comumente atribuídas ao gramático e filósofo da linguagem indiano Bhartr -hari (séc. V d.C). Visando, ademais, fornecer subsídios para a leitura do texto, recupera, em Do autor, aquilo que se tem discutido acerca da pessoa deBhartr -hari e do período em que viveu. Em seguida, em Da obra, trata de descrever as obras desse autor e comentar os problemas relativos à autoria de outros textos a ele atribuídos. Segue uma Antologia dos textos e seus comentários, onde se pretende ilustrar perspectivas teóricas centrais do pensamento de Bhartr -hari, bem como revelar o intenso e necessário diálogo que se dá no seio da própria tradição indiana entre as obras e sua forma de exegese primeira, representada na literatura dos comentários. A parte seguinte, A Brahma-kan.d.a-vr tti: notas de estilo aprofunda os problemas de forma e descreve peculiaridades estilísticas do texto da Vr tti, a fim de fornecer ferramentas para os que pretendam estudar a obra no original sânscrito. Trata-se, a seguir, no Excurso, dos diversos sentidos e da sinonímia da palavra sabda, a palavra/linguagem, que é objeto primeiro desse primeiro livro da Vakyapad ya. Enfim, apresenta-se a tradução, com notas, precedida de uma sinopse. / Our thesis presents a translation of the first section (Brahma-kan.d. a) of the Vakyapadya together with the Vr tti, its oldest commentary, both works usually attributed to the Indian grammarian and language philosopher Bhartr -hari (fth century A.D). In order to create tools for reading the text, we discuss, in Do autor (\"On the author\"), what has been said about the person of Bhartr -hari and the period in which he lived. Then, in Da obra (\"On his works\"), we describe Bhartr - hari\'s works and comment on the problems related to the authorship of other works that have been attributed to him. Then follows an Antologia dos textos e seus comentarios (\"Anthology of the works and their commentaries\"), where we intend to illustrate the major theoretical tenets of Bhartr -hari\'s thought, as well as reveal the strong and necessary dialog that occurs inside the Indian tradition itself between the primary works and their rst form of exegesis represented in the commentarial literature. Next, in A Brahma-kan.d. a-vr tti: notas de estilo (\"The Brahma-kan.d. a-vr tti : notes on style\"), we go deeper into the matters of form and describe stylistic minutiae of the Vr tti \'s text in order to furnish tools for the ones wishing to read it in the original Sanskrit. Then, in Excurso (\"Excursus\"), we treat the many meanings and synonyms of the word sabda, the word/language, which is the primary object of this rst book of the Vakyapadya. Lastly, we present the translation with select notes, preceded by a synopsis.

Les banquets littéraires de Platon à Athénée / Literary symposia from Plato to Athenaeus

Scolan, Yannick 16 November 2013 (has links)
Le δεῖπνον et le συμπόσιον ne constituent pas le simple cadre formel des Banquets littéraires. Leur déroulement et les conventions morales qui s’y expriment sont des éléments structurants de la narration, dont ils assurent la progression. Surtout, ils deviennent l’objet même de la discussion des convives. Le récit s’attache plus particulièrement à contextualiser le déroulement du δεῖπνον et du συμπόσιον, pour en faire ressortir un élément qui, par son incongruité ou par son obscurité initiale, ébranle l’opinion première et crée les conditions de la ζήτησις. Il existe donc un type de προϐλήματα spécifique aux Banquets littéraires, où l’on ne parle que de ce qu’on a sous la main. Cette proximité conduit chacun à proposer un développement personnel qui, loin de tout exposé dogmatique, lui permet de mettre en avant son acribie et son esprit d’à-propos sur des objets qui, le plus souvent, échappent au champ de la philosophie. Ce faisant, les Banquets littéraires mettent les philosophes à l’épreuve de la table et du vin et définissent la nature véritable du savoir en faisant tomber, dans la bonne humeur, le masque des imposteurs. Partant, le δεῖπνον et le συμπόσιον ne sont jamais refusés, mais permettent de créer un rapport d’identité entre le philosophe idéal et le parfait convive au sein d’œuvres qui sont toutes caractérisées, malgré leur irréductible diversité formelle, par leur ambition propédeutique. Ce ne sont donc ni la référence à un modèle initial ni le respect d’éventuelles conventions régulatrices qui assurent l’unité du corpus des Banquets littéraires, mais le partage d’une même intention programmatique. / Δεῖπνα and συμπόσια are not merely formal settings in literary symposia. Their organization and the moral conventions that they entail are part and parcel of the narrative structure. Above all, they become the very topic of the participants’ conversation. These narratives make use of the context of δεῖπνον and συμπόσιον in order to emphasize one item whose oddity or whose initial obscurity challenges common wisdom and paves the way for ζήτησις. Thus, there is a type of προϐλήματα that is specific to literary symposia, which consists in only discussing matters immediately at hand. Far from leading to dogmatic discourses, this allows every dinner guest to offer their personal views, displaying their acumen and wit on topics that are often outside the realm of philosophy. In these literary symposia, the philosophers are put to the test of good meals and good wine, and define the true nature of knowledge, while cheerfully unmasking impostors. By no means are δεῖπνον and συμπόσιον rejected, but on the contrary they create a link between the ideal philosopher and the perfect dinner guest in literary works that, in spite of their inevitable formal variety, all share propaedeutic ambitions. Literary symposia, therefore, are not defined as a genre by references to one initial model nor by normative conventions, but by the intentions that they share.

La notion d’archaïsme chez les grammairiens latins ; avec une édition commentée de l’œuvre fragmentaire de Flavius Caper / The Notion of Archaism in Latin Grammars; with a Critical Edition of Flavius Caper's Fragmentary Work

Desiderio, Janyce 12 December 2017 (has links)
En deux parties distinctes mais complémentaires, ce travail se présente comme le parallèle dans le domaine grammatical des recherches menées sur l’archaïsme dans la rhétorique et la littérature latines. Nous analysons tout d’abord la manière dont les grammairiens latins, de Varron à Priscien, considèrent ce phénomène, dans le cadre de la définition de la langue latine correcte (Latinitas). Les questions du recours aux archaïsmes dans l’usage et de l’autorité des auteurs littéraires anciens, telles que l’on peut les retrouver dans les textes du corpus des grammatici Latini, sont au centre de notre étude. Nous proposons ensuite pour la première fois une édition avec traduction et commentaire critique des fragments de Flavius Caper, grammairien de la fin du IIe siècle après J.-C. : cette époque marquant la diffusion d’une mouvance stylistique et littéraire archaïsante, l’examen du point de vue d’un grammairien sur la langue latine contemporaine se révèle primordial pour comprendre l’évolution de la pensée linguistique antique. L'édition des fragments du De Latinitate et du De dubiis generibus de Caper nous donne par ailleurs l'occasion de réfléchir aux problèmes des sources et de la transmission des textes, aussi bien grammaticaux que littéraires, ainsi que d'effectuer un commentaire analytique sur un auteur à tort négligé et qui, par sa réception, a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la tradition artigraphique tardo-antique. / Organised in two complementary parts, the present research follows up, in the grammatical tradition, on other studies led on archaism in the fields of Latin rhetoric and literature. The first part deals with the way in which Latin grammarians, from Varro to Priscian, apprehend the notion of archaism, within the definition of what they consider to be the correct Latin language (Latinitas). The study is focused on both the main issues of the use of archaisms in the current usage, and the ancient poets’ and prose writers’ authority, as noticeable in the grammatici Latini corpus. In the second part, an edition of Flavius Caper’s grammatical fragments, with a French translation and critical commentary, is proposed for the first time. Caper is a scholar of the end of the 2nd century AD, an era especially known for the diffusion in the literary circles of an archaizing stylistic tendency. Consequently, examining the point of view of a grammarian on the linguistic usage of his time appears crucial to understanding the evolution of linguistic thought in Antiquity. The edition of Caper’s fragmentary De Latinitate and De dubiis generibus gives us the opportunity to reflect upon sources and transmission of grammatical and literary texts. Finally, the comments made on the work of a still unrecognised scholar should highlight the importance of his treatises in the late antique grammatical tradition.

Etude philologique du texte d'Hésiode aux époques hellénistique et romaine

Tedeschi, Guillaume 01 March 2012 (has links)
La présente dissertation analyse toutes les prises de position attribuées dans les scholies hésiodiques à un commentateur de l'Antiquité. Cette étude a pour optique d'apporter un regard nouveau sur les méthodes philologiques appliquées par les exégètes des époques hellénistique et romaine à la lecture des textes poétiques archaïques. / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Langue d'oc v učeneckém diskursu před a po Velké francouzské revoluci / Langue d'oc in the scientists' discourse before and after the French Revolution

Křivánková, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis The Langue d'oc in the Scholarly Discourse Before and After The Great French Revolution considers the image of the Occitan language in the lexico-graphical and grammatico-graphical works that have been written between the beginning of the 18th and the mid-19th century. During this epoch, in the framework of a diglossic model, the language in question had been suffering a status of a dominated language. At the same time, however, it had awaken an interest of many scholars whose motivations for their studies ranged from a will to contribute to a proliferation of Francization to an effort to save the Occitan language and restore its own dignity. It is precisely this motivation, as well as the denominations which our authors had given to the language in question and also their strategies for its valorization or devalorization, that this text engages with. The socio-linguistic situation in the Pays d'Oc and the impact of The French Revolution and of its linguistic politics on the presence and the representation of the Occitan are also being examined. These phenomena are studied in the framework of a theory of the formation of nations by Miroslav Hroch as the phase A of the Occitan movement which had remained, at least during this phase, a purely cultural phenomenon, that is to say a...

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