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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terwillegar Park: site plan and management plan

Yee, Linda C. 19 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this practicum is to develop a dynamic and flexible site plan and management strategy which allows Terwillegar Park, in Edmonton, Alberta, to evolve into a place rich in species biodiversity and of high ecological function; that challenges public perception of nature in the city while fostering environmental appreciation and stewardship; and which celebrates its unique identity within the North Saskatchewan River Valley. A review of the pertinent City of Edmonton municipal development plan, environmental goals/policy, parks planning and recreation planning documents are completed, as they apply to the long term planning and development of Terwillegar Park. The implied objectives derived from these documents will then be combined with a qualitative inventory and analysis, and ultimately reconciled through a site plan design and management strategy.

Terwillegar Park: site plan and management plan

Yee, Linda C. 19 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this practicum is to develop a dynamic and flexible site plan and management strategy which allows Terwillegar Park, in Edmonton, Alberta, to evolve into a place rich in species biodiversity and of high ecological function; that challenges public perception of nature in the city while fostering environmental appreciation and stewardship; and which celebrates its unique identity within the North Saskatchewan River Valley. A review of the pertinent City of Edmonton municipal development plan, environmental goals/policy, parks planning and recreation planning documents are completed, as they apply to the long term planning and development of Terwillegar Park. The implied objectives derived from these documents will then be combined with a qualitative inventory and analysis, and ultimately reconciled through a site plan design and management strategy.

Ekologija i konzervaciona vrednost vodene vegetacije šljunkara u plavnom području reke Drine / Ecology and conservation value of aquatic vegetation of gravel pit lakes in the Drina Riverfloodplain

Damnjanovic Bojan 03 December 2019 (has links)
<p>Sa&nbsp; jedne&nbsp; strane&nbsp; se&nbsp; eksploatacija&nbsp; &scaron;ljunka&nbsp; navodi kao&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; ugrožavajući&nbsp; faktor&nbsp; sa&nbsp; velikim negativnim&nbsp; uticajem&nbsp; na&nbsp; vodena&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i biodiverzitet,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; same&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkare&nbsp; mogu predstavljati&nbsp; vredne&nbsp; refugijume&nbsp; akavtičnog&nbsp; biodiverziteta.&nbsp; Osnovni&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; je određivanje&nbsp; najznačajnijih&nbsp; i&nbsp; relevantnih hidromorfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; parametara&nbsp; koji&nbsp; utiču&nbsp; na strukturiranje&nbsp; makrofitskih&nbsp; zajednica&nbsp; u &scaron;ljunkarama&nbsp; duž&nbsp; plavnog&nbsp; područja&nbsp; reke&nbsp; Drine&nbsp; i određivanje&nbsp; korelacije&nbsp; između&nbsp; izdvojenih parametara&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvantitativnih&nbsp; indeksa&nbsp; makrofita.Istraživanje&nbsp; je&nbsp; vr&scaron;eno&nbsp; u&nbsp; toku&nbsp; letnjih&nbsp; meseci 2015, 2016, 2017 i 2018. godine na 18 &scaron;ljunkara (60 istraživačkih vegetacijskih sektora) u okviru tri&nbsp;&nbsp; eksploataciona&nbsp; polja&nbsp; u&nbsp; Crnoj&nbsp; Bari, Badovincima&nbsp; i&nbsp; Lipničkom&nbsp; &Scaron;oru&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; četiri prirodna&nbsp; fluvijalna&nbsp; jezera&nbsp; (13&nbsp; istraživačkih vegetacijskih&nbsp; sektora)&nbsp; u&nbsp; plavnom&nbsp; području&nbsp; reke Drine.&nbsp; Makrofitska&nbsp; vegetacija&nbsp; je&nbsp; konstatovana na svih 18 istraţivanih &scaron;ljunkara, prikupljenih na tri eksploataciona polja (Badovinci, Crna Bara&nbsp; i<br />Lipniĉki &Scaron;or). Zabeležena je 31 biljna vrsta. Kao najučestalije,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; najvećom&nbsp; apsolutnom pokrovno&scaron;ću izdvojile su se vrste:&nbsp;<em> Potamogeton nodosus</em>&nbsp; Poiret,&nbsp; <em>Ceratophyllum&nbsp; demersum&nbsp; L subsp.&nbsp; demersum,&nbsp; Myriophyllum&nbsp; spicatum&nbsp; L,Najas&nbsp; marina&nbsp; L&nbsp; i&nbsp;&nbsp; Chara&nbsp; globularis&nbsp; Thuill&nbsp;</em> Na četiri prirodna fluvijalna jezera zabeleženo je 13 vrsta.&nbsp; Vrste&nbsp; <em>Vallisneria&nbsp; spiralis&nbsp; L,&nbsp; Elodea canadensis&nbsp; Michx,&nbsp; Callitriche&nbsp; palustris&nbsp; L, Potamogeton&nbsp; natans&nbsp; L&nbsp; i&nbsp; Nuphar&nbsp; lutea&nbsp; (L)&nbsp;</em> Sm izdvojile&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; kao&nbsp; konstantne&nbsp; i&nbsp; dominantne. Vrednosti svih kvantitativnih indeksa makrofita,<br />značajno&nbsp; su&nbsp; veće&nbsp; za&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkare&nbsp; u&nbsp; poređenju&nbsp; sa prirodnim&nbsp; fluvijalnim&nbsp; jezerima&nbsp; na&nbsp; nivouLEAFPACS&nbsp; sektora.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; istraživanim &scaron;ljunkarama,&nbsp; analizom&nbsp; klasterovanja&nbsp; je<br />izdvojeno&nbsp; 13&nbsp; vegetacijskih&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; (VG):&nbsp; VG1<em> Ceratophyllum&nbsp; demersum</em>,&nbsp; VG2&nbsp; <em>Ceratophyllum demersum&nbsp; -&nbsp; Valisneria&nbsp; spiralis</em>,&nbsp; VG3&nbsp; <em>Chara contraria,</em>&nbsp; VG4&nbsp; <em>Chara</em>&nbsp; <em>globularis,</em>&nbsp; VG5&nbsp; <em>Elodea canadensis,</em>&nbsp; VG6&nbsp; <em>Elodea&nbsp; nuttallii</em>,&nbsp; VG7&nbsp; <em>Najas marina</em>,&nbsp; VG8&nbsp; <em>Najas&nbsp; minor,</em>&nbsp; VG9&nbsp; <em>Nitellopsis obtusa</em>,&nbsp; VG10&nbsp;<em> Nuphar&nbsp; lutea</em>,&nbsp; VG11 <em>Potamogeton&nbsp; nodosus</em>,&nbsp; VG12&nbsp;<em> Potamogeton natans&nbsp;</em> i&nbsp;&nbsp; VG13&nbsp; <em>Potamogeton&nbsp; pectinatus</em>.&nbsp; Na prirodnim&nbsp; fluvijalnim&nbsp; jezerima&nbsp; konstatovane&nbsp; su četiri&nbsp; vegetacijske&nbsp; grupe:&nbsp; VG5&nbsp;<em> Elodea canadensis</em>,&nbsp; VG10&nbsp; <em>Nuphar&nbsp; lutea,</em>&nbsp; VG12<em> Potamogeton natans&nbsp;</em> i&nbsp; VG14&nbsp; <em>Typha latifolia</em>.&nbsp; Na osnovu izmerenih fizičko-hemijskih parametara,kvalitet vode u većini &scaron;ljunkara odgovara II klasi kvaliteta, na osnovu čega se mogu okarakterisati kao&nbsp; vodna&nbsp; tela&nbsp; sa&nbsp; dobrim&nbsp; i&nbsp; boljim&nbsp; ekolo&scaron;kim potencijalom. Sve &scaron;ljunkare i fluvijalna jezera se klasifikuju&nbsp; kao&nbsp; visoko&nbsp; alkalna.&nbsp; Kvalitet&nbsp; vode&nbsp; u prirodnim&nbsp; fluvijalnim&nbsp; jezerima&nbsp; odgovara&nbsp; III&nbsp; &ndash; IV&nbsp; klasi&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; voda,&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; se&nbsp; mogu okarakterisati&nbsp; kao&nbsp; vodna&nbsp; tela&nbsp; sa&nbsp; slabim&nbsp; do umerenim&nbsp; ekolo&scaron;kim&nbsp; statusom.&nbsp; Značajno&nbsp; veće<br />vrednosti&nbsp; ukupnih&nbsp; suspendovanih&nbsp; materija, hemijske&nbsp; i&nbsp; biolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; potro&scaron;nje&nbsp; kiseonika, ukupnog&nbsp; organskog&nbsp; kiseonika&nbsp; i&nbsp; nitrata zabeležene su na prirodnim fluvijalnim jezerima u poređenju sa &scaron;ljunkarama. Izmerene vrednosti fizičko-hemijskih&nbsp; parametara&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na mezotrofni&nbsp; karakter&nbsp; lokaliteta&nbsp; u&nbsp; Badovincima&nbsp; i mezo-eutrofni&nbsp; karakter&nbsp; lokaliteta&nbsp; u&nbsp; Lipničkom &Scaron;oru,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; se&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkare&nbsp; na&nbsp; teritoriji&nbsp; Crne&nbsp; Bare mogu&nbsp; okarakterisati&nbsp; kao&nbsp; eutrofna&nbsp; jezera.Vrednosti&nbsp; LHMS&nbsp; (modifikacionog)&nbsp; skora&nbsp; za &scaron;ljunkare kretale su se u rasponu od 9&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 15, dok su vrednosti LHQA skora (stani&scaron;nog diverziteta) bile u rasponu izmeĊu 33&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 44. Sliĉne vrednosti za&nbsp; LHQA&nbsp; skor&nbsp; su&nbsp; izraĉunate&nbsp; i&nbsp; za&nbsp; prirodna fluvijalna&nbsp; jezera&nbsp; (36&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 49).&nbsp; MeĊutim,&nbsp; vrednosti<br />LHMS&nbsp; skora&nbsp; za&nbsp; prirodna&nbsp; fluvijalna&nbsp; jezera&nbsp; su znaĉajno&nbsp; veće&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; LHMS skora za &scaron;ljunkare. Ovi podaci ukazuju na manje prisustvo&nbsp; antropogenog&nbsp; pritiska&nbsp; na&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkarama u poređenju sa prirodnim fluvijalnim jezerima uistraţivanom&nbsp; podruĉju.&nbsp; Fizičko -hemijski&nbsp; i hidromorfolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; parametri&nbsp; zajedno&nbsp; su&nbsp; objasnili 57.07&nbsp; %&nbsp; od&nbsp; ukupne&nbsp; varijanse&nbsp; vegetacijskih podataka,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; 16.57&nbsp; %&nbsp; deljenog&nbsp; efekta.&nbsp; Fizičkohemijski&nbsp; parametri&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; vode&nbsp; objasnili&nbsp; su 17.02&nbsp; %&nbsp; varijabilnosti&nbsp; u&nbsp; strukturi&nbsp; makrofitske vegetacije.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; najsignifikantniji&nbsp; parametri<br />izdvojili&nbsp; su&nbsp; se:&nbsp; saturacija&nbsp; vode&nbsp; kiseonikom,ukupni&nbsp; organski&nbsp; ugljenik,&nbsp; povr&scaron;inski&nbsp; aktivne materije, temperatura, elektroprovodljivost, pH i ukpni&nbsp; alkalitet.&nbsp; Hidromorfolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; parametri&nbsp; su objasnili&nbsp; 23.48&nbsp; %&nbsp; varijabilnosti&nbsp; u&nbsp; strukturi makrofitske&nbsp; vegetacije.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; najsignifikantnije varijable,&nbsp; izdvojile&nbsp; su&nbsp; se:&nbsp; struktura&nbsp; vegetacije&nbsp; u priobalnoj&nbsp; zoni,&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; tipova stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; priobalne&nbsp; zone,&nbsp; prirodnost&nbsp; obale, diverzitet&nbsp; prirodnog&nbsp; supstrata&nbsp; litorala,masimalna dubina &scaron;ljunkara, povr&scaron;ina &scaron;ljunkara,indeks relativne dubine, udaljenost &scaron;ljunkara od glavnog&nbsp; reĉnog&nbsp; toka&nbsp; i&nbsp; starost&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkara. Hidrolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; parametri&nbsp; su&nbsp; objasnili&nbsp; 8.38&nbsp; % varijabilnosti u strukturi&nbsp; makrofitske vegetacije. Kao&nbsp; najsignifikantnije&nbsp; varijable,&nbsp; izdvojile&nbsp; su&nbsp; se broj plavnih talasa u vegetacionoj sezoni tokom godine u kojoj je vr&scaron;eno uzorkovanje vegetacije i broj plavnih talasa u prolećnom periodu za sve četiri&nbsp; godine.&nbsp; Ovi&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; potvrđuju&nbsp; direktni destruktivni&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; plavnih&nbsp; talasa&nbsp; na&nbsp; vodenu vegetaciju u vegetacionoj sezoni, kao i indirektni uticaj prolećnih poplava, usled uticaja na trofički status&nbsp; vode.&nbsp; Sumarno,&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkare&nbsp; u&nbsp; plavnom području&nbsp; reke&nbsp; Drine&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; optimalno stani&scaron;te&nbsp; za&nbsp; razvoj&nbsp; retke&nbsp; i&nbsp; ugroţene&nbsp; makrofitske flore.&nbsp; Od&nbsp; ukupnog&nbsp; broja&nbsp; zabeleženih&nbsp; vrsta makrofita,&nbsp; 30&nbsp; %&nbsp; se&nbsp; kategori&scaron;e&nbsp; kao&nbsp; za&scaron;tićeno&nbsp; ili ugroženo na nacionalnom nivou.&nbsp; Značajno veće vrednosti&nbsp; konzervacionih&nbsp; indeksa&nbsp; ustanovljene su&nbsp; za&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkare&nbsp; u&nbsp; poređenju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; prirodnim fluvijalnim jezerima, &scaron;to ukazuje na njihov visok ekolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; potencijal.&nbsp; Ustanovljen&nbsp; je&nbsp; visok diverzitet&nbsp; prioritetnih&nbsp; tipova&nbsp; akvatiĉnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta prema&nbsp; Pravilniku&nbsp; o&nbsp; kriterijumima&nbsp; za&nbsp; izdvajanje tipova&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; o&nbsp; tipovima&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; osetljivim, ugroženim,&nbsp; retkim&nbsp; i&nbsp; za&nbsp; za&scaron;titu&nbsp; prioritetnim tipovima&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; o&nbsp; merama&nbsp; za&scaron;tite&nbsp; za&nbsp; njihovo očuvanje, Aneksu I, Direktive Evropske unije oza&scaron;titi&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; divlje&nbsp; flore&nbsp; i&nbsp; faune (Natura&nbsp; 2000),&nbsp; Rezoluciji&nbsp; br.&nbsp; 4&nbsp; Konvencije&nbsp; o očuvanju&nbsp; evropske&nbsp; divlje&nbsp; flore&nbsp; i&nbsp; faune&nbsp; i prirodnih&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta (EMERALD)&nbsp; i&nbsp; Evropskoj crvenoj&nbsp; listi&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta.&nbsp; Vrednosti&nbsp; izdvojenih atributa&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkara&nbsp; mogli&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; iskoristiti&nbsp; u procesu&nbsp; ranog&nbsp; planiranja&nbsp; i&nbsp; projektovanja eksploatacionih&nbsp; polja&nbsp; u&nbsp; plavnom&nbsp; području&nbsp; reke Drine&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; drugim,&nbsp; sličnim&nbsp; lokalitetima. Generalna preporuka je da se dva tipa &scaron;ljunkara kreiraju&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; jednog&nbsp; eksploatacionog&nbsp; polja. Prvi&nbsp; tip,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkare&nbsp; koje&nbsp; bi&nbsp; podržavale pionirsku&nbsp; vegetaciju&nbsp; pr&scaron;ljenčica&nbsp; trebale&nbsp; bi&nbsp; da budu locirane na razdaljini do 100 m od glavnog rečnog&nbsp; toka,&nbsp; povr&scaron;ine&nbsp; do&nbsp; 1000&nbsp; m 2 i&nbsp; da&nbsp; imaju vrednost indeksa relativne dubine &gt; 5 %. Drugi tip&nbsp; &scaron;ljunkara&nbsp; koje&nbsp; bi&nbsp; podržavale&nbsp; vegetaciju karakterističnu&nbsp; za&nbsp; nizijska&nbsp; fluvijalna&nbsp; jezera trebale bi da budu locirane na razdaljani od oko 300 m od glavnog rečnog toka, dubine 3&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 4&nbsp; m (najmanje 2 m), povr&scaron;ine između 10000 i 20000 m <sup>2 </sup>(najmanje&nbsp; 4000&nbsp; m<sup> 2</sup> ),&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; vrednosti indeksa relativne dubine, ali&nbsp; ne preko 5 %. Sva eksploataciona&nbsp; polja&nbsp; bi&nbsp; trebalo&nbsp; isplanirati&nbsp; i isprojektovati&nbsp; kako&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; minimizirao&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; na priobalnu&nbsp; i&nbsp; obalnu&nbsp; zonu.&nbsp; Pridržavanjem&nbsp; datih smernica&nbsp; povećao&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvalitet stani&scaron;ta,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; konzervacioni&nbsp; potencijal &scaron;ljunkara. Kreiranjem &scaron;ljunkara na naĉin kao &scaron;to je predloženo u ovoj disertaciji omogućila bi se spontana&nbsp; rekultivacija&nbsp; eksploatacionih polja,odnosno&nbsp; remedijacija&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; pobolj&scaron;anja kvaliteta vode i renaturalizacija stani&scaron;ta, čime bi se&nbsp; znatno&nbsp; smanjili,&nbsp; ili&nbsp; u&nbsp; potpunosti&nbsp; eliminisali, tro&scaron;kovi tehničke rekultivacije terena.</p> / <p>Gravel pit lakes in the river floodplains represent a kind of ecological paradox. Gravel exploitation was recognised&nbsp; as&nbsp; important&nbsp; factor&nbsp; significantlyaffecting&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; biodiversity.&nbsp; On the&nbsp; other&nbsp; hand,&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; are&nbsp; valuable biodiversity&nbsp; refugiums,&nbsp; potentially&nbsp; supporting rarae&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; habitats.&nbsp; The&nbsp; aim&nbsp; of&nbsp; this dissertation&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; most significant&nbsp; and&nbsp; relevant&nbsp; hydromorphological parameters&nbsp; in&nbsp; structuring&nbsp; macrophyte assemblages&nbsp; in gravel pit&nbsp; lakes along the Drina River floodplain and to determine the correlation between&nbsp; selected&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; and&nbsp; macrophyte quantitative&nbsp; indices.&nbsp; The&nbsp; research&nbsp; was&nbsp; carried out at the 18 gravel pit lakes (60 survey sectors) in&nbsp; Crna&nbsp; Bara,&nbsp; Badovinci&nbsp; and&nbsp; Lipnicki&nbsp; Sor&nbsp; and four natural fluvial lakes (13 survey sectors), in the&nbsp; Drina&nbsp; River&nbsp; floodplain&nbsp; during&nbsp; the&nbsp; summer months&nbsp; of&nbsp; 2015,&nbsp; 2016,&nbsp; 2017&nbsp; and&nbsp; 2018.Macrophyte&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; was&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; in&nbsp; all&nbsp; 18 gravel pit lakes, in total supporting 31 taxa.&nbsp; The most&nbsp; abundant&nbsp; species,&nbsp; with&nbsp; highest&nbsp; tot al&nbsp; cover value&nbsp; were <em>Potamogeton</em>&nbsp; <em>nodosus,Ceratophyllum&nbsp;</em> demersum&nbsp; subsp.&nbsp; demersum,<em> Myriophyllum&nbsp; spicatum,&nbsp;</em> <em>Najas&nbsp; marina&nbsp;</em> and<em> Chara&nbsp; globularis</em>.&nbsp; Fluvial&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; supported&nbsp; 13 macrophyte&nbsp; taxa&nbsp; with&nbsp;<em> Vallisneria&nbsp; spiralis, Elodea&nbsp; canadensis,&nbsp; Callitriche&nbsp; palustris,Potamogeton&nbsp;</em> <em>natans&nbsp;</em> and&nbsp;<em> Nuphar&nbsp; lutea</em>&nbsp; as constant and dominant&nbsp; species.&nbsp; The values of all macrophyte&nbsp; quantitative&nbsp; indices&nbsp; found&nbsp; to&nbsp; be significantly&nbsp; higher&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes compared&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; fluvial&nbsp; ones.&nbsp; The&nbsp; cluster analysis&nbsp; revealed&nbsp; 14&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; groups (VG).&nbsp; At&nbsp; 16&nbsp; out&nbsp; of&nbsp; 18&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; 13 vegetation&nbsp; groups&nbsp; were&nbsp; revealed:&nbsp; VG1<em>Ceratophyllum&nbsp; demersum</em>,&nbsp; VG2&nbsp; <em>Ceratophyllum demersum- Valisneria&nbsp; spiralis</em>,&nbsp; VG3&nbsp;<em> Chara contraria</em>,&nbsp; VG4&nbsp; <em>Chara&nbsp; globularis</em>,&nbsp; VG5&nbsp;<em> Elodea&nbsp; canadensis,</em>&nbsp; VG6&nbsp;<em> Elodea&nbsp; nuttallii,</em>&nbsp; VG7&nbsp; <em>Najas marina,&nbsp;</em> VG8&nbsp;<em> Najas&nbsp; minor,</em>&nbsp; VG9&nbsp; <em>Nitellopsis obtusa</em>,&nbsp; VG10&nbsp; <em>Nuphar&nbsp; lutea,</em>&nbsp; VG11 <em>Potamogeton&nbsp; nodosus</em>,&nbsp; VG12&nbsp; <em>Potamogeton natans,</em> VG13&nbsp;<em> Potamogeton pectinatus</em>), Natural fluvial&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; supported&nbsp; 4&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; groups: VG5&nbsp; <em>Elodea&nbsp; canadensis</em>,&nbsp; VG10&nbsp; <em>Nuphar&nbsp; lutea</em>, VG12&nbsp; <em>Potamogeton&nbsp; natans&nbsp;</em> and&nbsp; VG14&nbsp;<em> Typha latifolia</em>.&nbsp; All&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; can&nbsp; be characterized&nbsp; as&nbsp; water&nbsp; bodies&nbsp; with&nbsp; good&nbsp; to maximal&nbsp; ecological&nbsp; potential,&nbsp; while&nbsp; all&nbsp; the fluvial ones can be characterized as water bidies with&nbsp; poor&nbsp; to&nbsp; moderate&nbsp; ecological&nbsp; status.&nbsp; The values&nbsp; of&nbsp; total&nbsp; suspended&nbsp; supstances,&nbsp; chemical and&nbsp; biological&nbsp; oxygen&nbsp; demand,&nbsp; total&nbsp; organic carbon&nbsp; and&nbsp; nitrates&nbsp; were&nbsp; significantly&nbsp; higher&nbsp; in the natural&nbsp; fluvial&nbsp; lakes compared to the gravel pit&nbsp; ones.&nbsp; Measured&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; physico-chemical parameters&nbsp; indicating&nbsp; mesotrophic&nbsp; character&nbsp; of gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; in&nbsp; Badovinci&nbsp; and&nbsp; mesoeutrophic&nbsp; in&nbsp; Lipnicki&nbsp; Sor,&nbsp; while&nbsp; all&nbsp; the&nbsp; gravel pits&nbsp; in&nbsp; Crna&nbsp; Bara&nbsp; could&nbsp; be&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; as eutrophic.&nbsp; Similar&nbsp; range&nbsp; values&nbsp; were&nbsp; calculated for&nbsp; LHQA&nbsp; for&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; and&nbsp; fluvial&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; (36 &ndash; 49). However, natural lakes&nbsp; showed significantly higher&nbsp; values&nbsp; for&nbsp; LHMS&nbsp; score.&nbsp; The&nbsp; above mentioned,&nbsp; indicates&nbsp; higher&nbsp; anthropogenic pressures&nbsp; on&nbsp; natural&nbsp; fluvial&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; compared&nbsp; to gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; ones.&nbsp; Physico-chemical&nbsp; and hydromorphological&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; together explained&nbsp; about&nbsp; 57&nbsp; %&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; total&nbsp; variance&nbsp; of macrophyte&nbsp; assemblages&nbsp; with&nbsp; 16.57&nbsp; %&nbsp; of&nbsp; the shared effect. After accounting for the effects of physico-chemical&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; (17.02&nbsp; %), hydromorphological&nbsp; variables&nbsp; explained&nbsp; around 23 % of the total variance.&nbsp; The most significant water&nbsp; quality variables&nbsp; were: oxygen saturation, total&nbsp; organic&nbsp; carbon,&nbsp; surfactants, ,electroconductivity,&nbsp; pH&nbsp; and total alkalinity. The The most significant hydromorphology&nbsp; variables for&nbsp; structuring&nbsp; macrophyte&nbsp; assemblages&nbsp; were: riparian&nbsp; vegetation&nbsp; structural&nbsp; complexity, diversity&nbsp; of&nbsp; natural&nbsp; landcover&nbsp; types&nbsp; in&nbsp; riparianzone, shore structural habitat&nbsp; diversity, diversity of&nbsp; natural littoral zone, maximal&nbsp; lake depth, lake surface&nbsp; area,&nbsp; relative&nbsp; depth&nbsp; ratio,&nbsp; lake&nbsp; distance from&nbsp; r iver&nbsp; main&nbsp; channel&nbsp; and&nbsp; lake&nbsp;&nbsp; age.Hydrologycal parameters were explained 8.38 % of&nbsp; variance&nbsp; in&nbsp; structuring&nbsp; macrophyte assemblages.&nbsp; The&nbsp; most&nbsp; significant&nbsp; hydrology variables&nbsp; were&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; floods&nbsp; in vegetation&nbsp; season&nbsp; in&nbsp; first&nbsp; year&nbsp; when&nbsp; vegetation was sampled, and the number of spring floods in all four research years. These results&nbsp;&nbsp; confirm the direct destructive influence of summer floods&nbsp; on aquatic vegetation, as&nbsp;&nbsp; well as the indirect impact of&nbsp; spring&nbsp; floods,&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; impact&nbsp; on&nbsp; trophic status&nbsp; of&nbsp; water.&nbsp; Gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; in&nbsp; te&nbsp; Drina River floodplain&nbsp; represent an optimal habitat&nbsp;&nbsp; for rare&nbsp; and&nbsp; threatened&nbsp; macrophyte&nbsp; flora.&nbsp; Of&nbsp; the total&nbsp; macrophyte&nbsp; species&nbsp; recorded,&nbsp; 30&nbsp; %&nbsp; were categorized&nbsp; as&nbsp; protected&nbsp; or threatened.&nbsp; At&nbsp; least one&nbsp; strictly&nbsp; protected,&nbsp; protected&nbsp; or&nbsp; threatened species&nbsp; was&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; in&nbsp; each&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lake. Significantly&nbsp; higher&nbsp; values&nbsp; of&nbsp; conservation indices&nbsp; (C&nbsp; and&nbsp; Csp&nbsp; score)&nbsp; found&nbsp; to&nbsp; be significantly&nbsp; higher&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes compared&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; fluvial&nbsp; ones.&nbsp; High&nbsp; habitat diversity&nbsp; and&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; value&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; sites have&nbsp; been&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; according&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; National Rulebook,&nbsp; Annex&nbsp; I&nbsp; of&nbsp; Habitats&nbsp; Directive (NATURA 2000), Resolution&nbsp; no. 4 of the Bern Convention (EMERALD) and the European Red List&nbsp; of&nbsp; Habitats.&nbsp; Values&nbsp; of&nbsp; selected&nbsp; lake attributes can be used for early-design phases of future&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; extraction&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; Drina&nbsp; River floodplain&nbsp; area,&nbsp; and&nbsp; in&nbsp; other&nbsp; similar&nbsp; sites. Therefore,&nbsp; general&nbsp; recommendations&nbsp; are&nbsp; that two gravel pit types should be excavated within the&nbsp; single&nbsp; extraction&nbsp; area&nbsp; in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; support pioneering charophyte vegetation and vegetation of typical eutrophic lowland floodplain lakes as well.&nbsp; The&nbsp; first&nbsp; hydromorphological&nbsp; lake&nbsp; type, suitable&nbsp; for&nbsp; stonewort&nbsp; species,&nbsp; should&nbsp; be excavated up to 100 m from river main channel, saving&nbsp; a&nbsp; surface&nbsp; area&nbsp; up&nbsp; to&nbsp; 1000&nbsp; m 2 and&nbsp; a relative depth ratio &gt; 5 %. The second gravel pit type&nbsp; should&nbsp; be&nbsp; located&nbsp; about&nbsp; 300&nbsp; m&nbsp; from&nbsp; river main channel, with preferable maximal depth inrange&nbsp; 3&ndash;4&nbsp; m&nbsp; (at&nbsp; least&nbsp; 2&nbsp; m&nbsp; depth),&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; lake surface area between 10000 m 2 and 20000 m 2 (at least&nbsp; 4000&nbsp; m 2 ).&nbsp; Relative&nbsp; depth&nbsp; ratio&nbsp; may&nbsp; vary, but should be less than 5 %. Generally, all sites should&nbsp; be&nbsp; designed&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; minimal&nbsp; impact to the&nbsp; riparian&nbsp; and&nbsp; shore&nbsp; zones.&nbsp; These&nbsp; proposed measures&nbsp; would&nbsp; considerably&nbsp; increase&nbsp; lake habitat diversity and their conservation potential. Creating&nbsp; gravel&nbsp; pit&nbsp; lakes&nbsp; as&nbsp; proposed&nbsp; in&nbsp; this dissertation&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; would&nbsp; allow&nbsp; spontaneous recultivation&nbsp; of&nbsp; exploitation&nbsp; fields,&nbsp; remediation in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; improve&nbsp; water&nbsp; quality&nbsp; and renaturalization&nbsp; of&nbsp; habitats,&nbsp; which&nbsp; will significantly reduce, or completely eliminate, the costs of terrain technical recultivation.</p>

Inventering av kärlväxter i Vapnö grustäkt

Sjövall, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Höga kvävenedfall och förändringar inom jord- och skogsbruk har lett till igenväxning av svenska sandmarker. Sand- och grustäkter kan fungera som tillflyktsort för kärlväxtarter som är beroende av de torra och näringsfattiga markförhållanden som finns i sandmarker. Vapnö grustäkt i Hallands län undersöktes 2010 och visade sig ha en hög biologisk mångfald med bland annat 145 kärlväxtarter, varav fyra rödlistade. Syftet med den här studien var att se hur artsammansättningen av kärlväxter ser ut idag, sju år senare. Området inventerades vid tio tillfällen från april till augusti och samtliga kärlväxtarter noterades. Resultatet blev en lista på 224 arter varav 63 var återfynd från 2010 och 161 var nya arter för området. Det fanns fem rödlistade arter: Knippnejlika (Dianthus armeria) (EN), hårginst (Genista pilosa) (NT), backtimjan (Thymus serpyllum) (NT), skogsalm (Ulmus glabra) (CR) och naverlönn (Acer campestre) (CR). Det totala antalet arter och rödlistade arter har ökat sen 2010, vilket tyder på en positiv utveckling av områdets biologiska mångfald. Den höga artmångfalden beror troligen på det öppna, varierande landskapet och de rödlistade arterna växer där tack vare den alltmer ovanliga sandmarken. Områdets mångfald av kärlväxter hotas av igenväxning samt konkurrens från de invasiva arterna blomsterlupin (Lupinus polyphyllus) och parkslide (Fallopia japonica). Detta kan motverkas av störningar i form av slåtter, uppgrävning, naturvårdsbränning eller bete. / Nitrogen deposition and changes in agriculture and forestry have led to a decrease of sandy habitats in Sweden due to regrowth of vegetation. Sand- and gravelpits can act as refuges for vascular plants that require the dry and nutrient-poor conditions of sandy soils. Vapnö gravelpit in Halland county in Sweden was surveyed in 2010 and proved to hold a high biodiversity including 145 species of vascular plants, of which four were red-listed. Now, seven years later, the purpose of this study was to see how the composition of vascular plants has changed since then. The area was studied on ten occasions from April to August, and all species of vascular plants were noted. The study resulted in a list of 224 species, of which 63 were remaining since 2010 and 161 were new species for the area. There were five red-listed species: Dianthus armeria (EN), Genista pilosa (NT), Thymus serpyllum (NT), Ulmus glabra (CR) and Acer campestre (CR). The total number of species and red-listed species have increased, suggesting a positive development of the biodiversity of the area. The high species diversity is probably due to the open, varied landscape and the presence of the red-listed species due to the increasingly rare sandy habitat. The diversity of vascular plants in the area is threatened by regrowth of vegetation, as well as the invasive species Lupinus polyphyllus and Fallopia japonica. These threats can be counteracted by disturbance in the form of mowing or digging up plants, prescribed burning or grazing.

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