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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Densidade populacional e dinâmica do perfilhamento em capim-marandu submetido a estratégias de pastejo rotativo e adubação nitrogenada / Tiller population density and tillering dynamics in marandu palisade grass subjected to strategies of rotational stocking management and nitrogen fertilisation

Cleunice Auxiliadora Fialho 21 July 2011 (has links)
O perfilhamento é aspecto central da produtividade e perenidade de plantas forrageiras em pastagens, porém normalmente avaliado sob escalas reduzidas de experimentação (parcelas e piquetes). O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a densidade populacional de perfilhos e a dinâmica do perfilhamento em capim-marandu submetido a estratégias de pastejo rotativo e adubação nitrogenada em experimento de grande escala (pastejo) durante uma estação de crescimento das plantas forrageiras (outubro de 2009 a maio de 2010). Os tratamentos corresponderam a duas metas de altura pré-pastejo (25 e 35 cm) e duas doses de fertilizante nitrogenado (50 e 200 kg ha- 1 ano de N) (designados como 25/50, 25/200, 35/50 e 35/200) e foram alocados às unidades experimentais (EU) segundo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Cada UE foi formada por 6 piquetes de 0,5 ha cada, os quais foram manejados como unidades auto-contidas. Foram utilizados animais da raça Nelore em número variável de conformidade com a necessidade de ajustes em taxa de lotação para manutenção das metas pré-pastejo. A meta de altura pós-pastejo foi única (15 cm), porém permitida variar acima do valor estipulado como forma de gerar flexibilidade e permitir a manutenção das metas de altura pré-pastejo. As variáveis analisadas foram: massa de forragem e relação folha/colmo, densidade populacional de perfilhos inicial (DPPi), intermediária (DPPm) e final (DPPf), taxas de aparecimento (TAP) e morte (TMP) e índice de estabilidade da população de perfilhos (IE). A DPPi foi semelhante para todos os tratamentos, porém as diferenças foram se acentuando ao longo da estação de crescimento, resultando em maior DPPf nos pastos manejados com a altura pré-pastejo 25 cm. De forma geral, pastos manejados a 35 cm apresentaram maior massa de forragem e menor relação folha/colmo em pré e póspastejo, caracterizando níveis distintos de competição por luz durante a rebrotação e de severidades de desfolhação, influenciando a dinâmica do perfilhamento. A mortalidade de perfilhos foi maior nos pastos manejados a 35 cm, com diferenças em aparecimento sendo registradas somente a partir de fevereiro de 2010, quando houve redução do aparecimento de perfilhos nos pastos manejados a 25 cm. Como consequência o balanço mensal entre aparecimento e morte nos pastos manejados a 35 cm foi menor, o que resultou em menor DDPf ao final do experimento. Pastos manejados a 25 cm apresentaram maior estabilidade da população de perfilhos, sugerindo melhores condições de crescimento e manutenção de plantas na área. O nitrogênio modificou apenas o timing de ocorrência dos efeitos dos tratamentos de pastejo sobre as plantas, conseqüência da modificação da velocidade de crescimento das mesmas. Os resultados demonstram a importância estratégica desse tipo de avaliação em experimentos de larga escala por permitem que inferências sejam feitas sobre a estabilidade da população de plantas além da produção de forragem e desempenho animal. A melhor estratégia de manejo foi aquela de altura pré-pastejo 25 cm, independente da dose de N utilizada, realçando a importância da colheita adequada e eficiente da forragem produzida antes do uso da adubação nitrogenada. / Tillering plays a central role in determining the productivity and the stability of forage grasses in pastures, but is normally evaluated under reduced scales of observation (plot and paddock scale experiments). The objective of this experiment was to evaluate tiller population density and tillering dynamics of marandu palisadegrass subjected to strategies of rotational stocking management and nitrogen fertilisation in a large scale grazing-type experiment during an entire plant growth season (October 2009 to May 2010). Treatments corresponded to combinations between two pre-grazing heights (25 and 35 cm) and two levels of nitrogen application (50 and 200 kg ha-1 year-1) (designated as 25/50, 25/200, 35/50 and 35/200), and were allocated to experimental units according to a complete randomised block design, with four replications. Each experimental unit was comprised of six 0.5 ha paddocks, and were managed as farmlets using Nellore steers in variable number in accordance with the need of adjustments in stocking rate to allow grazing to be executed according to management specifications for individual treatments. Target post-grazing height was 15 cm, but fluctuated above that as a means to contribute to maintain target pre-grazing heights. The following response-variables were studied: herbage mass and leaf/stem ratio; tiller population density at the beginning (TPDi), middle (TPDm) and end (TPDf) of the experimental period; and tiller population stability index (SI). TPDi was similar for all treatments, but differences became more pronounced during the experiment, resulting in larger TPDf on swards managed at 25 cm. In general, swards managed at 35 cm had larger herbage mass and smaller leaf/stem ratio at pre and post-grazing, characterising distinct levels of competition for light during regrowth and of severities of grazing, influencing tillering dynamics. Tiller death was larger on swards managed at 35 cm, with differences in tiller appearance being recorded only from February 2010 onwards, when there was a reduction in tiller appearance on swards managed at 25 cm. As a consequence, the monthly balance between tiller appearance and death on swards managed at 35 cm was smaller, resulting in lower TPDf. Swards managed at 25 cm showed larger stability of tiller population, suggesting better growth conditions and plant persistence. Nitrogen modified only the timing of occurrence of grazing treatment effects on plants, consequence of modifications caused in how fast plants grew. The results demonstrate the strategic importance of this type of study in large scale grazing experiments, since they allow inferences to be made regarding plant population stability in addition to those related to herbage production and animal performance. The most adequate grazing strategy corresponded to the pre-grazing height of 25 cm, regardless of the nitrogen application rate used, highlighting the importance of efficient harvest of the produced herbage before implementing the use of nitrogen fertilisation in the system.

Intensidade e frequência de desfolhação como definidores da estrutura do dossel, da morfogênese e do valor nutritivo da Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk sob lotação intermitente / Defoliation intensity and frequency as determinants of sward structure, morphogenesis, and forage nutritive value of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk under intermittent grazing

Jorge Nunes Portela 19 November 2010 (has links)
O capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk) tem grande importância para sistemas de produção pecuários no Brasil, notadamente em regiões com baixa fertilidade natural do solo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar efeitos de duas intensidades (5 e 10 cm de altura pós-pastejo) e duas frequências de desfolhação (descanso até 95 e 100% de interceptação luminosa, IL, para início do pastejo) como definidores da estrutura do dossel, da morfogênese e do valor nutritivo da B.decumbens cv. Basilisk sob lotação intermitente. O estudo foi conduzido em Brotas - SP. O período experimental foi de Jan 2007 a Ago 2008, compreendendo sete épocas (Verão/2007, Outono/2007, Inverno/2007, Final de primavera/2007, Verão/2008, Outono/2008 e Inverno/2008) para as variáveis: produção de forragem, composição morfológica, índice de área foliar (IAF), altura de dossel, IL e valor nutritivo de folhas. Para características morfogênicas, densidade e demografia de perfilhos, o período foi de Ago 2007 a Ago 2008 e para valor nutritivo da forragem de Jan 2008 a Ago 2008. Os tratamentos foram quatro combinações possíveis entre as duas intensidades e frequências de desfolhação, em arranjo fatorial, com quatro repetições num delineamento inteiramente casualizado.O manejo com 100% IL resultou em produção total de 17,1 Mg MS ha-1, enquanto que para 95% IL a produção foi de 14,2 Mg MS ha-1. Pastos sob a estratégia 100% IL resultaram em maior produção de colmos e material morto, e maior IAF-pré pastejo. A intensidade de 10 cm promoveu maior produção de forragem e colmos (16,6 e 4,4 Mg MS ha-1), e maior IL e IAF no pós-pastejo. As maiores taxas de aparecimento de folhas (TAPF) e menores taxas de senescência foliar (TSF), alongamento (TALC) e acúmulo de colmo (TAFCM), na primavera de 2007 até outono de 2008 foram obtidas para 95% IL.As maiores taxas de acúmulo de folhas (TAFLM)no final da primavera ocorreram em pastos submetidos a 95% de IL e no verão e outono para o tratamento 10/95 (24,3, 26,8 e 23,3 kg MS ha-1 dia-1). De forma geral, o tratamento 10/95 resultou em altas taxas de aparecimento e de sobrevivência de perfilhos basais nas épocas com maior disponibilidade nos fatores de crescimento, épocas em que também foram encontrados os maiores teoresem proteína bruta (PB) de folhas para 95% IL, enquanto adigestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO)de folhas foi maior para a intensidade de 10 cm. As menores DIVMOs da forragem foram encontradas nos pastos que receberam a combinação 5/100, indicando que períodos longos de descanso e intensidades altasde pastejo resultam na produção de forragem de baixo valor nutritivo. A altura de dossel no pré-pastejo para o manejo com 95% IL ficou próximo a 16 cm e para 100% IL em 22 cm. A desfolhação do capim-braquiária deve ser realizada até10 cm uma vez que isto resulta em rebrotações rápidas e, quando associado à frequência de 95% IL, permite que animais em pastejo tenham acesso a forragem com maior participação de folhas e menor de material morto e colmo. / Signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. cv. Basilisk) is an important forage resource in Brazilian livestock systems, mainly where soil natural fertility is low. The objective in this study was to investigate the effects of two intensities (5 and 10 cm stubble) and two frequencies of defoliation (rest periods determined by 95 or 100% light interception LI by the canopy) as determinants of sward structure, morphogenesis, and forage nutritive value of B.decumbens cv. Basilisk under intermittent grazing. The work was carried out in Brotas, SP. The experimental period was from Jan 2007 through Aug 2008, divided in seven seasons (Summer/2007, Autumn/2007, Winter/2007, Late Spring/2007, Summer/2008, Autumn/2008 and Winter/2008) for the response variables: forage production, plant-part composition, leaf area index (LAI), sward height, LI, and leaf nutritive value. For the morphogenetic characteristics, tiller density, and tiller demography, the experimental period was from Aug 2007 through Aug 2008. For forage nutritive value, it was from Jan 2008 through Aug 2008. Treatments included all possible combinations among two grazing frequencies and two intensities, in a factorial arrangement of a completely randomized design. The 100% LI management resulted in total yield of 17.1 Mg DM ha-1, whereas for the 95% LI treatments total production was 14.2 Mg DM ha-1. Pastures under the 100% LI strategy produced more stem and dead material, as well as higher pregraze LAI. The 10-cm stubble resulted in higher forage and stem yield (16.6 and 4.4 Mg DM ha-1, respectively), as well as higher postgraze LI and LAI.The highest leaf appearance rates and lowest rates of leaf senescence, leaf elongation, and stem accumulation from Spring 2007 through Autumn 2008 were recorded for 95%LI. The highest rates of leaf accumulation in late spring were found in pastures under 95% LI, and in the summer and autumn for the 10/95 treatment (24.3, 26.8 and 23.3 kg DM ha-1 d-1, respectively). In general, the 10/95 treatment resulted in high rates of basal tiller appearance and survival, when the environmental conditions were favorable, which was also when crude protein concentration in leaves was highest under 95% LI, whereas in vitroorganic matter digestibility (IVOMD) of leaves was higher for the 10 cm stubble. The lowest IVOMDs were found in pastures receiving the 5/100 treatment combination, indicating that long rest periods combined with high grazing intensities result in forage of low nutritive value. Pregraze sward height for the 95%-LI managements was around 16 cm and for the 100%-LI, around 22 cm. Defoliation of signalgrass should not be lower than 10 cm height, since this results in rapid regrowth and, when associated with the 95%-LI frequency, allows animals to harvest forage with high proportion of leaves and low proportion of stem and dead material.

Význam regenerace ze semen pro změny druhového složení v důsledku pastvy / Seed regeneration as driver of vegetation changes in grazed grasslands

Kladivová, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Despite its long tradition in our country, livestock grazing almost disappeared from Czech landscape. This form of land use has winded down in the middle of 20th century, when compulsory co-operative farming was introduced. Decrease of pasturage is especially visible on fragmented areas of steep slopes and in dry places. These areas are often highly valuable and protected for its nature richness. When a grazing management is introduced, its effects on plant species communities are not clear. Also the exact mechanisms of vegetation changes caused by grazing are often unknown. In 2005, administration of PLA Český kras reinstated grazing management as a mean of preservation of dry grassland ecosystems. As part of this project I studied, how generative regeneration contributes to vegetation changes. The aim of the present study is to ascertain: a) how is seedling recruitment and survival affected by grazing, b) what are limitations of generative reproduction, and c) what is the contribution of soil seed bank to vegetation changes. In 2005, monitoring of seedling recruitment and survival had started, repetitive sowing experiment was performed and species composition of persistent seed bank was analyzed. Grazing had a positive effect on seedling - both numbers of seedling and their species composition....

A comparative approach to livestock-wildlife interactions in central Europe and sub-Saharan Africa

Rottstock, Thomas 29 September 2021 (has links)
Diese Dissertation, befasst sich mit Wechselwirkungen zwischen Weidevieh und Wildtieren und basiert auf der Hypothese, dass sich stark transformierte europäische Landschaften und weniger gestörte afrikanische Savannen gegenseitig als Referenz dienen können. Aufgrund von Parallelen in der Domestikationsgeschichte, fungieren europäische und afrikanische Hausrinder als theoretischer Rahmen. Die Daten wurden mittels Kamerafallen und Interviews in vier Fallstudien erhoben. Die Untersuchungsgebiete befinden sich in räumlicher Nähe zu Schutzgebieten in Deutschland (Nationalpark Unteres Odertal und Naturpark Westhavelland), Namibia (Etosha Nationalpark) und Tansania (Serengeti Nationalpark). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bestimmte Praktiken des Weidemanagements in Deutschland Potential haben, die Nachhaltigkeit der Weidetierhaltung in Afrika zu erhöhen. In Afrika sind die Reaktionen der Wildtierzönosen auf verschiedene Weidesysteme stärker ausgeprägt als in Europa. Ein gemeinsames Phänomen in allen Fallstudien sind hohe Konflikte mit streng geschützten Wildarten. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Agrobiodiversität nur erfolgreich geschützt werden kann, wenn Managementstrategien den Anforderungen der Landwirte gerecht werden. Es gibt Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den Untersuchungsgebieten in Deutschland und privatem Farmland in Namibia. Sorgfältige Anpassungen an die standortspezifischen Bedingungen sind erforderlich wenn ein in Europa entwickeltes Weidesystem in Afrika praktiziert wird. Die Ergebnisse aus Tansania sind ein Indikator für die extreme Veränderung der Landschaft und ausgeprägte Mensch-Wildtier-Konflikte. Besonders dort, wo Rinder hohe kulturelle Bedeutung haben, ist es nötig, die Menschen für Nachhaltigkeit im Weidemanagement zu sensibilisieren. Traditionelle Praktiken des schwindenden Pastoralismus erscheinen vielversprechend um die Nachhaltigkeit der Weidehaltung auf kommunalem Land in Afrika zu erhöhen. / These comparative studies deal with the interactions between grazing cattle and wildlife. The thesis is based on the central hypothesis that strongly transformed European landscapes and less disturbed African savannas can provide each other a valuable reference. Due to parallels in the domestication history, European and African cattle function as theoretical framework of these studies. The data were collected via camera traps and interviews in four case studies. The study areas are in close vicinity to protected areas in Germany (Lower Oder Valley National Park and Westhavelland Nature Park), Namibia (Etosha National Park) and Tanzania (Serengeti National Park). The results show that certain practices of the pasture management in Germany have potential to increase the sustainability of livestock grazing in Africa. In Africa, the responses of the wildlife communities to different grazing systems are more pronounced than in Europe. A common phenomenon in all case studies is a high level of conflict with strictly protected wildlife species. The results suggest that agro-biodiversity can only be successfully protected if management strategies meet the requirements of farmers. There are several similarities between the study areas in Germany and private farmland in Namibia. Careful adaptation to the site-specific conditions is required when a grazing system developed in Europe is practiced in Africa. The results from Tanzania are an indicator of the extreme change in the landscape and pronounced human-wildlife conflicts. Especially where cattle are of high cultural value, it is necessary to sensitize people to sustainability in pasture management. Traditional practices of declining pastoralism appear promising to increase the sustainability of grazing on communal land in Africa.

Forage accumulation and nutritive value, canopy structure and grazing losses on Mulato II brachiariagrass under continuous and rotational stocking / Acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem, estrutura do dossel e perdas em pastejo em capim Mulato II sob lotação contínua e intermitente

Pedroso, Gabriel Baracat 30 July 2018 (has links)
Regardless of studies demonstrating that continuous and rotational stocking can promote equivalent animal productivities, rotational stocking is still commonly associated with the idea of intensification of production systems. Moreover, studies evaluating agronomic responses of plants to stocking methods are scarce. The objectives of the present study were to explain the effects of three stocking methods (continuous stocking - CS, lenient rotational stocking - LRS, and severe rotational stocking - SRS), combined by factorial combinations with two mean canopy heights (20 and 30 cm), on forage accumulation (FA) and nutritive value, canopy structure, and grazing losses (GL) of Mulato II brachiariagrass during the 2016/2017 summer rainy season in Piracicaba, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications. Stocking methods were imposed by height variations around the two mean canopy heights: 10% (mimicked continuous stocking), 25% (lenient rotational stocking), and 40% (severe rotational stocking), applied using a mob stocking protocol. Forage neutral detergent fiber concentration (NDF), stem proportion in the forage mass (FM) and leaf area index (LAI) under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were affected by the mean canopy height × stocking method interaction. Forage in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) and crude protein (CP) concentrations under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were affected by mean canopy height and stocking method. Leaf and dead material proportions in the FM under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were only affected by stocking method. Forage accumulation (8363 ± 1578 kg DM ha-1) and GL (5305 ± 585 kg DM ha-1) did not differ between treatments. For the 20-cm mean canopy height, CS, despite presenting the least LAI (3.3) and the greatest stem proportion in the FM (30%), promoted the least forage NDF concentration (531 g kg-1 DM). For the 30-cm mean canopy height, CS promoted the least forage NDF concentration (535 g kg-1 DM), SRS presented the greatest LAI (8.9), and LRS presented the least stem proportion in the FM (31%). Continuous stocking, despite presenting the least leaf proportion (32 %) and the greatest dead material proportion (35 %) in the FM, promoted the greatest forage IVDOM (609 g kg-1 DM) and CP (150 g kg-1 DM) concentrations. Severe rotational stocking, despite presenting the least dead material proportion (24 %) and the greatest leaf proportion (46%) in the FM, promoted the least forage IVDOM concentration (549 g kg-1 DM). Lenient rotational stocking, presented intermediate leaf (42 %) and dead material (29 %) proportions in the FM, and did not differ from the other stocking methods on forage IVDOM concentration (574 g kg-1 DM). In general, as mean canopy height decreased, LAI (from 6.6 to 4.8), dead material proportion in the FM (from 33 to 28 %) and forage NDF concentration (from 570 to 545 g kg-1 DM) declined, while forage IVDOM (from 554 to 600 g kg-1 DM) and CP (from 128 to 146 g kg-1 DM) concentrations increased. / Apesar de estudos demonstrarem que métodos de lotação contínua e rotativa podem promover níveis de produtividade animal equivalentes, a lotação rotativa permanece comumente associada à ideia de intensificação de sistemas de produção. Além disso, estudos agronômicos de respostas de plantas forrageiras aos métodos de lotação são escassos. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram explicar os efeitos de três métodos de lotação (lotação contínua - LC, lotação rotativa leniente - LRL e lotação rotativa severa - LRS) combinadas em arranjo fatorial com duas alturas médias de dossel (20 e 30 cm), sobre o acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem, estrutura de dossel e perdas de forragem por pastejo (PP) em pastos de capim Mulato II durante o verão agrostológico de 2016/2017 em Piracicaba, SP. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos cazualisados, com três repetições. Os métodos de lotação foram impostos por variações de 10% (lotação contínua mimetizada), 25% (lotação rotativa leniente) e 40% (lotação rotativa severa) em torno das duas alturas médias de dossel, aplicadas com o protocolo experimental do tipo \"mob stocking\". A concentração de fibra em detergente neutro da forragem (FDN), a proporção de colmos na massa de forragem (MF) e o índice de área foliar (IAF) do dossel sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetados pela interação altura média de dossel × método de lotação. A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO) e a concentração de proteína bruta (PB) da forragem sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetados por altura média de dossel e por método de lotação. As proporções de folhas e material morto na MF sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetadas apenas por método de lotação. Acúmulo de forragem (8363 ± 1578 kg MS ha-1) e PP (5305 ± 585 kg MS ha-1) não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Para a altura média de dossel de 20 cm, LC promoveu a menor concentração de FDN da forragem (531g kg-1 MS), apesar de apresentar os menores valores de IAF (3,3) e a maior proporção de colmos na MF (30 %). Para a altura média de dossel de 30 cm, LC promoveu a menor concentração de FDN da forragem (535 g kg-1 MS), LRS apresentou o maior valor de IAF (8,9) e LRL apresentou a menor proporção de colmos na MF (31 %). Lotação contínua, apesar de apresentar a menor proporção de folhas (32 %) e a maior proporção de material morto (35 %) na MF, promoveu a maior DIVMO (609 g kg-1 MS) e a maior concentração de PB (150 g kg-1 MS) da forragem. Lotação rotativa severa, apesar de apresentar a menor proporção de material morto (24 %) e a maior proporção de folhas (46%) na MF, promoveu a menor DIVMO da forragem (549 g kg-1 MS). Lotação rotativa leniente apresentou proporções intermediárias de folhas (42 %) e material morto (29%) na MF, e não diferiu dos demais métodos de lotação quanto à DIVMO da forragem (574 g kg-1 MS). Em geral, conforme a altura média de dossel diminuiu, os valores de IAF (de 6,6 para 4,8), proporção de colmos na MF (de 33 para 28 %) e concentração de FDN da forragem (de 570 para 545 g kg-1 MS) diminuíram, enquanto DIVMO (de 554 para 600 g kg-1 MS) e concentração de PB (de 128 para 146 g kg-1 MS) da forragem aumentaram.

Alternative grazing systems and pasture types for the South West of Western Australia : a bio-economic analysis

Sounness, Marcus Neil January 2005 (has links)
Alternative grazing systems and pasture types for wool production in the south west of Western Australia were analysed using bio-economic modelling techniques in order to determine their relative productivity and profitability. After reviewing the experimental and modelling literature on perennial pastures and grazing systems, seven case studies of farmers were conducted in order to investigate the practical application of innovative grazing systems and use of perennial pastures. Together these case studies provided information for identifying relevant variables and for calibrating the modelling work which followed. The core of the work lies in a bio-economic model for investigating the comparative value of the three grazing systems and two pasture families mentioned above. A baseline scenario using currently available and reliable scientific data provides baseline results, after which a number of sensitivity analyses provide further insights using variations of four key parameters: persistence, heterogeneity, water soluble carbohydrates, and increased losses. Results show that perennial pastures are in the studied region more profitable than annual pastures. Under current baseline conditions, continuous grazing with perennial pastures is the most profitable enterprise, but this superiority is not robust under parameter variations defined by other scenarios. The more robust solution in terms of enterprise profitability is cell grazing with perennial pastures. The results indicate that intensive grazing systems such as cell grazing have the potential to substantially increase the profitability of grazing operations on perennial pasture. This result is an encouraging one in light of its implications for water uptake and salinity control. It means that economics and land care can go hand in hand, rather than be competitive. It is to be noted that it is the choice of the grazing system in combination with the pasture species, rather then the pasture species itself, that allows for such complementarity between economics and sustainable land use. This research shows that if farmers adopt practices such as cell grazing they may be able to increase the area that they can profitably plant to perennial pasture thus reducing the impacts of dryland salinity. This finding is consistent with the findings of the case studies where the farmers perceived that, provided grazing was planned, increasing the intensity of their grazing management and the perenniallity of their pastures would result in an increase in the profitability of their grazing operation. As a result this research helps to bridge a gap which has existed in this area of research, between the results of scientific research and those reported in practice.

Linking demography with dispersal and habitat selection for species conservation

Pakanen, V.-M. (Veli-Matti) 29 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract In conservation biology, informed and sound management decisions depend on target specific information about the life history and demography of the endangered populations. I used long-term, individual-based life history data (breeding and capture-recapture data) to examine life-history and demography in order to assess population viability and management. My study systems consist of metapopulations of two endangered, long-distance migratory wader species breeding on Baltic coastal meadows, the Temminck’s stint (Calidris temminckii) and the Southern Dunlin (Calidris alpina schinzii), whose breeding habitats are mainly managed by livestock grazing. Demographic models indicated that both study populations were sinks, which persist through immigration due to low local recruitment insufficient to compensate for adult mortality or emigration. Philopatric Temminck’s stints had higher nest and apparent adult survival compared to immigrants. Consideration of dispersal status in population models resulted in the most realistic estimates of population growth and revealed a low demographic impact of immigrants. Immigrants had low return rates after reproductive failure, suggesting that the difference in apparent survival was partly caused by different breeding dispersal strategies. Thus, management actions improving reproduction, and thus site fidelity, should also influence viability. An artificial nest experiment indicated high trampling rates under recommended stocking rates on managed meadows. This was attributed to similar space use of nesting Dunlin and cattle. Cattle presence did not affect nest predation. Young Dunlin preferred intensively grazed low sward habitat over high sward habitat. Reproductive success was also higher in low sward habitat. However, nests in the preferred habitat had the highest risk of being trampled if not artificially protected. Thus, low sward habitat was found to work as an ecological trap if grazing was started too early in the breeding season. Due to the sink nature of the Dunlin population even small reductions in reproductive success caused by trampling were detrimental to long term viability. The results encourage continuation of the use of cattle grazing as a management tool, but also highlight the need for more detailed consideration of local grazing practices, especially when sketching management plans for endangered species. / Tiivistelmä Uhanalaisten lajien suojelussa tehokkaiden suojelutoimien suunnittelu edellyttää tietoa hoitokohteen elinkierron eri vaiheista ja niiden demografisesta merkityksestä. Käytän tutkimuksessani pitkäaikaisaineistoja (pesintä ja merkintä-takaisinpyynti) kuvatakseni tutkimuslajien demografiaa ja arvioidessani populaatioiden elinkykyä sekä hoitotoimia. Tutkimuskohteinani ovat lapinsirrin ja etelänsuosirrin, kahden uhanalaisen kahlaajan, Perämeren rantaniityillä pesivät metapopulaatiot. Näiden lajien elinympäristöjä hoidetaan pääosin laiduntamalla. Demografinen mallinnus osoitti molempien populaatioiden olevan nielupopulaatioita, joiden säilyminen on tulomuuton varassa sillä poikastuotto ei kompensoi aikuisten kuolleisuutta ja poismuuttoa. Tutkimusalueella syntyneiden ja sinne rekrytoituneiden lapinsirrien pesä- ja aikuissäilyvyydet olivat paremmat kuin tulomuuttajilla. Tämän huomioiminen populaatiomalleissa tuotti realistisimman kasvukertoimen arvion ja osoitti paikallisten rekryyttien olevan tulomuuttajia merkittävämpiä populaation kasvun kannalta. Pesinnässään onnistuneet tulomuuttajat palasivat seuraavina pesimäkausina epäonnistuneita todennäköisemmin. Paikallisilla rekryyteillä vastaavaa eroa ei havaittu. Ilmiö heijastellee tulomuuttajien muuttoalttiutta myöhemminkin ja voi kertoa erilaisista pesimädispersaalistrategioista. Lisääntymismenestyksen parantaminen voisi parantaa elinkykyä myös pienentämällä poismuuttoa. Tekopesäkokeen perusteella pesien tallausriski oli laidunnetuissa ympäristöissä korkea vaikka laidunnuspaine noudatteli hoitosuosituksia. Tämä johtunee ainakin osin laskennallista korkeammasta todellisesta laidunpaineesta, mikä puolestaan johtui lintujen ja karjan yhtäläisestä tilankäytöstä. Rekrytoituvat suosirrit suosivat voimakkaasti laidunnettuja matalakasvuisia niittyjä, joissa poikastuotto oli parempi kuin, laiduntamattomilla niityillä. Toisaalta, tallausriski on voimakkaasti laidunnetuilla niityillä suuri ja jo pienetkin pesätappiot uhkaavat suosirripopulaation elinkykyä. Täten laitumet voivat toimia ns. ekologisina loukkuina, jos laidunnus aloitetaan liian aikaisin suhteessa pesintään. Laidunnus on kuitenkin suositeltava hoitomuoto, sillä se näyttää tuottavan parhaita pesimäympäristöjä etelänsuosirrille. Tulosten mukaan laidunnuksen ajoitusta, laajuutta ja laidunnuspainetta on muokattava kohdekohtaisesti, jotta saavutetaan paras tulos uhanalaisten lajien suojelun kannalta.

Forage accumulation and nutritive value, canopy structure and grazing losses on Mulato II brachiariagrass under continuous and rotational stocking / Acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem, estrutura do dossel e perdas em pastejo em capim Mulato II sob lotação contínua e intermitente

Gabriel Baracat Pedroso 30 July 2018 (has links)
Regardless of studies demonstrating that continuous and rotational stocking can promote equivalent animal productivities, rotational stocking is still commonly associated with the idea of intensification of production systems. Moreover, studies evaluating agronomic responses of plants to stocking methods are scarce. The objectives of the present study were to explain the effects of three stocking methods (continuous stocking - CS, lenient rotational stocking - LRS, and severe rotational stocking - SRS), combined by factorial combinations with two mean canopy heights (20 and 30 cm), on forage accumulation (FA) and nutritive value, canopy structure, and grazing losses (GL) of Mulato II brachiariagrass during the 2016/2017 summer rainy season in Piracicaba, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications. Stocking methods were imposed by height variations around the two mean canopy heights: 10% (mimicked continuous stocking), 25% (lenient rotational stocking), and 40% (severe rotational stocking), applied using a mob stocking protocol. Forage neutral detergent fiber concentration (NDF), stem proportion in the forage mass (FM) and leaf area index (LAI) under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were affected by the mean canopy height × stocking method interaction. Forage in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) and crude protein (CP) concentrations under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were affected by mean canopy height and stocking method. Leaf and dead material proportions in the FM under continuous stocking and at pre-grazing under rotational stocking were only affected by stocking method. Forage accumulation (8363 ± 1578 kg DM ha-1) and GL (5305 ± 585 kg DM ha-1) did not differ between treatments. For the 20-cm mean canopy height, CS, despite presenting the least LAI (3.3) and the greatest stem proportion in the FM (30%), promoted the least forage NDF concentration (531 g kg-1 DM). For the 30-cm mean canopy height, CS promoted the least forage NDF concentration (535 g kg-1 DM), SRS presented the greatest LAI (8.9), and LRS presented the least stem proportion in the FM (31%). Continuous stocking, despite presenting the least leaf proportion (32 %) and the greatest dead material proportion (35 %) in the FM, promoted the greatest forage IVDOM (609 g kg-1 DM) and CP (150 g kg-1 DM) concentrations. Severe rotational stocking, despite presenting the least dead material proportion (24 %) and the greatest leaf proportion (46%) in the FM, promoted the least forage IVDOM concentration (549 g kg-1 DM). Lenient rotational stocking, presented intermediate leaf (42 %) and dead material (29 %) proportions in the FM, and did not differ from the other stocking methods on forage IVDOM concentration (574 g kg-1 DM). In general, as mean canopy height decreased, LAI (from 6.6 to 4.8), dead material proportion in the FM (from 33 to 28 %) and forage NDF concentration (from 570 to 545 g kg-1 DM) declined, while forage IVDOM (from 554 to 600 g kg-1 DM) and CP (from 128 to 146 g kg-1 DM) concentrations increased. / Apesar de estudos demonstrarem que métodos de lotação contínua e rotativa podem promover níveis de produtividade animal equivalentes, a lotação rotativa permanece comumente associada à ideia de intensificação de sistemas de produção. Além disso, estudos agronômicos de respostas de plantas forrageiras aos métodos de lotação são escassos. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram explicar os efeitos de três métodos de lotação (lotação contínua - LC, lotação rotativa leniente - LRL e lotação rotativa severa - LRS) combinadas em arranjo fatorial com duas alturas médias de dossel (20 e 30 cm), sobre o acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem, estrutura de dossel e perdas de forragem por pastejo (PP) em pastos de capim Mulato II durante o verão agrostológico de 2016/2017 em Piracicaba, SP. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos cazualisados, com três repetições. Os métodos de lotação foram impostos por variações de 10% (lotação contínua mimetizada), 25% (lotação rotativa leniente) e 40% (lotação rotativa severa) em torno das duas alturas médias de dossel, aplicadas com o protocolo experimental do tipo \"mob stocking\". A concentração de fibra em detergente neutro da forragem (FDN), a proporção de colmos na massa de forragem (MF) e o índice de área foliar (IAF) do dossel sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetados pela interação altura média de dossel × método de lotação. A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO) e a concentração de proteína bruta (PB) da forragem sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetados por altura média de dossel e por método de lotação. As proporções de folhas e material morto na MF sob lotação contínua e em pré-pastejo sob lotação rotativa foram afetadas apenas por método de lotação. Acúmulo de forragem (8363 ± 1578 kg MS ha-1) e PP (5305 ± 585 kg MS ha-1) não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Para a altura média de dossel de 20 cm, LC promoveu a menor concentração de FDN da forragem (531g kg-1 MS), apesar de apresentar os menores valores de IAF (3,3) e a maior proporção de colmos na MF (30 %). Para a altura média de dossel de 30 cm, LC promoveu a menor concentração de FDN da forragem (535 g kg-1 MS), LRS apresentou o maior valor de IAF (8,9) e LRL apresentou a menor proporção de colmos na MF (31 %). Lotação contínua, apesar de apresentar a menor proporção de folhas (32 %) e a maior proporção de material morto (35 %) na MF, promoveu a maior DIVMO (609 g kg-1 MS) e a maior concentração de PB (150 g kg-1 MS) da forragem. Lotação rotativa severa, apesar de apresentar a menor proporção de material morto (24 %) e a maior proporção de folhas (46%) na MF, promoveu a menor DIVMO da forragem (549 g kg-1 MS). Lotação rotativa leniente apresentou proporções intermediárias de folhas (42 %) e material morto (29%) na MF, e não diferiu dos demais métodos de lotação quanto à DIVMO da forragem (574 g kg-1 MS). Em geral, conforme a altura média de dossel diminuiu, os valores de IAF (de 6,6 para 4,8), proporção de colmos na MF (de 33 para 28 %) e concentração de FDN da forragem (de 570 para 545 g kg-1 MS) diminuíram, enquanto DIVMO (de 554 para 600 g kg-1 MS) e concentração de PB (de 128 para 146 g kg-1 MS) da forragem aumentaram.

Modélisation complexe des interactions entre la végétation et le déplacement des sédiments

Gauvin-Bourdon, Phillipe 05 1900 (has links)
Les environnements arides végétalisés seront parmi les environnements les plus impactés par la désertification dans le cadre du changement climatique. Ces environnements légèrement végétalisés sont caractérisés par une balance précaire entre un état de résilience et de vulnérabilité qui est intrinsèquement menacé par la désertification pouvant potentiellement mener à une augmentation du transport des sédiments éolien et une dégradation des environnements. Le nombre d’interactions présentes entre la végétation, la pluie, le transport des sédiments et la présence d’herbivore en milieu aride, ainsi que leur nature non-linéaire rend difficile de représenter ces interactions à l’aide de modèle physique et mathématique. La modélisation complexe est mieux adaptée à la représentation des interactions complexes entre la végétation, la pluie, le transport des sédiments et la présence d’herbivores dans les systèmes arides. Un nombre considérable d’études ont utilisées les modèles complexes pour étudier l’effet de la végétation sur le transport des sédiments ou l’effet de la présence d’herbivore sur la végétation, mais peu d’études ont utilisées une approche intégrant ces trois composantes en un même modèle. Un nouveau modèle d’herbivorie basé sur l’agent (GrAM) est présenté sous forme d’extension du modèle ViSTA_M17 et permet une meilleure représentation de l’impact des régimes de pâturage en environnement aride végétalisé. Cet ajout ayant un modèle complexe de transport des sédiments et de végétation déjà établit vise présenter un modèle hybride pouvant représenter l’impact de l’herbivorie sur la composition végétale et le transport des sédiments en environnement aride à l’échelle du paysage. Le développement du nouveau module à l’intérieur de la structure du modèle ViSTA original a souligné certaines limites de ce dernier, notamment une sensitivité importante de la végétation et de la force de cisaillement du vent. Le modèle ViSTA_GrAM répond à certaines limites du modèle original par l’intégration d’un nouveau module d’herbivorie et présente une avancée vers une modélisation environnementale englobante permettant une meilleure compréhension des dynamiques spatiales et temporelles des environnements arides. L’approche englobante utilisée par le modèle ViSTA_GrAM est bénéfique à la prise de décision, puisqu’elle offre un outil permettant d’explorer les réponses des environnements arides à un changement de leur végétation, leur régime de pluie, leur régime de transport des sédiments ou leur régime d’herbivorie. Les modèles complexes et l’exploration de scénarios futurs des environnements arides peuvent permettre d’améliorer la gestion de ces mêmes environnements. / Vegetated arid environments will be among one of the most affected by desertification as a result of climate change. These sparsely vegetated regions exhibit a delicate balance of resilience and vulnerability that are profoundly challenged by desertification, potentially producing an important positive feedback leading to increased aeolian activity and therefore land degradation. The high level of interaction between rainfall, vegetation, sediment transport and grazing in these arid environments and the non-linear nature of these interactions make them difficult to predict by traditional mathematical modeling mean. Complex modeling, on the other hand, offer better representation of the intricate relation between vegetation, rainfall, sediment transport and grazing in an arid environment system. A sizable amount of studies has been conducted with complex models to explore the effect of vegetation on sediment transport or grazing effect on vegetation, but few have used a truly integrative approach where all tree components were represented in a complex model. This research present a novel agent-based model (GrAM) integrated as an extension to already complete sediment transport-vegetation complex model (ViSTA) allowing a more refined representation of grazer’s impact in vegetated arid environments. This addition to the ViSTA model is aimed to combine a land management and systematic approach in a coupled model, to represent, at a landscape level, the impact of grazing on the composition of vegetation and sediment movement in arid environments. The development of this new module within the original ViSTA model, has highlighted some limitations of this model, most notably concerning its sensitivity to vegetation and wind shear. The ViSTA_GrAM model addresses these limitations through integrating a new module of grazing as the next step toward an integrated modelling effort that permits models to effectively increase our spatial and temporal understanding of arid environments vegetation, sediment transport and grazing dynamics. Integrative approach, like the one provided by the ViSTA_GrAM model, is beneficial to decision making by providing tools to investigate the response of an arid environment to different state of their vegetation, rainfall regime, wind stress and grazing regime. By developing complex modeling in arid environment and exploring various future scenarios for arid environment, we hope to lead to better management plan of those same environment.

Sustainable grazing management in semi-arid rangelands. An ecological-economic modelling approach

Müller, Birgit 28 March 2006 (has links)
The loss of utilisable rangeland in semi-arid areas results in huge economic and social costs worldwide. Only adaptive management strategies are able to cope with these systems, which are largely driven by unpredictable and stochastic rainfall. Additionally they are characterized by strong feedback mechanisms between economic and ecological factors. This study aims to contribute to the identification of basic principles for sustainable grazing management. The approach emphasizes learning from existing management systems through the use of ecological-economic modelling. Two apparently successful management systems in Namibia are used as a starting point for a broader analysis: the Gamis Karakul sheep farm and the land use system of the semi-nomadic Ova-Himba. Although the economic systems differ strongly, their management seems to have similarities: the importance of pasture resting and of adapting livestock numbers to available forage. This PhD thesis contributes substantial insights about the relevance and functioning of pasture resting for sustainable grazing management in semi-arid regions. Assessment of the two case studies leads to the hypothesis that resting in the rainy season, particularly during wet years, is fundamental for ensuring pasture productivity under low regeneration potential of the vegetation. The thesis highlights that resting during wet years acts as a risk reducing strategy. Additionally, the study reveals that access to economic risk management strategies, such as rain-index-insurance, may change farmer´s behaviour towards less conservative strategies. The used approach - learning from existing apparently successful grazing strategies by ecological-economic modelling - offers a powerful tool for tackling new questions related to global change. The scope and the limits for generalizing the key factors discovered for sustainable grazing management can be easily detected under changing ecological, climatic and economic conditions.

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