Spelling suggestions: "subject:"greenhouse sas"" "subject:"greenhouse suas""
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Estimating Carbon Footprint : A quantitative analysis of greenhouse gas emission related to human behavior and diet in Västerbotten.Sköld, Bore January 2015 (has links)
Background and objective: Researchers have been looking for a way to predict future emission rates, and come up with explanations on how to tackle the issue of global warming through changes in individual behavior for decades. The focus of these studies have, on the other hand, focused more on nutritional bases rather than cultural. This study’s objective is to provide a method, as a useful tool in further analysis on GHG-emission based on cultural behavioral factors such as socio-economic status as well as age, sex, etc. with diet as emission prediction factor. This could be a stepping stone toward future research on Co2e related to e.g. physiological factors such as BMI, blood pressure and diseases. Method: With the use of data obtained from the FFQ questionnaire within the VIP-program, combined with estimates of greenhouse gas-emission (Co2e) attributed to specific diets obtained from Röös, estimations of individual Co2e emission-levels were calculated using the software “R”. The dataset contained 159 687 observations and 152 different variables. The data was obtained from the Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine at Umeå University. Portions sizes were mainly collected from the Swedish Food Composition Database. Box-plots and regression analysis were made to illustrate the main findings. Result: The result was a new dataset that could be applied to any population to estimate Co2e-emission on individual level based on an FFQ, given that the FFQ have the same structure as the one in the VIP. The variables that contributed to the highest amount of Co2e were animal products i.e. butter, milk and meat. Chicken, pork and fish were not nearly as Co2e heavy as the meat products containing beef such as “steak”, “minced meat” and “hamburgers”. The regression analysis showed that higher age had a positive effect on reducing emission, as well as being a woman. Education showed an increase in Co2e for higher education. There were some small differences among municipalities. Marital status gave a slight decrease in the regression, meaning married couples emits more than singles. Exercise showed an increase in Co2e for active individuals in the regression analysis. However, the most noticeable result were sex, yielding a relatively big decrease in Co2e-emission for women compared to men. Conclusion: People at younger ages, within the observed age groups 40-60, seemed to reduce their carbon footprint more in relation to the higher age groups over the last 20 years. Overall, the general diet-based carbon footprint in Västerbotten seems to have increased slightly during the last 17 years. A remarkable dip were noticed in 2003, however this might not have been due to any behavioral changes, since the trend broke in 2006 and instantly receded back to the normal levels. This study confirms the fact that meat and dairy products are responsible for a significant amount of the diet-based emission. This topic needs to be studied more, and with this method of applying GHG-emission measures to individual diet-based data, a gate has been opened for a new field of research.
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Electric cars in China : energy, infrastructure and market potentialsLiu, Jian January 2012 (has links)
The electric vehicle (EV) has been regarded as one of the most promising alternative fuel vehicle technologies that could reduce China’s energy reliance on imported oil and transport sector carbon emissions. The success of EVs in China will depend on a series of determinants including their energy consumption and emission reduction potentials, battery performance and costs, charging infrastructure provision, the driving behaviour and the commercialization strategies. Some issues have been intensively investigated by previous research whilst some others gradually receive academic and governmental attentions. Instead of covering all determinants, this thesis focuses on four key aspects of the electric car development in China: the energy consumption and carbon emissions of electric cars based on the country’s energy mix; the expected electric car driving behaviour and its impacts on the power grid; the deployment strategy of charging infrastructure and the business operation models that could reduce the purchase cost of electric cars and accelerate their market diffusion. The research finds that according to the current energy mix and driving behaviour in China, the introduction of electric cars would largely reduce the transport sectors’ oil consumption. However, the carbon emission saving of electric cars requires a synchronized progress in the energy industry and the power grid infrastructure. Without the growing adoption of renewable sources in the electricity generation mix and the high efficient power transmission infrastructure, electric cars could achieve little environmental benefits particularly for carbon emission reduction. This research also finds that the current external costs of carbon emissions from cars are not high enough to justify financial policies that would favour electric vehicles. Moving towards cleaner technologies at present may not be justified on economic terms but it is justified on political and environmental terms. In addition, the performance of current electric cars, the driving range per charge in particular, is still significantly inferior to conventional vehicles running on petroleum fuels, which poses a remarkable challenge for electric cars’ market acceptance and implies the importance of charging infrastructure provision. This research estimates the charging impact of electric cars on the power grid in two case study cities through comparing charging infrastructure deployment strategies integrating three charging methods in both cities. Some innovative business operating models that aim to reduce the high initial purchase costs of electric cars are simulated. It shows all these models require substantial political and financial interventions to stimulate both supply (charging service and infrastructure provision) and demand (consumers purchase) in the early stage of market penetration for electric cars. Finally, the thesis provides recommendations for the policy implementation timing and stresses the importance of the parallel development in the upstream low carbon energy supply and the downstream vehicle (battery) research and development (R&D) in the near term.
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La dynamique spatio-temporelle des flux d’oxyde nitreux (N2O) des lacs, rivières, et étangs boréauxSoued, Cynthia 12 1900 (has links)
L’oxyde nitreux (N2O), un puissant gaz à effet de serre (GES) ayant plus de 300 fois le potentiel de réchauffement du dioxyde de carbone (CO2), est produit par des processus microbiens du cycle de l’azote (N). Bien que les eaux de surface continentales soient reconnues comme des sites actifs de transformations de l’azote, leur intégration dans les budgets globaux de N2O comporte de nombreuses incertitudes, dont l’absence des lacs dans ces modèles. Le biome boréal est caractérisé par une des plus grandes densités d’eaux douces au monde, pourtant aucune évaluation exhaustive des émissions aquatiques de N2O n’a à date été conduite dans cette région. Dans la présente étude, nous avons mesuré les concentrations de N2O à travers une large gamme de lacs, rivières, et étangs, dans quatre régions boréales du Québec (Canada), et nous avons calculé les flux eau-air résultants. Les flux nets fluctuent entre -23.1 et 177.9 μmol m-2 J-1, avec une grande variabilité inter-système, inter-régionale, et saisonnière. Étonnamment, 40% des systèmes échantillonnés agissaient en tant que puits de N2O durant l’été, et le réseau d’eaux de surfaces d’une des régions était un net consommateur de N2O. Les concentrations maximales de N2O ont été mesurées en hiver dû à l’accumulation de ce gaz sous la glace. Nous avons estimé que l’émission qui en résulte lors de la fonte des glaces représente 20% des émissions annuelles des eaux douces. Parmi les types d’eaux douces échantillonnées, les lacs sont les principaux responsables du flux aquatique net (jusqu’à 90%), et doivent donc être intégrés dans les budgets globaux de N2O. En se basant sur les données empiriques de la littérature, nous avons éstimé l’émission globale de N2O des eaux douces à 0.78 Tg N (N2O) an-1. Ce chiffre est influencé par les émissions des régions de hautes latitudes (tel que le biome boréal) dont les flux nets varient de positif à négatif constituant -9 à 27 % du total. / Nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas with over 300 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide (CO2), is produced during microbial nitrogen (N) cycling (Trogler 1999). Inland waters, known as active sites of N processing (Seitzinger et al. 2006., Harrison et al. 2008), are nevertheless poorly characterized in recent global N2O budgets (Nevison 2000, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 2006), especially considering the absence of an estimate for lakes emissions. Although the boreal biome holds the highest density of freshwater on earth (Lehner and Döll 2004), no comprehensive evaluation of N2O emissions from boreal aquatic systems has ever been conducted. In this study, we measured N2O concentrations across a wide range of rivers, lakes, and ponds in four distinct boreal regions of Québec (Canada), and derived water surface-atmosphere N2O fluxes. Net fluxes ranged from -23.1 to 177.9 μmol m-2 d-1, with a large degree of variability across sampled systems, regions, and seasons. Over 40% of the 322 systems sampled acted as N2O sinks during the summer, with one region’s aquatic network being an overall net atmospheric N2O consumer. Seasonally, maximum N2O concentrations were measured during winter due to gas accumulation under the ice, resulting in an outgassing at ice thaw that accounts for approximately 20% of annual flux. Lakes were major drivers of the net freshwater regional flux (up to 90%), and must therefore be integrated in global aquatic N2O budgets. Based on empirical literature data, we estimated global freshwater N2O emissions to be 0.78 Tg N (N2O) yr-1. This number is subtantially influenced by fluxes from high latitude regions (including the boreal biome) which, being extremely variable, may contribute from -9 to 27 % of the total.
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Vyhodnoceni vlivů vybraných technologií OZE na životní prostředí v ČR / The Assessmentof of Environmental Impacts of Representative Renewable Eenergy Technologies in the Czech RepublicPavlica, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
The Abstract The main objectives of the presented thesis - The Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Representative Renewable Energy Technologies in the Czech Republic were complex assessment of representative renewable energy technologies within different criterions, assessment of their greenhouse gas mitigation effectiveness and evaluation of usefulness of financial incentives aimed on renewable electricity in the Czech Republic in the period 2005-2010. Thereafter representative technologies were compared with nuclear and best available techniques coal-fired power plants in order to determine the best convenient electricity generating technology. Wind, photovoltaic, small hydro-electricity and geothermal power plants were appraised in particular. The thesis was based on partial analysis and meta-analysis aiming on particular aspects and the entire life cycles of the technologies was taken under consideration. The basic methodology framework of life-cycle assessment, which was useful for a comparison of different electricity-generating technologies, was applied within the thesis. The key input data were gathered via meta-analysis. The database GEMIS 4.81, reports by Energy regulatory office, European statistics office, International energy agency and Czech hydrometeorology institute were used to acquire...
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Les limites de l'ACV. Etude de la soutenabilité d'un biodiesel issu de l'huile de palme brésilienne / The LCA limits. A study of the sustainability of a biodiesel produced from brazilian palm oilBicalho, Tereza 22 October 2013 (has links)
L’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV), telle qu’elle est pratiquée aujourd’hui, peut conduire à des résultats biaisés. L’utilisation de cet outil s’avère particulièrement sensible dans des cadres réglementaires. En effet, au lieu d’inciter les entreprises à réduire leurs impacts sur l’environnement, les certifications obtenues à partir des ACV risquent de produire un effet contraire : comme elles tendent à récompenser des moyennes industrielles plutôt que les résultats propres aux entreprises, elles peuvent détruire toute incitation pour ces dernières à agir correctement sur le plan environnemental. Dans cette thèse nous proposons des éléments de réflexion en matière de gestion pouvant être utiles à l’évolution de l’ACV à partir d’une étude de cas sur l’évaluation de la soutenabilité d’une filière biodiesel issu d’huile de palme brésilienne dans le cadre de la Directive EnR. Trois principaux résultats émergent de ce travail doctoral. Le premier se rapporte à la réflexion que nous menons sur l’évaluation de la durabilité imposée par la Directive EnR. Le deuxième renvoie aux réponses concrètes sur l’évaluation de la filière biodiesel évaluée à l’égard de la Directive, notamment par rapport aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Le troisième résultat concerne l’identification des besoins latents en matière d’évaluation de qualité des données d’ACV / Life cycle analysis (LCA), as it is currently applied, can lead to biased results. The use of LCA information is particularly sensitive when taken in the context of government regulatory frameworks. Indeed, instead of encouraging companies to reduce their impact on the environment, certifications obtained through LCA studies may produce the opposite effect: as they tend to reward industry averages rather than enterprise-specific results they can destroy all incentive for companies to reduce their environmental impacts. In this thesis we propose an in-depth analysis of management aspects in LCA and discuss how they could contribute to produce good quality LCA studies. For this, a case study was conducted on the sustainability evaluation of a biodiesel produced from Brazilian palm oil within the framework of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). Three main findings emerge from this doctoral work. The first refers to the analysis of the sustainability evaluation required by RED with a particular emphasis on its application to the Brazilian context of palm oil production. The second refers to the concrete answers produced from the biodiesel evaluated, particularly with respect to greenhouse gas emissions. The third result concerns the identification of latent needs in terms of LCA data quality assessment
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Stratégie(s) de diffusion volontaire d’informations sur les gaz à effet de serre : Le cas du Carbon Disclosure Project / Strategie(s) of voluntary disclosure of greenhouse gas information : The case of the Carbon Disclosure ProjectJerome, Tiphaine 12 November 2013 (has links)
Le réchauffement climatique représente un enjeu prégnant auquel les entreprises répondent, entre autres, par la diffusion volontaire d’informations sur leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Trois études empiriques, traitant pour chacune d’elle une dimension de la stratégie mise en place par les firmes à cet égard, sont menées. Elles sont toutes trois réalisées à partir du programme Carbon Disclosure Project. La première étude identifie deux étapes séquentielles conduisant à la diffusion d’informations sur les GES : la production puis la diffusion sélective. À partir d’un échantillon mondial, une analyse coûts-bénéfices identifie les différents déterminants de ces deux décisions et invite à considérer de manière plus fine le processus de diffusion volontaire. La deuxième étude examine l’influence de la gouvernance interne sur la qualité des informations carbones diffusées, en distinguant la gouvernance spécifiquement dédiée à l’environnement de la gouvernance générale. Les analyses mettent en évidence, dans le contexte américain, le rôle contingent de la gouvernance spécifique puisque son rôle ‒ positif ‒ est modéré par la gouvernance générale dans laquelle elle s’insère. La troisième étude s’intéresse finalement à l’utilisation concomitante de deux canaux de diffusion. Il s’avère qu’une partie des entreprises françaises étudiées adapte les indicateurs diffusés sur les GES au canal et à l’audience ciblée. Afin d’assurer la crédibilité des données, la traçabilité de l’information est par ailleurs renforcée. L’ensemble de ces résultats contribue à la compréhension de la façon dont les besoins des parties prenantes sont gérés par les entreprises. Notre connaissance de l’environnement informationnel créé par ces dernières autour du changement climatique s’en trouve ainsi améliorée. / Global warming is nowadays a significant issue. Firms respond to this challenge by, among others, voluntarily disclosing information about their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Three empirical studies, each dealing with one dimension of the disclosure strategy, are conducted. They are all based on the Carbon Disclosure Project program. The first study identifies two sequential steps leading to information disclosure: information production and selective disclosure. A costs-benefits analysis is performed on a global sample in order to identify the different determinants of the two decisions and calls for a finer consideration of the disclosure process. The second study examines the influence of internal corporate governance on the quality of carbon information disclosed. Environmental-specific governance is distinguished from general governance. In the American context, analyses show that the role of the environmental-specific governance is contingent: its positive influence is moderated by the general governance context. The third study focuses on the concurrent use of two disclosure channels. It appears that French firms adapt the content of their GHG emissions indicator to the channel and the target audience. To ensure data credibility, information traceability is sustained in this case.Overall, this dissertation contributes to our understanding of the way stakeholders’ needs are managed by companies. Our knowledge of the informational environment created by firms about global warming is thus improved.
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Comparison of the nuclear power industry in Czech Republic and France / Comparison of Nuclear Energy Policy in the Czech Republic and FranceLoiseau, Jean-Camille January 2009 (has links)
This paper studies the nuclear technology and evaluates the most likely technical developments to come until 2030. It examines the features of Czech and French nuclear programs, compares the structures of nuclear sectors and estimates the advantages & drawbacks of further developments in both countries. The paper assesses if certain developments of the nuclear sector in one country can be used in the other country and vice-versa. Finally, proposes a set of recommendations for both countries regarding the development of their nuclear program.
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Variabilité des concentrations atmosphériques de gaz à effet de serre et inversion des flux de méthane en Asie du Sud et de l’Est / Variability of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and inversion of methane fluxes over South and East AsiaLin, Xin 23 September 2016 (has links)
L’Asie du Sud et de l'Est (ASE) est la première région du monde émettrice de gaz à effet de serre (GES) au cours des dernières décennies. Cependant, l’estimation des bilans régionaux d'émissions de GES est encore incertaine que ce soit par l’approche ‘bottom-up’ ou par l’approche ‘top-down’. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des bilans régionaux des émissions de GES en ASE, en utilisant les concentrations atmosphériques de GES mesurées dans un réseau de station de surface et la modélisation inverse à l’échelle régionale. Dans un premier temps, la thèse présente les mesures de CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, CO, et H2 sur les échantillons réguliers prélevés àHanle, Pondichéry et Port Blair, trois nouveaux sites établis en Inde dans le cadre d’une collaboration franco-indienne. L’analyse des concentrations des gaz traces a permis de caractériser les contributions relatives des flux naturel et anthropique, et de la circulation atmosphérique associée à la mousson dans le sous-continent indien. Cette étude meten évidence le potentiel des nouvelles stations de mesure atmosphérique pour mieux contraindre les estimations de flux régionaux de GES. Dans un deuxième temps, un modèle global de chimie-transport LMDzINCA, avec un ‘zoom’ focalisé sur l’ASE (de résolution horizontale ~50 km) est utilisé pour simuler les champs de concentration de CO2 et CH4. Les concentrations simulées sont évaluées par rapport aux mesures de 30 stations réparties en ASE et dans les régions adjacentes. Le modèle de transport en version zoomée reproduit relativement bien les variabilités des mesures de CO2 et CH4, et améliore significativement les variations de CH4 par rapport au modèle standard de basse résolution sur le domaine d’étude. Enfin, les mesures des concentrations de CH4 des réseaux régionaux sont utilisées dans le système d’inversion PYVAR-LMDz-SACS avec les grilles zoomées, pour estimer les émissions de CH4 en ASE en 2010.Plusieurs scénarios sont réalisés afin de tester la sensibilité de l’inversion à différentes configurations des émissions a priori et des observations utilisées. L’inversion atmosphérique induit une réduction significative des émissions en comparaison aux inventaires a priori en Asie de l’Est (14-20%), en particulier en Chine du Nord (20-35%). L’estimation des émissions de CH4 est sensible à l’incertitude dans les bilans ‘bottom-up’ des émissions anthropiques en Asie de l’Est, particulièrement à la représentation très incertaine des sources localisées des mines de charbon en Chine du Nord. / South and East Asia (SEA) is the world’s largest anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting region during the recent decades, yet estimates of regional GHG budgets remain uncertain either from bottom-up or top-down approaches. The aim of the thesis is to improve understanding of GHG budgets in SEA through atmospheric measurements from surface stations and regional inverse modeling. The first part of the thesis presents measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, CO, and H2 from regular flask sampling at Hanle, Pondicherry and Port Blair, three new Indian stations established in the framework of the Indo-French collaboration. Time series of tracer concentrations are analyzed and related to variations in natural/anthropogenic fluxes and monsoon circulations in the Indian sub-continent, showing potential of these stations to constrain estimates of regional GHG fluxes. The second part of the study involves simulation of CO2 and CH4 using a zoomed version of the global chemistry transport model LMDzINCA, with a horizontal resolution of ~50km over SEA. Model performance is evaluated against observations from 30 surface stations in SEA and adjacent regions. The zoomed transport model shows the ability to reasonably reproduce CO2 and CH4 variabilities at stations, and improves model performance for CH4 compared to the standard model version within the zoomed region. Lastly, the CH4 emissions in SEA are retrieved for the year 2010 using atmospheric surface stations and a Bayesian inversion system PYVAR-LMDz-SACS with the zoomed model grids. Different setups of prior information are used in inversions to account for uncertainties in bottom-up inventories of anthropogenic emissions. Significant reduction in emissions compared to the prior estimates is found for East Asia (by 14–20%), particularly in North China (by 20–35%). The inverted CH4 budgets are sensitive to prior anthropogenic emissions in East Asia, especially in North China where coal mine hotspots dominate the budgets yet their representation is highly uncertain among different inventories.
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Optimization of the synthesis and performance of Polyaspartamide (PAA) material for carbon dioxide capture in South African coal-fired power plantsChitsiga, Tafara Leonard January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, 2016 / Global climate change is among the major challenges the world is facing today, and can be attributed to enhanced concentrations of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), such as carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere. Therefore, there is an urgent need to mitigate CO2 emissions, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) is amongst the possible options to reduce CO2 emissions. Against this background, this work investigated the synthesis and performance evaluation of Polyaspartamide (PAA) adsorbent for CO2 capture. In particular, the effect of the presence of water-soluble amines in the amine-grafted poly-succinimide (PSI) (referred to as Polyaspartamide (PAA) adsorbent), was investigated.
Methyl Amine (MA) and Mono-Ethanol Amine (MEA) were employed as water-soluble amines and the effect of changes in their concentration on CO2 adsorption capacity was investigated as well. Water-soluble amines were incorporated to allow water solubility of the adsorbent paving the way for freeze-drying to improve the geometric structure (surface area, pore volume and pore size) of the adsorbent. Initially, the PSI was loaded with Ethylenediamine (EDA), forming PSI-EDA. The water-soluble amines were grafted to PSI-EDA, with the EDA added to improve the chemical surface of the adsorbent for CO2 capture.
NMR and FTIR analyses were performed and confirmed the presence of MA and MEA amine groups in the PAA, thereby indicating the presence of the grafted amines on the backbone polymer. BET analysis was performed and reported the pore volume, pore size and surface area of the freeze-dried material. It was observed that the physical properties did not change significantly after the freeze-drying compared to literature where freeze-drying was not employed. An increase in adsorption capacity with an increase in MA and MEA concentrations in MA-PAA and MEA-PAA samples was observed. At low amine concentrations (20% amine and 80% EDA grafted), MEA-PAA was observed to exhibit higher adsorption capacity compared to the MA-PAA samples. At high amine (100% amine grafted) concentrations, MA-PAA samples displayed higher adsorption capacity. Three runs were performed on each sample and the results obtained were reproducible. The best adsorption capacity obtained was 44.5 g CO2/kg Ads.
Further work was then performed to understand the effects of operating variables on CO2 adsorption as well as the interactive effect using the Response Surface Methodology approach. The experiments were done by use of CO2 adsorption equipment attached to an ABB gas analyzer. A central composite design of experiment method with a total of 20 experiments was employed to investigate three factors, namely, temperature, pressure and gas flow rate. Six regression models were drawn up and mean error values computed by use of Matlab, followed by response surfaces as well as contours, showing the influence of the operating variables on the adsorption capacity as well as interaction of the factors were then drawn up.
The results obtained displayed that each of the factors investigated, temperature, pressure and gas flowrate had an incremental effect on the adsorption capacity of PAA, that is, as each factor was increased, the adsorption capacity increased up to a point where no more increase occurred. Adsorption was seen to increase for both an increase in gas flowrate and adsorption pressure to a maximum, thereafter it starts to decrease. A similar trend was observed for the interaction between temperature and pressure. However, the interaction between gas flowrate and temperature was such that, initially as the temperature and the gas flowrate increase, the adsorption capacity increases to a maximum, thereafter, the temperature seizes to have an effect on the adsorption capacity with a combined effect of decreasing temperature and increasing gas flowrate resulting in a further increase in adsorption capacity.
It was confirmed that the operating variables as well as the flow regime have an effect on the CO2 adsorption capacity of the novel material. The highest adsorption capacity was obtained in the pressure range 0.5 bar to 1.7 bar coinciding with the temperature range of 10 oC to 45 oC. The interaction of gas flowrate and adsorption pressure was such that the highest adsorption capacity is in the range 0.8 bar to 1.5 bar which coincides with the gas flowrate range from 35 ml / min to 60 ml / min. In conclusion, the best adsorption capacity of 44.5 g / kg via the TGA and 70.4 g / kg via the CO2 adsorption equipment was obtained from 100 % MA grafted PSI. / GR2016
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Implication des champignons et des bactéries dans le cycle de l'azote et la production de N2O dans le sol / Fungal and bacterial involvement in nitrogen cycling and N2O production in soilKeuschnig, Christoph 06 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de déterminer le rôle des communautés microbiennes dans les émissions de N2O du sol, et plus précisément de définir dans quelle mesure les champignons sont impliqués. Par conséquent, leur structure communautaire à l'échelle micro, leur comportement dans la réduction de l'azote et la production de N2O, et leur interaction avec les communautés microbiennes impliquées dans le cycle de l'azote en tant que décomposeurs de matière organique dans le sol ont été étudiés. L'analyse des fractions de sol du parc Rothamsted a montré que les communautés fongiques changent au sein de fractions isolées, contrairement aux communautés bactériennes. De plus, des potentiels de nitrification, de dénitrification et de réduction de N2O ont été détectés dans toutes les fractions et se sont révélés liés à la chimie du carbone et de l'azote. Des expériences quantifiant la production de NO et N2O à partir de nitrite sur 24 souches de champignons de culture pure ont montré que les espèces de Fusarium sont de véritables producteurs de N2O parmi les champignons. Le suivit de NO a révélé que le milieu de nitrite est instable dans des conditions anoxiques et produit du NO abiotiquement, ce qui implique que des souches produisant du N2O à de faibles taux détoxifient ce NO plutôt que de le respirer, comme précédemment supposé. L’absence d’un nirK - p450nor dans la plupart des champignons a étayé cette hypothèse. Les relations interspécifiques entre champignons et bactéries ont été étudiées après l'addition de matière organique. Différentes modifications organiques ont déclenché des réponses distinctes en termes d’activité bactérienne et fongique sein d'une même communauté de sol. Les signatures fonctionnelles identifiées dans cette étude corroborent notre hypothèse selon laquelle les champignons sont impliqués dans la production de N2O en influençant les bactéries impliquées dans le cycle N par des processus de dégradation de glucides. Les résultats de cette thèse fournissent une base pour explorer les relations interspécifiques dans le cycle biogéochimique de l’azote dans le sol et marque une étape vers l'intégration de tous les membres de la communauté dans la recherche sur les écosystèmes du sol. / The main objective of this thesis is to determine the role of microbial communities in N2O emissions from soil, and more specifically to define to what extent fungi are involved. Therefore, their community structure at the micro scale, their behavior in reducing nitrogen and producing N2O, and their impact on nitrogen cycling communities as decomposers in soil were investigated. Analysis of soil fractions of unmanaged, pristine Rothamsted Park Grass soil showed that fungal communities change within isolated fractions in contrast to bacterial communities. Also, nitrifying, denitrifying and N2O reducing potentials were detected in all fractions and found to be linked to carbon and nitrogen chemistry. Pure culture experiments on 24 fungal strains quantifying NO and N2O production from nitrite showed that Fusarium species are true N2O producers among fungi. Monitoring NO revealed that nitrite medium is unstable under anoxic conditions and produces NO abiotically, which implies that low N2O producing strains are actually detoxifying this NO rather than respiring it, as previously assumed. The lack of a nirK - p450nor in most fungi supported this hypothesis. Interspecies relationships between fungi and bacteria were studied following community development after organic matter addition. Different organic amendments triggered distinct responses of a soil community with respect to bacterial and fungal activity. Functional signatures identified in this study corroborated our hypothesis that fungi are involved in N2O production by influencing a N-cycling bacterial community via carbohydrate degradation processes. The results from this thesis provide a basis for exploring interspecies relationships in nitrogen cycling processes in soil and mark a step towards integrating all members of the community in soil ecosystem research.
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