Spelling suggestions: "subject:"greenhouse sas"" "subject:"greenhouse suas""
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Towards Climate Neutral Facility Management : Improved Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculations for IhusAgerhäll, Isabella, Kindmark, Malin, Stern, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
Uppsala municipality has set a goal in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for sustainable development to be fossil-free by 2030. To achieve this a lot of local companies have signed the Uppsala Climate Protocol. One of these companies is the municipal facility management company AB Uppsala Kommun Industrihus, Ihus. This project aimed to help Ihus map their emissions connected to facility maintenance and management and to enable them to reach their goal of becoming climate neutral by 2030. The daily facility management was split up into the categories gardening, ventilation and installation, cleaning and facility work, materials and products, renovations, and painting. A sustainability spend analysis was performed on Ihus’ organisation and emissions per spent MSEK were calculated for each category by researching Ihus’ suppliers. By using those emission intensities, the two categories with the highest emissions could be identified as renovations and materials and products with intensities of 84.48 and 57.56 tonnes CO2e/MSEK, respectively. The remaining categories all had intensities below 3 tonnes CO2e/MSEK. Sensitivity analyses were performed on the results by tweaking the values of which the emissions were based on. The results showed that to lessen Ihus’ climate impact the areas of improvement are life cycle assessments for their facilities and overseeing transports.
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Analysis of a real-time signal for greenhouse gas emissions of district heating consumptionReniers, Jorn January 2015 (has links)
The district heating system (DHS) of Stockholm is one of the largest systems in the world with a total yearly production of 10TWh of heat and 2TWh of electricity (through combined heat and power plants). Large amounts of greenhouse gasses (GHG) are emitted to produce this heat and electricity. Given the goal of the City of Stockholm to reduce the amount of GHG emissions to 3 ton per capita in 2015 and to keep reducing emissions at a similar rate after 2015, it is important to identify the potentials for further reductions. Numerous studies have been done on how the DHS can become more sustainable by installing new generation units. However, also the consumers have an influence on the DHS. After all, it are the consumers who decide when and how much heat or electricity they use. Most former studies and environmental guidelines for the DHS in Stockholm focussed on the producer side. This thesis looks at the consumer perspective of the (heat of the) district heating system. A real-time signal giving the greenhouse gas emissions of individual households is developed and its potential and challenges are discussed. With this signal, households that want to minimise their environmental impact have a tool to decrease their environmental impact by changing their consumption. This can be a first step to transform the DHS to a smart district heating system. First, generic models to calculate the dynamic greenhouse gas intensity of the heat production of district heating and to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions related to the heat consumption of households are suggested. Then the feedback signal with those real-time household emissions is calculated for representative households in Stockholm based on data of Stockholm’s DHS and data about hot tap water consumption in Sweden. Results indicate that variations in household level greenhouse gas emissions mostly reflect changes in consumption but can also result from changes by the producer. Intraday variations are mostly caused by changes in hot tap water consumption, while variations on a timescale of a few days are caused by changes in heating consumption (changing weather) and changes made by the producer (to use different fuels). Then several scenarios are calculated, each scenario looking at the actions a consumer can take to shift or reduce his/her consumption (decrease hot tap water usage, lower indoor temperature etc.). The real-time household emissions are calculated again to see if the signal gives the needed incentives (is the household rewarded for its effort? Does it get further incentives?). It was found that a strong time-incentive (to decrease consumption when it saves most emissions) is missing if the average perspective is used to calculate the emission intensity of the heat production. Also, the results confirmed the finding that the feedback signal might not reflect changes in consumption. Finally, challenges for the signal are discussed. One of the major hurdles is the fact that household consumption of heat (heating and hot tap water) can often not be measured on a household level. Thus, it has to be estimated but it seems very difficult to get this estimation accurate enough to give correct feedback to households, especially about the emissions saved by their efforts to reduce/shift their consumption. Secondly, the time resolution should be chosen well to still get accurate results but not make the signal to data-intensive. Finally, the result is heavily dependent on the chosen methodology (average or marginal perspective? Do you account for the electrical side of the DHS? How about the distribution losses? Etc.).
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Oskarshamn - A Smart Energy Island AssessmentRamaswamy, Vivek January 2015 (has links)
Mitigating climate change lies to a large part within the Energy System. In order to make it sustainable and efficient, policies have to be framed accordingly. This study focuses on formulation of policies based on future projections of the energy demand in Oskarshamn municipality of Sweden. Oskarshamn is a former industrial municipality, whose economic activity is in decline and it requires policies that accelerates its growth. It is also stereo-typical of much of Europe, as industrial activities are transferred elsewhere and regions are left to re-invent themselves. Questions such as “how to make the existing system more efficient” and “what is the best energy saving alternative”, have to be answered. For which, Long range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) tool is used to create scenarios based on different pathways and to project the energy demand in the future. The business as usual scenario is compared with mitigation scenario considering various energy efficiency measures. The measures mainly focus on Demand Side Management and improving energy lifestyle interactions. Examples include the impact of electric vehicles (EV) in the transport sector and effects of better insulation in residential buildings, etc. Nuclear is currently the main source and would possibly be phased out in the horizon and thus creating a need for alternative and sustainable sources of energy. The renewable energy scenario focuses on proposals for mixing renewable fuels in the energy supply side. These are not without costs and opportunities which are discussed in the study. The outcomes work a clear delineation of Greenhouse gas mitigation options, which in collaboration with the municipality would form the basis for a policy action plan.
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This study uses energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) balances to evaluate how the scale of sugarcane cultivation affects the performance of a sugarcane bioenergy system generating exportable electricity from bagasse. Small-, medium-, large- and miller-planter systems, with cane field areas of less than 10 ha, 10 – 42 ha, 42 – 2000 ha, more than 2000 ha respectively, were modelled. Each of them also has different combinations of manual and mechanical agricultural operations, resulting in different cane yields. Miller-planter system (fully mechanised) performs best with energy yield ratio of 10.99, GHG emissions in bagasse electricity of 0.0633 kg CO2eq/kWh and avoided life cycle GHG emissions of 82.07% when replacing electricity from coal, whereas small-planter system (fully manual) has the worst performance with energy yield ratio of 6.82, GHG emissions in bagasse electricity of 0.0881 kg CO2eq/kWh and avoided life cycle GHG emissions of 75.03% when substituting electricity from coal. Sensitivity analyses show that relative performances of all sugarcane planter systems both in terms of energy and GHG emissions are not significantly affected by variations in bagasse allocation factor, in sugarcane yield and in fertiliser input (the most energy-intensive and GHG-emitting component). Moreover, they confirm miller-planter system as the overall best performer and indicate that increasing small-planters’ cane yield is the critical measure to improve their energy analysis performance. In terms of the nature of agricultural operations, mechanical operations do not necessarily require more input energy than their manual counterparts, contrary to common belief. This is the case for fertilisation, irrigation and cane loading. Fully mechanised sugarcane production at miller-planter scale is therefore strongly encouraged.
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Förändrade resemönster i Gävleborgs län : En sammanställning av kostnader och klimatpåverkan vid tjänsteresor samt analys av sociala effekter vid ett skifte mot videkonferens i en organisation / Changed travel patterns in Gävleborgs län : A summary of costs and carbon footprints of business travelling and an analysis of the social effects of a shift towards virtual meetings in an organizationEvers, Erik January 2014 (has links)
The world we live in becomes more globalized as a result of new communication media. Communication occurs over greater distances which leads to increased travel. In the report AR5, by IPCC, it is showed that the human impact of climate change is clear and that something has to be done. Therefore its very important to change the human impact. A part of it is to change the way we travel within the service which leads to the purpose of the thesis. The purpose is to eximine how commune´s, in Gävleborgs län, choice of transport and with a change against virtual meetings affects greenhouse gas emissions and costs. An additional purpose is to gather information about currently known differences between natural and virtual meetings and explain these with a focus on interaction and communication. This is to give information about what it is that makes people feel that virtual meetings lack of communication . This has been done by studying the empirical results of the CERO-model and the NTM-database of greenhouse gas emissions and conduct a literature review relating to projects in the area of virtual meetings and then try to explain their results by learning and communication theories. The results clearly shows that train as vehicle is preferred both environmentally as financially and if the trip must be carried while driving or flying it is only justifiable when trains and public transport is disadvantaged. Virtual meetings are rather cheaper and more environmentally friendly than all vehicles but has some limitations. That is because the conversation becomes formal, and gesticulation and phonological patterns is missing. The restriction of virtual meetings can be explained with that contextual differences arise when individuals meet at great distances while communication requires a stricter meeting posture. / reser inom tjänsten vilket leder till syftet med examensarbetet som är att undersöka hur en kommuns val av färdmedel vid tjänsteresor samt vid ett skifte mot resfria möten påverkar samhället med avseende på växhusgasutsläpp och kostnad. Vidare är syftet att samla information om idag kända skillnader mellan fysiska och resfria möten och förklara dessa med fokus på interaktion och kommunikation. Detta för att ge information om vad det är som gör att en del känner att resfria möten brister i kommunikationen. Detta har gjorts genom att studera empiriska resultat av CERO-modellen och NTMs databas för växthusgasutsläpp samt genomföra en litteraturstudie av projekt inom området resfria möten, för att förklara deras resultat utifrån lärande- och kommunikationsteorier. Resultatet visar tydligt på att tåget som färdmedel både är att fördedra miljömässigt såsom ekonomiskt om resan måste genomföras medan bil och flyg endast är försvarbart då utbredningen av tåg och kollektivtrafik är missgynnad. Resfria möten är istället billigare och miljövänligare än alla färdmedel men har vissa begränsningar då samtalet blir formellt och saknar gestikulering samt fonologiska mönster. Att resfria möten har begränsningar kan förklaras i att kontextuella skillnader uppstår när individer möts på stora avstånd samtidigt som kommunikationen kräver en striktare möteshållning.
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Benefits of GHG Reduction and Carbon Finance for Adjara project : a case study in GeorgiaTayyeba, Omid January 2009 (has links)
The grave concern over climate change threat and different economic incentives such as the clean development mechanism have given more weight to the potential of projects for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In Adjara solid waste management project, even though the greenhouse gas reduction was acknowledged, it was not one of the key factors for selecting the most practicable treatment option. In doing so, the study was addressed the benefit of various solid waste treatment methods for Adjara project in terms of greenhousegas emissions reduction. It is followed by analyzing the economic impacts of carbon finance on the financial feasibility of the project according to different economic scenarios. In considering the solid waste treatment technologies that could be suitable for developing countries, seven options were focused in the study: the baseline of open dumping, four options for landfill (no provision of landfill gas capture, landfill gas capture with open flaringsystem, enclosed flaring system and electricity generation), composting and an aerobicdigestion with electricity production. The applicable CDM methodologies were adopted toquantify the amount of reductions for scenarios. Anaerobic digestion scenario had by far thegreatest amount of reduction. In versely, the worst scenario was landfill without landfill gasrecovery which had even more contribution to climate change than the base case. In the economic assessment part, the internal rate of return was adopted as financial indicator and the feasibility study of the project was adjusted according to new economic condition in the presence of carbon finance. The scenario with additional incomes from the sales of both certified emission reductions and electricity maximized the profits of theproject. In case the project partners do not consider the possibility for generating electricity,they can maintain the project’s economic position through the sale of certified emissionreductions instead of the income from selling electricity. These conclusions were tested for uncertainty and sensitivity by modifying the price of the certified emission reductions and the input waste composition and were found to be robust. / <p>www.ima.kth.se</p><p>External cooperation with SWECO</p>
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Emission of greenhouse gases from constructed wetlands : Nutrient status in relation to methane and nitrous oxide emission / Utsläpp av växthusgaser från anlagda våtmarker i relation till näringsstatusenLundström, Christian January 2022 (has links)
Agricultural land releases large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus to water bodies which causes eutrophication. Creating wetlands on agricultural land is one way to prevent this major issue. However, constructed wetlands are a large emission source of greenhouse gases. The aim of this study was to quantify the CH4 and N2O emissions in 21 constructed wetlands (CWs) around Mälardalen located in mid-Sweden and 19 CWs in the county of Halland along the south-west coast of Sweden and examine if there was any relation between the emissions and the nutrient status. Furthermore, the emission contributed by CH4 ebullition was evaluated. Synoptic water and gas sampling was done during early and late autumn. Floating chambers were deployed in six wetlands and measured CH4 ebullition over a 24-hour period. The diffusive CH4 emissions varied between 0.10–103 mg m-2 d-1 with a mean value of 13 mg m-2 d-1. The N2O emission varied between -0.086–7.8 mg m-2 d-1 with a mean of 1.4 mg m-2 d-1. Significant negative correlation between N2O emission and C:N ratio and a significant positive correlation between N2O emission and N:P ratio was found. No relation between the CH4 emission and total organic carbon (TOC) was found which other studies have been able to prove. Only a weak relation between the CH4 emission and the C:N ratio was found. The ebullition in the six wetlands varied between 0–62 mg m-2 d-1 and accounted for more than 85% of the total CH4 emission in most of the chambers. No significant difference in ebullition was found within the CWs but between the CWs there were found significant differences. The conclusion of this thesis is that CWs in agricultural areas represent a large source of CH4 and N2O emissions and that nutrient status has a major influence of the N2O emissions. Lastly, ebullition seems to be a major pathway for the CH4 emission. / Jordbruksmark släpper ut stora mängder kväve och fosfor till ytvatten vilket orsakarövergödning. Skapandet av våtmarker på jordbruksmark är ett sätt att förhindra detta problem.Dock är anlagda våtmarker stora utsläppskällor av växthusgaser. Målet för den här studien varatt kvantifiera utsläppen av CH4 och N2O från 21 anlagda våtmarker runt Mälardalen beläget imitten av Sverige och 19 anlagda våtmarker i Hallands län längs Sveriges sydvästra kust.Vidare var syftet att undersöka om det fanns någon relation mellan utsläppen ochnäringsstatusen. Fortsättningsvis, utsläppen av CH4 genom ebullition utvärderades. Synoptiskvatten- och gasprovtagning utfördes under tidig höst och senhöst. Flytande kamrar sattes ut isex våtmarker och mätte CH4 ebullition under en 24-timmars period. Utsläppen av CH4genom diffusion varierade mellan 0.10–103 mg m-2 d-1 med ett medelvärde på 13 mg m-2 d-1.Utsläppen av N2O varierade mellan -0.086–7.8 mg m-2 d-1 med ett medelvärde på 1.4 mg m-2d-1. Signifikant negativ korrelation mellan utsläpp av N2O och C:N-kvoten och en signifikantpositiv korrelation mellan utsläpp av N2O och N:P-kvoten hittades. Ingen relation mellanutsläppen av CH4 och totalt organiskt kol hittades vilket andra studier kunnat påvisa. Endasten svag relation mellan utsläppen av CH4 och C:N-kvoten hittades. Ebullitionen i de sexvåtmarkerna varierade mellan 0–62 mg m-2 d-1 och stod för mer än 85 % av det totala CH4utsläppen i de flesta kamrarna. Inga signifikanta skillnader i ebullition kunde hittas inom deanlagda våtmarkerna men dock mellan våtmarkerna. Slutsatsen av den här studien är attanlagda våtmarker på jordbruksmark representerar en stor källa av CH4 och N2O utsläpp ochatt näringsstatusen i anlagda våtmarker har en stor inverkan på utsläppen av N2O. Slutligen,ebullitionen verkar vara en betydande utsläppsväg för CH4.
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Co-Benefits of Global and Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Air Quality and Human HealthJason West, J., Zhang, Yuqiang, Smith, Steven J., Silva, Raquel A., Bowden, Jared H., Naik, Vaishali, Li, Ying, Gilfillan, Dennis, Adelman, Zachariah, Fry, Meridith M., Anenberg, Susan C., Horowitz, Larry, Lamarque, Jean Francois 01 January 2017 (has links)
Most co-benefits studies have been conducted on local or national scales. However, we find that for a coordinated international GHG reduction, much of the air quality and health benefits come from GHG reductions in foreign nations. This is particularly true for ozone, which has a longer atmospheric lifetime than PM2.5, and which is affected by methane reductions. Together these findings show that co-benefits for air quality and health are greater when GHG reductions are coordinated with other nations. These results also show that previous co-benefits studies on local or national scale may significantly underestimate the total co-benefits by omitting i.) the benefits of domestic pollutant reductions for regions outside of the domain considered, and ii.) the benefits of foreign GHG reductions if the domestic reduction is coordinated with international action.
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Substituting Residential Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater Reuse for Public Water Supply: Tools for Evaluating the Public CostFerguson, Jennifer L 01 June 2009 (has links)
The intent of this project is to provide tools for public administrators to implement and evaluate the cost of an alternative on-site residential water supply using rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse in their jurisdiction. These tools are then applied to the city of San Luis Obispo (SLO), California as a case study to demonstrate how rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse could be implemented to supply all residential potable and non-potable water needs, completely replacing the current centralized publicly-managed water system. Further, energy and direct fiscal costs of the alternative system are compared with the current system. A cost analysis is crucial given that sustainability is heavily linked to appropriately valuing a resource and increasing the visibility of same to the public. Pursuing sustainable water supply options is particularly important given critical water shortages and the need to decouple the energy/water equation in pursuit of reducing energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
A decision tree and other tools were developed as part of this project for use by public administrators to determine the site-specific scope of an alternative residential water supply system. For example, a key question is the capacity of such a system to supply both potable and non-potable water needs. These tools were applied to single family (SF) residences in the case study city of SLO and resulted in an alternative residential system capable of completely substituting for public water supply. Implementation requires a major adjustment of indoor water demand from the SLO average of 55 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) to a ‘best practice’ water conservation mode of 27 gpcd, including a greywater reuse system for irrigation and toilet flushing.
With demand held constant, the costs of the alternative on-site residential water supply system were then compared to the costs of the current centralized public water system for both the municipality and the consumer in SF residences in SLO. The public water supply costs were based on overall budgeted costs, including implementing a new project the city is partially financing for conveying Nacimiento Reservoir water to SLO. Consumer-billed costs include expected price increases proposed for the next year by the City largely due to the addition of the Nacimiento project. The volumetrically apportioned municipal water supply cost ($0.0049/gallon) is 37% lower than that billed to the consumer ($0.0078/gallon), but the wastewater processing cost for the City ($0.0125/gallon) is 39% greater than that billed to the consumer ($0.0076/gallon). Thus the combined water supply and wastewater processing costs for the City are only 4% greater than that billed to residential customers. It is notable that the City intends to significantly increase water prices billed to customers over the next several years which would shift the cost analysis in favor of the alternative system.
The alternative system costs were based on operating costs (such as electricity) and the cost of the installed components of the system averaged yearly according to the life of the parts (10-50 years). The municipal cost for water supply ($0.0049/gallon) was 55% less than the cost for the alternative system ($0.0111/gallon), but the cost savings of wastewater processing using the alternative system ($0.0086/gallon) is 31% less than the municipal cost ($0.0125/gallon). The alternative systems savings are mostly a result of on-site greywater reuse for irrigation and indicate the scope of the immediate fiscal benefit to the municipality to substitute residential greywater systems for current public wastewater services. To calculate the overall cost difference in terms of both water supply and wastewater costs, the total costs used are as if all SF residences in SLO used the system. Overall, the municipal costs for combined water supply and wastewater processing ($4,137,598/yr) were 20% less than the alternative decentralized on-site system ($5,376,735/yr).
The cost to the consumer for current water supply through the public water system ($0.0078/gallon) is 29% lower than the proposed alternative system ($0.0111/gallon). The wastewater processing cost to the consumer ($0.0076) is also 11% less than that of the alternative system ($0.0086/gallon). On this basis, the consumer cost using expected billing rates ($4,137,598) is 23% lower using the public water system than the cost of the alternative system ($5,376,735). Expected water and sewer rate increases may skew these results in favour of the alternative system where it is viable for the consumer to completely replace their water system and remove their household off the public water system to their financial benefit.
The overall energy for water supply and wastewater processing used by the public water system was 34% lower (1,216,849 kWh/yr) than the alternative system (1,855,894 kWh/yr). The alternative on-site system’s electrically-driven pump is mostly responsible for this energy use and could be virtually eliminated by using gravity feed, as is common in many parts of the world currently using rainwater harvesting technology. Solar energy is also an effective solution to eliminate fossil-fuel based electricity.
From a fiscal perspective, the alternative system costs are inflated given that an expected drop in supply cost would likely ensue with the economies of scale gained if an entire city was purchasing equipment for the alternative systems. This could override the results of the study showing the alternative system’s 20-23% higher fiscal cost than current public water system. Considering the ‘no fossil-fuel’ energy alternatives and the expected significant drop in supply cost with large scale purchasing, the alternative system provides a promising alternative residential water supply for SLO.
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Optimering av bärande system i flerbostadshus av betong : Hur mycket kan de direkta utsläppen av växthusgaser påverkas?Jonsson, Anders January 2020 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetssektorn stod 2017 för cirka 19 procent av Sveriges totala inhemska utsläpp av växthusgaser. Även om en total minskning av utsläppen från bygg- och fastighetssektorn i Sverige skett mellan 1993–2017 förefaller utsläppen som kan härledas till själva uppförandet av byggnader vara mer eller mindre oförändrade under samma tidsperiod. För att minska utsläppen beroende av själva uppförandet av en ny byggnad ses minskad materialanvändning och slankare konstruktioner som en möjlig åtgärd. Här har verksamma inom bygg- och fastighetssektorn stora möjligheter att göra betydande skillnad. Inom byggindustrin står betong och armering för en stor del av växthusgasutsläppen. En tidigare undersökning visar att 84 procent av klimatpåverkan från byggprocessen, vid uppförande av flerbostadshus i betong, kunde härledas till olika byggmaterial varav betong och armering stod för cirka 50 procent av utsläppen. Den här studien har utförts på uppdrag av Sweco Structures AB med syftet att undersöka hur en optimering av bärande system i flerbostadshus av betong kan påverka de direkta utsläppen av koldioxidekvivalenter för att bidra med kunskap till ett framtida hållbart byggande. Studien har utförts genom att utvalda delar av den bärande konstruktionen i ett befintligt flerbostadshus i betong undersökts och dimensionerats med ett mindre tvärsnitt än vad som använts i det verkliga projektet. Vidare har en jämförelse gjorts över hur olika hållfasthetsklasser på betongen påverkat erforderlig armeringsmängd. Efter neddimensionering har en jämförelse över hur den förändrade materialåtgången påverkat de direkta utsläppen av koldioxidekvivalenter gjorts. Resultatet visar en möjlig utsläppsminskning av koldioxidekvivalenter, avseende de studerade byggnadsdelarna, om cirka 25 procent vid optimering. Slutsatsen är att en optimering av bärande system i flerbostadshus av betong kan innebära betydande minskningar av de direkta utsläppen av koldioxidekvivalenter beroende av materialåtgången vid uppförande av nya byggnader.
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