Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grounding"" "subject:"arounding""
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Μελέτη υποσταθμού μέσης τάσης 20/0,4 kVΜανέτα, Μαρία 19 January 2010 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη Υποσταθμού ΜΤ – ΧΤ. Αναλύονται τα μέσα που χρησιμοποιούνται για την υλοποίηση ενός ιδιωτικού Υ/Σ ΜΤ, ενώ μελετάται εκτενέστερα η διαδικασία επιλογής των μέσων εκείνων που είναι αναγκαία για την ηλεκτροδότηση ενός Μηχανουργείου, το οποίο αποτελείται από φορτία κίνησης και φωτισμού. Η εργασία χωρίζεται από δύο μέρη.
Στο πρώτο μέρος, που είναι η εισαγωγή, παρατίθενται τα απαραίτητα θεωρητικά στοιχεία για την μελέτη και την σχεδίαση ενός Υ/Σ. Συγκεκριμένα, αναλύονται τα μέσα ζεύξης – απόζευξης και προστασίας ΜΤ καθώς και ο εξοπλισμός για το δίκτυο ΜΤ. Παρουσιάζονται οι τύποι παροχής των ιδιωτικών Υ/Σ, τα κατάλληλα είδη γείωσης για προστασία των ατόμων που εργάζονται σε αυτούς ή βρίσκονται κοντά, από επικίνδυνες τάσεις επαφής και βηματικές τάσεις, όπως επίσης και η απαραίτητη προστασία του Υ/Σ έναντι υπερτάσεων. Στην συνέχεια, επισημαίνονται τα χαρακτηριστικά στοιχεία, καθώς και οι τρόποι επιλογής και προστασίας των Μ/Σ ισχύος, οι οποίοι έχουν τον ρόλο του μετασχηματισμού της τάσης από ΜΤ σε ΧΤ. Γίνεται μια αναφορά στα καλώδια ΜΤ και ΧΤ και αναλύονται τα μέσα ζεύξης – απόζευξης και προστασίας ΧΤ. Επιπλέον περιγράφονται οι ηλεκτρικοί πίνακες μέσα στους οποίους τοποθετούνται τα μέσα ζεύξης και προστασίας. Επισημαίνεται η αναγκαιότητα της αντιστάθμισης αέργου ισχύος και γίνεται μια αναφορά στα συστήματα πυροπροστασίας και στην επιβεβλημένη συντήρηση του Υ/Σ. Τέλος παρουσιάζονται τα απαραίτητα εκείνα στοιχεία για τον υπολογισμό των ηλεκτρικών εγκαταστάσεων ισχυρών ρευμάτων των βιομηχανικών χώρων, οι οποίοι αποτελούνται από εγκαταστάσεις κίνησης και φωτισμού.
Στο δεύτερο μέρος, πραγματοποιείται μια μελέτη εγκατάστασης κίνησης και φωτισμού ενός Μηχανουργείου καθώς επίσης και η μελέτη επιλογής των μέσων υλοποίησης του ιδιωτικού Υ/Σ ΜΤ – ΧΤ παροχής τύπου Α1 που θα το τροφοδοτήσει. Ακολουθούν τρία σχέδια, της χωροθέτησης των μηχανών παραγωγής έργου του Μηχανουργείου, της κάτοψης του κτιρίου του Υ/Σ ΜΤ και το μονογραμμικό του διάγραμμα στο οποίο φαίνονται όλα τα απαραίτητα στοιχεία για την κατασκευή των ηλεκτρικών πινάκων και την σχεδίαση της ηλεκτρολογικής εγκατάστασης. / Intention of the present diplomatic essay is the study of a Middle/Low Voltage’s Substation. The means used for the implementation of a private Middle Voltage’s Substation are being analyzed, whereas there is a further study of the procedure used to choose the specific means that are necessary for the power supply of a machine shop, which is consisted of movement and lighting loads. This essay is divided into two parts.
In the first part, which is the introduction, all the essential theoretical information for calculating and designing a Substation is given. More specific, there is an analysis of the means of connection-disconnection and Middle Voltage protection structures, as well as the equipment for The M/V network. There is a presentation of the types of supplying private Substations and the proper grounding methods which protect people who work at them or stand close to them from dangerous types of voltages. Also the necessary protection of the Substation from overvoltage is mentioned. The technical characteristics, and the ways to select and to protect the Transformers, whose role is to transform the Middle Voltage to Low Voltage are presented next. There is a reference to the M/L Voltage cables and to the means of connection-disconnection and Low Voltage protection structures. Furthermore there is a description of the electrical boards, in which the means of connection and protection are placed. The necessity for counterbalancing the reactive power is highlighted and also the fire protection systems and the obligatory maintenance of the Substation are referred. Concluding the first part there is a presentation of the information needed to estimate electrical installations of industrial buildings, which are composed of motion and lighting installations.
In the second part, there is an installation study for motion and lighting of a machine shop as well as a case study of the different structures available for setting up a private Substation M/L Voltage type A1 that will provide electrical power. Then there are three drawings. The first is about placing the different types of product machines of the machine shop, the ground plan of the M/V Substation’s building and the monoline diagram, in which all the essential information for constructing the electrical board and designing the electrical installation are showed.
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Μεταβατική συμπεριφορά γείωσης ανεμογεννητριώνΓκαμούρα, Χάρις 05 June 2012 (has links)
Τα κεραυνικά πλήγματα αποτελούν σημαντικό κίνδυνο ζημιάς στις ανεμογεννήτριες. Το πρόβλημα γίνεται μεγαλύτερο καθώς ο αριθμός και το ύψος τους συνεχώς αυξάνεται. Έτσι τα κεραυνικά πλήγματα στις ανεμογεννήτριες είναι μια από τις κυριότερες αιτίες βλαβών που προκαλούν απώλειες της προβλεπόμενης παραγωγής ισχύος με σοβαρές οικονομικές συνέπειες.
Τα συστήματα γείωσης σχεδιάζονται με σκοπό να παρέχουν την απαραίτητη ασφάλεια τόσο σε συνθήκες κανονικής λειτουργίας όσο και σφάλματος. Όσον αφορά κεραυνικά ρεύματα ή ρεύματα βραχυκύκλωσης το σύστημα γείωσης θα πρέπει να επιτυγχάνει την απαγωγή και διάχυση των ρευμάτων αυτών μέσα στη γη, με ταχύτητα και ασφάλεια, χωρίς να δημιουργούν επικίνδυνες υπερτάσεις στον περιβάλλοντα χώρο. Η εμφάνιση των υπερτάσεων αυτών είναι ικανή να πλήξει των άνθρωπο αλλά και να προκαλέσει ανεπανόρθωτες βλάβες στον εξοπλισμό.
Προκειμένου να ελεγθεί η αξιοπιστία ενός συστήματος γείωσης σε σχέση με την ασφάλεια που παρέχει σε συνθήκες σφάλματος είναι απαραίτητη η μελέτη της μεταβατικής συμπεριφοράς του. Έτσι μπορούμε να προβλέψουμε την απόδοση τους σε περιπτώσεις κρουστικών ρευμάτων κεραυνού.
Η παρούσα εργασία αναφέρεται στη μελέτη της μεταβατικής συμπεριφοράς συστημάτων γείωσης ανεμογεννήτριας μέσω της εξομοίωσης τους με το λογισμικό EMTP-ATP. Οι εξομοιώσεις γίνονται βάσει του μοντέλου κυκλωματικής προσέγγισης για διάφορες τιμές ειδικών αντιστάσεων εδάφους. Σκοπός είναι η σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων και η επιλογή του κατάλληλου συστήματος γείωσης.
Παρακάτω γίνεται σύντομη περιγραφή των κεφαλαίων
Στο Πρώτο Κεφάλαιο γίνεται αναφορά στο φαινόμενο του κεραυνού, στις παραμέτρους των ανερχόμενων και κατερχόμενων κεραυνών και τέλος στις επιπτώσεις των κεραυνικών πληγμάτων.
Στο Δεύτερο Κεφάλαιο γίνεται αναφορά στο ρόλο της γείωσης, στα διάφορα είδη γειωτών καθώς και στις μεθόδους υπολογισμού των παραμέτρων τους.
Στο Τρίτο Κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται χαρακτηριστικά μεγέθη που αφορούν την απόκριση των συστημάτων γείωσης όπως είναι η αντίσταση γείωσης, η ειδική αντίσταση εδάφους και η κρουστική σύνθετη αντίσταση.
Στο Τέταρτο Κεφάλαιο γίνεται αναφορά στα διάφορα μοντέλα συστημάτων γείωσης. Παρουσιάζονται τόσο αυτά που χρησιμοποιούνταν κατά το παρελθόν όσο και τα επικρατέστερα σύγχρονα.
Στο Πέμπτο Κεφάλαιο γίνεται αρχικά επιλογή του μοντέλου προσομοίωσης. Στη συνέχεια παρατίθενται τα στοιχεία των συστημάτων γείωσης που εξετάζουμε. Κατόπιν παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα των εξομοιώσεων. Τέλος γίνεται σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων.
Από τις συγκρίσεις προκύπτουν οι παράγοντες από τους οποίους εξαρτάται η μεταβατική συμπεριφορά των εξεταζόμενων συστημάτων γείωσης.
Βάσει των αποτελεσμάτων παρατηρούμε αρχικά ότι η ειδική αντίσταση εδάφους έχει μεγάλη επίδραση στην μεταβατική απόκριση των συστημάτων γείωσης έχει. Συγκεκριμένα για μικρότερες τιμές ειδικής αντίστασης εδάφους έχουμε παράλληλη μείωση των τιμών των μέγιστων μεταβατικών υπερτάσεων στους κόμβους τους συστήματος.
Επιπλέον παρατηρούμε σημαντική εξάρτηση των τιμών των τάσεων στους κόμβους των συστημάτων από την απόστασή τους από το σημείο εγχύσεως του ρεύματος. Έτσι όσο απομακρυνόμαστε από το σημείο εγχύσεως του κρουστικού ρεύματος μειώνεται το δυναμικό των κόμβων.
Τέλος δεδομένων ίδιων τιμών ειδικής αντίστασης εδάφους, οι δύο διατάξεις παρουσίαζουν διαφορετικές μεταβατικές αποκρίσεις, / Lightning strokes consist one of the most important damage risks in wind turbines. The problem grows bigger as the number and height of modern wind turbines continuously increases. So lightning strikes on wind turbines are one of the most important malfunction causes which have serious inflictions on the predicted power production with severe economic consequences
Grounding systems are designed to provide the necessary safety on normal operation conditions as well as on fault conditions. The grounding system must be able to divert fault currents as well as lightning currents to the ground with speed and safety without the development of over voltages on the surrounding space. The appearance of over voltages is extremely dangerous both for people and equipment.
To test the reliability of a grounding system on fault conditions, a study of its transient behavior is necessary in order to predict the performance of the grounding system in the case of an impulse lightning current.
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to study the transient response of two grounding systems for wind turbines by means of simulation with the EMTP-ATP software. The equivalent circuits used for the simulation are based on the circuit theory approach for various values of soil resistivity. Finally the two grounding systems are compared regarding their transient response behavior.
Bellow follows a brief description of the chapters.
In Chapter One the phenomenon of lightning is presented including the parameters that define lightning as well as the effects of lightning strokes on people and equipment.
Chapter Two focuses on the role of grounding in electrical installations, the various types of grounding electrodes and the calculation methods of their parameters.
Chapter Three presents the effect of figures such as the grounding resistance, soil resistivity and impulse resistance on the response of grounding systems.
Chapter Four refers to the various modeling approaches for grounding systems. Modeling approaches such as the circuit theory approach, the electromagnetic field approach etc are presented an analyzed.
In Chapter Five the model for the simulation is selected and the values for the grounding system parameters are presented, followed by the results of the simulations. In conclusion the results of the simulations are compared.
From comparing the results of the simulations we observe that the soil resistivity has a great effect on the transient response of the simulated grounding systems. Moreover for low values of soil resistivity there is a parallel decrease of the peak voltage values on the system nodes.
Furthermore we observe a considerate dependence of the voltage values to the distance to the injection point of the lightning current. So as we move away from the injection point of the impulse current the node potential decreases.
Finally, given the same values of soil resistivity, the two grounding systems have different transient responses.
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S-Chart : um arcabouço para interpretação visual de gráficos / S-Chart: a framework for visual interpretation of line chartsFiorini, Sandro Rama January 2009 (has links)
Interpretação semântica de imagens tem se mostrado uma das fronteiras mais promissoras da área de Visão Computacional, especificamente aplicada a interpretação imagens. Nas abordagens que estão sendo propostas atualmente, conhecimento visual explicitamente modelado é utilizado com algoritmos de raciocínio simbólico combinados a algoritmos de processamento de imagem a fim de se extrair o conteúdo de imagens e associá-lo a modelos semanticamente ricos. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de interpretação semântica de imagens especificamente voltada para interpretação de gráficos de linhas, chamada S-Chart. Ela consiste um conjunto de modelos de conhecimento e algoritmos que podem ser instanciados para interpretação de gráficos em diversos domínios. Os modelos são representados em três níveis semânticos e aplicam o conceito de ancoramento simbólico (symbol grounding) para mapear as primitivas entre os níveis. Os algoritmos de interpretação propostos fazem a interação entre o raciocínio simbólico de alto nível e os algoritmos de processamento de sinal para os dados brutos dos gráficos analisados. Para demonstrar a aplicabilidade do framework S-Chart, foi desenvolvido o sistema InteliStrata, uma aplicação no domínio da Geologia, voltada para interpretação semântica de gráficos de perfis de poço. Utilizando a aplicação, foram interpretados dois perfis de raios gama capturados em poços de exploração, de modo que o sistema identificasse a presença de Sequências Estratigráficas e superfícies de inundação máximas. Os resultados foram comparados com a interpretação de um geólogo especialista sobre os mesmos dados. O sistema aponta as mesmas sequências já identificadas e oferece outras opções de interpretação compatíveis com as do geólogo utilizando os mesmos dados. O framework S-Chart tem seus pontos fortes nos seus modelos representação de conhecimento visual independentes de domínio, que permitem a utilização do mesmo arcabouço em diferentes aplicações e, em especial, no seu modelo de ancoramento simbólico entre primitivas de representação. / Semantic image interpretation is one of the most promising frontiers in the Computer Vision area, specifically when applied to Image Interpretation. To reach semantic interpretation, visual knowledge explicitly represented is applied by symbolic reasoning algorithms combined with image processing algorithms in order to extract the content of the images and associate it with semantically rich models. This work describes the S-Chart approach, a semantic image interpretation approach designed for interpretation of line charts. It is structured as a set of knowledge models and algorithms that can be instantiated to accomplish chart interpretation in other domains. The models are represented in three semantic levels and apply the concept of symbol grounding in order to map the primitives between the levels. The interpretation algorithms carry out the interaction between the symbolic reasoning in the high level, and the signal processing algorithms in the low level data. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the S-Chart framework, we developed the InteliStrata system, an application in Geology for the semantic interpretation of well log profiles. Using the application, we have interpreted the graphs of two gamma-ray profiles captured in exploration wells, to indicate the position of Stratigraphic Sequences and the maximum flooding surfaces. The results were compared with the interpretation of an experienced geologist using the same data input. The system was able to point the same identified sequences and offered alternative interpretation that were compatible with the geologist interpretation over the data. The S-Chart framework demonstrates its effectiveness on interpretation of pictorial information in knowledge intensive domains. The stronger points of the approach are its domain independent models for visual knowledge representation and, specially, the application of a symbol grounding model to provide a correlation between representation primitives.
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Estudo da influência da conexão e aterramento de transformadores trifásicos em variações de tensão de curta duraçãoCosta, Lucas Araujo da January 2018 (has links)
Sendo as interrupções, os afundamentos de tensão e as sobretensões distúrbios de Qualidade de Energia Elétrica (QEE) com potencial de grande impacto econômico, estudos que procuram alternativas de mitigação de seus efeitos ou prevenção de sua ocorrência têm sido amplamente realizados nas últimas décadas. Uma das metodologias de avaliação de sua ocorrência é realizada pela predição, que geralmente se concentra em simulações de faltas em parcelas de sistemas elétricos de potência. Nos Procedimentos de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica no Sistema Elétrico Nacional (PRODIST), encontra-se a denominação geral de Variações de Tensão de Curta Duração (VTCD) para estes três tipos de distúrbios, os quais podem ser classificados tanto por sua magnitude quanto por sua duração. Nesse contexto, este trabalho avalia pela predição a influência exercida pela conexão e o aterramento do neutro de transformadores trifásicos nas quantidades de VTCD, especialmente de afundamentos de tensão, e no valor do índice Fator de Impacto (FI) do PRODIST, que são observados em um nó com conexão a um consumidor industrial Realizam-se estudos de caso sobre um sistema de potência simulado no software Alternative Transients Program (ATP), o qual possui dois transformadores em sua rede: um transformador da subestação e outro na entrada do nó do consumidor industrial. Consideram-se duas conexões possíveis para o transformador de entrada, e aplica-se uma resistência de aterramento para o neutro de ambos os transformadores em cada caso, alteram-se o seu valor. Verificam-se as tensões no nó do consumidor industrial de duas formas diferentes: tensões fase-terra e tensões fase-fase. Observa-se, assim, que há diferenças para estas quantidades e para o valor do FI devidas à forma de conexão do transformador de entrada, valor da resistência de aterramento de neutro de ambos os transformadores e formas de verificação das tensões. / Since interruptions, voltage sags and overvoltages are Power Quality (PQ) disturbances with great economic impact potential, studies that seek alternatives to mitigate its effects or to prevent its occurrence have been done widely in the last decades. One of the methodologies to assess its occurrence is performed by prediction, which usually focuses on power systems fault simulations. In the Brazilian norm of PQ, there is the general designation short duration voltage variation (VTCD) for these three types of disturbances, which are classified both in terms of magnitude and duration. In this context, this work assess by the prediction the influence of three-phase transformers winding connection and neutral grounding in the quantities of VTCD, especially voltage sags, and in the index value Impact Factor (FI) of the Brazilian regulation standard, which are observed in a node with connection to an industrial consumer. The case studies are performed on a simulated power system in the Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which has two transformers in its network: one substation transformer and another at entrance of the industrial consumer node. Two possible winding connections are considered for the entrance transformer, and a ground resistance is applied to the neutral of both transformers in each case, being changed their value. Voltages in the industrial consumer node are verified by two different ways: phase-to-ground voltages and phase-to-phase voltages. It is observed that there are differences for these quantities and for the value of the FI due to the winding connection of the entrance transformer, the value of the neutral ground resistance of both transformers and the ways of voltage verification.
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S-Chart : um arcabouço para interpretação visual de gráficos / S-Chart: a framework for visual interpretation of line chartsFiorini, Sandro Rama January 2009 (has links)
Interpretação semântica de imagens tem se mostrado uma das fronteiras mais promissoras da área de Visão Computacional, especificamente aplicada a interpretação imagens. Nas abordagens que estão sendo propostas atualmente, conhecimento visual explicitamente modelado é utilizado com algoritmos de raciocínio simbólico combinados a algoritmos de processamento de imagem a fim de se extrair o conteúdo de imagens e associá-lo a modelos semanticamente ricos. Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem de interpretação semântica de imagens especificamente voltada para interpretação de gráficos de linhas, chamada S-Chart. Ela consiste um conjunto de modelos de conhecimento e algoritmos que podem ser instanciados para interpretação de gráficos em diversos domínios. Os modelos são representados em três níveis semânticos e aplicam o conceito de ancoramento simbólico (symbol grounding) para mapear as primitivas entre os níveis. Os algoritmos de interpretação propostos fazem a interação entre o raciocínio simbólico de alto nível e os algoritmos de processamento de sinal para os dados brutos dos gráficos analisados. Para demonstrar a aplicabilidade do framework S-Chart, foi desenvolvido o sistema InteliStrata, uma aplicação no domínio da Geologia, voltada para interpretação semântica de gráficos de perfis de poço. Utilizando a aplicação, foram interpretados dois perfis de raios gama capturados em poços de exploração, de modo que o sistema identificasse a presença de Sequências Estratigráficas e superfícies de inundação máximas. Os resultados foram comparados com a interpretação de um geólogo especialista sobre os mesmos dados. O sistema aponta as mesmas sequências já identificadas e oferece outras opções de interpretação compatíveis com as do geólogo utilizando os mesmos dados. O framework S-Chart tem seus pontos fortes nos seus modelos representação de conhecimento visual independentes de domínio, que permitem a utilização do mesmo arcabouço em diferentes aplicações e, em especial, no seu modelo de ancoramento simbólico entre primitivas de representação. / Semantic image interpretation is one of the most promising frontiers in the Computer Vision area, specifically when applied to Image Interpretation. To reach semantic interpretation, visual knowledge explicitly represented is applied by symbolic reasoning algorithms combined with image processing algorithms in order to extract the content of the images and associate it with semantically rich models. This work describes the S-Chart approach, a semantic image interpretation approach designed for interpretation of line charts. It is structured as a set of knowledge models and algorithms that can be instantiated to accomplish chart interpretation in other domains. The models are represented in three semantic levels and apply the concept of symbol grounding in order to map the primitives between the levels. The interpretation algorithms carry out the interaction between the symbolic reasoning in the high level, and the signal processing algorithms in the low level data. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the S-Chart framework, we developed the InteliStrata system, an application in Geology for the semantic interpretation of well log profiles. Using the application, we have interpreted the graphs of two gamma-ray profiles captured in exploration wells, to indicate the position of Stratigraphic Sequences and the maximum flooding surfaces. The results were compared with the interpretation of an experienced geologist using the same data input. The system was able to point the same identified sequences and offered alternative interpretation that were compatible with the geologist interpretation over the data. The S-Chart framework demonstrates its effectiveness on interpretation of pictorial information in knowledge intensive domains. The stronger points of the approach are its domain independent models for visual knowledge representation and, specially, the application of a symbol grounding model to provide a correlation between representation primitives.
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Dynamique du glacier émissaire des processus à l'application sur un glacier école, Astrolabe, Antarctique de l'Est / Dynamics of the outlet glacier : from processes to the application on a real glacier, the Astrolabe, East AntarcticaDrouet, Anne-Sophie 09 November 2012 (has links)
Le bilan de masse de l'Antarctique dépend de deux contributions principales: le bilan de masse de surface constitué par l'ensemble des processus de perte et de gain de masse agissant en surface (précipitations, fonte, sublimation, tranport par le vent...) et le transfert dynamique de glace de la calotte vers la mer. Ce transfert a lieu au niveau des glaciers émissaires côtiers et représente 90% de la perte du volume total de glace de la calotte. Ces systèmes côtiers constituent ainsi les principaux régulateurs de l'évolution du bilan de masse de la calotte et de la contribution de cette dernière à l'élévation du niveau des mers. Les observations récentes révèlent une diminution accrue du bilan de masse en certaines zones de la calotte polaire telle que la partie Ouest et une contribution à l'élévation du niveau des mers de la part de la calotte qui augmente progressivement par rapport à l'expansion thermique. L'étude de la dynamique des glaciers émissaires par modélisation permet ainsi de mieux comprendre leur fonctionnement, de prédire leur réponse à une quelconque sollicitation, et d'évaluer l'impact potentiel sur l'élévation du niveau des mers. Ce travail de thèse vise à apporter de nouveaux éléments pour mieux contraindre ces modèles d'écoulement de la calotte antarctique. Il se scinde en deux axes principaux. La première partie s'intéresse à l'implémentation des processus physiques dans le modèle numérique, en particulier représenté par la migration de la ligne d'échouage qui sépare la partie posée de la partie flottante. Elle se base sur des cas synthétiques 2D. Nous mettons en évidence dans cette partie la diversité des modèles d'écoulement de calotte impliqués et les différences et similitudes associées. En particulier, la majorité de ces modèles repose sur deux hypothèses fortes que sont la stationnarité et la prédominance du glissement basal sur l'écoulement dont le bien-fondé est remis en question. L'étude d'intercomparaison révèle certaines divergences entre les modèles en terme de contribution à l'élévation du niveau des mers, les résultats nécessitent donc d'être pris avec précaution et les efforts doivent se concentrer sur la validité des hypothèses et l'implémentation du processus de migration de la ligne d'échouage. La deuxième partie consiste à appliquer le modèle Elmer/ice, qualifié de 'full-stokes', au cas réel 3D du Glacier de l'Astrolabe situé en Terre Adélie en Antarctique de l'Est.Cette application nous a permis de tester la sensibilité du modèle full-Stokes aux incertitudes sur les données d'entrées telles que la description du socle rocheux. Cette sensibilité s'avère significative recommandant une bonne connaissance de l'élévation du socle sous jacent à la glace et des méthodes appropriées pour sa détermination sur les noeuds du maillage associé au modèle. / Two main contributions dominate the mass balance of Antarctica: surface mass balance, represented by all processes of gain and loss of mass acting at the upper surface (precipitations, melting, sublimation, wind transport...) and dynamical transport from grounded ice to the sea. This transfer takes place through outlet glaciers and represents 90% of the total loss of the whole ice sheet volume. These coastal systems act as regulators for the evolution of the ice sheet mass balance and for its contribution to sea level rise. Recently, observations emphasize a relevant decrease of mass balance in certain zones of Antarctica such as the West Coast, and an associated contribution to sea level rise from the ice sheet which increases significantly with respect to thermal expansion. Studying dynamics of outlet glaciers by modelisation thus participates at a better understanding of involved processes and enables to predict their response to any external sollicitations and to assess their potential impact on sea level budget. This work aims at providing with new elements for constraining these ice flow models for Antarctica. It is composed of two main parts. The first one concerns the implementation of physical processes into numerical models, in particular represented by grounding line migration, delimitating the grounded part from the floating one. It is based on 2 dimensionnal synthetic cases. The diversity of flow line ice sheet models is emphasized, with the associated differences and similarities. Most of these models lie on two strong assumptions, e.g. steadyness and dominance of basal sliding on ice flow, which are not always fulfilled. Moreover, the intercomparison work reveals discrepancies between models in terms of sea level contribution suggesting particular caution to be taken when considering corresponding results. Efforts have now to converge towards the validity of assumptions and on methods for implementing grounding line migration. The second part consists in applying the so-called 'full-Stokes' Elmer/Ice model to the 3D real case of the Astrolabe Glacier situated in Adélie Land in the east part of Antarctica. This application allows us to conduct sensitivity tests of the model to input incertainties such as the ones of bedrock description. This sensitivity appears to be significant, recommending a good knowledge of bedrock elevations and appropriate methods for its determination on the mesh nodes associated to the model.
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Estudo do aterramento dos pés de torres de linha de transmissão frente às descargas atmosféricasBerardo, Benício Luiz [UNESP] 03 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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berardo_bl_me_bauru.pdf: 467989 bytes, checksum: 1b7cb5967b4080092b9a0c9ae7a58c49 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho mostra o estudo de uma linha de transmissão onde ocorreram desligamentos causados por descargas atmosféricas. Esse estudo foi feito a partir de informações de desligamentos de linhas de transmissão da concessionária e dados extraídos de um sistema de análise e monitoramento de descargas atmosféricas. Para esse trecho da linha de transmissão foram identificadas incidências de descargas atmosféricas que causaram desligamentos, bem como descargas que não causaram desligamentos. Baseados nestas informações foram efetuadas medições em campo de resistência de aterramento dos contrapesos e da resistividade do solo, onde foi possível constatar através dos resultados que algumas torres apresentaram valores que ultrapassaram os valores normatizados. O levantamento dessas informações é o principal foco deste estudo, que visa fornecer subsídios para a identificação de torres problemáticas. Uma proposta clássica utilizada para melhorar o desempenho desta linha de transmissão frente à incidência de descargas atmosféricas foi testada mas seu resultado não foi muito satisfatário / This paper shows the study of a transmission line where outages occurred because of lightnings. The study was made from information that came from the power utility transmission line disconnection and data obtained from lightnings analyses and monitoring system. For this part of the transmission line it was identified incidence of lightning that caused outages, as well as incidences that did not cause outages. Based on this information, it was performed field measurements of ground resistance counterpoise and resistivity where is was possible to find, trough the results that some of the towers present numbers trepassed the normal values. Coming up with this information is this information is the main goal of this study that aims to offer to identify the towers that contains problems. A classical proposal used to improve the performance of this transmission line facing the incidence of lightnings was tested but the result wasn't very satisfactory
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Estudo do desempenho de sistemas de aterramento frente às descargas atmosféricas em instalações de baixa e média tensão /Sant'Anna, Cezar José. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: André Nunes de Souza / Banca: Geraldo Francisco Burani / Banca: Pedro da Costa Júnior / Resumo: O presente trabalho possui como linha mestra a apresentação de proposições técnicas para as instalações de baixa e média tensão na incidência de descargas atmosféricas, visando diminuir danos nos equipamentos elétricos dos consumidores. Para a realização dessas proposições foram estudados e analisados diversos casos relacionados ao sistema de aterramento recomendados pelas normas e publicações técnicas. A diretriz metodológica adotada nesta pesquisa incorporou estudos correlatos já consolidados, experimentos e também simulações computacionais. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados levando-se em conta a influência dos sistemas de aterramento e seus componentes, tais como: tipos de eletrodos, solo, tipo de condutor de descida e dispositivos de proteção contra surtos. / Abstract: The master line of this present study consists of the presentation of technical propositions related to low and medium tension installations in the incidence lightning, aiming to decrease damages on consumer's electrical equipment. For the accomplishment of those propositions, several cases related to the earthing systems recommended standards and publications have been studied and analyzed. The methodological directive adopted in the present research has been incorporated already consolidated correlate studies consolidated, experiments, as well as digital simulations. The results obtained have been analyzed taking into account the influence of the earthing systems and their components, such as: electrodes, soil, descending conductors and protection devices. / Mestre
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Dimensionamento de sistemas de aterramento em linhas de transmiss?o para escoamento eficiente de correntes de surtos atmosf?ricosD?lia, Ant?nio dos Santos 14 December 2012 (has links)
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AntonioSD_DISSERT.pdf: 1216426 bytes, checksum: 7fd76cc37669a46f507ab80033e1227e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-12-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work presents in a simulated environment, to analyze the length of cable needed counterweight connected to ground rod, able to avoid the phenomenon of flashover return, back flashover, the insulator chains of transmission lines consisting of concrete structures when they are subjected to lightning standardized regarding certain resistivity values of some kinds of soil and geometric arrangements of disposal of grounding systems structures / Este trabalho apresenta, em ambiente simulado, a an?lise do comprimento necess?rio de cabo contrapeso interligado a haste de aterramento, capaz de evitar o fen?meno de descarga disruptiva de retorno, back flashover, nas cadeias de isoladores de Linhas de Transmiss?o constitu?das de estruturas de concreto, quando s?o submetidas a descargas atmosf?ricas padronizadas considerando determinados valores de resistividade de solo e alguns tipos de disposi??o de arranjos geom?tricos de sistemas de aterramento das estruturas
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Estudo da influência da conexão e aterramento de transformadores trifásicos em variações de tensão de curta duraçãoCosta, Lucas Araujo da January 2018 (has links)
Sendo as interrupções, os afundamentos de tensão e as sobretensões distúrbios de Qualidade de Energia Elétrica (QEE) com potencial de grande impacto econômico, estudos que procuram alternativas de mitigação de seus efeitos ou prevenção de sua ocorrência têm sido amplamente realizados nas últimas décadas. Uma das metodologias de avaliação de sua ocorrência é realizada pela predição, que geralmente se concentra em simulações de faltas em parcelas de sistemas elétricos de potência. Nos Procedimentos de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica no Sistema Elétrico Nacional (PRODIST), encontra-se a denominação geral de Variações de Tensão de Curta Duração (VTCD) para estes três tipos de distúrbios, os quais podem ser classificados tanto por sua magnitude quanto por sua duração. Nesse contexto, este trabalho avalia pela predição a influência exercida pela conexão e o aterramento do neutro de transformadores trifásicos nas quantidades de VTCD, especialmente de afundamentos de tensão, e no valor do índice Fator de Impacto (FI) do PRODIST, que são observados em um nó com conexão a um consumidor industrial Realizam-se estudos de caso sobre um sistema de potência simulado no software Alternative Transients Program (ATP), o qual possui dois transformadores em sua rede: um transformador da subestação e outro na entrada do nó do consumidor industrial. Consideram-se duas conexões possíveis para o transformador de entrada, e aplica-se uma resistência de aterramento para o neutro de ambos os transformadores em cada caso, alteram-se o seu valor. Verificam-se as tensões no nó do consumidor industrial de duas formas diferentes: tensões fase-terra e tensões fase-fase. Observa-se, assim, que há diferenças para estas quantidades e para o valor do FI devidas à forma de conexão do transformador de entrada, valor da resistência de aterramento de neutro de ambos os transformadores e formas de verificação das tensões. / Since interruptions, voltage sags and overvoltages are Power Quality (PQ) disturbances with great economic impact potential, studies that seek alternatives to mitigate its effects or to prevent its occurrence have been done widely in the last decades. One of the methodologies to assess its occurrence is performed by prediction, which usually focuses on power systems fault simulations. In the Brazilian norm of PQ, there is the general designation short duration voltage variation (VTCD) for these three types of disturbances, which are classified both in terms of magnitude and duration. In this context, this work assess by the prediction the influence of three-phase transformers winding connection and neutral grounding in the quantities of VTCD, especially voltage sags, and in the index value Impact Factor (FI) of the Brazilian regulation standard, which are observed in a node with connection to an industrial consumer. The case studies are performed on a simulated power system in the Alternative Transients Program (ATP), which has two transformers in its network: one substation transformer and another at entrance of the industrial consumer node. Two possible winding connections are considered for the entrance transformer, and a ground resistance is applied to the neutral of both transformers in each case, being changed their value. Voltages in the industrial consumer node are verified by two different ways: phase-to-ground voltages and phase-to-phase voltages. It is observed that there are differences for these quantities and for the value of the FI due to the winding connection of the entrance transformer, the value of the neutral ground resistance of both transformers and the ways of voltage verification.
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