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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of factors influencing borehole yields in the Nzhelele-Makhado Area in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mukheli, Azwindini 21 September 2018 (has links)
MESMEG / Department of Mining and Environmental Geology / This dissertation focused on the assessment of borehole yields within the Nzhelele- Makhado area, which is located in the northern part of South Africa within the Vhembe District Municipality of Limpopo Province. The aim of the study was to identify factors that influence the yields of water supply boreholes within the study area. This information will be used to improve the groundwater resource knowledge required in assessing the potential of groundwater resources in augmenting the Nzhelele Regional Water Supply Scheme. The study area is mostly underlain by the ‘hard rock’ formations of the Soutpansberg Group, which practically has no primary porosity. The groundwater is residing mainly within the weathered and fractured or discontinuities, considered being secondary porosities. Due to the complexity of the underlying fractured and hard rock aquifer systems and the fact that most of the boreholes drilled in the area were not scientifically sited, the study area is dominated by very low yielding boreholes. Majority (48%) of the boreholes were drilled into the Nzhelele formation due to the fact that it occupies the central, relatively flat and low lying sections of the study area. The variations in average yields in boreholes drilled in different formations within the study area is relatively low suggesting that the difference in lithology of different formations do not to have any major influence in the yields of boreholes. The topographical settings of the area do not have any influence in the borehole drilling depths and yields. The high borehole yields in shallow boreholes located in mountainous areas is due to local groundwater systems, which recharges and discharges locally. Mapped lineaments are slightly low yielding (average yield of 0.32 l/s) compared to the faults (average yield of 0.43 l/s) within the study area. Boreholes drilled along the NE-SW trending lineaments support double the yields (0.41 l/s) on average of those along the SE-NW (0.28 l/s) and W-E (0.20 l/s) trending lineaments. The high yields in boreholes closer to non-perennial streams compared to perennial rivers is due to the fact that non-perennial streams are comprised of thick layer of overburden capable of supporting high yielding boreholes, whereas the overburden along the perennial rivers are washed away during rainy season leaving bedrock exposed or covered with thin layer of sediments. The proximity to the young faults trending SE-NW and dry non-perennial streams has proved to be the most the favourable areas for development of high yielding boreholes in the study area, compared to lithological difference and topographical settings of the area. However, it should be noted that there are no simple relationship between various factors that control the yield of the boreholes in the area. Despite the similarities in some factors that influence borehole productivity on a regional scale such as faults and drainage systems, the complexity of the weathered-fractured aquifer system suggests an over-riding influence of local features, which results in significant variations in yield and response to abstraction. / NRF

Vulnerability assessment of groundwater pollution in the vicinity of a landfill in Nigeria / Sårbarhetsbedömning av grundvattenföroreningar i närheten av en deponi i Nigeria

Marta, Melisa, Nordgren, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Malfunctioning landfills are a globally sprawled problem. The Olusosun landfill in Lagos, Nigeria is not an exception. It is located in the middle of the city, nearby groundwater resources used to supply drinking water for the inhabitants in Lagos. When solid waste is thrown in a landfill with an inappropriate management, the groundwater may be contaminated by precipitation and surface runoff percolating the solid waste.  This report identifies if the groundwater fulfills both the Nigerian Standards for Clean Drinking Water and the World Health Organization’s International Water Quality Standards. This report also analyzes if precipitation and temperature affects groundwater quality, which later on becomes the inhabitants drinking water. The study focuses on the following water quality parameters: pH, hardness, total dissolved solids, conductivity, sodium, chlorine, sulphate, phosphate, nitrate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, lead, nickel and chromium.  Groundwater quality was assessed in 17 different sampling sites, including wells and boreholes, with samples collected once a month during the year of 2020. Further on, a spatial analysis and temporal analysis were made. The temporal analysis for precipitation and temperature in Lagos is analyzed together with the parameters to ascertain if some parameters depend on these two factors. The tables and diagrams in the results were analyzed by visually studying the data to find correlations between the parameters and temperature respectively precipitation. Lastly, a literature study was made to support the found correlations.  The overall groundwater in the vicinity to the Olusosun landfill does not achieve the standards for either the World Health Organization or Nigeria’s Standards for Drinking Water Quality. The results indicate that the Drinking Water Quality Standards for both Nigeria and the World Health Organization lack limits for some parameters. Not all the water quality parameters investigated have an established quality standard for drinking water use. However, none of the sites exceed the guideline values for the parameters for sulphate, conductivity, nitrate, sodium and copper.  The result presents that the locations with the lowest number of fulfilled parameters, and evidently with the least qualified drinking water, were locations 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17. The majority of these locations are situated close to the landfill. The results also presented that the locations with the best water quality standards were locations 9 and 11, which are also the locations situated the furthest from the landfill. The result for the temporal analysis reveals that the temperature has a correlation to all the parameters except for calcium and that all the parameters have a correlation to all the parameters analysed.  The Olusosun landfill affects the groundwater quality negatively. The locations close to the landfill have the poorest water quality and vice versa. It is necessary to improve the water quality to secure the health of the people consuming it in Lagos, Nigeria. To do so, the landfill management must amend the current management directions. The focus should be on a remediation of the Olusosun landfill. Methods that can be used are solid washing, phytoremediation top-soil placement and establishing world leading practices in the area. / Dåligt fungerade deponier är ett globalt problem och deponin Olusosun i Lagos Nigeria är inget undantag. Deponin ligger i staden och nära grundvattenkällor som nyttjas som dricksvatten. När fast avfall placeras på en deponi med otillräcklig ledning kan grundvattnet bli förorenat av nederbörd och ytavrinning. Denna rapport identifierar om grundvattnet vid deponin Olusosun uppfyller Nigeria och WHOs dricksvattenstandarder. Rapporten studerar även om nederbörd och temperatur påverkar kvaliteten på vattnet i området.  Grundvattenkvaliteten undersöktes på 17 olika platser som bestod av brunnar och borrhål. Proverna togs en gång i månaden under år 2020. Sedan gjordes en rumslig och tidslig analys av proverna. Den rumsliga analysen undersökte huruvida vattenkvaliteten påverkas av avståndet till deponin och den tidsliga analysen undersökte om nederbörd och temperatur påverkar förändringarna av parametrarna över tid. För att bekräfta hittade samband i resultatet gjordes en litteraturstudie där bland annat litteratur från tidigare studier användes.  Ingen av platserna som proverna togs från uppfyller alla standarder från varken Nigeria eller WHO. Platserna som överskred flest vattenkvalitetstandarder var plats 3, 12, 14, 16 and 17. De platser som överskred minst antal parametrar av vattenkvalitetstandarder var plats 9 och 11. En koppling mellan avståndet till deponin och vattenkvaliteten kunde göras. Resultatet från den tidsliga analysen visar att alla parametrar utom kalcium påverkas av temperaturen och alla parametrar påverkas av mängden nederbörd.  Deponin Olusosun påverkar kvaliteten på grundvatten negativt och det är nödvändigt att förbättra vattenkvaliteten för att försäkra hälsan för invånarna i Lagos som konsumerar vattnet. För att göra det måste förvaltningen förbättras. Fokus borde ligga på att sanera deponin. Metoder som kan användas för detta är solid wasing och phytoremediation.

An analysis of nitrate contaminated water in Cherry Valley

Hernandez-Romo, Adriana 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of nitrate contamination in the water in Cherry Valley. It examines the theory that human effluent is the source of the nitrate and evaluates the role of politics in the nitrate issue.

Synthesis and potential application of Fe3+/Mn2+ bimetal and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMA-Br) modified clayey soils for arsenic removal in groundwater

Mudzielwana, Rabelani 16 May 2019 (has links)
PhD (Environmental Sciences) / Department of Ecology and Resource Management / The presence of arsenic in groundwater has drawn worldwide attention from researchers and public health officials due to its effects on human health such as, cancer, skin thickening, neurological disorders, muscular weakness, loss of appetite and nausea. World Health Organisation (WHO) has set the limit of 10 μg/L for arsenic in drinking water in trying to reduce the effects of arsenic. This was further adopted by South African National Standard (SANS). The present study aims at evaluating arsenic concentration in selected groundwater sources around Greater Giyani Municipality in Limpopo Province and further synthesize clay based adsorbents for arsenic removal using Fe3+ and Mn2+ oxides and hexadecylammonium bromide (HDTMA-Br) cationic surfactant as modifying agents. The first section of the work presented the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Greater Giyani Municipality. The results showed that the pH of the samples ranges from neutral to weakly alkaline. The dominance of major anionic and cationic species was found to be in the order: HCO3 ->Cl->SO4 2->NO3 - and Na+>Mg2+>Ca2+>K+>Si4+, respectively. Hydrogeochemical facies identified in the study area include CaHCO3 (90%) and mixed CaNaHCO3 (10%) which shows the dominance of water-rock interaction. About 60% of the tested samples contains arsenic concentration above 10 μg/L as recommended by SANS and WHO. Concentration of arsenic was found to be ranging between 0.1 to 172.53 μg/L with the average of 32.21 μg/L. In the second part of this work, arsenic removal efficiency of locally available smectite rich and kaolin clay was evaluated. Results showed that the percentage As(V) removal by kaolin clay was optimum at pH 2 while the percentage As(III) removal was greater than 60% at pH 2 to 12. For smectite rich clay soils, the percentage of As(III) and As(V) removal was found to be optimum at pH between 6 and 8. The adsorption isotherm data for As(III) and As(V) removal by both clays fitted better to Freundlich isotherm. Adsorption of both species of arsenic onto the clay mineral occurred via electrostatic attraction and ion exchange mechanisms. Both clay soils could be regenerated twice using Na2CO3 as a regenerant. Kaolin clay showed a better performance and was selected for further modification. In the third section of this work, Fe-Mn bimetal oxide modified kaolin clay was successfully synthesized by precipitating Fe3+ and Mn2+ metal oxides to the interlayer surface of kaolin clay. Modification of kaolin clay increased the surface area from 19.2 m2/g to 29.8 m2/g and further v decreased the pore diameter from 9.54 to 8.5 nm. The adsorption data fitted to the pseudo second order of reaction kinetics indicating that adsorption of As(III) and As(V) occurred via chemisorption. The adsorption isotherm data was described by Langmuir isotherm models showing a maximum As(III) and As(V) adsorption capacities of 2.16 and 1.56 mg/g, respectively at a temperature of 289 K. Synthesized adsorbent was successfully reused for 6 adsorptiondesorption cycles using K2SO4 as a regenerant. Column experiments showed that maximum breakthrough volume of ≈2 L could be treated after 6 hours using 5 g adsorbent dosage. Furthermore, the concentration of Fe and Mn were within the WHO permissible limit. In the fourth part of the work kaolin clay was functionalized with hexadecyltrimethylamonium bromide (HDTMA-Br) cationic surfactant and its application in arsenic removal from groundwater was investigated. The results revealed that adsorption of As(III) and As(V) is optimum at pH range 4-8. The maximum As(III) and As(V) adsorption capacities were found 2.33 and 2.88 mg/g, respectively after 60 min contact time. Pseudo first order model of reaction kinetics described the adsorption data for As(V) better while pseudo second order model described As(III) adsorption data. The adsorption isotherm data for As(III) and As(V) fitted well to Langmuir model indicating that adsorption of both species occurred on a mono-layered surface. Adsorption thermodynamics model revealed that adsorption of As(III) and As(V) was spontaneous and exothermic. The As(III)/As(V) adsorption mechanism was ascribed to electrostatic attraction and ion exchange. The regeneration study showed that synthesized adsorbent can be used for up to 5 times. In the firth part of the work inorgano-organo modified kaolin clay was successfully synthesized through intercalation of Fe3+ and Mn2+ metal oxides and HDTMA-Br surfactant onto the interlayers of the clay mineral. The batch experiments showed that As(III) removal was optimum at pH range of 4-6, while the As(V) removal was optimum at pH range 4-8. The adsorption data for both species of arsenic showed a better fit to pseudo second order of reaction kinetics which suggest that the dominant mechanism of adsorption was chemisorption. The isotherm studies showed better fit to Langmuir isotherm model as compared to Freundlich model. The maximum adsorption capacity As(III) and As(V) at room temperature as determined by Langmuir model were found to be 7.99 mg/g and 7.32 mg/g, respectively. The thermodynamic studies for sorption of As(III) and As(V) showed negative value of ΔGᴼ and ΔHᴼ indicating that adsorption process occurred spontaneously and is exothermic in nature. The regeneration study showed that the vi inorgano-organo modified kaolin clay can be reused for up 7 adsorption-regeneration cycles using 0.01 M HCl as a regenerant. Thomas kinetic model and Yoon-Nelson model showed that the rate of adsorption increases with increasing flow rate and initial concentration and decreases with increasing of the bed mass. In conclusions, adsorbents synthesized from this work showed a better performance as compared to other adsorbents available in the literature. Among the synthesized adsorbents, inorgano-organo modified clay showed highest adsorption capacity as compared to surfactant functionalized and Fe-Mn bimetal oxides modified kaolin clay. However, all adsorbents were recommended for use in arsenic remediation from groundwater. The following recommendations were made following the findings from this study: 1) routine monitoring of arsenic in groundwater of Greater Giyani Municipality, 2) evaluating the possible link between arsenic exposure and arsenic related diseases within Giyani in order to find the extent of the problem in order to establish the population at risk, 3) The toxicity assessment for HDTMA-Br modified kaolin clay should be carried out, 4) Materials developed in the present study should be modeled and tested at the point of use for arsenic removal, and lastly, 5) this study further encourage the development of other arsenic removal materials that can be used at household level. / NRF

Identification and quantification of selected pesticides in surface water in Southern Gauteng region

Bucibo, Malesole Nontutu Gadihele 07 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. - Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) -- Vaal University of Technology, 2010 / The increased production and application of pesticides for agricultural and non-agricultural purposes has caused the pollution of air, soil, ground and surface water. This has a negative impact on the environment as well as human health due to direct exposure or through residues in food and drinking water. The continuous monitoring of pesticides residues in environmental samples has great importance and demands high efficiency, unique selectivity and high sensitivity techniques. Gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography have been established for years as the techniques for the analysis of pesticides residues. The dissertation deals with the qualitative and quantitative determination of selected pesticides in the Southern Gauteng region using Liquid- liquid extraction solid-phase extraction, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography equipped with electron capture detector and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction using dichloromethane, hexane and ethyl acetate as the extracting solvent were optimized and evaluated for the determination of pesticides in surface water in the Southern Gauteng region. From the developed method the techniques were applied to water samples taken from different rivers selected namely: Zuikerbosch, Rand Water barrage and Kliprivier for sampling. Dichloromethane was used as a solvent in this study since a recovery test was done between dichloromethane, Ethyl acetate and n-hexane. The percentage recovery test for 4,4-DDT, 4,4-DDE, 2,4-DDD and Endosulfan 1 & 2 ranged from 89.9% -97.3% for dichloromethane, 87.3%-96.8% for hexane 88.4%-97.1% for ethyl acetate. The extracts obtained were subjected to column chromatography for clean up. Thereafter 1µl of the cleaned extracts were injected into the Gas chromatography equipped with an electron capture detector. Organochlorines 4,4-DDT and its metabolites, Organophosphate Chlorypyriphos and carbamates were detected using Gas chromatography electron capture, Gas chromatography mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography.

Reactive transport processes in artificially recharged aquifers

Greskowiak, Janek Johannes 17 October 2006 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation sollten die hydrogeochemischen Prozesse herausgearbeitet werden, die für die Wasserqualitätsänderung während eines ASR Experiments in Bolivar, Südaustralien und während der Versickerung in einem künstlichen Grundwasseranreicherungsbecken in Berlin von Bedeutung waren. Reaktive Stofftransportmodellierung des ASR Experiments in Bolivar, Südaustralien zeigte, dass die hydrochemischen Veränderungen in der direkten Umgebung des Injektionsbrunnens während der Speicherphase nur durch rapide Änderungen der Sauerstoff- und Nitrat reduzierenden Bakterienmasse erklärt werden können. Die hydrochemischen Veränderungen in größerer Distanz zum Injektionsbrunnen wurden überwiegend durch Ionenaustauschprozesse und Kalzitlösung verursacht. Geochemische und hydraulische Messungen unter einem Sickerbecken in Berlin zeigten, dass die beobachteten geochemischen Änderungen im Sickerwasser mit den periodisch auftretenden wassergesättigten/wasserungesättigen Bedingungen unter dem Becken einhergehen. Während der ungesättigten Periode wird Luft unter das Becken gezogen und führt zur plötzlichen Reoxidierung von bereits in der gesättigten Periode gebildeten Eisensulfiden und zur beschleunigten Mineralisation von sedimentärem organischem Kohlenstoff. Reaktive Stofftransportmodellierung auf größerer Skale zeigte, dass allein die saisonalen Temperaturunterschiede im Infiltrationswasser für die beobachtete zeitliche und räumliche Dynamik der Redoxzonen im weiteren Abstrom des Sickerbeckens verantwortlich sind. Das Abbauverhalten der Arzneimittelsubstanz Phenazon hängt ausschließlich von der Verfügbarkeit von gelöstem Sauerstoff und damit indirekt von der Wassertemperatur im Aquifer ab. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird deutlich, dass ein adäquates Verständnis der wasserqualitätsändernden Prozesse in künstlichen Anreicherungsystemen nur dann erreicht werden kann wenn Strömung, Transport und reaktive Prozesse, im Feld als auch in der Modellierung, simultan betrachtet werden. / In this thesis, three major studies were carried out in order to understand the key factors controlling the water quality changes that occurred during a reclaimed water Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) experiment at Bolivar, South Australia and during ponded infiltration in Berlin, Germany. Multi-component reactive transport modelling of the ASR experiment suggested that during the storage phase, dynamic changes in bacterial mass have a significant influence on the local geochemistry in the vicinity of the injection well. Water quality changes further away from the injection well were mainly driven by ion exchange and calcite dissolution. Geochemical and hydraulic measurements below an artificial recharge pond in Berlin, Germany, showed that the observed dynamic changes of the hydrochemistry within the seepage water are strongly linked to the periodic saturated/unsaturated hydraulic conditions below the pond. During unsaturated conditions, atmospheric oxygen penetrates from the pond margins to the centre below the pond, leading to (i) a sudden re-oxidation of sulphide minerals that have formed previously during saturated conditions and (ii) an enhanced mineralisation of sedimentary particulate organic carbon. Reactive transport modelling showed that at larger scale, seasonal temperature changes of the infiltration water are the key control for the observed temporal and spatial redox dynamics further downstream the recharge pond. Moreover, the degradation behaviour of the pharmaceutically residue phenazone solely depends on the availability of dissolved oxygen, and thus indirectly on the water temperature within the aquifer. Overall this thesis shows that a sound understanding and analysis of the key processes affecting the water quality changes during artificial recharge of groundwater could only be achieved when flow, transport and reactive processes are considered simultaneously, both in the field and during modelling.

Organische Spurenstoffe als Indikatoren zur Charakterisierung komplexer Grundwassersysteme / Ansätze am Beispiel eines urban geprägten Karstgrundwasserleiters / Approaches on the example of an urban characterized karst aquifer / Organic micro-pollutants as indicators for the characterization of complex groundwater systems

Reh, Roland 24 October 2014 (has links)
In komplexen Grundwasserleitern lassen sich grundlegende Informationen zur Abgrenzung von Quelleinzugsgebieten, zur Ableitung von Grundwasserfließrichtungen oder zur Bewertung der Vulnerabilität nicht allein über konventionelle hydrogeologische Methoden (beispielsweise Grundwassergleichenpläne, Quellschüttungsmessungen, Pumpversuche) gewinnen, so dass vielfach ergänzend hydrochemische Methoden eingesetzt werden. Zu den gängigen hydrochemischen Methoden gehören Auswertungen der Hauptionenverhältnisse, stabiler und radioaktiver Isotope, von Umwelttracern und Metallen der Seltenen Erden einschließlich des Yttriums sowie der aktive Einsatz künstlicher Markierungsstoffe. Die Anwendung gängiger hydrochemischer Methoden ist durch natürliche oder anthropogene Hintergrundkonzentrationen, die die Ausbildung eines ausreichenden Kontrasts behindern können, limitiert. Da diese Methoden meist nur an der Quelle als integrales Signal des gesamten Einzugsgebiets ansetzen, kann die Abgrenzung des Einzugsgebiets nur indirekt durch die Abschätzung von Volumina und darauf aufbauender Abschätzung der Flächengröße vorgenommen werden. Zur konkreten Lokalisierung der Einzugsgebietsgrenzen und der Ableitung von Grundwasserfließrichtungen sind also zusätzliche Informationen notwendig. Durch die menschliche Produktion organischer Verbindungen steht ein riesiges Spektrum potentieller Indikatoren zur Verfügung, das die Anzahl der bei etablierten Methoden eingesetzten Stoffe um ein Vielfaches übertrifft. Aufgrund ihrer rein anthropogenen Herkunft haben organische Spurenstoffe keine natürlichen Hintergrundkonzentrationen und sind daher bereits auf einem sehr geringen Konzentrationsniveau nutzbar. Im Gebiet der „Waldecker Scholle“ konnten sowohl die räumliche Verteilung organischer Spurenstoffe als auch deren saisonale Konzentrationsschwankungen in einem komplexen Grundwassersystem mit moderat verkarsteten Grundwasserleitern untersucht werden. Die auftretenden Stoffmuster reflektieren die hydrogeologischen Verhältnisse und können zur Lokalisierung von Quelleinzugsgebietsgrenzen genutzt werden. Weitere Hinweise liefern die organischen Spurenstoffe zur Identifikation von punktuellen Eintragsquellen und zur Ausbreitung der aus Punktquellen freigesetzten Stoffe im Grundwasserleiter sowie zum Attenuationspotential dieser Stoffe. Weiterhin kann die hydraulische Wirksamkeit von geringleitenden Zwischenschichten und Störungszonen mittels Identifikation einer Fließkomponente mit einer Verweilzeit von mehr als 20 Jahren abgeschätzt werden. Auch Annahmen hinsichtlich der Vulnerabilität lassen sich validieren. Der Vergleich mit dem hydrogeologisch gut untersuchten Einzugsgebiet der Gallusquelle, zeigt, dass Stoffgruppen wie Triazine und Triazole eine weite Verbreitung haben, andere Stoffe jedoch an bestimmte Gegebenheiten im Gebiet gebunden sind (beispielsweise Altablagerungen, Kanalsystem). Außerdem bestätigt sich in beiden Gebieten, dass das Auftreten von Stoffen sowohl von den Stoffeigenschaften als auch von den hydrogeologischen Eigenschaften abhängig ist. Das bedeutet, dass die Art der in einer Karstquelle auftretenden Stoffe selbst ohne aufwändige zeitlich hochaufgelöste Beprobung bereits Rückschlüsse auf Systemeigenschaften zulässt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt somit, dass organische Spurenstoffe bereits auf der Untersuchungsebene des konzeptionellen Modells wertvolle Indikatoren zur Charakterisierung komplexer Grundwassersysteme sein können. Die große Menge an zur Verfügung stehenden Stoffen bietet die Möglichkeit, bestimmte Stoffe auszuwählen, die die jeweiligen Systemcharakteristika widerspiegeln. Mit organischen Spurenstoffen können sowohl Grundwasserkomponenten unterschiedlicher Verweilzeiten von wenigen Tagen bis zu mehreren Jahrzehnten identifiziert werden als auch räumliche Zusammenhänge von wenigen Metern bis über Einzugsgebietsgrenzen hinaus untersucht werden. Die Einbeziehung organischer Spurenstoffe in die Erkundungsstrategien komplexer Grundwassersysteme hat daher ein vielversprechendes zukunftsweisendes Potential.

Use of In-Stream Water Quality Measurements and Geospatial Parameters to Predict Consumer Surfactant Toxic Units in the Upper Trinity River Watershed, Texas

Johnson, David Richard 05 1900 (has links)
Surfactants are used in a wide assortment of "down-the-drain" consumer products, yet they are often discharged in wastewater treatment plant effluent into receiving water, potentially causing environmental harm. The objective of this project was to predict surfactant toxic units and in-stream nutrients in the upper Trinity River watershed. Surface and pore water samples were collected in late summer 2005. General chemistries and surfactant toxic units were calculated. GIS models of anthropogenic and natural factors were collected and analyzed according to subwatersheds. Multiple regression analyses using the Maximum R2 improvement method were performed to predict surfactant toxic units and in-stream nutrients using GIS and in-stream values. Both geospatial and in-stream parameters generated multiple regression models for surfactant surface and pore water toxic units, as well as in-stream nutrients, with high R2 values. Thus, GIS and in-stream parameter modeling have the potential to be reliable and inexpensive method of predicting surfactant toxic units and nutrient loading in the upper Trinity River watershed.

Augmenting Indiana's groundwater level monitoring network: optimal siting of additional wells to address spatial and categorical sampling gaps

Sperl, Benjamin J. 21 November 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Groundwater monitoring networks are subject to change by budgetary actions and stakeholder initiatives that result in wells being abandoned or added. A strategy for network design is presented that addresses the latter situation. It was developed in response to consensus in the state of Indiana that additional monitoring wells are needed to effectively characterize water availability in aquifer systems throughout the state. The strategic methodology has two primary objectives that guide decision making for new installations: (1) purposive sampling of a diversity of environmental variables having relevance to groundwater recharge, and (2) spatial optimization by means of maximizing geographic distances that separate monitoring wells. Design objectives are integrated in a discrete facility location model known as the p-median problem, and solved to optimality using a mathematical programming package.

Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring of Residential Wells In the Vicinity of Carbon Limestone Landfill, Poland Township, Mahoning County, Ohio

Alexander, Diana Marie January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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