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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A computer model for a fixed-trim re-entry vehicle using the Gracey guidance law with evasive capabilities

Schanck, Richard Wayne January 1983 (has links)
M. S.

The transformation of oscillatory equations in six degree of freedom re-entry trajectory models with coordinate transformations

Davailus, George P. 05 September 2009 (has links)
Currently, many missile fire control systems use a three degree of freedom (3-DOF) trajectory model. The three degrees of freedom represent the linear motion of the missile in three dimensions. A 6-DOF model adds roll, pitch, and yaw, or angular motion in three dimensions to the first three degrees of freedom. Because more of the missile’s attributes are modeled, a 6-DOF model is more accurate than a 3-DOF model. For the same reason, a 3-DOF model is easier to develop and executes faster. Also, because a 3-DOF model ignores the seemingly random angular motion, the step sizes used to integrate 3-DOF models are larger. The goal of this project is to develop a 6-DOF re-entry model with the accuracy of a 6-DOF model with conventional equations of motion and computational speed at least comparable to the 3-DOF model. This can be achieved by transforming the equations that compute the effects of angular motion so that they are better conditioned. Essentially, this is done by fitting a sine wave to the oscillating state variables representing the orientation and angular rates, namely the quaternions and the angular velocity. This thesis shows the results of transforming the oscillating variables of the state vector. / Master of Science

Energy-turns analysis for a scramjet powered missle

Halter, Megaera C. 15 July 2010 (has links)
A reduced order model describing the energy and heading angle dynamics of a scramjet missile is developed using a singular perturbation technique. The cruise analysis is briefly reviewed to determine the conditions at which the missile will cruise most efficiently. The turn and climb performance of the missile over the conditions of interest is then examined and a family of extremal trajectories is constructed which asymptotically approach the cruise at an intermediate altitude. / Master of Science

Energy management for a multiple-pulse missile

Phillips, Craig Alan January 1986 (has links)
A nonlinear programming technique is applied to the optimization of the thrust and lift control histories for missiles. The first problem considered is that of determining the thrust history which maximizes the range of a continuously-variable (non-pulsed) thrust rocket in horizontal lifting flight. The optimal control solution for this problem is developed. The problem is then approximated by a parameter optimization problem which is solved using a second-order, quasi-Newton method with constraint projection. The two solutions are found to compare well. This result allows confidence in the use of the nonlinear-programming technique to solve optimization problems in flight mechanics for which no analytical optimal-control solutions exist. Such a problem is to determine the thrust and lift histories which maximize the final velocity of a multiple-pulse missile. This problem is solved for both horizontal- and elevation-plane trajectories with and without final time constraints. The method is found to perform well in the solution of these optimization problems and to yield substantial improvements in performance over the nominal trajectories. / M.S.

Optimal and near-optimal medium range air-to-air missile guidance against maneuvering targets

Kumar, Renjith R. January 1989 (has links)
Optimal intercept trajectories for a boost-sustain-coast medium-range air-to-air missile are synthesized using optimal control theory. Optimality in time/range/energy at intercept of a target is the main objective. Attainable sets and their boundaries are obtained and used to generate optimal intercept points in a three-dimensional scenario. A three-phase closed-loop guidance scheme is used to generate an efficient guidance law against a maneuvering target. In the present study, target maneuvers are restricted to the horizontal plane. An initial boost-phase with near-optimal guidance in the presence of active control constraints and thrust switches is simulated. Target maneuvers are neglected during this phase. A new method of gain evaluation is detailed. A midcourse guidance scheme with neighboring guidance, transversal comparisons, and chasing center-of-attainability of target to augment performance is studied. Modifications in terminal guidance using proportional navigation, such as chasing the center-of-attainability of target, altitude shaping, and drag-resolution schemes are used to attempt better performance at intercept. A composite guidance strategy using a combination of neighboring guidance and proportional navigation for the midcourse guidance is introduced. The excellent performance of this guidance strategy and the improvement in storage requirements for on-board use make it a very special scheme. / Ph. D.

Japanese-U.S. missile defense stepping stone towards normalization

Oberle, John P. 09 1900 (has links)
The United States-Japanese missile defense cooperation signals yet another step in Japan's continuing trend of "normalization" and official acknowledgement that Japan has a significant military force. This thesis analyzes the current status of the Japanese missile defense debate and assesses factors shaping the Japanese commitment to joint missile defense with the United States. Three major inter-related trends mark the course of Japanese post- Cold War SDF evolution, relations with the United States and the missile defense debate. These include a willingness to relax legal considerations on the use of military force, the expansion of the roles for the JSDF, and the responsiveness of Japanese decision makers to external factors, notably the requirement to improve relations with the United States and the threat perceived from North Korea. This represents a shift to a more military-based security outlook away from the traditional notion of "comprehensive security." These trends point invariably to the amendment of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. To maximize U.S. interests, Washington must pursue a balanced and limited missile defense in East Asia and actively undertake measures to avoid the perception of a threat to Chinese nuclear deterrence.

Efficient multiple hypothesis track processing of boost-phase ballistic missiles using IMPULSE©-generated threat models

Rakdham, Bert 09 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, a multiple hypotheses tracking (MHT) algorithm is developed to successfully track multiple ballistic missiles within the boost phase. The success of previous work on the MHT algorithm and its application in other scientific fields enables this study to realize an efficient form of the algorithm and examine its feasibility in tracking multiple crossing ballistic missiles even though various accelerations due to staging are present. A framework is developed for the MHT, which includes a linear assignment problem approach used to search the measurement-to-contact association matrix for the set of exact N-best feasible hypotheses. To test the new MHT, an event in which multiple ballistic missiles have been launched and threaten the North American continent is considered. To aid in the interception and destruction of the threat far from their intended targets, the research focuses on the boost-phase portion of the missile flight. The near-simultaneous attacks are detected by a network of radar sensors positioned near the missile launch sites. Each sensor provides position reports or track files for the MHT routine to process. To quantify the performance of the algorithm, data from the National Air and Space Intelligence Center's IMPULSE ICBM model is used and demonstrates the feasibility of this approach. This is especially significant to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency since the IMPULSE model represents the cognizant analyst's accurate representation of the ballistic threats in a realistic environment. The results show that this new algorithm works exceptionally well in a realistic environment where complex interactions of missile staging, non-linear thrust profiles and sensor noise can significantly degrade the track algorithm performance especially in multiple target scenarios.

Framtida markbaserade precisionsbekämpningssystem i den nya Försvarsmakten

Lindstedt, Rasmus January 2001 (has links)
Uppgiften är att utarbeta ett förslag på inriktning vid val av ett framtida markbaserat precisionsbekämpningssystem för den nya Försvarsmakten. Uppsatsen tar avstamp utifrån RMA, även kallad ”den nya krigföringen”, som antas vara den vision som gäller när det nya försvaret skall formas. Inledningsvis studeras de trender och pågående projekt som föreligger. Dessa får sedan lägga grunden för ett antal spelkort som bedöms utifrån de förväntade krav som kommer att ställas i framtiden. Kraven är framtagna med hjälp av studerade scenarier, rapporter samt intervjuer. Systemverkan kommer att vara en avgörande parameter. För att erhålla avsedd systemverkan är det viktigt med god precision, verkan i alla måltyper, lång räckvidd och mobilitet på systemen. Balansen mellan precision, räckvidd och verkan är betydelsefull. Balans råder då dessa parametrar har tillräckligt utrymme i stridsdelen. Det system som bäst svara mot de ställda kraven är en robot med fiberoptisk länk. Följande fördelar ses med systemet; god precision, lång räckvidd, god verkan, hög störresistens samt förmågan att verifiera och gradera verkan. Att endast förlita sig på eldrörsartilleri som precisionsbekämpningssystem är inte tillräckligt med de nya krav som ställs. Försvarsmakten bör välja ett markrobotsystem som framtida precisionsbekämpningssystem. Genom detta val erhålls ett system som i första hand löser precisionsbekämpning, vilket medför att ingen hänsyn behöver tas till den ständigt pågående växelverkan mellan understöd, bekämpning och precisionsbekämpning. På detta sätt blir ”bekämpningsfamiljen” mer komplett. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01

Naval surface fire support : en framtida svensk förmåga

Mattsson, Stefan January 2003 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för NSFS samt att undersöka hurden svenska NSFS-förmågan år 2010 påverkar möjligheten att agera i enlighet med de militärateorierna. Den undersöker också om de militärteoretiska grunderna, den tekniska utvecklingenoch den förändrade inriktningen för Sveriges försvar medför ett ökat behov av NSFS-förmåga.Uppsatsen bygger på en deskriptiv metod där svensk försvarspolitisk inriktning, militära teorier,NSFS och svensk NSFS-förmåga 2010 behandlas. Huvudsakliga källor har varit litteratur, offentligttryck, doktriner och intervjuer rörande ovanstående områden. Begreppet NSFS har avgränsatstill att enbart beröra markmålsbekämpning med robot och artilleri. Uppsatsen visar attden svenska NSFS förmågan ger en begränsad förmåga att agera i enlighet med de militära teorierna.Anledningen till detta är att Visbykorvetternas artillerisystem är de enda tillgängligaNSFS systemen år 2010. Begränsningarna består främst i avsaknaden av långräckviddiga vapensystemoch förmåga till indirekt eld. Uppsatsen visar också att behovet av NSFS-förmågahar ökat men att inga beslut finns tagna om anskaffning som ger någon operativ effekt till 2010. / The aim of this essay is to contribute to an increased knowledge concerning Naval Surface FireSupport (NSFS). It also aims to examine how the Swedish NSFS capability in the year of 2010will affect the ability to act according to the military theories stated. It also examines if the militarytheoretical foundation, the technical evolution and the change of aim and direction for theSwedish defence will lead to an increased need for NSFS. It covers the areas of a new directionfor the Swedish defence, military theories, NSFS and the Swedish NSFS capability in the year2010 by using a descriptive method. Literature, public documents, doctrines and interviews coveringabove areas have been used as source material. The definition of NSFS has been narroweddown to include only artillery and missiles for the engagement of land targets. This essay showsthat the Swedish NSFS only gives a limited capability to act according to the idea of the militarytheories. The reason for this is that the artillery system on the Visby corvettes will be the onlysystem with any NSFS capability in the year 2010. This results in limitations in range and a lackof ability to deliver indirect fire. The essay also shows that the need for NSFS has increased butthat no decision for acquisitions has been made that will give operational effects before the year2010. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 01-03

Vilket system skall Sverige anskaffa som luftvärnsrobotdemonstrator år 2010?

Fredlund, Anders January 2001 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett demonstratorperspektiv föreslå vilken typ av lvrobotsystem som skall vara lvrobotdemonstrator 2010. Metoden som används är att beskriva olika myndigheters uppfattning om demonstrator, den hotbild från luftmål som är aktuell 2010-2020, de aktuella svenska lvrobotsystemen och de uppgifter som FM anser att dessa skall lösa samt teknikutveckling för lvrobotar. En analys av underlaget ger mer konkreta syften och nivåer på demonstratorer, en jämförelse mellan hot och lvrobotsystemens förmåga visar vilka förmågor lvrobotsystemen saknar, slutsatser av lvförbandens uppgifter och teknikutveckling redovisas. Med stöd ur hela underlaget diskuteras sedan vad som skall demonstreras och hur detta skall demonstreras. Avslutningsvis identifieras två system som kan möta kraven på demonstratorn och ett av systemen väljs. Resultatet är att demonstratorn skall kunna bekämpa attackflyg på ca 100 km avstånd, kunna bekämpa kryssningsrobotar med en anfallshastighet på M3-4 från hög höjd och till 2020 kunna bekämpa taktiska ballistiska robotar. Detta kräver ett lvrobotsystem med lång räckvidd. Demonstratorn bör vara ett inköpt befintligt system för att få ett så komplett system som möjligt. Behovet av konkreta demonstratorer under perioden, pga. införandet av RMA konceptet, är större än behovet av teknikutveckling på lvrobotar med lång räckvidd. För att förenkla användandet av begreppet demonstrator föreslås att endast nya system omfattas av begreppet och att demonstratorer som anskaffas i syfte att utveckla förband och som genomförs med befintlig materiel benämns försöksmateriel eller utbildningsmateriel. Lvroboten Aster-30 har valts som exempel på lämpligt försöks- och utbildningssystem. Främsta motivet är förmågan mot attackflyg och kryssningsrobotar. / The object of this essay is, from a demonstrator perspective, to present a proposition on what sort of surface to air missile would be suitable as a SAM-demonstrator in 2010. To reach the object, the view of several authorities has been described and after an analysis of the text the conception demonstrator have been defined and the different objects and levels been made concrete. The gathering of information from unclassified sources regarding the threat from airborne weapons, the tasks of the air defence units and the technological development will form the base for a comparison between threat and the performance of the SAM missiles. All this information will from the basis for the discussion on what is to be demonstrated and how this demonstration will be performed. Finally two systems will be identified to meet the demands of the demonstrator, one of them will be chosen. The results of the discussions are that the demonstrator must be able to combat an attack aircraft within 100km range, be able to combat a cruise missile with a speed of M3-4 attacking from high altitude and in due time be able to combat a tactical ballistic missiles. To meet these demands a long-range surface to air missile is required. The demonstration ought to be performed with an existing system to ensure that the demonstration is performed with a SAM system that is as complete as possible due too the important developing phases on the RMA concept. This is more important than the need for technological development on long-range SAM’s. The Astair-30 missile has been chosen as a suitable example for a long-range of the shelf surface to air missile demonstrator. The primary motives are the ability to engage many attack aircraft’s at long range and cruise missiles with all required capabilities. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01

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