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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gyvensenos veiksnių sąsajų su miego kokybe įvertinimas / Evaluation of the correlation between life style factors and sleep quality

Jučinskienė, Sonata 06 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study is to evaluate the correlation between life style factors and sleep quality in the group of villagers aged from 35 to 64. Methods: The object of the research was the villagers aged from 35 to 64. The reaserch was carried out by the anonymous dossier survey and data analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 for Windows. Results: 125 citizens from Endriejavas township, Klaipeda district took part in the research, 74 women (59.2 %) and 51 men (40.8%). The results revealed that the sleep quality of men is much better than those of women (p=0.018): the worst sleep quality is in the age range of women from 45 to 54 (p<0.001), whereas the age range of men with the worst sleep quality is 55-64 (p>0.05). The evaluation of the correlation between life style factors and sleep quality revealed that the respondents who smoke (45.8%) had difficulties falling asleep (p>0.05), those who drink alcohol every day (33.3%) when they wake up at night they can not fall back to sleep (p=0.028). Bad quality of sleep was also determined by drinking coffee and other caffeinated drinks (p=0.006) as well as eating before going to bed (p<0.05). The correlation between sleep quality and respondents’ psychoemotional state was established: those who have many stressful situations (66.7%) (p=0.001) and those who have low self esteem (80%) have bad sleep quality. Physical activity or daily activity, related with motion or heavy physical work, had better effect on sleep quality (p<0.01). It was... [to full text]

Paauglių laikysenos vertinimas ir gyvensenos veiksnių įtaka laikysenos formavimuisi / Evaluation of Adolescents’ Posture and the Influence of Lifestyle Factors on Posture

Stanaitytė, Eglė 17 July 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe vertinama 8 klasės moksleivių laikysena stovint sagitalinėje ir frontalinėje plokštumose ir stuburo mobilumas/paslankumas. Tyrime dalyvavo vienos Šiaulių progimnazijos 26 aštuntos klasės moksleiviai. Iš jų 10 merginų ir 16 vaikinų. Tyrimas vyko 2013 metų lapkričio 11 – 15 dienomis. Tyrimu buvo siekiama: 1) įvertinti paauglių statinę laikyseną ir stuburo mobilumą naudojant ZEBRIS CM10 WinSpine Pointer diagnostinę įrangą; 2) atskleisti paauglių subjektyvaus sveikatos vertinimo ir fizinio aktyvumo aspektus. Duomenims įvesti ir rezultatams apdoroti buvo naudotas specializuotas duomenų įvedimo ir statistinės analizės programinis paketas SPSS (20 versija). Atlikta statistinė (vidurkių, Mann – Whitney ir Kruskal – Wallis kriterijai) duomenų analizė. Vertinant paauglių laikyseną buvo remtasi mokslininkų (Arcinavičius, 2004; Muckus, 2006; Neumann, 2010; Saniukas, 2007) nurodytomis normomis. Anketa buvo siekiama atskleisti paauglių subjektyvų sveikatos vertinimą ir fizinį aktyvumą, laisvalaikio pomėgius, kurie buvo lyginami su gautais laikysenos vertinimo duomenimis. Taip buvo siekiama atskleisti gyvensenos veiksnių įtaką paauglių laikysenai. Vertinant paauglių laikyseną statinėje padėtyje nustatyta, kad visiems tiriamiesiems yra pečių ir dubens asimetrija. Tyrimo metu buvo nustatyta, kad dviem paaugliams yra skoliozinė deformacija į dešinę pusę ir dviem paaugliams – į kairę pusę. Nustatyta, kad septynių paauglių krūtininė kifozė yra per daug išreikšta. Tai reiškia, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the Bachelor's work is evaluating 8 class pupils’ standing posture in the sagittal and frontal planes and the spine mobility. In the investigation participated 26 eighth class teenagers one of Šiauliai progymnasium, 10 girls and 16 boys. The investigation took place 11 th – 15 th of November, 2013. When conducting the investigation goal was: 1) to evaluate static posture and spine mobility of teenager using ZEBRIS CM10 WinSpine Pointer diagnostic equipment; 2) reveal teenager‘s subjective assessment of health and physical activity aspects. Statistical analysis of results was implemented (means, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis criterions). Evaluating of teenager posture was based on scientists (Arcinavičius, 2004; Muckus, 2006; Neumann, 2010; Saniukas, 2007) specified rate. Using questionnaire the aim was to reveal teenager‘s subjective assessment of health and physical activity, hobies of leisure witch was correlated with postural data assessment. Thus, it was intended to reveal lifestyle factors on teenagers posture. In evaluating the situation in the static position of teenagers posture found that all teenagers have the asymmetry of shoulder and pelvic. Two teenagers have scoliotic deformation of right side and two teenagers have left side scoliotic deformation. In the investigation was found that seven teenagers have too big thoracic kyphosis that exceed the rate. It means that these pupils have kyphotic posture. The analysis of lateral flexion revealed that no one of... [to full text]

Lietuvos jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų antropometriniai rodikliai ir jų sąsajos su socialiniais ir gyvensenos veiksniais / Anthropometrical indexes of younger school age children of Lithuania and their links between social and lifestyle factors

Albavičiūtė, Edita 19 September 2013 (has links)
Visame pasaulyje grėsmingai auga turinčių antsvorio ir nutukusių vaikų skaičius. Nustatyta, kad vienas iš penkių vaikų Europoje turi antsvorio. Vaikų antsvorio ir nutukimo priežastys įvairios. Tai gali būti susiję su mitybos ir fizinio aktyvumo įpročių pokyčiais, taip pat su ekonominės, socialinės aplinkos įtaka gyvensenai. Vaikų fizinio išsivystymo tyrimai yra vieni svarbiausių stebint jų sveikatos būklę ir augimą. Disertacinis darbas atliktas dalyvaujant tarptautiniame PSO Europos vaikų nutukimo stebėsenos iniciatyvos projekte (COSI), kurio tikslas – rutiniškai stebėti pradinių klasių mokinių (6–9 m.) antsvorio ir nutukimo tendencijas bei sukurti standartizuotą ir Europos mastu suderintą stebėsenos sistemą. / The prevalence of overweight and obesity is growing all over the world and is evaluated as an epidemic. One of five kids in Europe is overweight. The reasons for childhood obesity are of various origins. It might be related to dietary habits and changes in physical activity. The prevalence of obesity also depends on social and economical inequalities. The survey was performed as a part of WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI). This initiative aimed to measure routinely trends in overweight and obesity in primary school children (6-9 yr.), and to harmonize the collection of anthropometric data across Europe among primary school aged children, based on a common protocol and measurement procedures.

Gyvensenos veiksnių poveikis kolegijos studentų gebėjimui atgauti fizines ir dvasines jėgas / The influence of life style factors on the resiliency of college students

Kazlauskienė, Inga 07 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the study. To analyze the impact of the factors influencing the mode of life on student resiliency. Methods. This work was carried out by analyzing scientific references. The anonymous questionnaire was also used to carry out the survey. The data received was processed using the statistics processing program SPSS 13.0 for windows. Results. The questionnaire survey of the first year full time students of Kaunas College was carried out. The survey included 382 students (129 male and 253 female). The received data showed that 34.8% of students think that resiliency depends on the influence of other people, 27.8% of students think that it depends on the environment and 16.5% identified that resiliency depends on personal characteristics. In order to regain resiliency the respondents usually use passive methods such as watching TV, listening to the music, communicating with friends. The majority of the respondents (66.7% male and 75.9% female) indicated that they either often or very often feel tired. After the analysis of the results the statistically valid connection between the experienced tiredness and nutritional habits, time allocated for sleeping, rest and entertainment has been observed (p<0.05). While assessing the psychological feelings of students in the learning environment we observed that 53.4% of students often feel peer support, 60% of students are successful in solving conflicts. However, the respondents having lower inner resiliency feel that the work load... [to full text]

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