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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Nonlinear Optimization Approach to H2-Optimal Modeling and Control

Petersson, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Mathematical models of physical systems are pervasive in engineering. These models can be used to analyze properties of the system, to simulate the system, or synthesize controllers. However, many of these models are too complex or too large for standard analysis and synthesis methods to be applicable. Hence, there is a need to reduce the complexity of models. In this thesis, techniques for reducing complexity of large linear time-invariant (lti) state-space models and linear parameter-varying (lpv) models are presented. Additionally, a method for synthesizing controllers is also presented. The methods in this thesis all revolve around a system theoretical measure called the H2-norm, and the minimization of this norm using nonlinear optimization. Since the optimization problems rapidly grow large, significant effort is spent on understanding and exploiting the inherent structures available in the problems to reduce the computational complexity when performing the optimization. The first part of the thesis addresses the classical model-reduction problem of lti state-space models. Various H2 problems are formulated and solved using the proposed structure-exploiting nonlinear optimization technique. The standard problem formulation is extended to incorporate also frequency-weighted problems and norms defined on finite frequency intervals, both for continuous and discrete-time models. Additionally, a regularization-based method to account for uncertainty in data is explored. Several examples reveal that the method is highly competitive with alternative approaches. Techniques for finding lpv models from data, and reducing the complexity of lpv models are presented. The basic ideas introduced in the first part of the thesis are extended to the lpv case, once again covering a range of different setups. lpv models are commonly used for analysis and synthesis of controllers, but the efficiency of these methods depends highly on a particular algebraic structure in the lpv models. A method to account for and derive models suitable for controller synthesis is proposed. Many of the methods are thoroughly tested on a realistic modeling problem arising in the design and flight clearance of an Airbus aircraft model. Finally, output-feedback H2 controller synthesis for lpv models is addressed by generalizing the ideas and methods used for modeling. One of the ideas here is to skip the lpv modeling phase before creating the controller, and instead synthesize the controller directly from the data, which classically would have been used to generate a model to be used in the controller synthesis problem. The method specializes to standard output-feedback H2 controller synthesis in the lti case, and favorable comparisons with alternative state-of-the-art implementations are presented.
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Propriedades eletrônicas em nanossistemas baseados em nanotubos de carbono e grafeno / Eletronic properties in nanosystems based on carbono nanotubes and graphene

Kirch, Alexsandro 13 March 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas simulações computacionais para investigar as propriedades eletrônicas de nanossistemas baseados em nanotubos de carbono e grafeno por meio de cálculos de primeiros princípios. Um dos nanossistemas investigados é formado por um nanotubo de carbono acoplado a eletrodos de nanofios de paládio encapsulados. Foi mostrado que estados provenientes dos eletrodos interagem fortemente com os estados do nanotubo de carbono. Cálculos de transporte eletrônico foram realizados para investigar a potencialidade desse nanossistema em aplicações como transistor de efeito de campo. Foi mostrado que a intensidade da corrente elétrica desse nanossistema pode ser variada com o campo elétrico de gate. Outro trabalho desenvolvido no presente trabalho tem como base um nanossistema formado pelo grafeno depositado nos substratos SiO2 amorfo e h-BN. Foi determinada a energia de adsorção e a quantidade de carga transferida para investigar a influênicas desses substratos na adsorção da molécula de H2 pelo grafeno. Foi mostrado que a energia de adsorção da molécula de H2 adsorivda na interface grafeno/SiO2 amorfo é menor em comparação com o grafeno suspenso ou disposto sobre o substrato h-BN. Além disso, a adsorção do H2 nessa região resulta em uma transferência de carga de uma ordem de grandeza maior em comparação com a adsorção no grafeno suspenso, sendo observado um deslocamento do Cone de Dirac em relação ao nível de Fermi. Esse estudo poderá contribuir para a construção de futuros sensores de H2 à base de grafeno. / In this work, ab initio calculations were performed within DFT framework to analyse electronic properties of Carbon nanotubes and grapheme nano systems. In this work, computer simulations were performed to investigate the electronic properties of nanosystems based on carbon nanotubes and graphene within DFT framework. One of these systems studied is a Carbon nanotube semiconductor coupled to encapsulated leads of Pd nanowires. It has been shown that leads states interact strongly with the carbon nanotube states. Electronic transport calculations were performed to unfold new applications of this system, such as the field effect transistor. We noticed that charge current intensity can be tuned by electrical field. We also described the influence of amorphous SiO2 and h-BN, in H2 energy adsorption and charge transfer, where both materials are used as graphene substrates. It was shown that the latter adsorption energy in the graphene/Si02 is smaller than graphene/h-Bn and the graphene suspended itself. In fact this adsorption results in a charge transference one order greater than in the suspended graphene, which can be seen as a vertical shift of the Dirac Cone. This study may improve the construction of future H2 sensors based on graphene.
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Efeitos dos produtos de hidrólise de materiais lignocelulósicos sobre a produção de H2 por fermentação / Effect of hydrolysis products Material Lignocellulosic on the H2 production by fermentation.

Siqueira, Marcos Rechi 26 March 2015 (has links)
O hidrogênio é uma fonte de energia limpa, pois sua combustão gera apenas água. Porém, ainda há a necessidade de se encontrar soluções tecnologicamente eficientes, econômicas e seguras para sua geração e uso. A produção do H2 por vias biológicas, conhecido como biohidrogênio, vem ganhando grande destaque nos últimos anos, pois possibilita o uso de materiais renováveis como matéria-prima. Materiais lignocelulósicos são potenciais substratos para a produção de H2 por fermentação, no entanto se faz necessário dispor de métodos de hidrólise que disponibilizem os componentes destes materiais para a fermentação. A maior parte dos métodos disponíveis para hidrolisar materiais lignocelulósicos resulta em produtos de degradação de carboidratos, que são reconhecidamente inibidores de fermentação. Este estudo, primeiramente, avaliou o efeito de 3 diferentes grupos de inibidores sobre a produção de H2 por fermentação: (1) ácido orgânico, como o ácido acético; (2) derivados de furano, tais como o furfural e o 5-hidroximetilfurfural (5-HMF); (3) monômeros fenólicos derivados da lignina, tais como o siringaldeído, vanilina e ácido 4-hidroxibenzóico (AHB). Ensaios de fermentação para a produção de H2 em batelada utilizaram como inóculo uma cultura mista (lodo) e foram realizados na presença de glicose e diferentes concentrações dos mencionados inibidores. O modelo de Gompertz modificado foi utilizado para estimar os parâmetros cinéticos dos ensaios de fermentação, como o volume máximo de H2 (P), velocidade máxima de produção de H2 (Rm) e o tempo necessário para o início da produção de H2 (). A partir destes ensaios foi verificado como a adição de diferentes concentrações de inibidores afetou tais parâmetros cinéticos em relação a um controle (apenas contendo glicose). Desta forma foi possível estimar as concentrações dos inibidores que reduzem em 50% as velocidades máximas de produção de H2 a concentração inibitória 50 (CI 50). Em termos de CI 50, o AHB proporcionou a maior inibição (0,38 g.L-1), seguido do 5-HMF e o furfural, com valores de CI 50 de 0,48 e 0,62 g.L-1, respectivamente. A vanilina, o siringaldeído e o ácido acético apresentaram os menores efeitos inibitórios sobre a produção de H2 dentre os inibidores testados, com CI 50 de 0,71; 1,05; e 5,14 g L-1, respectivamente. Numa segunda etapa do trabalho foi avaliado o efeito inibitório da associação de 3 inibidores, representantes de cada uma das classes de inibidores, o ácido acético, o 5-HMF e o siringaldeído. Foi observado um efeito aditivo da inibição quando o ácido acético foi adicionado juntamente com o 5-HMF, porém em ensaios contendo siringaldeído o efeito inibitório tornou-se sinérgico. Por fim, foi utilizado um hidrolisado de bagaço de cana de açúcar como substrato na produção de H2 por fermentação. A produção de H2 a partir deste substrato só foi possível após o tratamento do hidrolisado com carvão ativado. Portanto, concluiu-se que os compostos inibitórios presentes em hidrolisados de materiais lignocelulósicos condicionam a viabilidade da produção de H2 com estes materiais. Este estudo permitiu concluir que os compostos estudados, exceto os monossacarídeos, resultantes da hidrólise de materiais lignocelulósicos, inibem a produção de H2 pela cultura mista utilizada em diferentes graus, sendo o AHB o mais inibidor. A combinação de compostos inibidores potencializa ainda mais o efeito inibitório sobre a produção de H2. O ácido acético, que pode se originar dos hidrolisados, mas que também é um metabólito da produção de H2 por fermentação aumentou ainda mais a inibição do siringaldeído. Assim, sugere-se que a hidrólise de materiais lignocelulósicos deve ser conduzida de forma a minimizar a presença dos inibidores nos hidrolisados, a fim de maximizar o aproveitamento da biomassa lignocelulósica como matéria-prima no processo fermentativo. / Hydrogen is a clean energy source because its combustion produces only water. However, there is still the need to find technologically efficient, economic and safe solutions for their generation and use. The production of H2 by biological pathways, known as biohydrogen, has gained great prominence in recent years because it enables the use of renewable materials as raw material. Lignocellulosic materials are potential substrates for H2 production by fermentation, however it is necessary to have methods that provide hydrolysis of the components of these materials for fermentation. Most methods are available for hydrolyzing lignocellulosic materials results in carbohydrate degradation products are fermentation inhibitors known. This study was primarily to evaluate the effect of 3 different groups inhibitors of the H2 production by fermentation: (1) organic acid such as acetic acid; (2) furan derivatives such as furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF); (3) phenolic derivatives of lignin monomers, such as syringaldehyde, vanillin and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (HBA). Fermentation tests for H2 production batch used as a mixed culture inoculum (sludge) and were carried out in the presence of glucose and different concentrations of the inhibitors mentioned. The modified Gompertz model was used to estimate the kinetic parameters of the fermentation test, the maximum volume of H2 (H), maximum rate of H2 production (Rm) and the time required for the commencement of production of H2 () . From these tests it was observed how the addition of different concentrations of inhibitors affect these kinetic parameters relative to a control (containing only glucose). Thus it was possible to estimate the concentrations of inhibitors that reduce by 50% the maximum production speeds H2 - The inhibitory concentration 50 (IC 50). In terms of IC 50, the AHB provided the greatest inhibition (0.38 g L-1), followed by 5-HMF and furfural, with IC 50 values of 0.48 and 0.62 g L-1, respectively. Vanillin, syringaldehyde and the acetic acid had minor inhibitory effects on H2 production from the tested inhibitors with IC50 of 0.71; 1.05; and 5.14 g L-1, respectively. In a second stage of work, the inhibitory effect of 3 inhibitors association representatives of each class inhibitors, acetic acid, and 5-HMF syringaldehyde. An additive effect of inhibition when acetic acid was added along with 5-HMF was observed in assays containing syringaldehyde but the inhibitory effect became synergistic. Finally, we used a hydrolyzate of sugarcane bagasse as substrate in H2 production by fermentation. The production of H2 from this substrate was only possible after the hydrolyzate treatment with activated carbon. Therefore, it was concluded that the inhibitory compounds present in hydrolyzed lignocellulosic materials affect the viability of H2 production with these materials. This study concluded that the studied compounds, other monosaccharides resulting from the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials, inhibit the production of H2 by mixed culture used in varying degrees, being most AHB inhibitor. The combination of compounds further enhances the inhibitory effect of inhibitors on the production of H2. Acetic acid, which can originate the hydrolysates, but is also a metabolite of H2 production by fermentation further increased inhibition of syringaldehyde. Thus, it is suggested that the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials should be conducted to minimize the presence of inhibitors of the hydrolysates, in order to maximize the utilization of lignocellulosic biomass as a raw material in the fermentation process.
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Hydrogen (H2) Production and Membrane Fouling in Fermentative H2-producing Membrane Bioreactors

Shen, Li Hong 31 August 2011 (has links)
This research examined the influence of organic loading rate (OLR) and biosolids type on the performance of fermentative H2-producing membrane bioreactors (HPMBRs) with respect to H2 production and membrane fouling. Five OLRs ranging from 4.0 to 30 g COD L-1 d-1 were examined in a lab-scale HPMBR. The system performance with both suspended and granulated biosolids was also investigated. The H2 yield from the suspended biosolids HPMBR was not significantly influenced by OLR at OLRs ≤ 13 g COD L-1 d-1, appeared to be maximized at an OLR of 22 g COD L-1 d-1, and then decreased as the OLR was increased further. An optimum OLR that maximizes H2 yield may be near the OLR that causes reactor overload with respect to substrate utilization. Under the same operating conditions, the H2 yield from a suspended HPMBR was significantly higher than that from a granulated HPMBR. A higher H2 consumption rate and a higher concentration of bound extracellular polymeric substances from the granulated HPMBR may contribute 5–48% and 25–67% of the H2 production difference between the two systems, respectively. The experimental results accompanied with microscopic examination of fouled membrane surfaces indicated that biosolids deposition and colloidal adhesion were the two dominant membrane fouling mechanisms in the HPMBRs. Membrane fouling was characterized by two distinct stages: an initial stage with a relatively higher fouling rate and a second stage with a lower fouling rate. Membrane fouling rates and resistances were influenced by the properties of biosolids and colloids in the mixed liquor. The fouling rates increased with increased biomass concentration, but decreased as colloids became more negatively charged. The irreversible and irremovable fouling resistance increased with increased concentration of colloids, while the removable fouling resistance had no relationship with biomass concentration. Biosolids granulation may benefit membrane performance due to a lower colloidal concentration produced. The single cake filtration model was proper to simulate membrane performance in the initial fouling stage. Both cake filtration and combined cake-standard models provided good fits for the second fouling stage, whereas future study is required to improve model predictability for membrane fouling in this stage.
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Hydrogen (H2) Production and Membrane Fouling in Fermentative H2-producing Membrane Bioreactors

Shen, Li Hong 31 August 2011 (has links)
This research examined the influence of organic loading rate (OLR) and biosolids type on the performance of fermentative H2-producing membrane bioreactors (HPMBRs) with respect to H2 production and membrane fouling. Five OLRs ranging from 4.0 to 30 g COD L-1 d-1 were examined in a lab-scale HPMBR. The system performance with both suspended and granulated biosolids was also investigated. The H2 yield from the suspended biosolids HPMBR was not significantly influenced by OLR at OLRs ≤ 13 g COD L-1 d-1, appeared to be maximized at an OLR of 22 g COD L-1 d-1, and then decreased as the OLR was increased further. An optimum OLR that maximizes H2 yield may be near the OLR that causes reactor overload with respect to substrate utilization. Under the same operating conditions, the H2 yield from a suspended HPMBR was significantly higher than that from a granulated HPMBR. A higher H2 consumption rate and a higher concentration of bound extracellular polymeric substances from the granulated HPMBR may contribute 5–48% and 25–67% of the H2 production difference between the two systems, respectively. The experimental results accompanied with microscopic examination of fouled membrane surfaces indicated that biosolids deposition and colloidal adhesion were the two dominant membrane fouling mechanisms in the HPMBRs. Membrane fouling was characterized by two distinct stages: an initial stage with a relatively higher fouling rate and a second stage with a lower fouling rate. Membrane fouling rates and resistances were influenced by the properties of biosolids and colloids in the mixed liquor. The fouling rates increased with increased biomass concentration, but decreased as colloids became more negatively charged. The irreversible and irremovable fouling resistance increased with increased concentration of colloids, while the removable fouling resistance had no relationship with biomass concentration. Biosolids granulation may benefit membrane performance due to a lower colloidal concentration produced. The single cake filtration model was proper to simulate membrane performance in the initial fouling stage. Both cake filtration and combined cake-standard models provided good fits for the second fouling stage, whereas future study is required to improve model predictability for membrane fouling in this stage.
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Propriedades eletrônicas em nanossistemas baseados em nanotubos de carbono e grafeno / Eletronic properties in nanosystems based on carbono nanotubes and graphene

Alexsandro Kirch 13 March 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas simulações computacionais para investigar as propriedades eletrônicas de nanossistemas baseados em nanotubos de carbono e grafeno por meio de cálculos de primeiros princípios. Um dos nanossistemas investigados é formado por um nanotubo de carbono acoplado a eletrodos de nanofios de paládio encapsulados. Foi mostrado que estados provenientes dos eletrodos interagem fortemente com os estados do nanotubo de carbono. Cálculos de transporte eletrônico foram realizados para investigar a potencialidade desse nanossistema em aplicações como transistor de efeito de campo. Foi mostrado que a intensidade da corrente elétrica desse nanossistema pode ser variada com o campo elétrico de gate. Outro trabalho desenvolvido no presente trabalho tem como base um nanossistema formado pelo grafeno depositado nos substratos SiO2 amorfo e h-BN. Foi determinada a energia de adsorção e a quantidade de carga transferida para investigar a influênicas desses substratos na adsorção da molécula de H2 pelo grafeno. Foi mostrado que a energia de adsorção da molécula de H2 adsorivda na interface grafeno/SiO2 amorfo é menor em comparação com o grafeno suspenso ou disposto sobre o substrato h-BN. Além disso, a adsorção do H2 nessa região resulta em uma transferência de carga de uma ordem de grandeza maior em comparação com a adsorção no grafeno suspenso, sendo observado um deslocamento do Cone de Dirac em relação ao nível de Fermi. Esse estudo poderá contribuir para a construção de futuros sensores de H2 à base de grafeno. / In this work, ab initio calculations were performed within DFT framework to analyse electronic properties of Carbon nanotubes and grapheme nano systems. In this work, computer simulations were performed to investigate the electronic properties of nanosystems based on carbon nanotubes and graphene within DFT framework. One of these systems studied is a Carbon nanotube semiconductor coupled to encapsulated leads of Pd nanowires. It has been shown that leads states interact strongly with the carbon nanotube states. Electronic transport calculations were performed to unfold new applications of this system, such as the field effect transistor. We noticed that charge current intensity can be tuned by electrical field. We also described the influence of amorphous SiO2 and h-BN, in H2 energy adsorption and charge transfer, where both materials are used as graphene substrates. It was shown that the latter adsorption energy in the graphene/Si02 is smaller than graphene/h-Bn and the graphene suspended itself. In fact this adsorption results in a charge transference one order greater than in the suspended graphene, which can be seen as a vertical shift of the Dirac Cone. This study may improve the construction of future H2 sensors based on graphene.
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Efeitos dos produtos de hidrólise de materiais lignocelulósicos sobre a produção de H2 por fermentação / Effect of hydrolysis products Material Lignocellulosic on the H2 production by fermentation.

Marcos Rechi Siqueira 26 March 2015 (has links)
O hidrogênio é uma fonte de energia limpa, pois sua combustão gera apenas água. Porém, ainda há a necessidade de se encontrar soluções tecnologicamente eficientes, econômicas e seguras para sua geração e uso. A produção do H2 por vias biológicas, conhecido como biohidrogênio, vem ganhando grande destaque nos últimos anos, pois possibilita o uso de materiais renováveis como matéria-prima. Materiais lignocelulósicos são potenciais substratos para a produção de H2 por fermentação, no entanto se faz necessário dispor de métodos de hidrólise que disponibilizem os componentes destes materiais para a fermentação. A maior parte dos métodos disponíveis para hidrolisar materiais lignocelulósicos resulta em produtos de degradação de carboidratos, que são reconhecidamente inibidores de fermentação. Este estudo, primeiramente, avaliou o efeito de 3 diferentes grupos de inibidores sobre a produção de H2 por fermentação: (1) ácido orgânico, como o ácido acético; (2) derivados de furano, tais como o furfural e o 5-hidroximetilfurfural (5-HMF); (3) monômeros fenólicos derivados da lignina, tais como o siringaldeído, vanilina e ácido 4-hidroxibenzóico (AHB). Ensaios de fermentação para a produção de H2 em batelada utilizaram como inóculo uma cultura mista (lodo) e foram realizados na presença de glicose e diferentes concentrações dos mencionados inibidores. O modelo de Gompertz modificado foi utilizado para estimar os parâmetros cinéticos dos ensaios de fermentação, como o volume máximo de H2 (P), velocidade máxima de produção de H2 (Rm) e o tempo necessário para o início da produção de H2 (). A partir destes ensaios foi verificado como a adição de diferentes concentrações de inibidores afetou tais parâmetros cinéticos em relação a um controle (apenas contendo glicose). Desta forma foi possível estimar as concentrações dos inibidores que reduzem em 50% as velocidades máximas de produção de H2 a concentração inibitória 50 (CI 50). Em termos de CI 50, o AHB proporcionou a maior inibição (0,38 g.L-1), seguido do 5-HMF e o furfural, com valores de CI 50 de 0,48 e 0,62 g.L-1, respectivamente. A vanilina, o siringaldeído e o ácido acético apresentaram os menores efeitos inibitórios sobre a produção de H2 dentre os inibidores testados, com CI 50 de 0,71; 1,05; e 5,14 g L-1, respectivamente. Numa segunda etapa do trabalho foi avaliado o efeito inibitório da associação de 3 inibidores, representantes de cada uma das classes de inibidores, o ácido acético, o 5-HMF e o siringaldeído. Foi observado um efeito aditivo da inibição quando o ácido acético foi adicionado juntamente com o 5-HMF, porém em ensaios contendo siringaldeído o efeito inibitório tornou-se sinérgico. Por fim, foi utilizado um hidrolisado de bagaço de cana de açúcar como substrato na produção de H2 por fermentação. A produção de H2 a partir deste substrato só foi possível após o tratamento do hidrolisado com carvão ativado. Portanto, concluiu-se que os compostos inibitórios presentes em hidrolisados de materiais lignocelulósicos condicionam a viabilidade da produção de H2 com estes materiais. Este estudo permitiu concluir que os compostos estudados, exceto os monossacarídeos, resultantes da hidrólise de materiais lignocelulósicos, inibem a produção de H2 pela cultura mista utilizada em diferentes graus, sendo o AHB o mais inibidor. A combinação de compostos inibidores potencializa ainda mais o efeito inibitório sobre a produção de H2. O ácido acético, que pode se originar dos hidrolisados, mas que também é um metabólito da produção de H2 por fermentação aumentou ainda mais a inibição do siringaldeído. Assim, sugere-se que a hidrólise de materiais lignocelulósicos deve ser conduzida de forma a minimizar a presença dos inibidores nos hidrolisados, a fim de maximizar o aproveitamento da biomassa lignocelulósica como matéria-prima no processo fermentativo. / Hydrogen is a clean energy source because its combustion produces only water. However, there is still the need to find technologically efficient, economic and safe solutions for their generation and use. The production of H2 by biological pathways, known as biohydrogen, has gained great prominence in recent years because it enables the use of renewable materials as raw material. Lignocellulosic materials are potential substrates for H2 production by fermentation, however it is necessary to have methods that provide hydrolysis of the components of these materials for fermentation. Most methods are available for hydrolyzing lignocellulosic materials results in carbohydrate degradation products are fermentation inhibitors known. This study was primarily to evaluate the effect of 3 different groups inhibitors of the H2 production by fermentation: (1) organic acid such as acetic acid; (2) furan derivatives such as furfural and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF); (3) phenolic derivatives of lignin monomers, such as syringaldehyde, vanillin and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (HBA). Fermentation tests for H2 production batch used as a mixed culture inoculum (sludge) and were carried out in the presence of glucose and different concentrations of the inhibitors mentioned. The modified Gompertz model was used to estimate the kinetic parameters of the fermentation test, the maximum volume of H2 (H), maximum rate of H2 production (Rm) and the time required for the commencement of production of H2 () . From these tests it was observed how the addition of different concentrations of inhibitors affect these kinetic parameters relative to a control (containing only glucose). Thus it was possible to estimate the concentrations of inhibitors that reduce by 50% the maximum production speeds H2 - The inhibitory concentration 50 (IC 50). In terms of IC 50, the AHB provided the greatest inhibition (0.38 g L-1), followed by 5-HMF and furfural, with IC 50 values of 0.48 and 0.62 g L-1, respectively. Vanillin, syringaldehyde and the acetic acid had minor inhibitory effects on H2 production from the tested inhibitors with IC50 of 0.71; 1.05; and 5.14 g L-1, respectively. In a second stage of work, the inhibitory effect of 3 inhibitors association representatives of each class inhibitors, acetic acid, and 5-HMF syringaldehyde. An additive effect of inhibition when acetic acid was added along with 5-HMF was observed in assays containing syringaldehyde but the inhibitory effect became synergistic. Finally, we used a hydrolyzate of sugarcane bagasse as substrate in H2 production by fermentation. The production of H2 from this substrate was only possible after the hydrolyzate treatment with activated carbon. Therefore, it was concluded that the inhibitory compounds present in hydrolyzed lignocellulosic materials affect the viability of H2 production with these materials. This study concluded that the studied compounds, other monosaccharides resulting from the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials, inhibit the production of H2 by mixed culture used in varying degrees, being most AHB inhibitor. The combination of compounds further enhances the inhibitory effect of inhibitors on the production of H2. Acetic acid, which can originate the hydrolysates, but is also a metabolite of H2 production by fermentation further increased inhibition of syringaldehyde. Thus, it is suggested that the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials should be conducted to minimize the presence of inhibitors of the hydrolysates, in order to maximize the utilization of lignocellulosic biomass as a raw material in the fermentation process.
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Studies on structure and function of ribonuclease H2 / リボヌクレアーゼH2の構造と機能に関する研究

Baba, Misato 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第22493号 / 農博第2397号 / 新制||農||1076(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R2||N5273(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科食品生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 保川 清, 教授 佐々木 努, 教授 橋本 渉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM


ALFREDO CHAOUBAH 13 November 2006 (has links)
[pt] Considera-se, neste trabalho, um problema de controle ótimo no qual o critério ( relativo à atenuação de sinais de perturbação) e a restrição (relativa à margem de estabilidade) são, respectivamente, normas e H2 e H(infinito) ponderadas de funções de transferência em malha fechada. Um procedimento iterativo para o obtenção de soluções aproximadas, no qual somente problemas H2 irrestritos são resolvidos, é apresentado. Vários exemplos de aplicação deste procedimento são discutidos. / [en] In this work an optimal control problem is considered in which the cost function (pertaining to disturbance attenuation) and the constraint (due to unstructured, stability margin requirements) are, respectively, weighted H2 e H(infinity) norms of closed-loop transfer functions. An iterative scheme is described for generating aproximate soluctions in which only unconstrained H2 problems are solved. Some numerical examples are then discussed.

The influence of the Shāfi’ī school of Muslim law on marriage and divorce in the Malay Peninsula : with special reference to the State of Trengganu

Hassan, Abdul Jalil Bin Haji January 1969 (has links)
It is generally understood that nearly all Malay Muslims in the Malay Peninsula are followers of the school of al-Imäm al-Shäfi'i in the field of Islamic Firth or Law. Fiqh is the science of the knowledge of one's rights and obligations as derived from the Qur'än or the Tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, or deduced There from, or about which the Muslim learned have agreed. The influence of this school of Law (al-madhhab) seems to have gained its ground in the Malay Peninsula following the successful introduction of the religion of Islam. So, it is essential, firstly, to unveil the hidden history of the coming of this religion to this part of the world and to illustrate broadly, the background of the formation of the four orthodox schools in interpreting the Muslim Law, before dealing directly with the Shäfi'i influence. It seems proper to do so because the former is like the root of a tree itself, while the latter is its branch. It is also possible to observe in certain of the customary attitudes to all questions of marriage and divorce the underlying influences of surviving native customary principles (Adat). These will be referred to in the course of this study whenever they have a degree of relevancy and where material is available.
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