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<div>In this study, the performance of a flood control reservoir called Brookville Reservoir located in the East fork of the Whitewater River Basin, was analyzed using historic and futuristic data. For that purpose, USEPA HSPF software was used to develop the rainfall runoff modelling of the entire Whitewater River Basin up to Brookville, Indiana. Using uncontrolled flow data, the model was calibrated using 35 years of data and validated using 5 years by evaluating the goodness-offit with R2, RMSE, and NSE. Using historic data, the historic performances were accessed initially.</div><div>Using downscaled daily precipitation data obtained from. GCM for the considered region, flows were generated using the calibrated HSPF model. A reservoir operation model was built using the present operating policies. By appending the reservoir simulation model with HSPF model results, performance of the reservoir was assessed for the future conditions.</div>
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Hydrologic and hydraulic model development for flood mitigation and routing method comparison in Soap Creek Watershed, IowaSun, Jingyun 01 July 2015 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis is to develop hydrologic and hydraulic models for the Soap Creek Watershed, IA for the evaluation of alternative flood mitigation strategies and the analysis of the differences between hydrologic and hydraulic routing methods.
In 2008, the state of Iowa suffered a disastrous flood that caused extensive damage to homes, agricultural lands, commercial property, and public infrastructures. To reduce the flood damage across Iowa, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded funds to the Iowa Flood Center and IIHR-Hydroscience &Engineering at the University of Iowa to conduct the Iowa Watersheds Project. The Soap Creek Watershed was selected as one of the study areas because this region has suffered frequent severe floods over the past century and because local landowners have organized to construct over 130 flood detention ponds within it since 1985.
As part of the Iowa Watersheds Project, we developed a hydrologic model using the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Hydrologic Center’s hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS). We used the hydrologic model to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing flood mitigation structures with respect to discharge and to identify the high runoff potential areas. We also investigated the potential impact of two additional flood mitigation practices within the Soap Creek Watershed by utilizing the hydrologic model, which includes changing the land use and improving the soil quality. The HEC-HMS model simulated 24-hour design storms with different return periods, including 10, 25, 50, and 100 year. The results from modeling four design storms revealed that all three practices can reduce the peak discharge at different levels. The existing detention ponds were shown to reduce the peak discharge by 28% to 40% depending on the choice of observed locations and design storms. However, changing the land use can reduce the peak discharge by an average of only 1.0 %, whereas improving the soil quality can result in an average of 15 % reduction.
Additionally, we designed a hydraulic model using the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC- RAS) to perform a comparative evaluation of hydrologic and hydraulic routing methods. The hydrologic routing method employed in this study is the Muskingum Routing method. We compare the historical and design storms between HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and observed stage hydrographs and take the hydrograph timing, shape, and magnitude into account. Our results indicate that the hydraulic routing method simulates the hydrograph shape more effectively in this case.
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Evaluating The Use Of SatelliteSoytekin, Arzu 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
For the process of social and economic development, hydropower energy has an important role such as being renewable, clean, and having less impact on the environment. In decision of the hydropower potential of a study area, the preliminary condition is the availability of the gages in the area. However, in Turkey, the gages in working order are limited and getting decreased in recent years. Therefore, the satellite based precipitation estimates has been gaining importance to predict runoff for ungauged basins. In this study, Ç / oruh basin, which is located in the north-eastern part of Turkey, is selected to perform hydrologic modeling. The input precipitation data for the model are provided from the observations at meteorological stations and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite products (3B42 and 3B43). TRMM satellite is used to monitor and study the rainfall distribution. The precipitation radar on the TRMM is the first radar to make precipitation estimation from the space. Using both precipitation data, HEC-HMS, being well known hydrological model, is applied to the Ç / oruh Basin for 2005 and 2003 water years. To distinguish the differences in the runoff simulations and water budget, comparisons are done with respect to flow monitoring stations. Statistical criteria show that model simulation results obtained from TRMM 3B42 products are promising in estimating the water potential in ungauged basins.
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Hydrologické a hydraulické modelování jako podklad pro plánovací činnost obce – případová studie Lešany u ProstějovaUlrich, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the use of software based on an open-source license to determine scale and extent of the flood risk of municipality with the possibility of use for municipality spatial planning activities. The diploma thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part deals with issues related to flood wave, flood types, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, land use documents, land use planning documents and flood control measures of non-technical and technical character with local purpose. In the practical part an analysis of the Lešany u Prostějova territory was carried out for the identification of critical sites from the point of view of the flash floods. The critical sites, also called the critical points, were further analyzed for determination of the scale and extent of the flood risk. At the end of the practical part the used analyses and models for municipal self-government are evaluated. Also, an idealized design of flood control measures and measures for water retention in the landscape are presented. All outputs are presented as maps and included in the annex of the diploma thesis.
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Hydrological Modelling of Al Auja Earth Dam in the Lower Jordan Valley. / Hydrologisk modellering av Al Auja jorddammen i lägre Jordandalen.Rimfors, Otto, Velichkin, Vadim January 2015 (has links)
In a populated region with very high potential evapotranspiration, where the rainwater falls only during the winter and mostly in the mountains, the need for sustainable water management and fair distribution is crucial. In the West Bank, Palestine, the main potable water source is a karst mountain aquifer system. Precipitation occurs usually in the form of rainfall in the mountainous regions during winter period and recharges the groundwater systems. The water either reaches the surface as spring water, or is extracted through pumped wells. But the scarcity of drinking water in Palestine is not due to lack of water resources or technical knowledge of water extraction but a direct consequence of Israeli policies, water management, breached water rights and the occupation of Palestinian territories. Because of such restrictions, ground water is not an option to provide more freshwater, instead it is suggested to collect rainwater runoff in reservoirs. In 2011, the first surface water dam was built in Palestine in Al Auja, just north of Ariha. It was built as an experimental project for future dams and is therefore a small earth fill dam which will be expanded to collect water also from an adjacent watershed, much larger than the current one. The purpose of this study is to determine how much bigger the reservoir needs to be to safely store the inflowing rainwater runoff in the future. This was achieved through hydrological modelling using the HEC-HMS software which is a physical based model. The data used in this study were: 25 m DEM, land use data, soil data (both from remote sense and field visit), river network map, precipitation data, location of the gauges and geological formations. Field visits and soil tests were also great contributions of insights and knowledge crucial for the project. Hourly time-series data for precipitation for the winters 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 and monthly evapotranspiration for 2010-2011 were used as input to the model. Water level data in Al Uja reservoir with 20 minutes intervals were used to evaluate the simulations. Simulations were first optimized for the current scenario to find sets of parameters that match the changes in water level in the dam reservoir. This was done both for single rainfall events as well as for the whole seasons. The parameters creating the most matching results were used in additional simulations with the adjacent watershed included. The difference in results between the simulations with the current watershed and the expanded one was used to answer how much more water the reservoir would have received during 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 if the larger watershed were included. The model results reveal that the reservoir should have been able to hold about three times as much water as today. Installation of an inflow meter is suggested for the future along with an evaluation of local climate change in precipitation and evapotranspiration.
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Simulation of the upper Waimakariri River catchment by observed rain & radar reflectivityLu, Xiao Feng January 2009 (has links)
ModClark and Clark’s Unit Hydrograph (Clark’s UH) within HEC-HMS software are distributed and lumped models, respectively. Clark’s UH simulates the transformation and attenuation of excess precipitation, and requires time of concentration (Tc) and Storage Coefficient (R) parameters. ModClark transformation accounts for variations in travel time to catchment outlet from all regions of a catchment, and it additionally requires gridded representation of a catchment and Gridded cell-based input files. Four cases (three from observed rain, and one from radar reflectivity) of three chosen events were specifically chosen and examined for the comparison of simulation results with the same estimated initial parameters apart from different rainfall inputs. The Upper Waimakariri River Catchment was divided into ten subcatchments, and the HEC-HMS basin model parameters were estimated by using the physical/hydrological characteristics. However, ModClark transformation was unavailable because of an output error from converting ASCII to gridded Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS CN) format by the conversion tool – ai2dssgrid.exe. Therefore, Mean Aerial Precipitation (MAP) for each subcatchment was calculated by Thiessen polygon method combined with an overlay analysis for grid-cell-based rainfall estimation from radar with geographic information system (GIS) tools. The automated calibration/optimisation procedure included in HEC-HMS package was applied to the cases which showed a deviation between simulation and observed flows. The purpose is to ‘optimise’ the initial estimates of parameters only in a mathematical-fit manner based on the observed flows from the only discharge gauge at Old Highway Bridge (OHB). The TC values calculated from the five equations vary in a relatively narrow range apart from the one from Bransby-Williams equation. Therefore, the values from all the other four equations were averaged and used as the initial TC input. The simulation results showed that there was a notable difference between observed and simulated hydrographs for some case studies even though TC, R, CN, and lag time were calibrated/optimised separately. Also, radar estimated rainfall and grid-based data storage system (DSS) need more investigations.
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Vliv prostorového rozložení sněhu na průběh povodní / Influence of spatial snow distribution on flood courseKučerová, Dana January 2010 (has links)
For the purpose of hydrological forecasting on mountains' and sub-mountains' rivers is important knowledge of distribution of snow water equivalent in the watershed. Submitted thesis therefore deals with comparison of 9 interpolation methods in terms of quality of their forecasting when predicting snow depth and snow water equivalent in watershed Bystřice (127,6 km2 ), which is situated in the northwest of Bohemia in the Ore mountains. Point data of snow depth and snow water equivalent used in interpolation were sampled during an off- road measuring in 17. 2. 2010 at the 14 snow sampling locations. The interpolation methods were: (1) Thiessen's polygons, (2) inverse distance weighting, (3) global polynomial (4) local polynomial (5) radial basis functions, (6) ordinary kriging, (7) cokriging, (8) residual kriging and (9) orographic interpolation. Independent variable-altitude used in the calculation of snow depth and snow water equivalent was used only in the last three listed methods. Predictive ability of interpolation methods was evaluated by using cross-validation and visual comparison of predicted maps. The best prediction ability was provided by residual kriging and orographic interpolation. The geostatistical methods were next in the order. The method of Thiessen's polygons and inverse distance...
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Vliv sněhové pokrývky na odtok vody z povodí v zalesněném a nezalesněném prostředí / Influence of snow cover on catchment outflow in wooded and unwooded environmentHintnaus, Ivo January 2011 (has links)
This work deals with the evaluation of snow cover and snow spatial distribution in experimental Zbytinský and Tetřivči stream basin. Snow mesaurements were focused on snow depth and a snow water equivalent. Interpolation metods and detailed monitoring of rainfall-flow process were applied in the period of the winter half-year 2009 - 2011. The effects of geografic factors on spatial distribution of snow cover in the accumulation period and in the snow melting period were analysed. The analysis of physical geografic factors effect was focused on vegetation, exposure, slope, wind flow and shading. Results confirmed the strong effect of vegetation in the accumulation and snow melting period. Other physical geografic effects on spatial distribution of snow cover were not so significant. The model HEC-HMS was applied to determine the runoff in both stream basins. Simulations result in the winter half-year period reached good agreement between observed and simulated hydrographs. Effects of snow cover contribution to runoff in the snow melting period in wooded Tetřívčí stream basin and also in antropogenic Zbytinský stream basin were proved based on simulations of outflow and snow water equivalent. Key words: snow depth, snow water equivalent, HEC-HMS, Blanice River basin, Zbytinský stream, Tetřívčí stream
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Obnova vodní nádrže v obci Žďárná / Renovation of a water reservoir in the village of ŽďárnáPastorková, Nikola January 2022 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is to restore the existing small reservoir in the village Žďárná. A new safety spillway and bottom outlet will be built, the flood will be shaped according to the cross-sections and the dam of the water reservoir will be fortified. The designed objects will be hydraulically verified. Using the HEC-HMS program, a hydrological model of the river basin is created and subsequently a derived flood wave PV20.
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Flood inundation mapping of the Catalpa Creek WatershedPoudel, Subodh 08 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This study addresses flood risk assessment in the Catalpa Creek watershed, located in northeast Mississippi, USA. Employing the Hydrological Modeling System (HEC-HMS) and the River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), integrated models were developed and calibrated, to predict flood behavior within the watershed. The study conducted flood frequency analyses for return periods ranging from 2 to 100 years and generated flood inundation maps, pinpointing flood-prone areas. Mitigation measures for flood risk management were recommended. The results underscore the effectiveness of the integrated modeling approach for simulating and understanding the complex dynamics of flood events. The research identified critical flood-prone zones, emphasizing the importance of proactive flood risk management. The calibrated hydrological model serves as a valuable tool for stormwater management, water resource planning, and watershed assessment. The study provides insights into flood risk in the Catalpa Creek watershed, offering valuable guidance to regional decision-makers. This study lays the foundation for future investigations in floodplain encroachment, sediment transport, stream restoration, and flood inundation hazard mapping.
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