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Comprovação química e biológica da presença de monofluoroacetato nas folhas de Palicourea marcgravii st. Hil / Chemical and biological demonstration of the presence of monofluoroacetate in the leaves of Palicourea marcgravii St.Hil.Moraes, Regina Lucia Fonseca de 06 April 1993 (has links)
Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil. (Rubiaceae) vulgarmente conhecida como \"erva de rato\" é uma planta tóxica brasileira de grande interesse econômico na pecuária, por provocar, em bovinos, convulsões, arritmias cardíacas e \"morte súbita\" em elevado número de animais. No presente trabalho, as folhas dessecadas e moídas de P. marcgravii foram extraídas com etanol 95 %, a temperatura ambiente, por percolação; o extrato resultante foi fracionado por partição com acetato de etila e butanol saturado com água. Os resíduos obtidos foram testados \"per os\" em ratos, buscando-se investigar nos mesmos, a presença do princípio ativo tóxico. O resíduo aquoso foi o único que produziu convulsões e morte dos animais. A existência do monofluoroacetato (MF A) no resíduo aquoso foi comprovada biologicamente através do paralelismo entre as retas refetentes às funções dose/porcentagem de letalidade e dose/latência para a 1ª convulsão que foram construídas para o resíduo aquoso e padrão de referência (monofluoroacetato de sódio). O MFA foi também identificado quimicamente através da RMN19F e da cromatografia em camada delgada. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a presença de MF A nas folhas de P.marcgravii, responsabilizando-o pelos efeitos tóxicos produzidos. Também foram levantadas algumas hipóteses na tentativa de explicar a sintomatologia dos animais intoxicados. / Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil. (Rubiaceae) is one of the most economica1ly important poisonous plants for Brazilian livestock, since it induces not only seizures, cardiac arrythmias, but also \"sudden death\" of large number of the intoxicated animals. ln the present paper, the dissected and grounded leaves of P.marcgravii were extracted with ethanol 95 %, at room temperature, by percolation; the resultant extract was fractionized by partition in ethyl acetate and butanol saturated with water. The obtained residues were administered \"per os\" to rats, trying to look for the presence of the active toxic principIe. The aqueous residue was the only that induced seizures and death to the animals. The presence of monofluoroacetate (MFA) in the aqueous residue was biologica1ly confirmed by the correlation shown in the sodium monofluoroacetate and the aqueous residue dose-response and dose effect curves. MFA was also identified through NMR19F and thin layer chromatography. The obtained results confirmed the presence of MF A in the P.marcgravii leaves; they also suggest that the toxic effects induced by this plant are a consequence of the presence of MFA in its leaves. Further, some hypothesis were also perfomed, in an attempt to better explain the symptoms induced by the plant leaves. Read more
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Modèles à échelle réduite en similitude pour l'ingénierie système et l'expérimentation simulée "temps compacté" : application à un microréseau incluant un stockage électrochimique. / Reduced scale models for system Reduced scale models for system engineering and simulated "compacted time" experimentation : application to a microgrid including electrochemical storageVarais, Andy 10 January 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée en collaboration avec la société SCLE SFE (Groupe ENGIE) et le laboratoire Laplace. Elle porte sur le développement d’une méthodologie permettant d’élaborer des modèles dits « en similitude », à échelle de puissance et de temps réduites. Ces modèles peuvent servir pour l’analyse des systèmes mais ils sont en particulier utiles pour l’expérimentation en temps réel des systèmes énergétiques. En effet, les expérimentations sont très souvent menées à échelle réduite pour des questions de taille, de coût,… Certaines parties de ces expérimentations peuvent être « émulées » (simulées physiquement par des dispositifs de puissance) d’autres étant constitués de composants physiques : on parle alors de procédure Hardware in the Loop (HIL). Même si, à la base, la démarche de réduction d’échelle a une portée générale, notre gamme d’application principale concerne les micro réseaux avec intégration de sources renouvelables intermittentes couplées à des composants de stockage. En conséquence,nos travaux se focalisent sur la mise en œuvre de modèles de similitudes en puissance/énergie/temps de sources ENR et de stockeurs. La notion de réduction de temps, nous parlerons de « temps virtuel compacté », est un des concepts clés de ces travaux. Une attention particulière est portée sur le développement d’un émulateur physique de batterie électrochimique.En effet, le stockage d’énergie est un point clé dans un micro réseau. De plus, cet élément présente de fortes non-linéarités dont la mise en similitude doit impérativement tenir compte et n’est pas triviale. Une fois ces modèles développés, on les éprouve via la mise en œuvre d’essais en expérimentation simulée par émulateurs physiques à échelle de puissance réduite et en temps virtuel compacté. Ces essais permettent par ailleurs de confronter les notions d’émulateurs «copie-modèle », pour lequel un modèle est utilisé pour reproduire le comportement du système, et d’émulateurs « copie-image », où le comportement du système est reproduit à partir d’un de ses composants réels (par exemple une cellule pour la batterie). / This thesis was carried out in collaboration with SCLE SFE (ENGIE Group) and the Laplacelaboratory. It focuses on the establishment of a methodology allowing the “similarity” modelsdevelopment, with reduced power and time scale. These models can be used for systems analysisbut they are particularly useful for real-time experimentation of energy systems. Indeed, theexperiments are often carried out on a small scale for issues of size, cost, … Some parts of theseexperiments can be "emulated" (physically simulated by power devices) while others consist ofphysical components: this is called the Hardware in the Loop (HIL) procedure. Although, initially,the downscaling approach is broad in scope, our main field of application is microgrids withintegration of intermittent renewable sources coupled with storage components. As a result, ourwork focuses on the implementation of power / energy / time similarity models of ENR sources andstorage facilities. The concept of time reduction, we will talk about "compacted virtual time", is oneof the key concepts of this work. Particular attention is paid to the development of a physicalemulator of electrochemical battery. Indeed, energy storage is a key point in microgrid. In addition,this element has strong nonlinearities whose scaling in similarity must imperatively take intoaccount and is not trivial. Once these models have been developed, they are tested through theimplementation of simulated experiments using physical emulators with reduced power scale andcompacted virtual time. These tests also make it possible to compare the concepts of "copymodel" emulators, for which a model is used to reproduce the behavior of the system, and "copyimage" emulators, where the behavior of the system is reproduced from of one of its realcomponents (for example a cell for the battery). Read more
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Waveform relaxation based hardware-in-the-loop simulationGoulkhah, Mohammad (Monty) January 2015 (has links)
This thesis introduces an alternative potentially low cost solution for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation based on the waveform relaxation (WR) method. The WR tech-nique is extended so that, without the need for a real-time simulator, the behaviour of an actual piece of physical hardware can nevertheless be tested as though it were connected to a large external electrical network. This is achieved by simulating the external network on an off-line electromagnetic transients (EMT) simulation program, and utilizing iterative exchange of waveforms between the simulation and the hardware by means of a spe-cialized Real-Time Player/Recorder (RTPR) interface device. The approach is referred to as waveform relaxation based hardware-in-the-loop (WR-HIL) simulation.
To make the method possible, the thesis introduces several new innovations for stabi-lizing and accelerating the WR-HIL algorithm. It is shown that the classical WR shows poor or no convergence when at least one of the subsystems is an actual device. The noise and analog-digital converters’ quantization errors and other hardware disturbances can affect the waveforms and cause the WR to diverge. Therefore, the application of the WR method in performing HIL simulation is not straightforward and the classical WR need to be modified accordingly.
Three convergence techniques are proposed to improve the WR-HIL simulation con-vergence. Each technique is evaluated by an experimental example. The stability of the WR-HIL simulation is studied and a stabilization technique is proposed to provide suffi-cient conditions for the simulation stability.
The approach is also extended to include the optimization of the parameters of power system controllers located in geographically distant places. The WR-HIL simulation technique is presented with several examples. At the end of the thesis, suggestions for the future work are presented. / February 2016 Read more
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Parâmetros fenométricos e qualidade da erva-mate em função do sombreamento, vento e cobertura vegetal do solo / Phenometryc parameters and quality of mate-herb as a function of shading, wind and vegetal mulching of the soilFerrera, Tiago Silveira 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The herb mate is a Brazilian tree species from the South and Midwestern of Brazil. The quality of its product is determine by its answers to ecophysiological stress, since it is a climax plant which natural habitat is a microenvironment sheltered by larger arboreal extracts. The use of herb mate leaves and branches as chimarrão and tererê beverages are the best-known and popularized ones in the Southern states of Brazil. Currently, there has been a strong competition from more profitable annual crops expanding, and a growing demand for pharmaceutical and food industries due to its rich composition in phenolic compounds and antioxidants, which concentration depends on the production environment condition, resulting in prices increase of the products obtained and the demand for more favorable environment to high quality. Thus, more appropriate cultivation and handling practices are necessary to different micrometeorological conditions, depending on the region and time of year. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ecophysiological responses of herb mate under different levels of shading, concerning the effect of soil cover by plant residues, and mechanical stress resulting from the increase of wind speed. Two experiments were conduct with the DF /UFSM. In experiment one, conducted with young plants of herb mate, the field, the land cover factor (covered and bared soil) and the percentage factor of plants shading (0, 18, 35 and 50%) were evaluated in a completely randomized design. Each sample consisted of 12 plants of a progeny with four replications. In experiment 2, conducted in field by taking advantage of a side protection structure of an old greenhouse, the shading factors were tested (18 and 35%) and wind speed (natural ( 0), 2, 4 and 6 m s-1), being tht each sample had 12 plants in three repetitions. Ventilation was generated by portable fans of different powers. The results showed that the soil cobetura is beneficial for young plants having an increased height, the number of sprouts and more intense staining green hue. The shading of 35 and 50% had higher gain in dry mass, higher leaf area, more intense green color and increased stomatal opening. As the phytochemical composition the concentration of polyphenols and flavonoids was higher in sombremamentos getting 35% higher antioxidant capacity. The application of forced ventilation reduced the number of shoots and stomatal opening, and the leaves were less intense green color and slightly altering the phytochemical composção of phenolic compounds and flavonoids and antioxidant capacity. Young erveiras have better establishment to higher growth and better development with greater accumulation of phytochemicals compounds covered soils with partial shading of 50% and places with little wind. / A erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) é uma planta arbórea nativa do Sul e Centro-Oeste brasileiro. A qualidade de seu produto é determinada pelas respostas dessa planta a estresses ecofisiológicos, por tratar-se de uma planta climácica em que seu habitat natural é um microambiente abrigado por extratos arbóreos maiores. A utilização das folhas e ramos da erva-mate como chimarrão e tererê são os mais conhecidos e popularizados nos estados da região Sul do Brasil. Atualmente observa-se uma forte competição com culturas anuais mais rentáveis em expansão e uma demanda crescente pela indústria farmacêutica e alimentícia, devido a sua composição rica em compostos fenólicos e antioxidantes, cuja concentração depende da condição do ambiente de produção, resultando em aumento dos preços dos produtos obtidos e na procura do ambiente mais favorável à alta qualidade. Assim, são necessárias práticas de cultivo e manejo mais adequadas às diferentes condições micrometeorológicas, decorrentes da região e da época do ano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar as respostas fenométricas e qualidade da erva-mate sob diferentes níveis de sombreamento, quanto ao efeito da cobertura do solo por restos vegetais e ao estresse mecânico ocasionado pelo aumento da velocidade do vento. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos junto ao Departamento de Fitotecnia UFSM. No experimento 1 conduzido com plantas jovens de erva-mate, a campo, avaliou-se o fator cobertura do solo (solo coberto e desnudo) e o fator percentual de sombreamento das plantas (0, 18, 35 e 50%) em um delineamento inteiramente causualizado. Cada parcela se constituiu de 12 plantas de um progênie, com 4 repetições. No experimento 2, conduzido a campo com uma estrutura de proteção lateral foram, testados os fatores sombreamento (18 e 35%) e o velocidade do vento (natural ( 0), 2, 4 e 6 m s-1), sendo cada parcela constituída por 12 plantas, em três repetições. A ventilação foi gerada por ventiladores portateis de diferentes potências. Os resultados demonstraram que a cobetura do solo é benéfica para as plantas jovens havendo um aumento na altura, no número de brotos e coloração com tonalidade verde mais intenso. Os sombreamentos de 35 e 50% apresentaram maior ganho na massa seca, maior área foliar, cor verde mais intensa e aumento da abertura estomática. Quanto a composição fitoquímica a concentração de polifenóis e flavonoides foi maior nos sombremamentos 35% obtendo maior capacidade antioxidante. A aplicação da ventilação forçada reduziu o número de brotos e a abertura estomática, sendo que as folhas apresentaram coloração verde menos intensa e pouco alterando a composção fitoquímica dos compostos fenólicos e flavonoides e a capacidade antioxidante. As erveiras jovens possuem uma melhor estabelecimento com maior crescimento e melhor desenvolvimento com maior acúmulo de compostos fitoquímicos em solos cobertos, com sombreamento parcial de até 50% e locais com pouco vento. Read more
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Comprovação química e biológica da presença de monofluoroacetato nas folhas de Palicourea marcgravii st. Hil / Chemical and biological demonstration of the presence of monofluoroacetate in the leaves of Palicourea marcgravii St.Hil.Regina Lucia Fonseca de Moraes 06 April 1993 (has links)
Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil. (Rubiaceae) vulgarmente conhecida como \"erva de rato\" é uma planta tóxica brasileira de grande interesse econômico na pecuária, por provocar, em bovinos, convulsões, arritmias cardíacas e \"morte súbita\" em elevado número de animais. No presente trabalho, as folhas dessecadas e moídas de P. marcgravii foram extraídas com etanol 95 %, a temperatura ambiente, por percolação; o extrato resultante foi fracionado por partição com acetato de etila e butanol saturado com água. Os resíduos obtidos foram testados \"per os\" em ratos, buscando-se investigar nos mesmos, a presença do princípio ativo tóxico. O resíduo aquoso foi o único que produziu convulsões e morte dos animais. A existência do monofluoroacetato (MF A) no resíduo aquoso foi comprovada biologicamente através do paralelismo entre as retas refetentes às funções dose/porcentagem de letalidade e dose/latência para a 1ª convulsão que foram construídas para o resíduo aquoso e padrão de referência (monofluoroacetato de sódio). O MFA foi também identificado quimicamente através da RMN19F e da cromatografia em camada delgada. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram a presença de MF A nas folhas de P.marcgravii, responsabilizando-o pelos efeitos tóxicos produzidos. Também foram levantadas algumas hipóteses na tentativa de explicar a sintomatologia dos animais intoxicados. / Palicourea marcgravii St. Hil. (Rubiaceae) is one of the most economica1ly important poisonous plants for Brazilian livestock, since it induces not only seizures, cardiac arrythmias, but also \"sudden death\" of large number of the intoxicated animals. ln the present paper, the dissected and grounded leaves of P.marcgravii were extracted with ethanol 95 %, at room temperature, by percolation; the resultant extract was fractionized by partition in ethyl acetate and butanol saturated with water. The obtained residues were administered \"per os\" to rats, trying to look for the presence of the active toxic principIe. The aqueous residue was the only that induced seizures and death to the animals. The presence of monofluoroacetate (MFA) in the aqueous residue was biologica1ly confirmed by the correlation shown in the sodium monofluoroacetate and the aqueous residue dose-response and dose effect curves. MFA was also identified through NMR19F and thin layer chromatography. The obtained results confirmed the presence of MF A in the P.marcgravii leaves; they also suggest that the toxic effects induced by this plant are a consequence of the presence of MFA in its leaves. Further, some hypothesis were also perfomed, in an attempt to better explain the symptoms induced by the plant leaves. Read more
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Modelování a HIL simulace ovládání pátých dveří osobního automobilu / Modelling and HIL Simulation of Vehicle Boot Door ControlMusil, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on an analysis, a model creation and simulations of a car boot door mechanism. The problem was analyzed on the basis of real measurements made on three different vehicles. Based on the measurements, computational models describing the real system at different levels of complexity were created. Matlab/Simulink was used to create and calculate the models. The output of the thesis is the simulator of a car boot door which also includes simplified model of a control unit. The simulator should provide an approximation of current and kinematic quantities of these mechanisms. The model is implemented on dSPACE platform that allows real-time simulations. The simulator can be modified in terms of changing the parameters of the mechanism and modifying some of its results.
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Vývoj a testování SW pro modul monitorování stavu motoru / SW development and testing for engine monitoring moduleSumtsov, Artem January 2015 (has links)
Diplomová práce popisuje vývojovou techniku Model Based Design a její použití pro návrh a testování algoritmů. Popis této techniky je proveden na příkladu praktického využití v praxi při vývoji modulu monitorování stavu motoru ve spolupráci se společností UNIS,a.s. Vývoj v oblasti současné letecké techniky klade velký důraz na monitorování životnosti zařízení. Podle výstupů algoritmu se dají naplánovat preventivní opravy s ohledem na aktuální podmínky opotřebení a provozování. Implementace algoritmů je provedena v prostředí Matlab/Simulink s následným testováním na platformě dSpace
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Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation of MIST Attitude Determination and Control SystemVicario, Alejandro January 2022 (has links)
The MIST(MIniature Student saTellite) project is a 3U CubeSat developed by student teams at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. One of the fundamental systems of the satellite is the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS), re sponsible for estimating and correcting the satellite’s orientation using magnetic fields and sun sensors. This final degree work belongs to the MIST functional test team. It focuses on building a test environment that verifies that all ADCS components will be have as expected once the satellite is in orbit. This thesis focuses on creating a test framework that can be used to verify the operation of the ADCS. This test framework is composed of several hardware and software components developed to be reliable and flexible, so it can be adapted to verify the behavior of other systems on the satel lite by other teams in the future. The value of this test framework is demonstrated by setting up a HardwareIntheLoop (HIL) simulation of the ADCS in which real flight hardware is used along with other hardware and software components to create a test scenario as close as possible to the orbit. / MISTprojektet (MIniature Student saTellite) är en 3U CubeSat som utvecklats av studentgrupper vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan (KTH) i Stockholm. Ett av satellitens grundläggande system är Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS), som ansvarar för att uppskatta och korrigera satellitens orientering med hjälp av magnetfält och solsensorer. Det här examensarbetet hör till MIST:s funktionstestgrupp. Det fokuserar på att bygga en testmiljö som verifierar att alla ADCS-komponenter kommer att bete sig som förväntat när satelliten väl är i omloppsbana. Det här examensarbetet fokuserar på att skapa en testram som kan användas för att verifiera ADCS:s funktion. Testramen består av flera hardware och software komponenter som utvecklats för att vara tillförlitliga och flexibla, så att den kan anpassas för att verifiera beteendet hos andra system på satelliten av andra team i framtiden. Värdet av denna testram demonstreras genom att man sätter upp en HILsimulering (HardwareIntheLoop) av ADCS där riktig flygmaskinvara används tillsammans med andra hardware och software komponenter för att skapa ett testscenario som ligger så nära omloppsbanan som möjligt. Read more
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Modèles à échelle réduite en similitude pour l'ingénierie système et l'expérimentation simulée "temps compacté" : application à un microréseau incluant un stockage électrochimique.Varais, Andy 10 January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a été réalisée en collaboration avec la société SCLE SFE (Groupe ENGIE) et le laboratoire Laplace. Elle porte sur le développement d’une méthodologie permettant d’élaborer des modèles dits « en similitude », à échelle de puissance et de temps réduites. Ces modèles peuvent servir pour l’analyse des systèmes mais ils sont en particulier utiles pour l’expérimentation en temps réel des systèmes énergétiques. En effet, les expérimentations sont très souvent menées à échelle réduite pour des questions de taille, de coût,… Certaines parties de ces expérimentations peuvent être « émulées » (simulées physiquement par des dispositifs de puissance) d’autres étant constitués de composants physiques : on parle alors de procédure Hardware in the Loop (HIL). Même si, à la base, la démarche de réduction d’échelle a une portée générale, notre gamme d’application principale concerne les micro réseaux avec intégration de sources renouvelables intermittentes couplées à des composants de stockage. En conséquence,nos travaux se focalisent sur la mise en œuvre de modèles de similitudes en puissance/énergie/temps de sources ENR et de stockeurs. La notion de réduction de temps, nous parlerons de « temps virtuel compacté », est un des concepts clés de ces travaux. Une attention particulière est portée sur le développement d’un émulateur physique de batterie électrochimique.En effet, le stockage d’énergie est un point clé dans un micro réseau. De plus, cet élément présente de fortes non-linéarités dont la mise en similitude doit impérativement tenir compte et n’est pas triviale. Une fois ces modèles développés, on les éprouve via la mise en œuvre d’essais en expérimentation simulée par émulateurs physiques à échelle de puissance réduite et en temps virtuel compacté. Ces essais permettent par ailleurs de confronter les notions d’émulateurs «copie-modèle », pour lequel un modèle est utilisé pour reproduire le comportement du système, et d’émulateurs « copie-image », où le comportement du système est reproduit à partir d’un de ses composants réels (par exemple une cellule pour la batterie). Read more
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Gestion d’énergie de véhicules multi-sources électriques et hybrides au travers de la représentation énergétique macroscopique / Energy management of multi-sources electric and hybrid vehicles using energetic macroscopic representationCastaings, Ali 31 May 2016 (has links)
Les véhicules routiers sont à une étape majeure de leur histoire. Face aux enjeux actuels d’ordre économiques et environnementaux, le véhicule routier du futur se doit d’être le moins énergivore et avoir une empreinte environnementale la plus réduite possible. Les véhicules multi sources représentent des solutions intéressantes afin de répondre à ces préoccupations. Cependant, ces véhicules utilisent des systèmes de propulsion particulièrement complexes tant au niveau de leur architecture que de leur commande. En particulier, la gestion des différentes sources d’énergie représente un point clé pour l’efficacité énergétique et environnementale des véhicules à concevoir. Elle devient un réel challenge dès que l’on dépasse le nombre usuel de deux sources comme dans le cas des véhicules hybrides actuels et des véhicules électriques mixtes (batterie et supercondensateurs). L’objectif des travaux relatifs à cette thèse est de proposer une méthodologie structurée pour la synthèse de la gestion d’énergie en temps réel, de véhicules multi-sources électriques ou hybrides. Cette démarche s’appuie sur une approche systémique utilisant la modélisation et la Représentation Energétique Macroscopique (REM) en tant qu’outil d’aide à la synthèse des modèles et de la commande associée. Une démarche systématique pour la synthèse des stratégies basées sur la commande optimale a été ensuite associée à cet ensemble profitant de la REM comme outil structurant. En effet, la REM respectant la causalité « physique » (causalité intégrale) d’une part, et permettant d’effectuer une distinction claire entre la commande dite « locale » et le niveau « stratégie » d’autre part, la formulation du problème de commande optimale est réalisée de manière efficace et structurée. Ainsi, en partant du cas du véhicule électrique avec un système multi-source batterie/supercondensateurs déjà étudiée dans la littérature, la méthode a été appliquée pour la synthèse d’une loi de gestion d’énergie basée sur la commande optimale. Ensuite, des sources ont été rajoutées pour passer au cas de trois sources en incluant une Pile à combustible puis quatre sources en rajoutant un groupe électrogène. Les principes développés sont validés par simulation et par l’intermédiaire de tests expérimentaux, afin de s’assurer entre autres, de la faisabilité en temps réel des stratégies développées. / Road vehicles are at a turning point of their history. In order to face economic and environmental challenges, road vehicle of the future must be less energy-consuming and less polluting. Multi sources vehicles represent interesting solutions in order to comply with these challenges. However, these vehicles use particularly complex propulsion systems, both on the architecture level and the control level. The management of the different energy sources represents a key issue for the energy efficiency of the vehicles to be designed. It becomes a real challenge as soon as one exceeds the usual number of two sources, as in current hybrid vehicles and mixed electric vehicles (battery and supercapacitors). The objective of the works relative to this thesis is to propose a structured method for the synthesis the energy management in real time, of electric or hybrid multi-sources vehicles. This approach is based on a systemic approach using the modeling and Energetic Macroscopic Representation (EMR) as a tool of assistance to the synthesis of the models and the related control. A systematic way for the synthesis of the strategies based on optimal control, has been associated benefitting from EMR tool. Indeed, EMR respecting “physical” causality (integral causality) on the one hand, and giving a clear distinction between the control level known as “local” and the “strategy” level on the other hand, the formulation of the optimal control problem is carried out and efficiently structured. Thus, on the basis of the electric vehicle case with a multi-source system battery/supercapacitors already studied in the literature, the method was applied for the synthesis of an energy management law based on the optimal control. Then, sources were added to pass to the case of three sources by including a Fuel cell, then four sources by adding a generator set. The developed principles are validated by simulation and experimental tests, in order to assess the feasibility in real time of the developed strategies. Read more
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