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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Исследование когнитивных функций у подростков с перинатальной ВИЧ-инфекцией : магистерская диссертация / Research of cognitive function in teenagers with perinatal HIV infection

Помысухина, М. А., Pomysukhina, M. A. January 2016 (has links)
Master dissertation consists of theoretical and empirical parts. Theoretical part observes medical and psychological issues of HIV infection, development scheme of cognitive function in teenage, development points of cognitive functions of children and teenagers with positive HIV status. Empirical part observes comparative results of HIV positive and negative status teenager’s cognitive functions research. The research showed that HIV-positive teenagers' cognitive functions are developed worse, than healthy. / Магистерская диссертация содержит теоретическую и эмпирическую часть. В теоретической части представлен обзор медико-психологических особенностей ВИЧ-инфекции, закономерностей развития когнитивных функций в подростковом возрасте, особенностей развития когнитивных функций у ВИЧ-инфицированных детей и подростков. В эмпирической части описываются сравнительные результаты исследования когнитивных функций у подростков с положительным и отрицательным ВИЧ-статусом. Исследование показало, что у ВИЧ-инфицированных подростков когнитивные функции развиты хуже, чем у здоровых.

A diffusion tensor imaging study in HIV patients with and without apathy

Fouche, Jean-Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Biomedical Sciences. Medical Physiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV/AIDS is a global epidemic that accounts for a large percentage of the mortality in South Africa every year. Since the implementation of anti-retroviral treatment, HIV positive individuals have been living longer, and the cognitive impairment associated with the disease is becoming increasingly apparent. During the initial systemic infection of HIV, the virus migrates through the blood-brain barrier and inflicts axonal injury by causing upregulation of cytokines and neurotoxic proteins. HIV-associated dementia is a neuropsychological classification of cognitive impairment in HIV and a variety of symptoms have been classified as a part of the dementia complex. One of these is apathy, which is thought to be a precursor for dementia in HIV patients. Three groups of individuals have been recruited and scanned using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine changes in the brain. These are an HIV non-apathetic cohort, an HIV apathetic cohort and a healthy control cohort. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI technique used to quantitatively assess white matter (WM) integrity using metrics such as fractional anisotropy (FA). Voxel-based analysis, tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) and tractography are three established DTI analysis methods that have been applied in numerous studies. However, there are certain methodological strengths and limitations associated with each technique and therefore all three of these techniques were used to compare WM differences across groups. The frontal-subcortical pathways are known to be abnormal in apathy, and this has been demonstrated in a number of imaging studies. Most of these studies have examined apathy in the context of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s. However, to our knowledge this is the first DTI study in HIV apathetic patients. With the tractography method, the anterior thalamic radiation and the corpus callosum were reconstructed for each individual to determine whether there were any global changes in these tracts. No significant changes were found. However, a variety of regions in the WM were significantly abnormal in the HIV cohorts when comparing the data at a voxel-based level and using TBSS. This included areas such as the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum, the internal capsule and corona radiata. Changes in frontal WM for the HIV apathy group are an indication of dysfunction in the frontal-striatal circuits, and previous literature has implicated these circuits in the neuropathology of apathy in a variety of central nervous system (CNS) disorders. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV/VIGS is `n wêreldwye epidemie wat verantwoordelik is vir `n hoë sterftesyfer in Suid- Afrika elke jaar. Sedert die inleiding van anti-retrovirale behandeling, het die MIV-positiewe populasie se lewensduur verleng. Tesame met langer lewensduur, het die kognitiewe verswakking wat geassosieer word met die siekte ook meer prominent na vore gekom. Gedurende die beginstadium van sistemiese infeksie in MIV is daar `n migrasie van die virus deur die bloed-breinskans. MIV kan indirek verantwoordelik wees vir aksonale beskadiging deur verhoging van neurotoksiese proteine en sitokinien te induseer. MIV-geassosieerde demensie is `n neurosielkundige klassifikasie van kognitiewe verswakking in MIV en verskeie simptome is al geïdentifiseer as deel van die demensie kompleks. Een van die simptome is apatie en daar word gespekuleer dat dit `n voorloper is vir demensie in MIV pasiënte. Drie groepe individue was gewerf vir die studie en geskandeer deur magnetiese resonansie beeldvorming (MRB) om sodoende veranderinge in die brein te ondersoek. Die groepe was onderskeidelik `n HIV nie-apatiese kohort, `n HIV apatiese kohort en `n gesonde kontrole kohort. Diffusie tensor beelding (DTB) is `n MRB tegniek wat toegepas word om witstof integriteit te meet deur gebruik te maak van maatstawwe soos fraksionele anisotropie (FA). “Voxel-based analysis”, “tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS)” en “tractography” is drie gevestigde DTB analitiese metodes wat al in talle studies toegepas was. Daar is egter sekere metodologiese voordele en beperkings verbonde aan elke tegniek en daarom is al drie tegnieke gebruik om witstof verskille tussen groepe te vergelyk. Die frontale-subkortikale roetes in die brein is bekend vir abnormaliteite in apatie en dit was ook al gedemonstreer in verskeie studies. Die meeste van die studies het apatie ondersoek in die konteks van neurodegeneratiewe siektes soos Alzheimer se siekte en Parkinson se siekte. Maar sover ons weet is hierdie die eerste DTB studie in MIV pasiënte met apatie. Met die “tractography” metode was die anterior thalamic radiation en corpus callosum herbou vir elke individu. Dit was om te bepaal of daar enige globale veranderinge is in hierdie gebiede, maar geen beduidende veranderinge is gevind nie.`n Verskeidenheid van gebiede in die witstof was beduidend abnormaal in die MIV kohorte wanneer die data vergelyk was met “TBSS” en “voxel-based analysis.” Dit het gebiede ingesluit soos die genu en splenium van die corpus callosum, die internal capsule en die corona radiata. Veranderinge in die frontale witstof vir die MIVapatie groep is `n aanduiding van disfunksie in die frontale-striatale bane. Vorige literatuur impliseer dat hierdie bane betrokke is in die neuro-patologie van apatie in verskeie sentrale senuweestelsel (SS) steurings.

The prevalence of Hepatitis B virus infection in an HIV-exposed paediatric cohort from the Western Cape, South Africa

Chotun, Bibi Nafiisah 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc))--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite the availability of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination for over three decades, this infection remains a major public health problem. Whilst the WHO recommends giving a birth dose of the vaccine, in South Africa, routine infant HBV vaccination commences at six weeks of age. This schedule is based on data from the pre-HIV era which showed transmission occurred via the horizontal, rather than the vertical route. In the era of HIV however, maternal HIV co-infection may release HBV from immune control, resulting in higher HBV loads and increasing the risk of vertical transmission. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and character of HBV infection in HIV-exposed infected and uninfected infants. Residual plasma samples from routine HIV nucleic acid testing of 1000 HIV-exposed infants aged between 0 and 18 months from the Western Cape were tested. Samples were tested for HBsAg by ELISA (Murex HBsAg Version 3) and confirmed by neutralisation. HBV DNA was quantified using an in-house real-time PCR assay. Infants with HBsAg positive samples were followed up and a blood sample was collected from mother and child. Those HBsAg positive samples were tested for HBeAg/antiHBe (Diasorin) and HBsAg negative samples were tested for antiHBs. HBV DNA was quantified. The surface gene was sequenced and the HBV genotype determined by phylogenetic analysis using HepSEQ (www.hepseq.org.uk). Whole genome sequencing was also performed. Of 1000 samples tested, four samples were positive for HBsAg and/or HBV DNA, indicating a prevalence of HBV transmission of 0.4%. At follow-up, two of three infected infants were positive for HBsAg, with HBV viral loads of greater than 108 IU/ml. The third infant was found to have cleared his infection and the fourth child was lost to follow up. These infected infants had all received HBV vaccination. All four mothers were HBeAg positive. Sequencing analysis showed the HBV strains from the two infants and four mothers belonged to subgenotype A1. The two mother-child paired sequences were identical. The data from this study shows that vertical transmission of HBV infection in HIV-exposed infants from the Western Cape is occurring, despite vaccination. Data from the Western Cape, showing an HBV prevalence of 3.4% in HIV-infected pregnant women, and those presented here suggest a vertical transmission rate of HBV of 12%. This is despite the widespread use of tenofovir and lamivudine in HIV-infected women with low CD4 counts. This study provides data supporting calls to bring HBV vaccination closer to the time of birth. Further work is urgently needed to confirm these findings and to determine the rates of transmission in HIV-unexposed infants. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van die beskikbaarheid van die Hepatitis B virus (HBV) inenting vir meer as drie dekades, hierdie infeksie bly 'n groot openbare gesondheid probleem. Terwyl die WGO aan beveel dat'n geboorte dosis van die entstof, in Suid-Afrika, roetine baba HBV inenting op die ouderdom van ses weke gegee word. Hierdie skedule is gebaseer op data van die pre-MIV era wat getoon het dat die oordrag plaasgevind het via die horisontale, eerder as die vertikale roete. In die era van MIV egter, moeder MIV ko-infeksie kan HBV vrylaat van immuun beheer, wat lei in hoër HBV vlakke en die verhoging van die risiko van vertikale oordrag. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die voorkoms en karakter van die HBV infeksie in MIV-besmette en onbesmette babas te bepaal. Residuele plasma monsters van roetine-MIV-nukleïensuur toetse van 'n 1000 MIV-blootgestelde babas tussen die ouderdomme van 0 en 18 maande van die Wes-Kaap was getoets. Monsters was getoets vir HBsAg deur ELISA (Murex HBsAg Version 3) en bevestig deur neutralisering. HBV DNA is gekwantifiseer deur gebruik te maak van 'n in-huis real-time PCR assay. Babas met HBsAg positiewe monsters was opgevolg en 'n bloedmonster is versamel van moeder en kind. Die HBsAg positiewe monsters was getoets vir HBeAg/antiHBe (Diasorin) en HBsAg negatiewe monsters was getoets vir antiHBs. HBV DNA was gekwantifiseer. Die oppervlak gene volgorde en genotipes was bepaal deur filogenetiese analise met behulp van HepSEQ (www.hepseq.org.uk). Die hele genoom-volgordebepaling was ook uitgevoer. Van die 1000 monsters wat getoets was, was vier monsters positief vir HBsAg en of HBV DNA, dit dui op 'n voorkoms van HBV oordrag van 0.4%. By op volg, twee van die drie besmette babas was positief vir HBsAg, met HBV virale vlakke van groter as 108 IE/ml. Die derde baba was gevind dat sy infeksie opgeklaar het en die vierde kind was verlore as gevolg van op volg. Hierdie besmette babas het almal HBV inenting ontvang. Al vier moeders was HBeAg positief. Volgordebepaling analise het getoon die HBV stamme van die twee babas en vier moeders behoort aan subgenotype A1. Die twee moeder-kind gepaarde rye was homoloë. Die data van hierdie studie toon dat die vertikale oordrag van HBV infeksie in MIV-blootgestelde babas van die Wes-Kaap vind plaas, ten spyte van inenting. Data van die Wes-Kaap, wat 'n HBV voorkoms van 3.4% in MIV-besmette swanger vroue, en dié wat hier aangebied is dui op 'n vertikale oordrag koers van 12% van die HBV. Dit is ten spyte van die wydverspreide gebruik van tenofovir en lamivudine in MIV-geïnfekteerde vroue met 'n lae CD4-telling. Hierdie studie bied data wat ondersteunende oproepe van HBV inenting nader aan die tyd van die geboorte bring. Verdere werk is dringend nodig om die bevindinge te bevestig en die pryse van die oordrag in MIV-blootgestelde babas te bepaal. / National Health Laboratory Service Research Trust / Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) / Harry Crossley Foundation / Stellenbosch University

The impact of HIV/AIDS on infected and affected rural primary school children in Zimbabwe : children's perspectives : a case study

Mtimbiri, Siza January 2019 (has links)
Although there has been increasing research on HIV/AIDS and children, albeit mostly outside the school environment, most research in the area tends to view 'children as objects' (Christensen and James, 1999) in the research process whereby the change in the child is what is being observed. This view lessens the role of the child and as such means that the results are inadequate - mostly the researcher's perspective is represented. In Zimbabwe, with an estimated 1.1 million AIDS orphans and 115,000 children under 14 living with HIV/AIDS, not much empirical research has been conducted in school settings where they spend most of their time; the complexities of infected and affected students' experiences within the school-home-community spheres are mostly inferred due to lack of empirical research. Using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological System's Theory and the Capability Approach to adopt a holistic psychosocio-cultural lens, the research aims to understand the experiences of infected and affected students from their perspectives within their school, home and community environments. Added to observations, in-depth interviews based on data collected using photography, drawings, timelines, sociograms and student diaries were conducted with 65 boys and 27 girls aged 10 -13 years from a rural primary school during the months of August to December 2011. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 161 parents and caregivers. Also interviewed were 13 stakeholders comprising of a Senior Research Officer within the Ministry of Education, District Education Officer, 5 Teachers and their Principal, a District Councilor, the Chief, a village head, a local Baptist Minister and a research staff person from, FACT, a local NGO that works with AIDS orphans. Among children, findings point to dilapidating issues of stigma, abandonment, unaddressed emotional and physical needs; children relied on each other's advice more than that of teachers and caregivers. Among the adult community, the education authorities and community leaders who are custodians of their education, ignorance about infected and affected children is astounding. An ageing population of caregivers is barely able to deal with the complexities of infected children. Religion has a powerful negative influence on addressing HIV/AIDS issues. Teachers, citing taboo issues about sex and the fact that HIV/AIDS is not an exam at the school, refused to broach the subject. Education Officials at the time clearly pointed out that there has been no research nor any plans yet to address this population and their needs. Further research will need to be conducted for educational planning that will be most effective in implementing meaningful changes for this group and other rural primary school children.

The impact of HIV/AIDS on elderly people in the Thulamela Municipality, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province

Singo, Vhudivhusi Julia 01 October 2013 (has links)
Department of Public Health / MPH

Developing policy guidelines to promote quality of life of young adults with perinatally acquired HIV in Botswana

Karugaba, Grace 03 1900 (has links)
Due to the successful rollout of the Antiretroviral Therapy Program, an increasing number of perinatally HIV infected adolescents are emerging into young adulthood throughout Botswana. Young adulthood is a critical period of human development, with long-lasting implications for a person’s economic security, health and well-being. During this time, young women and men normally complete school, find employment and start working, develop relationships, form families, bear children and pursue those things that help set them on the path to healthy and productive adult life. However, the presence of a chronic illness such as HIV can interfere with the achievement of the developmental milestones of young adulthood and affect their Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that affected the HRQOL of young adults living with perinatally acquired HIV (YALPH) and to propose policy guidelines to promote their HRQOL. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory research design was used. HRQOL assessments were made using the WHOQOL-HIV BREF instrument. Data about the clinical characteristics of the respondents was obtained from medical records. In-depth interviews were conducted with a purposefully selected subsample of respondents who completed the WHOQOL-HIV BREF instrument. All the respondents were recruited from Botswana-Baylor Children’s Clinical Centre of Excellence, in Gaborone, Botswana. Data were analyzed using SPSS Inc. software version 16.0 (statistical package for social science, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). The study population consisted of 509 YALPH including 255 (50.1%) females and 254 (49.9%) males. The mean age of the population was 21.7 (± 2.6) years (range 18-29.8 years). The majority of the respondents were single (98.1%), living in their parental homes (90.8%), neither in school nor working (47.35%) and 14% were parents (range 1-3 children). The mean duration on ART was 12.4 years (± 4.0). Based on the BMI classifications by WHO, 38.5% of respondents were underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2) and 7.3% were overweight (BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2). Unsuppressed viral load (>400 cell/mL) occurred in 13.4% of the sample. Most respondents had good HROQL (78.4%). The highest mean HRQOL score was recorded in the Physical domain (15.4 (± 2.9) and the lowest in the Environment domain 13.8 (± 2.7). The results fitted using the multivariable logistic regression suggest the odds for good general QOL were increased amongst individuals with a higher level of education and 6 those who were employed. The odds for good general QOL were reduced for individuals with unsuppressed viral load (> 400 cells/mm2) and those who had illnesses (self-reported). The odds for good general QOL increased by almost two folds (OR = 1.97, 95% CI = (1.11 – 3.48)) when comparing respondents with higher level of education against those with lower education. The odds for good general QOL were increased for employed respondents OR = 1.73 (95% CI = (0.92 – 3.23) when compared to the unemployed group. Whereas the odds for good general QOL declined by almost two folds (OR = 0.60, 95% CI = (0.33 – 1.08)) amongst patients with VL > 400 cell/mm2 compared to those with VL < 400 cells/mm2. Also, respondents who were ill had lower odds ratios for good general QOL compared to those who were not ill (OR = 0.42, 95% CI = (0.25 – 0.70)). The results of in-depth interviews with 45 respondents showed that the majority of YALPH were in good physical health and they had positive perspectives about the future including health, completing school, finding employment, marriage and childbearing. The main sources of social support for YALPH were close family members and health care workers (HCWs). However, worries and concerns about disclosure, fear of stigma, lack of financial independence, and limited social relationships and networks were the most identified stressors that put the YALPH at risk of compromised HRQOL. Some sub-groups of YALPH were at higher risk for poor HRQOL including: young mothers, YALPH who were aging out of institutional care, YALPH with disabilities and impairments, YALPH who were neither in school nor working and YALPH with maladaptive coping strategies. Therefore, the promotion of the HRQOL of YALPH will require policies and interventions to increase educational attainment, provide employment and livelihood opportunities, promote good ART adherence and VL suppression, and effectively prevent and manage illnesses. Special attention should be paid to sub-groups of YALPH who are at increased risk of compromised HRQOL. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Experiences of long-term highly active antiretroviral treatment by adolescents in Tembisa, Gauteng Province

Masetshaba, Musa 05 1900 (has links)
Adolescence is a significant period of change in physical and psychosocial development of human beings. Being HIV positive and growing up on a dynamically multifaceted HAART treatment, adds to the complexity of adolescence. This study was aimed at exploring the nature of experiences of adolescents who are on long-term Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in Tembisa, Gauteng province. The study is based on a qualitative research method using in-depth semi-structured open-ended interviews and a focus group for data collection. The sample consisted of seven individual adolescent participants, three parents, guardians and caregivers, as well as 11 health care professionals. The thematic data analysis and the phenomelogical analysis methods were used to analyse data qualitative data while descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative biographical data. The study findings cover the negative and positive experiences and the perceived role of HAART treatment over a long period of time. The predominant themes identified from adolescent participants were disclosure of HIV positive status and the stigma surrounding a positive status, early childhood experience of parental death, challenges of taking HAART treatment, factors influencing adherence and non-adherence to HAART treatment, and lastly, the impact of religion on HAART treatment adherence. The findings suggest that adolescents who are on HAART treatment over an extended period of time experience drug fatigue. Drug fatigue has far-reaching implications for the health of an adolescent, as it has a higher likelihood that poor adherence or even complete refusal to take HAART treatment will occur. Poor adherence or refusal to take HAART treatment will most likely lead to cross infection and further spread of HIV and AIDS. A recommendation was made to include the establishment of a youth and adolescent-friendly centre by the hospital – one that is designated for the provision of tailored adolescent services and sensitive to adolescent developmental stages so as to minimise the likelihood of infected adolescents falling through the health care cracks. The introduction of a hospital-based school, an education unit run by dedicated and qualified facilitators focusing on aiding hospitalised learners with catch-up scholarly programmes, was a further recommendation. It was further recommended that reproductive health care needs of adolescents who grow up on HAART treatment be given attention in further research. / Psychology / Ph.D. (Psychology)

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