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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptation de méthodes d’évaluation dans le cadre de la conception d’une application numérique pour un jeune public avec troubles du spectre autistique : étude au cours de la conception et de l'évaluation de l’application çATED au sein d'une ULIS TED / Adaptation of evaluation methods in the design of a digital application for a young audience with autism spectrum disorders : Study during the conception and during the evaluation of the application çATED within an ULIS TED

Guffroy, Marine 07 April 2017 (has links)
La prise en considération des spécificités du public cible et des contextes d’usage d’une application interactive peut interroger les principes méthodologiques généralement recommandés pour la conception et l’évaluation d’application informatique. Dans le cas de la création d’un outil dédié à un jeune public avec TSA (Troubles du Spectre Autistique), les difficultés de communication et les altérations des interactions sociales de ces derniers empêchent la mise en œuvre d’une méthodologie « ordinaire » de conception centrée utilisateur. Au-delà de la prise en considération du potentiel, établi, qu’offre le numérique pour le jeune public avec TSA, il s’agit d’identifier et de mettre en œuvre les méthodes et techniques utiles à l’évaluation des prototypes proposés, en tenant compte des caractéristiques du public et de son contexte quotidien en structure scolaire.Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse se situent dans le domaine des interactions hommes-machines (IHM). Ils questionnent les principes méthodologiques de conception centrée utilisateur : Comment répondre aux objectifs d’évaluation quand la communication verbale n’est pas garantie ? Quel rôle pour l’utilisateur cible dans le cycle de conception-évaluation ? Quels rôles pour l’entourage humain et spécialisé ? Comment observer et analyser l’usage d’un logiciel sur tablette dans le contexte quotidien du public cible ?Plus précisément, la problématique porte sur l’adaptation des méthodes d’évaluation ordinaires aux caractéristiques et comportements spécifiques d’un public extraordinaire. / Taking into account the specificities of the target audience and the contexts of use of an interactive application imply to question the generally recommended methodological principles for computer application design and evaluation. In the case of the creation of a tool dedicated to a young audience with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), communication difficulties and alterations in their social interactions prevent the implementation of an "ordinary", user-centered design methodology. Beyond the consideration of the established potential offered by digital technology for young people with ASD, it is a question of identifying and implementing the methods and techniques useful in order to evaluate the proposed prototypes, taking into account the characteristics of the public and its everyday context in school structure.The research presented in this thesis belong to the field of human-machine interactions (HMI). It questions the methodological principles of user-centered design: How to meet evaluation objectives when verbal communication is not guaranteed? What role for the target user in the design-evaluation cycle? What are the roles for the human and specialized relatives? How to observe and analyze the use of tablet software in the daily context of the target audience?More specifically, the research concerns the adaptation of ordinary methods of evaluation to the specific characteristics and behaviors of an extraordinary audience.

Designförslag för utveckling av drönarflygledningssystem i städer / Design suggestions for development of unmanned aircraft system traffic management in cities

Halvorsen, Ludwig January 2018 (has links)
Detta arbete utforskade olika designförslag för utvecklandet av ett drönarflygledningssystem för drönarflygledning i städer med hjälp av ämnesområdena informationsvisualisering, semiotik, och sonifiering. Arbetet skedde iterativt i sprintar och i varje sprint konceptskissades och byggdes prototyper som sedan användartestade de designförslag som hade tagits fram under sprintarna och kunde vägleda designarbetet. De lärdomar som arbetet gav visade att det är viktigt att drönarflygledningssystemet (UTM systemet) använder sig av flera olika informationsvisualiserings- och teckenrepresentationer som stödjer och kompletterar varandra. Kombinationen av olika representationer underlättar för drönarflygledaren att skapa sig en förståelse över drönartrafiksituationen i luftrummet och därigenom skapar bättre kontrollmöjligheter. Sonifieringens ljudikoner bör bestå av simpla men innehållsrika ljudsignaturer som tillåts att kombineras i ett dynamiskt ljudlandskap men inte upplevs irriterande. I och med att utvecklingen av UTM system är i ett tidigt utvecklingsstadium bör de designförslag som presenteras i arbetet ses som inspirations- och diskussionsunderlag och inte som färdiga designlösningar för utvecklingen av ett UTM system. Då utformningen av UTM systemet beror på vilka arbetsuppgifter och vilket ansvar drönarflygledare i framtiden kommer att ha, vilket det fortfarande råder osäkerhet om.

A Personalized Car : A study on how to apply personalization to a driver environment

Ericsson, Tomas, Nilqvist, Monika January 2006 (has links)
An increasing amount of technology in cars makes new ideas and solutions necessary. This study will explore the idea of a personalized driver environment and investigate possible benefits and drawbacks with such a feature. The study consists of three parts: a pre-study exploring personalization, a survey investigating the attitudes towards personal settings, and finally an interview testing a specific solution. The survey was distributed in USA and Sweden while the interviews were conducted with Swedish subjects. Overall, the concept of a personalized car has been well received. This study has shown that the most requested settings are associated with the driver position, hi-fi system and climate. The study also suggests that feeling in control of the personalization is more important than the benefits associated with automation. The user prefers visible solutions, such as a personal button on the key before hidden (e.g. using a button sequence or a menu system). Such a button promotes the feature while allowing the user to interact with the car in a familiar way. However, since little real user experience exists with such solutions it is important to continue research when further developing personalization of a car.

Building a Human Machine Interface (HMI) over Anode Mounting facility, KUBAL : Using Wonderware InTouch for Siemens S7-300 PLC’s

Syed, Hani January 2016 (has links)
This work has been done at the Kubikenborg Aluminum AB (KUBAL) Sundsvall, “the sole producer of primary aluminum and largest industrial facility in Sweden”. The aim of this project was to get a Human Machine Interface (HMI) which can visualize the process of Anode mounting. The process data has been visualized and it has assisted facility to reduce downtime by calculating stoppage of the machines and helped in streamlining the production by showing total no of Anodes produced in each shift in a day. The data has been retrieved from the Programmable Logic controllers (PLC) placed in the Anode mounting facility. After retrieving data, the task was to analyze the data and from all the data, describe the process performance. The HMI is counting and displaying time in minutes in case of system failure. Moreover, an effective way has been established for communication between the Siemens S7-300 PLC’s with the Wonderware InTouch HMI using the DASSIDIRECT data access server. In the past, the system have had several shutdowns and then the PLC data has not been possible to retrieve. There was no digital record for how long the machines remain stopped. All relevant process data were collected manually on paper, no automatically retrieved process data was available back then. Therefore, this new automatically retrieved data will be quite beneficial to the organization, as well as to operators for short term period but for long term conservation, a database server should be attached with this HMI which has not been covered in this project. At last stage, a survey has been conducted about the functionality of the HMI with operators at the facility to validate the claims made earlier which is giving positive feedback about its working and effectiveness but certain improvements needed for future prospects.

Hydraulisk testbänk : Automatiserad diagnostik av flödesgivare i en hydraulisk testbänk

Brundin, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
Hydrauliska testbänkar används för att testa nya och reparerade hydraulventiler och pumpar för att utvärdera deras uthållighet vad gäller tid och tryck. Testbänkar består vanligen av sensorer och mätare som operatören övervakar. Detta arbete behandlar ett diagnostiseringsprogram för en hydraulisk testbänk med avseende på dess flödesmätare. Den testbänk som behandlas är en hydraulisk testbänk med tillhörande hydraul aggregat inklusive sju flödesmätare. Testbänken har även ett tillhörande HMI. HMI:t har en inbyggd PLC och är av modellen Beijer iX T12B-SM. Målet är att designa ett diagnostiseringsprogram som varnar operatören när flödesmätarnas värden inte befinner sig inom den toleransnivå som önskas. Metoden för att konstruera ett diagnostiseringsprogram har fyra faser där den första fasen är att utföra en litteraturstudie gällande de faktorer som kan ha en inverkan på utformningen av diagnostiseringen. Faktorerna innefattar metoder för diagnostisering, utformningen av ett HMI och förväntningar på de flödesmätare som studeras. I den andra fasen utförs mätningar på flödesgivarna som ligger till grund för fas tre. Tredje fasen består i att programmera diagnostiseringsprogrammet. Den fjärde fasen går ut på att programmera visualiseringen av diagnosticeringen. Efter mätningar med flödesgivarna visar det sig att de har den toleransnivå som tillverkaren har utlovat. Vissa problem uppstår i samband med mätningarna då en pump inte fungerar som tänkt samt att en flödesmätare har lägre värden än förväntat. Diagnostiseringsprogrammet tillsammans med HMI:t motsvarar det syftet som finns med arbetet och larmar operatören som förväntat. För framtiden skulle det vara intressant att vidareutveckla diagnostiseringen så att alla aktuella flödesmätare jämför sina värden med varandra och larmar när fel uppstår.

Humanitarian Military Intervention: A Failed Paradigm

Rahmanovic, Faruk 05 April 2017 (has links)
Since the end of the Cold War, traditional justifications for war have diminished in relevance and importance, while the use of Humanitarian Military Interventions (HMI) has proliferated, to the point that formerly traditional wars – e.g. Afghanistan and Iraq invasions – have become retroactively redefined as HMIs. While HMI suffers from a number of problems, from international law to historical track record, its proponents have managed to turn aside all arguments by claiming they represent either statistical outliers, improper implementation, or at best indicate a need for a certain degree of fine-tuning. Crucially, the validity of the HMI practice is never brought into question. In order to attempt to break this dialectic stalemate, this dissertation recasts HMI as a Kuhnian paradigm. Doing so provides for a better understanding of HMI as a holistic Weltanschauung, and allows the problems of HMI to be understood as anomalies. Unlike arguments, anomalies need not engage with every discrete position held by the paradigm. Instead, they serve as a direct demonstration of the untenability of a position, as evidenced by systemic failure to produce the desired results. Consequently, the paradigm approach allows for a binary resolution to the problems of HMI: either the anomalies can be explained by the paradigm, or the paradigm has failed. The present analysis begins with an examination of paradigms and their structures, and then follows the history and context of HMI is considered from a philosophical and historical perspectives. Then, the structure of HMI as a paradigm is unpacked, with the attendant ends, means, justifications, and implications. Finally, four categories of HMI anomalies are presented, leading to the conclusion that the HMI paradigm is a failed one.


Balga, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the creation of HMI in the C # programming language for BECKHOFF TWINCAT 3. In the theoretical part, the thesis focuses on description of .NET framework, WPF, MVVM, Prism and software tools used in the thesis. The following chapter focuses on creating a development environment and a runtime. All functionalities and capabilities of the created application are described. The created development environment and runtime are used and demonstrated on the sample solution.

Automatizované pracoviště pro zjištění mechanické odolnosti šroubovaček / Automated testbed for mechanical stress testing of electrical screwdrivers

Podzámsky, Rastislav January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of an automated testbed for mechanical stress testing of electrical screwdrivers. When designing an automated testbed, real-time measurements were used. The work deals with the transfer of measured data using MQTT from a remote computer to the PLC and with the HMI to increase user comfort. The main priority of the work was to simplify the hardware and thus reduce the cost of the automated testbed.

Řízení a vizualizace programovavých bloků pro čističky odpadních vod / Control and visualization of programme blocks for sewage treatment

Monček, Matej January 2015 (has links)
The theme of master thesis was to cover issues of controlling the wastewater treatment plant, to introduce latest standards applied in design of graphical interface and design the set of fucntional and graphical objects. First parts focuses on listing of power devices, sensors used in wastewater plant and issues of its control, followed by HMI standards introduction. Practical part contents of configuration of control system, desription of functions with flowcharts. Subsequently the thesis covers specificall graphical objects and its connection onto functional blocks.

Mikroprocesorové řízení senzorické plošiny / Microprocessor control of sensory platform

Konečný, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation deals with a development of MCU position steering application of two servomotors and with data process evaluation from a connected sensor for distance measuring as well. The connected sensor is adjustable as for azimuth and elevation. Data from the sensor will be useful both for instant evaluation according to preset criteria and for additional possible processing at PC. The development is to be carry out at MCU ATmega128. HMI is represented with keyboard, LCD and joystick. The result of the dissertation is to be adjusted for practical demo. This research has been supported by the Czech Ministry of Education in the frame of MSM 0021630529 Research Intention Inteligent Systems in Automation.

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