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The Effects of High Performance Work Systems on Operational Performance in Different Manufacturing Environments: Improving the “Fit” of HRM Practices in Mass CustomizationLeffakis, Zachary M. 23 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Högpresterande arbetssystem (HPWS) : En kartläggning av individuell målsättning, prestationsstyrningsamt välmående på arbetsplatsenWikander Ericsson, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: High Performance Work Systems (HPWS), kan definieras som ett system av HR praktiker med intention att skapa en miljö som ger de anställda mer ansvar och skapa större organisationsengagemang. Anställda ses och behandlas som värdefulla tillgångar. Det ökade organisationsengagemanget gör i sin tur det möjligt för organisationer att skapa och upprätthålla konkurrensfördelar för att kunna uppnå organisationens mål, de anställdas mål sätts i linje med organisationen vilket gör att alla arbetar åt samma håll. Den största anledningen till att organisationer implementerar HPWS är att öka företagets effektivitet och produktivitet. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga anställdas arbete med individuell målsättning, erfarenhet av prestationsstyrning samt välmående på arbetsplatsen i en HPWS miljö, samt undersöka dess relationer. Metod: En kvantitativ studie utförd på data insamlad via enkäter i Teams Forms från en icke slumpmässig urvalsgrupp bestående av personer med anställning i en organisation med implementerad HPWS. Data har statistiskt analyserats i PSPP och resultaten presenteras i tabeller, figurer med tillhörande deskriptiva text. Resultat: Resultatet visar att anställda i en organisation med implementerat HPWS har en hög grad av självbestämmande, möjlighet att vara med och påverka, de värderar sitt arbete som kompetenshöjande och meningsfullt samt har en god work-life balance. Slutsats: Studies resultat gör det rimligt att anta att HPWS skapar en miljö som har positiv påverkan på den anställdas arbete med individuell målsättning, erfarenhet av prestationsstyrning samt välmående på arbetsplatsen. Resultatet visar även tendenser på skillnader mellan män och kvinnor, där kvinnornas medelvärde är något högre än männens. Baserat på den tendensen, föreslår denna studie att förslag till framtida forskning att undersöka vilka variabler som påverkar kvinnors upplevelse av HPWS positivt. Nyckelord: HPWS (High Performance Work Systems), individuell målsättning, prestationsstyrning, välmående på arbetsplatsen / Abstrakt Bakgrund: Högpresterande arbetssystem kan definieras som ett system av HR-metoder som skapar en miljö i en verksamhet som tillåter en anställd större engagemang och ansvar. Anställda ses och behandlas som värderade tillgångar. Det ökade engagemanget i verksamheten gör det möjligt att skapa och bibehålla konkurrensfördelar tack vare medarbetarnas engagemang för att hjälpa verksamheten att lyckas. Den främsta anledningen till att anta HPWS är att öka företagets effektivitet och produktivitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga medarbetares arbete med individuell målformulering, erfarenhet från performance management och deras välbefinnande på jobbet i en HPWS-miljö, samt granska relationerna mellan de tre. Metod: En kvantitativ studie med resultat baserade på statistisk analys utförd i PSPP baserat på data som samlats in via Teams formulär frågeformulär från ett icke-slumpmässigt urval av personer som arbetar i organisationer med implementerad HPWS. Resultatet presenteras i tabeller och figurer med beskrivande text associerad. Resultat: Resultaten från denna studie visar att anställda i en organisation med implementerat HPWS har en hög grad av autonomi, stor möjlighet att påverka beslut, de värdesätter sitt arbete som meningsfullt och kompetenshöjande och har en god balans mellan arbete och privatliv. Slutsats: Resultaten från denna studie gör det rimligt att anta att HPWS skapar en miljö som har en positiv inverkan på medarbetarnas arbete med att sätta individuella mål, erfarenhet av performance management och välbefinnande i arbetet. Resultatet visar tendenser till skillnader mellan män och kvinnor, där kvinnor får högre poäng jämfört med män. Baserat på denna trend är förslaget till ytterligare studier att undersöka vilka variabler i en HPWS-miljö som har en positiv inverkan på kvinnor. Sökord: HPWS (High Performance Work Systems), individuell målsättning, performance management, välbefinnande på jobbet
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Exploration of the impact of institutional factors on actors in the implementation of effective high performance work systemBinjabi, Hayam January 2014 (has links)
The current volume of research in the field of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) is focused on identifying the factors, which influence their effectiveness. The realisation that there is a need to move forwards from the structural aspects of HPWS towards understanding their implementation has led to two new sectors of research. The first sector is investigating the role of actors in implementation using aspects such as cross functionality, shared responsibility and interaction. Another sector is investigating the impact of contextual factors on the implementation of HPWS. This research has combined the two sectors and looks at the implementation of HPWS from the perspectives of both the actors and the environment. This research investigates how the interaction between actors affects the implementation of HPWS. Also how internal and external institutional factors affect this interaction as well as the implementation. This research is qualitatively based on an interpretivist paradigm. Case study research design was used to conduct the research. Two Saudi Arabian banks were selected as case studies. Data was collected using 54 semi-structured interviews and 61 focus group interviews. Data about implementation and the impact of institutional factors was obtained through semi-structured interviews with human resource managers, line managers and senior managers. Data about employee outcomes was obtained using focus group interviews with the employees. This research finds evidence of conflict between the intended and actual outcomes of HPWS in the Saudi banking sector due to institutional pressures. This research contributes and extends the growing body of research on HPWS implementation by including the interaction of actors and accounting for institutional pressures. The finding highlights that the combination of these two factors are contextual institutional conductors and contribute to diversity in the implementation of HPWS practices. The managerial benefit of this research is that its model can help practitioners to improve their social interaction conditions for better performance.
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The black box of human resources: The effect of high performance work systems on organizational commitment, work engagement and intention to leaveMurashkin, Maxim, Tyrväinen, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Employee attrition is a critical issue for organizations as retaining the best professional talent and controlling the costs linked to losing and employing new employees is a costly process. This is especially true for small and medium-sized enterprises that have limited resources and where every individual employee is a big part of the collective effort of the company. It has been argued that in most organizations the utility of human resources is not maximized and that investments in the right human resource practices would provide returns that exceed the costs. The unclear relationship between human resource practices and performance is commonly referred to as ‘the black box' of human resource management. Human resource practices are conceptualized differently in the literature and one of the most popular views states that practices should support and synergize with each other and that a combined implementation of practices leads to better results. This concept is often referred to as high performance work systems (HPWS) which is designed to enhance employee effectiveness. Based on the research of HPWS, the AMO-framework was introduced to better explain the linkage between human resources management and organizational performance. The framework is based on the idea that employees will perform better when they are able to do so (Ability), when they possess the motivation to do so (Motivation), and when their work environment provides the necessary support (Opportunity). Due to the lack of research of the AMO-framework in Scandinavian countries, the purpose of this quantitative study is to tests the relationship between the AMO-framework, intention to leave and the two constructs of organizational commitment and work engagement. Based on the purpose, a research question for this study is addressed as follows: What is the impact of Ability, Motivation and Opportunity HR-practices on organizational commitment, work engagement and employees' intention to leave? The sample consisted of a total of 95 employees from various small and medium-sized enterprises in Sweden. The empirical findings suggest that even though the AMO-framework does not impact employees' intention to leave directly, the individual dimensions of Ability and Motivation might do so indirectly through the constructs of organizational commitment and work engagement. These findings highlight the importance of the impact of the AMO framework on the above-mentioned constructs. Furthermore, this study contributes to the studies on human resource management in SMEs by providing more insight for the owner-managers on how to wisely invest in human resources in order to decrease employee attrition.
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Formulering av HPWS i ideella föreningar : En studie om implementationsmöjligheter av HPWS i ensvensk esportföreningLinnarsson, Rasmus January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to examine and identify possibilities andprerequisites for implementing a High Performance Work System(HPWS) in a Swedish non-profit association’s operations. Theessay assumes a set of frameworks in the form of HPWS practiceswhich are defined in previous research in order to determine andevaluate the implementation possibilities in the association. Thestudy takes place in “SRL Spelförening”, a non-profit associationwhich conduct welfare processes in the form of esports in theSwedish grassroot scene. The association has during its lifespanundergone large changes within all aspects of its operation – notleast the structure of work processes, something that has meantthat many parts of the workflow are unorganized and unstructured.This study analyzes the current state of the association’sprocesses with a quantitative interview approach focused on a setof work-related variables. The data that is generated is then usedas a control tool when the association’s prevalent prerequisites ofHPWS are to be determined. The data was also applied in a linearregression model generating correlation coefficients among thework-related variables – information which in turn gets applied inorder to decide the association’s individual attitude to HPWS. Theanalysis points to the association generally meeting the HPWSrequirements which were cited in earlier research. Some aspectswere however determined to lie beneath the bar and thereforerequire changes in accordance with earlier similar HPWS relatedcases. Furthermore, the correlation results show that theassociation’s workers’ overall attitude towards HPWS was positive,where a higher appreciation of a HPWS was related to higherengagement and lower turnover intention.
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<p>The processes that link High Performance Work System (HPWS) practices and organizational performance are not fully understood. Using resource-based theory, this research focuses on training, by separating it from other HPWS practices, and human capital development as a source of sustained competitive advantage. The first purpose of my research is to examine the relationships between the HPWS practice of training, innovation, and organizational performance, and look at the mediating effect of innovation over time at the workplace level. The results indicate that the temporal pathway from training to innovation to organizational performance is positive and significant even after controlling for reverse-causality. Strategic activity is also explored and is found to be a significant moderator. This study contributes to knowledge by identifying the importance of aligning business strategy with training, as well as other HPWS practices and innovation to achieve improved organizational performance outcomes. The second purpose of this research is to explore the factors that act to expand or limit the HPWS practice of training, with a focus on the outcomes of employers' decisions to offer training, employees' decisions to accept or decline training, and the job-related training received by employees. The results indicate that the employee-level factors: participating in HPWS practices, use of technology, and using new technology are significant contributors to employers' decisions to offer and employees' receipt of training. Further, employees' perception of the existence of a gap between the skills required for the job and their current skills contributes to employees accepting employer offers of training.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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