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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití dětské literatury jako východiska pro dramaticko-výchovný proces v mateřské škole / Using Children's Literature as a Basis for the Dramatic and Educational Process in Nursery Schools

Kalistová, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
The Framework Education Programme for Preschool Education is a legislative curriculum document which establishes the basic requirements for the state preschool education. The educational objectives and requirements are binding for the teachers. However, the way in which those objectives and requirements are met, is fully in the hands of each nursery school. This diploma thesis illustrates one of the possible ways of educating preschool children, namely the dramatic education. The dramatic education is presented here not only as an educational method but also as a style of pedagogical work. This particular style respects individuality and originality of each child with the intention of developing his/her potentials and with the effort to equip the child with necessary social skills. The practical part of the diploma thesis offers insight into the authentic dramatic and educational process which explores topics of human life. During this process, each child goes through a full-fledged personal and social development by means of dramatic activities, which are based on topics of literary text

Uplatnění hudebně pohybových aktivit ve výchovně vzdělávacích činnostech MŠ aneb Putování s písničkou / Application of a musical activities in language education and training activities of MŠ or Traveling with a song

Fišerová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
The theme of the master theses is the application of music and movement in the search options and ŠVP and the search for possibilities and ways of developing knowledge and skills of reading and writing prior to the child before entering the school through music and movement activities. Acquiring language skills in preschool children is realized through integrated teaching with appropriate psychological aspects. Experimentally verify the connection of music and language skills. It will be appropriate material for educational use in kindergartens.

Využití zážitkové pedagogiky a dramatické výchovy ve výuce zeměpisu na střední škole / Use of Experience Pedagogy and Theatrical Education in Geography Teaching

Barešová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of the thesies is to compare a frontal teaching method and teaching by simulation. Two comparable groups of students were taught the same topic by the two methods. The topic was focused on an uneven world development. Following assumptions were set. Simulation is a more attractive teaching form, therefore it can help to raise the motivation of students. Frontal method is capable of transmitting more information. Simulation, however, can have bigger impact on students' values. The impact of simulation has a long-term impact in comparison to frontal teaching. These assumptions were confirmed by qualitative and quantitative methods.

Dramatická výchova a literární příběh v mateřské škole - v díle Zdeňka Svěráka / Drama in education and literary story in a nursery school - in the works of Zdeněk Svěrák

Čiháková, Julie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of application of Zdenek Sverak's work in a kindergarten drama education. The theoretical section summarizes the information about the life and works of Zdenek Sverak and the findings regarding the possibility of using a literary narrative in a kindergarten, while applying the methods of drama education. There follows a description of the developmental patterns of preschool children and their significance for the drama education. The practical part of the thesis uses the books of Zdenek Sverak to process and reflect upon thematic units, in which the drama education methods were used. At the conclusion of the thesis, there is an evaluation of the research observations, obtained during my implementation of the thematic units.

Téma rodiny v českém dramatu posledních dvaceti let / The Family Issues in the Recent Czech Drama

Rychlá, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
AABBSSTTRRAACCTT TThhiiss tthheessiiss rreefflleeccttss mmooddeerrnn ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa.. IItt bbrriieeffllyy oouuttlliinneess tthhee ssiittuuaattiioonn ooff ddrraammaa aanndd tthheeaatteerr aafftteerr 11998899,, ddeessccrriibbeess tthhee ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff CCzzeecchh ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa aanndd bbrriinnggss aawwaarreenneessss ooff tthhee ggeenneerraall EEuurrooppeeaann ccoonntteexxtt.. TThhee mmaaiinn oobbjjeeccttiivvee ooff tthhee tthheessiiss iiss ttoo pprreesseenntt ccoonntteemmppoorraarryy ddrraammaattiicc tteexxttss,, wwhhiicchh ccoonncceerrnnss ffaammiillyy iissssuueess.. BByy uussiinngg tthheeiirr aannaallyyssiiss tthhiiss tthheessiiss ccoommeess ttoo ggeenneerraall ccoonncclluussiioonnss aanndd ccaatteeggoorriieess,, aanndd ttrriieess ttoo ccaappttuurree tthhee ssppeecciiffiicc ffeeaattuurreess ooff tthhiiss kkiinndd ooff ddrraammaa.. TThhiiss wwoorrkk aallssoo lliissttss ssttaaggiinngg ppeerrffoorrmmaanncceess ooff tthheessee tthheeaattrree ppllaayyss,, wwhhiicchh ssiittuuaatteess tteexxttss iinnttoo aa bbrrooaaddeerr ccoonntteexxtt aanndd aaiimmss ttoo ppooiinntt oouutt,, wwhhaatt ccoonntteemmppoorraarryy CCzzeecchh ffaammiillyy ddrraammaa ooccccuuppiieess iinn tthhee tthheeaattrree..

Práce s literárním textem metodami dramatické výchovy s 5-7letými dětmi / Work with literary text by the help methods of dramatic education with 5-7 years old children

Krajíčková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the work with literary text by the help methods of dramatic education. The main aim is to find out possibilities and specifics for use these methods at work with 5-7 years old children and to offer lessons of dramatic education. This thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with peculiarities of evolution and necessities of 5-7 years old children, an importance of children's game, a role of literature in children's life, methods and techniques of dramatic education and a selection of literary text. The practical part of this thesis offers six lessons of dramatic education. These lessons were be realized at nursery school and in first and second class of primary school. A part of practical work are reflexes of these lessons with particular children's groups and their mutual comparison. This part contains free suggestions of other lessons. These lessons are inspired by various literary genres for children. The results show that with such old children are especially effective these techniques: simple pantomime, association circle, alley, a range of attitudes, live images. Input activities must have clearly defined understandable rules. It is appropriate to assign specific roles and provide or suggest children descriptions of figured situations.

Filozofie přirozeného jazyka - její úpadek a co po něm / Philosophy of Ordinary Language - its Decline and What to Do After It

Ivan, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The general topic of the thesis is the history of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. To be more precise, it deals with the critical arguments, which were raised against is. The thesis offers a short historical and sociological review of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. Critical analysis shows two things: 1) the main reason for the rejection was a different understanding of meaning (and consequences of such a understanding); 2) critics begged the question and already assumed the justification of these rejections in their arguments. The area of this criticism was: the paradigm case argument, the empirical nature of the statements of meaning produced by the Ordinary Language Philosophy, the structural elements of meaning and the political implications of the theory of meaning. The thesis criticizes the Ordinary Language Philosophy in those parts (and in such interpretations), where its understanding of meaning does not differ from the understanding of the critics and where they share common assumptions. On the other hand, the thesis argues for an interpretation, which avoids classical understanding of meaning in all its consequences. Finally, the thesis asks how the Ordinary Language Philosophy can be useful for contemporary debates.

Atraktivita letního tábora YMCA / Attractiveness of the summer camp with a spiritual program

ROH, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis concentrates on and deals with the attractiveness of YMCA summer camp. The aim is to find out what factors are able to influence the decisions of children and parents if they take part in this camp. The work has been bringing in the different possibilities of activities. It is expected from these activities to have the ability in infuencing the attractiveness of this characteristic the summer camp. These activities have been proved by evidence and realized on the specific cases in the practice in this diploma thesis. The answers have been looked for in the context of the basic research question and the diploma thesis has been drawing conclusions on the basic of the research result of the sample of respondents.

Klavírní tvorba polských skladatelů po Chopinovi / Piano works of Polish composers after Chopin

Strzelecka, Milena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to bring information about Polish famous composers after Chopin. The work contains an overview of life, work, and describes individual examples of piano and composer work. We look at the styles and character of Polish pianists together in selected parts of the compositions

Interakce rodič - dítě s poruchou autistického spektra / Interaction parent-child with autistic spectrum disorders

Župová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Interaction between parent and child with autistic spectrum disorder. The theoretical part is about mental development neurotypical preschool child and child with ASD, focused on social skills, speech and play. Emphasis is placed on reciprocity in parent-child socio-communication interaction. Next chapter is devoted to the specifics of raising a child with ASD. Empirical part contains qualitative research to investigate individual variability in social-communication behaviour in dyadic interaction parent-child with ASD. Videos were taken from which the socio-reciprocal skills, frequency and quality of interactions and initiation of contact on the part of the child and its response to parental initiation were analysed. Special attention was paid to making eye contact. The output of the thesis is practical recommendations for mothers, detailed qualitative analyses of observed interactions and a more detailed description of the socio-communicative behaviour of children with PAS. Keywords: interaction parent-child with ASD, social skills, social reciprocity, reciprocity in social communication, reciprocal-social behavior, play of preschool child, preschool child with ASD

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