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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da influência da distribuição de tamanho de partículas e do binômio velocidade/tempo de detenção na zona de reação no desempenho da flotação com emprego de sonda ultra-sônica e de técnica de análise por imagem / Analysis of particles distribution size and the pair velocity/hydraulic residence time in the reaction zone performance of a flotation unit by using ultrasonic probe and image analysis

Moruzzi, Rodrigo Braga 24 June 2005 (has links)
O desempenho de uma unidade de flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD) em escala piloto, tratando água destinada ao abastecimento contendo 50 uC e 05 uT, foi investigada sob o ponto de vista das partículas presentes (micro-bolhas e flocos) e da hidrodinâmica. A análise centrou-se na zona de reação da unidade de FAD onde foi desenvolvido o modelo matemático proposto por Reali (1991). A determinação das partículas foi realizada por método que emprega a análise de imagem. A condição hidrodinâmica foi avaliada por meio de ensaios de estímulo e resposta, combinada com a análise tridimensional do escoamento feita através de mapeamento utilizando equipamento que emprega ultra-som (sonda micro-ADV). Para a consecução do trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois métodos. Um para aquisição, tratamento e obtenção da distribuição de tamanho de micro-bolhas e flocos utilizando a análise de imagem digital em instalação com escoamento contínuo, sem a extração de amostras. Outro, envolvendo o desenvolvimento de programa (VelDigital3D) para tratamento dos dados da sonda utilizada. Inicialmente, foram realizados os ensaios de validação da utilização da sonda micro-ADV em água contendo micro-bolhas de ar e os ensaios de mapeamento da unidade utilizando a referida sonda conjugada ao programa VelDigital3D. Posteriormente, foram investigados alguns possíveis agentes na aglutinação das micro-bolhas após a despressurização tais como: i) as condições de mistura expressas em termos da taxa de aplicação superficial (TAS) e tempo de detenção na zona de reação (Tdz.r), ii) razão de recirculação (p), iii) a variação de pH e, iv) a dosagem de coagulante (\'AL POT.+3\'). Finalmente, a sensibilidade do modelo matemático proposto por Reali (1991) para a zona de reação de unidades de FAD convencional foi verificada com base nos parâmetros de projeto: tempo de detenção da zona de reação (Tdz.r) e taxa de aplicação superficial na zona de clarificação TASap. (downflow); e com base nos parâmetros operacionais: distribuição de tamanho de partículas (micro-bolhas e flocos) e razão de recirculação (p). As principais conclusões foram: i) a sonda micro-ADV pode ser utilizada para obtenção do perfil de velocidade em águas contendo micro-bolhas de ar, nas vazões investigadas; ii) o escoamento no interior da zona de reação apresentou um padrão bem definido de recirculação ao longo da altura, confirmando os resultados obtidos com os ensaios estímulo e resposta; iii) a variação do diâmetro médio das micro-bolhas foi muito pequena (de 20 a 30 \'mü\'m), embora tenha havido ressalvas e iv) o modelo proposto por Reali (1991) foi sensível aos parâmetros investigados e responde coerentemente com o desempenho da unidade piloto de FAD. / This work investigated the performance of a dissolved air flotation (DAF) pilot plant, used to treat drinking water containing 05 Tu and 50 Cu. The particles (micro-bubbles and flocs) and hydraulic characteristics were taken into account. The focus was given in the reaction zone as hypothesized by Reali\'s mathematic model (REALI, 1991). An image analyses was used to assess particles distribution sizes. The hydraulics of the DAF tank was assessed by using a pulse stimulus-response test combined with the three-dimensional flow analyses carried-out with equipment that applied ultra sound (microADV). Therefore, two methods were developed; one for the acquisition, treatment and also to obtain the micro-bubbles and flocs sizes distribution, without the need of extracting samples and another, involved the development of a software (VelDigital3D) in order to treat the microADV data. Initially, the application of the microADV in the DAF process was evaluated. After, the data collection was made and the result was treated by using the VelDigital3D software. Sequentially, the effects of some agents for micro-bubbles coalescence after the releasing point were investigated: i) mixture conditions in terms of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and detention time (DT); ii) recirculation rate (p); iii) pH variation and, iv) coagulant dosage (\'AL POT.+3\'). Finally, the mathematic model behavior proposed by Reali (1991) was investigated by varying some parameters in the design, such as: detention time in the reaction zone (DTr.z) and hydraulic loading rate in the clarification zone HLRc.z (dowflow); and by varying some operational parameters, such as: particles sizes distribution (micro-bubbles and flocs) and recirculation rate (p). The main conclusions were: i) the microADV probe can be used to obtain the velocity flow profile in water containing micro-bubbles; ii) the flow within the reaction zone showed a well defined pattern of recirculation throughout the height of the unit, confirming the obtained results by using the stimulus-response tests; iii) the variation of micro-bubbles medium size was low (from 20 to 30 \'mü\'m) but some points regarding this aspect were discussed and, iv) the behavior of the mathematical model proposed by Reali (1991) showed a significant adjustment to the experimental data proving that it can be applied to analyzed design parameters.

Interaktivní výukové modely vodohospodářských staveb pro Hydrotechnickou laboratoř Stavební školy ve Vysokém Mýtě / Interactive Instructional Models of Water Management Structures for Hydro-technical Laboratory of the High School of Civil Engineering in Vysoké Mýto

Požárová, Miroslava January 2016 (has links)
In 2014 a new Hydro-technical laboratory was built at the High School of Civil Engineering in Vysoké Mýto. The laboratory’s hydraulic circuit is equipped with a reserve line enabling independent standing models of hydro-technical structures to be connected. Two interactive instructional models are designed for this laboratory. The first is a model of a concrete dam. The dam is equipped with one bottom outlet, a hydraulic power plant and an emergency spillway crest gate. The discharge part of the model is equipped with a downflow baffle for regulating the tailwater level and a measuring weir enabling the flow rate to be measured at the discharge point from the model. The total capacity of the model is 10 l/s. The second model is a model of a weir structure. The weir structure consists of a controlled segment sluice gate weir composed of three sections. The model includes a one-nave lock chamber and hydraulic power plant. The tailwater level can also be regulated using a downflow baffle. The total capacity of this model is 20 l/s. The models can be used for teaching the subjects of hydraulics, hydrology and hydro-technical structures. They can be used to demonstrate various hydraulic phenomena and to describe individual functional objects using specialist terminology. This thesis contains the full project documentation for both proposed models, including hydro-technical calculations and text appendices.

Hydraulic and Removal Efficiencies of Horizontal Flow Treatemnt Wetlands/Efficacité hydraulique et rendement épuratoire des filtres plantés à écoulement horizontal.

Fonder, Nathalie 19 November 2010 (has links)
The hydraulic and removal efficiencies of a Horizontal Flow Treatment Wetlands (HF TW) were investigated through an internal three dimensional grid of sampling ports. Tracer tests and regular monitoring of water quality parameters were performed. Results demonstrated that the HF TW has generally good hydraulic and volumetric efficiencies, with relatively low dead zones. The application of models developed by chemical engineering provided the number of tanks in series and the calculated detention times which were input as parameters in the multi flow with dispersion hydraulic model. This second model identified that water fluxes were not homogeneous with depth inside the TW and 60% of the flow was along the bottom layer of the bed. It also indicated the water flow velocities, which were faster on the bottom of the bed, and the axial dispersion, which was higher where flow velocity was lower. The reviewed inflow rate distribution allowed review for all layers of the nominal detention time and of the hydraulic indexes, which are developed by the chemical engineering theory, and based on the incorrect assumption of homogeneous systems. The P-k-C* degradation model was applied in order to define degradation k-rate values of BOD and COD and the frequency distribution profiles were developed. The degradation rate coefficients for BOD ranked from less than 10 m/yr to more than 300 m/yr. Significant higher degradation rates were observed for all the bottom layers and for the closest sampling line from the inlet. The results of COD were similar to those observed for BOD. Finally, the specific pollutants of nitrogen and phosphorus were analysed for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). The global trend of the TN degradation coefficient values was a slow and regular decrease over length, having systematically higher degradation coefficients for the bottom layers. The saturation of the media sites for sorption capacity of TP was demonstrated being in progress. Les efficacités hydraulique et épuratoire du filtre planté à écoulement horizontal ont été mesurées grâce à un dispositif de prélèvement tridimensionnel dans un filtre en fonctionnement. Des essais de traçage ont été réalisés ainsi que des analyses régulières de la qualité de leau en tous les points déchantillonnage. Les résultats ont démontré que le filtre présente des efficacités hydraulique et volumétrique généralement bonnes, avec relativement peu de zones mortes. Lapplication des modèles mathématiques issus du génie chimique ont permis la détermination du nombre N de réservoirs en série et de calculer les temps de séjour ; ceux-ci ont ensuite été introduit dans le modèle hydraulique de dispersion multi-couches. Ce second modèle a identifié que les flux en eau nétaient pas homogènes avec la profondeur à lintérieur du système et que 60 % de lécoulement se concentraient dans la couche de fond du filtre. Il a également fournit les vitesses découlement par couche, qui se présentent comme plus rapides dans le fond du filtre, et la dispersion axiale, dont la valeur augmente en corrélation avec une diminution de la vitesse. La distribution du débit par horizon a pu être revue comme non homogène avec la profondeur et a permis de recalculer les index hydrauliques et les temps de séjour par horizon en évitant lhypothèse erronée des modèles du génie chimique de lhomogénéité du système. Le modèle de dégradation des polluants P-k-C* a été appliqué pour définir les valeurs des coefficients de dégradation de la DBO, la DCO et lazote total. Les profils de distribution de fréquence ont été dressés. Les différences de coefficients de dégradation de la DBO sont très hautement significatives avec la profondeur et la longueur, en ayant des valeurs plus importantes pour la couche de fond et pour la première ligne de prélèvement la plus proche de la zone de distribution de leffluent dans le filtre. Les résultats obtenus pour la DCO ont été semblables. Les coefficients de dégradation de lazote total ont montré une décroissance lente et régulière avec la longueur, et des valeurs systématiquement plus importantes avec la profondeur. Finalement, il a été démontré que les sites dadsorption du phosphore total sont en cours de saturation.

DYN3D version 3.2 - code for calculation of transients in light water reactors (LWR) with hexagonal or quadratic fuel elements - description of models and methods -

Grundmann, Ulrich, Rohde, Ulrich, Mittag, Siegfried, Kliem, Sören 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
DYN3D is an best estimate advanced code for the three-dimensional simulation of steady-states and transients in light water reactor cores with quadratic and hexagonal fuel assemblies. Burnup and poison-dynamic calculations can be performed. For the investigation of wide range transients, DYN3D is coupled with system codes as ATHLET and RELAP5. The neutron kinetic model is based on the solution of the three-dimensional two-group neutron diffusion equation by nodal expansion methods. The thermal-hydraulics comprises a one- or two-phase coolant flow model on the basis of four differential balance equations for mass, energy and momentum of the two-phase mixture and the mass balance for the vapour phase. Various cross section libraries are linked with DYN3D. Systematic code validation is performed by FZR and independent organizations.

Sieden in Anwesenheit von Borverbindungen in Leichtwasserreaktoren / Boiling in the presence of boron compounds in light water reactors

Nakath, Richard 10 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Auswirkungen der im Kühlmittel von Leichtwasserreaktoren zur Reaktivitätssteuerung eingesetzten Borverbindungen auf Siedeprozesse – und damit indirekt auf die Wärmeabfuhr der Brennelemente – zu untersuchen. Bei den Siedeversuchen, die Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit sind, wurde besonders auf eine realitätsnahe Annäherung an die Reaktorparameter Wert gelegt. Als Unterstützung zur Interpretation der Ergebnisse dienten eigene Messungen von signifikanten physikalischen Stoffdaten an wässrigen Borsäure- und Pentaboratlösungen. Die Siedeprozesse wurden in einer eigens für diese Analysen konzipierten und errichteten Versuchsanlage SECA unter Verwendung eines Leitfähigkeitsgittersensors sowie einer Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera bei Drücken von maximal 40 bar und Temperaturen bis zu 250 °C untersucht. Entsprechend der in den Untersuchungen gewonnenen Erkenntnis wird für reale Reaktoren fol-gendes angenommen: Die Anwesenheit von Borsäure hat keinen Einfluss auf großvolumige Sie-devorgänge im betrachteten Störfallszenario eines Druckwasserreaktors, und die Auswirkungen auf das unterkühlte Sieden sind vernachlässigbar gering. Es ist nicht zu erwarten, dass der Wärmeübergang von den Brennelementen an das Kühlmittel beeinflusst wird. Bei einer Einspeisung von Pentaborat in Siedewasserreaktoren kann jedoch davon ausgegangen werden, dass der Wärmeübergang durch eine Verkleinerung der Blasen verbessert wird. Weitere Untersuchungen bezüglich des Austrages von Pentaborat an der Phasengrenze sowie der Bildung von Schäumen sind jedoch notwendig, und es ist den Fragen nachzugehen, ob sich diese Schäume auch bei der Einspeisung von Pentaborat in einen Siedewasserreaktor bilden können und welche Auswirkungen diese auf die oberhalb des Kerns befindlichen Dampfabscheiderzyklone und Dampftrockner haben.

Comparison of MAAP and MELCOR : and evaluation of MELCOR as a deterministic tool within RASTEP

Sunnevik, Klas January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis is an investigation and evaluation of MELCOR (a software tool for severe accident analyses regarding nuclear power plants), or more correctly of the (ASEA-Atom BWR 75) reactor model developed for version 1.8.6 of MELCOR. The main objective was to determine if MELCOR, with the reactor model in question, is able to produce satisfactory results in severe accident analyses compared to results made by MAAP, which is currently the only official software tool for this application in Sweden. The thesis work is related to the RASTEP project. This project has been carried out in several stages on behalf of SSM since 2009, with a number of specific issues explored within an NKS funded R&D project carried out 2011-2013. This investigation is related to the NKS part of the project. The purpose with the RASTEP project is to develop a method for rapid source term prediction that could aid the authorities in decision making during a severe accident in a nuclear power plant. A software tool, which also gave the project its name, i.e. RASTEP (RApid Source TErm Prediction), is therefore currently under development at Lloyd's Register Consulting. A software tool for severe accident analyses is needed to calculate the source terms which are the end result from the predictions made by RASTEP. A set of issues have been outlined in an earlier comparison between MAAP and MELCOR. The first objective was therefore to resolve these pre-discovered issues, but also to address new issues, should they occur. The existing MELCOR reactor model also had to be further developed through the inclusion of various safety systems, since these systems are required for certain types of scenarios. Subsequently, a set of scenarios was simulated to draw conclusions from the additions made to the reactor model. Most of the issues (pre-discovered as well as new ones) could be resolved. However the work also rendered a set of issues which are in need of further attention and investigation. The overall conclusion is that MELCOR is indeed a promising alternative for severe accident analyses in the Swedish work with nuclear safety. Several potential benefits from making use of MELCOR besides MAAP have been identified. In conclusion, they would be valuable assets to each other, e.g. since deviations in the results (between the two codes) would highlight possible weaknesses of the simulations. Finally it is recommended that the work on improving the MELCOR reactor model should continue. / RASTEP

A safety and dynamics analysis of the subcritical advanced burner reactor: SABR

Sumner, Tyler Scott 03 June 2008 (has links)
As the United States expands its quantity of nuclear reactors in the near future, the amount of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) will also increase. Closing the nuclear fuel cycle has become the next major technical challenge for the nuclear energy industry. By separating the transuranics (TRU) from the SNF discharged by Light Water Reactors, it is possible to fuel Advanced Burner Reactors to minimize the amount of SNF that must be stored in High Level Waste Repositories. One such ABR concept is the Subcritical Advanced Burner Reactor (SABR) being developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology. SABR is a subcritical, sodium-cooled fast reactor with a fusion neutron source capable of burning up to 25% of the TRU fuel over an 8.2 year residence time. In the SABR concept an annular core with a thickness of 0.6 m and an active height of 3.2 m surrounds the toroidal fusion neutron source. Neutron multiplication varies during the lifetime of the reactor from keff = 0.95 at the beginning of reactor life to 0.83 at the end of an equilibrium fuel cycle. Sixteen control rods worth 9$ are symmetrically positioned around the reactor. This thesis describes the dynamic safety analysis of the coupled neutron source, reactor core and reactor heat removal systems. A special purpose simulation model was written to predict steady-state conditions and accident scenarios in SABR by calculating the coupled evolution of the power output from the fusion and fission cores and the axial and radial temperature distributions of a fuel pin in the reactor. Reactivity Feedback was modeled for Doppler and sodium coolant voiding. SABR has a positive temperature reactivity feedback coefficient. A series of accident scenarios were simulated to determine how much time exists to implement corrective measures during an accident before damage to the reactor occurs.

Optimisation multi-physique et multi-critère des coeurs de RNR-Na : application au concept CFV / Multi-objective and multi-physics optimization methodology for SFR core : application to CFV concept

Fabbris, Olivier 09 October 2014 (has links)
La conception du coeur d’un réacteur nucléaire est fortement multidisciplinaire (neutronique, thermo-hydraulique, thermomécanique du combustible, physique du cycle, etc.). Le problème est aussi de type multi-objectif (plusieurs performances) à grand nombre de dimensions (plusieurs dizaines de paramètres de conception).Les codes de calculs déterministes utilisés traditionnellement pour la caractérisation des coeurs demandant d’importantes ressources informatiques, l’approche de conception classique rend difficile l’exploration et l’optimisation de nouveaux concepts innovants. Afin de pallier ces difficultés, une nouvelle méthodologie a été développée lors de ces travaux de thèse. Ces travaux sont basés sur la mise en oeuvre et la validation de schémas de calculs neutronique et thermo-hydraulique pour disposer d’un outil de caractérisation d’un coeur de réacteur à neutrons rapides à caloporteur sodium tant du point de vue des performances neutroniques que de son comportement en transitoires accidentels.La méthodologie mise en oeuvre s’appuie sur la construction de modèles de substitution (ou métamodèles) aptes à remplacer la chaîne de calcul neutronique et thermo-hydraulique. Des méthodes mathématiques avancées pour la planification d’expériences, la construction et la validation des métamodèles permettent de remplacer cette chaîne de calcul par des modèles de régression au pouvoir de prédiction élevé.La méthode est appliquée à un concept innovant de coeur à Faible coefficient de Vidange sur un très large domaine d’étude, et à son comportement lors de transitoires thermo-hydrauliques non protégés pouvant amener à des situations incidentelles, voire accidentelles. Des analyses globales de sensibilité permettent d’identifier les paramètres de conception influents sur la conception du coeur et son comportement en transitoire. Des optimisations multicritères conduisent à des nouvelles configurations dont les performances sont parfois significativement améliorées. La validation des résultats produits au cours de ces travaux de thèse démontre la pertinence de la méthode au stade de la préconception d’un coeur de réacteur à neutrons rapides refroidi au sodium. / Nuclear reactor core design is a highly multidisciplinary task where neutronics, thermal-hydraulics, fuel thermo-mechanics and fuel cycle are involved. The problem is moreover multi-objective (several performances) and highly dimensional (several tens of design parameters).As the reference deterministic calculation codes for core characterization require important computing resources, the classical design method is not well suited to investigate and optimize new innovative core concepts. To cope with these difficulties, a new methodology has been developed in this thesis. Our work is based on the development and validation of simplified neutronics and thermal-hydraulics calculation schemes allowing the full characterization of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor core regarding both neutronics performances and behavior during thermal hydraulic dimensioning transients.The developed methodology uses surrogate models (or metamodels) able to replace the neutronics and thermal-hydraulics calculation chain. Advanced mathematical methods for the design of experiment, building and validation of metamodels allows substituting this calculation chain by regression models with high prediction capabilities.The methodology is applied on a very large design space to a challenging core called CFV (French acronym for low void effect core) with a large gain on the sodium void effect. Global sensitivity analysis leads to identify the significant design parameters on the core design and its behavior during unprotected transient which can lead to severe accidents. Multi-objective optimizations lead to alternative core configurations with significantly improved performances. Validation results demonstrate the relevance of the methodology at the predesign stage of a Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor core.

Comportamento dinâmico e hidrodinâmico de um reator anaeróbico híbrido (UAHB) submetido à variação de carga hidráulica horária no tratamento de esgoto sanitário / Dynamic and hydrodynamic behavior of hybrid anaerobic reactor (UAHB) subject to varying hydraulic load rate on the treatment of domestic sewage

Godinho, Jayson Pereira 13 February 2017 (has links)
CAPES / O processo de digestão anaeróbia é muito importante no tratamento dos esgotos sanitários, por ser eficiente, simples e de baixo custo de implantação, operação e manutenção. Embora o Brasil tenha à disposição processos anaeróbios consolidados, o saneamento básico ainda é deficiente no país, e a otimização de reatores anaeróbios tem o intuito de melhorar a viabilidade, efetividade e ampliação dos sistemas de tratamento dos esgotos sanitários. O objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar o desempenho através do comportamento dinâmico e hidrodinâmico de reator anaeróbio híbrido (UAHB), com variação do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 4 a 12 h e da DQO (amostras brutas) de 250 a 1250 mgO2L-1. O reator, com volume útil de 22,1 L, foi operado com meio suporte de anéis corrugados de Policloreto de Polivinila (PVC) e mantido a temperatura ambiente, sendo o afluente de alimentação, sintético simulando o esgoto sanitário. Foram analisados os parâmetros físico-químicos: temperatura do líquido e do ar, pH, alcalinidade total (AT), alcalinidade a bicarbonato (AB), ácidos voláteis (AV), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO520), Turbidez, Sólidos Totais (ST), Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST), nitrogênio total kjeldahl (N-NTK), nitrogênio amoniacal (Namon), nitrito(N-NO2-), nitrato (N-NO3-) e fósforo total (P). Foi avaliado o comportamento hidrodinâmico e verificada a existência de anomalias hidráulicas, pela técnica de estímulo-resposta tipo pulso com injeção do traçador eosina Y. Ao final dos experimentos, foi realizada a análise estatística para encontrar a condição operacional ótima, bem como os modelos estatísticos para validação dos experimentos. Em todas as condições operacionais foi possível observar que o reator UAHB entrou em equilíbrio dinâmico aparente (EEDA) com produção de alcalinidade para neutralizar os ácidos voláteis produzidos no processo de acidogênese e acetogênese da digestão anaeróbia. O aumento da carga orgânica volumétrica acarretou no aumento das eficiências de remoção em DQO (amostras brutas e filtradas), DBO520 e Turbidez, mas reduziu as remoções de Sólidos Totais e Sólidos Suspensos Totais. A diminuição do TDH reduziu as eficiências de remoção dos parâmetros DQO (amostras brutas e filtradas), DBO520, Sólidos Totais, Sólidos Suspensos Totais e Turbidez. Em relação à hidrodinâmica, em todas as condições operacionais foi observado o efeito de cauda longa, o regime de escoamento no interior do reator UAHB foi classificado como de tanques de mistura completa em série (NCSTR). Foi verificada a presença de zonas mortas no reator, a eficiência hidráulica foi em média 65% para as três condições e não foi possível observar a presença de curtos-circuitos para os três TDH testados. Pela análise estatística do delineamento composto central rotativo (DCCR), a condição ótima de operação para o reator foi para o TDH 12 h e DQO (amostras brutas) 553 mgO2.L-1. / The anaerobic digestion process is very important in the treatment of sewage, as it is an efficient, simple process and low cost of implementation, operation and maintenance. Although Brazil has provided consolidated anaerobic processes, sanitation is still poor in the country, and the optimization of anaerobic reactors aims to improve the viability, effectiveness and expansion of treatment systems for sewage. The aim of this research project is to evaluate the reactor's performance through dynamic and hydrodynamic behavior of hybrid anaerobic reactor (UAHB) with a range of hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 to 12 hours and COD (gross samples) 250 - 1250 mgO2L -1. The reactor, with a volume of 22.1 L was operated with support means corrugated rings of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and kept at room temperature, the influent feed, simulating the synthetic wastewater. the physicochemical parameters were analyzed: temperature of the liquid and air, pH, total alkalinity (TA), bicarbonate alkalinity (BA), volatile acids (VA), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD ), Turbidity, Total Solids (TS), total suspended solids (TSS), nitrogen Total Kjeldahl (NTK-N), ammonia nitrogen (amon-N), nitrite (NO2-N), nitrate (NO3-N) and Total phosphorus (P). It evaluated the hydrodynamic behavior and the determination of hydraulic anomalies, the stimulus-response pulse technique with injection of the tracer eosin Y. At the end of the experiments, statistical analysis was performed to find the optimal operating condition as well as the statistical models for validation experiments. In all operating conditions it was observed that the UAHB Reactor became apparent dynamic equilibrium (ADE) with alkalinity production to neutralize the volatile acids produced in acetogenesis process of anaerobic digestion. The increased of organic loading rate resulted in increased efficiencies in the removal of COD (gross and filtered samples), BOD and Turbidity, but reduced removals of Total Solids and Total Suspended Solids. The decrease in HRT reduced the removal efficiencies of COD parameters (grosss and filtered samples), BOD, Total Solids, Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity. Regarding the hydrodynamic in all operating conditions was observed long tail effect, the flow regime inside the reactor UAHB was rated as complete mixing tanks in series (N-CSTR). The presence of dead zones in the reactor was checked, the hydraulic efficiency was averaged 65% for the three conditions and it was not possible to observe the presence of short circuits for the three HRT tested. For the statistical analysis of the central rotary compound design (CRCD), the optimum operating condition for the reactor was to HRT 12 h and COD (gross samples) 553 mgCOD.L-1.

Comportamento dinâmico e hidrodinâmico de reator anaeróbio híbrido / Dynamic and hydrodynamic behavior of hybrid anaerobic reactor (UAHB) subject to varying hydraulic load rate on the treatment of domestic sewage

Godinho, Jayson Pereira 13 February 2017 (has links)
CAPES / O processo de digestão anaeróbia é muito importante no tratamento dos esgotos sanitários, por ser eficiente, simples e de baixo custo de implantação, operação e manutenção. Embora o Brasil tenha à disposição processos anaeróbios consolidados, o saneamento básico ainda é deficiente no país, e a otimização de reatores anaeróbios tem o intuito de melhorar a viabilidade, efetividade e ampliação dos sistemas de tratamento dos esgotos sanitários. O objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar o desempenho através do comportamento dinâmico e hidrodinâmico de reator anaeróbio híbrido (UAHB), com variação do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 4 a 12 h e da DQO (amostras brutas) de 250 a 1250 mgO2L-1. O reator, com volume útil de 22,1 L, foi operado com meio suporte de anéis corrugados de Policloreto de Polivinila (PVC) e mantido a temperatura ambiente, sendo o afluente de alimentação, sintético simulando o esgoto sanitário. Foram analisados os parâmetros físico-químicos: temperatura do líquido e do ar, pH, alcalinidade total (AT), alcalinidade a bicarbonato (AB), ácidos voláteis (AV), demanda química de oxigênio (DQO), demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO520), Turbidez, Sólidos Totais (ST), Sólidos Suspensos Totais (SST), nitrogênio total kjeldahl (N-NTK), nitrogênio amoniacal (Namon), nitrito(N-NO2-), nitrato (N-NO3-) e fósforo total (P). Foi avaliado o comportamento hidrodinâmico e verificada a existência de anomalias hidráulicas, pela técnica de estímulo-resposta tipo pulso com injeção do traçador eosina Y. Ao final dos experimentos, foi realizada a análise estatística para encontrar a condição operacional ótima, bem como os modelos estatísticos para validação dos experimentos. Em todas as condições operacionais foi possível observar que o reator UAHB entrou em equilíbrio dinâmico aparente (EEDA) com produção de alcalinidade para neutralizar os ácidos voláteis produzidos no processo de acidogênese e acetogênese da digestão anaeróbia. O aumento da carga orgânica volumétrica acarretou no aumento das eficiências de remoção em DQO (amostras brutas e filtradas), DBO520 e Turbidez, mas reduziu as remoções de Sólidos Totais e Sólidos Suspensos Totais. A diminuição do TDH reduziu as eficiências de remoção dos parâmetros DQO (amostras brutas e filtradas), DBO520, Sólidos Totais, Sólidos Suspensos Totais e Turbidez. Em relação à hidrodinâmica, em todas as condições operacionais foi observado o efeito de cauda longa, o regime de escoamento no interior do reator UAHB foi classificado como de tanques de mistura completa em série (NCSTR). Foi verificada a presença de zonas mortas no reator, a eficiência hidráulica foi em média 65% para as três condições e não foi possível observar a presença de curtos-circuitos para os três TDH testados. Pela análise estatística do delineamento composto central rotativo (DCCR), a condição ótima de operação para o reator foi para o TDH 12 h e DQO (amostras brutas) 553 mgO2.L-1. / The anaerobic digestion process is very important in the treatment of sewage, as it is an efficient, simple process and low cost of implementation, operation and maintenance. Although Brazil has provided consolidated anaerobic processes, sanitation is still poor in the country, and the optimization of anaerobic reactors aims to improve the viability, effectiveness and expansion of treatment systems for sewage. The aim of this research project is to evaluate the reactor's performance through dynamic and hydrodynamic behavior of hybrid anaerobic reactor (UAHB) with a range of hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 to 12 hours and COD (gross samples) 250 - 1250 mgO2L -1. The reactor, with a volume of 22.1 L was operated with support means corrugated rings of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and kept at room temperature, the influent feed, simulating the synthetic wastewater. the physicochemical parameters were analyzed: temperature of the liquid and air, pH, total alkalinity (TA), bicarbonate alkalinity (BA), volatile acids (VA), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD ), Turbidity, Total Solids (TS), total suspended solids (TSS), nitrogen Total Kjeldahl (NTK-N), ammonia nitrogen (amon-N), nitrite (NO2-N), nitrate (NO3-N) and Total phosphorus (P). It evaluated the hydrodynamic behavior and the determination of hydraulic anomalies, the stimulus-response pulse technique with injection of the tracer eosin Y. At the end of the experiments, statistical analysis was performed to find the optimal operating condition as well as the statistical models for validation experiments. In all operating conditions it was observed that the UAHB Reactor became apparent dynamic equilibrium (ADE) with alkalinity production to neutralize the volatile acids produced in acetogenesis process of anaerobic digestion. The increased of organic loading rate resulted in increased efficiencies in the removal of COD (gross and filtered samples), BOD and Turbidity, but reduced removals of Total Solids and Total Suspended Solids. The decrease in HRT reduced the removal efficiencies of COD parameters (grosss and filtered samples), BOD, Total Solids, Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity. Regarding the hydrodynamic in all operating conditions was observed long tail effect, the flow regime inside the reactor UAHB was rated as complete mixing tanks in series (N-CSTR). The presence of dead zones in the reactor was checked, the hydraulic efficiency was averaged 65% for the three conditions and it was not possible to observe the presence of short circuits for the three HRT tested. For the statistical analysis of the central rotary compound design (CRCD), the optimum operating condition for the reactor was to HRT 12 h and COD (gross samples) 553 mgCOD.L-1.

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