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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proyecto Salutare

Baygorrea Gómez, Anthony Bernabé, Herrera Rosales, Andrea del Carmen, Lopez Montoya , Luciana, Pecho Simeón, Grethel Medaly, Shibuya Matute, Mauricio Augusto 25 October 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto de un parfait a base de Yogurt Griego, Mix de Frutos Secos, Mix de Frutos Premium y como complemento miel o algarrobina tiene como fin ser una alternativa de desayuno o snack ante el problema de la falta de tiempo en las mañanas para tomar desayuno. Nuestro público objetivo son personas que trabajan o estudian que suelen desayunar y que sus centros de labores y/o estudios se encuentren dentro de la “zona 7”. Se identificó que al público le interesa mucho el embace, cantidad y facilidad de acceso al producto para que pueda cumplir de manera satisfactoria como alternativa para el desayuno. Como canales de venta se ha planteado visitas programadas a empresas, aprovechando la red de contactos que nos brindó la visita a “BNI”, visita a universidades e institutos dentro de la zona 7 y de manera no tradicional por redes sociales. Teniendo a Facebook, Instagram y correo electrónico corporativo como punto de exposición y contacto con los clientes. Para la validación del proyecto se realizó entrevistas, Focus Group, encuestas; así mismo, se realizó la evaluación de proveedores, competidores directos e indirectos, movilidades, entre otros. Lo mencionado, líneas arriba, permitió la elaboración del Plan Financiero, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Marketing y Plan de Responsabilidad Social. / The present project of a parfait based on Greek Yogurt, Mix of Nuts, Mix of Premium Fruits and as a complement honey or carob is intended as an alternative of breakfast or snack before the problem of lack of time in the morning to take breakfast. Our target audience are people who work or study who usually have breakfast and that their work centers and / or studies are within the “zone 7”. It was identified that the public is very interested in the package, quantity and ease of access to the product so that it can meet satisfactorily as an alternative for breakfast. As sales channels, planned visits to companies have been proposed, taking advantage of the network of contacts that the visit to “BNI” gave us, visits to universities and institutes within zone 7 and in a non-traditional way through social networks. Having Facebook, Instagram and corporate email as a point of exposure and contact with customers. For the validation of the project, interviews were conducted, Focus Group, surveys; Likewise, the evaluation of suppliers, direct and indirect competitors, mobilities, among others, was carried out. The above mentioned, allowed the preparation of the Financial Plan, Human Resources Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan and Social Responsibility Plan. / Trabajo de investigación

Kuwaiti Mothers’ Food Parenting Styles, Practices, and Food-Environments in the Context of Living With or Without Extended Family - A Mixed Methods Study

Alawadhi, Noor January 2020 (has links)
Background and Objectives: Childhood obesity and its comorbidities are an emerging health problem among the Kuwaiti population and their neighboring countries. The food environment and parental role are among the key determinates of eating behavior in children. Parents influence their children's eating through both their food parenting styles (FPS) during meal and snack times, and their goal-directed food parenting practices (FPP). The majority of studies have examined nuclear families; however, with the increased cost of daily living and women in the workforce, many mothers are feeding their children in multigenerational or extended family households. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of FPS and FPP among Kuwaiti mothers with school-age children and the demographic variables associated with them; and to further explore the mothers' benefits, challenges, and strategies of child feeding between those who live with their in-laws, those who live independently, and during Zwara the weekly family gatherings. Methods: Using a sequential explanatory design, this mixed-methods study consisted of two distinct phases. Phase 1 (quantitative): 1625 Kuwaiti mothers with children aged 6 to 12 years completed a cross-sectional electronic survey including the Caregiver Feeding Styles Questionnaire (CFSQ), five constructs from the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ) and a range of socioeconomic and living situations. Phase 2 (qualitative): 32 mothers took part in a follow-up in-person semi-structured interview about benefits, challenges, and strategies of child feeding within two groups - 16 living with in-laws, and 16 living independently; each group consisted of equal numbers of Authoritative and Indulgent feeding styles. Conclusion: Phase 1: The mother's perception of child weight was the only factor associated with both FPSs and FPPs, indicating that it as a key influential factor. The mother's education level and childbirth order were associated with FPPs, implying their direct influence on specific goal-directed practices of child-eating. Whereas, living arrangements, number of hired help, living district, and child age were associated with FPSs, suggesting their indirect influence on the parent-child interaction. Phase 2: The benefits, challenges, and strategies of child feeding differed between the living arrangements, and the Indulgent and Authoritative feeding styles differed only by the strategies used. Also, the Kuwaiti mothers were more prone to follow the Indulgent style during the weekend gatherings, despite being more likely to use the Authoritative style during the weekday. Likewise, Kuwaiti Grandparents were perceived to have Indulgent feeding styles tendencies with Grandchild, which has been linked with higher child weight in other studies. These differences in usage of FPPs and FPSs in different settings suggest that there is a need to develop and implement nutrition interventions to improve maternal feeding practices based on their household arrangements.

From Meaningful Work to Good Work: Reexamining the Moral Foundation of the Calling Orientation

Potts, Garrett W. 29 June 2019 (has links)
The calling orientation to work represents the seed that has germinated into the exponentially growing ‘work as a calling’ literature. It was first articulated by Robert Bellah, Richard Madsen, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven Tipton within Habits of the Heart in the 1980s. The following critical analysis of the ‘work as a calling’ literature, and of the moral foundation of the calling orientation more specifically, is intended for two particular audiences. The first audience broadly includes an interdisciplinary group of scholars working within business ethics, management, organizational psychology, and vocational psychology, among other fields of study. Amidst these scholars’ exponentially increasing interest in the idea of ‘work as a calling,’ the anatomical structure of their research remains remarkably similar. Their notions of ‘work as a calling’ stress that work should provide individuals with a deep sense of personal fulfillment. In particular, they suggest that work should be a therapeutic source of individual meaning. To secure this meaning, they exhibit an apparent centeredness on the self and an emphasis on the unconstrained pursuit of personal preferences. In most cases, scholars within the ‘work as a calling’ literature tend to proffer notions of ‘meaningful work’ that are divorced from moral considerations about ‘good work.’ While this broad group of scholars copiously references the calling orientation within their research on ‘work as a calling,’ a deep-seated misunderstanding pervades the literature to the extent that notions of ‘meaningful work’ have been divorced from notions of ‘good work.’ To this broader audience, I demonstrate herein that they do not realize how antithetical their scholarly literature on ‘work as a calling’ is to the moral foundation of Bellah et al.’s calling orientation. Namely, I argue that the construal of calling as an orientation to work would not exist within the literature if Bellah et al. had not first articulated the calling orientation as a buffer against the unregulated pursuit of personal preferences. Therefore, I claim that this broader group of scholars either needs to abandon the notion of ‘work as a calling’ or engage with the appropriate virtue framework that undergirds the calling orientation. I suspect, however, that several of these scholars will be hesitant to take up the virtue framework that is inextricably linked to the calling orientation. For this reason, much of the work following chapter 2 is devoted to a narrower audience of MacIntyrean business ethicists. It is also dedicated to a few scholars from the broader ‘work as a calling’ group whom I trust will not wish to remain accidental contributors to the language of individualism that pervades the literature once I have unmasked it. Perhaps, in time, they will even become MacIntyrean business ethicists. Indeed, the appropriate moral framework that undergirds the ‘work as a calling’ literature is actively being worked out by a narrower group of MacIntyrean business ethicists, all of whom represent my primary audience for the research herein. To the MacIntyrean community, I hope not only to provide a complete list of tendencies within the ‘work as a calling’ literature that must be resisted, but also a picture of all of the ways that Bellah et al.’s calling orientation is wholly bound up with MacIntyre’s moral philosophy – particularly his theory of the virtues and the common goods that the virtues sustain. Bellah et al.’s calling orientation rests upon a vision of ‘good work,’ and this vision of ‘good work’ hinges on a MacIntyrean account of the virtues that is directed toward the achievement of three distinct types of common goods: (a) the good and worthy ends of workplace practices, (b) the goods of an individual life, and (c) the goods of communities – or, more broadly, the interests of a good society. Furthermore, it will be shown to the MacIntyrean community that visions of ‘good work,’ which are sustained by the calling orientation, are accompanied by a nuanced vision of pluralistic collaboration that MacIntyre and Bellah et al. share. (I anticipate that this will be surprising to many readers who are familiar with the typical and misleading characterization of MacIntyre as a sectarian). Bellah et al. as well as MacIntyre’s vision of pluralism matters for research on the calling orientation because these figures demonstrate that individuals within the late modern workplace are informed by a plurality of religious and humanistic traditions, all of which account for ultimate meaning and goodness in different ways that ought to be recognized. Distinctive religious and humanistic visions of ultimate meaning indeed impact the perceived goodness of one’s calling. Hence, we must attend to the polysemic and multivocal nature of accounting for the goodness of any one particular calling (i.e., a Buddhist doctor within the Western medical tradition is likely to articulate the goodness of his calling differently than a Jewish doctor working within the Western medical tradition). Still, however, Bellah et al. and MacIntyre’s account entails a hopefulness in the possibility of pluralistic, (or, what I shall call inter-traditional) striving for the achievement of common goods that are practical enough to agree upon.

Hållbart resande på Högskolan i Gävle : En kvantitativ enkätundersökning om studenters resvanor

Jansson, Kajsa, Hagman, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Den hållbara samhällsutvecklingen hotas av att människor i samband med globaliseringen reser allt mer. Ett ökat behov av att resa har resulterat i större mängder växthusgasutsläpp som i sin tur har en negativ påverkan på klimatet. Förbränning av fossila bränslen står idag för den största andelen utsläpp av växthusgaser i relation till den totala mängden utsläpp i Sverige. De klimatpåverkande utsläppen från vägtrafiken har från och med år 2010 minskat med 18 procent, men för att nå Regeringens uppsatta klimatmål måste utsläppen fortsatt minska med åtta procent varje år fram till år 2030. I linje med Regeringens klimatmål krävs en samhällsomställning med mål att minska transportsektorns koldioxidutsläpp.   I denna studie läggs fokus på begreppet hållbart resande med syftet att kartlägga studenters resvanor till och från Högskolan i Gävle och dessutom se över vilka behov, möjligheter och hinder som studenterna upplever i samband med val av transportslag vid resor till och från Högskolan. Detta för att vidare kunna presentera åtgärdsförslag vilka ska främja ett mer hållbart resande. För att kartlägga studenternas resvanor utfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning. Enkäten besvarades av 106 studenter på Högskolan i Gävle och var indelad i sex olika delar. Den första delen bestod av grundläggande frågor såsom ålder och kön. I den andra delen kartlades studenternas förutsättningar för ett hållbart resande till och från Högskolan. Den tredje delen berörde studenternas faktiska resvanor till och från Högskolan. Den fjärde delen avsåg undersöka studenternas möjligheter och hinder. I den femte delen behandlades digital undervisning och huruvida studenternas skulle föredra detta. Den sjätte och sista delen avsåg kartlägga deltagarnas attityd gentemot miljöproblem för att se om det fanns ett samband mellan attityderna och studenternas val av transportmedel.    Resultatet av enkätundersökningen visade att studenterna i genomsnitt reste 25,2 kilometer från sin bostad till Högskolan. De flesta deltagarna valde transportslaget kollektivtrafik som det primära transportslaget under vinterhalvåret. Under sommarhalvåret valdes transportslaget cykel flest gånger. Den mest betydande faktorn vid val av transportslag var tidseffektivitet och bekvämlighet och de studenterna med lång resväg föredrog i högre utsträckning digital undervisning än de med kortare resväg. Resultatet av undersökningen visade även att deltagarnas val av transportslag inte hade något samband med deras attityder till miljöproblem. Däremot fanns ett samband mellan studenternas attityder till miljöproblem och påverkande faktorer vid val av transportslag. Resultatet av denna resvaneundersökning visade att transportslaget bil inte används i samma utsträckning som i många andra tidigare utförda resvaneundersökningar, vilket är anmärkningsvärt. Resvaneundersökningen påvisar dock ett behov av vissa förändringar och förbättringar som på sikt skulle främja ett mer hållbart resande för studenterna på Högskolan i Gävle.

Longevity: translation of aging theories into action

Miller, Roy 16 July 2020 (has links)
Healthspan describes the length of time an individual lives without disability or chronic disease. Characteristic to aging is the risk for the onset of both through a progressive accumulation of deficits in normal physiologic function. In the past, the declines associated with aging were simply accepted as inevitable. Today, longevity research has undergone a meteoric rise in popularity. This is due to several landmark studies demonstrating that what was once thought of as inevitable has potential to be delayed. This thesis aims to consolidate current theories of biochemical processes believed to underlie aging, and explore their interconnections. Furthermore, current pharmaceutical and lifestyle interventions being studied to promote longevity and target these specific pathways will be analyzed for safety and practicality for use in a primary care setting. Through a shift from symptom-based care to personalized preventative care, the goal is to maximize function into older age and empower individuals to live life to the fullest well beyond what was previously imagined.

Nutritional knowledge and concepts of ninth grade students at Walton Senior High School

Unknown Date (has links)
"Nutrition is fast becoming a popular science among many age groups. Young people, especially athletes, are becoming more aware of the correlation between diet and health. Also, with such a great amount of emphasis placed on physical beauty, more people are interested in the study of nutrition for vanity purposes"--Introduction. / "August, 1978." / Typescript. / "Submitted to the Department of Home Economics Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science." / Advisor: Jane Gatewood White, Major Professor. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 41-42).

Is Binge Watching Bad for You? Escapism, Stress, Self-Controland Gratifications?

Wang, Weipu 01 December 2019 (has links)
The relatively new phenomenon of binge watching presents a dramatic shift from the norm of traditional television viewing. However, is this ubiquitously popular media marathon that contains negative connotations really bad for you? A survey administered to 157 television binge-watchers identified the role of stress and self-control in influencing both the gratifications sought and the consequences of binge watching through the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The current study found that binge watching to avoid problems is a commonly employed strategy for individuals to cope with stress. However, engaging in binge-watching behavior as a coping mechanism to purposefully avoid problems can result in feelings of guilt and regret. It is also surprising that self-control has no impact on one's binge watching gratifications. The findings of this thesis encourage future researchers and binge watching lovers to view this new behavior from a new perspective and to practice it with caution.

Sex Differences in Indoor Tanning Habits and Location

Feng, Jessica, Frisard, Christine, Nahar, Vinayak K., Oleski, Jessica L., Hillhouse, Joel J., Lemon, Stephenie C., Pagoto, Sherry L. 01 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Feeding and Gastrointestinal Regulation: A Novel Domain of the Cerebellum

Birkenbach, Kathryn Elise January 2020 (has links)
The cerebellum is well-known for its ability to integrate diverse internal and external stimuli, forming associations which serve as a basis for the construction of predictive models. Though traditionally studied in the context of motor learning, mounting evidence indicates that cerebellar learning may play an analogous role in many non-motor functions, including autonomic regulation and reward processing. Using combinatorial approaches of neuroanatomical tracing, electrophysiology, and behavioral studies, we investigated whether cerebellar learning extends to the domains of feeding behavior and gastrointestinal regulation, wherein prediction is critical for optimally timing food seeking and digestion in order to maximize nutrient acquisition while minimizing risk and energetic cost. Our results show direct anatomical connections between the cerebellum and known feeding centers, including the lateral hypothalamus, nucleus of the solitary tract, and parvocellular reticular nucleus. In addition, a localized area of the rostral cerebellum was found to respond to gastric distension and drive gastric emptying. Finally, we show that cerebellar activation drives robust, short-latency ingestive responses in awake, sated mice. Collectively, our results implicate the specific, interconnected cerebellar regions of Lobules II & III and the rostral fastigial nucleus, which we believe may represent one or more microzones devoted to integrating pre-and post-ingestive signals for control of feeding and digestion.

Be Cool, Stay in School: The Habits, Resources, and Confidence College Students Need to Succeed

Staheli, Matthew 01 May 2018 (has links)
Earning a college degree yields many benefits. In addition to an increased income, college degree earners generally have greater job satisfaction, make healthier life choices, are better communicators, and have greater social mobility. Even with all of these benefits, however, some colleges are seeing graduation rates as low as 32%. One of the greatest contributing factors affecting the dropout rate of undergraduate college students is poor academic performance in their courses. In this study, we sought to identify several academic resources, study behaviors, academic self-confidence scores, and demographic information to assess what types of behaviors and resources may lead to higher academic performance. There were 148 undergraduate student participants, out of 696 possible students (21.3%), from three sections of Introductory Psychology courses at Utah State University. They participated in a multi-phase survey to assess study habits, and resources that they used when preparing for their psychology course exams. Statistical analyses identified several significant differences between men and women, and between first generation and non-first-generation students. Women studied almost twice as much, compared to men, in terms of hours spent, and course content covered. Academically, first-generation students struggled in almost every way, compared to non-first-generation students. After identifying how the study behavior and resource variables influenced each other, we also identified which variables were the most influential on the students’ final course grades. We found that a student’s GPA (grade point average) was the most important factor, followed by their self-confidence in their academic abilities, followed by their class attendance, followed by how many hours they work outside of school. All of those variables likely affect a student’s final grade, and it is important that college students are informed about which study resources and behaviors they should utilize, to be as successful as possible.

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