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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Machine-Checked Proof of Correctness of Pastry / Une preuve certifiée par la machine de la correction du protocole Pastry

Azmy, Noran 24 November 2016 (has links)
Les réseaux pair-à-pair (P2P) constituent un modèle de plus en plus populaire pour la programmation d’applications Internet car ils favorisent la décentralisation, le passage à l’échelle, la tolérance aux pannes et l’auto-organisation. à la différence du modèle traditionnel client-serveur, un réseau P2P est un système réparti décentralisé dans lequel tous les nœuds interagissent directement entre eux et jouent à la fois les rôles de fournisseur et d’utilisateur de services et de ressources. Une table de hachage distribuée (DHT) est réalisée par un réseauP2P et offre les mêmes services qu’une table de hachage classique, hormis le fait que les différents couples (clef, valeur) sont stockés dans différents nœuds du réseau. La fonction principale d’une DHT est la recherche d’une valeur associée à une clef donnée. Parmi les protocoles réalisant une DHT on peut nommer Chord, Pastry, Kademlia et Tapestry. Ces protocoles promettent de garantir certaines propriétés de correction et de performance ; or, les tentatives de démontrer formellement de telles propriétés se heurtent invariablement à des cas limites dans lesquels certaines propriétés sont violées. Tian-xiang Lu a ainsi décrit des problèmes de correction dans des versions publiées de Pastry. Il a conçu un modèle, appelé LuPastry, pour lequel il a fourni une preuve partielle, mécanisée dans l’assistant à la preuve TLA+ Proof System, démontrant que les messages de recherche de clef sont acheminés au bon nœud du réseau dans le cas sans départ de nœuds. En analysant la preuve de Lu j’ai découvert qu’elle contenait beaucoup d’hypothèses pour lesquelles aucune preuve n’avait été fournie, et j’ai pu trouver des contre-exemples à plusieurs de ces hypothèses. La présente thèse apporte trois contributions. Premièrement, je présente LuPastry+, une spécification TLA+ revue de LuPastry. Au-delà des corrections nécessaires d’erreurs, LuPastry+ améliore LuPastry en introduisant de nouveaux opérateurs et définitions, conduisant à une spécification plus modulaire et isolant la complexité de raisonnement à des parties circonscrites de la preuve, contribuant ainsi à automatiser davantage la preuve. Deuxièmement, je présente une preuve TLA+ complète de l’acheminement correct dans LuPastry+. Enfin, je démontre que l’étape finale du processus d’intégration de nœuds dans LuPastry (et LuPastry+) n’est pas nécessaire pour garantir la cohérence du protocole. Concrètement, j’exhibe une nouvelle spécification avec un processus simplifié d’intégration de nœuds, que j’appelle Simplified LuPastry+, et je démontre qu’elle garantit le bon acheminement de messages de recherche de clefs. La preuve de correction pour Simplified LuPastry+ est obtenue en réutilisant la preuve pour LuPastry+, et ceci représente un bon succès pour la réutilisation de preuves, en particulier considérant la taille de ces preuves. Chacune des deux preuves requiert plus de 30000 étapes interactives ; à ma connaissance, ces preuves constituent les preuves les plus longues écrites dans le langage TLA+ à ce jour, et les seuls exemples d’application de preuves mécanisées de théorèmes pour la vérification de protocoles DHT / A distributed hash table (DHT) is a peer-to-peer network that offers the function of a classic hash table, but where different key-value pairs are stored at different nodes on the network. Like a classic hash table, the main function provided by a DHT is key lookup, which retrieves the value stored at a given key. Examples of DHT protocols include Chord, Pastry, Kademlia and Tapestry. Such DHT protocols certain correctness and performance guarantees, but formal verification typically discovers border cases that violate those guarantees. In his PhD thesis, Tianxiang Lu reported correctness problems in published versions of Pastry and developed a model called {\LP}, for which he provided a partial proof of correct delivery of lookup messages assuming no node failure, mechanized in the {\TLA} Proof System. In analyzing Lu's proof, I discovered that it contained unproven assumptions, and found counterexamples to several of these assumptions. The contribution of this thesis is threefold. First, I present {\LPP}, a revised {\TLA} specification of {\LP}. Aside from needed bug fixes, {\LPP} contains new definitions that make the specification more modular and significantly improve proof automation. Second, I present a complete {\TLA} proof of correct delivery for {\LPP}. Third, I prove that the final step of the node join process of {\LP}/{\LPP} is not necessary to achieve consistency. In particular, I develop a new specification with a simpler node join process, which I denote by {\SLP}, and prove correct delivery of lookup messages for this new specification. The proof of correctness of {\SLP} is written by reusing the proof for {\LPP}, which represents a success story in proof reuse, especially for proofs of this size. Each of the two proofs amounts to over 32,000 proof steps; to my knowledge, they are currently the largest proofs written in the {\TLA} language, and---together with Lu's proof---the only examples of applying full theorem proving for the verification of DHT protocols

Using Hash Trees for Database Schema Inconsistency Detection

Spik, Charlotta January 2019 (has links)
For this work, two algorithms have been developed to improve the performance of the inconsistency detection by using Merkle trees. The first builds a hash tree from a database schema version, and the second compares two hash trees to find where changes have occurred. The results of performance testing done on the hash tree approach compared to the current approach used by Cisco where all data in the schema is traversed, shows that the hash tree algorithm for inconsistency detection performs significantly better than the complete traversal algorithm in all cases tested, with the exception of when all nodes have changed in the tree. The factor of improvement is directly related to the number of nodes that have to be traversed for the hash tree, which in turn depends on the number of changes done between versions and the positioning in the schema of the nodes that have changed. The real-life example scenarios used for performance testing show that on average, the hash tree algorithm only needs to traverse 1,5% of the number of nodes that the complete traversal algorithm used by Cisco does, and on average gives a 200 times improvement in performance. Even in the worst real-life case used for testing, the hash tree algorithm performed five times better than the complete traversal algorithm. / I detta arbete har två algoritmer utvecklats for att förbättra prestandan på processen att hitta skillnader mellan schemana genom att använda Merkle träd. Den första bygger ett hashträd från schemaversionen, och den andra jämför två hashträd för att hitta var förändringar har skett. Resultaten från prestandautvärderingen som gjorts på hashträdalgoritmen jämfört med nuvarande algoritm som används på Cisco där all data i schemat traverseras, visar att hashträdalgoritmen presterar signifikant bättre än algoritmen som traverserar all data i alla fall som testats, förutom då alla noder har ändrats i trädet. Förbättringsfaktorn är direkt kopplad till antalet noder som behöver traverseras för hashträdalgoritmen, vilket i sin tur beror på antalet förändringar som skett mellan versionerna och positioneringen i schemat av de noder som har förändrats. De exempelscenarior som har tagits från riktiga uppdateringar som har skett för existerande scheman visar att i genomsnitt behöver hashträdalgoritmen bara traversera 1,5% av noderna som den nuvarande algoritmen som används av Cisco måste traversera, och hashträdalgoritmen ger i genomsnitt en 200 gånger prestandaförbättring. Även i det värsta fallet för dessa uppdateringar tagna från verkliga scenarier presterade hashträdalgoritmen fem gånger bättre än algoritmen som traverserar all data i schemat.

Ribotos sumos elektroninių pinigų cirkuliacijos sistema / Limited amount electronic money circulation system

Šėža, Vygintas 13 August 2010 (has links)
Sparti elektroninės komercijos plėtra ir augimas natūraliai sąlygojo modernių, online aplinkai pritaikytų atsiskaitymo, mokėjimo sistemų atsiradimą. Itin svarbu tai, kad technologijų tobulėjimo pasėkoje ne tik eksponentiškai išaugo perduodamos informacijos kiekis, tačiau pakito pačios informacijos prigimtis – ji pati savaime, per se, tapo ekonominę vertę turinčiu objektu. Vartotojų noras saugiai atsiskaityti internete įtakojo, kad „online“ aplinkoje mažėja naudojimas tokių tradicinių atsiskaitymo priemonių kaip mokėjimo kortelės. Interneto vartotojai vis rečiau pasitiki šiuo mokėjimo įrankiu, kadangi vartotojai, pateikdami pardavėjui savo mokėjimo kortelės duomenis, susiduria su neteisėta šių duomenų panaudojimo rizika. Šiame darbe pateikiamas siūlomas dalinai prijungties režime veikiančios elektroninių pinigų cirkuliacijos sistemos, skirtos mažiems ir vidutiniams mokėjimams, modelis, besiremiantis sukurta Payword mikromokėjimų sistemos koncepcija. / Fast developing and growing of e-commerce determined the coming of modern payment systems. Intention of users to pay safely on the internet impacted the decrease of use of traditional payment system such as credit cards. It’s started to look for and design alternative ways of payment, such as smart cards systems or systems using software for saving monetary value. Traditional payment systems currently used by most e-commerce sites are not suitable for high volume, tiny valued transactions. There is a need of payment system that is cost effective, secure and easy to use. The purpose of this work is to propose a model of semi-online electronic money circulation system for small and average payments, which is based on a concept of R. Rivest and A. Shamir created micropayment system called Payword. The proposed model’s architecture and protocol are explained in detail. To increase performance of the system there was done a research to find out which hash algorithm and electronic signature algorithm is most suitable for the proposed model.

The design and implementation of a robust, cost-conscious peer-to-peer lookup service

Harvesf, Cyrus Mehrabaun 17 November 2008 (has links)
Peer-to-peer (p2p) technology provides an excellent platform for the delivery of rich content and media that scales with the rapid growth of the Internet. This work presents a lookup service design and implementation that provides provable fault tolerance and operates in a cost-conscious manner over the Internet. <br><br> Using a distributed hash table (DHT) as a foundation, we propose a replica placement that improves object availability and reachability to implement a robust lookup service. We present a framework that describes tree-based routing DHTs and formally prove several properties for DHTs of this type. Specifically, we prove that our replica placement, which we call MaxDisjoint, creates a provable number of disjoint routes from any source node to a replica set. We evaluate this technique through simulation and demonstrate that it creates disjoint routes more effectively than existing replica placements. Furthermore, we show that disjoint routes have a marked impact on routing robustness, which we measure as the probability of lookup success. <br><br> To mitigate the costs incurred by multi-hop DHT routing, we develop an organization-based id assignment scheme that bounds the transit costs of prefix-matching routes. To further reduce costs, we use MaxDisjoint placement to create multiple routes of varying costs. This technique helps reduce cost in two ways: (1) replication may create local copies of an object that can be accessed at zero transit cost and (2) MaxDisjoint replication creates multiple, bounded cost, disjoint routes of which the minimal cost route can be used to resolve the lookup. We model the trade-off between the storage cost and routing cost benefit of replication to find the optimal degree to which an object should be replicated. We evaluate our approach using a lookup service implementation and show that it dramatically reduces cost over existing DHT implementations. Furthermore, we show that our technique can be used to manage objects of varying popularity in a manner that is more cost effective than caching. <br><br> By improving its robustness and cost effectiveness, we aim to increase the pervasiveness of p2p in practice and unlock the potential of this powerful technology.

Gerenciamento de memória através da utilização de tabelas de dispersão em um módulo híbrido com suporte ao protocolo CAN (Controller Area NetWork) e ao padrão 802.15.4 ZigBee /

Estremote, Marcos Antonio January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Nobuo Oki / Resumo: A utilização de redes de comunicação sem fio deixou de ser uma ferramenta opcional para tornar-se uma necessidade no monitoramento de residências, automóveis, controles de processos automatizados e comunicação entre as pessoas. Tratando-se de redes de transdutores cabeadas, as redes CAN (Controller Area Network) são utilizadas em automóveis modernos, instrumentação médica, em veículos táticos, na automação de processos, no transporte metropolitano e em sistemas de controle de fábricas. A maioria das estruturas críticas de sistemas de controle fazem uso do CAN em algum ponto na rede, para conectar sensores que se encontram distantes e controlar atuadores de um sistema, ou para conectar vários controladores que utilizam uma interface em comum. O padrão sem fio, IEEE 802.15.4, comercialmente conhecido como “ZigBee”, foi projetado para operar em baixas taxas de dados, com segurança e facilidade de configurações de rede. Esta tese tem como objetivo desenvolver um sistema heterogêneo utilizando microcontroladores ATMEGA em que, o modelo do protocolo CAN e o padrão IEEE 802.15.4 estejam acoplados. Este módulo será capaz de gerenciar e monitorar sensores e atuadores utilizando CAN e, através do padrão sem fio 802.15.4, comunicar-se com os outros módulos da rede. O interfaceamento entre os pacotes da rede de controle de área (CAN) com a rede ZigBee é realizado através da implementação de tabelas de dispersão (Hash Tables) para o gerenciamento e otimização da memória utilizada. As anál... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Doutor

Elektronická identifikace osob v soukromoprávních poměrech / Elektronic identification of persons in private law relationships

Dvořáková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Electronic identification of persons in private law relationships Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the topic of electronic identification of persons in private law relationships. It defines all types of electronic identifiers, which can be used in private law relationships by both legal entities and so natural persons. This paper summarizes the young and not for long used legislations. This legislation is not often used in practice and for that reason it has the only commentary. The case law for this problematics is also lacking and that is why it could not be used as one of the sources, despite that it is in many cases one of the most used and valuable sources. This thesis analyses not only the legal aspects of the electronic identification, but also the technological aspects, which it tries to explain even to the readers, who can be absolutely untouched by the world of information technology. At the same time this diploma thesis provides instructions for potential users of instruments of electronic identification, who can be distrustful and insecure of its first time user experience. The minor part of this thesis deals with the history of electronic identification. This section is not extremely extensive due to the fact, that history of his phenomenon goes only about hundred years to the past. The...

Gerenciamento de memória através da utilização de tabelas de dispersão em um módulo híbrido com suporte ao protocolo CAN (Controller Area NetWork) e ao padrão 802.15.4 ZigBee / Memory management through the use of hash tables in a hybrid module with support for the Controller Area NetWork (CAN) protocol and the ZigBee 802.15.4 standard

Estremote, Marcos Antonio [UNESP] 24 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by MARCOS ANTONIO ESTREMOTE null (estremot@gmail.com) on 2017-11-03T20:18:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Estremote.pdf: 11274082 bytes, checksum: d68bb503cd676b58bcfab15d1c39ba5c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-11-13T17:35:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 estremote_ma_dr_ilha.pdf: 11274082 bytes, checksum: d68bb503cd676b58bcfab15d1c39ba5c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-13T17:35:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 estremote_ma_dr_ilha.pdf: 11274082 bytes, checksum: d68bb503cd676b58bcfab15d1c39ba5c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A utilização de redes de comunicação sem fio deixou de ser uma ferramenta opcional para tornar-se uma necessidade no monitoramento de residências, automóveis, controles de processos automatizados e comunicação entre as pessoas. Tratando-se de redes de transdutores cabeadas, as redes CAN (Controller Area Network) são utilizadas em automóveis modernos, instrumentação médica, em veículos táticos, na automação de processos, no transporte metropolitano e em sistemas de controle de fábricas. A maioria das estruturas críticas de sistemas de controle fazem uso do CAN em algum ponto na rede, para conectar sensores que se encontram distantes e controlar atuadores de um sistema, ou para conectar vários controladores que utilizam uma interface em comum. O padrão sem fio, IEEE 802.15.4, comercialmente conhecido como “ZigBee”, foi projetado para operar em baixas taxas de dados, com segurança e facilidade de configurações de rede. Esta tese tem como objetivo desenvolver um sistema heterogêneo utilizando microcontroladores ATMEGA em que, o modelo do protocolo CAN e o padrão IEEE 802.15.4 estejam acoplados. Este módulo será capaz de gerenciar e monitorar sensores e atuadores utilizando CAN e, através do padrão sem fio 802.15.4, comunicar-se com os outros módulos da rede. O interfaceamento entre os pacotes da rede de controle de área (CAN) com a rede ZigBee é realizado através da implementação de tabelas de dispersão (Hash Tables) para o gerenciamento e otimização da memória utilizada. As análises realizadas de tempo de inserção, remoção e comunicação de dados, com o auxílio da técnica computacional de tabelas de dispersão para o armazenamento das informações, mostram que este procedimento favorece a comunicação entre os protocolos de redes industriais com os protocolos de redes sem fios. A economia de memória do microcontrolador com a utilização das tabelas de dispersão proposta nesta tese chegou a ser em média 750% superior do que as que não se utilizam das tabelas de dispersão. / The use of wireless communication networks is not an optional tool and become a requirement in automated systems, such as monitoring home, automobiles, automated process control and communication between people. In another aspect, wired networks, such as CAN networks, are used in modern automobiles, medical instrumentation, tactical vehicles, process automation, metropolitan transport and manufactory control systems. Many critical structures in control system use CAN network at some point, to connect sensors that are far away and to control system actuators, or to connect several controllers that use a common interface. The wireless IEEE standard 802.15.4, commercially known as “ZigBee”, is designed to operate at low data transfer rates, with security and facility of network configurations. This thesis aims to develop a heterogeneous system using ATMEGA microcontrollers in which the CAN protocol model and the IEEE standard 802.15.4 are coupled. This module is capable of managing and monitoring sensors and actuators using CAN and, through the IEEE standard 802.15.4, communicating with the other modules in network. The interface between the CAN network packets with the ZigBee network is performed through the implementation of Hash Tables to manage and optimize the memory used. The analysis of time of insertion, delete and data communication, with the aid of the computational technique of hash tables for the storage of information, show that this procedure favors the communication between the protocols of industrial networks with protocols of wireless networks . The memory economy of the microcontroller with the the hash tables proposed in this thesis was on average 750% higher than those without the hash tables.

Protocolo seguro para leilões eletrônicos reversos adicionando tratamento para ataques do tipo collusive shill bidding e sniping

RIBEIRO, Leonardo Augusto Domingues Severo 31 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:56:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo2929_1.pdf: 906828 bytes, checksum: b1fc906ed4fd92af1b2dac3b10567a00 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Leilões na internet são hoje uma indústria muito popular e rentável. Muitas empresas, como eBay e Arremate, têm investido em leilões não presenciais. O fato dos participantes não serem obrigados a estarem num mesmo local trouxe muitos benefí- cios, porém também trouxe muitas formas de se trapacear. Existem vários mecanismos de fraude e muitos protocolos seguros foram criados para solucioná-los. Esses protocolos são baseados em muitos conceitos criptográficos como: Assinatura de Grupo, Criptografia de Limiar, Assinatura de Schnorr e Assinatura baseada em prova de conhecimento. Cada solução utilizada para atender características de cada tipo de leilão. Nessa dissertação apresentaremos um protocolo seguro para leilões eletrônicos re- versos. O protocolo apresentado é baseado naqueles propostos por Byoungcheon Lee, Kwangjo Kim e Joongsoo [Lee et al., 2001] e por Chung [Chung et al., 2008] que fun- cionam muito bem para leilões ingleses e reversos (holandeses). Nosso protocolo vem a resolver problemas encontrados com o uso de certificação digital e apresenta um módulo para evitar técnicas de fraude conhecidas como Collusive Shill Biddings e Sniping

Security in VoIP-Current Situation and Necessary Development

Gao, Li Li January 2006 (has links)
Nowadays, VoIP is getting more and more popular. It helps company to reduce cost, extends service to remote area, produce more service opportunities, etc. Besides these advantages, VoIP also put forward security problems. In this paper, we introduce the popular protocols in VoIP and their security mechanisms, by introducing threats to VoIP, we point out the vulnerabilities with the security mechanisms of each VoIP protocol, and give recommendation for each VoIP protocol. In the conclusion part, we evaluate the vulnerabilities of each protocol, and point out in the future, with better protocol architecture, enhanced security policies, VoIP will has a brighter future.

Structured peer-to-peer overlays for NATed churn intensive networks

Chowdhury, Farida January 2015 (has links)
The wide-spread coverage and ubiquitous presence of mobile networks has propelled the usage and adoption of mobile phones to an unprecedented level around the globe. The computing capabilities of these mobile phones have improved considerably, supporting a vast range of third party applications. Simultaneously, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) overlay networks have experienced a tremendous growth in terms of usage as well as popularity in recent years particularly in fixed wired networks. In particular, Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based Structured P2P overlay networks offer major advantages to users of mobile devices and networks such as scalable, fault tolerant and self-managing infrastructure which does not exhibit single points of failure. Integrating P2P overlays on the mobile network seems a logical progression; considering the popularities of both technologies. However, it imposes several challenges that need to be handled, such as the limited hardware capabilities of mobile phones and churn (i.e. the frequent join and leave of nodes within a network) intensive mobile networks offering limited yet expensive bandwidth availability. This thesis investigates the feasibility of extending P2P to mobile networks so that users can take advantage of both these technologies: P2P and mobile networks. This thesis utilises OverSim, a P2P simulator, to experiment with the performance of various P2P overlays, considering high churn and bandwidth consumption which are the two most crucial constraints of mobile networks. The experiment results show that Kademlia and EpiChord are the two most appropriate P2P overlays that could be implemented in mobile networks. Furthermore, Network Address Translation (NAT) is a major barrier to the adoption of P2P overlays in mobile networks. Integrating NAT traversal approaches with P2P overlays is a crucial step for P2P overlays to operate successfully on mobile networks. This thesis presents a general approach of NAT traversal for ring based overlays without the use of a single dedicated server which is then implemented in OverSim. Several experiments have been performed under NATs to determine the suitability of the chosen P2P overlays under NATed environments. The results show that the performance of these overlays is comparable in terms of successful lookups in both NATed and non-NATed environments; with Kademlia and EpiChord exhibiting the best performance. The presence of NATs and also the level of churn in a network influence the routing techniques used in P2P overlays. Recursive routing is more resilient to IP connectivity restrictions posed by NATs but not very robust in high churn environments, whereas iterative routing is more suitable to high churn networks, but difficult to use in NATed environments. Kademlia supports both these routing schemes whereas EpiChord only supports the iterating routing. This undermines the usefulness of EpiChord in NATed environments. In order to harness the advantages of both routing schemes, this thesis presents an adaptive routing scheme, called Churn Aware Routing Protocol (ChARP), combining recursive and iterative lookups where nodes can switch between recursive and iterative routing depending on their lifetimes. The proposed approach has been implemented in OverSim and several experiments have been carried out. The experiment results indicate an improved performance which in turn validates the applicability and suitability of ChARP in NATed environments.

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