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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"GATCA" a její promítnutí do právního řádu České republiky / "GATCA" and its integration into legal order of the Czech Republic

Hrdlička, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
Resume in English Name of the thesis: "GATCA" and its integration into legal order of the Czech Republic The diploma thesis deals with legislation regulating automatic exchange of information in tax matters based on the Common Reporting Standard On Reporting and Due Diligence for Financial Account Information (also known as Common Reporting Standard) usually referred to as a GATCA system and its integration into legal order of the Czech Republic. A main goal of the legislation is to secure higher public incomes for public budgets and to weaken a position of tax havens in relation to tax evasion by taxpayers. The GATCA system legislation and its integration into legal order of the Czech Republic are evaluated in accordance with this goal. One of the main conclusions of the diploma thesis is considering some possible loopholes of the GATCA system that may be used by taxpayers to avoid duties imposed on them by legislation regulating automatic exchange of information in tax matters and suggesting solutions that should be used to close these loopholes. The greatest GATCA system's loophole is its relation to the another system of automatic exchange of information in tax matters known as a FATCA system and based on the US federal statute Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and intergovernmental agreements between...

企業不端行為與避稅天堂的關聯 / Corporate wrongdoing and tax havens

張瑋芩, Chang, Wei Chin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著2016年巴拿馬文件(Panama Paper)的曝光,社會對避稅天堂的關注度在此時達到高峰。由於使用避稅天堂是一種法律及道德上處於灰色地帶的商業手段,因此本研究欲探討是否具有不端行為的企業會較容易使用避稅天堂。過去研究指出,一間具有不端行為而導致形象轉為負面的企業,會因此失去商譽、銷售下跌或失去合作夥伴等。而為了挽救上述影響所帶來的損失,有過不端行為的企業有較高機會再次利用具有爭議性的方法來彌補虧損。由於避稅天堂通常具有低稅率或完全免稅的特徵,也具有極高的資訊隱蔽性,因此面臨經營困難的企業可以容易利用避稅天堂來降低交易成本,如匯集資金、避稅,甚至用來隱藏賄賂等不法行為。 本研究採用台灣上市公司做為樣本,進行量化實證分析,結果顯示,企業不端行為件數、勞資關係不端行為件數及企業犯罪件數皆與企業到避稅天堂設立的子公司數呈現正向關係。曾具有勞資關係不端行為的企業,設立在避稅天堂的子公司數愈多,尤其是經主管機關處以罰鍰的企業,與避稅天堂的關聯性也愈高。 / The public’s concern about tax havens has peaked as the leak of “Panama Papers.” Since setting up subsidiaries in tax havens is an ethically dubious and controversial business practice, this study would like to examine whether there is a relationship between corporate wrongdoing and the usage of tax havens. Prior studies have shown that corporate wrongdoing would lead to impairment in goodwill, reduction in sales or losing partnership. In order to recover from the losses occur from the effects mentioned above, companies would have a higher incentive to involve in controversial behaviors. Tax haven, with its unique characteristic such as extremely low tax rate or tax free, and a high degree of concealment regarding sharing information with other governments, enables companies to avoid some market transaction costs and gives them an opportunity to easily pool money, evade tax, and even hide illegal conducts such as bribery. This study uses a quantitative method to investigate on listed companies in Taiwan. The result shows that the amount of corporate wrongdoing, labor related misbehavior and illegal corporate behavior all have a positive relationship with the possibility that corporates use tax haven. Also, corporates, which have past records in labor related dispute, tend to set up more subsidiaries in tax havens; especially those fined by the authorities.

Stock market panics, safe havens and implications for the portfolio management / Stock market panics, safe havens and implications for the portfolio management

Hýža, David January 2012 (has links)
The thesis addresses the instabilities in stock markets in the USA. There are many factors that may increase the price volatility, or even cause a panic. During these turbulent times investors can seek shelter in investment safe havens that allow protecting their portfolio against significant financial losses. The focus is put on identifying the situations where it is appropriate to use the safe havens and how to properly time all transactions. Historical insight, events study and investigating economic cycles are the integral part of the work.

Daov© ztrty z hazardn­ho prmyslu v ÄR / Tax loss resulted from the gambling industry in Czech Republic

Skldan, Simona January 2018 (has links)
Thesis deals with tax haven topic taking part in the gaming industry, international tax planning and tax losses related. In the theoretical section, definitions and anti-tax evasion strategies are introduced; and overview of particular countries solution with its features is outlined. The application section quantifies effect of these particular features on increase/decrease of tax residents count using statistical methods. Findings consist also of recommendations for tax code improvement and gaming law enhancements for Ministry of Finance in Czech Republic.

Daňové ráje / Tax Havens

Štefanides, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issues of tax havens and opportunities of their utilization for the Czech entrepreneurs relating income taxes. The thesis focuses on analysis of the Czech legislation and international agreement binding for the Czech Republic and their interpretation in the case law of the European Court of Justice and the Highest administrative court of the Czech Republic. The thesis includes practical example of the utilization of tax havens.

企業國際化與避稅天堂的關聯 / Business internationalization and tax havens

陳雍居, Chen, Yung-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
2016年巴拿馬文件曝光後,社會對於企業使用避稅天堂的關注度達到高峰。到避稅天堂設立子公司為企業國際化的手段之一,但究竟是具有什麼樣國際化特質的企業比較會用避稅天堂是本研究想要探討的議題。 以往關於避稅天堂的文獻多在研究避稅天堂特性,較少針對使用避稅天堂的企業特性進行研究。因此本研究以企業在避稅天堂外的海外子公司數、海外子公司的投資損益、中國的子公司數,探討與企業在避稅天堂設立子公司數之關聯。 企業在海外的子公司數越多、海外子公司的投資損益金額越大,代表企業國際化程度越高,越有動機使用避稅天堂。本研究的第一個假設為企業在避稅天堂以外的國家所設立的海外子公司數與在避稅天堂的子公司數呈正相關;第二個假設為企業在海外子公司的投資損益金額與在避稅天堂的子公司數呈正相關。另外,到中國直接投資經常被台灣企業當成國際化手段。企業在中國的子公司數越多,其國際化程度也越高。但兩岸的特殊關係與台灣過去實施管制,增加了企業經營的風險與成本,企業因此有動機到避稅天堂等第三地設立子公司。本研究的第三個假設為企業在中國的子公司數與在避稅天堂的子公司數呈正相關。本研究對象為台灣上市企業,研究期間為民國100年至民國104年。研究結果顯示,企業在避稅天堂外的海外子公司數越多、在海外子公司的投資損益金額越大、在中國的子公司數越多,在避稅天堂的子公司數目也會越多。社會普遍詬病企業利用避稅天堂避稅,但企業也會基於其他國際化因素使用避稅天堂。對此,企業及政府應該採取作為,消除大眾對企業使用避稅天堂的疑慮,增加企業國際化時的彈性。 / Since the leaked Panama Papers, the public’s attention to “who are using tax havens” has peaked. As setting up subsidiaries in tax havens is a usual practice businesses adopt when going global, this study identifies three “corporate traits” of such businesses and explores their link to the number of subsidiaries such businesses have in tax havens. The greater the extent of a business’s internationalization, the greater its motivation to use tax havens. This study assumes that both the number of overseas subsidiaries (excluding those in tax havens) and the net income of overseas investment positively correlate with the number of subsidiaries a business has in tax havens. Also, when a Taiwanese company has more subsidiaries in China (thus more internationalized), its motivation to register in tax havens tends to be even stronger facing the peculiar cross-Strait relations and regulations imposed by the governments. This study further assumes the number of subsidiaries set up in China positively correlates with the number of subsidiaries a business has in tax havens. In closing, this study shows that the number of subsidiaries a business has in tax havens positively correlates with (1) the number of its offshore subsidiaries (excluding those tax havens); (2) the net income of its overseas investment; and (3) the number of its subsidiaries in China. Having a presence in tax havens is sometimes an expedient in the internationalization process of a business. We suggest that both the government and the business recognize the upside of using tax havens rather than just play up its downside.

Fixation des prix de transfert à l'épreuve de la double imposition économique / Determining transfer pricing faced with the challenge of economic double taxation

Mial, Fatima 09 September 2014 (has links)
Avec la mondialisation, les groupes de sociétés ont multiplié les transactions internationales et, de fait, les phénomènes d'optimisation fiscale internationale. La nécessité de fixer des prix de transfert « objectifs » afin de permettre une juste répartition de la manne fiscale entre les États s'est très vite imposée. La remise en cause des prix de transfert conduit à une double imposition économique.Aujourd'hui, le principe de pleine concurrence est la norme internationale utilisée comme norme de référence pour la fixation de prix de transfert « objectifs ». Toutefois, cette norme est perfectible. Aussi, la communauté internationale cherche et expérimente des alternatives à la norme du prix du marché. Dès lors, les réglementations étatiques et internationales sont amenées à repenser la problématique des prix de transfert dans sa dimension économique et non plus dans un but exclusivement fiscal.L'évolution majeure de ces dernières années est la nouvelle approche de la relation administration fiscale/entreprise. L'entreprise doit fixer ses prix de transfert en accord avec l'administration pour réduire le risque de double imposition économique. Le souci d'assurer une juste répartition des recettes fiscales entre les États et de garantir la sécurité juridique au développement du commerce mondial, constituent les défis de demain. / As a result of globalization, multinational companies have increased their international transactions, and in consequence, international tax planning. The need to determine "objective" transfer pricing in order to ensure the fair allocation of tax revenue between States quickly became a global necessity. However, the readjustment of transfer pricing as carried out by tax administrations leads to double taxation.At present, the arm's length principle is the international standard used as a reference norm to determine "objective" transfer pricing. However, this standard is perfectible and so the international community has been looking for and trying out alternatives to the norm of arm's length pricing. Consequently, both domestic and international rules and regulations need to be reassessed with regard to the problems of transfer pricing so that transfer pricing issues can be addressed not only from the perspective of tax revenue but also taking into account their overall economic dimension.The major evolution over last few years is the new approach to the tax administration/company relationship. The company must determine its transfer pricing in agreement with the tax administration in order to reduce the risk of economic double taxation. This aims to make sure that a fair share of income tax is apportioned between States and also guarantees a secure legal framework for the future allowing international trade to continue to develop and rise to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

Curbing offshore tax avoidance: the case of South African companies and trusts

Oguttu, Annet Wanyana 30 November 2007 (has links)
This work entails a study of some of the schemes that are employed by country residents when companies and trusts are used as vehicles for investing in offshore tax-haven and low tax jurisdictions so as to avoid taxes. The study also entails a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the some of the laws in South Africa that curb such offshore tax avoidance schemes. Similar laws in the United Kingdom and in the United States are analysed in order to come up with some recommendations that could be considered for possible reform of the relevant South African laws where they are found wanting. Since offshore tax avoidance is an international issue, the effectiveness of the recommendations of some international organisations in preventing the depletion of countries' tax bases are also analysed. / JURISPRUDENCE / LLD

Curbing offshore tax avoidance: the case of South African companies and trusts

Oguttu, Annet Wanyana 30 November 2007 (has links)
This work entails a study of some of the schemes that are employed by country residents when companies and trusts are used as vehicles for investing in offshore tax-haven and low tax jurisdictions so as to avoid taxes. The study also entails a critical analysis of the effectiveness of the some of the laws in South Africa that curb such offshore tax avoidance schemes. Similar laws in the United Kingdom and in the United States are analysed in order to come up with some recommendations that could be considered for possible reform of the relevant South African laws where they are found wanting. Since offshore tax avoidance is an international issue, the effectiveness of the recommendations of some international organisations in preventing the depletion of countries' tax bases are also analysed. / JURISPRUDENCE / LLD

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