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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experience of hospital management and employees in transforming the public health system in the Western Cape 1996-2001

Mnyembane, Adiel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the main objectives of the new South African government who came into power in 1994 was to improve the daily living conditions of its citizens. To what extent did the government succeed in this objective? This is the basic research question informing the present study. In order to keep it within manageable proportions, the study investigated a very specific area of service delivery, namely the delivery of public health services. This was further narrowed down to the Western Cape and more specifically, to the role of public hospitals in the area. The Western Cape promised to be an interesting case, because although the government of national unity was dominated by the ANC, the Western Cape was ruled by a NNP dominated coalition. On the national level, the Province had to follow national policy guidelines, while on the provincial level it had more freedom to formulate and implement its own policies. The study itself consists of two parts. The first concerns policy formulation, the second policy implementation. As far as policy formulation is concerned, a study was made of basic documents articulating the fundamental values, national priorities and main objectives informing government policy. These included the Freedom Charter, the Constitution, and the Reconstruction and Development Program. It was found that these values and priorities were in general well translated into policy options on both the national and provincial level, especially in the various documents aimed at transforming the national health system. The second part of the study investigates the implementation of the broad policy guidelines in the area of public heath in selected public hospitals in the Western Cape. The main method of investigation was the use of structured interviews with representative employees from all different levels. The findings were therefore of a qualitative rather than a quantitative nature. The focal areas selected were personnel management issues, human resource planning, labour relation issues and human resource development issues. The main findings were that the formulation of policy both from basic values to the level of health care policies and from the national to provincial level in general was quite successful. On the other hand, there were serious shortcomings in the implementation of these policies on various levels. The investigation revealed a mixed and often contradictory picture. Although some hospitals made good progress in some respects, there is still a long way before quality health care will be delivered to all patients. A commitment to equity in the health services of the country implies a commitment to correcting the historical gender, class and racial imbalances in the development of human recourses for health care. Of necessity, a compassionate and caring health service will address the issue of corrective action. There is a real need to provide proper planning of those most disadvantaged by apartheid in managerial skills to fill managerial positions in the health sector. It is therefore is necessary to introduce as a matter of urgency new health management programmes, which will promote efficient and effectiveness management at all levels of health care service delivery. Current health managers need to be reoriented from the predominantly bureaucratic, rule-based approach towards a participative approach. The development of managerial capacity in areas such as participative and change management, leadership development, strategic planning, programme management and evaluation, and policy development and implementation is of crucial importance. The study concludes with a series of specific recommendations with regard to affirmative action, managerial and institutional capacity, human resource planning, and training needs for various sectors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die hoofdoelstellings van die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse regering wat in 1994 aan bewind gekom het, was om die leefomstandinghede van al die land se inwoners te verbeter. Tot watter mate het die regering geslaag in hierdie doelwit? Dit is die basiese navorsingsvraag onderliggend aan hierdie studie. Ten einde die ondersoek binne hanteerbare grense te hou, is op slegs een aspek van dienslewering gekonsenteer, naamlik die lewering van gesondheidsdienste. Hierdie terrein is verder vernou tot die Wes-Kaap en meer spesifiek tot die rol van openbare hospitale. Die Wes-Kaap was interessant omdat hoewel die regering op nasionale vlak deur die ANC beheer is, die Wes-Kaap basies deur die NNP in die periode van ondersoek geregeer is. Die provinsie was verplig om nasionale beleidsriglyne te volg, maar op provinsiale vlak het dit 'n sekere speelruimte geniet om eie beleid te formuleer en te implementeer. Die studie bestaan uit twee dele. Die eerste het te doen met beleidsformulering, die tweede met beleidsimplementering. Wat beleidsformulering betref, is 'n studie gemaak van die basisdokumente wat die kernwaardes, nasionale prioriteite en hoof doelstellings van die regering bevat. Dit het ingesluit die Vryheidmanifes, die Konstitusie en die Heropbou- en Ontwikkelingsprogram. Daar is bevind dat hierdie waardes en prioriteite in die algemeen suksesvol vertaal is in beleidsopsies op beide die nasionale en provinsiale vlak, veral in die dokumente wat gerig was op die transformasie van die nasionale gesondheidsektor. Die tweede deel van die studie het die implementering van die breë beleidsriglyne in die area van openbare gesondheid in geselekteerde publike hospitale in die Wes-Kaap ondersoek. Die hoof-ondersoekmetode was gestruktureerde onderhoude met verteenwoordigende werknemers van alle vlakke. Die bevindinge was gevolglik meer van 'n kwalitatiewe as kwantitatiewe aard. Die fokusareas waarop geskonsentreer is, was personeelbestuur, menslike hulpbronbeplanning, arbeidsverhoudinge en die ontwikkeling van menslike potensiaal. Die hoofbevindinge was dat die formulering van beleid beide van basiese waardes na gesondheidsbeleid en van die nasionale na provinsiale vlak in die algemeen suksesvol was. Aan die ander kant het ernstige gebreke aan die lig gekom sover dit die implementering van beleid op verskillende vlakke betref. Die resultaat was 'n gemengde en dikwels kontrasterende prentjie. Hoewel sommige hospitale goeie vordering gemaak het in sekere opsigte, laat die lewering van gehalte-diens aan alle pasiënte nog veel te wense oor. Die verbintenis to gelykheid in gesondheidsdienste veronderstel 'n verbintenis tot die regstelling van geslags-, klas- en rasse-ongelykhede in die ontwikkeling van menslike hulpbronne in die gesondheidsektor. Dienslewering gebaseer op sorg en empatie is van deurslaggewende belang in hierdie opsig. Daar is 'n groot behoefte aan behoorlike beplanning vir die verbetering van bestuur- en ander vaardighede van agtergestelde groepe. Die implementering van behoorlike bestuursopleidingsprogramme is van die uiterste belang, wat kan bydra tot effektiewe en goeie dienslewering. Die huidige oorwegend burokratiese en reëlsgebonde bestuurstyl behoort in 'n deelnemende benadering omgeskakel te word. Die ontwikkeling van bestuurskapasiteit in gebiede soos deelnemende veranderingsbestuur, leierskapsontwikkeling, strategiese beplanning, programbestuur en -evaluering en beleidsformulering is van die grootse belang. Die ondersoek sluit af met 'n reeks konkrete aanbevelings met betrekking tot regstellende aksie, verbetering van bestuurskapasiteit, menslike hulpbronontwikkeling en die opleidingsbehoeftes van die verskillende afdelings.

Retrospective investigation of equity in health care within Ekurhuleni for the period 2003 to 2005, utilising the district health information software system

Andrews, Anthony Donald 02 1900 (has links)
It was perceived that an imbalance exists between resource allocations for health care within the Ekurhuleni Health District (EHD). This study consequently used a retrospective, quantitative methodology to investigate health equity in the EHD and to collect information on clinic buildings, staffing and budget allocations. Although clinics were oversupplied in terms of the norms set by the National Department of Health, they were found not to be in keeping with population growth in the Ekurhuleni district. The study highlighted an inequitable spread of nursing staff, which would require that nursing personnel be re-deployed. The per capita spending in the different service delivery regions was also found to be inequitable. It was subsequently recommended that spending on clinics be revised (especially in the populous Southern SDR), that staff be reallocated and that budget allocations be reviewed to achieve equity in Ekurhuleni. / Health Studies / Thesis (M.A. (Public Health))

Aard en bydrae van maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering aan die dwelmafhanklike adolessent

Keith, Lucille Elaine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Drug dependent adolescents do not display a clear understanding regarding the value of social work intervention during the process of rehabilation, causing them to not utilize the profession of social work effectively during drug rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore and describe the nature and contribution of social work service delivery to drug dependent adolescents from their own perspective. A qualitative research approach, an explorative research design, and a snowball sampling technique were implemented. The sample consisted of drug dependent adolescents from the Western Cape. Semi-structured interviews were executed determining the participant’s perception of the nature and contribution of social work service delivery. Amongst others, the findings indicate that: • social workers are not sufficiently prepared, trained or committed to render effective, professional services to drug dependent adolescents; • social workers need to continuously revisit their knowledge, skill and attitude regarding this specialised field of service rendering. / Social Work / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

Perceptions and expectations of regional office health employees regarding quality of internal head office services

Adams, Vanessa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this thesis is to determine the perceptions and expectations of employees at regional offices about the service delivered to them by central head office. A further objective is to establish what employees at regional offices expect from head office, attempting thereby to establish the current position of the head office (perceived image) in relation to their expectations (ideal image). The method of data collection is quantitative with a survey design technique in the form of questionnaires to be completed by all employees at regional offices in order to assess their perceptions and expectations. The basis of the theoretical and legislative framework of this research is service delivery. It is within the context of service delivery that internal customer service within the organisation, in particular, is conferred. The legislative framework is also dedicated to Batho Pele and the eight principles to highlight public service delivery. These principles should equally be applied when it comes to internal customer service. The main findings from this study are that employees and the four regional offices per se have different perceptions and expectations about the internal service delivered by central head office. This must be taken cognisance of because perceptions can be the core element of most organisational behaviour and the expectations that employees hold is important for the morale and effectiveness of organisations. The following objectives were achieved: A review of the policies, documents and annual reports to determine to what extent the central head office delivers an internal service to the regional offices. An evaluation as to how internal service delivery is being perceived. An evaluation of the ideal central head office. Established the shortcomings of the current internal service being delivered. It is also recommended that future research can be to ascertain how those negative feelings impacts on job satisfaction and commitment to the organisation and how it affects employee turnover. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die persepsies en verwagtinge van werknemers by die streekkantore, oor die diens wat aan hulle verskaf deur sentrale hoofkantoor, te bepaal. 'n Verdere doel is om vas te stel wat werknemers by die streekkantore verwag van hoofkantoor. Sodoende probeer om vas te stel wat die huidige stand van die hoofkantoor (waargenome beeld) in verhouding tot hul (werknemers) verwagtinge (ideaal beeld) is. Die metode van data-insameling is kwantitatief met 'n opname ontwerp in die vorm van vraelyste. Hierdie vraelyste sal deur alle werknemers by die streekkantore voltooi word, om hul persepsies en verwagtinge te assesseer. Die basis van die teoretiese en die wetgewende raamwerk van hierdie navorsing is dienslewering. Dit is binne die konteks van dienslewering wat interne kliënte diens binne die organisasie, in die besonder, toegeken word. Die wetgewende raamwerk is ook toegewyd aan die agt beginsels van Batho Pele en dus openbare dienslewering te versterk. Hierdie beginsels moet ook toegepas word wanneer dit kom by die interne kliënte diens. Die belangrikste bevindings van hierdie studie is dat die werknemers en die vier streekkantore as sulks het verskillende persepsies en verwagtinge oor die interne diens gelewer deur die sentrale hoofkantoor. Dit moet kennis geneem word want persepsies kan die kern element van meeste organisatoriese gedrag wees en die verwagtinge wat werknemers hou is belangrik vir die moraal en doeltreffendheid van organisasies. Die volgende doelwitte was bereik: „n Hersiening van die beleid, dokumente en die jaarlikse verslae om te bepaal tot watter mate die sentrale hoofkantoor „n interne diens aan die streekkantore lewer. „n Evaluering oor hoe interne dienslewering waargeneem word. „n Evaluering van die ideale sentrale hoofkantoor. Die tekortkominge van die huidige interne diens wat gelewer word is vasgestel. Dit word aanbeveel dat toekomstige navorsing toegewy word om vas te stel hoe negatiewe gevoelens impak op werkstevredenheid en verbintenis tot die organisasie en ook hoe dit werknemer omset beïnvloed.

Aard en bydrae van maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering aan die dwelmafhanklike adolessent

Keith, Lucille Elaine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Drug dependent adolescents do not display a clear understanding regarding the value of social work intervention during the process of rehabilation, causing them to not utilize the profession of social work effectively during drug rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore and describe the nature and contribution of social work service delivery to drug dependent adolescents from their own perspective. A qualitative research approach, an explorative research design, and a snowball sampling technique were implemented. The sample consisted of drug dependent adolescents from the Western Cape. Semi-structured interviews were executed determining the participant’s perception of the nature and contribution of social work service delivery. Amongst others, the findings indicate that: • social workers are not sufficiently prepared, trained or committed to render effective, professional services to drug dependent adolescents; • social workers need to continuously revisit their knowledge, skill and attitude regarding this specialised field of service rendering. / Social Work / M.A. (Maatskaplike Werk)

Healthcare reform and service delivery : a case study of Montebello Hospital

Brauns, Melody January 2013 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Mast in Technology: Public Management, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / The South African healthcare sector stands at the threshold of major restructuring in an attempt to address inadequacies as a result of fragmentation of health services in apartheid South Africa. The level of health services, particularly in rural areas, has decreased and has led to reduced quality and productivity of health services. For individuals residing in rural communities, access to health services can be arduous. Delivery of essential services has to meet the needs of marginalised people who live in remote areas. In light of the above, the department of health is faced with growing expectations from citizens to use resources efficiently and effectively and to ensure that healthcare is affordable and accessible to all. National Health Insurance (NHI) is intended to bring about reform that will improve service provision. The researcher undertook this study to explore healthcare challenges faced by South Africa and its people and how far progressive realisation of access to healthcare, as enshrined in the 1996 Constitution, is being implemented. A case study using a mixed method approach was adopted. The literature reviewed indicated that issues of remuneration, ageing infrastructure and general management challenges, including financial management, are among the challenges that continue to hamper the public health system in South Africa. In addition, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has created more demand for healthcare as many more people become sick. The Green Paper outlining the government’s broad policy proposals for NHI, released in August 2011, makes it clear that NHI is a long-term project that will be rolled out over 14 years. It aims to promote efficiency and equity to ensure that all South Africans have access to affordable, quality healthcare. The findings of this study are useful not only to the case study institution, but to all District Hospitals, especially the department of health and the public management sector and may assist in taking the NHI forward. / M

Risk management in health care in South Africa

Fernandes da Costa, Melanie Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Risk management strategy is a broad discipline aimed at identifying, evaluating and handling risks by both physical and financial means. The medical aid industry in South Africa has experienced a disproportionate increase in expenditure relative to the overall economic growth. These cost pressures have placed restraints on their ability to obtain new members, which is vital when subsidizing higher risks with younger healthier members, and has resulted in losses for many schemes. Compounding the problem has been political and regulatory health care reforms as well as technological advances, which have initiated a complete restructure of the industry. This dissertation reviews the risk management strategies implemented by medical insurers in South Africa. An analysis of alternate risk management strategies is taken with the view of recommending a tentative means of making medical aids more efficient in an increasingly difficult market. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

Risk management in health care in South Africa

Fernandes da Costa, Melanie Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Risk management strategy is a broad discipline aimed at identifying, evaluating and handling risks by both physical and financial means. The medical aid industry in South Africa has experienced a disproportionate increase in expenditure relative to the overall economic growth. These cost pressures have placed restraints on their ability to obtain new members, which is vital when subsidizing higher risks with younger healthier members, and has resulted in losses for many schemes. Compounding the problem has been political and regulatory health care reforms as well as technological advances, which have initiated a complete restructure of the industry. This dissertation reviews the risk management strategies implemented by medical insurers in South Africa. An analysis of alternate risk management strategies is taken with the view of recommending a tentative means of making medical aids more efficient in an increasingly difficult market. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

A study on the utilisation of integrated management of childhood illnesses (IMCI) in primary health care facilities

Malimabe, Keneuwe Joyce 11 1900 (has links)
This explorative, descriptive quantitative survey attempted to determine whether the reduced number of consultations and admissions of sick children less than five years in Emfuleni sub- district clinics is due to the utilisation of the IMCI strategy or other health services. The research population comprised of all the mothers/caretakers of children less than five years who utilised the clinics and those who consulted the private medical doctor. The convenient sample consisted of 169 candidates. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire and analysed using the SAS/Basic computer statistical software package. Findings of the study revealed a need to address the major concern about the waiting time and operational times in all the three clinics. Recommendations were made that staff allocation procedures and policies be reviewed in order to abate long waiting periods at the clinics where children with childhood illnesses are treated. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

A tale of two community health facilities : exploring differences

Molefe, Nsizwa Robert Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
This study looks at two community mental health facilities. The one setting is that of a state aided organisation, while the other is a non-government organisation (NGO). These two settings are contrasted in terms of how they conceptualise the concept 'community', their physical settings and facilities, and the activities and processes at each setting. The differences in the day-to-day operational processes, and activities according to their respective philosophies - psychiatric medical model and ecological model - are explored and captured from the participants through utilising qualitative data gathering methods such as interviews, observations and the personal experiences of the researcher. The information obtained from each participant in both settings reflect how they think, feel and behave towards their work. This information contributes to an understanding of how community mental health clinics operate. Finally the recommendations are of how work could be done differently, making them both more community orientated. / M. A.(Clinical Psychology)

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