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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schulleitung im Mittelpunkt schulischer Gesundheit : eine Studie zu der Gesundheit schulischer Führungskräfte und ihrer Rolle für die Lehrergesundheit / School leadership in the centre of health at school : a study of the health of school principals and their role concerning the health of teachers

Laux, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Die neuen Anforderungen an Schulleitungen im Zuge gesellschaftlicher, schulpolitischer und schulinterner Entwicklungen sind erheblich (Huber, 2008). Diese in der Literatur breit geteilte Einschätzung schlägt sich bislang nicht ausreichend in Forschungsaktivitäten zur Gesundheit schulischer Führungskräfte nieder – im Unterschied zu der ausgiebigen Forschung zur Lehrergesundheit, die für die Lehrer durchgängig eine kritische Gesundheitslage feststellt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit erzielte dabei die Potsdamer Lehrerstudie (Schaarschmidt, 2004). Sie belegte unter anderem auch die Einflussmöglichkeiten der Schulleitung auf die Lehrergesundheit. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt zwei Ziele: Erstens wird die aktuelle Schulleitungsforschung um empirische Daten zur gesundheitlichen Situation von n = 484 Schulleitungen aus Brandenburg und Baden-Württemberg ergänzt. Zweitens wird die Bedeutung der Schulleitung für die Lehrergesundheit näher untersucht, indem empirische Daten aus Führungsfeedbackverfahren mit n = 12 Schulleitungen und n = 332 Lehrern in Baden-Württemberg und Hessen herangezogen werden. Das diagnostische Verfahren AVEM (“Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster“, Schaarschmidt & Fischer, 1996/2003) dient als methodische Grundlage. Es erhebt Selbsteinschätzungen zum arbeitsbezogenen Verhalten und Erleben und weist auf mögliche Risiken im Sinne psychischer oder psychosomatischer Gefährdung hin. Das Instrument erfasst mit 66 Items 11 Dimensionen (z.B. Distanzierungsfähigkeit). Auf diese Weise ist es möglich, die befragte Person einem von vier arbeitsbezogenen Verhaltens- und Erlebensmustern zuzuordnen: Muster G (Gesundheitsideal), Muster S (Schonungstendenz gegenüber beruflichen Anforderungen), Risikomuster A (überhöhtes Engagement), Risikomuster B (Resignation). Zudem werden Fragen zu schulischer Führung eingesetzt, die sich aus vorhandenen Fragebögen speisen. Mit Hilfe einer exploratorischen Faktorenanalyse können sechs Faktoren identifiziert werden: Persönliche emotionale Wertschätzung und Fürsorge, optimistische Zukunftsorientierung, konstruktives Management des Schulbetriebs, Förderung von Weiterbildung und pädagogischem Diskurs, Präsenz/Ansprechbarkeit und Partizipationsorientierung. Zu der ersten Fragestellung zeigt sich für die befragten Schulleitungen im Mittel ein gesundheitlich recht positives Bild – gerade im Kontrast zu den befragten Lehrern. Für die befragten Schulleitungen wird eine signifikant günstigere AVEM-Musterkonstellation festgestellt: Der Anteil des Musters G ist bei den Schulleitungen deutlich höher, der Anteil des Musters B deutlich niedriger und der Anteil des Musters A in etwa gleich groß. Die AVEM-Ergebnisse schlagen sich bei den befragten Schulleitungen in unmittelbaren Gesundheitsindikatoren nieder. Für bestimmte Untergruppen herrscht allerdings ein gesundheitlich vergleichsweise kritisches Bild vor, nämlich tendenziell für Schulleitungen in Brandenburg, für weibliche Schulleitungen und Schulleitungen an Grund- und Förderschulen. Eine hohe Unterrichtsverpflichtung ist mit einem größeren Anteil an Risikomustern verbunden. Ein hohes Maß an erlebter Autonomie – insbesondere im sozial-interaktiven Bereich mit den Lehrern (d.h. bei Auswahl, Einstellung und Beurteilung von Lehrern sowie bei der innerschulischen Arbeitsorganisation und kollegialen Zusammenarbeit) – geht dagegen mit jeweils günstigeren AVEM-Musterkonstellationen einher. Zur Beantwortung der zweiten Fragestellung wird eine methodisch anspruchsvolle Mehrebenenanalyse durchgeführt, die die hierarchische Anordnung der Daten angemessen behandelt. Für die wahrgenommene soziale Unterstützung durch die Schulleitung wird dabei eine negative Beziehung zur subjektiven Bedeutsamkeit der Arbeit und der Verausgabungsbereitschaft der befragten Lehrer gefunden. Hingegen ergibt sich ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der erlebten Förderung von Weiterbildung und pädagogischem Diskurs und dem Erfolgserleben der befragten Lehrer. Ebenso hängt die wahrgenommene Führung durch die Schulleitung in ihrer Gesamtheit in positiver Weise mit der Lebenszufriedenheit der befragten Lehrer zusammen. Es sei betont, dass ausschließlich Effekte nachgewiesen werden, die auf die individuelle Ebene der Lehrer zurückgehen, d.h. es scheint – was den Zusammenhang zwischen erlebter Führung und Lehrergesundheit angeht – auf die subjektive Wahrnehmung des Führungsverhaltens der Schulleitung durch den/die jeweilige(n) Lehrer/in anzukommen. Eine erste theoretische Skizze zu wesentlichen Determinanten von Schulleitungsgesundheit wird vorgeschlagen. Empfehlungen für die Schulleitungspraxis umfassen die Reduzierung der Unterrichtsverpflichtung, die Erweiterung von Autonomie im sozial-interaktiven Bereich mit den Lehrern und die systematische Etablierung von Mitarbeitergesprächen zur Ausgestaltung individueller Führungsbeziehungen zwischen Schulleitungen und Lehrern. / The new requirements for school principals in the course of social, school-political and school-internal developments are considerable (Huber, 2008). However, this appraisal broadly shared in the literature is not sufficiently reflected in current research activities concerning the health of school principals – in contrast to the extensive research concerning the health of teachers which generally ascertains a critical health situation for the teaching staff. Special attention was achieved by the Potsdam teacher study (Schaarschmidt, 2004). Among other results it also showed the influence of the school principals on the health of the teachers. The present work pursues two objectives: Firstly, it adds empirical data from surveying n = 484 school principals primarily from the German federal states Brandenburg and Baden-Wurttemberg to the current school leadership research. Secondly, the particular importance of the school principals for the health of teachers is examined in more detail. Empirical data from leadership feedback procedures with n = 12 school principals and n = 332 teachers in Baden-Wurttemberg and Hesse are used. The diagnostic instrument AVEM (“Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster“ [Occupational Stress and Coping Inventory], Schaarschmidt & Fischer, 1996/2003) serves as the methodical basis. It registers self-assessments regarding work-related behavior and experience and allows to identify mental or psychosomatic risk patterns. The instrument AVEM consists of 66 items loading on 11 dimensions (e.g. ability to distance oneself from work issues). Thus, it is possible to assign the surveyed person to one of four patterns of coping with professional demands: Type-G (Health supportive behavior type), Type-S (Sparing, self-protective behavior type), Type-A (Self-overtaxing, exhaustion-prone type), Type-B (Exhaustion, burn-out, resignation-prone type). In addition, questions to assess school leadership are used which are based on previous questionnaires. By running an exploratory factor analysis six factors are identified: Individual emotional esteem and care, optimistic orientation towards future, constructive management of the school processes, support of training and discussions on education, presence and participation orientation. Regarding the first question, on average a rather positive picture appears for the surveyed school principals – in contrast to the surveyed teachers. Thus, a significantly more favorable constellation of the AVEM patterns is registered for the surveyed school principals: The proportion of Type-G is substantially higher, the proportion of Type-B clearly lower and the proportion of Type-A is about the same size. The AVEM-results are directly reflected in health indicators of the surveyed school principals. For certain sub-groups, however, there are relatively critical results with regard to health, namely by tendency for surveyed school principals in Brandenburg, for female school principals and school principals of elementary schools and special-needs schools. A high amount of teaching requirements is related to a bigger proportion of Type-A and Type-B. A high degree of experienced autonomy – in particular in social interaction with the teachers (i.e. recruiting and assessment of teachers, internal organization of work and cooperation) – however, relates to more favorable constellations of the AVEM patterns. To answer the second question of this work regarding the role of the school principals for the health of teachers, a methodically sophisticated multi level analysis is carried out which deals appropriately with the hierarchical order of the data. A negative relationship between the perceived social support by the school principals and the subjective importance of work as well as the willingness to excessive effort of the surveyed teachers is found. However, a positive relationship arises between the perceived support of training and discussions on education and the experienced professional success of the surveyed teachers. Also, the perceived leadership behavior as a whole relates positively to the life satisfaction of the surveyed teachers. It must be emphasized that only those effects can be demonstrated which refer to the individual level of the teachers, i.e. it seems – regarding the relationship between perceived leadership and the health of the teachers – that only the subjective and quite personal perception by the teacher concerning the leadership behavior of the school principal matters. A first theoretical draft of essential determinants of the health of school principals is suggested. Recommendations for the school leadership practice include the reduction of the amount of teaching requirements, the enlargement of autonomy in social interaction with the teachers and the systematic establishment of employee’s dialogues which allow the development of individual leadership relations between school principals and teachers.

The personal development of those who teach it

Goldspink, Dean. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Edith Cowan University, 2007. / Submitted to the Faculty of Education and Arts. Includes bibliographical references.

O abolicionismo escolar: reflexões a partir do adoecimento e da deserção dos professores / School abolitionism: reflections from the illness and desertion of school teachers.

Camargo, Danilo Alexandre Ferreira de 04 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende produzir algumas reflexões sobre o triunfo da escola no mundo contemporâneo, bem como meditar sobre os limites políticos do sujeito escolar, atentando para suas múltiplas dimensões: moral, cognitiva e sociocultural. Para tanto, elegemos como tema geral da investigação as vicissitudes da rotina escolar, particularmente no que se refere ao adoecimento e à deserção dos professores da escola pública brasileira. A principal referência teórica é a obra de Michel Foucault, mais particularmente, suas análises sobre as instituições disciplinares, as práticas racionais de governo das populações e os jogos de poder/resistência no interior da sociabilidade moderna. Partindo do conceito foucaultiano de governamentalidade e da análise dos discursos médicos e pedagógicos sobre a saúde dos professores, desenvolvemos três operadores conceituais: a insuportabilidade da rotina escolar, a fadiga-limite dos professores como contraconduta moral e, por fim, o abolicionismo escolar, este tomado tanto como aporia política de nosso tempo quanto como abertura para um futuro indeterminado. Dessa forma, nosso estudo pretende demonstrar como os processos de governamentalização das condutas escolares são permeados por um elemento trágico, bem como por conflitos que, antes de explicitarem os mecanismos e os movimentos do poder sobre as formas e os modos de vida, figuram como ruína permanente do próprio paradigma de poder vigente nesse quadrante. Acima de tudo, debruçamo-nos sobre casos-limite do pensamento e da ação, bem como sobre a possibilidade de perspectivar politicamente alguns impasses da educação formal contemporânea, os quais nos levam a sugerir que o problema do adoecimento e da deserção dos professores não deve ser reduzido ao âmbito da patologização médica e da moralização social para que possa, porventura, ser ressignificado como uma potência trágica do desastre triunfal da escola; uma potência que carrega indelevelmente o fantasma do abolicionismo escolar como imperativo ético-político de um tempo por vir. / In this study we intend to produce some reflections on the triumph of school in the contemporary world, as well as ponder upon the political limits of the schooling individual, considering their multiple dimensions: moral, cognitive and socio-cultural. To this end, we have chosen as the overall theme of research the vicissitudes of school routine, especially with regard to illness and desertion of Brazilian public school teachers. The main theoretical reference is the work of Michel Foucault, particularly his analysis of disciplinary institutions, of rational practices of governance of populations and of power/resistance games within the modern forms of sociability. Taking both the Foucauldian conception of governmentality and the analysis of medical and educational discourse on teachers health as our starting point, we have developed three conceptual operators: the intolerability of the school routine, the fatigue limit of teachers as a moral counter-conduct and finally, school abolitionism, considering this last concept both as political stalemate of our times and as an overture to an indeterminate future. Thus, our study aims to demonstrate how the processes of governmentalization of schooling conducts are crossed, at the same time, by a tragic element and by conflicts that, instead of making explicit the mechanisms and moves of power on ways and modes of life, are regarded as the permanent ruin of the very paradigm of the ruling power in this domain. Above all, we have looked at limit-cases of thought and action, as well as at the possibility of envisaging some deadlocks of contemporary formal education in a political light, which lead us to suggest that the problem of illness among teachers should not be reduced to contexts of medical pathologization and social moralizing so that it may be reframed as a tragic potency regarding the triumphant failure of school, a potency that indelibly carries the ghost of school abolitionism as an ethical and political imperative of a time yet to come.

O abolicionismo escolar: reflexões a partir do adoecimento e da deserção dos professores / School abolitionism: reflections from the illness and desertion of school teachers.

Danilo Alexandre Ferreira de Camargo 04 May 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende produzir algumas reflexões sobre o triunfo da escola no mundo contemporâneo, bem como meditar sobre os limites políticos do sujeito escolar, atentando para suas múltiplas dimensões: moral, cognitiva e sociocultural. Para tanto, elegemos como tema geral da investigação as vicissitudes da rotina escolar, particularmente no que se refere ao adoecimento e à deserção dos professores da escola pública brasileira. A principal referência teórica é a obra de Michel Foucault, mais particularmente, suas análises sobre as instituições disciplinares, as práticas racionais de governo das populações e os jogos de poder/resistência no interior da sociabilidade moderna. Partindo do conceito foucaultiano de governamentalidade e da análise dos discursos médicos e pedagógicos sobre a saúde dos professores, desenvolvemos três operadores conceituais: a insuportabilidade da rotina escolar, a fadiga-limite dos professores como contraconduta moral e, por fim, o abolicionismo escolar, este tomado tanto como aporia política de nosso tempo quanto como abertura para um futuro indeterminado. Dessa forma, nosso estudo pretende demonstrar como os processos de governamentalização das condutas escolares são permeados por um elemento trágico, bem como por conflitos que, antes de explicitarem os mecanismos e os movimentos do poder sobre as formas e os modos de vida, figuram como ruína permanente do próprio paradigma de poder vigente nesse quadrante. Acima de tudo, debruçamo-nos sobre casos-limite do pensamento e da ação, bem como sobre a possibilidade de perspectivar politicamente alguns impasses da educação formal contemporânea, os quais nos levam a sugerir que o problema do adoecimento e da deserção dos professores não deve ser reduzido ao âmbito da patologização médica e da moralização social para que possa, porventura, ser ressignificado como uma potência trágica do desastre triunfal da escola; uma potência que carrega indelevelmente o fantasma do abolicionismo escolar como imperativo ético-político de um tempo por vir. / In this study we intend to produce some reflections on the triumph of school in the contemporary world, as well as ponder upon the political limits of the schooling individual, considering their multiple dimensions: moral, cognitive and socio-cultural. To this end, we have chosen as the overall theme of research the vicissitudes of school routine, especially with regard to illness and desertion of Brazilian public school teachers. The main theoretical reference is the work of Michel Foucault, particularly his analysis of disciplinary institutions, of rational practices of governance of populations and of power/resistance games within the modern forms of sociability. Taking both the Foucauldian conception of governmentality and the analysis of medical and educational discourse on teachers health as our starting point, we have developed three conceptual operators: the intolerability of the school routine, the fatigue limit of teachers as a moral counter-conduct and finally, school abolitionism, considering this last concept both as political stalemate of our times and as an overture to an indeterminate future. Thus, our study aims to demonstrate how the processes of governmentalization of schooling conducts are crossed, at the same time, by a tragic element and by conflicts that, instead of making explicit the mechanisms and moves of power on ways and modes of life, are regarded as the permanent ruin of the very paradigm of the ruling power in this domain. Above all, we have looked at limit-cases of thought and action, as well as at the possibility of envisaging some deadlocks of contemporary formal education in a political light, which lead us to suggest that the problem of illness among teachers should not be reduced to contexts of medical pathologization and social moralizing so that it may be reframed as a tragic potency regarding the triumphant failure of school, a potency that indelibly carries the ghost of school abolitionism as an ethical and political imperative of a time yet to come.

Professional development in HIV prevention education for teachers using flexible learning and tutor support

Jackson, Glenda Joy. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Curtin University of Technology, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 278-298).

Burnout em Docentes do Ensino Básico em Escolas Moçambicanas e Brasileiras

ABACAR, Mussa 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-14T17:14:49Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Mussa - 21.01.2015.pdf: 3658798 bytes, checksum: 65194c69d5d680746ab6312d44b69b6b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-14T17:14:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese Mussa - 21.01.2015.pdf: 3658798 bytes, checksum: 65194c69d5d680746ab6312d44b69b6b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / CNPQ / O fenômeno de burnout atinge trabalhadores de diferentes países do mundo, e tem sido reportado, na atualidade, como um problema internacional das organizações de trabalho, particularmente em instituições escolares. Assim, este trabalho busca estabelecer relações do conceito de burnout, a partir de uma perspectiva ética e êmica, em amostras de professores moçambicanos e brasileiros. A pesquisa, de natureza quantitativa, descritiva e exploratória, envolveu 512 professores do ensino fundamental público, que lecionam do 1º ao 7º ano, sendo 278 da Província moçambicana de Nampula e 234 do Estado de Pernambuco-Brasil (região metropolitana de Recife). Os dados foram coletados por meio do questionário sociodemográfico, Maslach Burnout Inventory, Questionário do Senso de Coerência, Escala de Resiliência para Adultos, Escala Hopkin’s Symptom CheckList e técnica de associação livre. Posteriormente, foram tabulados e analisados, recorrendo-se ao tratamento quantitativo, com o auxílio do software estatístico SPSS (Statiscal Package for Social Science) e SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis). Os resultados da análise multidimensional indicam que a estrutura fatorial da versão em português do MBI, numa projeção SSA, é compatível com a estrutura interna do Maslach Burnout Inventory. As análises estatísticas revelaram que alguns professores moçambicanos e brasileiros apresentam um quadro instalado de estresse e burnout no nível de exaustão emocional; e o senso de coerência, resiliência, ansiedade, depressão e variáveis sociodemograficas (i.e., nacionalidade, estado civil, nível de ensino lecionado, idade, formação e anos de experiência) fazem diferença na ocorrência da síndrome. Os achados sugerem ainda a existência de múltiplos contextos de estresse no trabalho dos professores, que afetam a saúde e o bem-estar dos profissionais e sua organização de trabalho, e que, tornando-se crônicos, podem contribuir para a ocorrência da síndrome de burnout. Além da pesquisa chamar a atenção para a necessidade de uma reestruturação das formas de organização do trabalho dos professores nas escolas com vista a transformação do trabalho perigoso ou nocivo em trabalho saudável e prazeroso, que possibilite o bem-estar físico e psíquico, através da adequação do trabalho às características psicológicas dos professores, ela pode construir também um instrumento didático-pedagógico capaz de ajudar os professores na reflexão sobre o contexto em que decorre a atividade laboral, evitando à exposição de situações de risco e que põem em causa a sua saúde. Portanto, sublinha-se a necessidade de um conhecimento mais aprofundado da realidade relativa ao exercício da atividade docente nas escolas do ensino fundamental moçambicano e brasileiro tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de programas de prevenção da síndrome de burnout e de engajamento no trabalho. / The Burnout phenomenon concerns workers of different countries around the world, and nowadays it has been reported as a problem for all international work organizations, particularly in educational institutions. Therefore this report seeks to stablish the concept of the Burnout from an ethic and emic point of view in patterns shown in Mozambican and Brazilian teachers. The research, of quantitative nature, descriptive and exploratory, involved 512 of primary school teachers who teach students from the 1st to 7th year, 278 from the Mozambican province of Nampula and 234 from the estate of (Metropolitan region of Recife). The data were collected through social-demographic questionaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory, Sense of Coherence questionaire, the Resilence Scale for adults, Hopkin’s Symptom CheckList and the Free Association Method. Subsequently that data were tabulated and analysed, using quantitative treatment with help of statistical software SPSS (Statiscal Package for Social Science) and SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis). The results of multidimensional analysis show that the factorial structure of the portuguese version of MBI in a projection SSA, is compatible with the internal structure of Maslach Burnout Inventory. The statistical analysis show that some Mozambican and Brazilian teachers presented stress and burnout to a level of emotional exhaustion; and the consistency, resiliency, anxiety, depression and social-demographic variables (i.e., nacionality, social status, teaching level, age, studies and years of experience), make a difference in the occurrence of the syndrome. The results also show the existence of multiple contexts of stress in the teachers work that affects the health and well-being of the professionals and their organizational workforce turning themselves chronic, and may contribute to the burnout syndrome, as well as the research, it is paramount to highlight the need of remodeling the different ways of organizing the teachers´ workload at schools with a view to transforming dangerous or damaging labour into a healthy and pleasurable one, making posible the physical and psychological wellbeing through the work needs to the psychological characteristics of the teachers, it could also build didactic-pedagogical instruments able to assist teachers reflect about the context that derives from the labour activity, avoiding the exposure of risky situations which compromises their health. Therefore it is highlighted here, the need of a deeper acknowledgement of the reality related to the docent´s activities around Mozambican and Brazilian primary schools, bearing in mind the developement of programs of prevention of burnout syndrome, and engagement in the workplace.

Relationships between Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and Turnover Intention of Health Science Teachers

Park, Kathleen A. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships between job satisfaction, work engagement, and turnover intention of health science teachers in the state of Texas. The healthcare profession is one of the largest growing occupations in the U.S. nationwide. The job growth outlook for healthcare professionals is projected to be on average 34% between 2014 and 2024. Despite the growing healthcare job categories, there is a shortage of healthcare professionals in the U.S. This study addressed the shortage of health science teachers in secondary education. Considering the importance of healthcare, especially with an aging U.S. population, it is critical to study the impact of work engagement and job satisfaction on teacher intent to leave the health science teaching profession. Through a correlational survey research design it was found that job satisfaction and work engagement are negatively related to turnover intention. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that job satisfaction accounted for 39.6% of the variation in turnover intention. Findings also showed that work engagement did not moderate the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. Implications for research and practice are discussed and conclusions are provided.

Rozvoj spolupráce rodiny a mateřské školy / Development of cooperation between family and nursery school

Mikolášková, Radka January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the forms of cooperation between parents and nursery school. The theoretical part focuses on family and school as educational institutions, their definition, historical development and the related current trends in cooperation between them. It defines the forms of cooperation in the core curriculum and is looking for inspiring elements of this strategy and cooperation in innovative educational programs, "Step by Step" and "Health Promoting Schools" The empiric part presents the research that focuses on development cooperation nursery schools and families. The research was conducted at the Prague kindergarten Šestajovická. Inform the process of improving cooperation based on innovative teaching programs, "Step by Step" and "Health Promoting Schools"

Positive prevention: The relationship between teacher self-efficacy, program implementation, and student outcomes

Sweitzer, Marilyn Jean 01 January 2004 (has links)
In the San Bernardino City Unified School District, Positive Prevention: HIV/STD Prevention Education for California Schools Grades 7-12, Second Edition (Positive Prevention) by Clark & Ridley (2000) is used as the curriculum for ninth grade. In evaluating the curriculum, it is of key importance to first determine if this curriculum is being taught as it was designed, or with fidelity. Fidelity is affected by the comfort, confidence, competence and commitment of the personnel presenting the curriculum.

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