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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilização do mapeamento de processos e da simulação computacional no auxílio à tomada de decisão em um ambiente hospitalar: um estudo quali-quantitativo

Ahlert, Fabiano Charlier 30 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:05:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 30 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho aborda, com o uso de método de pesquisa quantitativo-qualitativo, a aplicação de técnicas de Engenharia de Produção como base para a tomada de decisão em um ambiente hospitalar. As técnicas utilizadas compreendem o mapeamento de processos e a simulação computacional na análise de diferentes configurações de um sistema de atendimento na área da saúde. Após a análise dos cenários alternativos por meio de métodos estatísticos, houve a indicação das ações recomendadas a serem executadas pelo corpo gestor do ambiente estudado. Como resultados, observa-se que os ganhos da aplicação das técnicas vão além do apoio à decisão para os gestores, permitindo também um entendimento da complexidade sistêmica do processo analisado, instigando os profissionais envolvidos a saírem de sua visão funcional e a enxergarem o fluxo do objeto do trabalho e o que é importante para o sistema, não apenas para sua função. Outro benefício constatado foi o aprendizado sobre a importância do trabalho em equipe e de uma visão si / This study discuss about Industrial Engineering’s technique application as a basis to decision making in a hospital system, using quantitative-qualitative research method. The techniques selected are process mapping and computing simulation, analyzing some interesting healthcare system scenarios. After alternative scenarios analysis through statistical methods, some actions were recommended to the hospital managers. This study showed that the benefits of these techniques’ application went beyound managers’ decision support and permitted a comprehension about healthcare process complexity. Besides, it did the hospital workers who participated at the process saw beyound its functional perception of the process. They became to see the object work flow, the process, and what were important to the system, not only to their jobs. Another benefit was the learning about team work importance and of a systemic process perception.

Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea : Affected Women’s Perspective on Diagnosis and Treatment

Lines, Linda January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, FHA, is the clinical diagnosis for a woman in whommenstrual periods have been absent for three months or longer and where no other organic ormedical explanation is found. The aim was to explore characteristics and life experiencesamong women showing signs of FHA and to investigate what diagnoses and treatment/advicethey received when seeking medical help. Self-reported data were collected via an onlinesurvey. Descriptive data were presented regarding global representation, education levels,characteristics, life experiences, diagnoses, treatment/advice, treatment satisfaction, recoverysuccess and congruence between undertaken lifestyle changes and treatment/advice.Respondents consisted of 1,035 women from 71 different countries. The results showedcommon characteristics among respondents: the majority reported body appearancedissatisfaction, drive for thinness, high expectations of oneself, anxiety, obsessive behavioursand perfectionism. Life experiences were childhood bullying, loneliness and having a closerelative with mental health issues. Less than half of the participants received the diagnosisFHA and roughly a third did not receive any diagnosis/were told nothing was wrong. One infive were not given any treatment/advice that would help them regain their menstrual period.Ninety-three percent of those who recovered stated that they had gained weight, engaged lessin physical activity and/or undertaken cognitive behavioural therapy. Seventy-two percentwere dissatisfied with the treatment/advice they were given. In conclusion, the results fromthis study point to FHA as an underdiagnosed/misdiagnosed, neglected and mistreatedmedical condition and public health issue affecting women globally. / SAMMANFATTNING Funktionell hypotalamisk amenorré, FHA, är den kliniska diagnosen för en kvinna som varitutan menstruation i tre månader eller längre, där ingen annan organisk eller medicinskförklaring hittats. Syftet var att utforska förekomsten av personlighetsdrag ochlivserfarenheter bland kvinnor med kliniska tecken på FHA och att undersöka vilka diagnoseroch behandling/råd de fått när de sökt vård. Självrapporterad data inhämtades viainternetbaserade frågeformulär. Deskriptiv data presenterades avseende global representation,utbildningsnivå, personlighetsdrag, livserfarenheter, erhållna diagnoser, erhållnaråd/behandling, tillfredsställelse med behandling, behandlingsframgång och samstämmighetmellan livsstilsförändringar och erhållna råd/behandling. Svarspersonerna bestod av 1 035kvinnor från 71 olika länder. Resultaten visade gemensamma personlighetsdrag blandsvarspersonerna: majoriteten rapporterade kroppsmissnöje (utseendemässigt), strävan eftersmal kropp, höga förväntningar på sig själv, ångest/oro, tvångsmässiga beteenden ochperfektionism. Livserfarenheter var mobbning under barndomen, ensamhet och att ha ensläkting med psykisk ohälsa. Mindre än hälften fick diagnosen FHA och ungefär en tredjedelfick ingen diagnos/fick höra att ingenting var fel. En av fem fick ingen behandling/råd somhade kunnat hjälpa dem att återfå sin menstruation. Sjuttiotre procent var missnöjda medbehandlingen/råden de fick av sin läkare. Nittiotre procent av de som återfick sinmenstruation uppgav att de hade gått upp i vikt, ägnat sig mindre åt fysisk aktivitet och/ellergenomgått kognitiv beteendeterapi. Sjuttiotvå procent var missnöjda med den behandling/rådde gavs. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultaten från denna studie mot att FHA är ettunderdiagnostiserat/feldiagnostiserat, negligerat och felbehandlat medicinskt tillstånd ochfolkhälsoproblem som drabbar kvinnor över hela världen.

Integrated Simulation Model for Patient Flow Between Operating Rooms and Progressive Care Units Using Custom Objects

Ryan, Miller L. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Design and Implementation of a Digital Traceability System of Implantable Pacemakers in the Care Process / Design och implementering av ett digitalt spårbarhetssytem av implanterbara pacemakers i vårdprocessen

Skärvinge, Emma January 2022 (has links)
A major problem in healthcare today is the manual handling of administrative work. Few processes are automated and healthcare professionals are forced to spend a lot of time on paperwork, which means that their time with patients suffers. This has a major negative impact on patient safety. In addition, these manual processes mean that it is often not possible to trace implants in the care process. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effect that the implementation of traceability of implantable pacemakers can have on patient safety, on the working environment of healthcare professionals as well as on the financial incentives of hospitals. To answer the questions, a qualitative research strategy was used where first a scientific literature review was conducted; thereafter, interviews were conducted with healthcare professionals from clinics for implantation of active implants, as well as with professionals in the regulation of medical devices and the manufacture of pacemakers; later a regulatory document review was conducted. Lastly, based on the findings obtained, a proposal was formulated for a solution of a digital traceability process. The key results that could be found were that the methods and opportunities for conducting traceability in hospitals in Sweden differ. In addition, the results showed that in many places in the European and Swedish regulations, requirements were made for traceability to be conducted in hospitals, however, information and guidance are lacking on how traceability can be conducted in an efficient manner. Many interviewees also experienced this void of guidance documents and had a unanimous view that an effective digital traceability system would have an entirely positive impact on patient safety, on the healthcare environment's working environment and on hospitals' financial incentives. In summary, a guidance regulatory document is required to standardize traceability processes. In addition, an essential aspect of the possibilities for creating effective digital traceability systems is that there is collaboration at several levels to reach consensus and interoperability between healthcare systems. / Ett stort problem inom sjukvården idag är den manuella hanteringen av administrativt arbete. Få processer är automatiserade och sjukvårdspersonalen tvingas lägga mycket tid på pappersarbete, vilket gör att deras tid med patienter blir lidande. Detta har stor negativ påverkan på patientsäkerheten. Dessutom medför dessa manuella processer att det ofta inte går att spåra implantat i vårdprocessen. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilken effekt införandet av spårbarhet av implanterbara pacemakers kan ha på patientsäkerheten, på sjukvårdspersonalens arbetsmiljö samt på sjukhusens ekonomiska incitament. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi där först en litteraturöversikt utfördes. Därefter genomfördes intervjuer med vårdpersonal inom mottagningar för implantering av aktiva implantat, samt med yrkesverksamma inom regleringen av medicintekniska produkter samt tillverkning av pacemakers. Efter detta utfördes en literaturstudie. Slutligen, baserat på de resultat som erhölls, formulerades ett förslag på en lösning av en digital spårbarhetsprocess. De nyckelresultat som kunde återfinnas var att metoderna och möjlig-heterna för att bedriva spårbarhet på sjukhus i Sverige skiljer sig åt. Dessutom visade resultaten att det på många ställen i de Europeiska och Svenska regelverken ställdes krav på att spårbarhet ska bedrivas på inom sjukvården, däremot så fattas information och vägledning om hur spårbarhet kan bedrivas på ett effektivt sätt. Många intervjudeltagare upplevde också detta tomrum av vägledande dokument och hade en enad uppfattning om att ett effektivt digitalt spårbarhetssystem enbart skulle ha positiv inverkan på patientsäkerheten, på vårdpersonalens arbetsmiljö samt på sjukhusens ekonomiska incitament. Sammanfattningsvis krävs det vägledande regulatoriska dokument för att standardisera processerna för spårbarhet. Dessutom är en väsentlig aspekt av möjligheterna för att skapa effektiva digitala spårbarhetssystem att det sker ett samarbete på ett flertal nivåer för att nå konsensus och interoperabilitet mellan sjukvårdens system.

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