Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dearing impaired"" "subject:"clearing impaired""
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Indicators of successful inclusion of a learner who is deaf in a mainstream classCollair, Lynette Jennifer 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Internationally, the right of people with disabilities to participate as full members of society presently
receives high priority and inclusive education is one way of facilitating participation. With South
Africa firmly committed to a rights culture, it is a matter of time before inclusive education is
implemented as policy. Since the education of the deaf presents its own challenges, questions abound
around the inclusion of learners who are deaf in mainstream classes. This study seeks to explore the
implications of the education of a learner who is deaf in a mainstream class and to explore the factors
that facilitate learning in such a setting.
An eco-systemic approach underpins the study. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors in reciprocal
interaction influence the learning of the deaf in mainstream classes. Several of these factors are
explored in the international literature. Against this background, this study sets out to examine some
of the factors mentioned in the literature as well as additional factors within the context of a rural
South African school.
A single learner who is deaf within the context of the family and education system was chosen as the
focus of a qualitative, case study. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, field notes
and a review of personal records. Interviews were held with educators, the principal, a support
educator, the learner and the learner's mother.
The data were analysed using aspects of content analysis and five patterns emerged. These were
child related factors, family factors, school factors, support and factors pertaining to the education
department. The findings indicated that the parameters of deafness which facilitated the leamer's
success in the mainstream were a mixed hearing loss which benefited from hearing aids to the extent
that the learner was able to access the curriculum by means of verbal communication with some
compensatory behaviours and learning support. A positive attitude on the part of the school and a
willingness to support him as well as good social integration were school-related factors that
facilitated inclusion. Achievement enhancing factors despite poor socio-economic conditions were
family-related factors that facilitated learning. Intensive early intervention formed a good foundation
and continued to be of benefit.
Several factors which could be improved were identified and recommendations were made. Since the impact of deafness differs from learner to leamer, each learner's needs has to be considered
individually and placement decisions in one of a range of supportive settings be matched against this
need. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dowe onderrig bied eie uitdagings. Internasionaal ontvang die reg van persone met gestremdhede
om as volwaardige lede in die gemeenskap opgeneem te word, hoë prioriteit. Inklusiewe onderwys is
een manier waarop insluiting en deelname in die gemeenskap vergemaklik kan word. Met die
beoogde implementering van 'n beleid van inklusiewe onderwys in Suid-Afrika ontstaan daar vrae
rondom die insluiting van leerders wat doof is in hoofstroom klasse. Hierdie studie poog om die
implikasies wat onderrig van 'n leerder wat doof is in 'n hoofstroom klas inhou, te ondersoek. Die
faktore wat leer in so 'n omgewing vergemaklik, is ook ondersoek.
'n Eko-sistemiese benadering is in die studie gebruik. 'n Enkele leerder wat doof is, is binne die
konteks van sy familie en die onderwyssisteem gekies as onderwerp van 'n kwalitatiewe
gevallestudie. Beide intrinsieke en ekstrinsieke faktore in wedersydse kommunikasie, beïnvloed die
leer van dowe persone. In internasionale literatuur het faktore soos die aard van die doofheid,
persoonlikheid, intellektuele funksionering, sosiale integrasie en skool- en familie verwante faktore
aandag geniet en daar is bevind dat dit 'n impak op die leerder se sukses binne 'n inklusiewe
leeromgewing het. Teen hierdie agtergrond is hierdie studie geloods om bogenoemde faktore en
faktore uniek aan die situasie binne die konteks van 'n landelike Suid-Afrikaanse skool te ondersoek.
Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude IS gevoer met opvoeders, die skoolhoof, 'n
leerondersteuningsopvoeder, die leerder en sy ouers. Veldnotas en In oorsig van persoonlike verslae
is ook gebruik om inligting oor die leerder en die onderrig en leerproses te bekom.
Die data is geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van aspekte van inhoud analisering. Vyf patrone het na
vore gekom, naamlik intrinsieke kindverwante faktore, familiefaktore, skoolverwante faktore,
faktore rakende ondersteuning en faktore rakende die onderwysdepartement. Die bevindinge dui
daarop dat Inleerder met 'n gehoorverlies wat deur 'n gehoorapparaat in staat gestel word om verbale
kommunikasie te volg binne 'n leeromgewing waar daar die nodige ondersteuning is, groter sukses
behaal. 'n Positiewe houding teenoor die leerder, 'n bereidwilligheid van opvoeders om die leerder te
ondersteun en goeie sosiale integrasie is skoolverwante faktore wat insluiting vergemaklik.
Familieverwante faktore wat leer aanmoeding lei tot verhoogde prestasies ten spyte van lae sosioekonomiese
omstandighede. Intensiewe vroeë intervensies lê In goeie grondslag en lei tot langtermyn
positiewe gevolge. Verskeie faktore waar daar ruimte VIT verbeteringe is, is geïdentifiseer en aanbevelings is
gemaak. Terwyl sekere faktore in hierdie ondersoek geïdentifiseer is as kritiek in die fasilitering van
leer in 'n inklusiewe omgewing, moet daarmee rekening gehou word dat die unieke interaksie van 'n
ander stel intrinsieke veranderlikes en ekstrinsieke veranderlikes 'n ander stel kritieke faktore kan
produseer. Die behoeftes van elke leerder wat doof is, sal dus op 'n individuele basis in ag geneem
moet word sodat plasing binne die ondersteunende omgewing wat die beste in sy behoeftes voorsien,
gedoen kan word.
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The relationship between self-assessed performances and satisfaction in adult cochlear implant user in Hong Kong鄧麗芬, Tang, Lai-fan. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Master / Master of Science in Audiology
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Preferred frequency responses for Cantonese-speaking hearing aidusersWong, C. W., 王姿華. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Master / Master of Science in Audiology
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Audiometric configurations of hearing-impaired children in Hong Kong: implications for amplificationYuen, Chi-pun, Kevin., 袁志彬. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Speech and Hearing Sciences / Master / Master of Science in Audiology
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No description available.
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Auditory-verbal therapy with deaf or hard-of-hearing children in Gauteng, South AfricaTaylor, Ashleigh January 2016 (has links)
A research report in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Audiology by coursework and research report in the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016 / Auditory-verbal therapy (AVT) is an intervention approach used as part of an aural
(re)habilitation programme conducted by an audiologist with deaf or hard-of-hearing (HOH)
children. AVT is a refinement of the oral-aural approach and emphasizes listening instead of
visual input. Previous research has focused on AVT in developed countries; however, there is
limited available research in developing countries such as South Africa. This study explores
and describes the relevance of AVT provided by audiologists in Gauteng, South Africa. The
specific objectives of the study were to explore the differences between AVT and general
paediatric aural rehabilitation therapies conducted by audiologists; the impact of language on
the implementation of AVT and the challenges associated with AVT training. A qualitative
research design was used. A purposive sampling strategy was used to identify and recruit
participants. Ten audiologists currently conducting aural rehabilitation were selected to
participate in the study. The sample size was divided into five audiologists who had obtained
the LSL certification (equivalent to AVT certification) and five audiologists without the LSL
certification. A pilot study was conducted prior to data collection to determine the applicability
of the research study. Thereafter semi-structured interviews were conducted, using an interview
schedule. Thematic analysis was employed and themes were described qualitatively. Results
revealed the emergence of three resounding themes which included challenges, differences in
therapy approaches, and implementation and contributing factors to the success of AVT. The
results concluded the need for the implementation of newborn hearing screening programmes
to assist with early identification and detection of hearing loss. The study identifies a strong
need for the increase in the number of certified LSL therapists in South Africa and additional
AVT comprehensive programmes to be implemented at various institutions in Gauteng.
Awareness regarding the success of AVT implementation needs to be raised. Finally, the
HPCSA needs to revisit and explicitly define the role of audiologists interacting with deaf or
HOH children with the LSL qualification being a mandatory postgraduate pre-requisite for
working in the field of aural rehabilitation.
Key words: Auditory-verbal therapy; aural rehabilitation; deaf; hard-of-hearing. / GR2017
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The self-regulation of a child with cochlear implants within a school environmentUnknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative research, which utilized a narrative design strategy, was to describe the process of self-regulation of a child who has bilateral cochlear implants within the social environment of school. The study investigated the use of self-regulatory strategies by the cochlear implant recipient. It also examined how the child made modifications and monitored learning during activities within the classroom as related to Vygotsky's activity theory and John Dewey's theory of social control. Through data collection of documents, observations, interviews, and researcher field notes, it was found that the child demonstrated several self-regulatory strategies. / Kristin L. Patton. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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Avaliação dos benefícios e satisfação dos usuários de aparelho de amplificação sonora individual nos serviços de audiologia do SUS / Evaluation of benefits and satisfaction of users of hearing aids adapted by audiology services in the SUS.Morettin, Marina 22 July 2008 (has links)
A instituição de uma Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva foi necessária para que fossem englobadas diferentes ações na assistência à saúde auditiva dos indivíduos deficientes auditivos - não mais somente o fornecimento do AASI envolvendo um trabalho de acompanhamento do uso desses equipamentos (avaliação do benefício e satisfação) e, quando necessário, a terapia fonoaudiológica. A monitoração dos resultados da adaptação dos AASI deve ser feita durante todo o processo de reabilitação auditiva, garantindo melhores resultados, além de demonstrar que o tratamento é eficaz para os usuários do Sistema único de Saúde (SUS). Objetivo: Descrever o benefício obtido e a satisfação dos usuários de Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual (AASI), adaptados por uma instituição credenciada pelo SUS. Método: Para avaliar o beneficio do AASI e a satisfação do usuário em relação à amplificação, foram aplicados, respectivamente, os questionários de auto-avaliação Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) e International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA), em conjunto com a rotina de acompanhamento clínico dos pacientes após 4 meses de adaptação dos AASIs. Resultados: Cinqüenta e três (53) pacientes retornaram para completar a avaliação após 4 meses de adaptação, sendo que 43 faziam uso efetivo do AASI. Destes indivíduos, 38 (88%) tiveram benefício com o AASI e a grande maioria estava satisfeita com a amplificação. Dos 47 indivíduos que não retornaram para acompanhamento, 12 não estavam fazendo uso do dispositivo, principalmente devido ao desconforto auditivo. Conclusão: Os indivíduos atendidos pelo SUS podem ter benefício e satisfação com os AASIs adaptados, mas o acompanhamento deve ser feito, para que sejam definidas as necessidades dos pacientes, garantindo a adesão ao tratamento completo. / Instituting a National Policy of Hearing Care was necessary to encompass different actions related to the hearing health of hearing impaired individuals - not anymore just supplying Hearing Aids (HAs) - involving a follow-up work of the use of those equipments (benefit and satisfaction evaluation) and, when necessary, speech therapy. Monitoring the results of adaptation to HAs must be performed during all the aural rehabilitation process, ensuring better results and showing that the treatment is effective for users of the Brazilian Unified Health System - SUS. Objective: To describe the benefit obtained and the satisfaction of users of HAs adapted by an institution accredited to SUS. Method: The Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) questionnaire and the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA) were used, respectively, to evaluate the HAs benefits and the user satisfaction towards the amplification, together with the routine clinical followup of patients after 4 months of adaptation to the HAs. Results: Fifty three (53) patients returned to complete the evaluation after a 4-month adaptation period, 43 of whom had effectively used HAs. Of these individuals, 38 (88%) had got benefits from the HAs, and most of them was satisfied with the amplification. Of the 47 individuals who did not return for follow-up, 12 were not using the device, mostly due to hearing discomfort. Conclusion: The individuals treated at SUS can be benefited from and be satisfied with the adapted HAs, but the follow-up must be performed to define the patients' needs, ensuring the adhesion to the complete treatment.
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Identificação dos estágios motivacionais para a mudança em candidatos e novos usuários de aparelhos de amplificação sonora individuais / Identification of Motivational Stages of Change in Candidates and New Hearing Aids UsersKuchar, Jéssica 14 December 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, a aplicabilidade de ferramentas de motivação tem se mostrado eficaz para encorajar o processo de mudança de comportamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar uma escala com base na University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA) para caracterização dos estágios motivacionais para a mudança para ser utilizada na população de indivíduos adultos e idosos com deficiência auditiva (DA). Participaram deste estudo: grupo piloto (GP): 17 usuários de Aparelhos de Amplificação Sonora Individual (AASI); grupo focal (GF): 9 usuários de AASI e 8 candidatos ao uso do AASI; grupo estudo (GE): 200 candidatos ao uso e usuários de AASI. Inicialmente foi realizada a adaptação da URICA para o uso com pacientes com DA que passou então pela apreciação de juízes. No GP, a partir da aplicação e compreensão dos pacientes sobre a escala, foram feitas as alterações pertinentes e encaminhada para a apreciação de um dos autores da escala original que sugeriu a revisão de alguns itens, assim como a realização de um grupo com pacientes para a construção de um instrumento que levasse em conta a percepção do paciente a partir de sua percepção e vivência com a deficiência. Com esta finalidade foi estabelecida a estratégia de GF para escolher afirmativas que mais faziam sentido aos pacientes em cada estágio vivenciado, resultando na versão final da escala, a qual foi aplicada no GE. A análise fatorial por meio da Análise dos Componentes Principais, o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach verificou a consistência interna do instrumento, a validação convergente do instrumento por meio da comparação com a Escala de Prontidão e a comparação dos dados referentes aos dados demográficos, deficiência auditiva e AASI dos pacientes com a escala, adotando 5% de nível de significância. Após a Análise dos Componentes Principais e o coeficiente de Cronbach a escala foi reduzida de 34 para 25 itens, tendo boa consistência interna (0,813) e agrupando melhor em 3 fatores, havendo o agrupamento dos estágios de ação-manutenção e de contemplação-preparação, tendo a pré-contemplação uma boa discriminação. A maioria dos candidatos ao uso de AASI encontram-se nos estágios de contemplação e preparação e os usuários de AASI em ação. A validação convergente indicou que apesar da correlação fraca o p foi estatisticamente significante nos 5 estágios. Quando comparados os estágios entre si, verificou-se correlação significante entre os estágios de contemplação e preparação, ação e manutenção e pré-contemplação e preparação. Quanto à validade preditiva da escala, houve diferença significante entre o tempo de uso do AASI e os estágios de contemplação, ação e manutenção, entre o grau da deficiência auditiva e o estágio de manutenção, entre o tipo do AASI no estágio de manutenção, entre a escolaridade e os estágios de contemplação e preparação e entre a classificação socioeconômica e os estágios de pré-contemplação e preparação. É importante a realização de outros estudos para aprimorar o instrumento a fim de que o mesmo adquira melhor dimensão fatorial. / Currently, the applicability of motivation tools has been effective in encouraging the process of behavioral change. This study aimed at developing a scale based on the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA) to characterize the motivational stages of change to be used in the population of adults and elderly people presented with hearing impairment (HI). The study comprised: pilot group (PG): 17 users of hearing aids (HA); focal group (FG): 9 users of HA and 8 candidates for HA; study group (SG): 200 candidates for HA. Initially, URICA was adapted to assess patients presented with HI, being appreciated by the judges. In PG, from the application and comprehension of the patients on the scale, appropriate amendments were made and sent to one of the authors of the original scale who suggested that some items be reviewed, as well as a study with a group of patients so as create a tool which took into account the perception of the patient, from his/her perception while dealing with the impairment. Thus, the FG strategy was established so as to choose statements which made more sense to patients in each stage experienced, resulting in the final version of the scale, which was applied to SG. The factorial analysis through Main Components Analysis, Cronbachs alpha coefficient, verified the internal consistence of the tool, the convergent validation of the instrument through comparison with the Readiness Scale and the comparison of demographic data, hearing impairment and HA of patients with the scale, by adopting a 5% significance level. Following the analysis of the Main Components and Cronbachs coefficient, the scale was reduced from 34 to 25 items, with a good internal consistency (0.813) and better grouping into 3 factors: stages of action-maintenance, contemplation-preparation, pre-contemplation having a good discrimination. Most candidates for HA are in the stages of contemplation and preparation and the users of HA, action. Convergent validation indicated that despite the weak correlation, p was statistically significant in the 5 stages. When compared, the stages showed a significant correlation in the contemplation and preparation, action and maintenance and pre-contemplation and preparation. As to the predictive validity of the scale, there was a significant difference between the time of HA use and the stages of contemplation, action and maintenance, between the degree of hearing impairment and the stage of maintenance, between the type of HA and the stage of maintenance, between education and the stages of contemplation and preparation and between the socio-economic classification and the stages of precontemplation and preparation. Further studies to improve the tool and provide it with a better factorial dimension, are necessary.
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Quality and Quantity of Language Input and Its Relation to the Language Outcomes of Preschool Children With Hearing Loss Who Use Listening and Spoken LanguageArora, Sonia January 2018 (has links)
This study sought to examine the relationships between the adult language input, as measured by quantity and quality, and the child’s language production in regards to quantity and quality, as well as their knowledge of basic concepts and vocabulary. LENA technology was used to audio-record the language environments of 26 preschool children with hearing loss over two days (weekday and weekend). This technology recorded up to 16 hours and analyzed the quantitative data associated with the adult word count (AWC), conversational turn count (CTC), and child vocalization count (CVC). Furthermore, one- hour meal times (30 minutes for the weekday/snack time and 30 minutes for the weekend/dinner time) was transcribed and coded for quality components of language defined as lexical diversity, syntactical complexity and clausal complexity. Additionally, the children were assessed on their knowledge of basic concepts through the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (BTBC-3) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-4).
Results indicated that there was a relationship between the adult language input and the child language production, but only in regards to quantity of language. More specifically, the CTC during each day was related to the CVC for each day; in other words, the more interactions adults and children had during the day, the more likely the child vocalized. Interestingly, the statistical analysis revealed that quality of adult language input was not significantly related to the child language variables. However, significant differences between the teachers and caregivers were reported in regards to the quality of adult language input. These results suggest that the language input provided by adults in different environments (school versus home) is considerably different and warrants further investigation as how the potential influence on language outcomes of children with hearing loss.
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