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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da circulação de brisa marítima e seus impactos sobre a precipitação na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo por meio do modelo ARPS / Sea breeze circulation analysis ant its impacts over Metropolitan area of São Paulo precipitation using ARPS model

Vemado, Felipe 11 May 2012 (has links)
Eventos de brisa marítima (BM) são comuns na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). No verão, em particular, estão associados com tempestades, chuvas, rajadas de vento, granizo e descargas atmosféricas intensas na RMSP. Utilizou-se o método de OLIVEIRA e SILVA DIAS (1982) para identificar os eventos de BM. Todos os eventos de BM entre 2005 e 2008 foram analisados por meio de medições de superfície, altitude, radares meteorológicos, satélite e modelagem numérica da atmosfera. Em geral, a penetração da frente de BM na RMSP ocorre entre o meio e o fim da tarde com aumento da temperatura do ponto de orvalho. Ainda, o ambiente urbano mais aquecido tende a intensificar as tempestades que podem produzir enchentes, alagamentos, queda de árvores, entre outros impactos socioeconômicos muito significativos. A partição anual pluviométrica devido a BM foi estimado com o radar meteorológico de São Paulo. Os resultados indicam um núcleo de máxima precipitação acumulada com pico de 600 mm sobre a RMSP, muito maior que no entorno dessa. A modelagem com o ARPS permitiu simular condições médias espaciais em baixos, médios e altos níveis de diversas variáveis dos eventos analisados. As simulações de controle e específicas com ARPS sugerem um impacto significativo da cobertura do solo na distribuição espacial da precipitação. As análises foram complementadas com medições do radar meteorológico MXPOL e demonstram a importância desse tipo de sensoriamento remoto na detecção e previsão a curtíssimo prazo da penetração de BM, com alta resolução espaço-temporal. / Sea breeze events (SB) are common in Metropolitan area at São Paulo (MASP). Particularly, in the summer, SB triggers over MASP deep convection, heavy rainfall, wind gusts, hail and lightning. OLIVEIRA and SILVA DIAS (1982) method was used to identify the SB events. SB events between 2005 and 2008 were analysed by means of surface and upper air measurements, weather radar, satellite and numerical modelling. In general, the SB front penetrates in MASP between midafternoon and evening increasing dew point. Moreover, the warmer urban environment tends to intensify storms that produce flooding, falling trees, among other large socioeconomic impacts. The annual rainfall partition due to SB was estimated using the São Paulo weather radar. The results indicate a core of maximum rainfall accumulation of 600 mm over MASP, much larger than that in the vicinity. The modelling with ARPS allowed simulate conditions spatial average in low, medium and upper levels of several variables of the analysed events. Moreover, the ARPS system was used to simulate SB with control and specific runs. Results suggest significant impact of surface cover on rainfall distribution. MXPOL weather radar measurements of SB were important in detecting and nowcasting SB inflow at very high spatial and temporal resolution.

Estudo do campo térmico urbano de São Carlos (SP): análise da intensidade da ilha de calor urbano em episódio climático de verão / Study of urban thermal field of São Carlos (SP): analysis of the intensity of urban heat island in summer climatic episode

Barbosa, Ricardo Victor Rodrigues 09 December 2009 (has links)
A modificação das condições iniciais do clima é conseqüência inerente da substituição da cobertura natural do solo pelo ambiente construído. Nesse processo, um dos mecanismos do sistema cidade-atmosfera mais afetado pela mudança do uso e da cobertura do solo é o campo térmico urbano. Assim, esta pesquisa objetivou estudar a configuração do campo térmico da cidade de São Carlos nas suas dimensões espaços-temporais, com vistas a conhecer a intensidade da ilha de calor urbano no período de verão, dentro de suas variações diurnas e das condições impostas pelos diferentes tipos de tempo habituais, com o aporte da abordagem dinâmica do clima. A análise da intensidade do campo térmico urbano foi feita a partir de registros de dados climáticos contínuos tomados em superfície por quatro estações automáticas instaladas em diferentes regiões da malha urbana. Os resultados obtidos denotaram que a maior intensidade da ilha de calor urbano, no período de verão, ocorreu na atuação da massa Tropical Atlântica sobre a região, cujo tipo de tempo habitual foi caracterizado por cenário atmosférico com predominância de céu claro, alta incidência de radiação solar direta e valores de temperatura do ar elevados com máxima diária acima da média das máximas indicadas pelas normais climatológicas. Sob essas condições, observou-se que as características do entorno construído exerceram maior influência no comportamento térmico urbano, na qual as diferenças térmicas entre diferentes regiões dentro da malha urbana de São Carlos foram superiores a \'5 GRAUS\' Celsius. Observou-se, ainda, que a maior expressão da ilha de calor urbano ocorreu após o pôr-do-sol, nos horários entre 21:30h e 22:00h. / The initial conditions of the climate are consequence of replacing the natural ground cover by the built environment. In this process, one of the most affected mechanics of the city-atmosphere system due to the change of use and land cover is the urban thermal field. Thus, this research aim to study the configuration of the thermal field of São Carlos in the spatial and temporal dimensions for understanding the intensity of urban heat island in the summer, taking into account its diurnal temperature variations and imposed conditions by different weather types, guided by the climate dynamics approach. The analysis of the intensity of urban thermal field is made from records of climatic data observed in solid ground for four automatic weather stations placed in different areas of the city. The obtained results denote that the highest intensity of urban heat island in summer occurs in the activity of Tropical Atlantic air mass over the region, where the habitual weather was clear skies with high incidence of direct solar radiation and values of air temperature with high daily maximum above the average of the levels indicated by the climate normals. Under these weather conditions, it is observed that the characteristics of the built environment have a greater influence on urban thermal behavior, in which the temperature variations between different regions within the urban area of San Carlos were above 5 Celsius \'DEGREES\'. It is also observed that the highest intensity of urban heat island occurred after sunset, at times between 21:30 and 22:00h.

Avaliação dos efeitos urbanos sobre circulações de mesoescala em função da expansão territorial da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo / Evaluation of urban effects on mesoscale circulations due to the territorial expansion of the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo

Homann, Camila Tavares 13 November 2014 (has links)
A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) conta com mais de 20 milhões de habitantes em 7958 km², o que a caracteriza como uma megacidade. Este fato ocasiona o efeito de ilha de calor que pode resultar em interações complexas com circulações de mesoescala, tais como a brisa marítima, podendo influenciar nos padrões de circulação local e afetar diretamente o tempo e o clima da região. Dessa forma, através da modelagem numérica com o modelo de mesoescala WRF este trabalho se propôs a analisar e avaliar os possíveis efeitos da expansão da mancha urbana - passada e futura - na modificação destes padrões em duas estações do ano de 2007: inverno (18/08) e verão (07/03). Para isto introduziu-se diferentes manchas urbanas no modelo, supondo nenhuma urbanização, urbanização observada em 1952 e em 2007, bem como uma suposta urbanização prevista para o ano de 2030. O acoplamento de um modelo de dossel urbano junto ao WRF também foi avaliado, e os resultados mostraram que para o inverno a inclusão do mesmo se mostrou dispensável, enquanto para o verão as simulações em que o módulo esteve ativo se mostraram mais coerentes à realidade. Para as duas estações observou-se a influência da expansão da mancha urbana nos eventos de brisa marítima, sendo que quanto maior a área urbanizada maior o tempo de deslocamento da frente de brisa continente adentro, podendo a diferença chegar a 2 horas. Diferenças na temperatura também puderam ser vistas, principalmente à noite no período de inverno, de forma que algumas regiões chegaram a apresentar 6 °C a mais em 2007. Observou- se uma frente de umidade acompanhando a frente de brisa marítima e quanto maior a urbanização, menor a quantidade de umidade associada, chegando a uma redução de 22% durante o inverno e de 33% durante o verão. No inverno não foram observadas grandes diferenças na precipitação, enquanto que no verão foram encontradas diferenças significativas em praticamente todo o domínio de simulação, chegando a 50 mm em determinadas regiões (a mais ou a menos). Tais diferenças na precipitação não se mostraram lineares com a expansão da mancha urbana. Cortes verticais não evidenciaram circulações bem definidas associadas à ilha de calor, nem para o inverno nem para o verão, no entanto, claramente pôde-se observar a influência que a expansão urbana tem sobre os episódios de brisa marítima, em quaisquer das variáveis meteorológicas analisadas. / The Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP) has over 20 million inhabitants over a 7958 km² area, which characterizes a megacity. This fact causes the heat island effect that can result in complex interactions with mesoscale circulations such as the sea breeze and can influence the local circulation and directly affect the weather and climate of the region. Therefore, through numerical modeling of the atmosphere using the WRF mesoscale model this work analyses and evaluates the possible effects of urban expansion - past and future on the modification of these patterns in two days representatives of the winter and summer (18/08 and 07/03, respectively). For that purpose we introduced different types of urban areas in the model, assuming no urbanization, using the urbanization observed in 1952 and 2007 as well as a hypothetical urbanization numerically predicted for the year of 2030. The coupling of an urban canopy model (UCM) along with WRF was also evaluated and the results showed that the inclusion of UCM proved to be unnecessary during wintertime. However, in the summer, the simulations where the module was activated were more consistent with reality. For the two seasons we observed the influence of urban expansion in the events of sea breeze, and the higher the urbanized area more increased was the travel time of the sea breeze front inland, being the time difference as high as 2 hours. Differences in temperature were also observed, especially at night in the winter, so that some regions were as high as 6 °C hotter in 2007. A moisture front accompanying the sea breeze front and the higher the urbanization the lower the amount of moisture associated, reaching a reduction of 22% during winter and 33% during the summer. During the winter no major differences were observed in precipitation, while in the summer significant differences were found almost over all simulation domain, reaching 50 mm in certain regions (positive or negative). Such differences in precipitation were not linear with the expansion of urban area. Vertical sections did not show well-defined circulations associated with urban heat island, neither for the winter nor for summer, however, we can clearly observe the influence that urban area extension has on episodes of sea breeze in any of the weather variables.

Análise das influências geourbanas no clima urbano da cidade de Iporá - Goiás / Geourban influences analysis on Iporá - Goiás urban climate

Elis Dener Lima Alves 10 June 2016 (has links)
As modificações impostas pela ação do homem desequilibram o complexo sistema natural, alterando os elementos e características do clima na escala local. A cidade é o exemplo mais significativo destas transformações e o campo térmico urbano é um dos elementos do sistema cidade-atmosfera mais afetados pela mudança do uso e da cobertura do solo. No Brasil, tem-se observado que a grande maioria dos estudos de clima urbano está focada nas grandes cidades, sobre as características do clima urbano para a região Centro-Oeste, especialmente nas cidades de pequeno porte, pouco se conhece. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi de analisar as influências das características geourbanas na configuração do clima da cidade de Iporá e identificar a variabilidade temporal e espacial das ilhas de calor urbanas. Para tanto, instalou-se oito aparelhos termo-higrômetros para a coleta de dados de temperatura do ar e umidade e duas estação meteorológicas completas, uma na área urbana e a outra na área rural, também foram utilizadas imagens multiespectrais do satélite Landsat 5 e 8. Nas análises dos dados foram utilizadas regressões lineares simples e múltiplas, modelagem, simulações e foi proposto um índice (InGe) para quantificar a influência do homem no clima da cidade. Os resultados evidenciaram que: 1 - em algumas áreas da cidade de Iporá foram observadas tendências significativas de aumento na intensidade das anomalias térmicas; 2 - as variáveis mais influentes na regressão linear múltipla da temperatura de superfície (TS) foram o NDVI que explicou 35% da variabilidade e a densidade demográfica com 25%; 3 - a equação final, proposta como modelo preditor da intensidade máxima da ilha de calor urbana de superfície para a Região do Oeste Goiano obteve r2 de 0,6; 4 - quanto maior a distância da área verde maior a temperatura de superfície, além disso, na primavera ou próximo dela, a intensidade do efeito da área verde na TS foi muito superior ao efeito em outras datas; 5 - os padrões dos desvios da umidade absoluta permitiram afirmar que a área central, mais urbanizada, teve os maiores desvios negativos e áreas com maiores valores de NDVI e próximas aos cursos d\'água apresentaram os maiores desvios positivos de umidade; 6 - as ilhas de calor urbanas em Iporá foram mais frequentes na intensidade de 0,5°C e 1°C, a intensidade máxima observada foi de 3,5°C; 7 - as áreas localizadas nos fundos de vale apresentaram os menores valores térmicos, o que sugere uma drenagem de ar frio. Contudo, constatou-se que a cidade de Iporá, mesmo se tratando de uma cidade pequena, modifica seus parâmetros atmosféricos. / The changes imposed by man unbalance the complex natural system, changing the climate elements and features at local scale. The city is the most significant example of these transformations and the urban thermal field is the element of the city-atmosphere most affected by the use and land cover change system. In Brazil, it has been observed that the vast majority of urban climate research is focused on big cities, so that little is known on urban climate characteristics for the Midwest, especially in small towns. Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze the influence of Geourban characteristics in the climate setting of the city of Iporá and to identify the temporal and spatial variability of urban heat islands. Therefore, eight Thermo-Hygrometer devices for collecting air temperature and humidity data and two complete weather stations were settled, one in the urban area and the other in the rural area; Landsat 5 and 8 multi-spectral images of were also used. In data analysis simple and multiple linear regressions, modeling and simulations were used and an index (InGe) was proposed to quantify the man influence on the city climate. The results showed that: 1 - in some areas of Iporá city significant trends of increasing intensity of thermal anomalies were observed; 2 - the most influential variables in the multiple regression of surface temperature (TS) were explained by NDVI (35% of the variability) and population density (25%); 3 - the final equation, proposed as a maximum intensity predictive model of the urban surface heat island for the West Region of Goiás, we obtained an R2 0.6; 4 - the greater the distance from the green area, the higher surface temperature; moreover, in the spring, or close to it, the intensity of the green area effect on TS was by far superior to the effect at other periods; 5 - the patterns of the absolute humidity deviations allow us to affirm that the central area, urbanized, had the highest negative variances, while the areas with higher NDVI values and nearby watercourses showed the highest positive deviations moisture; 6 - urban heat islands on Iporá were more frequent at the intensity of 0.5°C to 1°C, while the maximum intensity was observed at 3.5°C; 7 - the areas located in the valley bottoms had the lowest thermal values, suggesting a cold air drainage. However, it was found that the city of Iporá, despite being a small town, modifies its atmospheric parameters.

Modeling the Impact of Roof Reflectivity, Integrated Photovoltaic Panels and Green Roof Systems on the Summertime Heat Island

Scherba, Adam 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study presents the results of a modeling effort to explore the role that sustainable roofing technologies play in impacting the rooftop energy balance, and the resultant net sensible heat flux into the urban atmosphere with a focus on the summertime urban heat island. The model has been validated using data from a field experiment. Roofing technologies explored include control dark membrane roof, a highly reflective (cool) roof, a vegetated green roof, and photovoltaic panels elevated above various base roofs. Energy balance models were developed, validated with experimental measurements, and then used to estimate sensible fluxes in cities located in six climate zones across the US. To evaluate the impact on urban air temperatures, a mesoscale meteorological model was used. Sensible flux profiles calculated using a surface energy balance were used as inputs to the mesoscale model. Results for a 2-day period in Portland, OR are analyzed. Average findings indicate that the black roof and black roof with PV have the highest peak daily sensible flux to the environment, ranging from 331 to 405 W/m2. The addition of PV panels to a black roof had a negligible effect on the peak flux, but decreased the total flux by an average of 11%. Replacing a black roof with a white or green roof resulted in a substantial decrease in the total sensible flux. Results indicate that if a black membrane roof is replaced by a PV covered white or a PV covered green roof the corresponding reduction in total sensible flux is on the order of 50%. Mesoscale modeling results indicate peak daytime temperature reduction of approximately 1°C for both white and green roofs. However, there is a nighttime penalty on the order of 0.75°C for the green roof case, which has been attributed to the additional thermal storage of a green roof. Findings also reveal that the addition of PV panels to a roof has a nighttime cooling effect. This is most pronounced on a white roof, with magnitudes of 1°C. The methodology developed for this analysis provides a foundation for evaluating the relative impacts of roof design choices on the urban climate and should prove useful in guiding urban heat island mitigation efforts.

Urban Geocomputation: Two Studies on Urban Form and its Role in Altering Climate

Voelkel, Jackson Lee 20 March 2018 (has links)
Our climate and our cities are changing. Though their changes are not completely dependent upon one another, there is still a coupling effect between them. This study assesses the role of urban form as it pertains to elements of climate change. It is comprised of two essays intended for publication. The first of these essays addresses the feedbacks between urban form, energy consumption, and rising global temperatures. The second essay looks at one particular factor of urban form--tree type--as it pertains to air pollution and urban heat island mitigation. Both papers use the analytical approaches necessary to answer the questions they pose, not ubiquitous over-generalizing modeling software or methods found often in the literature. As seen in the analyses, this practice--known as geocomputation--allows for a deeper and more accurate description of complex spatial relationships.

City ventilation by slope wind

Luo, Zhiwen., 罗志文. January 2010 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Mechanical Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Avaliação da ilha de calor urbana em Manaus com dados observados in situ e sensoriamento remoto.

ESPINOZA, Nikolai da Silva. 13 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Lucienne Costa (lucienneferreira@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-13T19:37:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NIKOLAI DA SILVA ESPINOZA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGMET) 2017.pdf: 3187688 bytes, checksum: 3f6f29d810cd5a2c18108d0d7b68009a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T19:37:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NIKOLAI DA SILVA ESPINOZA – DISSERTAÇÃO (PPGMET) 2017.pdf: 3187688 bytes, checksum: 3f6f29d810cd5a2c18108d0d7b68009a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / Capes / A ilha de calor urbana (ICU) é um fenômeno importante devido aos seus impactos diretos e indiretos sobre as populações humanas em ambientes urbanos. Esse fenômeno tem sido estudado amplamente usando tanto medições diretas a partir de sensores de temperatura do ar instalados em estações meteorológicas ou a bordo de veículos, como dados de temperatura da superfície medidos por sensoriamento remoto. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a variabilidade temporal e espacial da ICU na cidade de Manaus utilizando dados de precipitação, temperatura e umidade do ar em cinco estações meteorológicas distribuídas na área urbana e uma na área rural durante o período de julho de 2013 a julho de 2014. Adicionalmente, foram obtidas imagens do sensor OLI/TIRS a bordo do satélite Landsat 8 em quatro dias da estação menos chuvosa para estimar a temperatura da superfície e parâmetros de superfície, tais como o NDVI na área que estão inseridas as estações meteorológicas. Os resultados indicaram que a ICU atmosférica ocorre preferencialmente no período noturno, sendo mais intensa e condicionalmente desconfortável durante a estação seca da região. A partir das imagens de satélite, pode-se observar uma relação inversamente proporcional entre a temperatura da superfície e o NDVI, onde a maior variação de temperatura da superfície está localizada em áreas com pouca ou nenhuma vegetação. / The urban heat island (ICU) is an important phenomenon due to its direct and indirect impacts on human populations in urban environments. This phenomenon has been studied extensively using both direct measurements from air temperature sensors installed in fixed weather stations or mobile surveys using automobiles and remotely measured surface temperature data. This work evaluated the temporal and spatial variability of ICU in the city of Manaus using precipitation, temperature and air humidity data in five meteorological stations distributed in the urban area and one in the rural area during the period from July 2013 to July 2014. In addition, images of the Landsat 8 OLI / TIRS satellite were obtained in four days of the less rainy season to estimate the surface temperature in the area comprising the meteorological stations. The results indicated that atmospheric ICU occurs preferentially at night, being more intense and conditionally uncomfortable during the dry season of the region. From the satellite images, an inversely proportional relationship between the surface temperature and the NDVI can be observed, where the highest surface temperature variation is located in areas with little or no vegetation.

Vývoj a prostorová distribuce povrchových teplot v Českých Budějovicích a okolí

KOTTOVÁ, Šárka January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to detect surface temperature changes in the České Budějovice during last 30 years. The aim was also to asses the influence of vegetation on the surface temperature. The study is based on the thermal data acquired by the Landsat TM 4 and 5 and the study site was in the České Budějovice and surroundings.

Villes, climat urbain et climat régional sur la France : étude par une approche de modélisation climatique couplée / Cities, urban climate and regional climate over France : study with a coupled climatic modeling approach

Daniel, Maxime 17 November 2017 (has links)
Les villes jouent un rôle majeur dans le changement climatique à l'échelle globale au travers des émissions de gaz à effet de serre qu'elles génèrent. Mais elles peuvent aussi influencer le climat aux échelles locale et régionale car elles traduisent une altération des modes d'occupation des sols qui modifie les échanges thermodynamiques entre la surface et l'atmosphère. Les études d'impacts en milieu urbain se concentrent principalement sur les effets du changement climatique sur le climat local des villes (et plus largement, sur un ensemble de dimensions environnementales) selon des approches ne tenant pas compte des rétroactions potentielles. Les hautes résolutions horizontales atteintes aujourd'hui par les modèles de climat régionaux rendent légitime et pertinent d'inclure une modélisation explicite des villes dans ces modèles pour traiter les interactions ville/climat. Le couplage du modèle de climat régional ALADIN à 12 km de résolution avec la plateforme de modélisation des surfaces continentales SURFEX intégrant le modèle de canopée urbaine TEB permet d'évaluer l'impact de l'urbanisation à l'échelle régionale. L'analyse de sensibilité comparant différentes approches de modélisation des zones urbaines montre que les villes modifient significativement la température de l'air proche de la surface. Les plus grandes agglomérations françaises induisent un réchauffement le jour et la nuit, qui s'étend au-delà des limites de la ville et affecte l'environnement à l'échelle régionale. La comparaison des simulations à de longues séries d'observation sur la région parisienne révèle que la modélisation explicite des processus urbains avec TEB reproduit mieux la dynamique journalière de l'îlot de chaleur urbain et son intensité en phase nocturne que l'approche conventionnelle des modèles de climat décrivant les villes comme de la roche. L'activation de TEB dans le modèle ALADIN permet donc de mieux représenter l'impact des villes sur les climat régional. Néanmoins, les études d'impacts du changement climatique sur les villes nécessitent une descente d'échelle complémentaire. Une simulation a été réalisée avec le modèle AROME couplé à SURFEX(TEB) à 2.5 km puis 1.3 km de résolution sur l'agglomération toulousaine pour la période couvrant la campagne expérimentale CAPITOUL (2004-2005). Les bénéfices de la paramétrisation urbaine sont confirmés à ces échelles. Les tests de sensibilité réalisés sur les différentes versions de TEB mettent en lumière la forte sensibilité des performances du modèle à la qualité des simulations atmosphériques AROME et à la précision des données de surface. Pour ces résolutions et avec les bases de données actuelles, les paramétrisations les plus sophistiquées de TEB (échanges turbulents dans la canopée urbaine, énergétique du bâtiment, végétation explicite) n'apportent pas d'amélioration par rapport à la version historique voire dégradent les résultats. Il reste donc des voies d'amélioration à explorer pour la configuration AROME-Climat avec SURFEX(TEB), aussi bien sur la physique et la dynamique du modèle atmosphérique que sur la qualité des bases de données. En parallèle, différentes méthodes de descente d'échelle à très haute résolution sur les villes sont envisagées pour raffiner encore les études d'impacts. / Greenhouse gas emissions generated by cities play a major role in climate change at a global scale. But cities can also influence the climate at the local and regional scales as they reflect an alteration of land-use that modifies the thermodynamic exchanges between the surface and the atmosphere. Impact studies in urban areas focus mainly on the effects of climate change on the local climate of cities (and more broadly on a range of environmental dimensions) using approaches that do not account for the feedback with the atmosphere. The high horizontal resolutions reached by regional climate models make it relevant to include explicit modeling of cities to address city/climate interactions. Coupling the ALADIN regional climate model ALADIN (12 km horizontal resolution) with the SURFEX modeling platform integrating the model of urban canopy TEB allows to evaluate the impact of the urbanization at the regional scale. Sensitivity analyses that compare different urban canopy modeling shows that cities significantly modify the near-surface air temperature. The largest French cities induce a warming day and night, which extends beyond the limits of the city and affects the environment on a regional scale. Comparison of the simulations with long-term time series of observations on the Paris region reveals that the explicit modeling of urban processes with TEB improve the daily dynamics of the urban heat island and its nocturnal intensity compare to the conventional approach of climate models that describes cities as rock. The activation of TEB in the ALADIN model thus makes it possible to represent the impact of cities on the regional climate. Nevertheless, impact studies of climate change on cities require a further downscalling. A simulation was carried out with the AROME model coupled with SURFEX (TEB) at 2.5 km and 1.3 km resolution on the agglomeration of Toulouse for the period covering the CAPITOUL experimental campaign (2004-2005). The benefits of urban parametrization are confirmed. The tests carried out on the different versions of TEB highlight the high sensitivity of the model's performance to the quality of the AROME atmospheric simulations and the accuracy of the surface description. For these resolutions and with the current databases, the most detail parametrization of TEB (turbulent exchanges in the urban canopy, building energy budget, explicit vegetation) do not seem relevant compared to the historical version. New develompents could thus benefits to the AROME-Climat configuration with SURFEX (TEB). In particular, The physics and dynamics of the atmospheric model as well as the accuracy of the databases could be improved. At the same time, various downscalling methods at very high resolution on the cities are envisaged to enhance the spatial resolution needed by the impact studies.

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