Spelling suggestions: "subject:"herzegovina"" "subject:"erzegovina""
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Saints locaux et vierges étrangères : les pèlerinages valdôtains de Saint Besse et Medjugorje / Local saints and foreign virgins : Aosta Valley's pilgrimages to Saint Besse and MedjugorjeDemarchi, Nora 29 June 2016 (has links)
Sur le restreint territoire de la Vallée d’Aoste, en Italie, deux modalités distinctes de pèlerinage trouvent place. Une modalité est représentée par les pèlerinages locaux, fréquentés par une communauté de dévots qui se connaissent depuis toujours, l’autre par les pèlerinages internationaux, composés de fidèles qui souvent se rencontrent pour la première fois alors qu’ils montent sur le bus qui les conduira vers le lieu saint. Parmi ces pèlerinages internationaux, un des plus fréquentés dans ces dernières années est celui qui amène les pèlerins à la rencontre de la Vierge de Medjugorje, en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Quelles sont les différences qu’on peut retrouver à l’intérieur de ces deux modalités distinctes de voyage saint ? Les participants aux pèlerinages locaux sont les mêmes qui décident d’aller à la rencontre d’une Vierge “étrangère” et non pas encore reconnue par l’Église ? Et qu’est -e que cette dévotion peut offrir de plus par rapport aux nombreux lieux de culte présents sur la région ? A travers l’instrument de l’analyse ethnographique, Nora Demarchi cherche à répondre à ces questions, en illustrant comment l’analyse du phénomène du pèlerinage religieux peut nous dire de plus sur la société plus en général. / In the narrow area of Valle d'Aosta, in Italy, two different approaches to pilgrimage can be found: one is represented by local pilgrimages, attended by a community of devout constantly in touch with each other, the other one being international pilgrimages, composed by followers who meet for the first time when they board the bus that will take them towards the holy place. Among the latter, one of the most frequented lately is the one that brings the pilgrims towards the Virgin of Medjugorje, in Bosnia-Herzegovina. What are the differences we can find between these two different peregrinations ? Are the members of local pilgrimages the same who decide to meet a “foreign” Virgin Mary, which has not even been yet acknowledged by the Church ? Can this second devotion offer something more than the numerous places of worship located in the region ? Through the instruments of ethnographical analysis, Nora Demarchi tries to answer those questions, illustrating how the study of the religious pilgrimage phenomena can say something more about society in a broader sense.
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Percepce zahraniční politiky USA za vlády Billa Clintona v Bosně a Hercegovině prostřednictvím amerického tisku / Perception of U. S. Foreign Policy in the era of Bill Clinton in Bosnia and Herzegovina through American pressMatela, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of this master's thesis is to describe and analyze the opinions of a several selected journalists, associated with the The New York Times, on participation the official policy of the United States in the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992- 1995). On the basic of texts of several outstanding personalities of American journalism the early 90s, the thesis presents a picture of how this conflict resonated in one of the most popular American journals and primarily how journalists evaluated the policy of president Bill Clinton and his National Security Council in the Balkans. Besides this main practical part, which includes an overview of the every single journalists and political position of The New York Times, the thesis is also dedicated to the overall nature of foreign policy of W. J. Clinton and George Bush sr., background of Bosnian conflict and detailed summary of events in wartime Bosnia with a strong emphasis on the participation of the White House.
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Riešenie konfliktu v Bosne a Hercegovine a Kosove (s dôrazom na OSN) / Conflict resolution in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (with emphasis on UN)Hluzáková, Barbora January 2008 (has links)
This paper analyses proceeding of international community headed by United Nations by Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo conflict resolution. It examines roles of the most important international actors within particular conflict resolution phases that are represented by policy lines defined by Boutros Boutros-Ghali and used by UN. It verifies statement that international community has participated by conflict resolution in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo in every phase and has used instruments of all policy lines. The first chapter defines single policy lines that international community has at its disposal when conflict resolving. Reasons and course of conflicts are outlined within the second chapter. The third and fourth chapter analyse in particular subchapters international community activities in relation to preventive diplomacy, peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo.
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Mezinárodní nevládní organizace v postkonfliktní rekonstrukci (případová studie Bosna a Hercegovina) / International Non-governmental Organisations in Post-conflict Reconstruction: Study Case Bosnia and HerzegovinaMacoun Pilská, Alžběta January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the role of NGOs in post-conflict reconstruction, the case study is applied to the post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. The post-conflict reconstruction goes on since the end of the civil war in 1995 there. The aim of this work is to evaluate the fulfillment of the four pillars of the post-conflict reconstruction in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first chapter follows the theory of peacekeeping operations and theoretical classification of the post-conflict reconstruction. In the second chapter, there is an application of the Dayton Peace Agreement on the four pillars of the post-conflict reconstruction. The third chapter deals with activities of NGOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and presents some major projects and the overall assessment of their impact. For the methodology was chosen qualitative and quantitative evaluation and analysis and synthesis of data.
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EU jako mírová mocnost? Mise EUFOR Althea v Bosně a Hercegovině / EU as power for peace? Mission EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and HerzegovinaKrálová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This paper presents the role theory and the role conception power for peace which was created for the European Union on the basis of its values, norms and rules. Five criteria that define power for peace were applied to the peace mission EUFOR Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After verification of all criteria it was proved that the EU has acted as power for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it has therefore fulfilled its role conception.
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Postkonfliktní rekonstrukce na příkladu Bosny a Hercegoviny: role jednotlivých aktérů / Postconflict Reconstruction in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina: the role of particular actorsHolíková, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which took place between 1992 and 1995, is perceived as the most tragic conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The process of postconflict reconstruction has been running there for 17 years and there have been numerous actors involved. But still, the process has not been finished. The diploma thesis deals with the question of the role played by particular involved actors in the process of postconflict reconstruction. In the first part of the thesis the theoretical framework of postconflict reconstruction is presented. In the second part the contemporary situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Dayton Peace Agreement are outlined. The third part fully focuses on the analysis of particular groups of actors. Three groups of actors are analysed: the international community, the local ruling elite and the international and local nongovernmental organisations. The aim of this work is to identify the objects of those actors in the process of postconflict reconstruction and consequently to evaluate their opportunities to achieve those goals. The SWOT analysis is applied to analyze the role of the actors.
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Demografski problemi Zapadnohercegovačke županije i njihov uticaj na morfološko-funkcionalne promene naselja / Demographic Problems of West Herzegovina County and their impact on the morphological and functional changes of settlementsGalić Jelica 06 November 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatraju demografski problemi regije Hercegovine s posebnim osvrtom na Zapadnohercegovačku županiju te njihov uticaj na morfološko-funkcionalne promene naselja (gradova s pripadajućim naseljenim mestima) u pedesetogodišnjem vremenskom periodu, s naglaskom za vremenski period od 1961. do 2011. godine. Područje koje se analizira u ovome radu odnosi se na područje koje je funkcionalno vezano za Zapadnohercegovačku županiju, jednu od deset kantona/županija u FBiH. Proučavani prostor obuhvata 100 naseljenih mesta (četiri gradska naselja). U radu se analizira demografski razvitak, te međusobna povezanost demografskog i socio-ekonomskog razvitka naselja na području Zapadnohercegovačke županije te funkcionalno-morfološke promene naselja. Zapadnohercegovačka županija tradicionalno je emigracijsko područje koje je već decenijama zahvaćeno procesom depopulacije. Šire je područje značajnije počelo izumirati nakon Drugog svetskog rata, dok su gradski prostor i njegova okolina, inače centri imigracija, stvarali područja i žarišta ekonomskog i opšteg razvitka Zapadnohercegovačke županije. Depopulaciju je u naseljenim mestima planinskog dela Županije (brdski prostori) pratilo napuštanje tradicionalnih privrednih aktivnosti (u prvom redu zemljoradnje i stočarstva), došlo je do pojave socijalnog pustošenja, promena u krajoliku te izumiranja pojedinih naselja. Najznačajniji uticaj imali su znatno iseljavanje stanovništva u drugoj polovini 20. veka, direktne i indirektne posledice dvaju svetskih ratova, zatim različite epidemije, agrarna reforma, ekonomske krize koje su se u nekoliko navrata javljale tokom 20. veka. Tome su pridoneli i ostali faktori, kao što su ekonomska emigracija od sredine šezdesetih godina 20. veka, urbanizacija, industrijalizacija te snažan razvitak središnjih i prigradskih naselja. Deagrarizacija i deruralizacija, tranzicija nataliteta, rat na području Bosne i Hercegovine u prvoj polovini devedesetih godina 20. veka, te neprimerena populaciona politika, ostavile su traga na ovim područjima. S obzirom na dominantne demografske trendove u Županiji može se pretpostaviti da će reprodukcija, odnosno obnavljanje radne snage u budućnosti biti smanjeno. Naime, na navedenu će činjenicu uticati smanjenje stope prirodnog kretanja stanovništva prisutno na području Zapadnohercegovačke županije već nekoliko decenija, što znači da će se smanjenje broja mladih stanovnika negativno odraziti na obim radne snage. </p><p>Depopulacija ima negativne posledice na funkcije naselja te na morfologiju naselja. U pojedinim naseljima je došlo do promene u njihovoj strukturi i obliku osnove naselja, a gotovo sva naselja u Županiji imaju promene u fizionomiji.</p> / <p>This paper discusses the demographic problems of the region Herzegovina with special reference to the West Herzegovina County and their impact on the morphological and functional changes of settlements (cities with the belonging populated areas) in fifty years time, with particular emphasis on the period from 1961 to 2011. The area that is analyzed in this paper refers to the area that is functionally related to the West Herzegovina County, one of ten cantons/counties in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The studied area covers 100 settlements (four urban settlements). The paper analyzes the demographic development andinterconnection of demographic and socio -economic development of settlements in theWest Herzegovina County and functional and morphological changes of settlements.</p><p>West Herzegovina County is a traditional emigration area that has been affected by the process of depopulation for decades. Wider area began depopulating after World War II, while the urban area and its surroundings, which arein fact immigration centers, were creating areas and foci of economic and general development of West Herzegovina County. Depopulation in settled places of mountainous part of the County (mountain areas) was followed by the abandonment of traditional economic activities (primarily agriculture and animal husbandry). There was considerable social fallow as well as changes in the landscape and the extinction of some settlements. The emigration in the second half of the 20th century, the direct and indirect consequences of the two world wars, then various epidemics, agrarian reform, economic crises that have occurred on several occasions during the 20th century had the most significant influence on the depopulation in this area. Some other factors, such as the economic emigration from the mid-sixties of the 20th century, urbanization, industrialization and a strong development of central and suburban areas, contributed to this as well. Deagrarization and deruralization, fertility transition, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the first half of the nineties of the 20th century and inadequate population policy made their mark in this area. Concerning the dominant demographic trends in the County it can be assumed that the reproduction or recovery of the labor force in the future will be reduced. Namely, this fact will be affected by reduction in the rate of natural population growth that has been present in the area of West County for several decades, which means that the reduction in the number of young people has a negative impact on the volume of the labor force.</p><p>Depopulation has negative effects on the function of the village and the morphology of settlements. In some villages there is a change in their structure and form of the basics of the village, and almost all the villages in the County have a change in the physiognomy. The concentration of population and economic activities in urban and suburban area had also influence on the landscape change. Demographic processes, that have occurred in West County, affected the socio - economic,physiognomic and functional transformation of urban neighborhoods and some parts of the County.</p>
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Vyprávění příběhů a usmíření: Posuny rámců a diskurzívních narativů u posluchačů iniciativy "Můj příběh" v Bosně a Hercegovině / Storytelling and Reconciliation: Shifts in Frames and Discursive Narratives in Listeners of the Initiative "My Story" in Bosnia and HerzegovinaOberpfalzerová, Hana January 2019 (has links)
Storytelling and Reconciliation: Shifts in Frames and Discursive Narratives in Listeners of the Initiative "My Story" in Bosnia and Herzegovina Hana Oberpfalzerová Abstract In Bosnia and Herzegovina, two non-governmental organizations have been running the initiative "My Story" within which three war victims, one Bosniak, one Serb and one Croat, tell their wartime stories and their way to reconciliation in public testimonies in a side-by-side, live setting to an audience of young people or ordinary citizens. The aim of the initiative is to promote reconciliation in the listeners. This doctoral dissertation integrates several disparate fields in order to create an analytical framework for inferring attitude shifts from the discursive narratives recalled by the listeners, and from the frames that connect the single narratives to broader societal discourses within these discursive narratives. Three public testimonies were analyzed and interviews with eighteen listeners from the three Bosnian nations were conducted, some of which were interviewed by phone about four months later to check for further attitude changes. The interview material was analyzed inductively by the means of thematic discourse analysis in order to identify the underlying discursive narratives that were then regrouped into dimensions or...
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Bezpečnostní opatření proti extrémizmu v Bosně a Hercegovině: prostor pro zlepšení? / Extremism-countering security measures in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Room for improvement?Karabin, Kevin January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract This diploma thesis' aim was to find out what are the security measures countering radicalization and extremism in Bosnia-Herzegovina and whether there is any room for improvement. Firstly, the thesis analysed several official documents related to the security of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the relevant reports of the international community, in order to review the concrete security measures and compared them with security measures, which are in effect in other European countries. This allowed the author to draw specific security recommendation for Bosnia-Herzegovina based on the best-practices from abroad. Secondly, this thesis provides the opinions of three experts on Bosnia-Herzegovina and its internal situation. The experts assessed the security situation in the country, identified the areas of security which shall be enhanced and proposed concrete measures, which could elevate the security situation in the country. This thesis's main assumption was that the security measures currently in effect are insufficient and that there is much room for improvement. The analysis of the documents showed that there are many specific security measures, in terms of fighting radicalisation of youth, online radicalisation or religious extremism, which are used abroad, that could be implemented to...
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Válka proti terorismu z pohledu Spojených států: Připadová studie Bosny and Herzegoviny / War on Terrorism Through the Prism of the US: The Case Study of Bosnia and HerzegovinaHeleta, Nataša January 2019 (has links)
The main goal of this paper is to examine the perceptions related to Bosnia and Herzegovina as a country that fosters terrorism. The concepts of radicalization, extremism and terrorism are examined as separate entities in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the confusion of these contexts is particularly harmful, prompting negative attitudes and conclusions. It includes a review of the origins of Jihad in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-1995 war and transformation into the Salafi Movement after it. Some theoretical concepts consider the popular perspective on the Salafi community, relations between the Salafi Community and the Islamic Community the responses of media who propagate both the valid and stereotypical information, the motivations that drive the Salafist community, but also the motives of Bosnia and Herzegovina's society for the exploitation of this community. Other focuses are the changes that take place after the September 11th terrorist attacks, and their effect on Bosnia and Herzegovina are discussed in the context of the fight against terrorism and the re-examination of the intentions of the Salafi communities. Finally, conclusions are drawn about the perception of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a terrorist threat. In addition, the relationship between the Salafi...
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