Spelling suggestions: "subject:"herzegovina"" "subject:"erzegovina""
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Děti zrozené ze znásilnění během konfliktu v Bosně a Hercegovině: poválečné diskurzy / Children born of War Rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Postwar DiscourseGrossová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The main subject of the research is the social discourse about the ethnic identity of children born of rape during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-1995. Acts of rape are considered to be part of the war tactics of major rivals (Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Army of Republika Srpska, and Croatian Defence Council) and paramilitary units. Forced fertilization and disallowance of abortion was carried out as an accompanying factor of ethnic cleansing. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has recognized these acts as war crimes. The main objective of the research is to pursue a cross- societal discussion on the issue of inheritance of identity in the case of children of war: first, through a discourse analysis of the media, which significantly contribute to the image of these children, and second, through the contribution of interviews conducted during the field research. The way in which the children born of war are depicted and perceived affects various aspects of their lives. The results of the project will contribute to the discussion of war crimes and their impact on contemporary Bosnian society.
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Důvody vysoce kvalifikovaných migrantů k návratu do Bosny a Hercegoviny po roce 2005 / Return Decisions of Highly Skilled Migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina after 2005Andrlová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Brain drain, or human capital flight, is a phenomenon which represents a society-wide problem in the post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). At present, more than half of the people claiming BiH nationality live abroad, out of which a significant part possesses tertiary education. Loss of human capital carries negative socio-economic consequences which hinder the country's development. On the other hand, brain gain, i.e. return of highly skilled migrants to their country of origin, might reverse some of the unfavourable effects. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the return of highly skilled migrants remains under researched not only within the region of the Western Balkans, but also on a global scale. Although this type of migration has increasingly attracted the attention of many scholars from various academic and non- academic fields, contemporary literature on this topic suffers from limitations and tends to oversimplify the returnees' motivations to purely economic incentives. This study attempts to describe the complex factors leading the highly skilled migrants to return to BiH. Based on the 33 respondents' subjective preferences from the spheres of career, family and lifestyle, this work provides an insight into the decisions of returnees in the context of the developing Western Balkan country.
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Таксономија тестатних амеба које насељавају маховине на подручју Источне Херцеговине / Taksonomija testatnih ameba koje naseljavaju mahovine na području Istočne Hercegovine / Taxonomy of moss-dwelling testate amoebae from East HerzegovinaLuketa Stefan 08 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Докторска дисертација представља таксономску студију тестатних амеба Источне Херцеговине базирану искључиво на резултатима сопствених истраживања с обзиром да на овом подручју тестатне амебе до сада нису проучаване, те не постоје историјске музејске колекције. На подручју Источне Херцеговине регистровано је 40 врста тестатних амеба које су сврстане у 10 фамилија и један род без јасног места у класификационом систему. Сви регистровани таксони тестатних амеба су нови за фауну Босне и Херцеговине. Укупно је анализирано 24.549 јединки, од чега су 23.242 јединке припадале групи тестатних амеба са лобоподијама (супергрупа Amoebozoa), а 1307 јединки је припадало групи тестатних амеба са филоподијама (супергрупа Cercozoa). Најзначајнији резултат ове дисертације је опис пет нових врста за науку које припадају родовима<br />Centropyxis, Heleopera и Nebela. Морфотип означен као C. cf. aerophila се од врсте C. aerophila разликује по томе што се на крају љуштурице не налази пар крупних честица кварца,а и љуштурица је нешто дужа (46‒81 μm код врсте C. aerophila према 67‒ 88 μm код врсте C. cf. aerophila). Морфотип означен као C. cf. platystoma значајно се пре свега морфолошки разликује од врсте C. platystoma, те је закључено да се ради о неописаној врсти.У оквиру рода Heleopera описан је нови морфотип сличан врсти H. rosea који представља нову врсту за науку. Морфометријске разлике су релативне, тј. нису строго дискриминаторне, те се морају комбиновати са морфолошким разликама које су такође тешко yочљиве. Наиме, поред разлике у боји љуштурице, најбољи дискриминаторни морфолошки карактер је општи облик љуштурице. Љуштурице врсте H. rosea су робусног облика, док су љуштурице врсте Heleopera cf. rosea знатно елегантније ‒ уже су и имају облије ивице. Највеће морфометријске разлике у индексним карактерима су забележене за однос ширине и дужине љуштурице и однос ширине апертуре и ширине љуштурице.Морфотип Nebela cf. collaris се од врсте N. collaris јасно разликује пре свега морфолошки и еколошки, а морфометријски веома мало. Наиме, најважнија морфолошка одлика која морфотип N. cf. collaris раздваја од врсте N. collaris су таласасте ивице љуштурице, а еколошка разлика се јавља у смислу да врста N. collaris насељава зелене маховине док морфотип N. cf. collaris насељава сфагнумске маховине. Морфотип N. cf. tincta var. major се од морфотипа N. cf. collaris разликује пре свега по јасно израженом сужењу у делу близу апертуре, тј. израженом врату. Такође, морфотип N. cf. tincta var. major никада нема таласасте ивице љуштурице,док се код јединки морфотипа N. cf. collaris ова карактеристика често јасно уочава.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija predstavlja taksonomsku studiju testatnih ameba Istočne Hercegovine baziranu isključivo na rezultatima sopstvenih istraživanja s obzirom da na ovom području testatne amebe do sada nisu proučavane, te ne postoje istorijske muzejske kolekcije. Na području Istočne Hercegovine registrovano je 40 vrsta testatnih ameba koje su svrstane u 10 familija i jedan rod bez jasnog mesta u klasifikacionom sistemu. Svi registrovani taksoni testatnih ameba su novi za faunu Bosne i Hercegovine. Ukupno je analizirano 24.549 jedinki, od čega su 23.242 jedinke pripadale grupi testatnih ameba sa lobopodijama (supergrupa Amoebozoa), a 1307 jedinki je pripadalo grupi testatnih ameba sa filopodijama (supergrupa Cercozoa). Najznačajniji rezultat ove disertacije je opis pet novih vrsta za nauku koje pripadaju rodovima<br />Centropyxis, Heleopera i Nebela. Morfotip označen kao C. cf. aerophila se od vrste C. aerophila razlikuje po tome što se na kraju ljušturice ne nalazi par krupnih čestica kvarca,a i ljušturica je nešto duža (46‒81 μm kod vrste C. aerophila prema 67‒ 88 μm kod vrste C. cf. aerophila). Morfotip označen kao C. cf. platystoma značajno se pre svega morfološki razlikuje od vrste C. platystoma, te je zaključeno da se radi o neopisanoj vrsti.U okviru roda Heleopera opisan je novi morfotip sličan vrsti H. rosea koji predstavlja novu vrstu za nauku. Morfometrijske razlike su relativne, tj. nisu strogo diskriminatorne, te se moraju kombinovati sa morfološkim razlikama koje su takođe teško yočljive. Naime, pored razlike u boji ljušturice, najbolji diskriminatorni morfološki karakter je opšti oblik ljušturice. LJušturice vrste H. rosea su robusnog oblika, dok su ljušturice vrste Heleopera cf. rosea znatno elegantnije ‒ uže su i imaju oblije ivice. Najveće morfometrijske razlike u indeksnim karakterima su zabeležene za odnos širine i dužine ljušturice i odnos širine aperture i širine ljušturice.Morfotip Nebela cf. collaris se od vrste N. collaris jasno razlikuje pre svega morfološki i ekološki, a morfometrijski veoma malo. Naime, najvažnija morfološka odlika koja morfotip N. cf. collaris razdvaja od vrste N. collaris su talasaste ivice ljušturice, a ekološka razlika se javlja u smislu da vrsta N. collaris naseljava zelene mahovine dok morfotip N. cf. collaris naseljava sfagnumske mahovine. Morfotip N. cf. tincta var. major se od morfotipa N. cf. collaris razlikuje pre svega po jasno izraženom suženju u delu blizu aperture, tj. izraženom vratu. Takođe, morfotip N. cf. tincta var. major nikada nema talasaste ivice ljušturice,dok se kod jedinki morfotipa N. cf. collaris ova karakteristika često jasno uočava.</p> / <p>The PhD thesis is a taxonomic study of testate amoebae from East Herzegovina based exclusively on the results of our own research, given that testate amoebae have not been studied in this region so far, and there are no historical museum collections. In the region of East Herzegovina,40 testate amoeba species have been registered, which are classified into 10 families and one genus without a clear place in the classification system. All registered testate amoeba taxa are new to the fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 24,549 individuals belonged to the group of testate amoebae with lobopodia (supergroup Amoebozoa), and 1307 individuals belonged to the group of testate amoebae with filopodia (supergroup Cercozoa). The most significant results of this PhD thesis are the descriptions of five new species for science belonging to the genera Centropyxis, Heleopera, and Nebela. The morphotype Centropyxis cf. aerophila differs from C. aerophila in that there is no large quartz particles at the shell end, and the shell is slightly longer (46‒81 μm in C. aerophila versus 67‒88 μm in C. cf. aerophila). The morphotype C. cf. platystoma differs significantly morphologically from C. platystoma, so it was concluded that it is an undescribed species. Within the genus Heleopera a new morphotype similar to H. rosea has been described, representing a new species for science. Morphometric differences are relative, i.e. they are not strictly discriminatory, and must be combined with morphological differences that are difficult to detect. Namely, in addition to the difference in the color of the shell, the best discriminatory morphological character is the general shell shape. Shells of H. rosea are red and robust in shape, while shells of H. cf. rosea are volet and much more elegant ‒ they are narrower and have rounded edges. The largest morphometric differences in the index characters were observed for shell width/shell length ratio and aperture width/shell width ratio. The morphotype Nebela cf. collaris clearly differs from N. collaris primarily morphologically and ecologically, but morphometrically very little. Namely, the most important morphological character that N. cf. collaris separates from N. collaris are the wavy edges of the shell, and the ecological difference occurs in the sense that N. collaris inhabits green mosses while N. cf. collaris inhabits Sphagnum mosses. The morphotype N. cf. tincta var. major from the morphotype N. cf. collaris differs primarily by a clearly pronounced narrowing in the part near the aperture, i.e. pronounced neck. Also, the morphotype N. cf. tincta var. major never has a wavy edge of the shell, while in N. cf. collaris this feature is often clearly observed.</p>
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The perpetual, neglected conflicts : A comparative study of ethnic tolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda post civil war and genocideSobo, Medina January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to examine Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda's tolerance and reconciliation processes after the conflicts by answering the research question 'How can we explain the similarities and differences between Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda’s reconciliation processes in terms of ethnic tolerance among its inhabitants post civil war and genocide?'. An explanatory theory based on Brounéus’ perspectives and recommendations on reconciliation is used throughout the study. The main findings are that both countries have had diverse approaches and have not fulfilled the requirements for achieving ethnic tolerance and reconciliation.
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Society and organizational culture and leadership expectations in Bosnia and HerzegovinaBogdanić, Danijela 29 January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I explore the relationship between characteristics of the society culture in Bosnia, the organizational culture of Bosnian enterprises and characteristics of the expected leadership in Bosnian companies of three branches of industry (food processing, telecommunications, and financial services). Much of the inspiration for this thesis comes from the Global Leadership and Organizational Behaviour Effectiveness (GLOBE) project. The main idea of GLOBE is to advance an empirically established theory, to comprehend and envisage the effect of particular cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes.
The research instruments build up on both quantitative and selected qualitative GLOBE research methods in order to supply descriptive and scientifically valid data of cultural influences on leadership expectations and organizational practices in Bosnian society. The background theory guiding this thesis is the culturally endorsed implicit theory of leadership (CLT) developed for the GLOBE project.
Empirical findings reveal that historically, religiously and politically impacted models of thinking are still predominant features of Bosnian society. Even though internationalization opens Bosnian market for business interactions, various conventional patterns of behaviour seem to be maintained. On the other hand, Bosnian managers expect positive change in the Bosnian society.
The existing cultural profiles of organizations in three sectors are rather divergent and shaped under the influence of the industry in which they function. In contrast, organizational culture value profiles of the industries investigated have equalizing effects, which indicates the impact of Bosnian societal culture on the desired cultural profile of Bosnian organizations.
Charismatic/value based, team oriented and participative leadership dimensions are accounted to be the most significant dimensions for effective leadership in Bosnia. Furthermore, empirical findings suggest that leadership dimensions are connected with culture in a unique way. It was found that society and organizational culture influence the way people perceive effective leaders, as well as status, influence and privileges granted to leaders. Individual perceptions of effective leadership in Bosnian society and organizations are dependent of society and organizational culture. Furthermore, it was found that organizational culture values were more frequently predictive of leadership dimensions than societal cultural values.
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Den parlamentariska strukturens begränsning på demokratin : En studie om Bosnien och Hercegovinas parlamentariska strukturAnton, Kolak January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyse the parliamentary structure and tasks of Bosnia and Herzegovina to see the limitations it has on the progress to democracy. By studying the Dayton accords appendix four (the constitution) and article four (the parliamentary assembly). In the analysis two theories was used, historical institutionalism and rational choice theory to help find answers to the purpose. With the thematic analysis method to analyse the material and to find themes in the data these three themes was put together, complex parliamentary structure, discrimination against minorities and the balance of power between the various institutions and actors. The material was some scientific reports and books by a variety of different authors and the Dayton accords. The analysis shows that the parliament structure is structured in a non-democratic way, the function of the structure is to keep and preserve the peace in the region. In conclusion the Dayton accords is the main reason for the structure of parliament and that it was made for peacekeeping, not necessarily to create a democratic state. Why there has not been any reform or change in the structure is because the political elite has it easier to gain their own interest with this structure rather than a democratic structure.
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Die Grenzregion als Kolonie?: Neue Perspektiven auf Bosnien-Herzegowina und Elsass-Lothringen (1871–1918)Heckmann-Umhau, Philipp 28 April 2023 (has links)
What role, if any, did colonialism play in the history of Europe? To answer this question, scholars have increasingly turned to European border regions. These regions, whose ownership was disputed and often unstable, are excellent case studies for patterns of quasi-colonial rule within the confines of Europe. Historians of Austria-Hungary, especially, have argued that colonialism was by no means limited to overseas territories, but pertained also to the European continent. The occupied territories of Bosnia-Herzegovina, a border region on the fringes of the collapsing Ottoman empire, is one example. This article applies the criteria of postcolonial scholars to another European border region: Alsace-Lorraine. In its constitutional, administrative, economic and cultural status, this Franco-German borderland exhibits many characteristics of quasi-colonial rule that also applied in Bosnia-Herzegovina. But there are also important differences. In extending the question of inner-European colonialism from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Alsace-Lorraine, this article reflects on the applicability of a post-colonial perspective onto European border regions more generally. Such a perspective, it will be shown, has its merits as well as its risks. The emerging differences between quasi-colonial border regions like Bosnia-Herzegovina and Alsace-Lorraine, and overseas territories, are a testimony to the complexity and dynamism of colonialism. It is important not to preclude European border regions from postcolonial discourse on account of their geography alone.
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Der Friedensbegriff im internationalen System: Eine Dekonstruktion des gesellschaftlichen Ortes der Frau im Peacekeeping-Prozess in Bosnien-HerzegowinaPamir, Annika 05 May 2023 (has links)
Annika Pamirs Beitrag Der Friedensbegriff im internationalen System: Eine Dekonstruktion des gesellschaftlichen Ortes der Frau im PeacekeepingProzess in Bosnien-Herzegowina ist weniger historisch als politikwissenschaftlich und argumentiert, dass der Einfluss lokaler Geschlechterregime für nachhaltige Friedenskonsolidierungen zwar international anerkannt ist, in der Praxis jedoch selten einbezogen wird, obwohl vergeschlechtlichte Machtverhältnisse in Friedensbestrebungen einen nachhaltigen Frieden verhindern. Annika Pamir dekonstruiert in ihrem Artikel in politischer Theorie und Praxis den gesellschaftlichen und historischen ‚Ort der Frau‘, um inhärent vergeschlechtlichte Ungleichheitslagen aufzudecken und charakterisiert den Einbezug einer geschlechtersensiblen Perspektive als determinierenden Aspekt zur Neubewertung eines nachhaltigen Friedensbegriffs. Dies wird anhand des Fallbeispiels Bosnien-Herzegowina skizziert, wobei argumentiert wird, dass internationale Friedensbestrebungen geschlechtersensibel evaluiert werden und die Erkenntnisse feministischer Analysen und Instrumente in Friedensprozesse aufgenommen werden müssen.
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Building peace together : A qualitative study of faith-based NGOs on intergroup reconciliation in Bosnia and HerzegovinaEcker, Merle Daliah January 2022 (has links)
Intergroup reconciliation involves a holistic change in attitudes and interactions between groups. However, sustainable reconciliation has often times been overlooked from previous research. This paper aims to contribute to the research gap by applying the well-tested contact hypothesis in the context of NGO structure. The positive results in change of reconciliation attitudes suggests thereby that NGOs should not only be evaluated by its external effects but also by its internal effects on its own members. No negative consequences could be found. Combining intergroup contact with youth, providing informal education and combining it with inter-faith projects within a faith-based institution have yielded the best results.
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History and Development of the Communication Regulatory Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1998-2005Sadic, Adin 27 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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