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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A New Approach for Solving the Disruption in Vehicle Routing Problem During the Delivery : A Comparative Analysis of VRP Meta-Heuristics

Kaja, Sai Chandana January 2020 (has links)
Context. The purpose of this research paper is to describe a new approach for solving the disruption in the vehicle routing problem (DVRP) which deals with the disturbance that will occur unexpectedly within the distribution area when executing the original VRP plan. The paper then focuses further on the foremost common and usual problem in real-time scenarios i.e., vehicle-breakdown part. Therefore, the research needs to be accomplished to deal with these major disruption in routing problems in transportation. Objectives. The study first investigates to find suitable and efficient metaheuristic techniques for solving real-time vehicle routing problems than an experiment is performed with the chosen algorithms which might produce near-optimal solutions. Evaluate the performance of those selected algorithms and compare the results among each other. Methods. To answer research questions, firstly, a literature review has been performed to search out suitable meta-heuristic techniques for solving vehicle routing problems. Then based on the findings an experiment is performed to evaluate the performance of selected meta-heuristic algorithms. Results. Results from the literature review showed that the meta-heuristic approaches such as. Tabu Search, Ant Colony Optimization, and Genetic Algorithmare suitable and efficient algorithms for solving real-time vehicle routing problems. The performance of those algorithms has been calculated and compared with one another with standard benchmarks. Conclusions. The performance of a Tabu Search algorithm is best among the other algorithms, followed by Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Algorithm. Therefore, it has been concluded that the Tabu Search is the best algorithm for solving real-time disruption problems in VRP. The results are similar to the performance comparison of the selected algorithms and standard benchmarks are presented within the research.

Reachability Analysis and Revision of Dynamics of Biological Regulatory Networks / Analyse d’accessibilité et révision de la dynamique dans les réseaux de régulations biologiques

Chai, Xinwei 24 May 2019 (has links)
Les systèmes concurrents sont un bon choix pour ajuster les données et analyser les mécanismes sous-jacents pour leur sémantique simple mais expressive. Cependant, l’apprentissage et l’analyse de tels systèmes concurrents sont difficiles pour ce qui concerne les calculs. Lorsqu’il s’agit de grands ensembles de données, les techniques les plus récentes semblent insuffisantes, que ce soit en termes d’efficacité ou de précision. Ici, nous proposons un cadre de modélisation raffiné ABAN (Asynchronous Binary Automata Network) et développons des outils pour analyser l’atteignabilité : PermReach (Reachability via Permutation search) et ASPReach (Reachability via Answer Set Programming). Nous proposons ensuite deux méthodes de construction et d’apprentissage des modèles: CRAC (Completion via Reachability And Correlations) et M2RIT (Model Revision via Reachability and Interpretation Transitions) en utilisant des données continues et discrètes pour s’ajuster au modèle et des propriétés d’accessibilité afin de contraindre les modèles en sortie. / Concurrent systems become a good choice to fit the data and analyze the underlying mechanics for their simple but expressive semantics. However, learning and analyzing such concurrent systems are computationally difficult. When dealing with big data sets, the state-of-the-art techniques appear to be insufficient, either in term of efficiency or in term of precision. In this thesis, we propose a refined modeling framework ABAN (Asynchronous Binary Automata Network) and develop reachability analysis techniques based on ABAN: PermReach (Reachability via Permutation search) and ASPReach (Reachability via Answer Set Programming). Then we propose two model learning/constructing methods: CRAC (Completion via Reachability And Correlations) and M2RIT (Model Revision via Reachability and Interpretation Transitions) using continuous and discrete data to fit the model and using reachability properties to constrain the output models.

Theoritical and numerical studies on the graph partitioning problem / Études théoriques et numériques du problème de partitionnement dans un graphe

Althoby, Haeder Younis Ghawi 06 November 2017 (has links)
Étant donné G = (V, E) un graphe non orienté connexe et un entier positif β (n), où n est le nombrede sommets de G, le problème du séparateur (VSP) consiste à trouver une partition de V en troisclasses A, B et C de sorte qu'il n'y a pas d'arêtes entre A et B, max {| A |, | B |} est inférieur ou égal àβ (n) et | C | est minimum. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons une modélisation du problème sous laforme d'un programme linéaire en nombres entiers. Nous décrivons certaines inégalités valides et etdéveloppons des algorithmes basés sur un schéma de voisinage.Nous étudions également le problème du st-séparateur connexe. Soient s et t deux sommets de Vnon adjacents. Un st-séparateur connexe dans le graphe G est un sous-ensemble S de V \ {s, t} quiinduit un sous-graphe connexe et dont la suppression déconnecte s de t. Il s'agit de déterminer un stséparateur de cardinalité minimum. Nous proposons trois formulations pour ce problème et donnonsdes inégalités valides du polyèdre associé à ce problème. Nous présentons aussi une heuristiqueefficace pour résoudre ce problème. / Given G=(V,E) a connected undirected graph and a positive integer β(n), where n is number ofvertices, the vertex separator problem (VSP) is to find a partition of V into three classes A,B and Csuch that there is no edge between A and B, max{|A|,|B|}less than or equal β(n), and |C| isminimum. In this thesis, we consider aninteger programming formulation for this problem. Wedescribe some valid inequalties and using these results to develop algorithms based onneighborhood scheme.We also study st-connected vertex separator problem. Let s and tbe two disjoint vertices of V, notadjacent. A st-connected separator in the graph G is a subset S of V\{s,t} such that there are no morepaths between sand tin G[G\S] and the graph G[S] is connected . The st-connected vertex speratorproblem consists in finding such subset with minimum cardinality. We propose three formulationsfor this problem and give some valid inequalities for the polyhedron associated with this problem.We develop also an efficient heuristic to solve this problem.

Comparison of GCP and AWS using usability heuristic and cognitive walkthrough while creating and launching Virtual Machine instances in VirtualPrivate Cloud

Cherukuri, Prudhvi Nath Naidu, Ganja, Sree Kavya January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT Cloud computing has become increasingly important over the years, as the need for computational resources, data storage, and networking capabilities in the field of information technology has been increased. There are several large corporations that offer these services to small companies or to end-users such as GCP, AWS, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, and many more. The main aim of this thesis is to perform the comparison of GCP and AWS consoles in terms of the user interface while performing tasks related to compute engine. The cognitive walkthrough has been performed on tasks such as the creation of VPC, creation of VM instances, and launching them and then from the results, both the interfaces are compared using usability heuristics. Background: As the usage of cloud computing has increased over the years, the companies that are offering these services have grown eventually. Though there are many cloud services available in the market the user might always choose the services that are more flexible and efficient to use. In this manner, the choice of our research is made to compare the cloud services in terms of user interaction user experience. As we dig deep into the topic of user interaction and experience there are evaluation techniques and principles such as cognitive walkthrough and usability heuristics are suitable for our research. Here the comparison is made among GCP and AWS user interfaces while performing some tasks related to compute engine. Objectives: The main objectives of this thesis are to create VPC, VM instances,s and launch VM instances in two different cloud services such as GCP and AWS. To find out the best user interface among these two cloud services from the perspective of the user. Method: The process of finding best user interface among GCP and AWS cloud services is based on the cognitive walkthrough and comparing with usability heuristics. The cognitive walkthrough is performed on chosen tasks in both the services and then compared using usability heuristics to get the results of our research. Results: The results that are obtained from cognitive walkthrough and comparison with usability heuristics shown in graphical formats such as bar graphs, pie charts, and the comparison results are shown in the form of tabular form. The results cannot be universal, as they are just observational results from cognitive walkthrough and usability heuristic evaluation. Conclusion: After performing the above-mentioned methods it is observed that the user interface of GCP is more flexible and efficient in terms of user interaction and experience. Though the user experience may vary based on the experience level of users in cloud services, as per our research the novice user and moderate users have chosen GCP as a better interactive system over AWS. Keywords: Cloud computing, VM instance, Cognitive walkthrough, Usability heuristics, User-interface.

Informationsarkitektur och användarbehov av internetbehandlingar

Sawut, Sabit, Troche, Amir January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the usability of internet services for health treatments. The purpose of this study is to investigate how to improve the usability on Internet-based platforms to enhance the user experience around these systems. This, by examining the e-service 1177 as an example of such services, by using theories and previous research. Theories and methods that are dealt with are based on the literature regarding usability on web-based websites. Previous research suggests that usability is essential on similar platforms that offers online treatments. The data collection was done using a qualitative data collection method called think aloud. This data collection is used as user cases. By analyzing the content of the web applications' different pages and functions, development suggestions in the form of guidelines are generated on how to improve the current stage of similar e-services. This thesis is intended to create a foundation with guidelines for other organizations profiling themselves for onlinetreatments. The conclusion is that several components should be improved for enhancing the usability on such platforms.

Varningssignaler om spelmissbruk

Shwan Aziz, Sivar, Mustafa, Taha January 2020 (has links)
Online casino var tillgängligt för 10 år sedan men inte i samma utsträckning. Samtidigt harspelindustrin expanderat och onlinespel har blivit mer tillgängligt genom teknikutvecklingenför telefoner och surfplattor. Online casinos prioritet är att få nöjda kunder som tycker omspel och plattformen de använder. För att uppnå detta måste webbplatserna ha höganvändbarhet och användarupplevelse. Spelberoende är ett stort problem för många individeri dagens samhälle och detta måste lösas genom att hjälpa de personerna som behöver hjälp.Det faktum att en individ har utvecklat ett spelberoende innebär fara och risker för individenoch för individens omgivning. Marknadsföring är mycket mer vanligt och tydligt på TV,telefoner, tidningar och reklam utomhus, men det som sällan finns är hur riskabelt det kanvara att börja spela online casino. Denna forskning syftar till att undersöka förhållandetmellan användarupplevelser i online casino och spelberoende. Användarupplevelsen kanbidra med olika intryck och känslor som uppstår när de interagerar med en digital produkteller tjänst. Syftet med användarupplevelsen är att involvera design och samtidigttillhandahålla en upplevelse där resultatet är att få användarna att känna något unikt ochspeciellt. En viktig sak att notera är att spelberoende kan vara närvarande trots att det inteorsakar problem och kan utlöses genom marknadsföring exempelvis. Denna studie innefattarockså att granska och mäta användarupplevelse för spel webbapplikationer med Nielsensheuristik / grundprinciper. Tidigare studier och relaterade arbeten om användarupplevelse ochspelberoende är en del av denna studie. Denna studie inkluderar tolv semistruktureradeintervjuer där informanterna är eller var spelberoende i online casino. Informanterna ombadsatt förklara för tidigare och nuvarande erfarenhet av online casinospel som exempelvisvadslagning, brädspel och spelautomater. Ett syfte med dessa semistrukturerade intervjuer varatt undersöka och försöka förstå om användarupplevelse påverkar utvecklingen avspelberoende. Ett annat syfte med denna studie och med dessa intervjuer är att hitta ett sättför online casino att minska spelberoende för en positiv förändring i det svenska samhället. / Online casino was available 10 years ago but not in the same extent. At the same time theOnline gambling industry has expanded and online gambling has become more accessiblethrough the development of technology for phones and apps. Online casino priority is to getsatisfied customers who enjoys gambling. To achieve this the websites need to have highusability and user experience. Gambling addiction is a social problem which need to improveand help those who need help. The fact that an individual has developed a gambling addictioninvolves danger and risks for the individual and people who are related. Marketing is verycommon and clear on television, telephones, newspapers and advertising outdoors, howeverwhat is rarely found is how risky it can be to start playing online casino. This research aims atexploring the relationship between user experiences in online casino and gambling addiction.User experience could make all the impressions and emotions that occur while interactingwith a digital product or service. The purpose of user experience is to involve designing andat the same time provide an experience where the result is to make the users feel somethingunique and special. One important thing to note is that gambling addiction can be presentdespite it not causing a problem and can be triggered thru marketing for example orsomething else. This study involves reviewing and measuring an gambling web applicationsuser experience with Nielsen's heuristics / foundational principles. With previous studies andrelated studies about user experience and gambling addiction being a part of this study. Thisstudy includes twelve semi-structured interviews where the informants is or was gamblingaddicts in online casino. The informants was asked to explain for past and present experiencewith online casino games such as betting, board games and slot machines. One purpose withthese semi-structured interviews were to investigate and try to understand if user experienceaffect the development of gambling addiction. Another purpose with this study and with theseinterviews is to find a way for online casino to reduce gambling addiction for a positivechange in the Swedish society.

Heuristic Evaluation of Network Management Systems - Using Axis Communications’ Network Management System Music in Creation of Usability Heuristics

Johansson Vikström, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Hantering av nätverk är en utmaning för dagens företag.Nätverkshanteringssystem är ofta komplexa och felbenägna, vilket gör demtröttsamma och svåra att arbeta med för nätverksansvariga. Tidigare forskningvisar att dessa system oftast inte är särskilt användbara, med den förmodadeanledningen att mer fokus läggs på funktionalitet än användbarhet då säkerhetär en så viktig del av nätverkshantering. Dock kommer ett system som inte byggsefter användbarhets- och user experience-kriterier att generera fel även omfunktionaliteten är korrekt byggd. Tidigare forskning visar också att det finns enavsaknad av effektiva användbarhetstester specifikt för nätverkshantering.I den här studien skapas ett set heuristiker (riktlinjer för användbarhet),skräddarsytt för nätverkshantering. Dessa heuristiker kan sedan användas ianvändbarhetstester för nätverkshanteringssystem. Studien är genomförd isamarbete med Axis Communications AB. Deras nätverkshanteringssystem”Music” används som en hjälp för att hitta och validera lämpliga heuristiker, ochheuristikerna används också för att testa Musics användbarhet. En systematisklitteraturstudie och användarintervjuer på Axis används för att upptäcka viktigaaspekter inom nätverkshantering. Setet med heuristiker skapas sedan genomatt sätta upp ett start-set med klassiska heuristiker och modifiera dessa utifrånde tidigare upptäckta viktiga aspekterna. Heuristikerna valideras sedan genomatt använda dem i användbarhetstester av Music. Valideringen visar att de nyaheuristikerna är mer effektiva vad gäller att hitta problem i ettnätverkshanteringssystem än ett klassiskt set av användbarhets-heuristiker(Nielsens heuristiker). Utöver setet med heuristiker resulterar studien också irekommendationer på förbättringar av Musics användbarhet, mock-ups med ettnytt designförslag för Musics GUI och generella rekommendationer för företagmed nätverkshanteringssystem. / Network management is a challenge for today’s enterprises. Networkmanagement systems are usually complex and error prone, making themtedious and difficult to work with for network managers. Related work show thatthese systems are often not very usable, the reason probably being that morefocus is put on functionality rather than usability since security is a veryimportant aspect of network management. However, a system not builtaccording to usability and user experience guidelines will generate errors eventhough the functionality is correctly built. Related work also show that there isa lack of efficient usability testing methods specifically for network management.In this study, a set of heuristics (usability guidelines), tailor-made for networkmanagement, is being created. These heuristics can then be used in usabilitytesting of network management systems. The study is conducted incollaboration with Axis Communications AB. Their network management system“Music” is used as a help in finding and validating appropriate heuristics, andthe heuristics are also used for testing the usability of Music. A systematicliterature review and user interviews at Axis are used to learn important aspectsof network management systems. The heuristic set is then created by setting upa starting set of classical heuristics and modifying it according to previouslyfound network management aspects. These heuristics are then validated byusing them in usability tests of Music. The validation proves the new set ofheuristics to be more effective in finding issues for a network managementsystem than a classical set of usability heuristics (namely Nielsen’s heuristics).Besides the set of heuristics, the study also results in recommendations ofimprovements on the usability of Music, mock-ups proposing a new design forMusic’s GUI and general recommendations for enterprises with networkmanagement systems.

Security vs. Usability: designing a secure and usable access control event log

Zeba, Vedrana, Levin, Lykke January 2019 (has links)
Säkerhet och användbarhet beskrivs ofta som motpoler. I detta examensarbete så undersöks möjligheterna till att inkorporera både säkerhet och användbarhet i ett passagekontrollsgränssnitt. Forskningen är fokuserad på den del av passagekontrollen som benämns som händelseloggen. Loggens ändamål är att lagra och presentera information om händelser som sker i övervakade entréer. Syftet med forskningen är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning det är möjligt att implementera användarkrav och samtidigt uppfylla säkerhets- och användbarhetsheuristik. En klassisk interaktionsdesignsprocess utförs. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförs med respondenter från två olika målgrupper, för att kontrollera om deras behov skiljer sig åt. Den ena gruppen består av användare som primärt jobbar med säkerhetsrelaterade arbetsuppgifter medan den andra gruppen har säkerhet som sekundär arbetsuppgift. Svaren analyseras genom en tematisk analys. Analysen resulterar i fyra olika teman innehållandes 26 stycken användarkrav. Användarkraven och heuristiken tas i beaktning när en prototyp skapas. Prototypen utvärderas sedan genom en heuristisk utvärdering av experter. Resultatet av denna forskning tyder på att användarkrav bidrar till att uppfylla heuristik. Utöver detta, så visar det sig att de två målgrupperna, på flera punkter, har olika behov. Användarkrav som härstammar från den första gruppen anses vara mer dynamiska och omedelbara, medan den andra gruppen har krav som är desto mer statiska och sporadiska. / Security and usability are often thought of as being contradictive. In this thesis, we explore the possibility of incorporating both security and usability in an access control GUI. The research is concentrated towards the part of the access control that is referred to as the event log. The purpose of the log is to store and present information about events that occur at monitored entry points. The intention of the research is to investigate to what extent it is possible to implement user requirements, while still complying with security and usability heuristics. A traditional interaction design process is conducted. Semi-structured interviews are held with respondents from two different target groups, to see if their needs differ. One of the groups consists of users who primarily do security related work, and the other one consists of users who have security as a secondary job assignment. The answers undergo a thematic analysis. The outcome of the analysis is four different themes, consisting of a total of 26 user requirements. The user requirements and the heuristics are taken into consideration when creating a prototype. The prototype is then subjected to a heuristic evaluation by experts. The results of this research indicate that the gathering of user requirements does aid the compliance with heuristics. Moreover, the user needs between the two groups do differ on several accounts. The requirements that originate from the first group can be thought of as more dynamic and instantaneous, while the other group has requirements that are more static and occasional.

Challenging Democracy: Latin American Attitudes on Presidential Term Limits

Castillo, Alexandra Paige 30 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Making Their Voices Heard: How Women in Kosovo Used Amplification to Ensure Representation in a Newly Created Democracy

Johnston, Darlene A. 14 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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