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Étude de la région de la source non-identifiée HESS J1745-303 avec l'instrument LAT à bord du satellite Fermi / Study of the vicinity of the unidentified source HESS J1745-303 with the LAT instrument aboard the Fermi satelliteFalletti, Lola 03 October 2013 (has links)
Le LAT est l'instrument principal du satellite Fermi et permet d'étudier le ciel en rayons gamma de 20 MeV à plus de 300 GeV. Sa sensibilité accrue a permis l'augmentation du nombre de sources détectées dans le domaine des hautes énergies. Une partie importante de celles-ci n'a pas de contrepartie connue et une étude multi-longueur d'onde est nécessaire afin de comprendre l'origine du signal observé. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse présente l'étude morphologique et spectrale détaillée de la source non-identifiée HESS J1745--303, qui a été découverte dans le domaine gamma par l'expérience H.E.S.S. en 2006 puis analysée spécifiquement dans un article de 2008, à l'aide des données du LAT. Deux sources ponctuelles situées à une localisation proche de HESS J1745-303 sont présentes dans le catalogue à deux ans de données de Fermi (2FGL) mais une analyse dédiée de cette région est néanmoins nécessaire vu sa complexité. Elle est en effet localisée à ~1° du Centre Galactique et à moins de 0.5° du pulsar de la Souris, les deux sources les plus brillantes en gamma dans cette région.Les différents processus d'émission de photons sont présentés dans un second temps. Leurs simulations permettent d'effectuer une étude approfondie de l'origine de l'émission détectée aux hautes et très hautes énergies par le LAT et par H.E.S.S. L'émission de cette source reste en effet encore énigmatique de nos jours et une étude multi-longueur d'onde est effectuée afin de contraindre les modèles d'émission. / The LAT is the main instrument onboard the Fermi space telescope and performs unprecedented observations of the gamma-ray sky between 20 MeV and more than 300 GeV. The number of gamma-ray sources detected has grown thanks to its high sensibility. A large part of these sources has no known counterpart and a multi-wavelength study is needed in order to understand the origin of the observed signal.This thesis presents a morphological and spectral detailed study of the unidentified source HESS J1745--303, which was discovered in gamma-rays in 2006 with the H.E.S.S. experiment, using the Fermi-LAT data. Two point-like sources, located near HESS J1745--303, are included in the Fermi Large Area Telescope Second Source Catalog (2FGL) but, due to the complexity of this region, a dedicated study of the LAT data is however needed. Indeed, its location is ~1° away from the Galactic Center source and less than 0.5° from the Mouse pulsar, the two brightest gamma-ray sources in this region.The astrophysical emission processes are then detailed. We develop an extensive code which allowed us to study the origin of the HE (High Energy) and VHE (Very-High Energy) gamma-ray emissions detected by the LAT and H.E.S.S. The emission of this source is indeed still enigmatic and we perform a mutli-wavelength study to try to constrain the emission modeling.
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Improvements to the Calculation of Indirect Signals of Diffuse Gamma-rays and Neutrinos from Dark Matter AnnihilationCampbell, Sheldon Scott 2012 August 1900 (has links)
A new formalism is presented for calculating the mean intensity spectrum and angular power spectrum of gamma-rays or neutrinos from extragalactic annihilating dark matter, taking into account the dependence of the relative motions of the annihilating particles on the annihilation cross section.
To model the large scale dark matter distribution of mass and relative velocities, the halo distribution model is comprehensively summarized, and extended to include a universal radial profile of the particles' velocity variance, based on results from N-body computer simulations of dark matter halos. A velocity variance profile, associated with the NFW density profile, is proposed by enforcing a power-law profile of the pseudo phase-space density. This allows the large-scale velocity distribution to be described by virialized, gravitationally bound dark matter halos, as opposed to thermal motions used to describe the velocity distribution in the early Universe. The recent particle motion history of the Universe is presented for the described model.
Sample extragalactic gamma-ray intensities from dark matter annihilation are shown for dark matter annihilating with p-wave, according to a relative-velocity-weighted annihilation cross section sigmav = a + bv^2, for constants a and b, with examples taken from supersymmetric models. For thermally produced dark matter, the p-wave suppresses the signal intensity. If b/a > 10^6, the p-wave hardens the intensity spectrum by an estimated factor of 1 + (6b/a)delta_I (E_gamma), and increases the angular power spectrum by a factor also depending on new coefficients (delta_Cl)^(1) (E_gamma ) and (delta_Cl)^(2) (E_gamma ). The energy-dependence of the new p-wave coefficients delta_I , (delta_Cl)^(1) (E_gamma ), and (delta_Cl)^(2) (E_gamma ) are shown for various annihilation spectra. Sample intensity spectra are also presented for Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation.
The intensity of neutrinos from dark matter annihilation is also considered. The variations between the dark matter annihilation signals for different particle phenomenologies suggest that particle physics constraints are possible from an observed indirect detection signal.
Calculations of the annihilation signal from the galactic halo are also shown. The extragalactic signal's intensity is found to be consistent in magnitude with the galactic intensity?within the uncertainty of the models of the dark matter distribution?when looking out from the galactic plane. This suggests that the total cosmic signal may have significant contributions from both components.
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Monoscopic Analysis of H.E.S.S. Phase II Data on PSR B1259–63/LS 2883Murach, Thomas 20 October 2017 (has links)
Cherenkov-Teleskope sind in der Lage, das schwache Cherenkovlicht aus Teilchenschauern zu detektieren, die von kosmischen Teilchen mit Energien von ca. 100 GeV bis 100 TeV in der Erdatmosphäre initiiert werden. Das Ziel ist die Detektion von Cherenkovlicht aus Schauern, die von Gammastrahlen erzeugt wurden, der größte Teil der Schauer stammt jedoch von geladenen Teilchen. Im Jahr 2012 wurde das H.E.S.S.-Observatorium in Namibia, bis dahin bestehend aus vier Teleskopen mit 100 m²-Spiegeln, um ein fünftes Teleskop mit einer Spiegelfläche von ca. 600 m² ergänzt. Aufgrund der großen Spiegelfläche besitzt dieses Teleskop die niedrigste Energieschwelle aller Teleskope dieser Art. In dieser Dissertation wird ein schneller Algorithmus namens MonoReco präsentiert, der grundlegende Eigenschaften der Gammastrahlen wie ihre Energien und Richtungen rekonstruieren kann. Dieser Algorithmus kann weiterhin unterscheiden, ob Schauer von Gammastrahlen oder von geladenen Teilchen der kosmischen Strahlung initiiert wurden. Diese Aufgaben werden mit mithilfe von künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken erfüllt, welche ausschließlich die Momente der Intensitätsverteilungen in der Kamera des neuen Teleskops analysieren. Eine Energieschwelle von 59 GeV und Richtungsauflösungen von 0.1°-0.3° werden erreicht. Das Energiebias liegt bei wenigen Prozent, die Energieauflösung bei 20-30%. Unter anderem mit dem MonoReco-Algorithmus wurden Daten, die in der Zeit um das Periastron des Binärsystems PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 im Jahre 2014 genommen wurden, analysiert. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen Neutronenstern, der sich in einem 3,4-Jahres-Orbit um einen massereichen Stern mit einer den Stern umgebenden Scheibe aus Gas und Plasmen befindet. Zum ersten Mal konnte H.E.S.S. das Gammastrahlenspektrum dieses Systems bei Energien unterhalb von 200 GeV messen. Weiterhin wurde bei erstmaligen Beobachtungen zur Zeit des Periastrons ein lokales Flussminimum gemessen. Sowohl vor dem ersten als auch nach dem zweiten Transit des Neutronensterns durch die Scheibe wurden hohe Flüsse gemessen. Im zweiten Fall wurden Beobachtungen erstmals zeitgleich mit dem Fermi-LAT-Experiment durchgeführt, das wiederholt sehr hohe Flüsse in diesem Teil des Orbits messen konnte. Ein Vergleich der gemessenen Flüsse mit Vorhersagen eines leptonischen Modells zeigt gute Übereinstimmungen. / Cherenkov telescopes can detect the faint Cherenkov light emitted by air showers that were initiated by cosmic particles with energies between approximately 100 GeV and 100 TeV in the Earth's atmosphere. Aiming for the detection of Cherenkov light emitted by gamma ray-initiated air showers, the vast majority of all detected showers are initiated by charged cosmic rays. In 2012 the H.E.S.S. observatory, until then comprising four telescopes with 100 m² mirrors each, was extended by adding a much larger fifth telescope with a very large mirror area of 600 m². Due to the large mirror area, this telescope has the lowest energy threshold of all telescopes of this kind. In this dissertation, a fast algorithm called MonoReco is presented that can reconstruct fundamental properties of the primary gamma rays like their direction or their energy. Furthermore, this algorithm can distinguish between air showers initiated either by gamma rays or by charged cosmic rays. Those tasks are accomplished with the help of artificial neural networks, which analyse moments of the intensity distributions in the camera of the new telescope exclusively. The energy threshold is 59 GeV and angular resolutions of 0.1°-0.3° are achieved. The energy reconstruction bias is at the level of a few percent, the energy resolution is at the level of 20-30%. Data taken around the 2014 periastron passage of the gamma-ray binary PSR B1259-63/LS 2883 were analysed with, among others, the MonoReco algorithm. This binary system comprises a neutron star in a 3.4 year orbit around a massive star with a circumstellar disk consisting of gas and plasma. For the first time the gamma-ray spectrum of this system could be measured by H.E.S.S. down to below 200 GeV. Furthermore, a local flux minimum could be measured during unprecedented measurements at the time of periastron. High fluxes were measured both before the first and after the second transit of the neutron star through the disk. In the second case measurements could be performed for the first time contemporaneously with the Fermi-LAT experiment, which has repeatedly detected very high fluxes at this part of the orbit. A good agreement between measured fluxes and predictions of a leptonic model is found.
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