Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hilbert space"" "subject:"hilbert apace""
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Phase space methods in finite quantum systems.Hadhrami, Hilal Al January 2009 (has links)
Quantum systems with finite Hilbert space where position x and momentum
p take values in Z(d) (integers modulo d) are considered. Symplectic tranformations
S(2¿,Z(p)) in ¿-partite finite quantum systems are studied and
constructed explicitly. Examples of applying such simple method is given
for the case of bi-partite and tri-partite systems. The quantum correlations
between the sub-systems after applying these transformations are discussed
and quantified using various methods. An extended phase-space x¿p¿X¿P
where X, P ¿ Z(d) are position increment and momentum increment, is introduced.
In this phase space the extended Wigner and Weyl functions are
defined and their marginal properties are studied. The fourth order interference
in the extended phase space is studied and verified using the extended
Wigner function. It is seen that for both pure and mixed states the fourth
order interference can be obtained. / Ministry of Higher Education, Sultanate of Oman
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Condition-dependent Hilbert Spaces for Steepest Descent and Application to the Tricomi EquationMontgomery, Jason W. 08 1900 (has links)
A steepest descent method is constructed for the general setting of a linear differential equation paired with uniqueness-inducing conditions which might yield a generally overdetermined system. The method differs from traditional steepest descent methods by considering the conditions when defining the corresponding Sobolev space. The descent method converges to the unique solution to the differential equation so that change in condition values is minimal. The system has a solution if and only if the first iteration of steepest descent satisfies the system. The finite analogue of the descent method is applied to example problems involving finite difference equations. The well-posed problems include a singular ordinary differential equation and Laplace’s equation, each paired with respective Dirichlet-type conditions. The overdetermined problems include a first-order nonsingular ordinary differential equation with Dirichlet-type conditions and the wave equation with both Dirichlet and Neumann conditions. The method is applied in an investigation of the Tricomi equation, a long-studied equation which acts as a prototype of mixed partial differential equations and has application in transonic flow. The Tricomi equation has been studied for at least ninety years, yet necessary and sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of solutions on an arbitrary mixed domain remain unknown. The domains of interest are rectangular mixed domains. A new type of conditions is introduced. Ladder conditions take the uncommon approach of specifying information on the interior of a mixed domain. Specifically, function values are specified on the parabolic portion of a mixed domain. The remaining conditions are specified on the boundary. A conjecture is posed and states that ladder conditions are necessary and sufficient for existence and uniqueness of a solution to the Tricomi equation. Numerical experiments, produced by application of the descent method, provide strong evidence in support of the conjecture. Ladder conditions allow for a continuous deformation from Dirichlet conditions to initial-boundary value conditions. Such a deformation is applied to a class of Tricomi-type equations which transition from degenerate elliptic to degenerate hyperbolic. A conjecture is posed and states that each problem is uniquely solvable and the solutions vary continuously as the differential equation and corresponding conditions vary continuously. If the conjecture holds true, the result will provide a method of unifying elliptic Dirichlet problems and hyperbolic initial-boundary value problem. Numerical evidence in support of the conjecture is presented.
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Bases de fonctions sur les variétés / Function bases on manifoldsVallet, Bruno 10 July 2008 (has links)
Les bases de fonctions sont des outils indispensables de la géométrie numérique puisqu'ils permettent de représenter des fonctions comme des vecteurs, c'est à dire d'appliquer les outils de l'algèbre linéaire à l'analyse fonctionnelle. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons plusieurs constructions de bases de fonctions sur des surfaces pour la géométrie numérique. Nous commençons par présenter les bases de fonctions usuelles des éléments finis et du calcul extérieur discret, leur théorie et leurs limites. Nous étudions ensuite le Laplacien et sa discrétisation, ce qui nous permettra de construire une base de fonctions particulière~: les fonctions propres de l'opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami, ou harmoniques variétés. Celles-ci permettent de généraliser la transformée de Fourier et le filtrage spectral aux fonctions définies sur des surfaces. Nous présentons ensuite des applications de cette base de fonction à la géométrie numérique. En particulier, nous montrons qu'une fois calculée, cette base de fonction permet de filtrer la géométrie en temps interactif. Pour pouvoir définir des bases de fonctions de façon plus indépendante du maillage de la surface, nous nous intéressons ensuite aux paramétrisations globales, et en particulier aux champs de directions à symétries qui permettent de les définir. Ainsi, dans la dernière partie, nous étudions ces champs de directions à symétries, et en particulier leur géométrie et leur topologie. Nous donnons alors des outils pour les construire, les manipuler et les visualiser / Function bases are fundamental objects in geometry processing as they allow to represent functions as vectors, that is to apply tools from linear algebra to functional analysis. In this thesis, we present various constructions of useful functions bases for geometry processing. We start by presenting usual function bases, their theory and limits. We then study the Laplacian operator and its discretization, and use it to define a particular function basis: Laplacian eigenfunctions or Manifold harmonics. The Manifold Hamonics form a function basis that allows to generalize the Fourier transform and spectral filtering on a surface. We present some applications and extensions of this basis for geometry processing. To define function bases in a mesh-independant manner, we need to build a global parameterization, and especially the direction fields required to define them. Thus, in the last part of this thesis we study N-symmetry direction fields on surfaces, and in particular their geometry and topology. We then give tools to build, edit, control and visualize them
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This dissertation has three consecutive topics. First, we propose a novel class of independence measures for testing independence between two random vectors based on the discrepancy between the conditional and the marginal characteristic functions. If one of the variables is categorical, our asymmetric index extends the typical ANOVA to a kernel ANOVA that can test a more general hypothesis of equal distributions among groups. The index is also applicable when both variables are continuous. Second, we develop a sufficient variable selection procedure based on the new measure in a large p small n setting. Our approach incorporates marginal information between each predictor and the response as well as joint information among predictors. As a result, our method is more capable of selecting all truly active variables than marginal selection methods. Furthermore, our procedure can handle both continuous and discrete responses with mixed-type predictors. We establish the sure screening property of the proposed approach under mild conditions. Third, we focus on a model-free sufficient dimension reduction approach using the new measure. Our method does not require strong assumptions on predictors and responses. An algorithm is developed to find dimension reduction directions using sequential quadratic programming. We illustrate the advantages of our new measure and its two applications in high dimensional data analysis by numerical studies across a variety of settings.
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Interpolation of Hilbert spacesAmeur, Yacin January 2002 (has links)
(i) We prove that intermediate Banach spaces A, B with respect to arbitrary Hilbert couples H, K are exact interpolation iff they are exact K-monotonic, i.e. the condition f0∊A and the inequality K(t,g0;K)≤K(t,f0;H), t>0 imply g0∊B and ||g0||B≤||f0||A (K is Peetre's K-functional). It is well-known that this property is implied by the following: for each ρ>1 there exists an operator T : H→K such that Tf0=g0, and K(t,Tf;K)≤ρK(t,f;H), f∊H0+H1, t>0.Verifying the latter property, it suffices to consider the "diagonal" case where H=K is finite-dimensional. In this case, we construct the relevant operators by a method which allows us to explicitly calculate them. In the strongest form of the theorem, it is shown that the statement remains valid when substituting ρ=1. (ii) A new proof is given to a theorem of W. F. Donoghue which characterizes certain classes of functions whose domain of definition are finite sets, and which are subject to certain matrix inequalities. The result generalizes the classical Löwner theorem on monotone matrix functions, and also yields some information with respect to the finer study of monotone functions of finite order. (iii) It is shown that with respect to a positive concave function ψ there exists a function h, positive and regular on ℝ+ and admitting of analytic continuation to the upper half-plane and having positive imaginary part there, such that h≤ψ≤ 2h. This fact is closely related to a theorem of Foiaş, Ong and Rosenthal, which states that regardless of the choice of a concave function ψ, and a weight λ, the weighted l2-space l2(ψ(λ)) is c-interpolation with respect to the couple (l2,l2(λ)), where we have c≤√2 for the best c. It turns out that c=√2 is best possible in this theorem; a fact which is implicit in the work of G. Sparr. (iv) We give a new proof and new interpretation (based on the work (ii) above) of Donoghue's interpolation theorem; for an intermediate Hilbert space H* to be exact interpolation with respect to a regular Hilbert couple H it is necessary and sufficient that the norm in H* be representable in the form ||f||*= (∫[0,∞] (1+t-1)K2(t,f;H)2dρ(t))1/2 with some positive Radon measure ρ on the compactified half-line [0,∞]. (v) The theorem of W. F. Donoghue (item (ii) above) is extended to interpolation of tensor products. Our result is related to A. Korányi's work on monotone matrix functions of several variables.
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The Hilbert Space Of Probability Mass Functions And Applications On Probabilistic InferenceBayramoglu, Muhammet Fatih 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The Hilbert space of probability mass functions (pmf) is introduced in this thesis. A factorization method for multivariate pmfs is proposed by using the tools provided by the Hilbert space of pmfs. The resulting factorization is special for two reasons. First, it reveals the algebraic relations between the involved random variables. Second, it determines the conditional independence relations between the random variables. Due to the first property of the resulting factorization, it can be shown that channel decoders can be employed in the solution of probabilistic inference problems other than decoding. This approach might lead to new probabilistic inference algorithms and new hardware options for the implementation of these algorithms. An example of new inference algorithms inspired by the idea of using channel decoder for other inference tasks is a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection algorithm which has a complexity of the square-root of the optimum MIMO detection algorithm.
Keywords: The Hilbert space of pmfs, factorization of pmfs, probabilistic inference, MIMO
detection, Markov random fields
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Stochastické evoluční rovnice s multiaplikativním frakcionálním šumem / Stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative fractional noiseŠnupárková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Title: Stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative fractional noise Author: Jana Šnupárková Departement: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Bohdan Maslowski, DrSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: maslow@karlin.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: The fractional Gaussian noise is a formal derivative of a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1). An explicit formula for a solution to stochastic differential equations with a multiplicative fractional Gaussian noise in a separable Hilbert space is given. The large time behaviour of the solution is studied. In addition, equations of this type with a nonlinear perturbation of a drift part are investigated in the case H > 1/2. Keywords: Fractional Brownian Motion, Stochastic Differential Equations in Hilbert Space, Explicit Formula for Solution
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Infinitely Divisible Metrics, Curvature Inequalities And Curvature FormulaeKeshari, Dinesh Kumar 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The curvature of a contraction T in the Cowen-Douglas class is bounded above by the
curvature of the backward shift operator. However, in general, an operator satisfying the curvature inequality need not be contractive. In this thesis, we characterize a slightly smaller class of contractions using a stronger form of the curvature inequality. Along the way, we find conditions on the metric of the holomorphic Hermitian vector bundle E corresponding to the operator T in the Cowen-Douglas class which ensures negative definiteness of the curvature function. We obtain a generalization for commuting tuples
of operators in the Cowen-Douglas class.
Secondly, we obtain an explicit formula for the curvature of the jet bundle of the Hermitian holomorphic bundle E f on a planar domain Ω. Here Ef is assumed to be a pull-back of the tautological bundle on gr(n, H ) by a nondegenerate holomorphic map f :Ω →Gr (n, H ).
Clearly, finding relationships amongs the complex geometric invariants inherent in the
short exact sequence
0 → Jk(Ef ) → Jk+1(Ef ) →J k+1(Ef )/ Jk(Ef ) → 0
is an important problem, whereJk(Ef ) represents the k-th order jet bundle. It is known that the Chern classes of these bundles must satisfy
c(Jk+1(Ef )) = c(Jk(Ef )) c(Jk+1(Ef )/ Jk(Ef )).
We obtain a refinement of this formula:
trace Idnxn ( KJk(Ef )) - trace Idnxn ( KJk-1(Ef ))= KJk(Ef )/ Jk-1(Ef )(z).
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An Introduction to Minimal SurfacesRam Mohan, Devang S January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the first chapter of this report, our aim is to introduce harmonic maps between Riemann surfaces using the Energy integral of a map. Once we have the desired prerequisites, we move on to show how to continuously deform a given map to a harmonic map (i.e., find a harmonic map in its homotopy class). We follow J¨urgen Jost’s approach using classical potential theory techniques. Subsequently, we analyze the additional conditions needed to ensure a certain uniqueness property of harmonic maps within a given homotopy class. In conclusion, we look at a couple of applications of what we have shown thus far and we find a neat proof of a slightly weaker version of Hurwitz’s Automorphism Theorem.
In the second chapter, we introduce the concept of minimal surfaces. After exploring a few examples, we mathematically formulate Plateau’s problem regarding the existence of a soap film spanning each closed, simple wire frame and discuss a solution. In conclusion, a partial result (due to Rad´o) regarding the uniqueness of such a soap film is discussed.
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A Mathematical Analysis of the Harmonic Oscillator in Quantum MechanicsSolarz, Philip January 2021 (has links)
In this paper we derive the eigenfunctions to the Hamiltonian operator associated with the Harmonic Oscillator, and show that they are given by the Hermite functions. Then we prove that the Hermite functions form an orthonormal basis in the underlying Hilbert space. We also classify the inverse to the Hamiltonian operator as a Schatten-von Neumann operator. Finally, we derive the fundamental solution to the Schrödinger Equation corresponding to the Harmonic Oscillator using Mehler’s formula.
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