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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The untold story of Alberto Ruz Lhuillier and his archaeological excavations at Palenque, México : a micro- and macrohistorical approach

Schele, Elaine Day 18 November 2013 (has links)
In 1952, when Alberto Ruz Lhuillier discovered the magnificent chamber and tomb of K'inich Janaab' Pakal I, the Classic Maya king of Palenque, many scholars from around the world declared that it was one of the greatest discoveries in Mesoamerican archaeology. Although there are summary accounts describing the life of the man who discovered the tomb, there are no detailed biographies, nor are there any in-depth discussions about his ten year's work at the archaeological site of Palenque, México that took place in the late 1940's and 1950's. This study fills that information gap. It is a "behind the scenes" narrative that includes an internal and external historiography of the archaeological project. Within that framework, a short biography of Ruz's life before and after the work is included. Ruz and many others have written extensively about the excavations, the iconography and the epigraphy of the site, but the story contained herein has never been told, since it is derived from primary sources including personal accounts, newspaper articles, correspondence, progress reports, interviews, unpublished and translated Informes de Trabajo, and Anales del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnografía. The outcome of this approach is a new view of the excavations and of the man who conducted them. In addition, the study includes a consideration of the political and cultural context within which the excavations took place, thus fostering an understanding of how these issues played out in the work. Through this micro- and macrohistorical approach one may detect and perhaps understand the personal and social influences present at the time of excavation. This approach also gives insight into how these forces shaped the broader history of Maya archaeology in Mexico. / text

Culture contact and exchange in Iron Age north Sardinia (900 BC-200 BC)

Hayne, Jeremy Mark January 2013 (has links)
Prehistoric Sardinia is best known for its Bronze Age Nuragic culture which lasted from the mid-2nd millennium until the early 1st millennium. The Iron Age and later prehistory of the island are often subsumed into discourses that emphasise the colonising Phoenicians (8th-6th centuries BC) and Carthaginians (6th-2nd centuries BC). In the north of the island the local communities, being neither part of the Bronze Age Nuragic culture nor of the colonized world of the south, are seen in relation to foreign communities rather than from local perspectives. This thesis uses postcolonial theoretical frameworks of island identity, consumption and materiality to examine the local/foreign interactions that take place in north Sardinia in the period between 900 – 200 BC. The main focus is to set the interrelationships between the local Sardinian communities and the Phoenician, Etruscan, Greek and Carthaginian traders and settlers who frequented the shores in a context that emphasises local and indigenous agency. At the same time this topic provides an opportunity to re-examine the scholarship that has led to north Sardinia being overlooked. This thesis covers a long time period and the project is divided geographically between three different zones of north Sardinia (the north-west, the central-east and the Olbia area) and chronologically between the 9th- 7th centuries, the 7th – 5th centuries and the 4th-2nd centuries BC. The data set includes the archaeological material from 51 north Sardinian sites that contain evidence of local/foreign interactions during these periods. Using this data a few well excavated sites are studied in greater detail to examine and question the models of acculturation and resistance that form the traditional perspectives of scholars working in the north. For example, the presence or lack of foreign material culture on indigenous sites has often been understood from the perspective that desire for foreign goods was natural. This approach overemphasises the role that foreign communities had in contact situations and at the same time underemphasises the agency and choices of the local inhabitants. Indeed an examination of the data shows how local practices continued and that the foreign presence had a limited impact. One of my aims in this thesis is to avoid a dualistic position which sets the local communities against foreign ones; in fact local/foreign interactions can result in the creation of ‘hybrid’ products, practices and communities and I explore how far we can see the hybridization of north Sardinian communities in the different phases of the 1st millennium through the material culture that informed their actions. A second aim is to explore what types of changes took place in north Sardinian identities through the types of objects they consumed. Some of the larger Iron Age sites were sanctuaries and thus I examine how far local communities used ritual as a way of mediating the exchanges between them and foreign people through their selection of the material culture. Thirdly, this thesis approaches the social identities of the Sardinians using a bottom-up approach to the interactions. This allows me to compare the different ways in which local communities experienced foreign contacts and culture over a broad period and the evidence illuminates the variety of ways that island identities were developed in the various regions of north Sardinia.

A Historiografia da Arquitectura da Época Românica em Portugal (1870-2010)

Maria Leonor Botelho January 2010 (has links)
No quadro internacional, foi a partir do século XVII que se começou a valorizar a arquitectura medieval, acentuando-se essa mesma valorização durante o século XIX. Só então, no primeiro quartel de Oitocentos, começam a surgir os primeiros estudos que diferenciam as características formais, construtivas e iconográficas do estilo românico face estilo ao gótico. O estabelecimento de metodologias, a definição de cronologias e a caracterização estilística criaram um quadro conceptual e lançaram as bases para o avanço da disciplina no que diz respeito à alteridade do românico relativamente ao gótico. Em Portugal, o estudo sobre românico surge tardiamente quando comparado com a restante realidade europeia. Datando de 1870 a primeira obra consagrada a este estilo artístico, o seu estudo estendeu-se até aos nossos dias, afirmando-se através de sucessivas fases de conhecimento que reflectem abordagens, temas e problemáticas bem datadas. No entanto, as conquistas e evoluções que a historiografia sobre a matéria foi fazendo, materializada num vasto número de trabalhos editados, contribuíram e muito para o conhecimento actual sobre o românico português. A imagem que se foi construindo do românico acompanha a evolução da escrita sobre este momento tão representativo da arquitectura portuguesa, conotado com a formação de Portugal e com o reinado de D. Afonso Henriques (1143-1185). Esta concepção influiu sobre o modo como se restaurou a arquitectura da época românica sensivelmente ao longo da primeira metade do século XX. E isto é tanto mais significativo quanto daqui decorre a imagem actual da arquitectura românica, tal como a conhecemos hoje. Ao longo desta ampla cronologia, destacara-se três autores pela ruptura conceptual que o seu pensamento e a sua escrita sobre românico definiram. Deve-se a Augusto Filipe Simões (1835-1884) a publicação da primeira obra consagrada à arquitectura românica, as Reliquias da architectura romano-byzantina em Portugal e particularmente na cidade de Coimbra, dada ao prelo em 1870. Com Manuel Monteiro (1879-1952) foram lançadas as bases da posterior historiografia sobre a arquitectura da época românica em Portugal, definindo tipologias, classificando dialectos, estabelecendo cronologias e identificando influências. Só mais tarde, com Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Almeida (1934-1996) é que se voltou a sentir uma nova ruptura conceptual na escrita sobre românico, tendo este autor, além de muitos outros aspectos, procurado compreender o românico na sua época e na sua profunda relação antropológica com o território onde se insere. A originalidade do românico português foi sendo reconhecida pela historiografia da especialidade. A sua íntima relação com o território, a importância nuclear que os seus testemunhos arquitectónicos assumiram na organização territorial, aos mais diversos níveis, foi sendo assimilada por aqueles que se consagram ao seu estudo. Acresce ainda a percepção da forte presença de influências estrangeiras, apesar das problemáticas que se lhe associam, adaptadas que foram num contexto muito específico, onde as pré-existências assumem um papel nuclear, acentuam ainda mais o carácter único da arquitectura portuguesa da época românica. / In the international sphere, the appreciation of the medieval architecture commenced in the 17th century and increased throughout the 19th century. Only at that stage, in the first quarter of the 1800s, do the first studies which differentiate the formal, constructive and iconographic characteristics of the Romanesque style compared to the Gothic style begin to appear. The establishment of methodologies, the definition of chronologies and the stylistic characterization created a conceptual framework and launched the grounds for the development of the discipline in what concerns the alter ego of the Romanesque in relation to the Gothic. In Portugal, the study of the Romanesque occurs rather late when compared to the remaining European reality. The first artwork devoted to this artistic style dates from 1870 and its study has been carried out until the present day, being defined through successive phases of knowledge which reflect well dated approaches, themes and problematics. Nevertheless, the historiography conquests and developments made on the subject in the meantime, which materialize in a vast number of published works, largely contributed to the actual knowledge of the Portuguese Romanesque. The image that was construed of the Romanesque escorts the evolution of writings regarding such a representative moment of Portuguese architecture, which is linked to the foundation of Portugal and the kingdom of D. Afonso Henriques (1143-1185). This understanding influenced the manner in which the Romanesque period architecture was restored roughly during the first half of the 20th century. This is even more significant whereas this results in the current image of the Romanesque architecture, as we know it today. Throughout this wide chronology, three authors are distinguished due to the conceptual breakout defined by their thoughts and their writings. The publishing of the first artwork devoted to the Romanesque architecture, the Reliquias da architectura romano-byzantina em Portugal e particularmente na cidade de Coimbra, dated 1870 is owed to Augusto Filipe Simões (1835-1884). With Manuel Monteiro (1879-1952) the grounds of the subsequent historiography on Romanesque period architecture in Portugal were launched, by defining typologies, classifying dialects, establishing chronologies and identifying influences. Only later with Carlos Alberto Ferreira de Almeida (1934-1996) a new conceptual breakout in the writings on Romanesque was felt, due to the fact that this author, amongst many other aspects, tried to understand the Romanesque in its era and its profound anthropologic relationship with the territory where it is located. The originality of the Portuguese Romanesque commenced being recognized by the Romanesque historiography. Its intimate relationship with the territory, the nuclear importance which its architectonic testimonies acquire in the territorial organization, at diversified levels, has been taken on board by those devoted to its study. Additionally, the perception of the strong presence of foreign influences, despite the associated problematics and adapted in a specific context where prior artistic existences acquired a nuclear role, enhance even more the unique character of the Portuguese architecture in the Romanesque period.

As transformações sofridas pela Sé do Porto no século XX. A acção da DGEMN (1929-1982)

Maria Leonor Botelho January 2004 (has links)
Pretende a presente dissertação estudar as transformações sofridas pela Sé do Porto no século XX, resultado da acção da Direcção-Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais (DGEMN). Assim, balizando a nossa pesquisa entre 1929 - ano da criação da DGEMN - e 1982 - ano da criação do Instituto Português do Património Cultural, ao qual passou a estar afecta a Sé -, foi nosso principal objectivo apurar em que medida estas transformações contribuíram para o estado em que se apresenta actualmente a fisionomia da Catedral portuense. Após o estudo dos Processos dos Arquivos da DGEMN - de Obras e Administrativos, Gráficos e Fotográficos -, dedicados a este Monumento em particular, pudemos constatar que na origem das transformações esteve todo um vasto conjunto de intervenções com vista à reabilitação arquitectónica do complexo Catedralício. Deste modo, verificámos, ainda, que estas intervenções apresentaram duas naturezas distintas, decorrentes das teorias e conceitos aplicados nas acções desenvolvidas pela DGEMN, reflexo das mudanças verificadas ao nível do ambiente cultural em torno da consciencialização da salvaguarda do Património Edificado. Assim, e sensivelmente até 1946, seguiu-se uma linha mais próxima da reintegração estilística, concretizada num restauro, deveras transformador da fisionomia do próprio Monumento. Após esta data, optou-se mais por seguir uma acção pautada pelos princípios da conservação, ou seja, da manutenção do Monumento no estado em que este foi encontrado. Para ambos os períodos tivemos sempre em atenção que no modo de tratar a envolvente do Monumento foram seguidos, aproximadamente, estes princípios e conceitos. De um modo inédito a pesquisa que realizámos veio, ainda, a revelar que toda esta atenção especial dada em Portugal aos Monumentos ao longo do século XX, em particular, teve a sua origem em todo um ambiente cultural e teórico que se foi paulatinamente desenvolvendo na cidade do Porto, a partir da acção de sensibilização protagonizada por Joaquim de Vasconcelos e por Marques Abreu e que depois se estendeu a um grupo maior, ainda restrito, o Núcleo do Porto, que adoptou como causa o culto dos Monumentos. / This dissertation intends to study the transformations undergone by the See of Oporto in the 20th century, in consequence of the action of the Direcção-Geral dos Edifícios e Monumentos Nacionais - DGEMN (General-Direction of the National Buildings and Monuments). Thus, limiting our research between 1929 - the year of DGEMN's creation - and 1982 - the year of the creation of the Instituto Português do Património Cultural (Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage), to which the See became formally linked -, our main goal was to find out to which extent these transformations contributed to the present state of the Oporto Cathedral's physiognomy. After studying the Files of DGEMN's Archives - of Works and Administrative, Graphic and Photographic -, related to this Monument in particular, we were able to realize that in the origin of the transformations there was a vast number of interventions with a view to architectonic rehabilitation of the Cathedral's complex. In this way, we ascertained further that these interventions were of two different natures, resulting from the theories and concepts applied in the actions developed by DGEMN, a reflex of the changes that occurred at the level of the cultural environment around the consciousness of the safeguard of the Built Heritage. In this way, and till about 1946, a course closer to stylistic reintegration was followed, realized in restoration, really transformer of the Monument's physiognomy. After this date, the main option was to follow an action regulated by the principles of conservation, in other words, of maintaining the state in which the Monument was found. For both periods we kept always in mind that in the way of treating the Monument's surroundings these principles and concepts were approximately followed. In an unprecedented way the research we made also revealed that all this special attention paid in Portugal to the Monuments during the 20th century, in particular, had its origin in a cultural and theoretical environment that developed gradually in the city of Oporto, starting with the awareness action led by Joaquim de Vasconcelos and Marques Abreu and later extended to a larger group, yet still limited, the Nucleus of Oporto, that adopted the cult of the Monuments as a cause.

Egyptology, archaeology and the making of revolutionary Egypt, c. 1925-1958

Carruthers, William Edward January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Stabilisation of archaeological copper alloy artefacts using subcritical fluid technology

Nasanen, Liisa Maria Elina January 2018 (has links)
The research presented aimed to investigate potential of subcritical fluid technology to effect Cl- release and transform compounds of copper alloy artefacts of cultural significance. The work intended to determine the most effective pH, temperature, and time combination subcritical treatment variables to: 1. transform or solvate insoluble or sparingly soluble copper compounds containing Cl - CuCl and Cu2(OH)3Cl (atacamite and clinoatacamite); 2. examine impact on typical patina compounds Cu2O and ‎Cu2CO3(OH)2 and to establish optimal conditions for their retention throughout treatment. Additionally, the research expected to offer guidance on the values of the operational parameters to use when applying subcritical treatment to archaeological copper alloy objects. The series of experiments yielded preliminary results on solvation, extraction, chemical transformation, and physical modification of the predominant corrosion products found on copper alloy artefacts. Experiments were completed using analogue pressed pellets of corrosion products, naturally corroded copper coupons and archaeological artefacts, with specific focus on corrosion profiles, metallography and microstructure. The results of extraction show significant amounts of Cl- are removed and thus the reactivity of objects is reduced. While this study conclusively demonstrated subcritical treatment is capable of both removal and transformation of Cl-bearing compounds commonly present in copper alloy objects, it cannot be recommended for treating archaeological objects based on these results alone. Aesthetic and physical changes are unpredictable and may be unacceptable. Accepting these changes cannot directly be balanced against the proven effectiveness of subcritical treatment for removing Cl, nor its rapid treatment time.

A arqueologia da África através dos editoriais: uma análise dos discursos arqueológicos de africanos e africanistas nos boletins especializados / The Archaeology of Africa through the editorials: an analysis of archaeological discourses of African and Africanists in specialized bulletins

Silva, Agatha Rodrigues da 28 February 2013 (has links)
As sociedades e instituições arqueológicas, como as demais organizações científicas, são espaços fundamentais no fomento e na manutenção da rede de intelectuais de sua área de pesquisa. Podem, através da veiculação de suas publicações, apontadas na seção editorial de boletins dessas organizações, reafirmar as tradições arqueológicas ou oferecer perspectivas inovadoras. Analisamos trinta e quatro editoriais das publicações The South African Archaeological Bulletin, Nyame Akuma e Nsi, intentando compreender a formação das múltiplas imagens dos arqueólogos africanos e africanistas na era pós-colonial, entre 1987 e 1993, que, a nosso ver, dar-se-ia diante daquilo que essas sociedades através de seus boletins consolidam. Segundo a ótica de seus editores, os boletins do corpus de nossa pesquisa eram meios de comunicação rápidos e eficientes para cumprir funções de possibilitar que os arqueólogos interagissem, que se informassem sobre o andamento das pesquisas de campo e que fossem comunicados quanto à realização de congressos entre seus pares. Nosso recorte temporal define-se pela circulação concomitante dos três boletins, exceto quanto ao Nsi, que foi, um ano antes, em 1992, assimilado ao Nyame Akuma. Esse recorte temporal, a propósito, foi marcado pelas correntes teóricas da Nova Arqueologia, do Pós-Processualismo, dos estudos pós-coloniais e pela divulgação da pesquisa arqueológica na África e sobre a África em face dessas abordagens. Apontamos a título de conclusão da análise que os boletins, sob o pretexto de favorecer os arqueólogos e a produção científica em arqueologia na África durante esse período, veiculavam, na verdade, as imagens ideais ou mesmo as rechaçadas dos arqueólogos interessados na África. Essas imagens eram construídas nos textos dos editores na prática discursiva que formulavam com temas ligados ao ofício do arqueólogo. / The archaeological societies and institutions, like others scientific organizations, they are fundamental spaces in the encouragement and in the support an intellectual\'s network of the research´s area. They can, through the distribution of its publications, like the newsletters, in the editorial section, to reaffirm traditions or offer innovative perspectives. We analyzed thirty and four editorial texts in The South African Archaeological Bulletin, Nyame Akuma and Nsi, intending to understand structure multiple images\' of Africans and Africanists Archaeologists in the post-colonial era, between 1987 and 1993, that, in our opinion, would it is happen before of that societies through its newsletters consolidate. According to the viewpoint their editors, the newsletters of our documental corpus were agile and efficient to fulfill the functions to make possible archaeologists interact, they knew about the fieldwork\'s progress, they were informed about the realization of Congress. Our temporal period is defined by the concomitant movement of the bulletins, with the exception of the year 1993, when Nsi was assimilated to Nyame Akuma. It\'s a period was marked by New Archaeology´s theoretical currents, Post-processualism, postcolonial studies and dissemination of archaeological research in the Africa and about the Africa in face of these approaches. We point as conclusion of the analysis like the bulletins, under the pretext of promoting the archaeologists and the scientific archeology in the Africa, during in this period, they conveyed, in fact, the ideal or rejected images of the interested archaeologists in Africa. These images were constructed in the editor\'s texts in discursive practice that they formulated. They were recurring statements of the contingent themes at the archaeologist´s work.

A arqueologia da África através dos editoriais: uma análise dos discursos arqueológicos de africanos e africanistas nos boletins especializados / The Archaeology of Africa through the editorials: an analysis of archaeological discourses of African and Africanists in specialized bulletins

Agatha Rodrigues da Silva 28 February 2013 (has links)
As sociedades e instituições arqueológicas, como as demais organizações científicas, são espaços fundamentais no fomento e na manutenção da rede de intelectuais de sua área de pesquisa. Podem, através da veiculação de suas publicações, apontadas na seção editorial de boletins dessas organizações, reafirmar as tradições arqueológicas ou oferecer perspectivas inovadoras. Analisamos trinta e quatro editoriais das publicações The South African Archaeological Bulletin, Nyame Akuma e Nsi, intentando compreender a formação das múltiplas imagens dos arqueólogos africanos e africanistas na era pós-colonial, entre 1987 e 1993, que, a nosso ver, dar-se-ia diante daquilo que essas sociedades através de seus boletins consolidam. Segundo a ótica de seus editores, os boletins do corpus de nossa pesquisa eram meios de comunicação rápidos e eficientes para cumprir funções de possibilitar que os arqueólogos interagissem, que se informassem sobre o andamento das pesquisas de campo e que fossem comunicados quanto à realização de congressos entre seus pares. Nosso recorte temporal define-se pela circulação concomitante dos três boletins, exceto quanto ao Nsi, que foi, um ano antes, em 1992, assimilado ao Nyame Akuma. Esse recorte temporal, a propósito, foi marcado pelas correntes teóricas da Nova Arqueologia, do Pós-Processualismo, dos estudos pós-coloniais e pela divulgação da pesquisa arqueológica na África e sobre a África em face dessas abordagens. Apontamos a título de conclusão da análise que os boletins, sob o pretexto de favorecer os arqueólogos e a produção científica em arqueologia na África durante esse período, veiculavam, na verdade, as imagens ideais ou mesmo as rechaçadas dos arqueólogos interessados na África. Essas imagens eram construídas nos textos dos editores na prática discursiva que formulavam com temas ligados ao ofício do arqueólogo. / The archaeological societies and institutions, like others scientific organizations, they are fundamental spaces in the encouragement and in the support an intellectual\'s network of the research´s area. They can, through the distribution of its publications, like the newsletters, in the editorial section, to reaffirm traditions or offer innovative perspectives. We analyzed thirty and four editorial texts in The South African Archaeological Bulletin, Nyame Akuma and Nsi, intending to understand structure multiple images\' of Africans and Africanists Archaeologists in the post-colonial era, between 1987 and 1993, that, in our opinion, would it is happen before of that societies through its newsletters consolidate. According to the viewpoint their editors, the newsletters of our documental corpus were agile and efficient to fulfill the functions to make possible archaeologists interact, they knew about the fieldwork\'s progress, they were informed about the realization of Congress. Our temporal period is defined by the concomitant movement of the bulletins, with the exception of the year 1993, when Nsi was assimilated to Nyame Akuma. It\'s a period was marked by New Archaeology´s theoretical currents, Post-processualism, postcolonial studies and dissemination of archaeological research in the Africa and about the Africa in face of these approaches. We point as conclusion of the analysis like the bulletins, under the pretext of promoting the archaeologists and the scientific archeology in the Africa, during in this period, they conveyed, in fact, the ideal or rejected images of the interested archaeologists in Africa. These images were constructed in the editor\'s texts in discursive practice that they formulated. They were recurring statements of the contingent themes at the archaeologist´s work.

Zur Wechselwirkung zwischen ethnischer Deutung und archäologischer Methode am Beispiel der ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Wallanlagen in Sachsen

Grunwald, Susanne 29 May 2019 (has links)
Diese forschungsgeschichtliche Arbeit stellt die Methoden, Ergebnisse und gesellschaftlichen Verflechtungen der archäologischen Burgwallforschung in Sachsen im 19. Jahrhundert bis 1872 dar. Dafür wurden publizierte Burgwallgrabungen und allgemein altertumskundliche Darstellungen ausgewertet.

From individuals to settlement patterns

Duering, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes and contextualises the Population & Cemetery Simulator (PCS), which represents agent-based demographic modelling software that can be used to model living populations based on archaeological and historical data as well as their cemeteries. The data used by the PCS are demographic in nature, e.g. age and sex data generated by osteoarchaeologists from excavated cemeteries or historical demographic data. This thesis seeks to provide a methodological foundation for modelling the demographics of archaeological populations. It focusses on case studies using data from early medieval Anglo-Saxon (South England) and Alamannic (South Germany) cemeteries, although excursions into neighbouring periods and regions are included as validation studies. The case studies show how the PCS can be used in archaeological research and the software is presented as a solution to various problems caused by the difference between the living population and the 'dead' cemetery data in archaeology.

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