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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation d'un modèle cellulaire et animal orthotopique des cancers des VADS : du ciblage tumoral in vitro ou rôle de l'imagerie de fluorescence in vivo dans l'exérèse tumorale / Characterization of a cellular and an orthotopic animal model of head and neck cancer : from in vitro tumor targeting to in vivo fluorescence imaging-guided tumor resection

Atallah, Ihab Nader Tawfik 30 June 2014 (has links)
Introduction : La thérapie ciblée des cancers des VADS nécessite la mise au point de nouveaux vecteurs spécifiques. Ces vecteurs servent à acheminer des substances thérapeutiques, mais aussi ils peuvent être couplés à des fluorophores afin de les utiliser dans la chirurgie guidée par l'imagerie de fluorescence proche infrarouge.Objectifs : L'objectif de notre travail est de tester de nouveaux vecteurs des cancers des VADS et d'étudier l'apport de l'imagerie de fluorescence proche infrarouge dans la chirurgie des cancers des VADS chez un modèle animal orthotopique que nous mettons au point.Matériel et méthodes : La lignée cellulaire des cancers des VADS CAL33 est caractérisée in vitro et in vivo. De nouveaux vecteurs qui ciblent un ou plusieurs récepteurs des cellules CAL33 comme l'intégrine alpha v beta 3, l'EGFR et la NRP1, sont testés in vitro. Parallèlement, un modèle animal orthotopique des cancers des VADS est développé par implantation de fragments tumoraux des cellules CAL33, au niveau de la cavité buccale de la souris nude. La résection des tumeurs orthotopiques est guidée par l'imagerie de fluorescence proche infrarouge, après injection systémique du peptide RAFT-c[RGD]4 couplé à un fluorophore. Ce peptide cible l'intégrine alpha v beta 3 et est préalablement testé in vivo sur les cellules CAL33.Résultats : Nos résultats préliminaires montrent que certaines molécules bispécifiques présentent une liaison accrue in vitro aux cellules CAL33. Par ailleurs, la chirurgie guidée par l'imagerie de fluorescence proche infrarouge ciblant l'intégrine alpha v beta 3, présente un impact positif sur la survie sans rechute dans notre modèle orthotopique, à travers la détection de reliquats tumoraux qui pourraient passer inaperçus si l'exérèse tumorale avait été réalisée exclusivement d'une façon macroscopique. Elle permet aussi de détecter les adénopathies métastatiques.Conclusion : L'imagerie de fluorescence proche infrarouge améliore la qualité de l'exérèse tumorale dans notre modèle orthotopqiue optimisé des cancers des VADS. Cette étape préclinique est indispensable avant de tester cette technique chez l'être humain. / Introduction: Targeted therapy of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) requires the development of novel specific vectors that can deliver therapeutic molecules. These vectors could also be coupled to fluorophores to be used in near infrared fluorescence imaging-guided surgery.Objectives: The aim of our work is to test new targeted vectors of HNSCC and to study the role of the near infrared fluorescence imaging-guided surgery in HNSCC resection in a novel orthotopic animal model that we develop.Materials and Methods: The HNSCC cell line CAL33 is characterized in vitro and in vivo. Novel vectors that target one or more receptors of this cell line such as alpha v beta 3 integrin, EGFR and NRP1, are tested in vitro. Meanwhile, an orthotopic animal model of HNSCC is developed by implanting tumor fragments of CAL33 cells, in the oral cavity of nude mice. Surgical resection of orthotopic tumors is guided by the near infrared fluorescence imaging after systemic injection of RAFT-c[RGD]4 peptide coupled with a fluorophore. This peptide targets alpha v beta 3 integrin and is previously tested in vitro.Results: Our preliminary results show that bispecific vectors would present an increased binding to CAL33 cells in vitro. On the other hand, near infrared fluorescence imaging-guided surgery has a positive impact on the recurrence-free survival rate in our orthotopic model, by detecting fluorescent cancer foci that could remain unidentified if resection was performed exclusively under visual guidance. Our results show also that near infrared fluorescence imaging can also help to detect metastatic lymph nodes.Conclusion: Near-infrared fluorescence imaging-guided surgery improves the quality of tumor resection in our optimized orthotopic animal model of HNSCC. This preclinical stage is essential before testing this novel technique in humans.

Diskriminierung von Kopf-Hals-Plattenepithelkarzinompatienten und gesunden Erwachsenen mittels 10 Fluoreszenz-Durchflusszytometrie: Entwicklung eines Scores basierend auf Leukozyten-Untergruppen

Gaede, Clara Friederike 21 December 2021 (has links)
Background: Leukocytes in peripheral blood (PB) are prognostic biomarkers in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cancer patients (HNSCC-CPs), but differences between HNSCC-CPs and healthy adults (HAs) are insufficiently described. Methods: 10-color flow cytometry (FCM) was used for in-depth immunophenotyping of PB samples of 963 HAs and 101 therapy-naïve HNSCC-CPs. Absolute (AbsCC) and relative cell counts (RelCC) of leukocyte subsets were determined. A training cohort (TC) of 43 HNSCC-CPs and 43 HAs, propensity score (PS)-matched according to age, sex, alcohol, and smoking, was used to develop a score consecutively approved in a validation cohort (VC). Results: Differences in AbsCC were detected in leukocyte subsets (p < 0.001), but had low power in discriminating HNSCC-CPs and HAs. Consequently, RelCC of nine leukocyte subsets in the TC were used to calculate 36 ratios; receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves defined optimum cut-off values. Binary classified data were combined in a score based on four ratios: monocytes-to-granulocytes (MGR), classical monocytes-to-monocytes (clMMR), monocytes-to-lymphocytes (MLR), and monocytes-to-T-lymphocytes (MTLR); ≥3 points accurately discriminate HNSCC-CPs and HAs in the PS-matched TC (p = 2.97 × 10−17), the VC (p = 4.404 × 10−178), and both combined (p = 7.74 × 10−199). Conclusions: RelCC of leukocyte subsets in PB of HNSCC-CPs differ significantly from those of HAs. A score based on MGR, clMMR, MLR, and MTLR allows for accurate discrimination.

Radiosensitizing effect of AGuIX® in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) : from cellular uptake to subcellular damage / Effet radiosensibilisant des AGuIX dans les cancers des Voies Aérodigestives Supérieurs (VADS) : de l'internalisation aux dommages subcellulaires

Simonet, Stéphanie 26 March 2018 (has links)
Les cancers des Voies Aérodigestives Supérieures sont classés parmi les dix cancers les plus agressifs du fait de leur radioresistance intrinsèque et leur forte probabilité de récurrence. L’objectif de ce travail a été d’étudier le potentiel radiosensibilisant de nanoparticules à base de gadolinium, AGuIX®, sur un modèle cellulaire de cancer des VADS. Après avoir déterminé et validé les conditions optimales de radiosensibilisation de notre modèle par les AGuIX®, leur localisation après internalisation ainsi que les conséquences biologiques générées à l’échelle subcellulaire ont été successivement étudiées. Enfin, une approche préliminaire protéomique a été initiée afin d’identifier des cibles moléculaires potentielles impliquées dans cette radiosensibilisation. Le traitement des cellules SQ20B avec 0.8mM Gd pendant 24h se sont révélées être optimales avec un DEF (dose enhancement factor) de 1.3. Les AGuIX® sont localisées presque exclusivement dans les lysosomes après internalisation. La radiosensibilisation est liée à une surproduction de radicaux libres oxygénés, minimisée toutefois par des défenses antioxydantes endogènes élevées. Le traitement combiné (AGuIX®+ irradiation) déclenche spécifiquement la mort cellulaire autophagique et s’accompagne d’une augmentation significative du nombre de cassures double brins résiduelles complexes. L’étude protéomique préliminaire a permis d’identifier une cible moléculaire potentiellement impliquée dans cette radiosensibilisation (la ribonucléotide réductase), cible qui fera l’objet d’une suite à ce travail. De plus, la prochaine étape sera de comprendre les mécanismes qui relient les AGuIX® internalisées dans les lysosomes avec l’augmentation de la mort cellulaire autophagique après irradiation / Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma is ranked among the top ten deadliest cancers due to its high radioresistance and recurrence. One radiosensitizing strategy is the use of high-Z metal nanoparticles. In this study, ultrasmall gadolinium-based nanoparticles, AGuIX®, were used for their potential as a radiosensitizing agent. The objectives of this work were to determine the radiosensitizing conditions of AGuIX® in an HNSCC cell model, their localization after uptake, and the biological consequences generated at the subcellular level after the combined treatment. A preliminary proteomic approach was initiated in order to identify potential molecular targets involved in radiosensitization. The treatment of SQ20B cells with 0.8mM Gd for 24h resulted in a dose enhancement factor (DEF) of 1.3. AGuIX® were predominantly localized in lysosomes. The overproduction of radical oxygen species following AGuIX® + radiation was intimately involved in the radiosensitization, although largely subdued by the high level of endogenous antioxidant defenses. Autophagy was specifically triggered after the combined treatment, while other irradiation-induced cell deaths remained unchanged. The number of complex, residual double strand breaks (DSBs) was specifically increased with AGuIX® combined to radiation. Lastly, our preliminary proteomic analysis allowed the isolation of potential molecular targets with great promise. Collectively, it seems that the radiosensitizing effect observed in this work may result from a combination of events.Future work is required to understand the mechanisms linking lysosomes-entrapped AGuIX® with the upregulation of autophagic cell death after radiation

Facteurs de risque professionnels des cancers des voies aérodigestives supérieures chez les femmes : analyse des données de l’étude Icare. / Occupational risk factors for head and neck cancer in French women : a population based case-control study in France, Icare

Carton, Matthieu 15 February 2017 (has links)
Contexte : Peu d’études ont recherché le rôle des facteurs de risque professionnels dans la survenue des cancers des voies aérodigestives supérieures (VADS). Ces études ont été conduites principalement chez des hommes.Objectif : L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les associations entre les cancers des VADS et les expositions professionnelles chez les femmes.Méthodes : Icare est une étude cas-témoins en population générale incluant 296 cas féminins de cancers épidermoïdes des VADS et 775 femmes témoins. Les historiques de carrières recueillis ont été codés et croisés avec les matrices emplois-expositions du programme Matgéné. Outre les intitulés d’emplois, les expositions à 5 solvants chlorés (chloroforme, chlorure de méthylène, perchloréthylène, trichloréthylène, tétrachlorure de carbone), 5 solvants oxygénés (éthylène glycol, tétrahydrofurane, éther éthylique, cétones, alcools), 5 solvants pétroliers (essences carburants, essences spéciales, gazole, benzène, white-spirit) et à 7 poussières et fibres (amiante, farine, cuir, fibres céramiques réfractaires, ciment, laines minérales, silice) ont été étudiées. Les odds-ratios et leurs intervalles de confiance à 95% ajustés sur l’âge, le département, les consommations de tabac et d’alcool ont été estimés par régressions logistiques non conditionnelles.Résultats :Plusieurs professions et secteurs d’activité associés à un risque élevé de cancer des VADS ont été identifiés. Certaines professions (ouvrières de l’alimentation et des boissons, monteuses en appareillage électrique ou électronique, soudeuses) peuvent être à l’origine d’expositions professionnelles aux solvants, aux métaux, aux fumées de soudage et à diverses poussières. Les analyses par nuisance ont mis en évidence des associations significatives entre le risque de cancer des VADS et l’exposition au perchloréthylène et au au trichloréthylène. Aucune association claire n’est observée avec les solvants pétroliers et oxygénés, certains largement utilisés par les femmes L’exposition aux poussières de farine augmente significativement le risque de cancer des VADS. Une exposition probable à l’amiante est associée à une augmentation modérée et non significative du risque. Les analyses par localisation de cancer (cavité orale, pharynx, larynx), limitées par des effectifs faibles, ne mettent pas en évidence d’association spécifique.Conclusion : Nos résultats suggèrent un rôle des expositions professionnelles au trichloréthylène, au perchloréthylène et aux poussières de farine dans la survenue des cancers des VADS chez les femmes. / Background : Few occupational studies have addressed head and neck cancer, and these studies have been predominantly conducted in men. Objective : Our objective was to investigate the associations between head and neck cancer and occupational exposures in women Population and methods : ICARE, a French population-based case–control study, included 296 squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (HNSCC) in women and 775 female controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. Job-exposure matrices were used to assess exposure to five chlorinated solvents (carbon tetrachloride; chloroform; methylene chloride; perchloroethylene; trichloroethylene), 5 petroleum solvents (benzene; special petroleum product; gasoline; white-spirits and other light aromatic mixtures; diesel, fuels and kerosene), 5 oxygenated solvents (alcohols; ketones and esters; ethylene glycol; diethyl ether; tetrahydrofuran) and 7 fibers and dusts (asbestos, flour dust, leather dust, refractory ceramic fibers, cement dust, mineral wools and silica) . An analysis by job title was conducted, and then associations with specific occupational exposures were investigated.Odds ratio (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, age and residence area, were estimated with logistic models. Results : Significantly increased HNSCC risks were found for several jobs and industries. Some of these occupations (food and beverage processors, electrical and electronic equipment assemblers, welders and flame cutters) may entail exposure to agents such as solvents, metals, welding fumes and various dusts. Analyses for specific occupational exposures showed a significantly elevated risk of HNSCC associated with exposure to trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene. There is no clear evidence that petroleum or oxygenated solvents, some of them commonly used by women, are risk factors for HNSCC. Exposure to flour dust increased significantly HNSCC risk. Probable exposure to asbestos was associated with a moderate, non-significant elevation in risk. Analyses by cancer site (oral cavity, pharynx, larynx) were hampered by small numbers and did to reveal any specific association.Conclusion : These findings suggest that occupational exposure to perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene and flour dust may increase the risk of HNSCC in women.

Vismodegib – Inhibitor des Hedgehog-Signaltransduktionsweges – in der ex-vivo-Chemoresponsetestung bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren

Liebig, Hannes 28 September 2023 (has links)
Purpose: The Hedgehog-signalling pathway (Hh) is frequently active in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Overexpressed Hh associates with poor prognosis. The Hh inhibitor vismodegib targets smoothened (SMO) and, based on molecular data, may prevent resistance to EGFR targeting. Methods: To elucidate potential roles of vismodegib in HNSCC therapy, its sole effects and those combined with cisplatin, docetaxel, and cetuximab on HNSCC cell lines were assessed by MTT metabolisation and BrdU incorporation. Colony formation (CF) of primary HNSCC cells was studied utilizing the FLAVINO-protocol. Combinatory effects were analysed regarding antagonism, additivity or synergism. Associations between the ex vivo detected mode of action of vismodegib with other treatments related to patient characteristics were assessed and progression-free survival (PFS) in patient groups compared using Kaplan-Meier curves. Results: Vismodegib suppressed BrdU incorporation significantly stronger than MTT turnover; CF was significantly inhibited at ≥20 µM vismodegib while concentrations <20 µM acted hormetic. Combining 20 µM vismodegib plus docetaxel (T), cisplatin (P), and cetuximab (E), additively enhanced antitumoral activity in HNSCC samples from patients with superior PFS highlighting a potential role for ex-vivo testing of this combination for use as a prognostic classifier. Conclusion: We provide ex-vivo evidence for vismodegib’s potential in HNSCC therapies especially if combined with cetuximab, cisplatin and docetaxel.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Kopf-Hals-Tumore 1.1.1 Therapie von Kopf-Hals-TumoreN 1.1.2 Limitationen der etablierten Therapien 1.2 Eingesetzte Chemotherapeutika 1.2.1 Cisplatin 1.2.2 Docetaxel 1.2.3 Cetuximab 1.3 Hedgehog-Signaltransduktionsweg 1.3.1 Hedgehog-Signalweg und Karzinogenese 1.3.2 Vermittlung von Tumortherapieresistenz durch den Hedgehog-Signalweg 1.3.3 Zielgerichtete Tumortherapie durch Blockade des Hedgehog-Signalweges 1.4 Vismodegib 1.5 Ex-Vivo-Chemoresponse-Testung mittels FLAVINO-Assay 1.6 Zusammenfassung der Rationale der Untersuchung 1.7 Aufgabenstellung der Promotionsarbeit 2 Publikation 2.1 Reduzierte Proliferation und Koloniebildung von Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Kopf Hals Region unter dualer Inhibition des EGFR- und Hedgehog-Signalweges 3 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 4 Literaturverzeichnis 5 Anlagen 5.1 Darstellung des Eigenanteils 5.2 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 5.3 Lebenslauf 5.4 Publikationen 5.5 Danksagung

High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV) DNA Detection in Mouthwashes for Diagnosis of HPV-Driven Oropharynx Cancer and Its Curative Therapy: A Feasibility Study

Loermann, Gera, Kolb, Marlen, Prascevic, Dusan, Siemert, Julia, Wiegand, Susanne, Zebralla, Veit, Pirlich, Markus, Stöhr, Matthäus, Dietz, Andreas, Wald, Theresa, Wichmann, Gunnar 06 March 2024 (has links)
Detection of p16 through immunohistochemistry (IHC) is the standard for determining the HPV status of the tumor according the TNM eighth edition released in 2017 and has become crucial for determining the HPV status of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas (OPSCC) with direct impact on staging and prognostication. In recent years, detection of HPV DNA in mouthwashes has been proposed as a noninvasive alternative, both for OPSCCs and for other head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs). However, the prospect of using the mouthwashes to monitor the response to therapy is unclear. To evaluate the effect of curative therapy on the detection of HPV DNA, we performed a prospective study comparing the detection frequency of high-risk HPV DNA (HR-HPV-DNA) in pre- and post-therapy mouthwashes. We collected 137 mouthwashes from 88 pathologically confirmed HNSCC patients for DNA isolation and HPV genotyping with the Inno- LiPA assay. We show that HPV DNA in pretherapeutic mouthwashes can detect HPV-driven HNSCCs with a sensitivity of 50.0% and specificity of 85.4%, alongside a high negative predictive value of 79.5% and an accuracy of 74.5%. Furthermore, we observed a notable decrease in the detection frequency of HR-HPV-DNA after successful treatment (pre-therapy 50.0% (9/18) versus post-therapy 9.7% (3/28)). However, the comparatively low sensitivity regarding detection of HPV-driven OPSCC argues against its use in clinical routine.

Standardized Diagnostics Including PET-CT Imaging, Bilateral Tonsillectomy and Neck Dissection Followed by Risk-Adapted Post-Operative Treatment Favoring Radio-Chemotherapy Improve Survival of Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Patients

Wichmann, Gunnar, Willner, Maria, Kuhnt, Thomas, Kluge, Regine, Gradistanac, Tanja, Wald, Theresa, Fest, Sandra, Lordick, Florian, Dietz, Andreas, Wiegand, Susanne, Zebralla, Veit 28 March 2023 (has links)
Background: About five to 10% of cancers in the head and neck region are neck squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary (NSCCUP). Their diagnosis and treatment are challenging given the risk of missing occult tumors and potential relapse. Recently, we described human papillomavirus (HPV)-related NSCCUP-patients (NSCCUP-P) as a subgroup with superior survival. However, standardized diagnostic workup, novel diagnostic procedures, decision-making in the multidisciplinary tumor board (MDTB) and multimodal therapy including surgery and post-operative radio-chemotherapy (PORCT) may also improve survival. Methods: For assessing the impact of standardized diagnostic processes simultaneously established with the MDTB on outcome, we split our sample of 115 NSCCUP-P into two cohorts treated with curative intent from 1988 to 2006 (cohort 1; n = 53) and 2007 to 2018 (cohort 2; n = 62). We compared diagnostic processes and utilized treatment modalities applying Chi-square tests, and outcome by Kaplan–Meier plots and Cox regression. Results: In cohort 2, the standardized processes (regular use of [18F]-FDG-PET-CT imaging followed by examination under anesthesia, EUA, bilateral tonsillectomy and neck dissection, ND, at least of the affected site) improved detection of primaries (P = 0.026) mostly located in the oropharynx (P = 0.001). From 66.0 to 87.1% increased ND frequency (P = 0.007) increased the detection of extracapsular extension of neck nodes (ECE+) forcing risk factor-adapted treatment by increased utilization of cisplatin-based PORCT that improved 5-years progression-free and overall survival from 60.4 and 45.3 to 67.7% (P = 0.411) and 66.1% (P = 0.025). Conclusions: Standardized diagnostic workup followed by ND and risk-factor adapted therapy improves survival of NSCCUP-P.

Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung bezüglich der Therapie mit Immuncheckpointinhibitoren bei rekurrenten/metastasierten(R/M) Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen durch Bayes’sche Netze

Hühn, Marius 05 November 2024 (has links)
New diagnostic methods and novel therapeutic agents spawn additional and heterogeneous in-formation, leading to an increasingly complex decision-making process for optimal treatment of cancer. A great amount of information is collected in organ-specific multidisciplinary tumor boards (MDTBs). By considering the patient’s tumor properties, molecular pathological test re-sults, and comorbidities, the MDTB has to consent an evidence-based treatment decision. Im-munotherapies are increasingly important in today’s cancer treatment, resulting in detailed in-formation that influences the decision-making process. Clinical decision support systems can fa-cilitate a better understanding via processing of multiple datasets of oncological cases and mo-lecular genetic information, potentially fostering transparency and comprehensibility of available information, eventually leading to an optimum treatment decision for the individual patient. We constructed a digital patient model based on Bayesian networks to combine the relevant pa-tient-specific and molecular data with depended probabilities derived from pertinent studies and clinical guidelines to calculate treatment decisions in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). In a validation analysis, the model can provide guidance within the growing subject of immunotherapy in HNSCC and, based on its ability to calculate reliable probabilities, facilitates estimation of suitable therapy options. We compared actual treatment decisions of 25 patients with the calculated recommendations of our model and found significant concordance (Cohen’s κ=0.505, p=0.009) and 84% accuracy.

O6-Methylguanine-DNA-Methyltransferase methylation: prevalence and predictive value in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Abou Chacra, Zahi 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Le gène O6-méthylguanine-ADN méthyltransferase (MGMT) code pour une enzyme spécifique réparatrice de l’ADN qui protège les cellules de la toxicité des agents alkylants. Ainsi, l’activité du MGMT est un mécanisme majeur de résistance aux agents alkylants. Il a été démontré qu’une diminution de l’expression du gène MGMT par une hyperméthylation du promoteur résulte en une amélioration de la survie chez les patients avec certains types de tumeurs qui sont traitées avec des agents chimiothérapeuthique alkylants. Objectifs: Déterminer la prévalence de la méthylation du gène MGMT chez des patients avec des cancers épidermoïdes localement avancés de la sphère ORL traités avec chimioradiothérapie et évaluer l’impact de cette méthylation sur la survie. Méthodes: Sur 428 patients consécutifs, traités avec chimioradiothérapie à notre institution et suivis pour un période médiane de 37 mois, 199 spécimens chirurgicaux paraffinés ont été récupérés. L’ADN était extrait et modifié par le traitement au bisulfite. Une réaction en chaîne de la polymérase, spécifique à la méthylation était entreprise pour évaluer l’état de méthylation du promoteur du gène du MGMT. Les résultats de laboratoire étaient corrélés avec la réponse clinique. L’analyse statistique était exécutée à l’aide du test de Fisher pour les données catégoriques et à l’aide des courbes de Kaplan-Meier pour les échecs au traitement. Résultats : Des 199 extraits d’ADN initiaux, 173 (87%) étaient modifiés au bisulfite avec succès. Des ces spécimens modifiés, 71 (41%) ont démontré une hyperméthylation du MGMT. Pour les cas de méthylation et nonméthylation du MGMT, les caractéristiques des patients n’étaient pas significativement différentes. Les taux de réponse étaient 71 et 73% (p=NS) respectivement. Le contrôle locorégional était respectivement 87 et 77% (p=0.26), la survie sans maladie était 80 et 60% (p=0.38), la survie sans métastase à distance était 92 et 78% (p=0.08) et la survie globale était 64 et 62% (p=0.99) à 3 ans. Conclusions : L’état de méthylation du MGMT est fortement prévalent (41%) et semble avoir un possible impact bénéfique sur la survie quand la chimioradiothérapie est administrée aux patients avec des stades avancés de cancers tête et cou. / Background: The O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene encodes a specific DNA repair enzyme that protects cells from toxicity of alkylating agents. Thus, MGMT activity is a major mechanism of resistance to alkylating drugs. It has been shown that decreased MGMT gene expression by promoter hypermethylation results in improved survival in patients with certain types of tumors that are treated with alkylating chemotherapeutic agents. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of MGMT methylation in patients with locally advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) treated with chemoradiation therapy and to evaluate the impact of this methylation on survival. Methods: Out of 428 consecutive patients treated with chemoradiation therapy at our institution and followed for a median of 37 months, 199 paraffin embedded biopsy or surgical specimens were retrieved. DNA was extracted and subjected to bisulfite treatment. A methylation specific PCR (MSP) was conducted to assess the methylation status of the MGMT gene promoter. Laboratory data was correlated with clinical response. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s test for categorical data and Kaplan-Meier’s curves and logrank statistics for failure times. Results: From the initial 199 DNA extracts, 173 (87%) were successfully modified with bisulfite. Out of these, 71 (41%) demonstrated hypermethylation of MGMT. For MGMT methylated cases and nonmethylated cases, patients characteristics were not significantly different. Response rates were 71 and 73% (p=NS), respectively. Local control rate (LCR) was respectively 87 and 77% (p=0.26), Disease-free survival (DFS) was 80 and 60% (p=0.38), distant metastasis free survival (DMFS) was 92 and 78% (p=0.08) and overall survival (OS) was 64 and 62% (p=0.99) at 3 years respectively. Conclusions: MGMT methylation status is highly prevalent (41%) and seems to have a possible beneficial impact on survival when chemoradiation therapy is given to patients with advanced stage HNSCC.

Höhergradige Akutreaktionen als prognostischer Marker, bei der primären Radio(chemo)therapie lokal fortgeschrittener Kopf-Hals-Tumoren eine retrospektive Analyse / High-grade acute organ toxicity as positive prognostic factor in primary radio(chemo)therapy for locally advanced, inoperable head and neck cancer

Bosch, Jan 10 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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