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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techno-economic assessment of hybrid solar energy for residential application in Mozambique

Tamele, Victor Jaime January 2015 (has links)
I Mozambique many areas are not connected to the national grid because of financial reasons. The renewable energy technology is adequate as a solution for this problem because it would avoid the environmental impact and the increase of air pollution. Hence, the techno-economic assessment of hybrid solar energy was performed for residential application considering a small community of 50 households, each consuming about 1 kWhe and 3 kWhth per day. HOMER, the energy modeling software for hybrid renewable energy system (HRES), was used for reaching this objective. The techno economic study of a domestic hot water system was performed using RETscreen as HOMER could not be used since it does not model solar collectors. To model the PV system using HOMER software, the load and the solar resource were assessed, considering the economics, system components, optimization and sensitivity analysis, which enabled the determination of the optimal system configuration and evaluation of how the system is sensitive with different values of primary load, global solar, interest rate and project lifetime. As a result, the maximum power of the collector was found to be 1.93 kW, hot water storage volume of 138.1 l and 3.05 m2  flat plate collectors. The pre-tax IRR - assets is of 14.5 %, the simple payback period is of 8.6 years to return the investment and the 7.4 years of equity payback. The PV system with the optimal system configuration consisting of a 0.3 kW PV array, 4 HI-Fase 200 Ah batteries and a 0.5 kW converter. The initial capital for PV system is of $3.945, operating cost of $82 per year, levelized COE of $1.604/kWh and the total NPC is $4.591. The sensitivity analysis for PV system has shown that the best estimate scenario with a primary load of 1 kWh/d, global solar of 4.5 kWh/m2/d, interest rate of 11 % and 25 years project lifetime is 0.4 kW PV, 4 HI-Fase 200 Ah batteries and 0.5 kW converter.

Integrated Techno-Economic Comparative and Socio-Economic Impact Study for Increasing Energy Access in Rural Kenya

Sklivaniotis, Konstantinos Foivos January 2014 (has links)
Kenya is a country with high energy poverty rates while millions of people, especially in the rural areas, rely on kerosene lamps as a source of lighting. The usage of kerosene is linked with the degradation of different social and economic aspects and parameters, such as health, education, income etc. At the same time, grid extension and connection to that require a very high capital. In other words, the state’s limited financial resources do not allow the sustainable development of rural electrification while rural families cannot afford the installation and consumption costs of electricity in the areas where the national grid has reached. The latest years, alternative solutions to grid connection such as solar lamps, larger solar kits and microgrids have made their appearance in Kenya and they offer the opportunity to people to turn into cleaner and healthier sources of lighting and electricity. This MSc thesis has two goals. The first one is to measure and quantify various differences on socio-economic parameters between kerosene lamps and solar lantern users. The second one is to identify, design and compare alternative solutions to grid extension for rural electrification. Therefore, this work is separated in two parts. The first part is a socio-economic impact study, conducted in Kenya between May and July 2014 as an interview survey. The second part is a techno-economic comparative study between the different alternatives for rural electrification that exist nowadays in Kenya, which has as a base the designing and sizing of renewable energy microgrids for five remote communities in the country. The results of the socio-economic study showed that the source of lighting has a great impact on people’s quality of life, aspects of development and escape from poverty. Families that use solar lanterns recorded better education, health and income levels while the kerosene lamp usage seem to have great connection to drudgery, high expenditures, bad school grades and degraded living conditions. As far as the techno-economic comparative study is concerned, it has been shown that both solar lanterns and microgrids have a significantly lower cost in comparison to the respective expenditures of rural families in Kenya for kerosene lamps and fuel. As a result these technologies are able to cover the gab that is left by the low or zero rates of grid extension in remote areas and they can be an affordable, healthier and more sustainable solution for those rural households that rely on kerosene as a source of lighting and lack at the same time access to essential services such as phone charging, radios and other appliances.

Techno-economic Assessment of Wind Energy to Supply the Demand of Electricity for a Residential Community in Ethiopia

Yebi, Adamu January 2011 (has links)
The electricity sector is a major source of carbon dioxide emission that contributes to the global climate change. Over the past decade wind energy has steadily emerged as a potential source for low carbon energy source which are grown through time. As wind power generation increases around the world, there is increasing interest in adding intermittent power to the electricity grid and to design an off-grid wind energy system. The goal of the current thesis is to investigate techno-economically viable wind energy system that supplies electricity and Heat for a given residential community in Ethiopia. To ease the optimization process, HOMER software is used to identify the potential wind area and optimize cost effective wind energy system.

Rural electrification using renewable energy resources - Case Study of Rayal, Nepal : Minor Field Study

Beck, Madeleine, Schött, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
This study has been conducted as a Minor Field Study (MFS) and focuses on the electrification process of Rayal, a remote village in the Far Western Development Region of Nepal. The purpose of the study was to investigate the possibilities of providing electricity based on renewable energy resources to Rayal, both from a technical and a socio-economical point of view. Preliminary research in Sweden was complemented by a field study in Rayal between February and April 2013. Wind power, solar power and micro hydro power were investigated as potential sources of energy. Wind power was considered as unsuitable, due to the low wind speeds in the village as well as poor infrastructure in the country. Solar power and micro hydro power were both calculated based on three different demand scenarios. The results indicate that, depending on the demand and paymentability of the villagers, both solar and micro hydro power could be considered as good options. Solar power is, however, only economically feasible for covering the basic needs of lighting. At higher loads micro hydro power is more economically viable. Excess electricity could be utilized by community facilities, to improve education and health. Alternatively, it could be used to power electrical agricultural equipment which could improve productivity and hence stimulate economic growth in the village. / Denna studie har utförts i form av en Minor Field Study (MFS) och fokuserar på hur en elektrifiering skulle kunna ske av Rayal, en avlägsen by i Far Western Development Region i Nepal. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka möjligheter som finns för att elektrifiera Rayal med hjälp av förnyelsebara energikällor, både ur ett tekniskt och från ett socio-ekonomiskt perspektiv. De tre olika teknikerna som har undersökts är vindkraft, solkraft samt småskalig vattenkraft. Vindkraft har uteslutits som lämpligt alternativ, på grund av för låga vindhastigheter i byn, samt bristande infrastruktur i Nepal. Solkraft och vattenkraft har undersökts utifrån tre olika behovs-scenarion. Resultaten visar att, beroende på efterfrågan och betalningsförmågan hos byborna, kan både sol och småskalig vattenkraft betraktas som lämpliga alternativ. Solkraft är dock endast ekonomiskt försvarbart vid mindre projekt, som täcker det grundläggande behovet av belysning. Vid ett större behov är småskalig vattenkraft en mer ekonomisk lösning. Detta ökade behov skulle till exempel kunna vara samhällsförbättrande anläggningar, för att höja utbildnings- och hälsonivån. Ett annat ökat behov skulle kunna vara elektriskt drivna jordbruksmaskiner för att förbättra produktiviteten och därigenom stimulera den ekonomiska tillväxten i byn.


Devkota, Menuka 01 December 2021 (has links)
Hybrid energy systems are receiving more popularity in remote areas to provide low-cost electricity by taking advantage of existing electric generation systems and new generations of renewable energy resources. Such hybrid systems will increase reliability and decrease the cost of electricity. Renewable energy sources are gaining more attention due to their flexibility in utilization of locally available resources and their contribution in cleaner energy production. To this end, this thesis scrutinizes the viability of a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) incorporating wind turbine and photovoltaic (PV) for Kagbeni village located in Nepal. The proposed framework covers both economic and technical aspects. For economic feasibility analysis, the Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) software is utilized to recognize the optimal size of required assets (i.e., PV module and wind turbine) to be incorporated into the current system. For the technical analysis, Electrical Transient Analyzer Program (ETAP) software is used to virtually model the projected HRES to assess the feasibility of the optimized HRES in operation modality (e.g., power flow, short circuit analysis, and protection coordination). The obtained results confirm that the integration of PV and wind units into the current Kagbeni power grid can lead to an economically feasible and reliable microgrid enhancing the social well-being of Kagbeni’s residents.

The Nordic Odyssey : Homer’s Epic Poetry and the Norse Sagas: A comparative analysis supported by digital text analysis

Herskind, Martin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis compares Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad with the Norse Sagas, the Young and Elder Edda. More specifically, it analyses, whether the Odyssey and Iliad should indeed derive from the Norse Sagas, which is a claim brought forth by Felice Vinci. Throughout the thesis, passages, sentences and words from both the Greek and Norse texts have been singled out through the process of text analysis tools from Python and Orange3. Similar passages or words from both texts were filtered out by building a program that would print sentences with given key words. These were then analysed and studied, in order to compare the texts to each other and for the most part, to see if the Greek texts should indeed have derived from the Nordic texts. Finally, no proof has been found that the Norse Sagas should have predated the Greek Myths. However, this was a very interesting theory, that I am glad to have examined.

La corruption dans les traités polémiques de Mme Dacier /

Krück, Marie-Pierre. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Human relationships in the Odyssey's simile

Pavlidis, Dimitrios. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Inconsistencies in Odyssey XI : an oralist approach

Rabe, Gregg L. January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Homerisk häpnad

Diop, Yves January 2021 (has links)
Emotioner spelar en central roll hos Homeros. Bland emotioner är häpnaden framträdande och situationerna och företeelserna som väcker den är många och av olika slag: människornas möten med människor och gudar, insikter som de härvidlag kan vinna, farhågor och föraningar om avgörande skeenden, deras upplevelser vid anblicken av skönhet, grymhet, gudomlighet och det mänskliga livets hårda villkor och slutligen berättarkonsten själv, kan alla väcka häpnad. Homeros har flera ord som uttrycker dessa emotionella upplevelser. Men i ordböcker och lexika översätts de ofta med samma ord och de har inte undersökts utifrån ett emotionsteoretiskt perspektiv. I häpnadens affektiva fält ingår visserligen emotioner som förundran, förvåning, hänförelse och bestörtning, men dessa ord är inte tillräckliga för att vi ska förstå de olika formerna av häpnad såsom emotioner, det vill säga såsom komplexa och processuella affektiva fenomen stadda i ständig förvandling. En djupare förståelse för homerisk psykologi och berättarteknik förutsätter att vi förstår de olika nyanserna av häpnad, hur de framkallas och kommer till uttryck narrativt och språkligt, samt hur och varför dessa emotioner tillmäts så stor vikt i båda eposen. För att göra detta analyseras tolv ord utifrån ett emotionsteoretiskt perspektiv, som utgår från att emotioner är dynamiska och processuella fenomen och utgörs av flera komponenter, bland vilka räknas intentionalitet, värderingar, handlingstendenser, uttryck, fysiologiska reaktioner, subjektivt upplevda känslor samt verbalisering. De grekiska orden utgörs av sex verb och sex substantiv, vilka betecknar antingen handlingen ”att häpna” (t.ex. θαυμάζω), emotionen ”häpnad” (t.ex. τάφος) eller handlingar som kan försätta människor i emotionella tillstånd som kan karakteriseras i termer av häpnad (t.ex. θέλγω). Undersökningen visar att det föreligger väsentliga skillnader i användningen och därmed betydelsen av de undersökta orden, både sinsemellan och inom ett och samma ord. Vidare uppmärksammas skillnader i ordens betydelse i de två eposen. Jag argumenterar för att dessa skillnader, som delvis härrör ur de två eposens skilda tematik, har berättartekniska funktioner och är särskilt relevanta för karakterisering och handling.

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