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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differential responses of tillers to floral induction in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) : implications for perenniality : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Plant Biology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Williamson, Michelle Leigh January 2008 (has links)
Development of sustainable practices is an important goal in agriculture. One possibility involves the development of perennial cereal crops, but the mechanisms of perenniality first need to be understood. While in annual cereals flowering structures die following seed production, in perennial grasses, perenniality is achieved by maintaining at least one shoot in a vegetative state. There are two views on perennating tiller origin in perennial grasses: some authors suggest that all over-wintering tillers flower in spring and summer, leaving spring-initiated tillers to perennate, while others indicate that spring-initiated tillers are too immature to survive summer conditions, thereby implying that flowering must be prevented in some over-wintering tillers. An understanding of perenniality will therefore require an understanding of flowering control in these species. Temperate perennial grasses have dual induction requirements for flowering, where plants become competent to perceive inductive signals following vernalisation, and flowering is initiated by inductive photoperiods. Two hypotheses were formulated to test these models. The ‘environmental control hypothesis’ stated that all adequately vernalised perennial ryegrass tillers would flower on sufficient exposure to inductive photoperiods. Alternatively, the ‘spatial control hypothesis’ stated that in addition to the environmental mechanisms, a spatial control mechanism acts to regulate flowering. Two experiments were conducted to test these hypotheses. Perennial ryegrass and Italian (annual) ryegrass were induced to flower and differences between the annual and perennial habits at flowering time were observed. However neither hypothesis was proven. In the second experiment, flowering was studied in detail in individual tillers of perennial ryegrass. The eldest tiller flowered in all flowering plants. The second eldest tiller did not flower in 72% of plants with more than one reproductive tiller, while the third eldest tiller flowered in 94% of these plants. These data favour the spatial control hypothesis which suggests that a spatial regulatory mechanism might act to repress flowering in some competent perennial ryegrass tillers. These results were supported by studies of meristem morphology and by a preliminary gene expression study. Maintenance of older, established tillers in a vegetative state might allow the perennial plant a greater chance of survival during summer.

Landwirtschaft in Sachsen hat Zukunft

08 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Broschüre gehört zu einer Trilogie im Rahmen des Dialogprozesses »Landwirtschaft in Sachsen hat Zukunft«, der im Jahr 2007 von Akteuren aus den verschiedensten Bereichen der sächsischen Landwirtschaft mit Vertretern der Forschung und der Verwaltung ins Leben gerufen wurde. Ziel war es, Strategien zu finden, wie sich Unternehmen der Branche an absehbare Veränderungen von natürlichen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen anpassen können. In acht Fachforen erfolgte über eine Analyse von bestehenden Rahmenbedingungen die Ableitung von Handlungserfordernissen für den einzelnen Betrieb, aber auch für Politik und branchenübergreifend den gesamten Sektor. Verschiedene Lösungsmöglichkeiten wurden im Rahmen von Projekten gesucht. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit bis 2012 werden in den drei Broschüren vorgestellt.

Autonomous Crop Segmentation, Characterisation and Localisation / Autonom Segmentering, Karakterisering och Lokalisering i Mandelplantager

Jagbrant, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Orchards demand large areas of land, thus they are often situated far from major population centres. As a result it is often difficult to obtain the necessary personnel, limiting both growth and productivity. However, if autonomous robots could be integrated into the operation of the orchard, the manpower demand could be reduced. A key problem for any autonomous robot is localisation; how does the robot know where it is? In agriculture robots, the most common approach is to use GPS positioning. However, in an orchard environment, the dense and tall vegetation restricts the usage to large robots that reach above the surroundings. In order to enable the use of smaller robots, it is instead necessary to use a GPS independent system. However, due to the similarity of the environment and the lack of strong recognisable features, it appears unlikely that typical non-GPS solutions will prove successful. Therefore we present a GPS independent localisation system, specifically aimed for orchards, that utilises the inherent structure of the surroundings. Furthermore, we examine and individually evaluate three related sub-problems. The proposed system utilises a 3D point cloud created from a 2D LIDAR and the robot’s movement. First, we show how the data can be segmented into individual trees using a Hidden Semi-Markov Model. Second, we introduce a set of descriptors for describing the geometric characteristics of the individual trees. Third, we present a robust localisation method based on Hidden Markov Models. Finally, we propose a method for detecting segmentation errors when associating new tree measurements with previously measured trees. Evaluation shows that the proposed segmentation method is accurate and yields very few segmentation errors. Furthermore, the introduced descriptors are determined to be consistent and informative enough to allow localisation. Third, we show that the presented localisation method is robust both to noise and segmentation errors. Finally it is shown that a significant majority of all segmentation errors can be detected without falsely labeling correct segmentations as incorrect. / Eftersom fruktodlingar kräver stora markområden är de ofta belägna långt från större befolkningscentra. Detta gör det svårt att finna tillräckligt med arbetskraft och begränsar expansionsmöjligheterna. Genom att integrera autonoma robotar i drivandet av odlingarna skulle arbetet kunna effektiviseras och behovet av arbetskraft minska. Ett nyckelproblem för alla autonoma robotar är lokalisering; hur vet roboten var den är? I jordbruksrobotar är standardlösningen att använda GPS-positionering. Detta är dock problematiskt i fruktodlingar, då den höga och täta vegetationen begränsar användandet till större robotar som når ovanför omgivningen. För att möjliggöra användandet av mindre robotar är det istället nödvändigt att använda ett GPS-oberoende lokaliseringssystem. Detta problematiseras dock av den likartade omgivningen och bristen på distinkta riktpunkter, varför det framstår som osannolikt att existerande standardlösningar kommer fungera i denna omgivning. Därför presenterar vi ett GPS-oberoende lokaliseringssystem, speciellt riktat mot fruktodlingar, som utnyttjar den naturliga strukturen hos omgivningen.Därutöver undersöker vi och utvärderar tre relaterade delproblem. Det föreslagna systemet använder ett 3D-punktmoln skapat av en 2D-LIDAR och robotens rörelse. Först visas hur en dold semi-markovmodell kan användas för att segmentera datasetet i enskilda träd. Därefter introducerar vi ett antal deskriptorer för att beskriva trädens geometriska form. Vi visar därefter hur detta kan kombineras med en dold markovmodell för att skapa ett robust lokaliseringssystem.Slutligen föreslår vi en metod för att detektera segmenteringsfel när nya mätningar av träd associeras med tidigare uppmätta träd. De föreslagna metoderna utvärderas individuellt och visar på goda resultat. Den föreslagna segmenteringsmetoden visas vara noggrann och ge upphov till få segmenteringsfel. Därutöver visas att de introducerade deskriptorerna är tillräckligt konsistenta och informativa för att möjliggöra lokalisering. Ytterligare visas att den presenterade lokaliseringsmetoden är robust både mot brus och segmenteringsfel. Slutligen visas att en signifikant majoritet av alla segmenteringsfel kan detekteras utan att felaktigt beteckna korrekta segmenteringar som inkorrekta.

Reducing logistics costs to improve the competitiveness of an industry - the case of the horticulture sector in KwaZulu-Natal.

Bantwini, Mlibo. January 2010 (has links)
Moving products is a costly exercise for most companies in South Africa. These high logistics costs impede the country from achieving some developmental goals such as creating more jobs and growing the economy. The horticulture sector is particularly ham-strung by this. Small business is more severely affected than big business. There are numerous, multi-faceted reasons for these high costs. The analysis and potential solutions are drawn from New Institutional Economics theory, political economy thinking, business process applications and economic geography thinking. It is clear that the solution goes beyond what is normally advocated by institutions that have done work in this area, e.g. the World Bank, which tends to focus on infrastructure investment. Issues typically overlooked that need greater attention include improving competition in the logistics sector and firm collaboration. Policy choices would have to be based on an understanding of the cyclical nature of some cost drivers (e.g. fuel costs) and the structural nature of some cost drivers (e.g. infrastructure) / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2010.


Shelton, Rebecca Erin 01 January 2015 (has links)
Unintentional nitrogen (N) loss from agroecosystems produces greenhouse gases, induces eutrophication, and is costly for farmers; therefore, adoption of conservation agricultural management practices, such as no-till and cover cropping, has increased. This study assessed N loss via leaching, NH3 volatilization, N2O emissions, and N retention in plant and soil pools of corn conservation agroecosystems across a year. Three systems were evaluated: 1) an unfertilized organic system with cover crops Vicia villosa, Triticum aestivum, or a mix of the two; 2) an organic system with a Vicia cover crop employing three fertilization schemes (0 N, organic N, or a cover crop N-credit approach); 3) a conventional system with a Triticum cover crop and three fertilization techniques (0 N, urea N, or organic N). During cover crop growth, species affected N leaching but gaseous emissions were low across all treatments. During corn growth, cover crop and fertilizer approach affected N loss. Fertilized treatments had greater N loss than unfertilized treatments, and fertilizer type affected gaseous fluxes temporally and in magnitude. Overall, increased N availability did not always indicate greater N loss or yield, suggesting that N conserving management techniques can be employed in conservation agriculture systems without sacrificing yield.

Control of <em>Erwinia tracheiphila</em> in <em>Cucumis melo</em>

Caudle, John R 01 January 2013 (has links)
Currently there is no control of bacterial wilt disease, Erwinia tracheiphila, in susceptible cucurbit crops, once infection of the plant occurs. Conventional and organic production systems rely on insecticide applications to kill the vectors, striped and spotted cucumber beetles, Acalymma vittatum and Diabrotica undecimpunctata, respectively, prior to transmission of the pathogen which indirectly controls the disease to some extent. Physical barriers such as row covers are used to exclude the vectors from plants prior to flowering; however, pollination requirements expose plants to potential infection. Experimental field plots were developed to test various enhanced organic production systems in an effort to increase productivity of the "Athena" variety cantaloupe melon crop, Cucumis melo, which is highly susceptible to bacterial wilt infection. The rotations included enhanced duration row cover applications as well as season long covering of the crop and application of bumble bee hives for pollination. The most successful enhanced production method included the removal of row covers and application of organic pesticides during flowering and recovering the crop until the end of the season. In this scenario, reduction in the cost of pesticide application and reduced risk due to less exposure to infection are the key enhancements to the system. During pollination, the melon plants are at risk of infection from bacterial wilt because organic production methods cannot include systemic insecticides. Only shorter residual contact insecticides are available, thus exposing the melon plants to vectors after the contact insecticide becomes ineffective. Application of an off-label biocontrol bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens A506, found in the organically certified product BlightBan®A506, was found to significantly increase control of Erwinia tracheiphila infection in plants, thereby allowing for increased productivity. Additionally, development of a Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, RT-PCR, primer set and probe improve the detection of Erwinia tracheiphila in melon plants. This new primer set was tested against numerous related and associated pathogens to document the specificity of this particular screening test.

Reduced Inputs Turfgrass Through White Clover Inclusion

Sparks, Bret Andrew 01 January 2014 (has links)
Most managed turfgrass species require frequent inputs to maintain an acceptable level of quality. Among these inputs, nitrogen (N) fertilization is usually the most limiting in terms of growth and development. However, N fertilization is also linked to non-point source (NPS) pollution. White clover (WC) is known for its ability to provide N when mixed into stands of turfgrass, and does not pose a threat for NPS pollution. Two field studies were designed to investigate the effects of WC inclusion in stands of cool-season turfgrasses. In the first field study, three cultivation techniques were examined for establishment of WC into preexisting turfgrass stands at three different seasonal timings. Scalping during the summer was seen as providing the highest WC populations, although scalping treatments also caused the most initial damage to the turfgrass. In the second field study, mixed stands of turfgrass and WC were examined for response to several weeks of traffic simulations, with WC withstanding the traffic events. Additionally, a greenhouse study was implemented to examine the effects of several commercial broadleaf herbicides on two WC varieties. Only 2,4-D was shown to be safe for application to both WC varieties, although Microclover did show tolerance to quinclorac applications.

Interrelationships between Diglyphus isaea, Phaedrotoma scabriventris and endophytic fungi in the control of Liriomyza leafminers / Komivi Senyo Akutse

Akutse, Komivi Senyo January 2013 (has links)
Horticulture is a major foreign exchange earner in Kenya and provides employment to approximately 75% of the population. However, the growth of the horticultural industry is constrained by pests such as the leafminer flies, Liriomyza sativae, L. trifolii and L. huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae). These pests do not only cause damage to crops, but are also tagged as quarantine pests, resulting in export rejections, loss of export markets and consequently loss of revenue to smallholders. The management of leafminers worldwide has commonly relied on the use of chemical insecticides, but due to associated negative effects thereof, biological control using parasitoids and entomopathogenic fungi has been proposed as major components of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. The indigenous ectoparasitoid Diglyphus isaea and exotic endoparasitoid Phaedrotoma scabriventris are the two key natural enemies being considered. A number of endophytic fungal isolates have been identified with potential for use as biological control agents of pests. Although there have been previous reports on toxicity of fungal endophytes to leafminers, no attempts have been made to exploit them for control of Liriomyza leafminers. The objectives of this study were to investigate the mechanisms by which fungal endophytes control Liriomyza spp., as well as the interactions between these endophytic fungi and the L. huidobrensis, endoparasitoid Phaedrotoma scabriventris and ectoparasitoid Diglyphus isaea. This study showed that under laboratory conditions, while used separately, parasitism rates of L. huidobrensis by D. isaea and P. scabriventris were 63.6 ± 7.7% and 30.4 ± 10.9% respectively and increased to 77.0 ± 5.3% when used simultaneously. In addition, both parasitoids induced leafminer mortality through larval-feeding and stinging. In order to identify and characterize endophytic fungi that could possibly be used for control of these pests, fungi were isolated from the aboveground parts of maize, sorghum, Napier grass, Coleopteran larvae and Busseola fusca pupae. Identified fungi were evaluated endophytically in two host plants species (Phaseolus vulgaris and Vicia faba) through seed inoculation. The fungal isolates that succeeded in colonizing the host plants were all pathogenic to L. huidobrensis, causing 100% mortality within 13.2 ± 0.7-15.0 ± 0.6 days. They were also able to reduce the longevity of the progeny, the number of pupae and adult emergence and survival. In addition, results also showed that endophytically-inoculated and L. huidobrensis-infested V. faba plants had no adverse effects on parasitism rates and life history parameters of P. scabriventris and D. isaea. Bio-prospecting for fungal endophytes in P. vulgaris and V. faba seeds, followed by morphological and molecular identification revealed the presence of various species of fungal entomopathogens, including Beauveria bassiana, Epacris microphylla, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Metarhizium anisopliae. / PhD (Environmental Sciences), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

The physiological basis of vigour control by apple rootstocks - an unresolved paradigm : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Physiology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

van Hooijdonk, Benedict Michael January 2009 (has links)
For millennia, scions have been grafted onto dwarfing apple rootstocks to reduce final tree size. However, it is unclear how scion architecture is first modified by the dwarfing apple rootstock, the time from grafting when this occurs and the endogenous hormonal signalling mechanisms that may cause the initial modifications in growth that then define the future architecture of the scion. In this study, the dwarfing (M.9) rootstock significantly decreased the mean total shoot length and node number of ‘Royal Gala’ apple scions by the end of the first year of growth from grafting when compared with rootstock(s) of greater vigour (MM.106, M.793 and a ‘Royal Gala’ rootstock control). Similarly, the auxin transport inhibitor 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) applied to the stem of vigorous rootstocks significantly decreased mean total shoot length and node number of the scion, and the architectural changes imposed were generally similar to those imposed by M.9. For example, both treatments decreased the mean length and node number of the primary shoot, reduced the formation of secondary axes on the primary shoot and caused a greater proportion of primary and secondary shoots (if present) to terminate growth early. Decreased formation of secondary axes imposed by both treatments was reversed by applying the cytokinin benzylaminopurine (BAP) repeatedly to the scion, whilst applications of gibberellins (GA4+7) reduced the proportion of primary and secondary shoots that terminated growth early, therefore increasing the final mean length and node number of these shoot types. Both M.9 and NPA also significantly decreased the final mean dry mass and length of the root system. Given these general similarities, it is proposed that the basipetal IAA signal is of central importance in rootstock-induced scion dwarfing, and that a shoot/root/shoot signalling mechanism may exist whereby the stem tissue of the M.9 rootstock decreases the basipetal transport of IAA to the root during summer, thereby decreasing root growth and the amount of rootproduced cytokinin and gibberellin transported to scion. Reduced amounts of cytokinin transported to the scion may decrease branching, whilst reduced amounts of gibberellins may decrease the duration for which a large proportion of primary and secondary shoots grow. Analysis of endogenous hormones for newly grafted composite ‘Royal Gala’ apple trees on rootstocks of different vigour provided some additional support for these ideas. It is recommended that future studies elucidate what unique properties of the M.9 bark act to restrict IAA transport, whilst it is concluded that gene(s) regulating rootstock-induced scion dwarfing are likely to control processes within the rootstock that modify the metabolism of IAA, its basipetal transport and the subsequent synthesis of root-produced vigour-inducing hormones including cytokinins and gibberellins.

Establishment and silvopastoral aspects of willow and poplar : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Plant Science, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Sulaiman, Zulkefly January 2006 (has links)
Willow and poplar are the main trees used for soil erosion control in New Zealand (NZ) with successful establishment critical to greater use of this technology. Five experiments were conducted at the Pasture and Crop Research Unit, Massey University Palmerston North, NZ to examine the ability of willow and poplar to establish as a willow/poplar pasture system in NZ over a period of 3 years from December 2002 to April 2005. With an objective to select the best size for low cost planting, stem diameters (10 mm, 25 mm and 35 mm) were planted vertically and stem lengths (50 mm, 200 mm and 600 mm) were planted horizontally to determine their growth, establishment, biomass production and regrowth after browsing. From December 2002 to March 2003, three management treatments, mowing, herbicide and control (no weed control) treatments, were designed and applied to determine their effects on growth and shoot biomass production. From September 2004 to April 2005, mowing was replaced by sheep browsing and the effect of browsing, herbicide and control treatments on soil and tree water status (soil water content, soil water loss and deficit, and stem water potential) were examined. Longer (600 mm) and thicker stem diameters (35 mm) produced the greatest shoot biomass (edible biomass, total biomass and root biomass) compared to the thin stem cuttings (50 mm length and 10 mm diameter). Higher tree survival was also found for longer (600 mm) and thicker stems diameter (35 mm). The mown treatment produced significantly more edible and total shoot dry matter (DM) than the herbicide and control treatments, with willow clone 'Kinuyanagi' producing higher total shoot DM than 'Tangoio'. Pasture management had no significant effect on soil water content during spring 2004 and late summer/autumn 2005, however, it was significant during early and mid summer. Strong relationships between (i) soil water content and stem water potential (SWP), and (ii) SWP and soil water deficit were found and could help growers to predict the amount of water required during the growing season. The results clearly demonstrated that sheep grazing had negligible damaging effect on willow and poplar (main stem, branch breakage and tree leaning) and tree mortality, and that young trees can be browsed during pasture shortages in summer drought. Cutting size and understorey control for establishing willow and poplar into pasture have been better defined by this research. It is recommended that farmers establishing willow and poplar for fodder plant thick (vertical planting) and long stems (horizontal planting) for higher growth and biomass production.

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