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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Jesus, Edilson Rosa Barbosa de 07 October 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi à obtenção de aço rápido tipo AISI M2 pela técnica da conformação por “spray" e a avaliação deste, quanto ao seu desempenho quando aplicado como ferramenta de usinagem. O material obtido foi laminado a quente com razões de redução de 50 e 72%, resultando em placas a partir das quais foram confeccionadas pastilhas intercambiáveis para realização de testes de usinagem. O desempenho das pastilhas obtidas a partir do material conformado por “spray" e laminado a quente, foi confrontado com o de pastilhas confeccionadas a partir de material processado convencionalmente (lingotamento convencional), e com material processado pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP). As variações do material obtido por conformação por “spray", assim como também os demais materiais, foram caracterizados química, física, mecânica e microestruturalmente. Adicionalmente, foram realizados testes de usinagem para avaliação de desempenho do material quando submetido a condições reais de trabalho. Os resultados da caracterização dos materiais evidenciaram o potencial da técnica de conformação por “spray", em possibilitar a obtenção de materiais com boas características e propriedades. Para as condições de processamento, conformação mecânica e de tratamentos térmicos aplicados neste trabalho, às análises dos resultados dos testes de usinagem revelaram um comportamento muito próximo entre todos os materiais de ferramenta utilizados. Procedendo a uma análise mais refinada dos resultados dos testes de usinagem contínua, foi verificado um desempenho ligeiramente superior para o material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP), seguido pelo material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia convencional, o qual apresentou uma vantagem mínima em relação ao obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray" e laminado com redução de 72%. Por fim, o desempenho inferior ficou por conta do material obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray" e laminado com redução de 50%, o qual apresentou os maiores valores de desgaste. / The aim of the present work was the obtention of AISI M2 high-speed steel by spray forming technique and the material evaluation when used as machining tool. The obtained material was hot rolled at 50% and 72% reduction ratios, and from which it was manufactured inserts for machining tests. The performance of inserts made of the spray formed material was compared to inserts obtained from conventional and powder metallurgy (MP) processed materials. The spray formed material was chemical, physical, mechanical and microstructural characterised. For further characterisation, the materials were submitted to machining tests for performance evaluation under real work condition. The results of material characterisation highlight the potential of the spray forming technique, in the obtention of materials with good characteristics and properties. Under the current processing, hot rolling and heat treatments condition, the analysis of the results of the machining tests revealed a very similar behaviour among the tested materials. Proceeding a criterious analysis of the machining results tests, it was verified that the performance presented by the powder metallurgy material (MP) was slight superior, followed by conventional obtained material (MConv), which presented a insignificant advantage over the spray formed and hot rolled (72% reduction ratio) material. The worst result was encountered for the spray forming and hot rolled (50% reduction ratio) material that presented the highest wear values.


Edilson Rosa Barbosa de Jesus 07 October 2004 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi à obtenção de aço rápido tipo AISI M2 pela técnica da conformação por “spray” e a avaliação deste, quanto ao seu desempenho quando aplicado como ferramenta de usinagem. O material obtido foi laminado a quente com razões de redução de 50 e 72%, resultando em placas a partir das quais foram confeccionadas pastilhas intercambiáveis para realização de testes de usinagem. O desempenho das pastilhas obtidas a partir do material conformado por “spray” e laminado a quente, foi confrontado com o de pastilhas confeccionadas a partir de material processado convencionalmente (lingotamento convencional), e com material processado pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP). As variações do material obtido por conformação por “spray”, assim como também os demais materiais, foram caracterizados química, física, mecânica e microestruturalmente. Adicionalmente, foram realizados testes de usinagem para avaliação de desempenho do material quando submetido a condições reais de trabalho. Os resultados da caracterização dos materiais evidenciaram o potencial da técnica de conformação por “spray”, em possibilitar a obtenção de materiais com boas características e propriedades. Para as condições de processamento, conformação mecânica e de tratamentos térmicos aplicados neste trabalho, às análises dos resultados dos testes de usinagem revelaram um comportamento muito próximo entre todos os materiais de ferramenta utilizados. Procedendo a uma análise mais refinada dos resultados dos testes de usinagem contínua, foi verificado um desempenho ligeiramente superior para o material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia do pó (MP), seguido pelo material obtido pela técnica da metalurgia convencional, o qual apresentou uma vantagem mínima em relação ao obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray” e laminado com redução de 72%. Por fim, o desempenho inferior ficou por conta do material obtido pela técnica da conformação por “spray” e laminado com redução de 50%, o qual apresentou os maiores valores de desgaste. / The aim of the present work was the obtention of AISI M2 high-speed steel by spray forming technique and the material evaluation when used as machining tool. The obtained material was hot rolled at 50% and 72% reduction ratios, and from which it was manufactured inserts for machining tests. The performance of inserts made of the spray formed material was compared to inserts obtained from conventional and powder metallurgy (MP) processed materials. The spray formed material was chemical, physical, mechanical and microstructural characterised. For further characterisation, the materials were submitted to machining tests for performance evaluation under real work condition. The results of material characterisation highlight the potential of the spray forming technique, in the obtention of materials with good characteristics and properties. Under the current processing, hot rolling and heat treatments condition, the analysis of the results of the machining tests revealed a very similar behaviour among the tested materials. Proceeding a criterious analysis of the machining results tests, it was verified that the performance presented by the powder metallurgy material (MP) was slight superior, followed by conventional obtained material (MConv), which presented a insignificant advantage over the spray formed and hot rolled (72% reduction ratio) material. The worst result was encountered for the spray forming and hot rolled (50% reduction ratio) material that presented the highest wear values.

Texture et Anisotropie du comportement mécanique après laminage à chaud d'un alliage léger Aluminium Cuivre Lithium (2050) pour l'aéronautique / Hot rolling texture and anisotropy of mechanical behaviour of a light al-cu-li alloy for aeronautic

Contrepois, Quentin 12 January 2010 (has links)
Ce travail vise à comprendre l’évolution de la texture cristallographique et l’anisotropie du comportement mécanique après laminage à chaud et traitements thermiques d’un Al-Cu-Li 2050 et d’un Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 7050, et expliquer leurs différences. La texture est analysée par EBSD et RX après des essais de compression plane à chaud et après des laminages à chaud industriels. L’anisotropie est étudiée sur des tôles fortes industrielles après différents détensionnements et dans différents états microstructuraux par des essais de traction à 0°, 45° et 90° par rapport à DL. Enfin, nous comparons nos mesures à des résultats simulés par des modèles de plasticité cristalline (modèles de Taylor). Il est montré que, déformés dans des conditions identiques, les deux alliages développent les mêmes textures de laminage jusqu'à une déformation de 2.6. La présence de 1% massique de Li n’est à priori pas responsable d’une texture particulière. En revanche la température de laminage, qui est généralement plus élevée pour les Al-Cu-Li que pour les Al-Zn-Mg-Cu, a un impact important aux grandes déformations, notamment en favorisant la composante Laiton {110}<112>. L'anisotropie d'une tôle laminée de 2050 est pour une large part due à la texture cristallographique. Elle augmente quand un détensionnement est effectué par traction dans la direction DL et diminue quand il est effectué à 45°/DL. La précipitation durcissante, composée de T1 Al2CuLi en forme de plaquettes sur les plans {111}Al, augmente la résistance de la direction préalablement tractionnée mais n'est pas responsable dans nos conditions expérimentales d'une forte aggravation de l'anisotropie. Dans le 7050, l'anisotropie diminue entre l’état mûri naturellement et l’état sur-revenu. La précipitation de sur-revenu du 7050 atténue l'effet de la texture cristallographique sur l'anisotropie et rend, en comparaison, le 2050 d’autant plus anisotrope. / This work aims to understand hot rolling texture evolution and anisotropy of mechanical behaviour on an Al-Cu-Li 2050 and an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 7050, and aims to explain their differences. Crystallographic textures are analysed by EBSD and X-ray after hot plane strain compressions and after industrial hot rolling. Anisotropy of industrial hot rolled plates is investigated after different stretching and different ageing treatments by means of tensile tests at 0°, 45° and 90° to RD. Experimental results are compared to predictions using plasticity models (Taylor models). It is shown that, under the same processing conditions, the two alloys develop the same rolling textures up to strain of 2.6 ; it can be concluded that the presence of 1wt% of Li does not by itself favour a particular texture. However, it is shown that Brass component {110}<112> is favoured by an increasing rolling temperature, which is generally higher in the Al-Cu-Li than in the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu. Anisotropy of hot rolled 2050 is for a large part caused by crystallographic texture. It increases when stretch axis is at 0° and decreases when stretch axis is at 45°. Hardening precipitation, made by plate shape T1 Al2CuLi lying on the {111}Al, increases yield strength in the stretched direction but it is not responsible in our experimental conditions for a high increase of anisotropy. Anisotropy of 7050 is less important in the over aged state than in the natural aged state. Over ageing precipitation of 7050 reduces the effect of crystallographic texture on the anisotropy and makes 2050 appearing much more anisotropic.

Entwicklung einer Warmwalztechnologie für Warmband einer Mg-2Zn-1Al-0,3Ca-Legierung mit hoher Umformbarkeit

Kittner, Kristina 18 February 2021 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Warmwalztechnologie für gießgewalztes Vorband der calciumhaltigen Magnesiumlegierung Mg-2Zn-1Al-0,3Ca (ZAX210) entwickelt. Ausgangspunkt war die Untersuchung des Verformungs- und Rekristallisationsverhaltens in Abhängigkeit der Umformtemperatur, Umformgeschwindigkeit und des Umformgrades. Dabei wurde die zwillingsinduzierte dynamische Rekristallisation als dominierender Rekristallisationsmechanismus vor allem bei erhöhten Umformgeschwindigkeiten identifiziert. Basierend auf den daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnissen konnte ein Prozessfenster für das Warmwalzen abgeleitet werden, welches die Erzeugung eines 2 mm dicken Fertigbandes mit abgeschwächter Textur, guten mechanischen Eigenschaften und einer verbesserten Umformbarkeit, insbesondere im Vergleich zu den Standardknetlegierungen AZ31 und ZE10, erlaubte. Die Warmwalzparameter sind unter Berücksichtigung gleicher Randbedingungen auf einen industriellen Warmwalzprozess übertragbar.

Vývoj nových přístupů v odstraňování okují při kontinuální výrobě oceli s využitím vysokotlakého vodního paprsku / Development of New Approaches in Descaling in the Continuous Production of Steel using High-Pressure Water Jet

Votavová, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The thesis summarizes general and up-to-date knowledge of descaling during the continuous production of the hot-rolled steel and proposes further streamlining of this process in industrial production. The first chapter of the thesis deals with the origin, structure and physical properties of the scales. The second chapter describes the principles of descaling by using a high pressure flat water jet. The third chapter introduces the principles of the experimental methods and describes the used laboratory equipment. The fourth chapter summarizes the description of the particular experiments and their evaluation, and thus represents the focus of the dissertation. It is divided into six sections which independently solve predefined objectives of the dissertation. The first section focuses on the height and structure development of the scales on 54SiCr6 and HDT580X steels. It has been proven that the height of the formed scales increases with the time and temperature of the oxidation. The layered nature of the scales was verified at the same time. The second section examines the effect of the nozzle stabilizer on the focussing and distribution of the impact pressure of the nozzle. Experiments have shown that increase of 11 % of an average maximum nozzle pressure can be achieved, depending on the type of nozzle and the length of the stabilizer. The third section deals with the analysis of shadowgraphy images of water jet structures of the nozzles. A script was developed for analysis of these shadowgraphy photos by an adaptive thresholding. The findings are correlated using a regression analysis with an average heat transfer coefficient. It has been reported that most of the standard nozzle configurations produced disintegrated stream of little droplets at the height of the rolled surface. The fourth section focuses on the area of water jet overlap, especially the area of the so-called washout, where the impact pressure of one nozzle is reduced by the nozzle stream of the other. The influence of the pressure change and the mutual displacement of the nozzles is investigated. The analysis showed that the change of pressure did not have any effect on the percentage of reduction of the impact pressure in the area of the washout. It has been shown that if the area of the washout is wide the descaling efficiency in this area may be reduced. The fifth section builds on the previous section and focuses directly on the areas of waterjet overlaps. The influence of the change of rotation and pitch of the nozzles is studied. Experiments have shown that small changes in nozzle pitch do not have a significant impact on impact pressure and heat transfer coefficient. The effect of nozzle rotation, on the other hand, was a significant factor for the efficiency and homogeneity of the descaling of the surface. The last section deals with the effect of the rolling speed on the heat transfer coefficient in the descaling process. The regression model has shown that with a higher rolling speed there is a reduction in the average heat transfer coefficient. Conclusion summarizes the results of the dissertation and proposes which findings can be used in the industry to make the descaling process more effective.

Неравномерность деформации в процессах правки растяжением листового проката из алюминиевых сплавов : магистерская диссертация / Deformation irregularity in the processes of straightening by tension of aluminum alloys sheets

Соболев, Д. О., Sobolev, D. O. January 2020 (has links)
В работе приведены основные свойства и виды плоских полуфабрикатов из алюминия и алюминиевых сплавов. Рассмотрена технология производства плоских полуфабрикатов, технология и оборудование для проведения правки растяжением. Приведены новые патентные разработки в области прокатки плоских полуфабрикатов из алюминиевых сплавов. Представлены результаты исследования неравномерности деформации в процессе правки растяжением листового проката из алюминиевых сплавов. Приведено решение задачи правки растяжением полос из алюминиевых сплавов методом конечных элементов в программном комплексе ABAQUS с целью определения уровня деформаций. Выполнен анализ распределения деформаций при правке растяжением горячекатаных полос из алюминиевых сплавов. Неодинаковые значения деформаций по координатным направлениям объяснены с позиций анизотропии свойств прокатанных полос. / The paper presents the main properties and types of flat semi-finished products made of aluminum and aluminum alloys. The technology of production of flat semi-finished products, technology and equipment for straightening by stretching are considered. New patent developments in the field of rolling flat semi-finished products from aluminum alloys are presented. The paper presents the results of a study of the non-uniformity of deformation in the process of tensile straightening of sheet metal made of aluminum alloys. The solution of the problem of tensile straightening of strips of aluminum alloys by the finite element method in the ABAQUS software package is presented in order to determine the level of deformations. The analysis of the strain distribution during tensile straightening of hot-rolled strips of aluminum alloys is carried out. Unequal values of deformations along coordinate directions are explained from the standpoint of anisotropy of properties of rolled strips.

Исследование структуры и механических свойств трубных сталей после различных режимов термической обработки : магистерская диссертация / Study of the structure and mechanical properties of pipe steels after various heat treatment modes

Вобликов, А. В., Voblikov, A. V. January 2023 (has links)
Объектом исследования являлось изучение микроструктуры и механических свойств трубных сталей 32Г2ФА, 38Г2Ф И 42Г2ФТ после горячей прокатки и термической обработки по различным режимам. На основе литературных данных и результатов собственных экспериментов в работе проведен анализ полученных механических свойств после различных обработок исследуемых сталей. Изучено влияние микролегирования на рост аустенитного зерна при нагреве сталей 32Г2ФА, 38Г2Ф И 42Г2ФТ до различных температур аустенитизации методами оптической микроскопии и растровой электронной микроскопии. / The object of the study was the study of the microstructure and mechanical properties of 32G2FA, 38G2F, and 42G2FT pipe steels after hot rolling and heat treatment in various modes. On the base of the literature and experimental data obtained mechanical properties of the studied steels after various treatments were analyzed. The effect of microalloying on the growth of austenite grains during heating of 32G2FA, 38G2F, and 42G2FT steels to various austenitization temperatures was studied by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

Изучение влияния параметров обработки на структуру и свойства в среднеуглеродистых сталях типа 32Г2ФА : магистерская диссертация / Study of the treatment parameters effect on structure and properties of medium carbon steels of type 32G2FA

Кривенко, Н. А., Krivenko, N. A. January 2023 (has links)
Объектом исследования являлось изучение микроструктуры и механических свойств сталей типа 32Г2ФА. На основе литературных данных и дюрометрических испытаний проведен анализ значений параметра отпуска и определен коэффициент С. Исследована микроструктура сталей после различных режимов отпуска методами электронной и оптической микроскопии. / The object of the study was the study of the microstructure and mechanical properties of steels of the 32G2FA type. On the basis of literature data and durometric tests, an analysis of the values of the tempering parameter was carried out and the coefficient C was determined. The microstructure of steels after various tempering regimes has been studied by electron and optical microscopy.

Investigation of a thermomechanical process in a high temperature deformation simulator using an FE software : Using LS-DYNA to create a digital twin of the hot deformation simulator Gleeble-3800 GTC Hydrawedge module.

Tregulov, Farhad January 2024 (has links)
Thermomechanical processes such as hot rolling have been used in the industry for a long time to process and shape metals to a desired form with specific properties. However it can be difficult to make changes to the different process parameters. That's where it is beneficial to use a hot deformation simulator such as the Gleeble 3800-GTC. It can be used to test metals in a controlled environment where the deformation, temperature and other parameters are easily changed. When the machine uses a Hydrawedge module, it is able to simulate hot rolling using uniaxial compression at high temperatures. Swerim AB has one such machine and has requested to investigate what occurs inside a specimen during testing in the Gleeble, specifically inside two low-alloyed steels with a hardness between 400 and 500 HV. Such tests were replicated using LS-DYNA, an FE software. The goal was to acquire true stress-strain graphs that showed similar behaviour to the data from the Gleeble and plots of the effective plastic strain which could be correlated to the grain structure pattern inside the deformed cylinders. An FE-model was created which replicates the procedure. The model was verified through numerous steps. An initial mesh verification was done where the simulation time took at least 5 hours and at most 86 hours. Using a technique called mass scaling, the elements inside the model were manipulated using additional mass to increase their time step and reduce the computational time. A verification of the mass scaling was done where the computational time was weighed off against accuracy. Afterwards the friction had to be verified where it was found that the Gleeble test specimens were deformed more than necessary which was taken into account and the models were adjusted for friction verification. After all was said and done, the model had a reasonable friction coefficient with an optimal mesh and mass scaling configuration. The resulting model simulated a test of 0.5 seconds in 15 minutes and only costing at most 10 MPa in accuracy when experimental results have maximum values between 110 to 220 MPa depending on the scenario. This equals an approximate error of around 5-10%. When investigating the grain structure after 100 seconds of relaxation, the computational time amounted to 52 hours but could be reduced to 12 hours when simulating 30 seconds as there was no change in the effective plastic strain after that time. The final model has a high enough accuracy which, when combined with the Gleeble, is able to confirm material models and describe what occurs in the material during conditions akin to hot rolling.

Prozessübergreifende Berechnung der Temperatur und des Gefüges im Laufe des reversierenden Warmwalzens am Beispiel der Magnesiumlegierung AZ31

Nam, Alexander 07 January 2020 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein prozessübergreifendes Simulationsmodell für die Temperatur- und Gefügeentwicklung im Band und Coil beim reversierenden Warmwalzen entwickelt. In der Software werden die erstmals aufgestellten Modelle der Bandab- und aufwicklung implementiert. Die Temperatur- und Gefügeveränderungen im gewalzten Warmband werden lokal und prozessübergreifend betrachtet. Die für das gesamte Modell notwendigen Koeffizienten zur Beschreibung der Wärmeübertragung wurden mittels der inversen Methode bestimmt. Die Bestimmung der radialen Wärmeübertragung im Coil erfolgte mit Hilfe von Laboruntersuchungen in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur, der Banddicke und des radialen Druckes. Die Validierung des Modells für die Temperatur- und Gefügeentwicklung erfolgte am Beispiel des reversierenden Warmwalzens der Magnesiumlegierung AZ31. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Versuche zu Temperaturmessungen in den einzelnen Phasen der Prozesskette durchgeführt. Die Ermittlung der Einflüsse der Umformbedingungen auf die Temperatur- und Gefügeentwicklung während des reversierenden Warmbandwalzens erfolgte abschließend mit Hilfe des entwickelten Modells. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auf, wie sich die Walzbedingungen auf die Entwicklung der Temperatur und des Gefüges auswirken.

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