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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling, Evaluation and Assessment of Welded Joints Subjected to Fatigue

Rajaganesan, Prajeet January 2020 (has links)
Fatigue assessment of welded joints using finite element methods is becoming very common. Research about new methods is being carried out every day that show a more accurate estimation of the fatigue life cycle than the previous ones. Some of these methods are investigated in this thesis for a thorough understanding of the weld fatigue evaluation process.The thesis study presents several methods as candidates for analysis of selected case studies for comparison. The sensitivity of methods towards FE model properties was studied. The ease of implementation for further automatization of the method was highly considered from the early stages of the project. A comparison study amongst feasible methods was then performed after analysis.The selected three case studies provided a wide range of difficulties in terms of geometry and loading and made them suitable for the methods to be evaluated. It should be noted that case studies only with fillet welds were considered during the literature study and analysis. Implementation of some methods on a case study where they have not previously been tested before gave a challenging task during the analysis phase. The proposed method after comparison and ranking of the methods based on several criteria such as accuracy, robustness, etc. was the hot spot stress method. The main advantages of this method are its low computational time, less complexity during both pre- and post-processing, and the ability to work for both solid and shell models.Finally, the report gives a walk-through of several functionalities of the post-processor tool built to enhance workflow for the hot spot based fatigue assessment of welds. Pseudo-codes for some functions of the tool are given for clarity. A summary of the workflow is presented as a flowchart. The outputs of the case studies were then evaluated using the tool and compared with the manual evaluation to check the effectiveness of the tool on different scenarios. The tool shows flexibility in handling different types of weld geometry with good agreement to the results obtained manually but only for welds lying on a flat surface. Some of the advantages of the tool are its capability to handle multiple welds simultaneously and the flexibility to the user in selecting the way the results are presented. Most of the postprocessing steps are automatized, while some require user inputs.

Fatigue analysis of welded joints in a forestry machine : Utilizing the notch stress concept

Nyström, Martin, Tomaz, Tainan Pantano January 2015 (has links)
Welding is one of the most applied technics in the world for joining steel. Welds are liable to the phenomenon of fatigue, which is, primarily, the formation of a crack and consequently reduction of strength due to the action of time varying loads. Fatigue is one of the main causes of failure in steel structures. The aim of this thesis is to do static and dynamic analyses of a forestry crane with the purpose of using the analyses to determine the lifetime due to fatigue of welded components. Two methods for fatigue assessment are used in this work, the Hot-Spot Method and the Notch Stress Method. The first boom, which is a key component for the crane, is analyzed in a Finite Element Method (FEM) software. The found principal stress in accordance with the notch stress method in the first boom is ±165 MPa for the analyzed load case, rendering in a stress range of 330 MPa. The fatigue strength class FAT-225 (m=3), leads to an expected number of 633000 cycles, with a probability of survival of 97,7% for this case. / Svetsning är en av de vanligaste teknikerna för sammanfogning av stål. Svetsar är känsliga för utmattning. Utmattningsfenomenet består primärt av en initial dislokation som genom tidsvarierande belastning formar en spricka som växer och därmed reducerar styrkan i konstruktionen. Utmattning är en av de vanligaste orsakerna till skador i stålkonstruktioner. Målet med detta arbete är att genomföra både statiska och dynamiska analyser av en skogsmaskins kran i avseende att bestämma utmattningslivslängden för dess svetsade konstruktioner. Två metoder för utvärdering används i detta arbete, hot-spot-metoden och notch-stress-metoden. Kranens första bom (lyftarmen) som är en huvudkomponent i kranen analyseras med hjälp av ett Finita Element program i enlighet med notch-metoden. Högsta funna spänningsvariationen i första huvudspänningsriktningen var ±165 MPa för ett av de analyserade lastfallen. Utmattningsklass FAT 225 (m=3) ger en uppskattning om utmattningslivslängd på 633000 cykler med en sannolikhet för överlevnad på 97.7% i detta fall.

Numerical study of thin HPC overlay for orthotropic bridge deck / Numerical study of thin HPC overlay for orthotropic bridge deck

Miarka, Petr January 2017 (has links)
This Master Thesis compares three various concrete materials for stiffening orthotropic bridge deck plate and investigates stress reducing factors in selected weld joints. The thesis investigates the standard load situation and also overloaded situation. A parameter study with different material inputs has been done to see how it affects stress in weld joints.

Utmattning vid svetsad anslutning mellan tväravstyvning och fläns i samverkansbro / Fatigue at welded connection between transverse stiffening and flange in a composite bridge

Lindman, Daniel, Berlin Lindberg, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Vid samverkansbroar fästes tvärförband mellan huvudbalkar med funktion att leda laster ut mot huvudbalkarna. Dessa kan fästas via s.k. livavstyvningsplåtar mot huvudbalkens liv samt flänsar. Denna infästning kan ske med svetsförband. Vid ett antal fall har utmattningssprickor uppkommit i svetsanslutningen mellan livavstyvningsplåten samt överfläns på huvudbalk. Tydliga riktlinjer finns ej i dagsläget för vilken typ av svetsförband som bör nyttjas vid uppförande av benämnd konstruktionsanslutning. Här genomförs en jämförande studie av kälsvetsförband mot stumsvetsförband, med samt utan svetsutbredning. Då risk för sprickinitiering till följd av utmattning i kälsvetsförbandet studerades beaktades risk för brott i såväl svetstå som svetsrot. Den aktuella studien ämnade ge svar på huruvida en korrelation mellan geometriska parametrar såsom avstånd mellan huvudbalkar samt konsollängd på farbana kunde kopplas till rekommendation gällande vilket svetsutförande som borde nyttjas vid olika dimensioner av dessa båda geometrier. Vidare ämnade studien utröna om eventuella gränsvärden för val av svetsanslutningar kunde fastställas. För framtagande av data nyttjades BRIGADE PLUS, ett beräkningsprogram som nyttjar FEM-modellering. Här användes ett uppfört projekt, Viadukt Söder, beläget i Östersund, som grundmodell för parameterstudien i BRIGADE PLUS. Detta var projekterat av ELU Konsult, på uppdrag av Trafikverket. Beräkningsmodellen bestod av en begränsad del av den aktuella bron, där utmattningslastfordon 3 i SS EN 1993-2 användes för att via influenslinjer återspegla trafiklast på bron och därmed finna värsta lastpositioner. Dessa positioner nyttjades sedermera för beräkning av påverkan från Utmattningslastfordon 3 på den studerade detaljen i form av spänningsamplitud. Analys av dessa spänningsamplituder omräknades sedermera till ett antal lastcykler till brott som sedan ställdes mot de riktlinjer som återfinns i SS EN 1993-1-9:2005. Här nyttjades de förbandsklasser som enligt nationella normer ses som gällande. Resultatet påvisade en exponentiell minskning av antal lastcykler till brott, med avseende på utmattning, då brogeometrin utökades. Utmärkande här var att risk för brott i livavstyvningsplåten klart översteg risk för brott i överflänsen, som i sin tur näst intill kunde bortses ifrån. Den geometriska parameter som blev styrande var konsollängd på farbana. Tydlig differens i livslängd mätt i antal cykler gick att utläsa för de olika svetsförbanden, där styrande faktor blev de respektive förbandsklasserna vid analys av sprickinitiering. Gränsvärden för då antal cykler till brott understeg gränsvärden enligt SS EN 1993-1-9:2005 kopplat till de geometriska parametrarna, gick att fastställa för respektive svetsförband. Kälsvetsens kapacitet med avseende på utmattning understeg vida stumsvetsens kapacitet. / For composite bridges, transverse bracings are attached between main girders with the function of distributing loads between the main girders. These can be attached via so-called web stiffeners against the main girders web and flanges. This attachment can be done via welded joints. In the event of emergence, fatigue cracks have arisen in the welding connection between the web stiffener and the top flange of the main girder. Clear guidelines do not exist at present for the type of welded joints that should be used in the construction of the termed design connection. Here, a comparative study is carried out between fillet welded joints and butt welded joints, with flat and inclined welds. When the risk of crack initiation as a result of fatigue in the fillet weld was studied, the risk of breakage in both toe and root was considered. The current study intended to provide answers as to whether a correlation between geometric parameters such as distance between main girders and cantilever length of the deck slab could be linked to recommendation regarding which welding design should be used at different dimensions of these two properties. Furthermore, the study intended to determine whether any limit values for the selection of welding connections could be determined. For the production of data, BRIGADE PLUS, a calculation program that utilizes FEM modeling, was used. Here, a constructed project, Viadukt Söder, situated in Östersund, was used as the basic model for the parameter study in BRIGADE PLUS. This was designed by ELU Konsult, on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration. The calculation model consisted of a limited part of the current bridge, where Fatigue Load Vehicle 3 in SS EN 1993-2 was used to reflect traffic loads on the bridge via influenza lines and thereby find the worst load positions. These positions were subsequently used for calculating the influence of Fatigue Load Vehicle 3 on the studied part in the form of stress amplitude. Analysis of these stress amplitudes was subsequently recalculated to a number of load cycles to offenses that were then set against the guidelines found in SS EN 1993-1-9: 2005. Here, the fatigue resistance values were used which according to national standards are regarded as valid. The result showed an exponential decrease in the number of load cycles to fracture, with respect to fatigue, as the bridge geometry was increased. The characteristic feature here was that the risk of breakage in the web stiffener clearly exceeded the risk of breakage in the upper flange, which in turn could almost be disregarded. The geometric parameter that became guiding was cantilever length on the deck. Clear difference in service life measured in number of cycles could be read out for the different welded joints, where the controlling factor became the respective fatigue resistance values when analyzing crack initiation. Limit values for when the number of cycles to break below the limit values according to SS EN 1993-1-9:2005 linked to the geometric parameters, could be determined for each welded joint. The capacity of the fillet weld with respect to fatigue is far below the capacity of the butt weld.

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