Spelling suggestions: "subject:"house price"" "subject:"house grice""
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Metodiky ocenění staveb dle vyhlášky č. 441/2013 Sb. a č. 419/2013 Sb. / Building valuation methodology by regulations No. 441/2013 Coll. and No. 419/2013 Coll.Frühaufová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the differences in the valuation of buildings by valuation public notices no. 441/2013 Coll. and no. 419/2013 Coll. and explanation of differences in valuation on the example of a house in listed cities and villages in 2,000 and over 2,001 residents with final execute decision-making schemes for the selection of the different methodologies in regions and districts of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part focuses on the basic concepts and the use of various valuation methodologies. The practical part is honored family house without land using the reference method in accordance with Decree no. 441/2014 Coll. and in accordance with Decree no. 419/2013 Coll. The results are applied in the decision scheme for the selection of individual valuation methodology.
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Debt level heterogeneity by municipality type : A study of the differences in households' debt level based on house- and condominium prices and municipality type in Sweden / Skuldnivåns heterogenitet per kommuntypJohansson, Emil, Engström, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
We investigate the effects of house- and condominium prices on a household's debt-to-income based on the type of municipality. With data from 2010-2017 for all of Sweden's municipalities we use a panel data regression and find that both house- and condominium price has a significant effect on debt-to-income with control variables of age, age! and education added to the model. The difference in effect on debt-to-income, depending on the type of the municipality is most significant between rural and metropolitan when we investigate condominium prices and between rural and urban when we investigate house prices meaning that there is a difference in effect depending on the type of the municipality. We determine that the effect of condominium price is highest for metropolitan, and the effect of house price is highest for urban.
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Apartment price determinants : A comparison between Sweden and GermanyAnop, Sviatlana January 2015 (has links)
Similar development of economic fundamentals in Germany over the last two decades did not lead to the same dramatic house price increases as it is in Sweden. What can explain this house price stability over a long period? This thesis attempts to find the answer this question. The first paper in this thesis contains an extended literature review on the studies focused on the factors affecting house prices in the short and in the long run. Existing literature adopts a broad variation of approaches and reaches different conclusions attempting to answer the question about what are the key drivers of house prices. Conclusions often depend on the model specifications and econometric methods applied. Though there is a considerable agreement in real estate economics theory regarding the main factors that affect house prices (or so called “fundamental determinants”), it is hard to find a consistent definition regarding what factors can be considered as “fundamentals” and what factors belong to “non-fundamentals”. The dominating factors that are presented in the majority of the studies are income, population, interest rate, housing stock and unemployment. Studies done after the recent financial crisis put more attention on such factors as the behavior of the market participants, financing conditions and regulations. The characteristics of the bank lending and valuation policies as well as regulations on the rental market have received attention in the research literature, but the impact of these factors on house price dynamics is not measured and not well described. Therefore the other two papers in this thesis aim to provide a better insight in to the factors that create fluctuations in housing markets. The second paper investigates the effects of macroeconomic indicators such as population, income housing stock, mortgage interest rate on house prices. Estimation is done by applying panel data methodology on regional data for major cities in Germany and Sweden and by using yearly observations from 1995 to 2010. Results suggest that the long-run development of apartment prices in Sweden can be explained by changes in such factors as population, disposable income per capita, mortgage interest rate, housing stock, and prices per square meter in the previous period. The price for the previous period has the highest impact in comparison with other factors in Sweden. At the same time for Germany this is the only factor that is valid for long-term house price development. Estimates for fundamental factors such as population, disposable income, mortgage interest rate and housing stock appeared as not significant in house price development in the long run in Germany. A closer analysis has shown that the fundamental factors developed in a similar way in both countries during the analyzed period, though the house prices dynamic is very different. The conclusion is that fundamental factors cannot provide an explanation for the differences in house price developments in two countries and further analysis of institutional differences in the housing markets is done in the third paper. Third paper applies a comparative analysis approach and hypothetico-deductive method in order to examine the differences in the banking policies on mortgage financing and approaches to valuation of mortgage properties in Germany and Sweden. The results suggest that the extreme rise in Swedish house prices above the long-term trend was created by expanding bank lending policies that was supported by the general macroeconomic factors and regulation environment on the housing market. The main difference between countries in approaches to valuation for mortgage purposes is that in Germany that mortgage is based not on the market value as it is in Sweden, but on the long-run sustainable value, so called “fundamental” value. Mortgage lending value is determined in such a way that is also develops in the same tempo as fundamentals in the long-run and is not that procyclical as market value. Using a long-term sustainable value has a restrictive effect on the housing prices and in such a way stabilizes the market. One more factor that gives stability to the housing market in Germany is the well-functioning rental market. Third paper contributes to a better understanding of necessary conditions for the house prices to rise in the long run above the fundamentals level and suggests policy solutions that can reduce the risks of housing bubbles and increase financial stability. / Ekonomiska fundamenta hur utvecklats på ungefär samma sätt i Tyskland och Sverige, men medan huspriserna i Sverige stigit kraftigt har de varit stabila i Tyskland. Vad kan förklara denna skillnad? Syftet med denna licentiatuppsats är att försöka förklara det. Den första uppsatsen innehåller en omfattande litteraturöversikt rörande vad som styr huspriser på kort och lång sikt. Den existerande litteraturen innehåller många olika angreppssätt och kommer till olika svar om vad som driver huspriserna. Slutsatserna beror ofta på hur modellerna specificerats och vilken ekonometrisk metod som använts. Det finns dock betydande enighet i ekonomisk teori om vad som är de grundläggande faktorerna som styr huspriserna (så kallade fundamenta) så finns delade meningar om hur dessa exakt ska specificeras och vad som räknas som icke-fundamentala faktorer. De vanligaste fundamentala faktorerna i studierna är inkomst, befolkning, räntenivå, bostadsutbudet och arbetslöshet. Studier gjorda efter den senaste finanskrisen betonar med beteendefaktorer, finansieringsförhållande och regleringar. Egenskaperna hos bankernas långivning och värderingsprinciper liksom effekten av hur hyresmarknaden fungerar har då fått lite utrymme vilket motiverar att de behandlas mer ingående i denna studie. Den andra uppsatsen undersöker effekterna av makroekonomiska indikatorer som befolkning, inkomst, bostadsutbud och räntenivåer på huspriser i Tyskland och Sverige. Studien begränsas till ett antal större städer och bygger på data från 1995-2010. Paneldataanalys används. Resultaten pekar på att den långsiktiga prisutvecklingen i Sverige kan förklaras av sådana fundamentala faktorer, men också att priset föregående period påverkar priset perioden efter. För Tyskland är enbart den sista faktorn av betydelse, dvs utvecklingen av de fundamentala faktorerna påverkar inte prisutvecklingen där. Trots att de fundamentala faktorerna utvecklas på liknande sätt så leder de inte till samma utveckling av huspriserna. Detta motiverar djupare studier av institutionella skillnader mellan bostadsmarknaderna i de båda länderna. Den tredje uppsatsen är en jämförande studie som använder hypotetiskt deduktiv metod för att undersöka om skillnader i bankerna lånepolicy och skillnader i värdebegrepp kan förklara skillnader i prisutveckling på bostäder. Resultaten pekar på att de snabbt stigande priserna i Sverige kan förklaras med en expansiv långivning. En viktig skillnad är att medan långivning i Sverige grundas på aktuellt marknadsvärde medan den i Tyskland bygger på ett långsiktigt värde som ska spegla långsiktiga fundamentala faktorer, ett så kallat "mortgage lending value". Detta värde utvecklas mer sakta och ska inte svänga med konjunkturerna på det sätt som ett marknadsvärde normalt gör. Genom att långivning grundas på detta värde stabiliseras marknaden. En annan faktor som bidrar till att stabilisera de tyska bostadspriserna är att det finns en fungerande hyresmarknad som skapar ett alternativ till att köpa. Bidraget i den tredje uppsatsen är att öka vår förståelse av nödvändiga villkor för att huspriserna inte ska stiga snabbt och att den pekar på åtgärder som kan minska risken för prisbubblor på bostadsmarknaden, och minska risken för finansiell instabilitet. / <p>QC 20150316</p>
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Essays on Down Payment Constraint, House Price and Young People's Homeownership BehaviorWang, Xun 01 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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A House Price Bubble in Sweden?Zbib, Zeinab January 2006 (has links)
Abstract The topic of an overheated housing market, in Sweden, has been extensively discussed, not least by the media. This thesis will contribute to the debate by answering the question whether a potential price bubble exists in the Swedish housing market. Years between 1984 and 2004 are analysed using conventional metrics, which include house price-to- rent and income ratios respectively, changes in the dynamics of real house prices, as well as demographic variations. The analyse continues with the use of the imputed rent, also known as the yearly cost of ownership. Moreover the fundamental factors; interest rates, indebtedness and turnover of houses are discussed. It will be concluded that the conventional measures can be misleading. The imputed rent is a superior measure since it is the true cost of ownership and it accounts for changes in important determinants of house demand, mainly the interest rate. The answer to the title of this paper is; no, house prices (in 2004) in Sweden did not appear to be particularly overvalued, neither when compared to yearly rents in the tenancy market, disposable incomes, nor when low levels of interest rates are taken into account. However, this does not rule out that house prices cannot fall in the near future. / Sammanfattning Denna kandidatuppsats behandlar ämnet om en möjlig husprisbubbla i Sverige. Sedvanliga tekniker som används vid analysering av prisbubblor innefattar användandet av proportionen mellan huspriser och hyror samt disponibla inkomster. Även dynamiken i reella huspriser och demografiska förändringar utvärderas. I denna analys jämförs åren mellan 1984 och 2004 genom att använda “imputed rent”, vilken representerar den årliga kostnaden av ägande. Även fundamentala faktorer som räntan, skuldsättningen samt omsättningen av hus undersöks. Den slutsats som uppsatsen resulterar i understryker att de sedvanliga bruken kan vara vilseledande och att ”imputed rent” är en bättre teknik. Detta eftersom ”imputed rent” representerar den verkliga kostnaden av ägande samt inbegriper viktiga avgörande faktorer, som räntan. Därför är svaret på titeln; nej, huspriserna (år 2004) i Sverige förefaller sig inte vara särskilt övervärderade, när de jämförs med årliga hyror av likvärdiga hyresrättslägenheter och disponibla inkomster, samt när hänsyn tas till den låga räntan. Detta utesluter dock inte en framtida nedgång av huspriserna.
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A House Price Bubble in Sweden?Zbib, Zeinab January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The topic of an overheated housing market, in Sweden, has been extensively discussed, not least by the media. This thesis will contribute to the debate by answering the question whether a potential price bubble exists in the Swedish housing market. Years between 1984 and 2004 are analysed using conventional metrics, which include house price-to- rent and income ratios respectively, changes in the dynamics of real house prices, as well as demographic variations. The analyse continues with the use of the imputed rent, also known as the yearly cost of ownership. Moreover the fundamental factors; interest rates, indebtedness and turnover of houses are discussed.</p><p>It will be concluded that the conventional measures can be misleading. The imputed rent is a superior measure since it is the true cost of ownership and it accounts for changes in important determinants of house demand, mainly the interest rate. The answer to the title of this paper is; no, house prices (in 2004) in Sweden did not appear to be particularly overvalued, neither when compared to yearly rents in the tenancy market, disposable incomes, nor when low levels of interest rates are taken into account. However, this does not rule out that house prices cannot fall in the near future.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Denna kandidatuppsats behandlar ämnet om en möjlig husprisbubbla i Sverige. Sedvanliga tekniker som används vid analysering av prisbubblor innefattar användandet av proportionen mellan huspriser och hyror samt disponibla inkomster. Även dynamiken i reella huspriser och demografiska förändringar utvärderas.</p><p>I denna analys jämförs åren mellan 1984 och 2004 genom att använda “imputed rent”, vilken representerar den årliga kostnaden av ägande. Även fundamentala faktorer som räntan, skuldsättningen samt omsättningen av hus undersöks. Den slutsats som uppsatsen resulterar i understryker att de sedvanliga bruken kan vara vilseledande och att ”imputed rent” är en bättre teknik. Detta eftersom ”imputed rent” representerar den verkliga kostnaden av ägande samt inbegriper viktiga avgörande faktorer, som räntan. Därför är svaret på titeln; nej, huspriserna (år 2004) i Sverige förefaller sig inte vara särskilt övervärderade, när de jämförs med årliga hyror av likvärdiga hyresrättslägenheter och disponibla inkomster, samt när hänsyn tas till den låga räntan. Detta utesluter dock inte en framtida nedgång av huspriserna.</p>
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Housing, Banking and the Macro EconomyNilavongse, Rachatar January 2016 (has links)
Essay 1: Expectation-Driven House Prices, Debt Default and Inflation Dynamics We contribute to the literature on dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models with housing collateral by including shocks to house price expectations. We also incorporate endogenous mortgage defaults that are rarely included in DSGE models with housing collateral. We use this model to study the effects of variations in house price expectations on macroeconomic dynamics and their implications for monetary policy. Model simulations show that an increase in expected future house prices leads to a decline in mortgage default rate and interest rates on household and business loans, whereas it leads to an increase in house prices, housing demand, household debt, business debt, bank leverage ratio and economic activity. In contrast to previous studies, we find that inflation is low during a house price boom. Finally, we show that monetary policy that takes into account household credit growth reduces the volatility of output and dampens a rise in housing demand, household debt and bank leverage ratio that enhances financial stability. However, a central bank that reacts to household credit growth increases the volatility of inflation. / Essay 2: House Price Expectations, Boom-Bust Cycles and Implications for Monetary Policy This essay examines the role of household expectations about future house prices and their implications for boom-bust cycles and monetary policy. Our findings are as follows. First, waves of optimism and pessimism about future house prices generate boom-bust cycles in house prices, financial activities (household debt, business debt, bank leverage, interest rates on household and business loans) and the real economy (housing demand, consumption, employment, investment and output). Second, we find that inflation declines during a house price boom and increases during a house price burst. Third, we find that monetary policy that reacts to household credit growth reduces the magnitude of boom-bust cycles and improves household welfare. Fourth, we find that the case for taking into account household credit growth becomes stronger in an economy in which the bank capital to asset ratio requirement is low, interest rates on loans and deposits adjust immediately to changes in the policy rate, or the household sector is highly indebted. / Essay 3: Credit Disruptions and the Spillover Effects between the Household and Business Sectors This essay examines the effects of credit supply disruptions in a New Keynesian DSGE model with housing collateral and working capital channels. A tightening of business credit conditions creates negative spillovers from the business sector to the household sector through labor income and housing collateral channels. A tightening of household credit conditions has negative spillover effects on the business sector via the housing collateral channel. We find that spillovers are more sensitive to changes in leverage where the shock occurs. A negative business credit shock creates upward pressure on inflation, whereas a negative household credit shock creates downward pressure on inflation. The working capital channel magnifies the response of inflation to a business credit shock, whereas it dampens the response of inflation to a household credit shock.
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台北市高房價成因剖析─以租價關係、總體因素與預期因素探討 / Why the Housing Price so High in Taipei? An Analysis on Rent, Price, Macroeconomic Factors and Expectations吳孟璇, Wu, Meng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣許多縣市的住宅價格不斷高漲,身為政經重鎮之台北市首當其衝,於2008~2009年金融海嘯時期,政府為維持經濟發展而全面將遺產及贈與稅調降為單一稅率10% 後尤然。以產品價值而言,此波上漲很可能來自於「逢低買進,逢高賣出」之投資心理造成。由於不動產最終用途為使用,當真實需求者無力負擔時將導致房市泡沫,更因房市的經濟佔額高,進而可能引發經濟泡沫。為檢視台北市住宅價格的合理性,鑒於出租住宅需求者動機單純,本文以租價關係探討台北市住宅價格是否已有偏離實際使用需求之現象;且是否因未來的住宅價格在預期之引導下,使房價似遵循著過去價格的成長而逐步提高,有不效率之現象。實證結果顯示,台北市住宅價格與租金間已然背離,在金融海嘯過後種種非理性現象更為嚴重,導致房價有偏離其合理結構之虞,成交總價越高的住宅、偏離情況越為明顯,而存在泡沫化危機。 / In recent years, the housing market has been awash with funds. The phenomenon resulted in domestic housing prices in Taipei rising year by year, especially after the Subprime mortgage crisis. From the viewpoint of economics, the price is decided by supply and demand. However, with regard to the value of product, this rising of housing price probably comes from the artificial demand. In other words, this kind of demand is just like "buy low and sell high". In addition, real estate is a special commodity, except as an investment good, it is also a necessary consumption good. Furthermore, real estate is expense, making housing the biggest item among households’ assets. Once housing price is too high and the actual demanders cannot burden with; that is likely to trigger a market bubble, which caused the imbalance of trade market.
According to the aforementioned, this study will observe whether the housing price has deviated from the fundamentals in Taipei City. Since the demand of rent is only for living, we probing into the relationship between housing price and rent in order to observe the rationality of housing price; and if the future housing price in the anticipated guided, the price seems to follow the historical trend, and the higher the housing price of an area, the more significant. The empirical results show that, the housing price seems to prevail in unreasonable investment in Taipei City, which may lead into a bubble crisis.
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Time series analysis of repo rates and mortgagecaps eect on house price index / Tidsserieanalys av reporantans ochbolanetakets eekt pafastighetsprisindexStockel, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Price trends on the Swedish housing market has risen sharply in recent decades and is at the moment up to the highest price level ever. The sharp price movements have opened up for discussion about a possible housing bubble. To prevent this the Riksbank can change the repo rate, which in turn aects the lenders' lending rates. Finansinspektionen introduced in autumn 2010, a mortgage cap which means that the house will be mortgaged to a maximum of 85 percent of its market value. The purpose of this was to cool the housing market and prevent the unsustainable development of household debt. The purpose of this study is to examine in particular the repo rates and the mortgage caps eect on house prices in Sweden. Although other variables that aect supply and demand in the housing market from a macroeconomic perspective will be included in the model, such as GDP, unemployment and the nancial crisis of 2008. This study has been done by using a quantitative analysis, consisting of time series analysis. The results conrm all the investigated variables expected impact on house prices. As for the repo rate and the mortgage cap the results showed that these have a negative eect on house prices in Sweden. / Prisutvecklingen pa den Svenska bostadsmarknaden har stigit kraftigt under de senaste decennierna och ar just nu uppe i den hogsta prisnivan nagonsin. Den kraftiga prisutvecklingen har oppnat for diskussion om en eventuell bostadsbubbla. For att motverka detta kan Riksbanken andra reporantan som i sin tur paverkar kreditgivarnas utlaningsranta. Finansinspektionen inforde under hosten 2010 ett bolanetak som innebar att bostaden hogst ska belanas till 85 procent av marknadsvardet. Detta for att kyla bostadsmarknaden och motverka den ohallbara utvecklingen av hushallens skuldsattning. Syftet med denna studie ar att framforallt undersoka reporantans och bolanetakets eekt pa smahuspriser i Sverige. Aven andra variabler som paverkar utbudet och efterfragan pa bostadsmarknaden ur ett makroekonomiskt perspektiv kommer att inga i modellen, till exempel BNP, arbetsloshet och nanskrisen 2008. Detta genomfors med hjalp av en kvantitativ analys, bestaende av tidsserieanalys. Resultatet bekraftar alla undersokta variablers vantade eekter pa smahuspriser. Vad galler reporantan och bolanetaket sa visade resultatet pa att dessa har negativ eekt pa smahuspriser i Sverige.
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Essays on applied spatial econometrics and housing economicsKiefer, Hua 22 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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