Spelling suggestions: "subject:"human body."" "subject:"suman body.""
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nTOBEC - eine neue Methode zur Erfassung der Körperzusammensetzung / nTOBEC - a new method to estimate the human body compositionWagner, Karen January 2005 (has links)
Als Resultat überhöhter Energieaufnahme und zu geringen Energieverbrauchs beobachten wir eine über das normale Maß hinausgehende Akkumulation von Fettgewebe, die sich als Adipositas manifestiert. Sie gilt als einer der Hauptrisikofaktoren für Krankheiten des metabolischen Syndroms. Im Rahmen von Prävention, Diagnose und Therapie der Adipositas, muss ihr wesentliches Charakteristikum; der individuelle Körperfettanteil; einer Messung zugänglich gemacht werden. Eine direkte Bestimmung der Körperzusammensetzung erlauben die Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse und die chemische Analyse. Beide Verfahren sind sehr genau, aber aufwendig und kostenintensiv und darüber hinaus die chemische Analyse nur am menschlichen Cadaver praktizierbar. Um dennoch die Körperzusammensetzung hinreichend genau bestimmen zu können, wurden zahlreiche indirekte Messverfahren entwickelt. Man kann sie in Labor- und Feldmethoden untergliedern. Die Labormethoden bestechen durch hohe Genauigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit, sind aber zumeist aufwendig und teuer. Feldmethoden sind im Gegensatz dazu leicht anwendbar, transportabel und preiswert, weisen aber eine weniger hohe Genauigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit auf.<br><br>
In der vorgestellten Arbeit wird über eine jüngere Entwicklung, die das Prinzip der unterschiedlichen Leitfähigkeit für den elektrischen Strom durch die verschiedenen Gewebe des Körpers nutzt, berichtet. Der Prototyp eines Gerätes wurde innerhalb eines von der EU geförderten multizentrischen Projekts entwickelt und auf seine Einsatzfähigkeit und Qualität hin geprüft. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der Einschätzung der Körperzusammensetzung normal- und übergewichtiger Probanden mit der neu entwickelten Technik. Das vorliegende Studiendesign diente nicht nur der Beurteilung der neuen Technik die Körperzusammensetzung und Veränderungen dieser zu erfassen, sondern darüber hinaus, etablierte Methoden hinsichtlich ihrer Genauigkeit zu bewerten.
Bezüglich ihrer Anwendbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit hat die neue Methode Hoffnung geweckt, sich als eine Feldmethode zu etablieren. Auf der anderen Seite zeigte sich in Abhängigkeit der Gesamtkörperfettmasse eine Überschätzung der Zielgröße im Vergleich zur Referenzmethode (dual energy x ray absorptiometry (DXA)). Die Abweichungen waren dabei gerade für das einzelne Individuum sehr groß. Technische Verbesserungen und die Entwicklung spezifischer Regressionsgleichungen könnten in Zukunft zu einer wesentlichen Verbesserung der neuen Methode beitragen.<br><br>
Die Labormethode "Air Displacement Plethysmography" konnte durch die guten Übereinstimmungen der Ergebnisse mit denen der Referenzmethode DXA und die einfache Anwendung überzeugen. Sie stellt eine durchaus konkurrenzfähige Alternative zur Hydrodensitometrie dar, die noch heute als "goldener Standard" zur Erfassung der Körperzusammensetzung akzeptiert wird. Im Verlauf der durchgeführten Studie stellte sich heraus, dass die Hydrodensitometrie sehr hohe Anforderungen an den Probanden stellt. Das Untertauchen des gesamten Körpers unter Wasser in Kombination mit einer maximalen Ausatmung erwies sich als sehr problematisch. Die dabei auftretenden Fehler schlugen sich in der Berechnung der Gesamtkörperfettmasse des einzelnen Individuums wieder und führten zu zum Teil erheblichen Abweichungen der Ergebnisse von denen der Referenzmethode.<br><br>
Die Feldmethoden bioelektrische Impedanzanalyse und Hautfaltendickenmessung erwiesen sich als kostengünstige und leicht anwendbare Methoden. Die Ergebnisse beider Methoden stimmten im Mittel gut mit den Ergebnissen der Referenzmethoden überein. Dennoch zeigte die BIA größere Abstriche in der Beurteilung der Gesamtkörperfettmasse des einzelnen Individuums und bei der Dokumentation von Veränderungen der Gesamtkörperfettmasse. Die Hautfaltendickenmessung stellt – wendet man sie korrekt an – eine Methode dar, die sowohl die Gesamtkörperfettmasse als auch Veränderungen dieser gut erfassen kann. In Abhängigkeit der geforderten Genauigkeit kann diese Methode für die Erfassung der Körperzusammensetzung empfohlen werden.<br><br>
Demnach bleibt die Frage unbeantwortet, inwieweit die indirekten Methoden in der Lage sind, die "wahre" Körperzusammensetzung adäquat zu erfassen. Jede neu entwickelte Methode – die möglichst viele Vorteile in sich vereint – wird wieder vor dem Problem stehen: eine geeignete und dabei praktikable Referenzmethode zu finden, die die wahre Körperzusammensetzung zu bestimmen in der Lage ist. Daher sollte neben dem Streben nach der Entwicklung einer Methode, die genau und leicht anwendbar ist, das Hauptaugenmerk auf die Überarbeitung der zugrunde liegenden Modellvorstellungen und die Verbesserung von Regressionsgleichungen gelegt werden. / Western industrial countries are characterized by sedentary lifestyle and a high-fat and simple carbohydrate diet. Decrease physical activity and increase energy intake are leading to an epidemic increase of overweight and obesity. Obesity is defined as the presence of excess adipose tissue and has been associated with an increased risk for diseases of the metabolic syndrome. Thus, the importance of obtaining reliable and accurate body fat estimates is essential not only for the prevention, but also for the diagnosis and therapy of obesity. Direct chemical analysis is the most definitive method for determining human body composition. The few data obtained on the composition of adult bodies stemmed from cadaver analyses, dated back to 1945 and 1956. These results contributed greatly to the actual fundamental knowledge about human body composition. Obviously, the method is limited by the precondition of needing the human cadaver and the high complexity of the analyses.
Because of this limitation, indirect methods have been developed during the last decades. To date more than ten methods to estimate body composition in vivo are available. The methods can be generally organized into two groups: laboratory and fields methods. Laboratory methods have high accuracy and reproducibility, but are complex and very expensive, whereas field methods are easy to use and economically priced, but less accurate. A new device that combines the positive features of both, laboratory and field methods is needed . An already existing method - Total Body Electrical Conductivity (TOBEC) - meets the requirements for such new device. The technique is based on the principle, that lean tissue is far more electrically conductive than fat, due to the higher content of electrolytes in the fat-free mass. The difference between impedance when a subject is inside and outside of the generated field is an index of the total electrical conductivity of the body, which, in turn is proportional to the lean body mass of the subject.<br><br>
Within the European Project BodyLife (IST - 2000 - 25410) a new field method for estimation the human body composition was developed. To assess the suitability of the new technique the present study aimed to evaluate the reliability of nTOBEC and to validate it against established laboratory and field methods.<br><br>
Within the project the development of the new method (nTOBEC) succeeded to combine the TOBEC-principle, and additionally, to be transportable and easy to use.<br><br>
The high reliability coefficients found in this investigation indicate that nTOBEC is an extremely reliable instrument. By application the new technique we observed a significant overestimation of total body fat mass compared the reference method dual energy x ray absorptiometry (DXA) in both, males and females. However, nTOBEC could document changes in total body fat mass during a weight loss intervention trial.<br>
Our data suggest nTOBEC deserves further investigation with the intention of establishing nTOBEC as a non-invasive method for accurately quantifying total body fat mass.<br>
Aside from these results we observed accurate results for the easy to use laboratory method "air displacement plethysmography" compared to the results measured by DXA. Furthermore, the field methods - bioelectrical impedance analysis and skinfold thickness measurement – produced good results compared to the reference method.
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Barns tankar om den egna kroppen! : Vad vet fyraåringar och sexåringar om sin kropp! / Children's thoughts about their own body! : What do four and sixyear old children know about their own body!Andersson, Fredrika January 2009 (has links)
Mitt syfte med detta arbete var att ta reda på vad barn har för uppfattning om människokroppen när de är fyra och sex år gamla. Sex barn har blivit intervjuade genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Barnens uppfattning om kroppen är olika beroende på deras ålder. Sexåringen har större kunskap om kroppen än vad fyra åringar har. Barnens spontana uppfattning om vad som finns i vår kropp var att vi har; hjärta, hjärna, blod, hjärnceller, muskler och skelett. / The aim of this research was to investigate the concepts among five and six year old children regarding the human body. Six children were interviewed by means of qualitative interviews. The children's concept regarding the human body differed depending on their age. The six year old children knew more about the body than the four year old children. Spontaneously the children knew we had heart, brain, blood, brain cells, muscles and skeleton
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Om kroppen i knoppen : En undersökning om pedagogers synsätt på undervisning om människokroppen i förskolan / Consciousness about the body : An investigation of teachers views about education of the human body in pre-schoolCarlsson, Camilla January 2007 (has links)
Abstract The aim is to find out the teachers´ different point of views regarding what and why it´s important to teach children about the human body and in what way educationists can teach this knowledge. Seven teachers are asked, through qualitative interviews, about their point of views on teaching the human body in pre-school. The teachers don`t seem to reflect upon the subject, which shows that a development of knowledge needs within the area. Fist of all the children´s spontaneous questions direct what the educationists talk about with the children. The most frequently mentioned questions are about the circulation of the blood and the digestion organs. The teachers think it´s important that the children get knowledge about the human body in order to get a better opinion of their own bodies and themselves. It´s also important because this is the basis of other kind of knowledge, for instance the knowledge about animals. / Sammanfattning Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på pedagogers olika synsätt angående vad och varför det är viktigt att lära barnen om människokroppen, och på vilka sätt man kan förmedla denna kunskap. Sju pedagoger är genom kvalitativa intervjuer tillfrågade om deras synsätt på undervisning om människokroppen i förskolan. Pedagogerna verkar inte reflektera så mycket över ämnet, vilket tyder på att en kunskapsutveckling behövs inom området. Det är i första hand barnens spontana frågor som styr vad pedagogerna talar med barnen om. De organsystem som omnämns oftast och som anses viktigast att lära barnen är cirkulationssystemet och matspjälkningssystemet. Pedagogerna anser att det är viktigt att barnen får kunskap om människokroppen för ökad kroppsuppfattning och självuppfattning, men också att det ligger som grund för andra kunskaper, exempelvis om djur.
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A Numerical Side Impact Model to Investigate Thoracic Injury in Lateral Impact ScenariosCampbell, Brett 24 April 2009 (has links)
Although there have been tremendous improvements in crash safety there has been an increasing trend in side impact fatalities, rising from 30% to 37% of total fatalities from 1975 to 2004 (NHTSA, 2004). Between 1979 and 2004, 63% of AIS≥4 injuries in side impact resulted from thoracic trauma (NHTSA, 2004). Lateral impact fatalities, although decreasing in absolute numbers, now comprise a larger percentage of total fatalities. Safety features are typically more effective in frontal collisions compared to side impact due to the reduced distance between the occupant and intruding vehicle in side impact collisions. Therefore, an increased understanding of the mechanisms governing side impact injury is necessary in order to improve occupant safety in side impact auto crash.
This study builds on an advanced numerical human body model with focus on a detailed thoracic model, which has been validated using available post mortem human subject (PMHS) test data for pendulum and side sled impact tests (Forbes, 2005). Crash conditions were investigated through use of a modified side sled model used to reproduce the key conditions present in full scale crash tests. The model accounts for several important factors that contribute to occupant response based on the literature. These factors are; the relative velocities between the seat and door, the occupant to door distance, the door shape and compliance.
The side sled model was validated by reproducing the crash conditions present in FMVSS 214 and IIHS side impact tests and comparing the thoracic compression, velocity, and Viscous Criterion (VC) response determined by the model to the response of the ES-2 dummy used in the crash tests. Injury was predicted by evaluating VCmax, selected for its ability to predict rate-sensitive soft tissue injury during thoracic compression (Lau & Viano, 1986). The Ford Taurus FMVSS 214 and Nissan Maxima IIHS tests were selected from side impact crash test data found in the NHTSA database because they included factors not present in standard side impact test procedures. These factors were; the presence of door accelerometers used to provide input velocities to the side impact model and the use of a ES-2 (rather than the SID) to facilitate comparison of VC response to the human body model. Also, the two crash test procedures (FMVSS 214 & IIHS) were selected to ensure accurate side impact model response to different impact scenarios. The side impact model was shown to closely reproduce the timing and injury response of the full-scale FMVSS 214 side impact test of a Ford Taurus, as well as the IIHS side impact test of a Nissan Maxima.
The side impact model was then used to investigate the effects of door to occupant spacing, door velocity profile, armrest height, seat foam, restraint system, and arm position. It was found that the VCmax was controlled by both the first and second peaks typically found in door velocity profiles, but the effect of each varies depending on the situation.
This study found that VCmax was reduced by 73-88% when door intrusion was eliminated compared to the VC response incurred by an intruding door. Also, the presence of a deformable door based on physical geometry and material characteristics rather than a simplified rigid door reduced VCmax by 16% in this study.
The study on seat foam determined that significant effects on VC response can be made by modest adjustments in foam properties. Low stiffness seat foam was found to increase VCmax by 41% when compared to the VC response when using high stiffness foam.
Arm position has been proven to be a relevant factor in side impact crash. Positioning the arms parallel to the thorax, in the “down” position, caused a 42% increase in VCmax when compared to the VC response determined with the arms positioned at 45 degrees.
Finally, although restraint systems have limited influence on side impact crash safety compared to front and rear impacts, this study found that the presence of a pre-tensioning restraint system reduced VCmax by 13% when compared to the VC response of an un-belted occupant.
It should be noted that the current study was limited to velocity profiles obtained from a specific FMVSS 214 test and therefore results and observations are restricted to the confines of the input conditions used. However, the side impact model developed is a useful tool for evaluating factors influencing side impact and can be used to determine occupant response in any side impact crash scenario when the appropriate input conditions are provided.
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The Development of a Numerical Human Body Model for the Analysis of Automotive Side Impact Lung TraumaYuen, Kin January 2009 (has links)
Thoracic injury is the most dominant segment of automotive side impact traumas. A numerical model that can predict such injuries in crash simulation is essential to the process of designing a safer motor vehicle.
The focus of this study was to develop a numerical model to predict lung response and injury in side impact car crash scenarios. A biofidelic human body model was further developed. The geometry, material properties and boundary condition of the organs and soft tissues within the thorax were improved with the intent to ensure stress transmission continuity and model accuracy. The thoracic region of the human body model was revalidated against three pendulum and two sled impact scenarios at different velocities. Other body regions such as the shoulder, abdomen, and pelvis were revalidated. The latest model demonstrated improvements in every response category relative to the previous version of the human body model.
The development of the lung model involved advancements in the material properties, and boundary conditions. An analytical approach was presented to correct the lung properties to the in-situ condition. Several injury metric predictor candidates of pulmonary contusion were investigated and compared based on the validated pendulum and sled impact scenarios. The results of this study confirmed the importance of stress wave focusing, reflection, and concentration within the lungs. The bulk modulus of the lung had considerable influence on injury metric outcomes. Despite the viscous criterion yielded similar response for different loading conditions, this study demonstrated that the level of contusion volume varied with the size of the impact surface area.
In conclusion, the human body model could be used for the analysis of thoracic response in automotive impact scenarios. The overall model is capable of predicting thoracic response and lung contusion. Future development on the heart and aorta can expand the model capacity to investigate all vital organ injury mechanisms.
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Barns tankar och pedagogers undervisning om människokroppen / Children’s thoughts and the tuition of educationalist concerning the human bodyWallroth, Lisa January 2009 (has links)
The purpose with this essay was to study the knowledge of children today between six and eight years old about the human body and its function. A second purpose was to study how junior-level educationalist were carrying through there tuition about the human body. I wanted to investigate if the children today hade another knowledge about the human body than children that participated in previous similar investigations. I wanted to investigate this because today we live in another society than before with more access to information. My first question was to find out what children thought that we humans looked like inside the body and how its works. My second question was how junior-level educationalist do carry out their tuition. Ten children and tree junior-level educationalist participated in qualitative interviews, interviewed one by one. During the interviews the children were given a picture with a contour of the human body where they could fill in different organ. The most common organs that the children painted on their pictures of the human body where brain, heart, stomach, skeleton and lungs. The children also had some knowledge about the different organs like the skeletons function was to make the body hard, the hearts function was to pump the blood around in our body, the brain control the whole body and the stomach purpose was to take care of the food we eat. The educationalist replied that they used a lot of concrete material and they tried to have miscellaneous tuition. The result of this study is that the children today don’t have so much more knowledge of the human body than children that have been interview in older days. The result also showed that the way the educationalist were teaching hade a positive influents on the students learning. / Syftet med undersökningen var att se vad barn mellan sex och åtta års ålder idag hade för tankar om hur vi människor ser ut inuti vår kropp och hur det fungerar inuti oss men också att undersöka hur lågstadiepedagoger går tillväga vid undervisningen om människokroppen. Jag ville undersöka om barnen idag hade mer kunskap om människokroppen än de barn som ingått i liknande studier tidigare, eftersom vi idag lever i ett informationssamhälle. Min första frågeställning blev att ta reda på barnens tankar om människokroppens inre och hur det fungerar inuti oss. Min andra frågeställning blev hur lågstadiepedagoger gick tillväga med sin undervisning om människokroppen. Tio barn och tre lågstadiepedagoger har medverkat i kvalitativa intervjuer där de intervjuades en och en. Under intervjutillfällena fick barnen en bild med människokroppens kontur för att fylla i olika organ. De vanligaste organen som barnen ritade var hjärna, hjärta, magsäck, skelett och lungorna. Barnen berättade också bl.a. att skelettets funktion var att göra kroppen hård, hjärtat pumpade runt blod i kroppen, hjärnan styrde kroppen, magen tog hand om vår mat. Pedagogerna svarade att de använde mycket konkret material och att de försökte ha en så varierad undervisning som möjligt. Resultatet från denna studie visade att barnen idag inte har så mycket mer kunskap än de barn som ingått i liknande studier från förr. Resultatet visade också att det sätt pedagogerna undervisade på hade en positiv inverkan på elevernas lärande.
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A Numerical Side Impact Model to Investigate Thoracic Injury in Lateral Impact ScenariosCampbell, Brett 24 April 2009 (has links)
Although there have been tremendous improvements in crash safety there has been an increasing trend in side impact fatalities, rising from 30% to 37% of total fatalities from 1975 to 2004 (NHTSA, 2004). Between 1979 and 2004, 63% of AIS≥4 injuries in side impact resulted from thoracic trauma (NHTSA, 2004). Lateral impact fatalities, although decreasing in absolute numbers, now comprise a larger percentage of total fatalities. Safety features are typically more effective in frontal collisions compared to side impact due to the reduced distance between the occupant and intruding vehicle in side impact collisions. Therefore, an increased understanding of the mechanisms governing side impact injury is necessary in order to improve occupant safety in side impact auto crash.
This study builds on an advanced numerical human body model with focus on a detailed thoracic model, which has been validated using available post mortem human subject (PMHS) test data for pendulum and side sled impact tests (Forbes, 2005). Crash conditions were investigated through use of a modified side sled model used to reproduce the key conditions present in full scale crash tests. The model accounts for several important factors that contribute to occupant response based on the literature. These factors are; the relative velocities between the seat and door, the occupant to door distance, the door shape and compliance.
The side sled model was validated by reproducing the crash conditions present in FMVSS 214 and IIHS side impact tests and comparing the thoracic compression, velocity, and Viscous Criterion (VC) response determined by the model to the response of the ES-2 dummy used in the crash tests. Injury was predicted by evaluating VCmax, selected for its ability to predict rate-sensitive soft tissue injury during thoracic compression (Lau & Viano, 1986). The Ford Taurus FMVSS 214 and Nissan Maxima IIHS tests were selected from side impact crash test data found in the NHTSA database because they included factors not present in standard side impact test procedures. These factors were; the presence of door accelerometers used to provide input velocities to the side impact model and the use of a ES-2 (rather than the SID) to facilitate comparison of VC response to the human body model. Also, the two crash test procedures (FMVSS 214 & IIHS) were selected to ensure accurate side impact model response to different impact scenarios. The side impact model was shown to closely reproduce the timing and injury response of the full-scale FMVSS 214 side impact test of a Ford Taurus, as well as the IIHS side impact test of a Nissan Maxima.
The side impact model was then used to investigate the effects of door to occupant spacing, door velocity profile, armrest height, seat foam, restraint system, and arm position. It was found that the VCmax was controlled by both the first and second peaks typically found in door velocity profiles, but the effect of each varies depending on the situation.
This study found that VCmax was reduced by 73-88% when door intrusion was eliminated compared to the VC response incurred by an intruding door. Also, the presence of a deformable door based on physical geometry and material characteristics rather than a simplified rigid door reduced VCmax by 16% in this study.
The study on seat foam determined that significant effects on VC response can be made by modest adjustments in foam properties. Low stiffness seat foam was found to increase VCmax by 41% when compared to the VC response when using high stiffness foam.
Arm position has been proven to be a relevant factor in side impact crash. Positioning the arms parallel to the thorax, in the “down” position, caused a 42% increase in VCmax when compared to the VC response determined with the arms positioned at 45 degrees.
Finally, although restraint systems have limited influence on side impact crash safety compared to front and rear impacts, this study found that the presence of a pre-tensioning restraint system reduced VCmax by 13% when compared to the VC response of an un-belted occupant.
It should be noted that the current study was limited to velocity profiles obtained from a specific FMVSS 214 test and therefore results and observations are restricted to the confines of the input conditions used. However, the side impact model developed is a useful tool for evaluating factors influencing side impact and can be used to determine occupant response in any side impact crash scenario when the appropriate input conditions are provided.
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The Development of a Numerical Human Body Model for the Analysis of Automotive Side Impact Lung TraumaYuen, Kin January 2009 (has links)
Thoracic injury is the most dominant segment of automotive side impact traumas. A numerical model that can predict such injuries in crash simulation is essential to the process of designing a safer motor vehicle.
The focus of this study was to develop a numerical model to predict lung response and injury in side impact car crash scenarios. A biofidelic human body model was further developed. The geometry, material properties and boundary condition of the organs and soft tissues within the thorax were improved with the intent to ensure stress transmission continuity and model accuracy. The thoracic region of the human body model was revalidated against three pendulum and two sled impact scenarios at different velocities. Other body regions such as the shoulder, abdomen, and pelvis were revalidated. The latest model demonstrated improvements in every response category relative to the previous version of the human body model.
The development of the lung model involved advancements in the material properties, and boundary conditions. An analytical approach was presented to correct the lung properties to the in-situ condition. Several injury metric predictor candidates of pulmonary contusion were investigated and compared based on the validated pendulum and sled impact scenarios. The results of this study confirmed the importance of stress wave focusing, reflection, and concentration within the lungs. The bulk modulus of the lung had considerable influence on injury metric outcomes. Despite the viscous criterion yielded similar response for different loading conditions, this study demonstrated that the level of contusion volume varied with the size of the impact surface area.
In conclusion, the human body model could be used for the analysis of thoracic response in automotive impact scenarios. The overall model is capable of predicting thoracic response and lung contusion. Future development on the heart and aorta can expand the model capacity to investigate all vital organ injury mechanisms.
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Queer intercorporeality bodily disruption of straight space : a thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Arts in Gender Studies at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Aotearoa/New Zealand /Saunders, Karen. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Canterbury, 2008. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-170). Also available via the World Wide Web.
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Embodied care /Hamington, Maurice, January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2001. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 226-236). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users. Address: http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/uoregon/fullcit?p3024513.
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