Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cybrid learning"" "subject:"bybrid learning""
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A liderança do docente como elo integrador no processo ensino-aprendizagem baseado em problemas (Problem-Based Learning) em ambientes híbridos na engenharia / The teacher leadership and the Problem-Based Learning (PBL): an inseparable link in hybrid learning environments in engineeringMarcos Roberto de Mendonça Pelliciari 11 April 2013 (has links)
Muitas instituições de ensino superior (IES) buscam novas formas de aperfeiçoarem o processo ensino-aprendizagem visando adequarem as aulas tradicionais às tecnologias emergentes advindas da Web 2.0, como as mídias sociais. Nesse processo de reinvenção, o docente deve capacitar-se a ministrar aulas não apenas com o intuito de disseminar conhecimentos tácitos e explícitos, mas também de liderar os estudantes na sala de aula presencial e nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, conduzindo-os a superarem suas expectativas quanto ao aprendizado. Analisando perfis de liderança existentes, a presente dissertação, focada em um Estudo de Caso, busca identificar qual o perfil ideal de liderança do docente em ambientes híbridos, utilizando-se para tal do Índice de Satisfação de Grupo, análise de gráficos e do discurso dos estudantes. O método de ensino adotado pelo docente foi o PBL (Problem Based Learning), dando-se ênfase ao desenvolvimento do pensamento critico. A pesquisa realizou-se junto a disciplinas do Departamento de Engenharia de Produção da EESC-USP, onde estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação foram desafiados pelo método PBL a pensarem de forma crítica na construção do próprio conhecimento. Os resultados obtidos por meio de questionários aplicados ao final dos semestres de 2011 e 2012 mostram que a liderança Laissez-faire não é indicada na fase de implantação do PBL, necessitando maior interferência do docente para a quebra do paradigma entre o modelo de ensino tradicional e o novo. Conclui-se que a conexão entre o processo ensino-aprendizagem tradicional e o novo possa ser feita por meio da liderança situacional, alternando a liderança transformacional e a transacional de acordo com o contexto, excluindo-se a Laissez-faire. / Many institutions have developed new ways to improve the teaching-learning process, trying to adequate the classes to the emerging new technologies based on Web 2.0, as in the case of social media. In this re-inventing process teachers must have the leadership skills both in classrooms and virtual learning environments, allowing the students to overcome their expectations of the learning process. This dissertation is focused on a case study that seeks to identify what is the ideal leadership profile into hybrid environments, using a group satisfaction index, graphical analysis and student speeching skills. The teaching methodology used by the teacher was the PBL (Problem-Based Learning) that emphasizes the critical mindset. The research was carried out during the disciplines into the Manufacturing Engineering graduation and post-graduation program of Universidade de São Paulo (USP) EESC department. The students were challenged by the PBL methodology to think about the best way to build their own know how. The data obtained with the application of questionaries in the 2011 and 2012 semesters showed that the \"Laissez-Faire\" leadership is not recommended during the PBL methodology implementation, requiring more interferences and attention from the teacher to break the paradigm of the traditional teaching models. The conclusion is that the connection between the traditional and the new teaching-learning processes can be built using situational leadership, alternating between transformational leadership and transactional models, contextually, excluding the Laissez-faire.
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La médiation informationnelle au travers de plateformes de réseaux sociaux : l'application de Facebook lors de l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère en Thaïlande / Informational mediation through social networking sites : the application of Facebook when learning French as a foreign language in ThailandMarchal, Bruno 17 December 2018 (has links)
Le propos contenu dans cette recherche concerne les plateformes interactives et réticulaires peuplant désormais notre quotidien, et qui se présentent d’abord à nous sous la forme d'objets techniques, mais dont les usages construisent des représentations sociales. Des médiations informationnelles s’y développent que nous avons voulu étudier en capturant celle du français dans le contexte de ses apprenants thaïlandais à l’Université, pour une langue réputée difficile, non apparentée et distante. Une double analyse quantitative et qualitative menée en partie avec le logiciel NVivo nous a permis de mettre à jour le fait que, sous certains aspects et dans certains environnements, un réseau socio-numérique comme Facebook pouvait faciliter un apprentissage informel participant à une économie de la connaissance. Nous avons identifié des usages et des pratiques spécifiques qui ne sont pas ceux d’une plateforme d’enseignement à distance conçue comme telle. Ainsi, une certaine créativité s’y exercerait dans la construction de documents scripto-audio-visuels sur des dispositifs techniques médiateurs et multiplateformes où l’autonomie de l’usager y serait culturellement et socialement située par les identités, appartenances, perceptions, habitus et autres dispositions qui structurent sa relation au monde et vont conditionner son envie, sa manière ainsi que sa capacité pratique à s’approprier des éléments d’apprentissage de la langue. / The subject of this research concerns the interactive and reticulated pattern platforms that now populate our daily lives, and which first appear to us in the form of technical objects, but whose uses build social representations. We studied Informational mediations developed there by focusing on French in the context of its Thai students at the University, since French is a language deemed difficult, unrelated and distant. A double quantitative and qualitative analysis conducted in part with the NVivo software allowed us to update the fact that, in certain aspects and in certain environments, a digital social network like Facebook could facilitate informal apprenticeship participating in an economy of knowledge. We have identified specific uses and practices that are not those of a distance education platform designed as such. Thus, a certain creativity would be exercised in the construction of scripted audio-visual documents on mediating and multiplatform technical operational systems where the autonomy of the user would be culturally and socially situated according to identities, group memberships, perceptions, habits and other factors that structure its relationship to the world and will condition its desire, its manner and its practical ability to appropriate elements of language learning.
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The Effect of Hybrid Learning on 6th Grade Students' Outcomes and Social Emotional Well-Being Through the Lens of TeachersWheeler, Nicolle Renee 14 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Putting the Pieces Together: Using Learning Analytics to Inform Learning Theory, Design, Activities, and Outcomes in Higher EducationGoodman, Amy Graham 12 1900 (has links)
The goal of learning analytics is to optimize learning and the environments in which it occurs. Since 2011, when learning analytics was defined as a separate and distinct area of academic inquiry, the literature has identified a need for research that presents evidence of effective learning analytics, as well as, learning analytics research that is conducted in conjunction with learning theory. This study uses Efklides' metacognitive and affective model of self-regulated learning (MASRL) to define cognitive, metacognitive, and affective variables that can explain students' learning outcomes in hybrid/online sections of Calculus I in the 2020-21 academic year. Cognitive variables were measured according to the cognitive operational framework for analytics (COPA). Metacognitive variables were defined according to the ways in which students interacted with the course content in the learning management system (LMS) and supplemental instruction, and affective variables were measured by ways students gave evidence of their affective states, such as in discussion board posts. All variables were compared across the course learning design, activities, and outcomes. Binary logistic regression revealed five significant variables: two cognitive, one metacognitive, and two affective. Thus, this study provided a learning analytics, evidence-based link between self-regulated learning theory and learning design, activities, and outcomes. In addition, implications for students, instructors, and learning theory were explored, as well as, the qualifications of this study as evidence of effective learning analytics.
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Speaking Proficiency in a Hybrid Environment. A Mixed-Method Study of Spanish Beginner LearnersOrtiz, Daniela 11 December 2023 (has links)
[ES] En el sistema de educación superior de los Estados Unidos, es muy común enseñar clases de idiomas a nivel elemental de manera híbrida (Blake et al., 2008; Hampel & Stickler, 2015; Meskill & Anthony, 2015; Mizza & Rubio, 2020; Seaman et al., 2018) principalmente por su flexibilidad, individualidad, énfasis en la comunicación y el aprendizaje colaborativo (Rubio, 2014). Sin embargo, los estudios comparativos de clases tradicionales e híbridas han producido resultados pequeños o estadísticamente insignificantes con respecto a la competencia oral (Blake 2008, Chenoweth et al., 2006, Scida & Jones, 2016; Thoms, 2012). Por lo tanto, Rubio (2008) anima a los investigadores a ir más allá de contrastar y más bien evaluar "qué" enseñamos y "cómo" enseñamos. Este estudio longitudinal tuvo como objetivo mostrar cómo se desarrolló la competencia oral a través de un enfoque de métodos mixtos mediante la observación de cuatro secciones de español elemental en un centro de estudios superiores de EE. UU. durante dos semestres. A través de la triangulación de fuentes de datos, se analizaron observaciones de clase, contenido del curso, cuestionarios y evaluaciones orales de los estudiantes. Contrariamente a lo esperado, la modalidad híbrida no tuvo los resultados esperados en las habilidades orales de los estudiantes. Al final del segundo semestre, los estudiantes no pudieron alcanzar los niveles esperados lo que podría estar relacionado con el tipo de instrucción tradicional. El análisis de errores reveló áreas que los estudiantes aún tenían dificultades para comprender, como el uso de artículos, la concordancia de género y número de sustantivos y la semántica, entre otras. Aunque estos errores son comunes en estudiantes de primer año de lengua española, el estudio muestra la necesidad de un reciclaje sistemático de determinadas estructuras del lenguaje para que sean plenamente asimiladas. Por lo tanto, el estudio genera información sobre lo que ocurre en los cursos híbridos que adoptan un enfoque tradicional de enseñanza de idiomas en lugar de cambiar pedagógicamente para incluir actividades más comunicativas. / [CA] En el sistema d'educació superior dels Estats Units, és molt comú ensenyar classes d'idiomes a nivell elemental de manera híbrida (Blake et al., 2008; Hampel & Stickler, 2015; Meskill & Anthony, 2015; Mizza & Rubio, 2020; Seaman et al., 2018) principalment per la seua flexibilitat, individualitat, émfasis en la comunicació i l'aprenentage colaboratiu (Rubio, 2014). No obstant, els estudis comparatius de classes tradicionals i híbrides han produït resultats menuts o estadísticament insignificants sobre la competència oral (Blake 2008, Chenoweth et al., 2006, Scida & Jones, 2016; Thoms, 2012). Per lo tant, Rubio (2008) anima als investigadors a anar més allà de contrastar i més be evaluar "què" ensenyem i "cóm" ensenyem. Este estudi llongitudinal va tindre com a objectiu mostrar cóm es va desenrollar la competència oral a través d'un enfocament de métodos mixts per mig de l'observació de quatre seccions d'espanyol elemental en un centre d'estudis superiors dels EE. UU. durant dos semestres. A través de la triangulació de fonts de senyes, es varen analisar observacions de classe, contingut del curs, qüestionaris i evaluacions orals dels estudiants. Contràriament a lo esperat, la modalitat híbrida no va tindre els resultats esperats en les habilitats orals dels estudiants. Al final del segon semestre, els estudiants no varen poder alcançar els nivells esperats lo que podria estar relacionat en el tipo d'instrucció tradicional. L'anàlisis d'errors va revelar àrees que els estudiants encara tenien dificultats per a comprendre, com l'us d'artículs, la concordancia de gènero i número de sustantius i la semàntica, entre unes atres. Encara que estos errors són comuns en estudiants de primer any de llengua espanyola, l'estudi mostra la necessitat d'un reciclage sistemàtic de determinades estructures del llenguage per a que siguen plenament assimilades. Per lo tant, l'estudi genera informació sobre lo que ocorre en els cursos híbrits que adopten un enfocament tradicional d'ensenyança d'idiomes en lloc de canviar pedagógicamente per a incloure activitats més comunicatives. / [EN] Teaching elementary-level language classes in a hybrid environment has become the trend in the United States higher education system (Blake et al., 2008; Hampel & Stickler, 2015; Meskill & Anthony, 2015; Mizza & Rubio, 2020; Seaman et al., 2018) primarily due to its flexibility, individuality, with emphasis on communication and collaborative learning (Rubio, 2014). However, comparative studies of traditional and hybrid classes have produced small or statistically insignificant results regarding speaking proficiency (Blake 2008, Chenoweth et al., 2006, Scida & Jones, 2016; Thoms, 2012). Therefore, Rubio (2008) encourages researchers to go beyond contrasting and rather assess "what" we teach and "how" we teach. This longitudinal study aimed to show how speaking proficiency was developed through a mixed-methods approach by observing four sections of Elementary Spanish at a US community college during the fall and spring semesters. Through data-source triangulation, class observations, course content, questionnaires, and oral assessments were analyzed. Contrary to expectations, the hybrid modality did not have the expected results in students' speaking skills. By the end of the second semester, students were not able to reach the novice-high to intermediate-low levels expected at the end of the first year of Spanish, which could be linked to the form-focused type of instruction students received. The error analysis revealed areas that students still struggled to understand, such as article use, noun agreement in gender and number, and semantics, among others. Although these errors are common in first-year Spanish language learners, the study shows the need for systematic recycling of certain language structures for them to be fully assimilated by students. Therefore, the study generates insight into what occurs in hybrid courses that adopt a traditional language teaching approach rather than changing pedagogically to include more communicative activities. / Ortiz, D. (2023). Speaking Proficiency in a Hybrid Environment. A Mixed-Method Study of Spanish Beginner Learners [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/200582
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