Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hydraulic"" "subject:"dydraulic""
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Variabilidade dos parâmetros da equação da condutividade hidráulica em função da umidade de um latossolo sob condições de campo. / Variability of the parameters of the hydraulic conductivity as a function of soil-water content equation for a field latosol.Melo Filho, José Fernandes de 08 March 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de quantificar e caracterizar a variabilidade espacial dos parâmetros equação K = Kq=0 exp(bq), determinada pelo método do perfil instantâneo. Nessa equação, Kq=0 é o coeficiente linear da reta lnK versus q ou a condutividade hidráulica (K) para o teor de água no solo (q) igual a zero e b o coeficiente angular. O experimento foi realizado no campus da "Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz" - ESALQ/USP, localizado no município de Piracicaba (SP), em um Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo, álico, A moderado, textura média, (Typic Hapludox), moderadamente a bem drenado. A parcela experimental tinha um comprimento de 70 m e uma largura de 20 m; na sua linha central ao longo do comprimento foram considerados 50 pontos de observação, distanciados de 1 m entre si e, em cada um deles, instalados 5 tensiômetros eqüidistantes com suas cápsulas porosas localizadas às profundidades de 0,15; 0,30; 0,45; 0,60; 0,75 m. No ponto central de cada circunferência de 0,10 m de raio, na qual foram equidistantemente instalados 5 tensiômetros, foi instalada uma sonda de TDR para medida da umidade nas mesmas cinco profundidades em cada ponto de observação. As medições de umidade e potencial mátrico foram feitas durante 62 dias ou 1.370 horas, escolhendo se para este estudo o período compreendido entre os tempos de redistribuição 78 a 604 horas. Os resultados de umidade no solo (q), potencial mátrico (fm), lnKq=0 e b, foram submetidos à análise estatística exploratória e descritiva para verificação da distribuição e identificação de valores extremos. Também se calculou o número mínimo de subamostras necessárias para estimar o valor médio representativo dos parâmetros avaliados, para um nível de probabilidade de 95%, nos valores de 5, 10, 20 e 30% de coeficiente de variação em torno da média. Para os parâmetros lnKq=0 e b a análise do número de amostras foi também feita pela técnica "bootstrap". Análise da estabilidade temporal foi realizada com os dados de umidade no solo e potencial mátrico. Os resultados indicaram que o padrão de variabilidade dos parâmetros hídricos estudados (q, fm, b e lnKq=0 ) aumentou em profundidade, sendo os maiores coeficientes de variação aqueles apresentados pelo b. A variabilidade da umidade (q) foi baixa e aumentou com o tempo de redistribuição, enquanto que o potencial mátrico (fm), apresentou comportamento oposto, qual seja, variabilidade alta no início da redistribuição diminuindo para média no final da avaliação. Não houve relação entre os parâmetros quanto ao número de amostras necessárias para estimar a média, indicando que a utilização dos métodos para determinação de número de amostras pode gerar valores bem diferentes e que sua aplicação deve ser feita com prudência. Tanto a umidade do solo quanto o potencial mátrico apresentaram estabilidade temporal, o que permitiu identificar quais os locais mais indicados para a realização de amostragens com reduzido esforço e grande precisão. / This work was carried out with the objective of quantifying and characterizing the spatial variability of the K = Kq=0 exp(bq) equation parameters, determined by means of instantaneous profile method. In this equation, b is the slope and Kq=0 the intercept of the linear regression of lnK versus q. The experiment site is located at the Campus "Luiz de Queiroz", University of São Paulo, county of Piracicaba (SP), Brasil (22 o 42 30" S e 47 o 38 00" W) in a Typic Hapludox. The experimental plot dimensions were: length = 70 m and width = 20 m. In the central line of the length, 50 observation points 1m among themselves were considered each one with i) 5 mercury manometer tensiometers equally spaced in a 0.10 m radius circumference with their porous cups installed at 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 and 0.75 m soil depths and ii) one TDR probe in the central point of the above circumference to measure soil-water content at the same five soil depths. Measurements of soil-water content and matric potential were made during 62 days of soil water redistribution, but the study was carried out using the redistribution time range from 78 to 604 hours. Results of soil-water content (q), matric potential (fm), lnKq=0 and b were analyzed by the exploratory and descriptive statistics in order to verify the data distribution and to identify outliers values. The minimum number of samples necessary to estimate the mean value of the assessed parameters was also calculated at a probability level of 5%, for variation coefficient values of 5, 10, 20 and 30%. For the parameters lnKq=0 and b, the analysis of number of sa mples was also made by using the "bootstrap" technique. Time stability analysis was used for soil-water content and matric potential data. The results have indicated that the variability of the studied hydric parameters (q, fm, b and lnKq=0 ) increased with soil depth, being the higher variation coefficients those of the parameters b. The soil water-content (q) variability was low and increased with the soil water redistribution time, whereas the matric potential had an inverse behavior, that is, high variability at the beginning of the soil water redistribution, decreasing to a medium one at the end of evaluation. There was no relation among parameters in terms of number of samples needed to estimate the mean, indicating that the use of methods to determine the number of samples can led to values very differents; hence the appliance of these methods should be done with caution. Both soil-water content and matric potential presented time stability, which permitted to identify the best points for future samplings with less effort and high precision.
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Estudo da drenabilidade de calçadas experimentais em concreto permeávelno campus Armando Salles de Oliveira da USP. / Drainage study of experimental sidewalks built with pervious concrete at Armando Salles de Oliveira campus - USP.Curvo, Filipe de Oliveira 08 November 2017 (has links)
A tecnologia de pavimento em concreto permeável surgiu como potencial solução para problemas relacionados à drenagem urbana provenientes da diminuição da área permeável de uma metrópole. Desta forma, sua utilização vem crescendo cada vez mais, inclusive no Brasil. Para avaliar o comportamento hidráulico de uma calçada em concreto permeável, o Laboratório de Mecânica dos Pavimentos da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (LMP-EPUSP) desenvolveu duas misturas para a aplicação em duas calçadas em concreto permeável construídas no Campus da Universidade de São Paulo. A primeira estrutura possui dimensões de 1,00 m x 8,65 m, sem manta permeável, ao passo que a segunda estrutura possui 1,50 m x 84,80 m com sua área dividida em 3 trechos que diferem entre si da seguinte forma: primeiro trecho com manta permeável e infiltração de água no solo; segundo trecho com lona impermeável e sistema de drenagem; e terceiro trecho sem manta e com infiltração de água no solo. Além da análise do comportamento hidráulico da mistura, os métodos construtivos adotados foram avaliados, desde a escolha do local até a cura do concreto. Todas as adequações do método de execução da primeira calçada para a segunda são explícitas e justificadas nesse trabalho, tais como a existência da manta permeável, que na primeira calçada não existia e na segunda surge como uma das soluções para se evitar a colmatação por bombeamento, e detalhes na compactação do revestimento, mantendo uma superfície mais regular. Feita a análise do método construtivo, essa pesquisa também apresenta diversos resultados de taxas de infiltração, em cm/s, in loco obtidos através do ensaio baseado na ASTM C-1701, além de mostrar, através de comparações com diversas referências, o grande potencial hidráulico das misturas desenvolvidas. Esses resultados mostram o comportamento hidráulico das misturas com o tempo. Das informações apresentadas, fica evidente a dependência da escolha do local para um bom comportamento hidráulico a longo prazo, além de explicitar o quão a taxa de infiltração diminui com o tempo em um pavimento construído em ambiente pouco suscetível à colmatação proveniente de árvores e em local muito suscetível. Além disso, o estudo mostra que, apesar de pequenas diferenças nos pavimentos, tais como a infiltração ou não de água no solo, e, no caso contrário, a existência de um sistema de drenagem, o comportamento hidráulico é semelhante. A mesma conclusão é obtida comparando-se os ensaios realizados em bordas e centro do pavimento. Todos os resultados mostrados e conclusões tiradas a partir desses mostram o grande potencial drenante do pavimento de concreto permeável, potencializando com a seleção adequada de materiais, local e método construtivo. / Pervious concrete pavement came as a potential solution to problems related to urban drainage, consequence of the decrease of the permeability area of a metropolis. In this way, its use has been increasing all over the world, including Brazil. In order to evaluate the hydraulic behavior of a permeable concrete sidewalk, the Pavement Mechanics Laboratory of the University of São Paulo developed two mixtures. These mixtures were made for an application on two sidewalks in permeable concrete built in the Campus of the University of São Paulo. The first sidewalk has 1.00 m x 8.65 m, without a geotextile, and the second has 1.50 m x 84.80 m, divided into 3 stretches differing from each other as follows: first section with a geotextile and infiltration of water on soil; Second stretch with waterproof tarpaulin and drainage system; And the third stretch has not a geotextile, but count with the infiltration of water on soil. In addition to the analysis of the hydraulic behavior of the mixture, the constructive methods adopted were evaluated, since the choice of the construction site, until the concrete cure. All adaptations of the method of execution of the first sidewalk to the second one are explicit and justified in this work, such as the existence of the geotextile, that in the first sidewalk did not exist and in the second it appears as one of the solutions to avoid the clogging. Another adaptation was the compaction adopted, which is more regular on the second sidewalk. After the analysis of the constructive method, this research also presents several results of infiltration rates, in cm/s, obtained through the test based on ASTM C-1701, besides showing, through comparisons with several references, the great potential Hydraulic of the mixtures applied. These results show the hydraulic behavior of the mixtures over time. From the information presented, the dependence on the choice of site for a good long-term hydraulic behavior is verified, it is also evidente how much the rate of infiltration decreases with time in a pavement built in a site next to trees and another types of vegetation. In addition, this research shows that the little differences in the methods results in little differences in the infiltration rate, but the hydraulic behavior remains similar. The same conclusion is obtained by comparing the tests performed at the edges and center of the pavement. All presented results and conclusions shows the great potential of the mixtures developed by the LMP-USP, which can be enhanced though the suitable materials selection, construction place and constructive method.
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An experimental investigation into the efficiency of filter materials for phosphate removal from wastewaterAlzeyadi, Ali T. K. January 2017 (has links)
Phosphorus is one of the most important nutrients, which significantly influences the extraordinary growth of algae. Consequently, this leads to eutrophication of aquatic life. Eutrophication of water bodies due to phosphorus coming from wastewater is a serious problem. Therefore, additional work on many wastewater treatment plants is required in order to meet the required standards, particularly in relation to nutrient removal. Recently, continuous upflow filters CoUFs have been found to be a suitable technology for upgrading or expanding the wastewater treatment plants. On the other hand, investigation of different sorts of low-cost materials has been shown to be an attractive solution as phosphate sorbent materials PSMs, which represents a sustainable solution based on economical and environmental factors. This PhD study seeks to determine materials that are capable of removing phosphate from wastewater at tertiary treatment within a short time when they are packed in CoUFs. In order to select the suitable PSMs a comprehensive study has been conducted to describe their physical and chemical characteristics, affinity to retain orthophosphate (phosphate) and bonding time. This work was carried out through subjecting these materials to examinations such as scanning electron microscopy SEM and X-ray fluorescence analysis XRF to identify their characteristics, and conducting a batch test and constructing a lab-scale upflow filter to investigate the filter materials’ affinity to phosphate. Based on the phosphate removal efficiency and characteristics of selected materials an innovative and sustainable coating technology has been proposed to introduce a new type of filter material capable of removing phosphate effectively. Filtration materials coated with metallic oxides are presented as a good method for phosphate sorption. However, most of the researchers utilize chemicals as a source of metallic oxides and heating process to set the chemicals over the filtration materials. In this study, the method of creating new filter media involves coating a solid material via waste materials containing metallic oxides; the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was utilized as a binder for the mixture materials. Water is the factor which is responsible for activating the OPC. All factors have been subjected to an optimization process. The results revealed that the limestone particles coated by furnace bottom ash (FBA) indicated a high capacity for phosphate sorption and possibility of regenerating their efficiency. In conclusion, this study introduces a new approach regarding creating and developing the characteristics of the filter media which fit the sustainability requirements.
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Nature et propriétés de l'horizon diagnostic de Latosols du Plateau Central brésilien / Nature and properties of the diagnostic horizon of Latosols from Brazilian Central PlateauReatto, Adriana 26 March 2009 (has links)
Les Latosols correspondent à environ 40% du Plateau Central brésilien. Ils sont caractérisés par une faible activité de l’argile, une faible différenciation de leurs horizons, une macrostructure peu développée et une microstructure en revanche très développée représentée par des microagrégats de 50 à 300 µm de diamètre. Dix Latosols (L) ont été sélectionnés le long d’une toposéquence régionale d’environ 350 km de long qui recoupe la Surface Sud Américaine (SAS) (L1 à L4) et la Surface Velhas (VS) (L5 à L10). Ces différents Latosols rendent compte de la variabilité de composition granulométrique et minéralogique, et de celle de matériau parental que l’on peut rencontrer dans le Plateau Central brésilien. Nos résultats montrent que la variabilité de proportion de gibbsite et de kaolinite peut s’expliquer à la fois par l’âge de la surface géomorphologique et les conditions hydriques en fonction de la position topographique au sein de chaque toposéquence. Les résultats montrent également que la structure microagrégée ne varie pas en fonction de la composition granulométrique ou minéralogique. Elle est apparue en revanche liée à la bioturbation du sol par les termites. Il a aussi été montré que les microagrégats des Latosols étudiés ne sont pas rigides mais diminuent de volume lors de la dessiccation. De plus, la composition minéralogique de la fraction argileuse ne jouerait qu’un rôle marginal dans les variations du volume poral lors de la dessiccation. Les microagrégats des Latosols situés sur la SAS diminuent moins de volume lors de la dessiccation que les microagrégats situés sur la VS, cette différence serait liée à leur histoire hydrique. Enfin, les propriétés de rétention en eau et la conductivité hydraulique à saturation varient respectivement en fonction de la teneur en argile et du développement des pores de diamètre supérieur à 300 µm, et par conséquent sans lien étroit avec la minéralogie de la fraction argileuse. / The Latosols correspond to about 40% of the Brazilian Central Plateau. They are characterized by low activity clay, little horizon differentiation, a weak macrostructure and a strong microgranular structure resulting in microaggregates 50 to 300 µm in size. Ten Latosols (L) were selected along a 350-km long regional toposequence across the South American Surface (SAS) (L1 to L4) and Velhas Surface (VS) (L5 to L10). The studied Latosols take into account the textural and mineralogical variability, as well as the topographical location and parental material variability. Our results showed a large variation of the kaolinite and gibbsite content in relation to a regional component attributed to the age of the geomorphic surface and a local component mainly related to the hydraulic conditions along the toposequence. The results showed also that the microgranular structure varied without any relationship with the texture and mineralogy of the fine material. It appeared as being mainly related to soil bioturbation by termites. The microaggregates of the Latosols studied are not rigid but shrink during drying with no relation with the mineralogy of the fine material. Our results showed that the microaggregates of the Latosols located on the SAS shrink less than those of the Latosols located on the VS. This would be related to a difference of hydric stress history. Finally, the water retention properties and saturated hydraulic conductivity varied according to the clay content and development of pores larger than 300 µm in diameter respectively without any apparent role of the mineralogy of the fine material.
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Implication des aquaporines dans le fonctionnement hydraulique foliaire in planta / Involvement of aquaporins in foliar hydraulic functioning in plantaLopez, David 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les modèles actuels de changements climatiques prédisent une réduction globale des précipitations, limitant ainsi la disponibilité en eau des plantes et induisant une augmentation de la fréquence des stress hydriques. Un stress hydrique modéré peut conduire à la fermeture des stomates ce qui diminue l'activité photosynthétique des plantes, et dans les cas les plus extrêmes, induit l’embolie du xylème causée par la rupture de la colonne d'eau. Afin de limiter ces effets délétères, les plantes ajustent en permanence leurs résistances hydrauliques. Les feuilles sont considérées comme la principale résistance aux flux d'eau. La compréhension des mécanismes de régulation de la résistance hydraulique foliaire est donc un enjeu fondamental. Parmi les facteurs influençant potentiellement la résistance hydraulique foliaire, les aquaporines (AQPs) pourraient jouer un rôle prépondérant. Les membres de la famille des PIP (Plasma membrane Intrinsic Protein) sont des AQPs agissant comme des pores permettant un passage sélectif de l'eau au travers du plasmalemme. Ce travail visait à caractériser la conductance hydraulique foliaire (Kleaf l'inverse de la résistance) et à étudier la contribution potentielle des PIP dans cinq espèces tempérées ainsi que chez l’arbre modèle: le peuplier. Les espèces pionnières ont des valeurs de Kleaf élevées, mais l'augmentation de Kleaf en réponse à la lumière est beaucoup plus faible que chez les espèces non-pionnières. Chez le Noyer (Juglans regia), la lumière bleue est responsable de la plupart de l'augmentation de Kleaf et de la modulation transcriptionnelle des PIP. En situation de disponibilité en eau et de lumière non limitante, la Kleaf du peuplier augmente au cours de la journée pour atteindre son maximum à midi. Cette augmentation de Kleaf se produit simultanément avec la transcription et l'accumulation de protéines PIP en réponse à l’éclairement. Cependant, l'expression des gènes PIP est en partie sous influence d’une régulation endogène circadienne. L’influence des AQPs dans la valeur élevée de Kleaf est démontrée par son inhibition en présence d’HgCl2. / Climate changes models predict a global reduction of rainfalls hence limiting plants water availability and increase water stress occurrence. A moderate water stress can lead to stomata closure thereby decreasing the plants photosynthetic activity and in extreme cases, xylem embolism due to the water column breakage. In order to limit such detrimental effects, plants permanently adjust their hydraulic resistances. Leaves are considered as the main bottleneck in plants water fluxes, thus understanding leaf resistance to water flux regulation is fundamental. Within known factors that can potentially influence leaf hydraulic resistance, the aquaporins (AQPs) might have a central role. Plasma membrane Intrinsic Protein (PIP) family members are AQPs acting as pores that selectively allow water to flow through cell membranes. This work aimed at characterizing leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf the inverse of resistance) and investigate the potential contribution of PIPs in five temperate tree species and in tree model: Poplar. Pioneer species have high Kleaf values, but the Kleaf increase in response to light is much lower than for non-pioneer ones. In walnut (Juglans regia) blue light is responsible of most of the Kleaf increase and PIP transcript modulation. Under non-limiting light and water availability, poplar leaf hydraulic conductance increases diurnally with a maximum reached at midday. This increase of Kleaf occurs in parallel with PIP transcript and protein accumulation in response to high irradiance. PIP gene expression is also under endogenous circadian regulation to some extent. The involvement of AQPs is demonstrated by the reduction of Kleaf using HgCl2.
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Investigating an interactive technological self study conceptual framework for on-board maritime education and trainingTaha, Ahmed Mohamed Youssef January 2018 (has links)
Merchant marine officers have multiple specific duties and responsibilities to perform. Moreover, there is a need for a well-trained workforce to operate modern ships. In this era, the development of technological tools to assist in the delivery of the syllabus, and develop the marine cadets’ practical knowledge during training on-board is highly required. This study reviewed literature concerning Maritime Education and Training, in addition to personalised learning and online mobile learning. The research proposes the creation, assessment and validation of generic Interactive Maritime Education and Training (iMET) application, that is utilising Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, as a personalised interactive self-study mobile tool, with respect to cadets’ different learning preferences. The main aim of this research is to test the hypothesis that, the iMET tool has a direct positive impact on the Maritime Education and Training process on-board the training ship, and it is an accepted technology, hence will be actually used by the cadets on-board. In order to evaluate the research hypothesis, the researcher developed a generic prototype of iMET handheld application, as a proof of concept. Moreover, the researcher adapted a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), from the existing TAM models, that had been used in previous research, in order to asses cadets’ acceptance to the proposed iMET application. Data collection in this research was based on triangulation, in order to measure the perception and expectations of the different maritime stakeholders affiliated with the iMET tool implementation. Accordingly, a questionnaire survey, a semi-structured interview and a quiz for cadets’ assessment was conducted. Data collection and surveys were conducted twice, in the pre iMET intervention development phase and post iMET intervention validation phase, in order to support justifying and validating the proposed technological tool in the current study. This research philosophy is a pragmatic research approach that applied a mixed methodology, to measure the cadets’ technology acceptance of iMET and their behavioural intention towards its actual usage. Finally, the research will discuss in detail the outcomes and finding.
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Experimentally verified fluid loading models for slender horizontal cylinders in wavesBailey, J. S. L. January 2000 (has links)
This thesis reports on research work aimed at improving methods for predicting the fluid loading on fixed- and compliant offshore structures in waves. In focusing on slender member fluid-interaction models, the limitations and uncertainties associated with the widely-used Morison equation are examined. An improved empirical model has been developed and tested extensively alongside the Morison equation, using real experimental data. This improved model gives a better representation of the frequency dependency of the fluid-loading coefficients: this is particularly important in compliant motion conditions where the so-called relative velocity concept still needs to be verified under carefully controlled experimental conditions. The model is based entirely on the use of linear wave kinematics, thus simplifying calibration in irregular conditions and avoiding the need for a consistent non-linear wave theory (which is still lacking). By appropriate adaptation the improved model can also be extended to include amplitude dependency in the loading coefficients. The Improved Model has been developed through an analysis of experimental data. For this purpose the experimental work was focused on a horizontal cylinder, at model scale, located in a wave tank at the University of Sussex. The fluid loading experienced by a fixed cylinder, in both regular and irregular waves conditions, was measured and examined in detail. In addition, a comprehensive study of the loading on compliant cylinders, in both regular and irregular waves, was undertaken. Extensive use was made of appropriate parameter estimation techniques with initial attention (using simulated data) given to their accuracy for use with noisy experimental measurements. The effects of subtle (but undesirable) tank characteristics were also carefully taken into account. The study shows that, for fixed horizontal cylinders, benefits can be clearly identified in using the improved model, with frequency dependent coefficients, over the frequency dependent Morison equation. Moreover, the study shows that the relative velocity concept is more appropriate for use with the improved model than with the Morison model.
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Modelação matemática de bueiros. / Mathematical modelling of Culverts.Marcos Narvaez Gaia 24 June 2014 (has links)
Há tempo que engenheiros vêm procurando amenizar os problemas relacionados aos bueiros. Não só nos escritórios de engenharia, na fase de projetos e cálculos, como também no assentamento final, procurando manter o sistema hidráulico dos bueiros funcionando corretamente. A maioria dos problemas encontrados está associada a mal dimensionamento dos bueiros, dimensionamento insuficiente, ou má avaliação das vazões a serem escoadas. O presente trabalho de pesquisa analisa o escoamento dos bueiros nas obras rodoviárias e ferroviárias de forma a viabilizar seu bom funcionamento. Para tanto, dos nove (9) tipos de escoamentos identificados na atualidade, foram estudados e discutidos dois (2) deles: Escoamento com entrada livre e Escoamento com entrada afogada, ambos com controle na entrada do bueiro. A seção do bueiro escolhida foi a circular, uma vez que a bibliografia específica para este tipo de seção é menos abundante. O desenvolvimento do trabalho foi feito através de modelação matemática buscando-se encontrar o ponto de transição entre os dois (2) tipos de escoamento. Através dos resultados foi possível uma análise mais detalhada, com sugestão de critérios para projetos de bueiros. / There is a long time that engineers has been trying to reduce problems related to culverts. Not only in the engineering offices, in the stage of projects and calculations, as well in the final putting down the culverts, trying to keep the hydraulic system of culverts working well. Most of problems encountered related to culverts are due to weak design conditions, insufficient design condition or bad review of discharges to be flow. This research aims to analyze the culverts flow in roads and rails projects in order to produce a smooth functioning. Therefore, from nine types of flow recently identified there were studied and discussed two of them: Flow with free entry and flow with submerged entry, both cases with inlet control. The cross section of the culvert chosen was the circular, once that the specific literature for this kind of section is less widespread. The work development was done by mathematical modeling where the objective was to find the transition point between these two types of flow. From the results it was possible to develop a detailed analysis and to propose a culvert design criteria.
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Verificação da adequação do esquema numérico de MacCormack na solução de transientes hidráulicos em condutos forçados. / Verification of adequacy of the MacConrmack Scheme in the solution of pressurized hydraulic.Francis Valter Pêpe França 28 September 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentada a solução das equações que regem o escoamento unidimensional não permanente em dutos sob pressão por meio do esquema numérico de MacCormack, esquema este, já empregado nos escoamentos transientes em condutos livres. É apresentada, também, a comparação dos resultados obtidos com a aplicação do esquema de MacCormack em relação aos obtidos através do método das características, na solução de transientes hidráulicos em condutos forçados. / This dissertation introduces the MacCormack numerical scheme for the solution of the one-dimensional unsteady pressurized flow equations, this scheme is already employed for solving open-channel transient flows. It is presented, also, the comparison of the results obtained from the application of the MacCormack numerical scheme with the obtained using the Method of the Characteristics, in the solution of hydraulic transient in pressurized flow.
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Termo de atrito em escoamento transitório para condutos forçados. / Friction term for hydraulic transient in closed conduits.Luís Fernando Maia Lima 24 March 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre o termo de atrito em escoamento transitório em condutos forçados, partindo de uma modelação matemática da tensão de cisalhamento transiente, usando conceitos do princípio da entropia máxima. Usa-se a modelação deste termo de atrito na análise do transitório hidráulico, comparando-se com dados experimentais já publicados de um sistema Reservatório-Tubo-Válvula. / This report contains a friction term for hydraulic transient in closed conduits. We use a mathematical model for the shear stress, derived by principle of maximum entropy. Then, we use this friction term for an analysis in a system reservoir-tube-valve, comparing our results with anothers already published in the literature.
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