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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Superluminous supernovae : theory and observations

Chatzopoulos, Emmanouil 25 October 2013 (has links)
The discovery of superluminous supernovae in the past decade challenged our understanding of explosive stellar death. Subsequent extensive observations of superluminous supernova light curves and spectra has provided some insight for the nature of these events. We present observations of one of the most luminous self-interacting supernovae ever observed, the hydrogen-rich SN 2008am discovered by the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment Supernova Verification Project with the ROTSE-IIIb telescope located in the McDonald Observatory. We provide theoretical modeling of superluminous supernova light curves and fit the models to a number of observed events and similar transients in order to understand the mechanism that is responsible for the vast amounts of energy emitted by these explosions. The models we investigate include deposition of energy due to the radioactive decays of massive amounts of nickel-56, interaction of supernova ejecta with a dense circumstellar medium and magnetar spin-down. To probe the nature of superluminous supernovae progenitor stars we study the evolution of massive stars, including important effects such as rotation and magnetic fields, and perform multi-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations of the resulting explosions. The effects of rotational mixing are also studied in solar-type secondary stars in cataclysmic variable binary star systems in order to provide an explanation for some carbon-depleted examples of this class. We find that most superluminous supernovae can be explained by violent interaction of the SN ejecta with >1 Msun dense circumstellar shells ejected by the progenitor stars in the decades preceding the SN explosion. / text

Continuum simulations of fluidized granular materials

Bougie, Jonathan Lee 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Multidimensional multiscale dynamics of high-energy astrophysical flows

Couch, Sean Michael 23 November 2010 (has links)
Astrophysical flows have an enormous dynamic range of relevant length scales. The physics occurring on the smallest scales often influences the physics of the largest scales, and vice versa. I present a detailed study of the multiscale and multidimensional behavior of three high-energy astrophysical flows: jet-driven supernovae, massive black hole accretion, and current-driven instabilities in gamma-ray burst external shocks. Both theory and observations of core-collapse supernovae indicate these events are not spherically-symmetric; however, the observations are often modeled assuming a spherically-symmetric explosion. I present an in-depth exploration of the effects of aspherical explosions on the observational characteristics of supernovae. This is accomplished in large part by high-resolution, multidimensional numerical simulations of jet-driven supernovae. The existence of supermassive black holes in the centers of most large galaxies is a well-established fact in observational astronomy. How such black holes came to be so massive, however, is not well established. In this work, I discuss the implications of radiative feedback and multidimensional behavior on black hole accretion. I show that the accretion rate is drastically reduced relative to the Eddington rate, making it unlikely that stellar mass black holes could grow to supermassive black holes in less than a Hubble time. Finally, I discuss a mechanism by which magnetic field strength could be enhanced behind a gamma-ray burst external shock. This mechanism relies on a current-driven instability that would cause reorganization of the pre-shock plasma into clumps. Once shocked, these clumps generate vorticity in the post-shock plasma and ultimately enhance the magnetic energy via a relativistic dynamo process. / text

Hydrodynamic instability of confined jets & wakes & implications for gas turbine fuel injectors

Rees, Simon John January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Μελέτη της υδροδυναμικής της λιμνοθάλασσας Δράνας / The hydrodynamic study of Drana lagoon

Γιάννη, Αρετή 17 May 2007 (has links)
Η λιμνοθάλασσα Δράνα βρίσκεται στο ΒΔ τμήμα των εκβολών του ποταμού Έβρου, στο ΝΑ άκρο του νομού Έβρου. Η λιμνοθάλασσα αποξηράνθηκε από τους αγρότες της περιοχής στις 11 Μαίου 1987, γιατί θεωρήθηκε ότι ήταν η αιτία που προκαλούσε την αλάτωση των καλλιεργούμενων εκτάσεων. Η ανάγκη όμως αναβίωσης του βιοτόπου της λιμνοθάλασσας Δράνας οδήγησε τελικά στον επαναπλημμυρισμό της στις 5 Ιουνίου 2004. Η λιμνοθάλασσα καταλαμβάνει σήμερα έκταση περίπου ίση με 4km2 και έχει μέγιστο βάθος 0.9m. Επικοινωνεί με την ανοιχτή θάλασσα μέσω ενός διαύλου πλάτους 5m και μέγιστου βάθους 4m. Λίγους μήνες μετά την αποκατάσταση της ξεκίνησε η μέτρηση των φυσικών παραμέτρων της λιμνοθάλασσας η οποία και κράτησε αρκετούς μήνες, έτσι ώστε να εκτημηθεί η κατάσταση του φυσικού οικοσυστήματος. Mεταξύ άλλων μετρήθηκαν, η ταχύτητα και η διεύθυνση του ανέμου, η στάθμη της θάλασσας, η θερμοκρασία αέρα και νερού, η αλατότητα και η σχετική υγρασία. Στην παρούσα εργασία αναλύθηκαν τα δεδομένα αυτών των μετρήσεων και στην συνέχεια χρησημοποιήθηκαν για την προσομοίωση των υδροδυναμικών παραμέτρων της λιμνοθάλασσας Δράνας. Προσομοιώθηκε λοιπόν η κυκλοφορία της λιμνοθάλασσας, (ταχύτητα και διεύθυνση των ρευμάτων), αλλά και η επιφανειακή κατανομή της θερμοκρασίας και της αλατότητας. Η Δράνα είναι μια λιμνοθάλασσα η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλές τιμές αλατότητας (μεγαλύτερες από αυτές της θάλασσας) και η ανανεώση των υδάτων της είναι πολύ αργή. Η ρύθμιση της αλατότητας μπορεί πραγματοποιηθεί με την είσοδο γλυκού νερού από τη Δεκάμετρο και Σαραντάμετρο αποστραγγιστική τάφρο. / The lagoon of Drana is situated in the river Ebros delta. The lagoon was dried at the 11/5/1987 and has flooded again at the 5/6/2004. Drana covers an area equal to 4km2 and it has a maximum depth of 0.9m. The lagoon is connected with the sea through a 4m deep and 5m wide channel. After the flooding of the lagoon the parameters that were measured are: wind speed, wind direction, sea level, air and water temperature, salinity and relative humidity. These measurements were used for the simulation of hydrodynamics (current speed and current direction) of Drana lagoon. Furthermore, were simulated the surface temperature and salinity. Drana is a lagoon with high salinity and short period of water refreshment. The salinity can be controlled by the fresh water inflow from the Sarantametros and Dekametros drainage channels.

Hydrodynamics of Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates and Hydro-elasticity of the Inner Crust of Neutron Stars

Kobyakov, Dmitry January 2014 (has links)
In the present thesis, “Hydrodynamics of Binary Bose-Einstein Condensates and Hydro-elasticity of the Inner Crust of Neutron Stars”, the hydrodynamic effects, instabilities and superfluid turbulence in binary immiscible ultracold gases, and hydro-elastic macroscopic coupled modes and microscopic structure of the inner layers of the crust of neutron stars, are studied. The ultracold gas dynamics can be realized in the laboratory. The excitation modes of the inner crust determine a number of observable properties such as elasticity, thermal properties and mass transport properties. Here we focus on expanding the details, rather than repeating the results presented in the published articles. In the part of the thesis related to atomic ultracold gases, we utilize the physical parameters in the experimentally realizable parameter region. We numerically simulate the coupled non-linear Schrödinger equations, and calculate observable quantities, such as phase and modulus of the order parameter, conditions needed for observation of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability and for turbulence generation. The numerical calculations are accompanied by analytical description of the processes. The dispersion relation for capillary-gravitational waves at the interface between two ultracold gases, is derived straightforwardly from the superfluid Lagrangian. The equations of motion for centre-of-mass of the superfluids are derived, and then used in our model of the quantum swapping of immiscible superfluids pressed by a strong external force. By numerical simulation, we find that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability which occurs at the non-linear stage of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, can generate quantum turbulence with peculiar properties. We find that two-dimensional superfluid systems with weak inter-component repulsion are different from previously studied strongly repulsive binary superfluids, because the quantum Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in weakly repulsive superfluids rolls up the whole interface forming a vortex bundle, similarly to dynamics of the shear fluid layers in the classical hydrodynamics. Production of vortex bundles favours the Kolmogorov spectrum of turbulence, and we find that the Kolmogorov scaling indeed is present in a freely decaying turbulence. In the part of the thesis related to neutron stars, we study the inner crust of neutron stars, where the fully ionized atomic nuclei coexist with a superfluid of neutrons. The interaction between superfluid neutrons and the crystallized Coulomb plasma is due to the interaction between density perturbations (interaction of the scalar type), and between the current - the non-dissipative entrainment effect (interaction of the vector type). We calculate velocities of the collective modes of the crystal coupled to superfluid neutrons. As an input we use the results of microscopic nuclear calculations in the framework of the compressible liquid drop model (the Lattimer and Swesty equation of state), and more recent effective Thomas-Fermi calculations with shell corrections (N. Chamel, and the Brussels theoretical nuclear physics group). Knowledge of velocities as functions of the matter density in the inner crust is important for calculation of a number of dynamic and transport properties. The heat transport properties of the inner crust are directly observable in accreting binary systems (low-mass x-ray binaries). The mass transport properties of the inner crust are directly linked to the rotational evolution, being a key physical ingredient of the pulsar glitch phenomenon. The elastic properties are related to the vibrational modes of the star, and to the breaking stress of the crust. In the second part of our work on neutron stars we investigate the microscopic structure of the inner crust treating the structure as an anisotropic crystal coupled to s-wave superfluid neutron liquid. As we analyse dynamics of the elementary excitations at higher wavenumbers (smaller scales), we reach the edge of the first Brillouin zone. The Lattimer-Swesty data is applicable for wavenumbers much smaller than the edge of the first Brillouin zone. We extrapolate the data through the whole first Brillouin zone to calculate the fastest growth rate of the unstable modes. The crucial step is to calculate the mode velocities in anisotropic crystal incorporating both the induced neutron-proton interactions, and the electron screening properties. We find that the combined influence of these two effects leads to softening of the longitudinal phonon of the lattice above about the Thomas-Fermi screening wavenumber of the electrons. The critical wavenumber when the frequency becomes purely imaginary is about  1/5 - 2/3  of the reciprocal lattice vector, thus validating our assumption. The imaginary mode frequency implies instability at finite wavenumbers. Our calculations suggest that the mode at the first Brillouin zone edge is the most unstable, and thus the structure experiences a displacive phase transition when the central ion of a unit cell of the body-cubic-centred lattice, is displaced to the cube face. Thus, the electronic structure of matter at densities above the neutron drip [1], is richer than previously appreciated, and new microscopic calculations of nuclear structure are necessary which take into account the high-wavenumber physics. Such calculations will provide crucial input to models interpreting the quasi-periodic oscillations in Soft Gamma Repeaters as magnetar x-ray flares, and to the theory of glitches of neutron stars. [1] The neutron drip density is ~3×1011 g cm-3.

Hydrodynamics, stability and scale-up of slot-rectangular spouted beds

Chen, Zhiwei 05 1900 (has links)
Slot-rectangular spouted beds, with rectangular cross-section and slotted gas inlets, have been proposed as a solution to overcoming scale-up difficulties with conventional axisymmetric spouted beds. They can be utilized in gas/particle processes such as drying of coarse particles and coating of tablets. However, application of this spouted bed was limited because of instability and insufficient hydrodynamic studies. The present work is therefore aimed at the study of hydrodynamics, stability and scale-up of slot-rectangular spouted beds. The hydrodynamic study was carried out in four slot-rectangular columns of various width-to-thickness ratios combined with various slot configurations, particles of different properties and a range of operating conditions. Hydrodynamics of slot-rectangular spouted beds showed major similarity with conventional spouted beds. However, equations and mechanistic models adopted from conventional axisymmetric spouted beds generally failed to provide good predictions for the three-dimensional slot-rectangular geometry. New empirical correlations were derived for the minimum spouting velocity and maximum pressure drop for different slot configurations. Slot-rectangular spouted beds also showed more flow regimes than conventional spouted beds. Nine flow regimes, as well as unstable conditions, were identified based on frequency and statistical analysis of pressure fluctuations. Slot geometrical configuration was found to be the main factor affecting the stability of slot-rectangular spouted beds. A comprehensive hydrodynamic study on the effect of slot configuration was therefore carried out. Slots of smaller length-to-width ratio, smaller length and greater depth were found to provide greater stability. Stable criteria for the slot configuration were found consistent with the conventional axisymmetric spouted beds with extra limitation on slot length-to-width ratio and slot depth. Local distributions of pressure, particle velocity and voidage, as well as spout shape and particle circulating flux, were compared for different slot configurations. Higher slot length-to-width ratios lead to slightly higher particle circulation rates. A previously proposed scale-up method involving multiple chambers was tested in the present work using multiple slots. Instability caused by the merging of multiple spouts and asymmetric flow was successfully prevented by suspending vertical partitions between the fountains. Some criteria and guidelines were also proposed for scale-up using multiple chambers.

Dynamical characteristics of reacting bluff body wakes

Emerson, Benjamin L. 20 September 2013 (has links)
Combustion instability plagues the combustion community in a wide range of applications. This un-solved problem is especially prevalent and expensive in aerospace propulsion and ground power generation. The challenges associated with understanding and predicting combustion instability lie in the flame response to the acoustic field. One of the more complicated flame response mechanisms is the velocity coupled flame response, where the flame responds dynamically to the acoustic velocity as well as the vortically induced velocity field excited by the acoustics. This vortically induced, or hydrodynamic, velocity field holds critical importance to the flame response but is computationally expensive to predict, often requiring high fidelity CFD computations. Furthermore, its behavior can be a strong function of the numerous flow parameters that change over the operability map of a combustor. This research focuses on a nominally two dimensional bluff body combustor, which has rich hydrodynamic stability behavior with a manageable number of stability parameters. The work focuses first on experimentally characterizing the dynamical flow and flame behavior. Next, the research shifts focus toward hydrodynamic stability theory, using it to explain the physical phenomena observed in the experimental work. Additionally, the hydrodynamic stability work shows how the use of simple, model analysis can identify the important stability parameters and elucidate their governing physical roles. Finally, the research explores the forced response of the flow and flame while systematically varying the underlying hydrodynamic stability characteristics. In the case of longitudinal combustion instability of highly preheated bluff body combustors, it shows that conditions where an acoustic mode frequency equals the hydrodynamic global mode frequency are not especially dangerous from a combustion instability standpoint, and may actually have a reduced heat release response. This demonstrates the very non-intuitive role that the natural hydrodynamic flow stability plays in the forced heat release response of the flame. For the fluid mechanics community, this work contributes to the detailed understanding of both unforced and forced bluff body combustor dynamics, and shows how each is influenced by the underlying hydrodynamics. In particular, it emphasizes the role of the density-shear layer offset, and shows how its extreme sensitivity leads to complicated flow dynamics. For the flow-combustor community as a whole, the work reviews a pre-existing method to obtain the important flow stability parameters, and demonstrates a novel way to link those parameters to the governing flow physics. For the combustion instability community, this thesis emphasizes the importance of the hydrodynamic stability characteristics of the flow, and concludes by offering a paradigm for consideration of the hydrodynamics in a combustion instability problem.

The role of hydrodynamics in determining the habitat selection of juvenile unionid mussels

Glover, Sarah Kathryn 23 January 2013 (has links)
The factors influencing habitat selection by juveniles of species within the family Unionidae (i.e., unionids), between post-larval detachment from a fish host and burrowing into the substratum, are largely unknown. Bed shear stress (τw) has been proposed as a critical factor. A laboratory wall jet apparatus generated τw to assess the response of juvenile Epioblasma triquetra, Villosa iris, Lampsilis fasciola, and Ligumia nasuta. The relationships between juvenile unionids, τw, and chemical and physical parameters were also examined in the field. There was a significant relationship between unionid resuspension and τw in the laboratory (resuspension when τw > 0.26 Pa), and adhesion behaviour required greater critical τw. Near-bed velocity and D50 grain size predicted sphaeriid clam density (a proxy for juvenile unionids) in the field. Laboratory experiments confirmed predictions that juvenile unionids cannot establish beyond a critical τw, demonstrating the importance of hydrodynamics in dispersal and for developing unionid conservation measures. / NSERC and Species At Risk Research Fund Ontario (MNR) to J.D.A.

Šventosios uosto rekonstrukcijos galimybės hidrodinaminiu požiūriu / Reconstruction possibilities of the port of Šventoji from the hydrodynamic point of view

Liaučys, Dalius 30 May 2012 (has links)
Tiriamojo darbo objektas: Šventosios uostas ir Baltijos priekrantė. Tiriamojo darbo tikslas: susipažinti su Šventosios uosto rekonstrukcijos galimybių studijomis bei poveikio aplinkai ataskaita, išanalizuoti numatomas uosto rekonstrukcijos alternatyvas ir ištirti papildomą uosto rekonstrukcijos alternatyvą (pakeisti įplaukos kanalo kryptį) hidrodinaminiu ir nešmenų pernašos aspektais. Tiriamojo darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti literatūros apžvalgą apie jūrų uostus Lietuvoje ir jų poveikį aplinkai. 2. Susipažinti su Šventosios uosto rekonstrukcijos poveikio aplinkai vertinimo (PAV) ataskaita. 3. Įsisavinti skaitmeninio modeliavimo sistemos MIKE 21 bangų (NSW), hidrodinaminį (HD) ir nešmenų pernašos (ST) modelius. 4. Sudaryti papildomą uosto rekonstrukcijos alternatyvą ir nustatyti jos poveikį hidrodinaminiams ir nešmenų pernašos procesams Baltijos priekrantėje. 5. Palyginti papildomos uosto rekonstrukcijos alternatyvos ir PAV ištirtų alternatyvų poveikį hidrodinaminiams ir nešmenų pernašos procesams Baltijos priekrantėje. Tiriamojo darbo metodika: literatūros apžvalgos skyrius rašomas referatyviai, analizuojant mokslinius šaltinius, didžiausią dėmesį atkreipiant į Šventosios uosto raidą ir poveikį aplinkai. Atliekamas rekonstrukcijos alternatyvų modeliavimas MIKE 21 skaitmeninio modeliavimo programa. Atliekamas modeliavimo rezultatų palyginimas. Tiriamojo darbo rezultatai: 1. Literatūros analizėje apžvelgta bendra Lietuvos uostų būklė, Šventosios uosto istorinė raida... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research: Port of Šventoji and Baltic Sea coast. Aim of the research: Become acquainted with Port of Šventoji reconstruction feasibility studies and environmental impact report, to analyze the expected port reconstruction alternatives and investigate additional port reconstruction alternative with a change of port entrance to south-west direction, also alternatives are evaluated on the hydrodynamic and sediment transport processes in the Baltic coast region. Objectives of the research: 1. Perform literature review of the ports in Lithuania and their impact on the environment. 2. Become acquainted with environmental impact report and port of Šventoji reconstruction possibilities. 3. To become familiar with digital modeling tool MIKE 21 wave (NSW), hydrodynamic (HD) and sediment transportation (ST) models. 4. To create additional reconstruction alternative of the port and determine its impact on the Baltic coast region and hydrodynamic processes. 5. To compare hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling results of additional alternative and alternatives of the EIA, Research methods: Literature review section is written essay style, followed by analysis of scientific sources, focusing on the Šventoji port development and environmental impact. Reconstruction alternatives modeling is performed by using digital modeling tool MIKE 21. Comparison of simulation results is performed. Research results: 1. In the literature analysis, general condition of... [to full text]

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