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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts morphologiques des aménagements hydroélectriques à l'échelle du bassin versant / Morphological impacts of hydropower and hydraulic structures in river

Alcayaga, Hernan 26 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail s'intéresse aux altérations des systèmes fluviaux et à leur modélisation à une échelle de temps intermédiaire, de l'ordre de quelques décennies, et à l'échelle spatiale de bassins versants étendus et complexes. Une revue de la littérature montre que cette question reste principale chez les géomorphologues. Elle permet de dégager les constantes des différents modèles conceptuels qui ont été développés et en particulier i) la dépendance aux conditions hydrologiques et aux conditions d'alimentation solide, ii) la réaction du système pour s'adapter en cas d'altération de ces conditions, et iii) la propagation de ces perturbations avec une atténuation progressive vers l'aval du bassin versant. Nous avons choisi d'étudier plus particulièrement les perturbations introduites par les aménagements hydroélectriques à l'échelle du bassin versant en développant un modèle conceptuel, basée sur une description volontairement limitée des altérations hydrologiques et d'alimentation solide, et sur la connaissance experte pour la prédiction de l'évolution de la morphologie des rivières alluviales. L'objectif est la détermination des trajectoires d'évolution de variables représentatives de la morphologie de la rivière qui les font évoluer d'un état d'équilibre dynamique à un autre. Nous avons testé ce modèle sur une représentation du bassin versant de l'Isère à l'amont de Grenoble (5818 km2) en intégrant une description du schéma complexe d'aménagements hydroélectriques construits dans la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle. La modélisation donne des résultats cohérents avec les observations du système mais qui sont limitées par les hypothèses fortes d'un équilibre initial du système fluvial et de l'unicité de l'origine des perturbations. En dernière partie, nous ébauché le développement d'un modèle numérique simplifié destiné à prendre en compte la période de transition entre les états d'équilibre dynamique. Ce modèle permet d'évaluer la durée de la période transitoire d'un tronçon de rivière et de valider l'utilisation du concept de débit morphogène qui est fait dans le modèle conceptuel des équilibres dynamiques. Ce modèle permet de simuler la superposition d'altérations mais, dans l'état actuel, il ne permet pas de modéliser la cinétique de la propagation des altérations amont vers l'aval du bassin versant. Mots-clés : morphologie fluviale, bassin versant, régime hydrologique, apports sédimentaires, aménagements hydroélectriques, trajectoires de ajustements, cinétique de évolution du lit. / Abstract This work focuses on the geomorphological dynamics of a river system and the modelling of these changes over a medium time scale (the order of a few decades) and a large watersheds spatial scale (the order of 5000 km2). A literature review shows that this subject is one of the main issues in fluvial geomorphology today. It reveals the constants of different conceptual models that have been developed and in particular i) the dependence of geomorphological dynamics on hydrological flow regime and sediment supply conditions, ii) the ability of the system to adapt, in case of alteration in hydrological flow regime and sediment supply, and iii) the spread of these disturbances with the gradual attenuation of the effect of alteration downstream. In particular, we chose to study the effect of disturbances introduced by hydroelectric structures on the river morphology at the watershed scale by developing a conceptual river morphology model. The model outline was based on a, deliberately limited, description of hydrological regime and -sediment supply alterations, and on expert knowledge to predict the morphological evolution in alluvial rivers. The objective of this work was to determine the direction of evolution trajectories of the river morphology, trough representative variables that evolve from one dynamic equilibrium state to another. We tested the model on a representation of the Isère watershed, upstream of Grenoble, France (5818 km2), incorporating a description of the complex pattern of hydropower structures, built during the second half of the XXth century. The modelled changes in river morphology give results that are consistent with the observations. However, the model is limited by two strong assumptions: i) the initial equilibrium of the system and ii) the synchronisation of the disturbances. In the final section, we described the development of a simplified numerical model which aims to take into account the transient period between the dynamic equilibrium states. This model is used to evaluate the duration of the relaxation period for a river reach and validate the use of the channel-forming discharge concept that was used in the conceptual model. The model simulates the overlay of the disturbances, but in the current state it is not capable of modelling the kinetic propagation of the disturbances downstream into the watershed. fluvial morphology, watershed, hydrological flow regime, sediment supply, hydropower structures

Climate enhanced concrete in the civil engineering industry

Hofgård, Daniel, Sundkvist, John January 2020 (has links)
In 2017, the Swedish Parliament stated a new climate law with the goal that Sweden should be climate neutral by 2045. The concrete industry has developed a roadmap on how the goal for 2045 can be achieved, where one way to reduce the carbon emissions from concrete is by replacing a part of the cement clinker with alternative binders in the concrete mix. Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), fly ash, silica fume and trass are alternative binders that are possible to use in concrete mixes to reduce the amount of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). GGBS, fly ash and silica fume are by-products from other industries, while trass is volcanic ash that can be extracted. Besides the positive environmental impact that comes from using alternative binders and reducing the amount of cement clinker, the alternative binders have other properties, both positive and negative, that affect the concrete. The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether concrete with alternative binders does fulfill the regulations set by Swedish standards and how concrete with alternative binders does affect the material parameters. The concrete mixes were divided into three different types of concrete: concrete for bridges (w/c ratio 0.4), hydropower structures (w/c ratio 0.45) and wind powerplant foundations (w/c ratio 0.55). A total of seven concrete mixes were cast in a laboratory and the concrete mixes were investigated in the three hardening stages of concrete: fresh, young and hardened. The analyzed material parameters were compressive strength, shrinkage, frost resistance, workability, air voids and temperature development. Beyond the experimental testing, a global warming potential (GWP) comparison was made to compare the reduction of GWP for each concrete mix compared to a reference concrete for each usage area. The mix containing a CEM II/A-V fly ash cement and 15% GGBS showed great potential regarding the different material parameters. This mix, however, is according to Swedish standards not possible to certify for structures in exposure class XF4, such as bridges, but is possible to certify for structures in exposure class XF3, such as wind powerplant foundations. The mix containing 30% GGBS and 5% silica fume also showed beneficiary properties, but superplasticizers are required in this mix to ensure good workability. For hydropower structures, the mix containing 35% GGBS showed a great compressive strength but a high temperature development and low workability. The mix containing trass had a notably low temperature development, but with an increase in shrinkage and low workability. Moreover, all concrete mixes showed a frost resistance which, according to standard, is classified as “Very Good”. / Sveriges regering antog 2017 ett nytt klimatpolitiskt ramverk med målet att Sverige ska ha noll nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser år 2045. Betongindustrin har tagit fram en färdplan för hur betong kan bli klimatneutralt, där ett sätt att reducera klimatpåverkan från betong är att byta ut en del av cementklinkern mot alternativa bindemedel. Mald granulerad masugnsslagg (GGBS), flygaska, silikastoft och trass är alternativa bindemedel som är möjliga att använda i betongblandningar för att reducera mängden Portlandcement. GGBS, flygaska och silikastoft är restprodukter från andra industrier medan trass är en vulkanisk aska som kan utvinnas. Utöver den positiva miljöeffekten som erhålls när alternativa bindemedel ersätter cementklinker, så har de alternativa bindemedlen andra egenskaper, både positiva och negativa, som påverkar betongen. Målet med denna studie var att undersöka och jämföra om betongblandningar där en del av cementklinkern har ersatts med alternativa bindemedel når upp till de krav som ställs i nuvarande regelverk. Utöver det så undersöktes även hur betongblandningarnas materialparametrar påverkades av alternativa bindemedel. Betongblandningarna delades in i tre olika typer av betong: betong för broar (vct 0.4), vattenbyggnader (vct 0.45) och vindkraftverksfundament (vct 0.55), där totalt sju betongblandningar tillverkades i ett laboratorium. Betongblandningarna undersöktes i de tre olika faserna för hårdnande av betong, vilka är färsk, ung och hårdnad betong. De materialparametrar som analyserades var tryckhållfasthet, krympning, frostresistens, arbetbarhet, luftporhalt och temperaturutveckling. Förutom de experimentella testerna gjordes en jämförelse kring hur mycket koldioxid som kan reduceras för varje betongblandning, jämfört med en referensbetong för varje användningsområde. Betongblandningen med ett CEM II/A-V flygaska-cement och 15% GGBS visade stor potential med avseende på de olika materialparametrarna. Denna blandning är dock enligt svensk standard inte möjlig att certifiera för betongbyggnad i exponeringsklass XF4, exempelvis broar, men kan certifieras för betongbyggnad i exponeringsklass XF3, exempelvis fundament för vindkraftverk. Blandningen med 30% GGBS och 5% silikastoft visade även positiva egenskaper, men flyttillsatsmedel måste användas i denna blandning för att erhålla en god arbetbarhet. För vattenbyggnadsbetong så visade blandningen med 35% GGBS en hög tryckhållfasthet, men samtidigt en hög temperaturutveckling och en låg arbetbarhet. Blandningen med trass hade en noterbart låg temperaturutveckling, men med ökad krympning samt låg arbetbarhet. Avslutningsvis så uppvisade alla blandningar en frostresistens som enligt standard klassificeras som ”Mycket bra”.

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