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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiscale modeling of the hygro-mechanical response of paper sheets

Samantray, Priyam 16 May 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Paper sheets reveal pronounced changes in shape and dimensions upon exposure to variations in moisture, which comprises digital printing operations. These are observed in the form of curls, waviness and buckling at the sheet-scale of paper. In digital printing, this undesired behavior is due to the fact that the moisture is rapidly absorbed in paper and thereafter evaporated within a short period of time. These dimensional changes originate from the single fibre level, which affects the fibre network through the inter-fibre bonds (regions where the fibres overlap). At these bonds, an interaction of the hygroscopic and mechanical response of the fibres occurs, entailing micro-stresses and associated sheet-scale deformations. In order to understand this macro-scale behavior of paper, it is essential to study the complex fibrous network at the micro-scale.In Chapter 2, a level-set based XFEM approach is used to model the hygro-elastic response of complex fibrous networks in a two dimensional framework. The fibres are assumed to be completely bonded in the inter-fibre bonds. The fibre edges are described by the zero level-set of a higher dimensional function. The level-set method coupled with X-FEM captures the geometrical description of the fibres adequately with a lower system size, since the discretization is decoupled from the geometry. Therefore, LS-XFEM formalism is shown to be successful in modeling the hygo-mechanical response of complex networks of fibres. During the manufacturing process of paper, when the pulp is dried under restraint, internal stresses/strains are developed as explained by the fibre segment activation mechanism. Upon exposure to a moisture cycle (e.g. during printing), these strains are released at the fibre level which induces permanent deformations at the macro-scale accompanied by dimensional instabilities. To capture such phenomena, a rate-independent kinematic hardening plasticity model is developed for the individual fibres in Chapter 3. The results obtained from the numerical network simulations using this model illustrate the influence of microstructural properties of the network (e.g. the fraction of free-standing fibres versus bonded fibres) on the macroscopic irreversible strains. In addition to printing, the moisture infiltration in paper occurs also via the environment. Under sustained loading over a period of time, creep takes place in paper networks. These macroscopic deformations observable in paper networks over time are of great interest due to the lack of a suitable model that explains this behavior. Furthermore, this intrinsic time-dependence is of significant importance for the service conditions of paper packaging products. In order to understand the effects of time scales on the dimensional alterations in paper, a rate-dependent plasticity model based on a power law is adopted in Chapter 4. The model parameters are identified from experimental results performed on single paper fibres (citet*{Jentzen} and citet*{Sedlachek}). Thereafter, network simulations are performed, which demonstrate the time dependence at the sheet level. In order to understand the role of the degree of bonding between the fibres in bonded regions on the sheet-scale response of the network, the assumption in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of a full kinematic constraint between fibres at the bonds is partially relaxed in Chapter 5. In the relaxed bond model, the fibres in bonds can have independent displacements, whereby the displacement difference is governed by interfacial stiffness. This is modeled numerically by embedded interfacial elements that connect the fibres in the bonded regions of network. The computational results reveal the influence of the kinematic constraints in the bonds at the sheet-level behavior of the network in addition to the anisotropic response of the network. With the research undertaken in this thesis, it has been made possible to capture the complex geometry of paper networks adequately, enabling the prediction of their hygro-expansive response. A clear understanding has been achieved on the role of various network parameters in determining the hygro-mechanical behavior of paper. The developed numerical models allowed to gain insight into the hygro-mechanical response of paper fibres and can be further developed to model macro-level properties of paper. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Caractérisation du comportement hygro-mécanique des fibres liberiennes élémentaires issues du chanvre / Characterization of hygro - mechanical behavior of elementary bast fibers from hemp

Cisse, Ousseynou 17 July 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse, s'inscrit dans un accord co-tutelle entre l’École Polytechnique de Thiès du Sénégal, et de l'Université de Franche-Comté. Il a été réalisé au Département de Mécanique Appliquée de l'institut FEMO-ST à Besançon (France). [...]L'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la caractérisation du comportement thermo-hygro-mécaniques des fibres libériennes élémentaires issues du chanvre. Les fibres élémentaires testées dans ce travail ont des diamètres extérieurs moyens d'environ 20µm et des longueurs utiles de l'ordre de 10mm. Des essais couplant des chargements mécaniques, hygroscopiques et thermiques sont réalisés afin d'apporter des éléments de compréhension sur le comportement des fibres et de collecter une base de données sur leurs performances mécaniques.Trois types de comportement sont identifiés sur les fibres en traction quasi statique en fluage pour les différents niveaux hygro-thermique testés. Une rigidification de la fibre est révélée sous chargements cycliques progressifs dans des conditions environnementales constantes. Une chute du module d' Young initial de la fibre est remarquée quand l'humidité relative augmente. Une accélération de la vitesse de déformation différée de la fibre est obtenue en fluage lorsque des cycles d'humidité relative sont appliqués. Une baisse des propriétés mécaniques des fibres sous l'effet de la température est également observée. Elle dépend directement du niveau de la durée de l'exposition à la température. / The thesis work joins in the framework in joint supervision between the Polytechnic school in Thies (Sénégal) and the University of Franche-Comté (France)[...]The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the characterization of thermo-hygro-mechanical behaviour of elementary hemp fibres. These fibres used in this work have an average diameter approximately 20µm and useful length of only 10 mm. The méchanical, hygroscopic and thermal coupling testing are realized to provide some understanding of the behaviour of the hemp fibres and to collect details from a database on their mechanical performance.From the uniaxial quasi static tensile tests and creep tests, three categories of behaviours are measured and observed. How ever subject to constant environmental conditions, a fibre hardening is observed under cyclic tensile loading. It was also found that a drop of the initial Young 's modulus of the hemp fibres when the relative humidity gradually increases. Thus, the strain rates measured on the fibres during creep exhibited a speeding up relative humidity cycles are imposed . We found also that the mechanical properties of the fibres decrease under temperature effects. It depends directly on the level and exposure time to temperature

Hygromécanique du matériau bois appliquée à la conservation du patrimoine culturel : étude sur la courbure des panneaux peints / Hygromechanical behavior of wood in cultural heritage : about the panel paintings curvature

Colmars, Julien 18 April 2011 (has links)
Avant la généralisation des toiles vers le XVI-XVII ème siècle, le bois a servi de support à d’innombrables peintures qui constituent aujourd’hui une part importante, dans les musées et les églises notamment, de notre patrimoine culturel. Après plusieurs siècles d’existence, les planches servant de support aux panneaux peints sont très souvent courbées : cette courbure est généralement imputée à la présence unilatérale de la couche picturale,imposant des échanges asymétriques d’humidité entre le bois, matériau hygroscopique, et son environnement de conservation. Par ailleurs il existe dans ces déformations une forte contribution de l’orthotropie cylindrique du bois qui est une conséquence de la croissance des arbres. Enfin, l’historique des variations hygrométriques à proximité d’un panneau peint renvoie à l’étude plus générale du comportement thermo-hygro-mécanique différé du bois.Une compréhension d’ensemble de ces phénomènes doit permettre d’orienter des décisions difficiles de conservation, notamment celles relatives au déplacement des œuvres ou à la maîtrise des environnements dans les musées. Nous proposons dans ce travail une approche générale de mécanique du matériau et des structures bois appliquée aux panneaux peints. La méthode utilisée intègre des moyens expérimentaux en laboratoire et sur des œuvres in-situ, des méthodes numériques, et l’accent est mis sur le lien fort existant entre les aspects « comportement » propres au bois (anisotropie, couplages hygromécaniques, etc.) et les aspects de structure relatifs aux panneaux peints (débit des planches, efforts extérieurs dus à leur assemblage, etc.). Un outil de calcul basé sur la modélisation mécanique des plaques orthotropes est développé. Il prend appui sur un code préexistant de transfert de masse et de chaleur décrivant les mouvements d’eau dans le support. Ce code de calcul complet est utilisé notamment sur un cas d’étude : un panneau peint de 500 ans environ, en situation d’exposition dans une église. / Until canvas became the most popular support medium in the 16th century, wood was used in numerous paintings which represent today a significant part of our cultural heritage,particularly in museums and churches. A few centuries later, wooden panel paintings exhibit cupping deformations: this cupping is generally interpreted as the consequence of asymmetrical moisture exchanges through panel thickness due to the painted layer. It is also known that wood growth rings and orthotropic orientation are possible causes ofdeformations due to drying. History of the climatic variations near the panel raises thecomplex question of time-dependant (thermo-hygro-mechanical) behavior of wood. Betterunderstanding of such behavior could help wood scientists and curators in taking decisions relating to panel transport or museum climate regulations. We suggest a general mechanical approach of this problem, dealing with both material (wood) and structure (panel) point ofview. The method includes experimental, theoretical and numerical aspects. Particular attention is put on interaction between wood material (anisotropy, hygromechanicalcouplings) and the structural level (sawing pattern of panel, joints between planks). Anumerical calculation tool is developed, based on orthotropic plate theory and existing heatand mass transfer formulation: numerical simulations are performed to discuss theconservation of a 500 years old wooden panel located in a French church.

Comportement hygroscopique et couplage hygromécanique dans les composites lin / époxy : approche expérimentale multi-échelle et modélisation / Hygroscopic behaviour and hygromechanical coupling in flax / epoxy composites : multi-scale experimental approach and modelling

Abida, Marwa 21 December 2018 (has links)
Les renforts à base de fibres de lin sont aujourd’hui une alternative capable de concurrencer les fibres synthétiques conventionnelles puisqu’ils sont écologiques, économiques et présentent des propriétés mécaniques intéressantes. Cependant, leur inconvénient majeur est leur absorption d’eau potentiellement importante qui affecte leurs propriétés mécaniques. Ce projet de recherche propose d’étudier le comportement hygroscopique et le couplage hygro-mécanique dans les composites lin / époxy. Cette étude repose sur une approche expérimentale multi-échelle et une modélisation du comportement visco-élasto-plastique avec prise en compte du couplage hygro-mécanique des composites renforcés par des fibres de lin. Les cinétiques de diffusion dans l’époxy et dans le composite ont été modélisées par une loi de type Langmuir et Fick respectivement. Les coefficients d’hygro-expansion des composites et des fils élémentaires qui constituent le renfort tissu ont été déterminés expérimentalement. Une étude de l’influence du conditionnement jusqu’à saturation à différentes humidités relatives sur le comportement mécanique dans les trois directions du stratifié a également été menée. Cette étude a montré l’existence d’une teneur en eau optimale pour laquelle les propriétés mécaniques sont optimales. L’émergence d’un comportement à deux régions linéaires a été mise en évidence et attribuée à la présence d’hétérogénéités locales au sein du renfort tissu. Des essais de fluage / recouvrance et de relaxation / effacement ont permis de mettre en place un modèle visco-élasto-plastique avec prise en compte du couplage hygro-mécanique. Ce modèle offre de bonnes capacités de prédiction et permettra de prévoir le comportement des structures composites renforcés par des fibres de lin en atmosphère humide. / Flax fibre reinforcements are nowadays an alternative able to compete with conventional synthetic fibres since they are ecological, economic and have interesting mechanical properties. However, their major drawback is their potentially significant water absorption which affects their mechanical properties. This research project proposes to study the hygroscopic behaviour and hygro-mechanical coupling in flax / epoxy composites. This study is based on a multi-scale experimental approach. A modelling of visco-elasto-plastic behaviour taking into account the hygro-mechanical coupling within flax /epoxy composites is established. The diffusion kinetics in composites were modelled by a Fick law. However, the diffusion kinetics in epoxy were modelled by a Langmuir law. The hygro-expansion coefficients of the composites and the elementary yarns that constitute the fabric reinforcement were determined experimentally. A study of the influence of conditioning until saturation at different relative humidities on the mechanical behaviour in the three main directions of the laminates was conducted. This study showed the existence of an optimal water content for which the mechanical properties are maximum. The emergence of a two-linear-region behaviour was pointed out and attributed to the presence of local heterogeneities within the fabric reinforcement. Creep / recovery and stress relaxation tests were exploited in order to develop a visco-elastoplastic model with consideration of the hygro-mechanical coupling. This model offers good predictive capabilities and could be used to predict the behaviour of flax fibres reinforced composite structures in humid atmospheres.

Etude expérimentale et modélisation multi-échelles du comportement hygro-mécanique des matériaux de construction : cas du bois / Experimental study and multi-scale modeling of the hygro-mechanical behavior of porous building materials

El Hachem, Chady 27 November 2017 (has links)
L’habitat sain est le thème central des réflexions contemporaines du domaine du bâtiment élargies à l’environnement. Il comporte des préoccupations notables en matière de santé, de consommation énergétique (la ventilation, le chauffage, la climatisation et l’eau chaude), d’impacts environnementaux et de durabilité des matériaux de construction. Le choix préliminaire des matériaux utilisés pour la construction joue un rôle important dans la réussite d’un projet HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale). Dans ce contexte, la problématique de prévision des champs de température et d’humidité demeure essentielle à l’intérieur des matériaux poreux de construction, où les matériaux biosourcés font l'objet d'un fort intérêt vu leurs qualités environnementales. Les matériaux biosourcés, étant hygroscopiques, ont tendance à absorber ou à restituer l’humidité, ce qui génère respectivement un gonflement ou un retrait. A l’échelle microscopique, l’humidité prend place soit par l’absorption de l’eau liée par les fibres, soit par l’existence d’eau libre dans les pores. Cette complexité des phénomènes microscopiques dans les matériaux biosourcés mène à une forte interaction entre l’aspect mécanique et les aspects de transferts de masse et de chaleur. L’existence de ce couplage est susceptible de modifier sensiblement les performances thermiques du bâtiment, et même sa durabilité. L’objectif visé par ce travail de thèse est l’étude et l’analyse microscopique du comportement hygrique des matériaux poreux de construction. L’aspect mécanique couplé à l’aspect hygrique est abordé en prenant en considération les déformations locales de gonflement - retrait, et leur impact sur l’hystérésis de teneur en eau. La maîtrise de ce couplage est primordiale tant sur le plan de la prédiction de la qualité des ambiances habitables que sur l’évaluation de la durabilité de ces structures. Le projet de thèse consiste à travailler à la fois sur les aspects modélisation, caractérisation et mesure des transferts hygriques. La quantification de ces phénomènes est réalisée à travers des campagnes de mesures expérimentales basées sur des techniques d’imagerie 3D (micro-tomographie aux rayons X). Le recours à la diffraction aux rayons X (DRX), à la corrélation d’images volumique, ainsi qu’à la résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) permet d’avoir une meilleure compréhension des échanges entre la matrice solide et l’eau liée et/ou libre. Tous ces travaux ont mené à une meilleure caractérisation de la morphologie du bois d’épicéa à l’échelle microscopique, ainsi qu’à une meilleure estimation des diverses variations dimensionnelles (gonflement) à l’échelle des parois cellulaires et de leurs constituants chimiques. Les résultats numériques obtenus sur la structure réelle 3D du matériau ont été couplés aux mesures expérimentales à travers la corrélation d’images volumiques (micro-tomographie aux rayons X) afin d’identifier les propriétés intrinsèques des phénomènes et du matériau. Ces travaux de thèse constitueront une base scientifique permettant une meilleure modélisation du couplage mécanique avec les transferts de chaleur et de masse dans les matériaux biosourcés. / Healthy living is a main contemporary concern of the construction field, extended to the environment. It has significant concerns about health, energy consumption, environmental impact and sustainability of building materials. The preliminary selection of materials used for construction plays an important role in the success of high environmental quality projects. In this context, it remains essential to predict the temperature and humidity fields inside porous building materials, where bio-based materials are subject to a strong interest due to their environmental qualities.As bio-based materials are hygroscopic, they tend to absorb or restore moisture, which respectively generates swelling or shrinkage. At the microscopic scale, moisture takes place either by absorption of bound water by the fibers, or by the existence of free water in the pores. The complexity of microscopic phenomena in bio-based materials will lead to strong interactions between the mechanical aspect on one side and heat and mass transfers’ aspects on the other side. The existence of this coupling may significantly alter the building's thermal performance, as well as its durability.The objective of this thesis work is to study the microscopic hygric behavior of porous building materials. The mechanical aspect coupled to the hygric one is studied, taking into consideration the local swelling and shrinkage strains, and their impact on the hysteresis phenomenon. Understanding this coupling is very important in order to improve the quality of habitat and evaluate the durability of these structures.The PhD project consists on working on all aspects, modeling, characterization and measurement of hygric transfers. Quantification of these phenomena is achieved through experimental campaigns based on 3D imaging techniques (X-ray micro-tomography). The use of X-ray diffraction (XRD), digital volume correlation, as well as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) allows a better understanding of the interactions between the solid matrix and bound and/or free water. The corresponding results have led to a microscopic morphological characterization of spruce wood, as well as to a better estimation of the various dimensional variations of the cell walls, and their chemical components.The numerical results achieved on the real 3D structure of the material have been coupled to the experimental ones, using digital volume correlation technique (X-ray tomography), in order to identify the intrinsic properties of the material.These thesis works provide a scientific basis allowing the improvement of modeling of the mechanical coupling with heat and mass transfers in bio-based materials.

Thermo-hygro-mechanically coupled modelling of wood including two-phase moisture diffusion for transient simulation of wooden structures at mechanical and climatic loads

Stöcklein, Josef, Kaliske, Michael 08 April 2024 (has links)
A model to predict the thermo-hygro-mechanical behaviour of wood is introduced. The description of the transport processes of moisture and heat are combined with a model for the mechanical response. Moisture transport is represented by a two-phase multi-FICKian approach, considering bound water and water vapour. For the mechanical response, a moisture- and temperature-dependent, orthotropic, elastic material formulation is used. The theoretical basis of the model and the numerical implementation of the monolithic solution into a Finite Element framework are discussed as well as its verification and validation. With this model at hand, arbitrary wooden structures can be simulated in a transient manner subjected to climatic and mechanical loads. In the contribution, the approach is applied to the analysis of a panel painting by L. CRANACH the Elder.

Multi-physical modeling and numerical simulation of the thermo-hygro-mechanical treatment of wood

Fleischhauer, Robert, Kaliske, Michael 22 March 2024 (has links)
The contribution at hand introduces computational modeling and realistic simulation concepts for a comprehensive description of the manufacturing and application of densified wood and wooden structures made from molded densified wood.Wood, as a natural material, is characterized by e.g. a very good mechanical load-bearing capacity related to its density. Nevertheless, the ratio between its mechanical properties and its density can be optimized by densification technology for an expanded use of wood in structural engineering. The wood densification process is not only a mechanical process with large and irreversible deformations, it is also denoted by temperature- and moisture-dependent treatments of the wooden specimens. Thus, the introduced approaches to predict the material and structural characteristics of compressed and molded wood consist of an inelastic and multi-physical constitutive modeling of wood at finite deformations as well as the computation of effective structural properties of wood after the thermo-hygro-mechanical densification process. A successful implementation of the modeling concepts into the finite element method (FEM) is presented, which is verified by numerical investigations. A validation of the numerical results is carried out by use of experimental data at beech wood (Fagus Sylvatica, L.), taken from literature.

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