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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從電子零組件產銷探討IC產業發展 / Explore IC industry development through the Production-Marketing of Electronic Parts and Components

葉自強 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球經濟逐漸復甦及國際原油價格逐漸下滑的條件下,全球各地區消費力也開始活絡,當消費市場再一次的被開啟的同時,3C產品將會再一次的席捲全球,而且將成為現代人必備的生活用品之一。尤其近年來,伴隨著雲端科技的進步及物聯網的普及,讓生活變的更便利。然而,在科技日新月異的時代環境變遷下,逐漸開啟的不只是民眾生活的便利而已,開啟的還有相關產業的永續發展,而IC產業便其中之一。 因此,為能深入的瞭解IC產業的發展,本研究考慮透過國內電子零組件的生產與銷售的現況與趨勢,據以判斷IC產業的未來發展的參考。另一方面,本研究同時也藉由電子零組件的生產量、生產值、銷售量、銷售值、存貨量、存貨值等資料,進行分析,其中電子零組件的產業類別區分積體電路、分離式元件、半導體封裝與測試等,並且茲將研究發現整理如下: 一、 積體電路之MOS DRAM與IC製造(不含MOS DRAM)的產銷量出現相互消長的現象; 二、 12吋及以上之晶圓代工是未來IC產業的主軸; 三、 積體電路的產銷值占電子零組件總產銷值之冠; 四、 電子零組件銷售值之長期預測為成長的趨勢。


陳清宏, Chen, Ching-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的IC設計產業,近幾年來的發展十分蓬勃,總產值排名全球第二,僅次於北美,全球市場佔有率約22%左右;截至2005年底,台灣IC設計業者總數已達268 家,其中有8家業者擠進全球前30大IC設計公司排行榜。 除了一些規模屬中、大型的IC設計業者有機會站上國際舞臺,且生命力相對穩定,其他小型台灣IC設計業者若無創新技術以及經營策略做為武器,很難在競爭激烈的市場中存活。 本研究嘗試分析台灣IC設計業的現況,找出其全球競爭的優勢,並以一台灣小型IC設計公司的創業實例,結合吳思華教授的策略三構面以及Scott A. Shane科技創業聖經的分析,試圖找出小型IC設計公司的成功之道,供其他新創IC設計公司做決策時的參考。 本研究旨在回答下列三個問題: 一、 探討台灣新創小型IC設計公司如何選擇公司創立時的產品方向。 二、 台灣新創小型IC設計公司因各項資源短缺,如何選擇適合的營運模式。 三、 小型IC設計公司沒有市場知名度,如何做上下游的合縱連橫,才能成功銷售產品。 本研究得到下列結論: 一、 組成有較高技術能力的研發團隊,找出有技術門檻的產品,可擺脫與其他小型IC設計公司直接競爭的可能性。另外,應找出市場規模不大但穩定成長的產品,因為這種市場的需求量不符合大公司的經濟規模,大型IC設計公司比較不想進入相同的市場。而且因為市場規模不大,產品單價較高,毛利率可相對提高。雖然市場需求量不是非常大,但是小公司的營業費用較低,若產品的毛利率高,且市場穩定成長,公司獲利的機會就高。 二、 小型IC設計公司的資金以及人員不足,無法自行完成所有前後段IC設計,需要外包後段IC設計以及生產安排;而且如果增加後段IC設計的人員,會造成整個公司的營業費用變高,若市場規模不大,獲利的機會將會降低。 因此,小型IC設計公司應利用台灣IC產業完整的供應鏈supply chain做互補性資產,慎選供應商以快速切入市場。 三、 小型IC設計公司應利用台灣製造業王國主導關鍵零組件選擇權的優勢,並利用Local Support達成Time to market的優勢,與大企業合作共同尋找潛在產品,並以利潤分享模式,確定顧客願意使用以及推廣,保障基本營收,借力使力克服其他客戶對小型公司的疑慮,進而開拓市場知名度,增加長期競爭力。 / The development of IC design industry has been prosperous for the recent years in Taiwan. The total production value ranks the second in the worldwide, and the entire production value takes up 22% share among the worldwide market, only being inferior to that in North America. The number of IC design companies has been increasing to 268 ones in Taiwan, up to the end of the year 2005; eight of which even squeezed into the worldwide top 30 companies at the ranking chart. It is only the medium and large companies that stand a fair chance to sparkle themselves on the international stage, and they fill with steady vitality as well. As for other small ones, it will be hard for them to survive in the keen competitive market if they are deficient of the innovative technology and managerial strategy as their weapons. The gist of this research focuses on analyzing the current situation of Taiwan IC design industry and exploring its superior advantage against the global competition. A real case is taken from a Taiwan small start up IC design company with which combined Dr. Wu’s “three aspects in strategy” in his “The nature of the Strategy” and “Finding Fertile Ground” by Scott A. Shane. It is the purpose to try to find out a road leading the small start up IC design companies to achieve success and to hope that can be a strategic reference for the new start up IC design companies. The object of this research is to answer the questions listed below: 1. Discussing how a small start up IC design company sets his direction in defining their product during the initial period. 2. How can a small start up IC design company choose a proper business model under the limited company resources. 3. Being lack of the market prestige of a small start up IC design company, how to jointly and coordinately cooperate with his strategic customer to have their products enjoy a steady and successful sale? This research concluded the followings: 1. Composing R/D team with greater inventive ability and inventing some products with more difficult threshold in order to get rid of the directly competitive possibility with other small IC design companies. Moreover, they should find out the product without huge market demand while it owns stable growth rate. Since the demand at the market does not meet the economy scale of big companies; thus, the big companies would rather not get into the same market. And since the market demand is not big, the products selling price can be higher, the more gross profit they can get in this kind of small market. Although there is not a great demand for the product, the small companies can still get better profit from the lower business expense, and the small company can be profitable due to the steady growing market demand. 2. Small start up IC design companies might be lack of sufficient capital and employees, so they can not complete both the front end and the back end IC design process alone. Thus outsourcing the back end IC design process and production arrangement are necessary. Otherwise, the business expense will be too high if they increase the labor force of the back end engineering. The overall profit will get worse if the market demand is not big. So, small IC design company should make good use of the sufficient supply chain in Taiwan IC industry as a supplementary asset, and select the suppliers by higher criteria, then penetrate the market timely. 3. Taiwan electronic manufacturing industry has occupied a dominant position in key components, so the small IC design companies should take advantage of that, and use the strength of “local support” to achieve the advantage of “time to market”. Cooperate with big firms in order to find out the potential products. Small companies can take profit sharing business model to ensure the strategic customers have the willingness to use and promote their products. Then the other customers can spontaneously eliminate their concern toward a small start up company. In this way, the small start up company can assure to gain a basic income first; furthermore, they would enjoy a positive increasing market reputation and a stronger long term competitive capability.

產業聚集、技術網絡與組織創新-以2001~2009之IC上市公司為例~ / Industrial cluster, technological network and organization innovation: an Inqury into 2001~2009 listed IC company in Taiwan

黃崙洲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究目的在於瞭解台灣IC產業聚集以及透過聚集構成的技術合作、專利引用網絡對於創新能力的影響,並且試圖回答以下的研究問題:台灣IC產業的地區空間分佈呈現什麼樣的型態?是否呈現空間的聚集性?台灣IC產業的技術合作網絡呈現何種區域化特性?台灣IC產業的上、中、下游,技術合作與競爭網絡的模式有何差異?台灣IC產業的聚集特性、技術合作與技術競爭網絡的性質,對創新的影響為何? 透過分析IC上市公司於2001~2009年的組織特性、技術合作契約與專利引用資料,本論文得到以下主要研究結論:(一) 台灣的IC業除了高比例聚集在新竹科學園區之外,在技術合作、專利授權等正式契約合作關係中也會傾向與台灣北部、美國矽谷與東北的聚集對象合作。(二) 台灣IC產業在技術合作與專利引用方面均具備高度網絡聯結的性質,且明顯有中游IC製造廠商帶動上游IC設計商與下游IC封測商發展的特性。(三) 比起產業聚集,技術網絡更能解釋影響IC廠商創新能力的因素,與較多不同地區的對象合作、掌握關鍵專利的廠商,創新能力的投入(研發經費)、產出(核准專利)與強度(技術優勢)越強。

台灣IC產業專利發明人的合作網絡機制 / Innovation Mechanisms of the Patent-Based Inventor Networks in Taiwan IC Industry

官逸人, Guan, Yi Ren Unknown Date (has links)
IC(積體電路)產業是台灣過去三十多年來發展最完整、且在世界上最具有競爭力的創新型產業。研發與技術專利成長快速,也代表這個產業的技術創新成果。台灣IC 產業技術創新和專利的研究累積了一些成果,但較缺乏使用研發創新發明人網絡所做的分析。本研究使用IC 產業專利發明人網絡資料,從結構洞(structural holes)和地位訊號(status signal)這兩個過去西方半導體和生物科技等創新產業研究中,最能解釋創新行動者與網絡系統和創新表現理論機制的學術研究累積成果出發,並反省台灣特有IC 產業分工技術利基位置、流動型勞力市場,發展出專利發明人網絡對專利發明成果影響機制之模型。研究發現,分析結果支持發明人地位訊號、結構洞網絡理論機制有助於專利創新發明的假設。而比較特殊的例外是,上游的專利發明網絡,結構洞低的類型反而有比較好的專利創新。這是由於上游的IC設計產業技術特性,需仰賴同一團隊的人重複合作方能完成設計,所以大多與重疊的人合作,結構限制較高,因此呈現與結構洞理論不同的情況。此外,研究發現,流動並不一定帶來較佳的技術創新,台灣IC產業專利人才流動對於技術發展與創新的正面影響,較多是在上游的IC設計產業。 因此創新發明鑲嵌在台灣特有半導體的不同技術利基環境中,還必須考慮到不同產業位置的技術特性,與產業技術發展所在的階段,才能正確解釋台灣IC產業的創新發明機制。 / The IC (integrated circuit) industry has been the most complete, competitive and innovative industry in Taiwan over the past three decades. The rapid growth of patents in this field demonstrates the marvelous outcomes of technological innovations. A huge amount of patent-based research has been accumulated in this industry, but only a little is related to the inventor network. Structural holes and status signal are two competing perspectives in explaining the dynamic mechanisms between innovative actors and network systems of the most innovative industries, semiconductor and biotechnology, in advanced countries. We use these two theories and network data of patent-based inventors to discuss the specific niche of vertical disintegration and fluid labor market in Taiwan IC industry, and develop models on mechanisms of how inventors’ networks affect the outcome of inventors’ patents. The findings reveal that the hypothesis on the effects of status signals and structural holes in inventors’ collaboration networks on the citations of inventors’ patents was supported. However, the patent inventions of the upstream IC design firms, the collaborative invention teams seem to be small or high structural constraints. Most of the patents of these newly growing firms in IC design industry are specialized in consumption products. The structural constraints are high, but the impact of is large. Besides, inventors’ fluidity would not necessarily create more influential patents. The fluidity of patent-based inventors was positive impact to the patent inventions, more was found in the IC designs company. The IC industry has been vertically differentiated into three sectors: the IC designs, the IC foundry, the package and test. In principle, these three sectors demand different levels of technology. The maturity of technological niches will affect the impacts of the patents.

論TFT LCD 產業之專利挑戰與因應-以LCD Monitor Controllers 之專利爭訟為例

許雅芬, Hsu, Ya-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
自一九九九年投入大型TFT LCD之生產以來,台灣的TFT LCD產業急速成長為全球僅次於南韓的重要生產地。隨著產業聚落的形成,更引發零組件市場就地取材的驅勢。台灣控制IC廠商挾其研發經驗與半導體產業在產能上的支援下,甫一投入控制市場便造成主要大廠Genesis的嚴重威脅。為迫使台灣廠商安於已無利潤可言之低階產品市場,Genesis針對台灣之晶磊、晶捷、創品以及晨星等四家廠商提起一連串的專利訴訟行動,除於聯邦地院提出民事之侵權告訴,復於美國國際貿易委員會連續提出兩件侵權控訴。 臺灣被告廠商因連續訴訟而疲於奔命,除在業務上因此侵權疑慮而大幅滑落之外,亦有因支付龐大之律師費用而延誤研發投入時程,使其領先地位互易者。究其涉訟之主要原因有二,其一為對專利法制之認識不足,就專利屬地性之限制以及侵權救濟程序之發動要件之認識有所欠缺;其二則為專利部署情形欠佳,不論在數量以及所屬國上均不足以保障其研發成果於他國實施之正當性。 因在TFT LCD產業的下游產品中,美國仍為最重要的市場地,為使業者能避免再蹈覆轍,本文除就控制產業之競爭環境做基本說明外,即以美國之專利法制為主要介紹目標。內容包括專利之申請、維護以及救濟程序之因應策略。希望能有助於相關業者於專利規畫以及侵權爭議因應方式上之考量。

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