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RFM技術在積體電路交易行為上之應用 —以A公司為例 / The Application of the Trading Behavior of RFM on Integrated Circuit — Case Study on A Company李定翰, Li, Ting Han Unknown Date (has links)
所以,在如此競爭激烈的市場中,若未能及時開發市場及瞭解企業本身的優勢,將可能被市場所淘汰,故本研究透過個案公司的交易資料,且利用資料採礦之RFM技術(Recency, Frequency, Monetary, RFM),進行分析
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我國產業國際化策略之研究-以半導體IC業為例陳基旭, CHEN,JI-XU Unknown Date (has links)
躍進,又該用何種策略呢? 此為本文研究的方向,期能找出一些策略方案供企業界參
對產業的瞭解,乃經由次級資料的搜集、資料來源為Data quest、研究機構出版品及
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從電子零組件產銷探討IC產業發展 / Explore IC industry development through the Production-Marketing of Electronic Parts and Components葉自強 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 積體電路之MOS DRAM與IC製造(不含MOS DRAM)的產銷量出現相互消長的現象;
二、 12吋及以上之晶圓代工是未來IC產業的主軸;
三、 積體電路的產銷值占電子零組件總產銷值之冠;
四、 電子零組件銷售值之長期預測為成長的趨勢。
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sd,鄭天堯, Cheng, Tien Yao Unknown Date (has links)
經濟發展是我國生存重要基石,而撐起這基石的正是我國多年來所發展的電子產業,積體電路設計公司的成立讓我國電子產業由代工模式轉而產品設計與發展模式。基於全球化的商業環境,積體電路設計公司若要永續生存發展,除了從傳統組織內部努力外更需重視產業環境所帶來的影響。而半導體產業從1947年開始到現在近一世紀的歲月歷經三次主要變革,使得矽智財產業興起,而矽智財產業是對於我國的半導體產業而言是一項極為重要的轉機,所以我國成立「矽島計劃」而其中之一的計劃就是成立SIP MALL ,期望藉由SIP MALL 的成立來活絡矽智財交易以促進新的半導體產業商業價值,進而提升我國半導體的競爭力。然而我國積體電路設計產業習慣做”Me Too ”的產品,大部分的業界對於我國是否有矽智財公司的空間都是懷疑。當然SIP MALL 的成功與否和我國的矽智財產業存活並沒有關連。而現階段SIP MALL 之現況除了授權模式外,仍存在著技術整合、模擬驗證、資訊揭露及合約簽定等交易瓶頸待解決,但其存活機率是很大,這和我國兩大晶圓代工的策略有很大關連,而半導體產業演變到現在這態勢,兩大晶圓代工勢必成為IDM 式晶圓代工公司所以各自會去支持集團中的SIP MALL。而本文是探討我國矽智財產業如何經營才能存活,總體環境對我國矽智財技術交易平台產業,矽智財供應商的主要關鍵成功因
素包括「利基市場的選擇」、「技術研發能力」、「軟體系統的支援」以及「系統廠的支援」四項。我國的IDM 、積體電路設計、系統廠、、等應取得目前我國市佔有率高的系統
規格制定主導權, 以下游推動上游的創新設計,將系統廠Concept 透過系統單一晶片規格的方式,跟積體電路供應商合縱連橫發展系統單一晶片。而矽智財交易平台則必須在矽智財的認證、鑑價及智慧財產權的制度下設計良善的運作管理機制,以大陸廣大的內需市場為基礎,培養我國進入高障礙矽智財的領域。同時本文也提出在我國產業環境中以車用微控制器、顯示、省電、記憶體、、等矽智財是可以進入利基市場,並以SWOT 分析其優劣,這是本文對我國矽智財產業小小的貢獻。
關鍵字:SIP MALL (Silicon intellectual property MALL )、IDM (IC Design Manufacture )、矽智財(Silicon intellectual property )、系統單一晶片(System on chip )、
晶圓代工(Foundry )、SWOT(Strength、Weakness、Opportunity、Threat)、
積體電路(Integrated Circuit )、微控制器(Microcontroller ) / Abstract
Economic development is very important foundation for our country surviving, and that propped up this foundation is exactly the electronic industry that our country has developed for many years, The establishment of the IC DESIGN HOUSE lets the electronic industry of our country transfer from OEM way to design and developed way. On the basis of the globalized business environment , if the IC DESIGN HOUSE should continue survival and development forever, not only pay attention to the influence brought of industry's environment but also that organize the inside from the tradition hard . the semiconductor industry meets three main evolutions since 1947, rising the SIP (Silicon Intelligently property ) industry, and the SIP is an extremely important favorable turn as to semiconductor industry of our country, So that our government establishs the project which name is “Silicon Island Project”, one of this project’s plan establishs the SIP MALL, expect to activate the trade of the SIP in order to promote new semiconductor industry's commercial value with the establishment of SIP MALL, and then improve the competitiveness of the semiconductor of our country. But IC DESIGN HOUSE of our country is used to doing "Me Too" products, most companies in our country suspect that SIP industry can survives in our country. The succeeding or not succeeding of SIP MALL is not relation with the SIP industry survive in our country, In Current stage, the SIP MALL in our country depends not only on the licensing model but also on
technology integration, simulation & verification, the information disclosure, and contract
service.SIP MALL it survives probability is very high because the tactics of two major foundries in our country have very great connection, and this situation till now that the semiconductor industry develops, two major foundries certainly will become IDM Foundry and will support
one's own SIP MALL each. And this page discussion how SIP industry of probing into our country manage could survive , the overall environment, to SIP technological trade platform industry of our country, the choice including “niche market selection”,”core technology research and development ability” , “software company supporting” and four items of “the support of the system company”.The business value chains in our country such as IDM, IC DESIGN HOUSE and the system factory should take the lead in the specification of system standards in where R.O.C.’s industry has high market share, thus the SIP MALL may serve the purposes ofleveraging the system know how and successfully delivering the SOC products. To improve the SIP MALL operation, we also need to build up SIP identification, valuation and IPR management systems. In the meantime, it is also crucial to take advantage of emerging markets in China, as well as to create the territories of Star IP with killer applications. And this pager also indicate the car’s microcontroller, the showing device, saving the electricities , Menory device are niche market selection in our country’s SIP industry, and its is good and bad with SWOT analysis, It is this pager which is a little contribution to SIP’s industry of our country.
Key Words:SIP MALL (Silicon intellectual property MALL )、SOC (System on chip )、
SIP (Silicon intellectual property )、IDM (IC Design Manufacture )、Foundry 、 SWOT(Strength、Weakness、Opportunity、Threat) 、IC (Integrated Circuit ) 、Microcontroller
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類比IC產業上市櫃公司投資價值之研究卓統正, CHO, TUNG-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
目前為止,台灣共有二十幾家類比IC設計公司,本研究主要以民國九十四年十二月底以前上市、櫃之茂達、立錡、沛亨、安茂、富鼎先進、致新、崇貿、點晶、圓創等九家類比IC設計公司為樣本 依其八十九年至九十三年之財務報表做為預估個案公司未來成長率及獲利率的依據,利用現金流量折現法採銷售導向及盈餘導向等兩種模式,依最樂觀、最可能發生及最悲觀等三種情境,估算其實質價格區間,並與各股目前之實際股價相比較,以推論目前股價的合理性以及目前股價可能隱含的銷售成長率及盈餘成長率,另以敏感度分析將各個評價因子繪製成龍捲風圖,來觀察個別關鍵評價因子對股價的影響程度。
最後,根據本研究之實證結果,發現過去五年個股與大盤股價作分析,ϐ值均偏高,其可能原因: 1. 類比IC設計產業(相對於數位IC設計產業),為一新興產業,市場給予之本益比較高, 2. 進口替代效應之潛在業績成長題材,持續發酵。
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中國大型微電子企業的國際化策略-以華潤微電子集團為例 / Internationalization of China's Large Microelectronics Companies: An Empirical Study of China Resources Microelectronics Group林欣杰, Lin, Hsin Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
4.本研究對大陸大型微電子企業之國際化策略提出一套含A.確定目標、 B.選擇市場、C.選擇地點、D.選擇進入模式、E.檢視進入程序及F.跨國技術管理的流程。
本研究除針對大陸大型微電子企業給予建議外,也希望能藉由對大陸企業的了解,作為兩岸更多合作可能的基礎。而大陸政府對電子業的扶持,也可提供政府科技政策上的參考與借鏡。 / China is the best-performing emerging economy in recent years. Since the implementation of the reform and opening up in 1979, China had rapid economic development every year, almost in nearly double-digit growth rate. [The Rise of China] has brought up China fever in the world, and also brought up the wave of learning Chinese in western world. China's economic growth makes a huge change in Taiwan’s every industry. All are attracted by the mainland China's vast market and cheap labor. Booming electronics industry in mainland China in recent years, the development history of China microelectronics industry can be broadly divided into the following phases:
Phase I: 1956-1980: Developing model period
Phase II:1980-1995 : Establishing five major backbone enterprises with the "908 Project"
Phase III:1996-2000: Foreign investment intervention in China's semiconductor Industry
Phase IV:2000-2005: Promulgating the 18th of the text and the period of rapid
Phase V:After 20005: Stable growth
Many Taiwan's companies of electronics industry have moved factories to mainland China. Taiwan businessmen fought to enter the mainland. It has become an unmistakable trend. But in recent years, mainland enterprises begin to consider investing in Taiwan. It not only happens in real estate, but also in the electronics industry. Consequently, the commonly discussed subject [How to enter the mainland market?] has become gradually into the reverse thinking: [How can the mainland enterprises internationalize?] and it becomes one worth-exploring subject. The development of the electronics industry in recent years gradually moves towards vertical integration and capital-intensive competition. The enterprise which is able to use the integration of resources of the enterprises will be most likely able to win the competition. Therefore, the China Resources Microelectronics Group which belongs to the China Resource Group is chosen as the target of this work. The subjects of this work are:
1. Current status of the internationalization process and the problems encountered by a large mainland microelectronics companies (China Resources Microelectronics Group, for example).
2. Internationalization of the China’s large microelectronics companies (China Resources Microelectronics Group, for example).
The main conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. China Resources Microelectronics Group is externally affected by the international
economic situation, current market conditions and the impact of the domestic political situation.
2. China Resources Microelectronics Group is internally affected by the strengths of the parent group (China Resources Group) and technical capabilities.
3. In addition to conforming to the Government policy and the combination of the parent group, the internationalization of China Resources Microelectronics Group can at the same time solve the problems of access to technology and expanding the market.
4. This study submits one set of the internationalization to the China’s large microelectronics companies. It contains:
A. Identification of the target
B. Choice of Market
C. Choice of Location
D. Choice of Entry Mode
E. Review Entry Process
F. Global Technology Management
In this work, in addition to giving advice to the large mainland microelectronics companies, this work hopes to provide more possible basis for cooperation to mainland China and Taiwan by the understanding of the enterprises in China. And the mainland government's support of the electronics industry can also provide the reference and learn to the science and technology policy of our government.
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