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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Engine Characterization for Spring Design of Novel Automotive Starter

Lauden, Jonathan W. 23 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Engine modelling for virtual mapping. Development of a physics based cycle-by-cycle virtual engine that can be used for cyclic engine mapping applications, engine flow modelling, ECU calibration, real-time engine control or vehicle simulation studies.

Pezouvanis, Antonios January 2009 (has links)
After undergoing a study about current engine modelling and mapping approaches as well as the engine modelling requirements for different applications, a major problem found to be present is the extensive and time consuming mapping procedure that every engine has to go through so that all control parameters can be derived from experimental data. To improve this, a cycle-by-cycle modelling approach has been chosen to mathematically represent reciprocating engines starting by a complete dynamics crankshaft mechanism model which forms the base of the complete engine model. This system is modelled taking into account the possibility of a piston pin offset on the mechanism. The derived Valvetrain model is capable of representing a variable valve lift and phasing Valvetrain which can be used while modelling most modern engines. A butterfly type throttle area model is derived as well as its rate of change which is believed to be a key variable for transient engine control. In addition, an approximation throttle model is formulated aiming at real-time applications. Furthermore, the engine inertia is presented as a mathematical model able to be used for any engine. A spark ignition engine simulation (SIES) framework was developed in MATLAB SIMULINK to form the base of a complete high fidelity cycle-by-cycle simulation model with its major target to provide an environment for virtual engine mapping procedures. Some experimental measurements from an actual engine are still required to parameterise the model, which is the reason an engine mapping (EngMap) framework has been developed in LabVIEW, It is shown that all the moving engine components can be represented by a single cyclic variable which can be used for flow model development.


Joshua W Stiborek (18423714) 23 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This work presents the development and application of novel laser absorption spectroscopy sensors that were deployed to make high-rate (1-15 kHz) measurements of temperature, CO, NO, CO<sub>2</sub>, and air-fuel ratio in internal combustion engine (ICE) systems. These sensors provided measurements with unprecedented time resolution in ICE exhaust that allowed for individual cylinder firing events to be detected which will greatly improve understanding of ICE systems and allow for emissions reduction strategies to be tested. </p>

Modelling the effect of condensation and evaporation of water on the transient temperatures inside the exhaust system of an IC engine during a cold start

Haworth, Leanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die navorsing wat hier uiteengesit word ondersoek die hipotese dat kondensasie en die gevolglike verdamping van water wat teenwoordig is in die uitlaatgas van ‘n binnebrandenjin, plaasvind in die gedeeltes van die uitlaatstelsel tussen die uitlaatklep en die katalitiese-omsetter se uitlaat. Daar word verder veronderstel dat hierdie tweefasevloeieffekte die tydafhanklike temperatuurprofiele in die uitlaatstelsel beïnvloed, wat moontlik kan lei tot ‘n vertraging in die tydsduur vir die katalitiese omsetter om temperature van 200-300 °C te bereik, wat nodig is om noemenswaardige omsetting te bewerkstellig. Om hierdie veronderstelling te evalueer is ‘n tydafhanklike, eendimensionele wiskundige model van die termo-vloei gedrag in die uitlaatstelsel gedurende ‘n koue inwerktreeding, insluitende vogtigheidseffekte, opgestel en opgelos deur van ‘n rekenaaralgoritme gebruik te maak. Warmte- en massaoordragsteorie was gebruik om die ongestadigde massa-, energie- en momentumbehoudsvergeleikings te formuleer. Die tweefasige vogeffekte was gemodelleer deur gebruik te maak van die verhouding tussen warmte- en massaoordrag, wat verdamping en heterogeniese kondensasie (die kondensasie van damp teen die pypwand) voorspel as gevolg van die dampdrukgradient tussen die grootmaat damp en die versadigde damp by die oppervlak van die vloeistoffilm. Homogene kondensasie (die kondensasie van vloeistof in die vorm van druppels in die dampstroom) was ook in aanmerking geneem indien die grootmaatgas temperatuur onder die versadigingstemperatuur van die grootmaatdamp gedaal het. ’n Eksperimentele ondersoek was gedoen deur van twee enjins gebruik te maak, ’n 1.6 L Volkswagen Bora en ’n 1.6 L Ford RoCam, in die toetsselle van Cape Advanced Engineering Pty (Ltd). Om die gastemperature so akkuraat moontlik te meet, was spesiale radiasiegeskermde sensore met vinnige reaksietyd ontwerp en installer in die pypseksies van die uitlaatstelsels van beide enjins. Die geskermde sensore het temperature van tot 50 °C hoër as konvensionele termokoppels in dieselfde areas gemeet. Dit is in koers is met resultate wat deur die foutbeperkingsteorie, geassosieer met die meet van temperature in vloeïende gas in uitlaatstelsels, voorspel word. Vergelyking van die numeriese simulasie met die eksperimenteel gemete temperature het aangedui dat in dele van die uitlaatstelsel voor die katalitieseomsetter, die vog min uitwerking het op die termiese gedrag van die stelsel. In hierdie gedeeltes is die konveksie warmte-oordrag dominant. In die katalitieseomsetter was die vogeffekte invloedryk. Die eksperimentele resultate toon ‘n duidelike vroeë toename in die gastemperature, gevolg deur ‘n tydperk van konstante temperature by nagenoeg die versadigingstemperatuur van die grootmaatdamp (verwys na as die temperatuurplato) by die katalitiese-omsetter se kern en uitlaat. Die numeries gesimuleerde gastemperature het ook hierdie gedrag getoon, maar ‘n baie hoë en skerp piek by die begin van die plato het voorgekom. Hierdie piek was nie te sien by die eksperimentele resultate nie en is toegeskryf aan nie-ewewigstoestande in die verdampingsproses, wat aandui dat die tempo van verdamping wat deur die massa-oordragmodel voorspel word te hoog is vir die model en dat dit verfyn moet word. Verdere ondersoek van die invloed van die individuele massa-oordragprosesse het getoon dat die homogene kondensasie die dominante proses is in die vorming van vloeistof in die katalitiese-omsetter. Heterogeniese kondensasie het plaasgevind, maar ‘n kleiner massa vloeistof is produseer. Die maksimum hoeveelheid vloeistof wat voorspel is om in die katalitiese-omsetter te vorm was 12 g/cm wat gelykstaande is aan ‘n film van 0.05.mm dik indien eweredig versprei oor die binneoppervlak van die monoliet. Daar was in die simulasie gevind dat beide verdamping en kondensasie benodig word om die temperatuurplato te simuleer, vanwaar die gevolgtrekking gemaak kan word dat beide prosesse wel plaasvind en dat die eerste stelling in die oorspronklike hipotese wel geldig is. Daar was egter teen die einde van die toetsperiode gevind dat beide temperature wat met en sonder vogeffekte simuleer was, die eksperimentele temperature nagevolg het, wat aandui dat die invloed van vog beperk is tot die vroeë stadiums van die katalitiese-omsetter se opwarmingstydperk. Die tweede gedeelte van die hipotese wat veronderstel dat die voggedrag ‘n vertraging in die tydsduur om omsetting te bewerkstellig veroorsaak, is dus bevind om ongeldig te wees. Die wiskundige model wat opgestel is tydens die ondersoek is weens noodsaaklikheid ‘n vereenvoudigde simulasie van komplekse termo-vloei prosesse. Dit dien as nuttige grondwerk vir verdere in-diepte ondersoeke en afronding van die teorie met betrekking tot voggedrag en die uitwerking daarvan op die tydsafhanklike temperature in ‘n uitlaatstelsel. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research presented here investigates the hypothesis that condensation and subsequent evaporation of water vapour present in the exhaust gas of an internal combustion engine occur in the sections of the exhaust system between the exhaust port and the catalytic converter exit. It is further hypothesised that these two-phase moisture effects influence the transient temperature profiles in the exhaust system, and potentially cause a delay in the time it takes for the catalytic converter to reach temperatures of 200-300 °C, which are required for light-off to occur. In order to evaluate this hypothesis a transient, one-dimensional mathematical model of the thermo-fluid behaviour in the exhaust system during a cold start, including moisture effects, was created and solved by means of a computer algorithm. Heat and mass transfer theory was used to formulate the unsteady conservation equations for mass, energy and momentum. The two phase moisture effects were modelled using the analogy between heat and mass transfer, which predicts evaporation and heterogeneous condensation (the condensation of vapour against the pipe wall) due to a vapour pressure gradient between the bulk vapour and a saturated vapour at the surface of the liquid film. Homogeneous condensation (the condensation of liquid in the form of droplets in the gas stream) was also accounted for if the bulk gas temperature dropped below the bulk vapour saturation temperature. An experimental investigation was performed using two engines, a 1.6.L Volkswagen Bora and a 1.6.L Ford RoCam, in the test cells of Cape Advanced Engineering Pty (Ltd). In order to measure the gas temperatures as accurately as possible specialised radiation shielded sensors with fast time response were designed and installed in the pipe sections of the exhaust systems of both engines. The shielded sensors measured temperatures up 50 °C higher than the conventional thermocouples installed at the same positions, which is in keeping with the results predicted by the theory governing errors associated with temperature measurement in the flowing gas in the exhaust system. Comparison of the numerically simulated and experimentally measured temperatures indicated that in the sections of the exhaust system leading up to the catalytic converter the moisture has little influence on the temperature behaviour of the exhaust system. In these sections the convective heat transfer is dominant. In the catalytic converter the moisture effects were found to be influential. The experimental results clearly show an early rise in the gas temperatures, followed by a period of constant temperature at approximately the saturation temperature of the bulk vapour (referred to as the temperature plateau) at the catalytic converter mid-bed and exit. The numerically simulated gas temperatures also exhibited this plateau, but an initial very high and sharp peak in the simulated gas temperatures occurred at the start of the plateau. This was not seen in the experimental results and is attributed to non-equilibrium in the evaporation process, indicating that the rate of evaporation predicted by the mass transfer model used is too high for this application and that the model needs to be refined. Further investigation of the influence of the individual mass transfer processes indicated that the homogeneous condensation is the dominant process in the formation of liquid in the catalytic converter. Heterogeneous condensation was found to occur, but produced a smaller mass of liquid. The maximum amount of liquid predicted to form in the catalytic converter was 12 g/cm, which translates to a film 0.05 mm thick if evenly distributed over the inner surface of the monolith. In the simulation it was found that both evaporation and condensation are needed in order to simulate the temperature plateau, from which it was concluded that both these processes do occur and the first statement in the original hypothesis is valid. However, by the end of the test period temperatures simulated both with or without the moisture effects closely approached the final temperatures of the experimental investigation, indicating that the influence of the moisture is limited to the early stages of the catalytic converter warm-up. The second part of the hypothesis, postulating that the moisture behaviour caused a delay in the time taken to reach light-off temperature, is therefore concluded to be invalid. The mathematical model constructed in this research is by necessity a simplified solution to complex thermo-fluid processes. It serves as useful groundwork for further elaboration and refinement of the theory related the moisture behaviour and its influence on the transient temperatures in the exhaust system.

Model detekcije benzena, toluena, etilbenzena i ksilena u izduvnim gasovima motornih vozila primenom gasne hromatografije u funkciji procene zagađenja ambijentalnog vazduha / Detection model of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene in exhaust gases of motor vehicles by using gas chromatography in evaluating of ambient air pollution

Adamović Dragan 09 January 2015 (has links)
<p>U okviru doktorske disertacije opisane su jedinstvene fiziĉko-hemijske karakteristike<br />grupe supstanci benzena, toluena, etilbenzena i ksilena koje pripadaju istraživanjima<br />najnovijeg trenda nauĉne javnosti. Posebno su opisane perzistencija i<br />pseudoperzistencija, transport, distribucija i negativan i toksiĉan uticaj na zdravlje<br />ĉoveka i životnu sredinu. Sprovedena su eksperimentalna istraživanja zavisnosti<br />koncentracionih nivoa BTEX jedinjenja u izduvnim gasovima i operativnih parametara<br />eksperimentalnog motora SUS. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata eksperimentalnih<br />istraživanja definisan je emisioni model BTEX jedinjenja simulacijom kretanja<br />putniĉkog automobila Fiat Punto Classic u skladu sa NEDC ciklusom koji na<br />odgovarajući naĉin reprezentuje standarde uslove vožnje u evropskim gradovima.</p> / <p>In this thesis, the unique physicochemical characteristics of a group of substances<br />consisting of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene have been described.<br />Special emphasis has been placed on their characteristics of persistence and pseudopersistence,<br />transport, distribution and the negative and toxic influence on human<br />health and the environment. The experimental research of the interdependence of the<br />concentration levels of BTEX compounds in the exhaust gases and the operational<br />parameters of the experimental IC engine has been conducted. Based on the<br />experimental research results, the emission model of the BTEX compounds has been<br />defined by a simulation of movement of a Fiat Punto Classic passenger car in<br />accordance with the NEDC cycle, which appropriately represents the standard driving<br />conditions in European cities. Research conducted within the thesis represents the<br />newest trend of investigation in the scientific world.</p>


Zar Nigar Ahmad (17552235) 06 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">An EGR Pump and High-Efficiency turbo were installed on a 13.6 L John Deere diesel engine. The main objective of this study was to examine how a high-efficiency turbocharger and an electric EGR pump can work together to improve fuel efficiency in engines without increasing the emission of NOx. The focus is on finding a balance, between enhancing efficiency and controlling emissions which will ultimately contribute to making vehicles eco-friendly and fuel-efficient.</p>

IC-Engine Source Characterisation and exhaust system simulations / Bränslemotor källkarakterisering och avgassystemssimuleringar

Gräsberg, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
To be able to predict the sound pressure level emitted by a exhaust system one must be able to describe the source. The source in the form of an engine can linearly be described as a source strength and a source impedance. An IC-engine can acoustically have a non-linear part meaning that the source characteristics have a dependency on the load. The first part of this work investigates through simulation's in GT-Power how these characteristics are affected by the load connected to the source. The Second part of the work combines the source characteristics with simulations of a muffler and compares to different methods of getting the pressure at the outlet of the exhaust. The first method is direct simulation of the muffler in COMSOL Multiphysics and the second is a transfer matrix based calculation. How sensitive the results at the outlet are to changes in the source impedance is also tested. It is concluded that using five loads for the multiload method in the form of five different lengths on the pipe connecting the engine and muffler works when the pipe have the same length as would be seen in reality. Furthermore, the pipe lengths should have a small range, 100 mm between largest and smallest pipe length giving good results. The source characteristics were at least above 1000 RPM stable enough as to not significantly change the sound pressure level at the outlet. / För att kunna modellera ljudtrycket som avges från ett avgassystem behöver man kunna beskriva källan. Källan i form av en bränslemotor kan linjärt beskrivas som en källstyrka och en källimpedans. En bränslemotor kan dock ha en akustisk ickelinjär del vilket medför att källan kan vara beroende utav vilken last i form av ljuddämpare den är kopplad till. Första delen av detta arbete undersöker genom motorsimuleringar i GT-Power hur lasten påverkar källkarakteristiken. Den andra delen av arbetet kombinerar källkarakteristiken med simuleringar av ljuddämparen och jämför olika metoder för att få ljudtrycket vid utloppet av avgassystemet. Den första metoden för detta är direkt simulering av ljuddämparen i COMSOL Multiphysics där källkarakteristiken inkluderas och den andra metoden är transfermatris baserad. Det testas också hur känsligt ljudtrycket vid utloppet av ljuddämparen är för variationer i impedansen. För källkarakteristiken används fem laster per uträkning och slutsatsen dras att lasten i form av röret mellan motor och ljuddämpare samt ljuddämparen bör vara så lik som möjligt det riktiga systemet. Utöver det dras slutsatsen att en liten variation i det kopplande rörets längd ger bättre resultat och att en variation mellan största och minsta röret på 100 mm ger bra resultat. Till sist dras slutsatsen att för varvtal över 1000 RPM är källkarakteristiken tillräckligt stabil för att ge stabila resultat vid utloppet av ljuddämparen, medans under 1000 RPM kan det vara stabilt nog men här är validering viktigare.

Quantitative laser diagnostics for combustion

Williams, Benjamin Ashley Oliver January 2009 (has links)
Quantitative Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (QPLIF) is developed as a diagnostic technique and then applied to a prototype Jaguar optical internal combustion engine. QPLIF derives quantitative, two-dimensional, spatially-resolved measurements of fuel concentration. This work reports the first demonstration of a fully-fractionated surrogate fuel which exhibits all the characteristics of a typical gasoline. This 'pseudo' fuel, developed in association with Shell UK, is blended to accept a fluorescent tracer which may track one of the light, middle or heavy fractions of the fuel, each of different volatility. The traditional weaknesses of PLIF for quantitative measurements are addressed by use of a fired in-situ calibration method, which maps the quantum efficiency of the tracer and concurrently corrects for window fouling and exhaust gas residuals (EGR). Fuel distributions are presented with an estimated super-pixel accuracy of 10% at different operating conditions, and then compared to the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) predictions of an in-house Jaguar model. Fuel/Air Ratios by Laser Induced thermal Gratings (FARLIG) is developed theoretically, and results of validation experiments conducted in a laboratory setting are reported. FARLIG conceptually enables the measurement of fuel concentration, oxygen concentration and temperature within a spatially-localised probe volume. Uniquely, the technique exploits the dominant influence of molecular oxygen on non-radiative quenching processes in an aromatic tracer molecule. The changing character of a model quenching mechanism potentially allows the oxygen concentration in the measurement volume to be derived. Absolute signal strength is used to determine fuel concentration, while the oscillation period of the signal provides a precise measurement of temperature (~0.3% uncertainty), with accuracy limited by knowledge of the gas composition.

Design Methodology for Modifying an Existing Internal Combustion Engine to Generate Power from a Stored Air System

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: A low cost expander, combustor device that takes compressed air, adds thermal energy and then expands the gas to drive an electrical generator is to be designed by modifying an existing reciprocating spark ignition engine. The engine used is the 6.5 hp Briggs and Stratton series 122600 engine. Compressed air that is stored in a tank at a particular pressure will be introduced during the compression stage of the engine cycle to reduce pump work. In the modified design the intake and exhaust valve timings are modified to achieve this process. The time required to fill the combustion chamber with compressed air to the storage pressure immediately before spark and the state of the air with respect to crank angle is modeled numerically using a crank step energy and mass balance model. The results are used to complete the engine cycle analysis based on air standard assumptions and air to fuel ratio of 15 for gasoline. It is found that at the baseline storage conditions (280 psi, 70OF) the modified engine does not meet the imposed constraints of staying below the maximum pressure of the unmodified engine. A new storage pressure of 235 psi is recommended. This only provides a 7.7% increase in thermal efficiency for the same work output. The modification of this engine for this low efficiency gain is not recommended. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Mechanical Engineering 2011

Acoustic Characterization of Turbochargers and Pipe Terminations

Tiikoja, Heiki January 2012 (has links)
In search for quieter engines there is a need for a better understanding of the acoustic properties of engine intake and exhaust system components. Besides mufflers which have the purpose of reducing pressure pulses originating from the internal combustion (IC) engine, there are many components in a modern car exhaust and intake system, e.g., air-filters, coolers, catalytic converters, particulate filters - all having an effect on the pressure pulses or sound field in the system. In this work the focus is on the turbocharged IC-engine where both, sound scattering (reflection and transmission) and sound generation from automotive turbochargers are studied. In addition, sound reflection from an open ended pipe, such as the tailpipe of an IC-engine exhaust is investigated.             Accurate and efficient methods to fully characterize turbochargers by measuring the acoustic two-port have been developed.  Compared to earlier work, a number of modifications are suggested for improving the quality of the results. A study on three different automotive turbochargers is also presented, including data for sound scattering for both the compressor and turbine. The results for the transmission of sound, which is of interest for the ability of a turbocharger to reduce noise coming from the engine, is plotted for all tested cases against a dimensionless frequency scale (Helmholtz-number). This makes it possible to generalize the result in order to draw conclusions about the behavior for any turbocharger.              The sound generation was also studied and three different methods to estimate the sound power are suggested. The methods were used to investigate sound generation at different operating points and identify source mechanisms for a turbocharger compressor.             An accurate method for measuring the reflection of plane acoustic waves from a pipe termination in a duct with hot gas flow has been developed and tested. Representing the acoustical conditions at an exhaust tail-pipe, the data obtained is important for effective modeling of exhaust systems. The experimental results of the reflection coefficient were compared with Munt`s theory on flow duct openings. The measurements were carried out for air jet velocities up to Mach 0.4 and for flow temperatures up to 100°C in order to study temperature effects on the reflection properties. It was concluded, that the experimental results agree well with the Munt theory.

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