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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicações de controle e supervisão distribuídas em subestações de energia elétrica através do uso de relés digitais de proteção / Control and supervision application distributed in electrical energy substations with the use of digital protection relays

Ulisses Chemin Netto 19 March 2008 (has links)
Na primeira década deste século os equipamentos de proteção com tecnologia digital sinalizaram um novo paradigma para a composição dos sistemas de proteção. É fato também que essa tecnologia convive com suas antecessoras, que por força de sua longa predominância ainda exercem alguma influência sobre o pensamento, concepção e operação dos sistemas de proteção. Esses novos equipamentos multifunções, em geral, estão subutilizados, sendo o seu potencial ainda não empregado ou explorado em profundidade. Os relés digitais possuem grande capacidade para resolver alguns dos problemas intrínsecos aos sistemas elétricos de potência, seja do ponto de vista das funções de medição, supervisão, controle, análise de eventos (registros seqüenciais e oscilografias), proteção e comunicação. Como fato, tem-se que uma das vantagens associadas à utilização da capacidade de controle e automação dos relés digitais está em seu potencial de simplificar a concepção dos painéis que compõem as instalações de potência. Isso diminui os tempos de construção, comissionamento e manutenção, além de agregar maior confiabilidade e flexibilidade ao controle. Como proposta fundamental deste trabalho, pretende-se investigar como utilizar adequadamente as capacidades de programação de usuário dos relés digitais de proteção para compor soluções de controle, supervisão e intertravamento para alguns elementos constituintes dos sistemas elétricos de potência. Um conjunto de situações reais foi utilizado como base de estudo para concepção de soluções baseadas nos dispositivos mencionados. Após o desenvolvimento, implementação e ensaio das soluções desenvolvidas, pode-se dizer que tais equipamentos, como um todo, são adequados e convenientes para compor soluções de controle e supervisão em Bays de subestação, sejam eles de concessionárias de energia ou de indústrias em geral. Por fim, o protocolo IEC 61850 foi avaliado de forma qualitativa para confecção das soluções em estudo, apresentando-se como uma alternativa atraente para sua composição, pois modifica significativamente o circuito funcional de uma subestação, tornando-o singelo e com maior confiabilidade, uma vez que o número de conexões elétricas envolvidas é diminuído drasticamente. / In the first decade of this century, a new paradigm for protection systems has been indicated considering the protection equipment with digital technology. A relation between the current and the former technology was proved as well as its influence on the thought, conception and operation of protection systems. In general, this new multifunction equipment is underused, and its potential needs to be more profoundly explored. The electrical power systems have some intrinsic problems which are solved using the vast capacity of digital relays, such as: measurement, supervision and control capabilities, analysis of events (sequential registers and oscillography), protection and communication skills. The capacity to simplify panels, as part of the electrical substations, certainly is one of the advantages associated with digital relays in their capacity of automation. Thus, the time spent in construction, commissioning and maintenance is reduced, adding reliability and flexibility to the control of substations. The development of appropriate programming capabilities to final users of digital relays is the main proposal of this work, considering requirements for control solutions, supervision and interlocking of some components of the electrical power system. A set of real situations, supported by the respective equipment, were used as a background to the conception of solutions. Considering the development and implementation based on practical solutions, this equipment is capable to indicate control solutions and supervision in substation Bays, used at electrical utilities as well as at industries in general. At last, the IEC 61850 protocol was quantitatively analyzed, appearing as a very good alternative to modify the functional substation circuit. As a result, the number of electrical connections has been drastically reduced, improving the reliability of the proposed functional circuit.

IEC-61850: interoperabilidade e intercambialidade entre equipamentos de supervisão, controle e proteção através das redes de comunicação de dados / IEC-61850: interoperability and interchangeability between supervision, control and protection equipment using data communication networks

Juliano Coêlho Miranda 27 April 2009 (has links)
Os sistemas de comunicação de dados sempre foram considerados um fator crítico na operação em tempo real do sistema elétrico de potência, devido a necessidade de decisões rápidas e precisas em pontos geograficamente distribuídos, desde usinas geradoras de energia até interfaces de usuários. Com a tecnologia digital, as medições, sinalizações e comandos são encapsulados em pacotes de dados que trafegam na rede da subestação, utilizando protocolos que estabelecem os formatos, as regras, os métodos, negociando e concordando no uso de parâmetros, que assegurem o transporte de informações entre dois ou mais dispositivos do sistema de automação da subestação. Uma vez que o número de protocolos de comunicação tem se tornado um desafio para usuários e fabricantes, criando ilhas de informação, o padrão IEC-61850 busca harmonizar a diversidade de equipamentos e fabricantes, e possibilitar a integração de dados para que o máximo dos benefícios possa ser extraído. Como proposta que principia esta dissertação, ambiciona-se expor a implementação no Laboratório de Sistemas de Energia Elétrica, da Universidade de São Paulo, de uma infra-estrutura de comunicação de dados e redes de computadores, Intranet, que possibilita experimentação, medição, analise e avaliação da interoperabilidade de informações, e intercambialidade de equipamentos com supervisão, controle e proteção, essencialmente, reles digitais comerciais, aqui denominados equipamentos eletrônicos inteligentes. Com o intuito de desenvolver aplicações focadas ao estudo da automação de subestações entre os níveis de processo e bay, utilizando a infraestrututa supracitada, apresenta-se neste trabalho uma lógica para controle de um bay típico de saída de linha, dispondo de meios de comunicação de dados, e uma lógica para comutação entre fontes de alta tensão em uma subestação industrial. Estes casos oportunizaram a realização de testes quanto a troca de informações adotando o padrão IEC-61850 como protocolo de comunicação, e a rede Ethernet em substituição a fiação paralela, freqüentemente utilizada como canal de comunicação, alem da intercambialidade entre dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes de fabricantes distintos. Houve em 100% dos casos evidenciados, correta recepção dos comandos via fiação paralela ou mensagens GOOSE. Através dos resultados obtidos, percebeu-se a estabilidade e eficiência das lógicas implementadas e uma redução nos tempos necessários para troca de informações após migração para o padrão IEC-61850. Neste ínterim, busca-se avaliar o comportamento no tempo de mensagens do tipo GOOSE, Generic Object Oriented Substation Event, em condições distintas de trafego e de configuração da topologia lógica da rede de comunicação, monitorando um possível extravio entre as mensagens geradas por um emissor e aquelas recebidas por um ou mais destinatários. Em todas as aplicações foi utilizada uma metodologia para especificar a automação das lógicas discretas mediante emprego do padrão IEC-61850, caracterizando conceitos, como, por exemplo, a especificação funcional das aplicações, o mapeamento das informações enviadas e recebidas, a definição do tipo de no lógico utilizado, a configuração do serviço de mensagens GOOSE e, a atribuição da estrutura de dados de cada no lógico aos pontos pertinentes dentro das lógicas preestabelecidas. Os resultados obtidos refletiram no ambiente laboratorial demandas reais solicitadas pelo sistema elétrico de potência. / Data communication has always been considered as a critical factor in real time operation of electric power systems. This is due to the need for fast and accurate decisions at different locations, from power generation to the user interfaces. With the digital technology, measurement, signals and commands are encrypted into data packets that travels on the substation network, using protocols that provide the format, rules, methods, dealing with parameters which ensure the traffic of information between two or more devices in the substation automation system. Since the number of communication protocols has become a challenge for users and manufacturers, creating islands of information, the IEC-61850 standard seeks for harmonization of the different equipment and manufacturers, enabling the integration of data for maximum performance. The proposal of this work is the actual implementation, at the Energy Systems Laboratory from the University of Sao Paulo, of an infrastructure of data communication network, which allows experimentation, measurement, analysis and assessment of information, interoperability and interchangeability of supervision, control and protection equipment, especially Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). In order to develop applications focused on the study of automation of substations between the process and bay levels, using the infrastructure mentioned above, a logic to bay control using data communication, as well as a logic for high voltage source switching are presented. These situations test information exchange using the IEC-61850 standard as a communication protocol, and the Ethernet network replacing parallel wiring. It also tests the interchangeability amongst IEDs from different manufacturers. There were in 100% of the cases tested, correct reception of commands using parallel wiring or GOOSE messages. From the results, the stability and efficiency of the implemented logic can be observed as well as a reduction in time required to exchange information in the system. Moreover, a behavior evaluation in time of GOOSE messages was implemented for different traffic and topology conditions, monitoring possible loss of messages. In all applications a methodology to specify the automation of discrete logic using the standard IEC-61850 was implemented, featuring concepts, such as the functional specification of the applications, data mapping, the definition of the type of logic node used, the configuration of GOOSE, as well as the allocation of data structure for each logical node. The results reflects in the laboratory environment the demands requested by an actual electric power system.

Proposta de metodologia e de modelo para modernizações de sistemas de automação de unidades geradoras hidráulicas de grande porte. / Proposal of methodology and of model for modernizations of automation systems of large hydraulic generating units.

Marcos Fonseca Mendes 25 April 2011 (has links)
A geração de energia elétrica é importante para todos os ramos de atividades econômicas e tem demanda crescente. Isso implica constantes melhorias dos sistemas secundários, entre eles os sistemas de automação, que evoluíram muito nos últimos anos. Em várias usinas hidrelétricas esses sistemas estão obsoletos e apresentam outros problemas, portanto, carecem de atualizações tecnológicas. O objetivo desta tese é responder às principais questões relacionadas às modernizações dos sistemas de automação de unidades geradoras hidráulicas de grande porte: por que, quando e como modernizá-los? Para isso, foram estudados a evolução desses sistemas, o estado da arte, as modernizações já realizadas e planejadas. Os dados foram obtidos da bibliografia e diretamente de especialistas, através de pesquisa de campo envolvendo as principais concessionárias brasileiras. Baseando-se nos estudos, foram elaborados critérios para tomar a decisão por modernizar, foram escolhidas a forma de modernização e de realização mais adequadas para grandes usinas e foi criado um modelo de sistema de automação usando o estado da arte. Esse modelo é totalmente digital, utiliza uma única rede de comunicação em todos os níveis (incluindo o controle central), é à prova de futuro e fundamenta-se na norma IEC 61850. Todos os componentes e características do sistema foram examinados. Por fim, foi proposto um método para especificação e projeto do novo sistema incluindo todas as etapas. Concluiu-se que, um conjunto de indicadores quantitativos pode decidir a necessidade de modernização dos sistemas de automação de grandes unidades geradoras e, tomada a decisão por modernizar, a melhor solução é a substituição total de uma só vez (uma parada) usando o modelo criado. Os métodos e o sistema propostos podem ser usados como referências no setor elétrico para facilitar as atualizações tecnológicas e garantir resultados efetivos uniformes, com longo tempo de vida e independência dos fornecedores. / The generation of electricity is important to all branches of economic activities and faces a growing demand. This implies constant improvements of the secondary systems, including the automation systems, which have evolved a great deal in recent years. At several hydroelectric power plants these systems are obsolete and present other problems, therefore, technological upgrades are required. The objective of this thesis is to answer the key questions related to the modernizations of automation systems of large hydraulic generating units: why, when and how to modernize them? To this effect, studies were undertaken about the evolution of these systems, the state of the art, the modernizations already introduced and those planned. The data were obtained from the bibliography and directly from experts, through a field survey involving the major Brazilian utilities. Based on these studies, criteria to support the modernization decision were developed, the most suitable manner of modernization and of its implementation in large power plants were chosen and an automation system model using state of the art was created. This model is fully digital, uses only one communication network at all levels (including the central control), is future proof and is based on the IEC 61850 standard. All components and features of the system were examined. Finally, a method including all stages for specification and design of the new system was proposed. It was concluded that, a set of quantitative indicators can decide the need for modernization of the automation systems of large generating units and, once the decision to modernize is taken, the best solution is the total replacement during a single unit shut-down using the model created. The methods and system proposed can be used as references in the electricity sector to facilitate the technological upgrades and to ensure effective uniform results, with the prospect of a long service life and independence from the suppliers.

Développement d'une plateforme de co-simulation en vue de validation et d'évaluation de performances des systèmes de communication pour les installations de distribution électriques / Co-Simulation Platform for performance evaluation of communication networks 'application for smart grid communication architecture'

Haffar, Mohamad 21 September 2011 (has links)
Un système de distribution électrique est le cœur de tous types de sites industriels, aussi bien les sites producteurs d'énergie que les sites consommateurs. La sécurité de ce système doit être impérativement assurée par la mise en place des unités assurant plusieurs fonctionnalités de protection contre les dédauts électriques. Parmi ces fonctionalités il existe celles qui se basent sur des échanges d'information entre plusieurs unités de protection. Le standard IEC 61850 guarantit cet échange des informations via des signaux ‘temps réel' échangé via le réseau de communication. Vue l'aspet non deterministe de ces signaux, une étude poussée de leur fiabilité doit être effectuée. Pour ces raisons notre travail de thèse a pour objectif de mettre en place une méthodologie, basée sur une plateforme de Co-Simulation conçue pendant notre étude, qui permet la validation de la fiabilité de ces messages tout au long du cycle de vie d'un système de communication IEC 61850. / From 2004, a new worldwide standard of communication IEC61850 is introduced in the majority of substation automation system carrying out new innovation prospects to the world of substation. One of these feature is that it allows the exchange of security real time communication messages all over the communication network. These messages are used as control information for the Distributed Automation Application 'DAA'. Taking into consideration that DAA have a direct effect on ythe dependability of a smart grid architecture, the fiability of these real time IEC 61850 should be evaluated. For these reasons, our research delas with the development of a Co-Simulation platform that permits the evaluation and validation of an IEC 61850 communication network.

Problematika vyhodnocování blokovacích podmínek rozvodny pomocí GOOSE zpráv / The issue of evaluating of interlocking in substations using GOOSE messages

Ditrych, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on problematics of GOOSE messages used for evaluation of blocking conditions of substations in the electrical power plant in Opatovice (EOP). Firstly, the thesis describes the multifunctional electrical protection relay 7SJ64 as well as GOOSE messages, that are run by protocol IEC 61850. Next, it contains a brief description of the energy consumption of EOP itself, since the project was written for its protection relays. In the practical part of the thesis, an experimental network consisting of two distinct substations with three 7SJ64 multifunctional protection relays was designed together with simple blocking conditions. These require information about the state of circuit breakers. The whole communication is carried by GOOSE messages. Moreover, to inform about the loss of GOOSE messages, the logical function SI_GET_S (decoder) was used inside the coding interface of DIGSI programme called CFC. This function was then tested in the experimental network using each different condition, that experienced interruptions of communication caused either by simulated defect of optical cabels, or by „user‘s mistakes“ in the settings of communication parameters in DIGSI. Finally, the system protecting from the loss of GOOSE messages was incorporated into the existing project evaluating blocking conditions in the block substation of EOP.

Testování jednotek Merging Unit v sestavě s proudovými a napěťovými převodníky / Testing of Merging Unit comprising voltage and current transducers in the set

Ziegler, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on testing and design of a test system of merging unit which provides digital output according to IEC 61850-9-2. The parameters and distinguishing features of the test system are based on functional principles of merging unit and standards dealing with the testing of transducers. The proposed test system is based on modular PXI Express system from National Instruments. The desing is performed with respect to the possibility of generating test signals and measurements for voltage up to 38.4 kV and current up to 2000 A. The proposed test system meets the criteria for testing transducers of accuracy class up to 0.5. Assuming of calibration designed test system as a whole, this test setup has the potential to meet the technical requirements for testing transducers of accuracy class up to 0.1.

Analys av standarden IEC 61850 för styrning av elkraftsystem / Analysis of the standard IEC 61850 for control of electrical power system

Rigi, Aref, Jura, Bahnam January 2019 (has links)
På uppdrag av Trafikverket har denna rapport syftet att ge en rekommendation baserat på jämförelse av nuvarande standarden IEC 60870-5-104 och den alternativa standarden IEC 61850. Studien jämför IEC 61850 och IEC 60870-5-104 och skillnader mellan dessa två standarder utifrån olika områden som kommunikation, säkerhet samt ekonomiska aspekter. I arbetets teoridel behandlas elnätet och hur elstationer i allmänhet fungerar utifrån kommunikationsprotokollen och hur systemen kommunicerar med andra enheter. Resultatet av arbetet visar att standarden IEC 61850 erbjuder stora möjligheter och fördelar i samtliga aspekter, och har även en utvecklingspotential. Med kommunikationsprotokollet IEC 61850 erhålls mer information i form av feltyp, direkta mätningar och styrning på kontrollanläggningar. Dock finns det en komplexitet i IEC 61850 som kan kräva större anpassningar för att ersätta tidigare protokoll på anläggningar vid byte. Utifrån säkerhetsaspekten uppvisar IEC 61850 styrka bland annat gällande skydd av integritet och konfidentialitet. Sammantaget visar arbetet att det finns stor fördel att använda sig av IEC 61850 vid framtida tillämpningar utifrån examensarbetets resultat / On behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket), this report aims to provide a recommendation based on a comparison of the current communication protocol standard IEC 60870-5-104 and the alternative standard IEC 61850. This study compares IEC 61850 and IEC 60870-5-104 and differences between these two standards based on different areas such as communication, security and economic aspects. In the theoretical part of this thesis, the electricity grid is treated and how electricity stations generally work based on the communication protocols and how the systems communicate with other devices. The result of the thesis shows that the standard IEC 61850 offers great opportunities and advantages in all aspects and has a potential for development. With the communication protocol IEC 61850, more information is obtained in form of error type, direct measurements and control at control plants. However, there is a complexity in IEC 61850 which may require major adaptations to replace previous protocols on plants when changes are needed. Based on the safety aspect, IEC 61850 shows strength among other things regarding protection of privacy and confidentiality. Overall, the work shows that there is a great advantage of applying IEC 61850 in future use based on this thesis results.

Implementation of an IEC 61850 Sampled Values Based Line Protection IED with a New Transients-Based Hybrid Protection Algorithm

Kapuge Kariyawasam Mudalige, Sachintha Kariyawasam 26 May 2016 (has links)
Over the course of the last decade, IEC 61850 has become the leading standard for electrical substation automation the world over. This thesis presents the work done towards implementing an IEC 61850 sampled values based line protection Intelligent Electronics Device (IED) on a desktop computer. This IED is capable of subscribing, decoding and processing the sampled values published by a source to be used in line protection algorithms. The novel hybrid line protection algorithm implemented in the IED combines a distance protection scheme with a transients-based unit protection method that uses sampled values complying with IEC 61850-9-2-LE. Application of the line protection relay for protecting a series compensated transmission line was examined using hardware-in-the-loop simulations. Results indicate that (i) the implemented algorithms are robust and reliable, and (ii) the class of transients based protection algorithms examined in this thesis can be successfully implemented with IEC 61850 sampled values. / October 2016

Investigation and design of an integrated monitoring, protection, and control system of a power reticulation network

Ratshitanga, Mukovhe January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / As far as substation automation systems are concerned, one of the prime requirements of most utilities today is the interoperability between Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) of different manufacturers. The standard IEC 61850 - Communication Networks and Systems in Substations - allows such interoperability between IEDs for protection and automation of substations. Presently, many manufacturers have implemented, or are in the process of implementing this standard in their IEDs. This has encouraged some utilities to specify IEC is to ensure that both system requirements are met and the features and benefits of the standard are fully exploited. The author of this thesis investigated and brought forward the design of an integrated monitoring protection and control system of a network in Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) campus based of the IEC 61850 standard. A method of testing the physical IED based on Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) configuration with the Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) is developed and implemented. Mapping of IED Substation Configuration Language (SCL) with that of the RTDS GTNET cards is discussed and implemented to further exploit the use of realtime testing with Generic Object Oriented Substation Event messages (GOOSE). The thesis highlight the benefits of interconnecting the reticulation IEDs into a standardised communication network for protection, control and monitoring of each substation event. This improves the access to information and reduces maintenance cost on the reticulation network.

The IEC 61850 standard-based protection scheme for power transformers

Baningobera, Bwandakassy Elenga January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / Transformer Differential and overcurrent schemes are traditionally used as main and backup protection respectively. The differential protection relay (SEL487E) has dedicated harmonic restraint function which blocks the relay during the transformer magnetizing inrush conditions. However, the backup overcurrent relay (SEL751A) applied to the transformer protection does not have a harmonic restraint element and trips the overcurrent relay during the inrush conditions. Therefore, to prevent the malfunction caused by the transformer magnetizing inrush current, a novel harmonic blocking method is developed, implemented and tested in the RSCAD simulation environment. The IEEE 14 bus transmission system is considered as a case study. The IEEE 14 bus system is modelled and simulated in the DIgSILENT and RSCAD simulation environments respectively. The developed harmonic blocking scheme is implemented in the Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation environment using Real-Time Digital Simulator and numerical protection IEDs. The developed scheme uses the Harmonic Blocking element (87HB) of the transformer differential relay (SEL487E) to send an IEC61850 GOOSE-based harmonic blocking signal to the backup overcurrent relay (SEL751A) to inhibit it from tripping during the transformer magnetizing inrush current conditions. The hardwired and GOOSE simulation results are analysed for the transformer differential protection and the backup overcurrent protection schemes for internal, external events and transformer magnetizing inrush current conditions. The simulation results proved that the IEC61850 standard-based protection scheme is faster than the hardwired. Therefore, the speed and reliability are improved using the IEC61850 standard-based GOOSE applications to the transformer digital protective relaying system.

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