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Implementeringen av K3 : En studie ur företagens perspektiv / The implementation of K3 : A study from the businesses perspectivePalosaari, Sofie, Nokelainen, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Regelverket K3 har implementerats och inneburit förändringar för företagen. Regelverket ska tillämpas av företag som anses stora men inte är börsnoterade. Studier har gjorts kring detta i revisorers och bankers perspektiv, men företagens syn i frågan verkar saknas. Vi har därför undersökt de förändringar som skett och hur detta påverkat företagen. K3 beskrivs vara en anpassad version av det internationella regelverket IFRS-SME. Studien har bedrivits bland värmländska företag som tillämpar K3. Vi har genomfört 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som i hög grad varit inblandad i redovisningen hos företag i olika branscher och av varierad storlek. Studien fokuserar på att fånga företagens perspektiv på bytet till K3 samt vilka förändringar som de erfarit. Genom diskussioner har vi skapat en förståelse för hur de företag vi haft kontakt med uppfattat de fördelar som var tänkta vid skapandet av IFRS-SME. De största förändringarna för företagen i och med K3 har varit komponentavskrivning, utökat upplysningskrav samt nya bestämmelser runt leasing. Nästan alla respondenter är överens om att de krävt stor arbetsinsats för att implementeras korrekt. Komponentavskrivningen var mest arbetskrävande och inte helt omtyckt. Fördelar som var tänkta med IFRSSME var att möjliggöra internationella jämförelser och samtidigt underlätta för företag att söka internationell finansiering. Många av respondenterna menade att detta var helt ointressant för dem då de agerar lokalt och redan har tillgång till bra finansiering. I IFRS-SME har fokus varit på bankernas informationsbehov då de setts som onoterade företags viktigaste intressent. Vi fann att finansieringen via bank enbart förekom i ungefär hälften av de fall vi undersökte och att bankerna då gavs kontinuerlig information utöver årsredovisningen. Gällande komponentavskrivningen har företagen sedan implementering ändrat uppfattning och anser att den bidragit med positiva effekter. Många av de tänkta fördelarna kan ha varit missriktade i sin skapelse. Detta skulle kunna förklara varför företagen vi talade med tvivlade på användbarheten. Till slut tror vi även att företag som kan samarbeta vid ett standardbyte kan minska sina totala konsultationskostnader. / The accounting regulation K3 has been implemented for companies that are seen as large but not public. Studies has been made about this regulation through the perspective of auditors and banks, but not companies in general. Because of this, we have chosen to focus on the changes that has occurred and how they have affected these companies. K3 is described as an adapted version of IFRS-SME. The study has been conducted in companies located in the Swedish county of Värmland, and it’s based on interviews with those involved with the companies accounting. The studied companies wary in both size and industry and we have tried to capture their perspective about replacing the old accounting regulation with K3. Through these discussions, we have made ourselves an understanding of how these businesses have perceived the benefits intended in the creation of IFRS-SME. The greatest changes with K3 has been that of component depreciation, increased disclosure requirements and new rules concerning leasing, where the component depreciation was seen as the most burdensome. The intended benefits of IFRS-SME was to enable international comparisons and make it easier for companies to seek international financing. Most of our respondents felt that these were of no interest for the company as they operate locally and already have good access to financing. IFRS-SME focus has been on the banks' needs for information, as they are seen as the non-listed company's primary stakeholders. We found that financing through bank only occurred in about half of the cases we investigated, and that they were given continuous information in addition to the annual report. Regarding the component depreciation, the affected companies have since implementation changed their opinion and now believe that it has contributed with positive effects. A lot of the intended advantages may have been misguided in their creation. This might explain why the companies we spoke with doubted their usefulness. We also believe that companies can cooperate when replacing an accounting regulation in order to reduce their total cost of consultation.
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Determinantes para empresas multinacionais de médio porte a adoção das IFRS FULL ou da IFRS SME e a definição de suas políticas contábeisMedina, Renata de Souza Ferreira 31 July 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-31 / The general objective of this study is to identify what factors lead medium-sized multinational companies to adopt IFRS Full or IFRS SME. In order to do so, the Institutional Theory was applied as research basis since it provides theoretical ground for the identification of the reason why companies make such a choice. This work also sought to identify which institutional changing mechanisms, whether coercive, mimetic and/or normative, are present when companies look for legitimacy in the process of adopting norms. The sample presented here comprises eight professionals responsible for decision making in accounting processes working for the referred companies, selected according to an availability criteria. This researched was carried out applying semi-structured interviews, which allow a deeper investigation of the issue. Collected material has been analyzed through Bardin's Technical Analysis of Content (2007). From the results, it was possible to identify that the companies have the IFRS Full as their first choice. It was also found that such decision is bound to the technical skill of the professional in charge, along with the growing perspective for the company within a short term. The professionals working in such companies do not analyze the available accounting choices in both cases, demonstrating that there is no relationship between the choice made and the evaluation of the model that best suits operations and results. Little prioritization/relevance by companies in adopting norms, as well as little interference by third parties and little interference by the mother company were found as inhibiting factors. As for the encouraging factor, the study found that the capacity of the professional in charge responds for the adoption of norms, which takes place as a result of normative and mimetic pressure when companies search for legitimacy. In addition, we submitted the results of this research to the Accounting Council (CRC SP) and the Big Four consulting firm, in order to have them validated and deepened, since those two have been often mentioned by the professionals. Such consulting raise aspects mostly approached by the professionals, i.e. the need for a more effective professional class representation and a support from auditing firms with the board of directors of the companies studied, in order to propel the processes of adopting norms and also to generate a sense of responsibility by the companies in such processes, besides holding the accounting professionals responsible. / O objetivo geral deste trabalho é identificar fatores que direcionam as empresas multinacionais de médio porte à adoção das IFRS Full ou da IFRS SME. Para isso, baseou-se, na Teoria Institucional, a qual fornece subsídios teóricos para identificar o porquê às empresas fazem essa escolha. Buscou identificar, ainda, sob qual mecanismo de mudança institucional as empresas buscam legitimação no processo de adoção das normas internacionais, sejam eles, coercitivo, mimético e/ou normativo. A amostra desta pesquisa foi composta por oito profissionais responsáveis pela tomada de decisão dos processos contábeis dessas empresas, os quais foram selecionados pelo critério de acessibilidade. Para realização desta pesquisa foram efetuadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, as quais permitem maior profundidade na investigação do problema. Os materiais coletados foram analisados utilizando a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2007). Por meio dos resultados obtidos, foi possível identificar que as empresas, foco deste estudo, escolhem como first option, a adoção das IFRS Full. Pôde-se perceber que esta decisão está vinculada a capacitação técnica do profissional, paralelamente à perspectiva de crescimento dessas empresas a um período de curto a médio prazo. Verificou-se que os profissionais, que atuam nessas empresas, não efetuam análises das escolhas contábeis disponíveis nos dois modelos, demonstrando não haver relação entre escolha e avaliação do modelo que melhor se adeque as operações e aos resultados. Como fatores inibidores, identificou-se, a baixa priorização/importância à adoção pelas companhias, a baixa interferência de terceiros e a baixa interferência da matriz. Como fator indutor à adoção das normas internacionais, somente foi identificado, à capacitação profissional, a qual, por meio da pressão normativa e mimética, pôde ser percebida a busca pela legitimação. Ainda, buscando validar e aprofundar os resultados dessa pesquisa buscou-se junto ao órgão de classe, CRC SP, e junto as empresas de auditoria Big Four, à avalição dos resultados obtidos, uma vez que foram frequentemente citados pelos profissionais. Para esta avaliação foram apresentados os principais pontos levantados pelos profissionais, como, à necessidade de se ter um órgão de classe mais atuante e a necessidade de apoio das empresas de auditoria junto ao corpo diretivo dessas companhias, a fim de impulsionar o processo de adoção e também gerar responsabilização às empresas nesse processo, além da responsabilização dos profissionais.
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Analýza implementace IFRS pro SME v podmínkách konkrétní obchodní společnosti / Analysis of IFRS SME implementation in conditions of certain business companySchlossberger, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with application of the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS SME) in conditions of a certain manufacturing company. First parts of the thesis are focused on identification of differences between IFRS SME and full IFRS as well as on IFRS SME concept compared to the Czech and Dutch GAAP. Practical part aims to analyze the overall process of first Standard's adoption that is linked to necessary modification of company's accounting policies. The goal of this part is also to prepare Statements of financial position covering two accounting periods after the transition date. In one part of this thesis there are also brief comments on qualification and education of accountants. As a result of all mentioned above, this thesis helps to outline benefits and constraints of possible IFRS SME implementation in the Czech Republic.
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